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violet looked like she was about to punch starchase, when the new-new guy showed up.


she listened with narrowed eyes, and nodded her head. "c'mon caliber. and the rest of you, you all aren't off the hook just yet."


violet and human-caliber followed the man in the lab-coat. and since human-caliber still had pony-caliber's sword, pony-caliber followed too.

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"Now, it is exceedingly understandable as to the situation the lot of you are in that you might actually attempt to intimidate or manipulate me over the particulars of what lies in store for us all... such an endeavor, for the record, would not be a wise choice.  I assure you that my brilliant mind has worked out the required ratios and particulars involved in the utilization of your abilities, and that whatever possibilities that any of you might be considering to exercise against my calculations will be laughable at best - especially seeing as I am exceedingly aware of the delicate nature of said mathematics."


This guy seemed to be full of words... and happy to say them, as well.  He didn't even look back to see if anyone was following; he was just talking out loud.


"Or perhaps I should put this into more... 'common' terminology?"


He took a breath, and gave a sardonic grin.  He spoke slowly, as if talking to a foal.


"Any of you give me any trouble, and you can remain here for the rest of your rutting lives."


He straightened his glasses, and cleared his throat.


"Now that we have an understanding, perhaps the lot of you would care to make your introductions at this juncture?  Not that it truly matters, as I am exceedingly certain we will waste no time parting ways once we arrive back at our collective destination... but my inquiring of such would certainly count as being... sociable... would it not?"


He said the word 'sociable' as if it disgusted him, but he was apparently trying to be so.

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If at any time my expression got more unimpressed, it was now. Further narrowed eyes, crossed 'hands', the works. Some stranger who thinks he's all that.


Then he started talking and I just wanted to scalp him and lick that brain. No seriously this guy was just oozing intellect and it showed. He even wore a lab coat like me. Wait when did I get a lab coat? Oh who cares. I'd never been so interested in someone before, male or female, and it showed as I just felt my face get very hot, my heart rate shot up way above normal parameters, and I was breathing heavily. Is this what a crush feels like? Mentally at least. A purely intellectual kind of crush. Possibly platonic. If he ever said he was smarter than me though, that would be the end of it and I'd slug him. Hard.


If not for the way he carried himself and talked, I was still extremely skeptical of a guy with no signs of any kind of magic or traps. Wiping the slight bit of drool at the prospect of picking that juicy brain with the sleeve of my lab coat, I said the most obvious thing I could think of. "Give us any trouble and you'll be a pincushion faster than you can say 'Ow'. If you feel the need to dangle us not going home like a carrot, it's fair to warn you that with the way things have been going we'll most likely be able to go home without your help. Or I can rig up something. Either way we don't really need you, so you've got no leverage on us." I tried to say all this with a straight face, but the feelings of the intellectual crush just wouldn't go away and I looked to the side to avoid making eye contact. "And I'll give you my name when you give us yours."

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"Give us any trouble and you'll be a pincushion faster than you can say 'Ow'. If you feel the need to dangle us not going home like a carrot, it's fair to warn you that with the way things have been going we'll most likely be able to go home without your help. Or I can rig up something. Either way we don't really need you, so you've got no leverage on us."


At this, he did turn his head toward the speaker.


"Well, then by all means if you have a satisfactory method of utilizing the ionic particles that exist between the dimensional flux, you are quite welcome to do exactly that; I am merely making this a statement of purposeful intent to exclude any individual who might feel a necessity to make threatening gestures or statements against my being due to a need to facilitate their own machismo.  I do not take well to such, and will certainly endeavor to withhold assistance from such a purveyor of said tomfoolery."


He turned back to face the path he was taking.  He was headed to an area with warehouses piled up against each other, surrounded by a chain-link fence.  One could say he was leading them there, but the fact was that he didn't even seem to care if he was being followed or not.  Upon arriving at the front gate, he pulled out a plastic card with a black stripe on it and swiped it through a worn slot on a nearby machine, which made the gate raise.  He then pocketed the card in the front inside pocket, and kept walking.


"And I'll give you my name when you give us yours."


He lifted an eyebrow.


"Apparently, you weren't able to process the fact that I have already made a statement of my designation within the first 'interaction' I had with you - but for the sake of argument, I shall reiterate such information: Gideon Anomaly is the particular assemblage of syllables that denotes my designation, and I would appreciate if you might keep this within your memory for further utilization within later conversation."


He came to a stop outside of the last warehouse in the last row, all the way in the back.


