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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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@@Humble Hymn,


"Well... I usually keep it covered when I'm in public..." she said. "But when it's just me and you together from now on, which will probably be a lot, I can keep it uncovered if you wish. You're right, you deserve to know the real me. If you never knew about this... this relationship would feel empty since it would be based on lies and deception."

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Skylar stopped. "Holy cow! Lightning, it's bat pony! Is he dead?!" She swooped down. "Bat pony! Bat pony!" She glanced at Lightning. "His name was Kaymen, right..? Yeah... Kaymen! Oh gosh, he's bleeding!" She was prancing nervously. "Do you have bandages? Or something? Where's that shy healing pony when you need him?"

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"Well... I usually keep it covered when I'm in public..." she said. "But when it's just me and you together from now on, which will probably be a lot, I can keep it uncovered if you wish. You're right, you deserve to know the real me. If you never knew about this... this relationship would feel empty since it would be based on lies and deception."

The word "relationship",being new and powerful, struck Humble pretty hard, but he kept his balance. Something I need to work on I guess he thought. He looked at Spellbind with a happy smile on his face "well, whatever you feel is right, feels right to me," he got up from the ground, held his hoof out to help her up and said "ready when you are." 

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Her questions fell on deaf ears, he was out cold. He only mumbled in his sleep. "M...mommy...?" Was the only thing that came off his lips. He was clearly thinking about his parents, or what little he knew about them. His face had a look of sorrow on it, but also slight happiness. "I'm...sorry..." He said, as a tear rolled down his face

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"Okay, okay little guy... uh... I'm gonna go get a healer! Kay? Don't uh, don't die! You'll be okay!" She pat him on the head, called to Lightning, "take care of him!" and flew off, fast as she could, working her wings harder than she had at her last race. And boy, had she worked them hard then. She alighted beside Humble and Spellbind. "Uh, sorry to interrupt your... moment... but that weird bat pony from earlier is dying! We need your crazy flute magic, Humble! I assume you can heal with that thingie, right?"

(BTW, Skylar is just kinda immature, so she kinda looks down on romance. XD Don't take her personally.)

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Humble helped Spellbind up while at the same time trying to get his head together. "What? K-Kaymen you mean, right? He's hurt? oh no...but I don't know if I could-....." he looks at Spellbind then at Skylar, both had concerned looks on their faces, knowing that he had to something. He once again turns to Spellbind saying "Stay here, I'll come back for you. Show me where Skylar." Skylar took off with Humble following, surprisingly able to somewhat keep up. When they got back to Kaymen, Humble got a good look at him. "oh my" With his head spinning and heart pounding from the flight here, he had a hard time focusing. "So,uh, flute, right!" He took out his flute and with a deep breath, quickly blew into the flute. All that came out was a terrible noise. ugh, play it right Humble."ok, ok give me a sec" This time he took a moment to concentrate, thinking about Kaymen in need, about Skylar and Lightning worried for him, and Spellbind, who had faith in Humble the moment he meet her, not just with the flute, but with him being a better pony than he could possibly be. He took a few breaths, one deep one, and blew once again. The result was a magical melody.

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Kaymen seemed to slowly wake up, his eyes slowly opening. When they opened full, he jolted up, starting to fly. And before anyone could respond, he flew in the general direction of Skylar, crashing into her, while yelling. "MOM-!" The went tumbling for a few seconds. "Ow...wh-who are you...?"

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She snorted. "Not your mom." She pushed him off and jumped up. "Thanks, Humble. You should probably go back to your girlfriend," she said cheerfully. "She might be worried about you. Do you want me to come with you to make sure you don't get into trouble?" She was feeling proud at this point. She'd done something right! She might have saved this guy's life!

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"Well, I don't know exactly about concussion treatments, but I'm glad I could help. Oh right Spellbind." He begins to turn towards her direction "You two should probably stay with Kaymen and make sure he's okay, I'll get Spellbind and try to meet up with all of you." With that, he trots to where Spellbind is and meets up with her. "Sorry I had to leave you. I did say I would stay with you if you needed me, but I didn't. It's not how I should things off with us, is it..."  

Edited by Humble Hymn
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Kaymen tried to flip, but landed (not as hard as before) on his head. "Oooww..." He jumps back up and slightly away from her, and see the yellow Pegasus trot away. "...I can see that...but who are you...? And...where am I...? Why am I outside...? I was just inside...I think..." The bat flies over to him to try and explain " shadow...ponies...? When..." Kaymen seems really confused by everything. "Ho are yo- gah!" He holds his head, still hurting from the fall "owwie...how did this happen...?"

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"I'm Skylar, and I sure don't know how you got beat up so bad. You tell me." Skylar said, with an easy grin. "Lightning--" she jerked her head at Lightning-- "--and I were fighting with you earlier! With all the weird shadow ponies! What's up with that weird bat?" She added, staring at the bat oddly.

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@@Humble Hymn,


Spellbind had actually gone out to see what had happened, but she didn't think there was anything she could do about it.


"Hey, it's okay. Your assistance was needed greatly and you helped for the greater good," she reassured him with a smile.


"I think I should mention, sometimes I have bursts of magic with random and uncontrollable effects. I remember-"


Too fast for anypony to react, she caused a bout of magic that turned Humble right into a baby.

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He looked at the orb with surprise. "What the-- did she just do that? Hahaha, must be embarrassing" he laughed to himself, feeling amused. "I might keep them alive for personal amusement, but I am true to my vows, they will be destroyed. One. By. ONE". A shadow pony materialized in front of him. "They seem to be separated for now, strike at them all at the same time. They won't be able to help each other. HAHAHA" he laughed as the shadow pony, among with many others galloped away. 

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I was here, in the forest, searching for some materials. Since I didn't have money, I couldn't buy any weapon to defend myself against those strange creatures. I logically found some wood, vines and a few more things, I hoped what I thought I could do could work. The only remaining problem was to power it up, maybe I'd have to ask somepony if an unicorn was in the group of fighters.


- It looks pretty cool! I just hope I could play it, this is going to be awesome.


I jumped on my skateboard once again with my improvised wooden guitar, hanged in my back with some vines, and rode it through the forest, no matter the weather was good or not. Some time later, I saw a group of ponies in front of what seemed like a bat pony. But the mean creature was beaten quickly, and right after that, a giant flash appeared in the skies, and a stallion turned into a baby.


- Err... Hi? I'm Rocket Punk, maybe a Pegasus named Skylar told you about me? I just don't want to be a baby again, that's really not cool, guys.

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LS gave Humble a quick hug, "you did it! i knew you could, now cmon, lets go tell the others we found it, cmon skylar" then she flew back off to the hut "caliber, IB, we found the castle, its this way" she said pointing her hoof in the direction of the castle. she walked over to where Humble was standing "well would you look at that, Zecora was right, you two do make a good pair" she said ruffling Humble's mane a little

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Baby Humble was sitting on the ground, looking up at Spellbind. His glasses were too big for him and drooped down. The bag he was carrying was next to him, almost as big as him. When he was originally a baby, Humble didn't cry too much, and this wasn't much different. He just looked around and at Spellbind with a confused look. It was hard to tell if he was in control of his mind or if it was just that of a baby. Either way, there wasn't much that could be done on his end to fix this.

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@@Humble Hymn,


Spellbind's eye twitched after she realized her mistake. "Oh... well, okay, okay, I'm sure we can fix this."


She picked up Baby Humble and headed into Zecora's hut.


"Zecora?" she said. "You've helped us so much already, but there's been a little magical mishap..." She held up Humble. "Do you have anything to turn Humble Hymn here back to normal?" She blushed.

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Zecora was getting no where with studying the passed out shadow. She looked at the blushing Spellbind with one eye slightly larger than the other, almost as if saying "really...".