"This is the location I have been utilizing for my experiments - though it pales in comparison to my actual laboratory; do pardon the detrius."


Another card swipe and in he went, leaving the door open behind him.

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"As a matter of fact I do have a method, being in control of electrical magic in general. I should be able to get by. We don't need you nearly as badly as you claim. Just call me a skeptic, even though I do find you fascinating. Attractive even. Let's call it a desire to pick your brain that's making me refrain, ok? Or possibly eat it." I chuckled at that statement. Reminded me of the stories of zombie ponies in mare's tales. "Anyway we seem to have a guardian of sorts and we don't need to worry about getting back. We'll most likely be going forward, in fact. So please don't be thinking you're our only hope or something."


Maybe he had introduced himself. I was too busy with the first impression. "Well sorry for not hearing your name the first time, as I was too busy oggling your obviously full intellect. But you're lucky I'm attracted to your brain Gideon, or you would be a pincushion already for insinuating you're smarter than me." And we entered a seedy warehouse district. Can it get even more suspicious? "It's Lektra Bolt by the way, and you would do well to remember it."


Wow this guy really likes light security, doesn't he? For all his talk that's really poor security. But maybe that's the best they can do in this world, seeming to lack magic. And then we were shown his lab.


Interesting place. Nothing on my lab back home though. Might be interested in seeing his real lab. I headed in first. "It's gross in here. Seriously gross. Dead random body parts?" I looked around, shuddering. "And is that fecal matter over there next to that one? What kind of experiments do you do around here?"


He had a woman interested in him. Hopefully he wouldn't blow it?

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"Amber, I don't trust this weirdo," Starchase turned to her. Lektra was obviously too entranced with the creep, though he failed to understand why exactly and Caliber only had eyes for his sword, as usual. "I don't like this place." He whined softly. This place was giving him bad vibes. It was screaming 'run away while you can!'

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"As a matter of fact I do have a method, being in control of electrical magic in general. I should be able to get by. We don't need you nearly as badly as you claim. Just call me a skeptic, even though I do find you fascinating. Attractive even. Let's call it a desire to pick your brain that's making me refrain, ok? Or possibly eat it."


Gideon looked at her, appraising her apparently.


"Very well then; your particular designation shall be 'Skeptic' until further notice... and as for the particulars of 'picking my brain', as you allude to, it would be a definite fact that such activity would be better facilitated with more scientific methods, instead of resorting to the brutish manner of putting forth... what would be the proper term, 'swagger'?... enough in an attempt to either impress me or intimidate me.  Unless of course you are referring to physically utilizing tools upon my gray matter - and THAT might be intrinsically more challenging than you surmise, Skeptic."


"Anyway we seem to have a guardian of sorts and we don't need to worry about getting back. We'll most likely be going forward, in fact. So please don't be thinking you're our only hope or something."


Gideon gave a short bark of a laugh, then turned back to his workbench, searching for something.


"And yet, the mere fact of your insistence seems to point to the exact opposing situation... unless, of course, you are merely compensating for your lack of trust by indulging in self-defensive conversation.  A shame; I had expected far better of such an obviously scientific mind - but if pressing your 'advantage' time and again makes you feel as if you retain measured control of the situation, then I suppose there is no point in further discussing the possibilities, hmmm?"


"Well sorry for not hearing your name the first time, as I was too busy ogling your obviously full intellect. But you're lucky I'm attracted to your brain Gideon, or you would be a pincushion already for insinuating you're smarter than me. It's Lektra Bolt by the way, and you would do well to remember it."


His grin spread wider.  "Oh, there is no need to insinuate anything, Skeptic."  He chuckled softly to himself.


"It's gross in here. Seriously gross. Dead random body parts? And is that fecal matter over there next to that one? What kind of experiments do you do around here?"


Gideon looked where Lektra was pointing, and sighed.


"Fecal matter?  That is a negative polymer that I have been working on for a number of weeks; the purpose of which is to grant a molecular bonding between two objects based on the negative space between particles... although it does contain manure, yes."


He finally found whatever he was looking for, and turned back to face the group.  He had what looked like a small box with buttons on it in his palm.


"As for the limbs you see strewn about, I believe you would all benefit from a lack of attention to such - the level of personal security in this dimension is woefully inadequate, and as such I must defend my workspace here by more plebian means.  Those would be the sum of the leftover detrius of intruders who have attempted to trespass into this retch of a sanctum, and have met with a pronounced lack of success.  I retain them as a warning to future would-be vandals."