Well, it seems what I know of you is true,

there is great power that comes from you.


While it is easiest to reverse with what the spell came from,

I shall help since you made the decision to come.


Zecora took a look at Spellbind and her horn, went to quickly mix something together, and came back.


I have done what I can but I need your assistance,


She held what look liked a potion over to Spellbind.


drink this and focus, maybe of your love for instance.

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@@Humble Hymn,


"Sure thing," replied Spellbind, accepting the potion. She was a bit nervous about drinking it, but this wouldn't have been the first time she had seeked the assistance of Zecora after a magical mishap. She drank the potion and focused as instructed.

@@Humble Hymn,


And with that, the baby Humble vanished in a puff of smoke, and when it cleared, he was back to his adult form.


"Oh, um... hiya there, Humble," she said awkwardly. "My apologies, that can happen with my magic sometimes like I said... geez, I should have remembered my medication."

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Humble was holding his head, trying to put everything together "huh...well...it's okay. You did what you could to...um...reverse what just happened" He went to Spellbind and hugged her. Then turned to Zecora, "Thanks...uh...for helping Zecora, I don't know how to repay you" Zecora was mixing together something else, then replied to Humble.


Well who am I to not help the connection of two ponies, or fix a frown.


She looked at the two ponies with a smile.


I'm sure with the power between you two, you won't let me down.

Edited by Humble Hymn
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Kaymen raised up a hoof and yelled "hey st-" but before he could finish, his ear twitched. He heard a nois coming from behind him. He span around to see what it was, he saw a shadow hoof step down the stairs of the castle. "W-what is that!?" Kaymen started slowly backing away, but at the same time trying to seem like he wasn't afraid. "Um...you...uh...you're..." He stuttered, before he ran back towards skylar on the verge of crying "MOMMY!!!" Like a frightened little child

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"Ohmygoshohmygosh LIGHTNING! There's a shadow pony!!" Skylar hollered. She grinned at Kaymen. Now was her chance to show what she had, to prove herself! "You're gonna see me inaction now! And it's gonna be awesome!" She said confidently, crouching down and spreading her large wings.

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"Welcome back to being an adult again humble" LS said, ruffling his mane a little, "hey Spellbind, think you could fix Rocket too?" LS saw the shadow pony coming out of the castle, "show it what you got kid!" She called to skylar, "ill be right back guys, I'm going to go to the castle just in case skylar needs any help"

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I stared at Lightning Strike before she left.


- You know, I totally don't need to be fixed. If you guys really want to do something for me, maybe could you help me power my... guitar here. If I knew I had to fight against evil forces, I would have picked up one of mine at home in Vanhoover, but, well, I didn't know at all, so I made one in the forest, but it definitely ain't gonna work. Could you help, please?


I took the ugly thing which looked vaguely like the instrument in my back and showed it to Spellbind.


- Don't worry, it's also to use it as a cool weapon, since I don't have enough money to buy a sword for me. If we fight against some twisted villain, so why don't do we fight with style and pizzazz?

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Humble looked at Rocket and his supposedly guitar, and looked at Spellbind. "You know...uh...Rocket was it?...Spellbind here just turned me into a...well I don't really want to talk about it....but she used quite an unbelievable amount of magic that impressed me...ignoring the circumstances...so perhaps there is power inside her for your task....Though we shouldn't stress her too much with her magic, and truth be told, I don't think she's ready just yet to enchant a....guitar....you'd have better luck asking Zecora for help, but she has already helped us enough on our quest, so I wouldn't be surprised if she says no. That is, if she is even able to do what you're asking, but I'm not one to question her abilities after what she did for me. Anyways, we should hurry off to join the others, if you want to join us, you gotta decide quickly, we're already falling behind." Humble and Spellbind begin to walk off to their destination, with Humble bumping into Spellbind, "sorry, just need to get my legs together after that...incident."

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