He pointed the box at the floor in front of the group, and simply said, "Do step back."  He then pressed a button, and the floor slid open.  


From the open hatch, a machine began to raise into place.  It was far better than anything within sight; monitors flashed to life on it's sides, pumps started humming and tubes on it began to flow with a purplish, glowing substance.  At the center of it all was a sort-of cylindrical glass room, studded with wiring and surrounded by metal strips.  The machine rose up until it was nearly a full story high, and stopped with an audible hydraulic hiss.


Gideon smiled, a gleam in his eye as he looked it over.  He then turned back to the collected group, grinning widely.


"This is my Dimensional Shift Device... isn't it FA-scinating?  It gathers residual energies from spatial entities contained within and creates a flux based upon the molecular alignment of particles, then induces a quantum shift which then bisects the multiple reality alignment and places said atoms within the predetermined grid specified by my meticulous and ingenious programming!  As I said, a beautiful amalgamation of science and quantum mechanics - all contained within this magnificent device."


Another press of a button, and the glass partition slid upward and out of sight.


"For those of you who are not designated 'Skeptic', the device scans your particles, then delivers them to the coordinates they belong to.  The only assurance I can give you is that I have utilized this device on quite a few occasions, and I have yet to develop any ill effects from such travel... however, the device does require a great deal of energy to sustain the process, so I can only operate it safely once every thirty lunar cycles.  But, as I am currently involved in a project in this dimension, I would be willing to... allow you... to return to whence you arrived from."


He adjusted his thick-lensed glasses, and gave a frustrated sigh.


"Especially seeing as how your mere presence has been throwing my calculations into an absolute mess lately, hence the reason I was able to locate the lot of you.  I would be willing to do this - if only to continue my experiments without having to readjust my equipment to compensate for your presence in this dimension; this is most certainly NOT an act of 'charity' on my part, as I do not believe in the concept of such."


He crossed his arms.  "Well?  Is this agreeable, or is there room for debate in this situation?"


He began tapping his foot, waiting for a reply.

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And then he lost it. To think I was actually interested in him. Maybe I should have painted the words 'I like geeks' on my face, because this guy completely missed the fact that he had attracted me in the fist place.


"I'm always in control of the situation. Like how you have enough metal in your lab for me to kill you with but a thought. Don't even need to take time to reconfigure it. There's enough to just rip apart and use. If that's not an advantage then I do not know what is, because you don't have any advantage on us. That I can see anyway. But I digress, as you have your reasons for bringing us here." I looked around again as he continued.


"Yes my thoughts exactly. There is no reason to insinuate anything, because you're not smarter than me." I said this simply and coldly as I then chuckled along with him, at completely different things.


I watched the demonstration as Sparky scanned the device for me, relaying information. I could build a portable version of this with my magic, but what was fascinating was that a non magical being had made it at all. Not that I was going to admit it to this pompous maniac. "So you mean to tell us you simply brought us here to send us home, no strings attached? I remain skeptical and your nickname for me is valid. Not to mention that we have a mission to complete here, so unless you know what it is, why we're here, and how we can complete it, we're most likely going to have to decline the offer and throw your calculations off further until then."

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Ice was confused. Very. He was in complete dumbfoundedness as he listened to the two coverse. It was all very complicated, "Y..I...What?! Is something happening here soon, or are we just gonna stand here looking like idiots?"


He stood there, annoyed at the fact that nothing was happening, besides talking.

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He sighed and rolled his eyes.


"Skeptic, you BORE me with your trivializations and childish tirades - and I had assumed better from the child of the founders of Bolt Solutions, but apparently, in your parents' haste to create a child, they seem to have fostered nothing more than an arrogant thug.  Something I cannot willfully abide - I am the arrogant one here, after all..."


He pressed another button on the remote, and the machine slid back into the floor, the hatch sealing up.


"... now, since Skeptic's posturing has now completely soured my initial offer, my suggestion would be for you all to depart - I have work to accomplish, and it is apparent that there will be no further useful conversation from the likes of you - ANY of you.  Begone."


He pointed the remote at the door, and pressed another button.  There was a beep, a click, and the door opened itself.  He turned back to his worktable, pulled out a tattered green notebook, and began making notes... but, for some strange reason, he had a smirk on his mug...


"Door... backside... I am certain you understand the connotations."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amber had remained quiet for most of their whirlwind trek through this strange world, making an effort to comprehend everything that was going on around her, through all the spinning and confusion. She shut her eyes tight for a moment, trying to block out the noise inside her head.


A hundred questions whirred through her mind as the group was moved from place to place, person to angry person. While the world spun around her she thought about the mirror, about Sombra, about Celestia, and about that person who looked just like Calibur.  Her golden eyes showed pain and confusion as they darted back and forth, but behind them, her brain had been working overtime. She followed along Gideon and Lektra's conversation quietly...and contemplated.


"Amber, I don't trust this weirdo," Starchase turned to her. Lektra was obviously too entranced with the creep, though he failed to understand why exactly and Caliber only had eyes for his sword, as usual. "I don't like this place." He whined softly. This place was giving him bad vibes. It was screaming 'run away while you can!'


Amber shook out of her trance as Starchase nudged her. She looked over to him, and her stone face softened into a weak smile.

"I don't like this, either," Amber whispered, "but I think...I think I understand what's happening here." She turned to look up at the scientist, as Lektra pounded away insults for one reason or another. She certainly isn't helping, Amber thought, cringing away her migrane. She considered Gideon's intentions, but before she had time to say anything, she heard his voice rise above her own.




"... now, since Skeptic's posturing has now completely soured my initial offer, my suggestion would be for you all to depart - I have work to accomplish, and it is apparent that there will be no further useful conversation from the likes of you - ANY of you.  Begone."


Amber let her mouth close. She stared fixedly at the scientist.

"We have another mission," she said quietly to Starchase, never breaking her gaze from the imperious young Gideon. She tried thinking back to earlier...to what must have been a human version of princess Celestia, and what she had said.

"'A great evil has escaped to this world', 'something sinister in nature'..." Amber muttered. She looked back up at Gideon, then at Starchase. Do you think...?

Gideon's voice broke the sudden silence.



"Door... backside... I am certain you understand the connotations."





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"Well it's been great meeting you, Gideon," Starchase stuck his hand out for a hoofshake/handshake. He wasn't sure if the 'people' here did such things but it was common curtesy, even if he was a total and utter creep, not to mention rude, fitting the bill for every mad scientist stereotype he had ever seen. "But I think it's time we left. Thank you for you generous offer." He looked to see if anybody else had any intentions of leaving. He was rather surprised Violet hadn't thrown a fit and trashed the place already. Not wanting to leave them behind and appear too hasty, he stood and motioned to the door, kinda like those overeager bellhops. 

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Gideon simply stared at the hand Starchase offered him, then looked directly into his eyes.


"You actually consider the fiasco of conversation and negotiation that has transpired at this juncture to be accurately described by the adjective 'great'?  Truly?  Then perhaps my initial assessment of your mental capabilities was far too generous."


He turned back to his workbench, picked up a wrench and began tinkering with what looked like a toaster.


"If you endeavor to show some pitiful form of appreciation, then do so by returning to where you originated - when my instruments begin reading efficiently once more, I shall consider that a fortuitous farewell."


With that, he just seemed to become absorbed in his work.  However, he did pause long enough to add one more thing:


"... and DO take the insufferable Skeptic with you."

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Amber furrowed her brow angrily.
That's quite enough of this, she thought.
"I'm sure you realize it's just a courtesy, she said kindly to the scientist, stepping forward. Somepony of your intellectual superiority really should realize that, she added mentally, bitterness replacing confusion. She turned about and let her burning gaze pass from Lektra, to Calibur, to Ice, to Starchase, as though herding them with sheer force of her stare. Then she turned back to Gideon and spoke quite frankly.
"We appreciate your offer, and I apologize for our...suspicion. We've all been through a lot these past few days, and I think I speak for all of us when I say we've gotten tired of the cryptic and vague explanations we've been recieving all around." She stepped towards the door, Celestia's words in mind.
"So, if it's really what you want, all connotation aside, we'll be leaving now." Amber said, with a tone of finality. She offered the man an empty and automatic smile as she pulled the door open, with an outstretched arm inviting her friends through it. There was a silence as Celestia's words echoed in her mind, eyes locked on Gideon's.

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They promptly left the eerie place without another word. Most were rather confused, angry or frustration or just 'meh'. They walked passed the normal looking wooden door with its normal wooden type doorframe as Gideon dictated them to. In many ways they left a piece of them behind in the lab, even if they didn't know it.

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I had never been so insulted in my life. Insulted me, my intelligence, insulted my family, and insulted my business. Such rudeness. The only reason I didn't pull all the metal out of the place and have it collapse in on itself was because I still had a shred of respect for Gideon as a fellow scientist. Why did I even have this? He had no respect for me. Probably the other reason I didn't do it was that I felt like my magic was weakened here. I was surprised our magic worked here at all, so just having it was enough really, but I didn't feel like wasting energy on this pompous snob. Sparky had made a complete scan of the equipment and experiments for me if I ever needed it. I then stormed out of there with the others followed by Sparky, stomping on the floor in anger.


Once we were far enough away and back to where we started, I finally spoke. "So, where are we actually going guys?"

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"Do any of you guys feel funny?" Starchase felt a bit woozy kinda like when he hit himself in the head. "Nevermind, so I guess we go find that 'evil' that the Princess was talking about. And..." He was feeling worse by the second. Something just felt wrong but he couldn't really put a hoof to it. "Do you think he's behind something?" 

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Ice was confused by Starchase's words, "He? What do you mean by 'he'? And what kind of 'evil' are we talking about exactly? Is it something dangerous? Because I'm ready to fight if things get dangerous." He said with a grin, punching one hand into his other hand's palm.

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"Do you think he's behind something?"


"I really think he is," Amber said gravely. "The fact that he just let us go makes me even more suspicious..." She stroked her chin pensively, a gesture she found to be much more effective with fingers.

"'A great evil has escaped to this world', 'something sinister in nature'," she repeated. Those had been Celestia's words. Escaped to this world.

"He must be from Equestria," she thought aloud, pondering the strange boy's machines. She suddenly remembered the ghastly remains of the last group of keeners who had tried to infiltrate his lab.

"But what kind of evil purposes could he possibly have?" she asked, frowning. "It just looks like scientific research to me." Amber looked over to Lektra hopefully.

"Do you have any ideas...?" She asked the scientist.

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"Well whatever it is, what happened to my dojo?!" Screamed the angry one who threatened them with physical violence. So in the end she left with the two Caliber in tow to fix up her place of residence.


"She seems placated, for now." Starchase smiled weakly as he watched them disappear down the road. "If we want answers, I'm afraid we'll have to go ask the quack ourselves." Despite having just stopped over, they began walking back to the way they entered this world since they had nothing better to do anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starchase walked into the side of the statue where the portal had been when they first arrived. He painfully collided into the rock surface of the statue's base. Blood started to dribble out of his nostrils at an alarming rate.


"I don't think the portal is there..." He said as he tried to hold back his tears. "Something is definitely wrong. I want to go home."

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Starchase walked into the side of the statue where the portal had been when they first arrived. He painfully collided into the rock surface of the statue's base. Blood started to dribble out of his nostrils at an alarming rate.


"I don't think the portal is there..." He said as he tried to hold back his tears. "Something is definitely wrong. I want to go home."

"I guess we're stuck here for a while," Amber said solemnly. She stared into the side of the ex-portal before turning back towards the group.

"But that's alright!" she said. "We've got a mission anyways. How about we go and see Celestia? I'm sure she'll be able to help us!" Amber smiled at her comrades.

"It might even be fun, being human for a while," she added hopefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The human city was uninviting as they walked through it.


Everywhere they looked, there were angry, miserable or depressed people.  Had it always been this way, or was it something more?  Regardless, a number of the other denizens of this place kept giving them looks like they wanted nothing to do with the gathering of former ponies.


Clouds had been gathering for a few hours now, and were beginning to show signs of releasing their captive water onto the heads of whomever was below.  The wind picked up just a tad, and the first few droplets could be felt occasionally by bare arms and uncovered heads.  If they didn't want to get soaking wet, they would have to find somewhere else to be instead of out in the open.


As if the weather weren't motivation enough, one of those strange self-pulling black and white carts was rolling slowly down the street, a spotlight shining into crevices and down alleyways as if searching for something... or someone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"I think we'd better seek shelter. I'd hate to get wet," Starchase murmured. "It looks like it's about to pour." He looked up and stared blankly at the dark clouds.


"This really isn't my idea of 'fun'. Quite the opposite, Amber." He sighed. "At least it's not an incoming blizzard, or snowing, right?" He tried to be optimistic but he felt rather drained. It was way easier to just be glum.

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Ice was still walking with the group. He scoffed at Starchase's comment about snow, and simply kept walking. This world was indeed strange, but right now finding a place to stay was a priority, "Where do you suggest we go?" he asked simply, not liking the idea of getting rained on.

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