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open Trouble in Ponyville (adventure rp)


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Humble quickly helps get the shadow off of Skylar then, trying not to be rude, gives a exhausted look towards Kaymen as if saying where were you? Soon Zecora comes out of her hut with a pleased look on her face.


A well done is rewarded for all of you,

it seems the rumors were quite true.


The elements aren't the only heroes around,

that could make all the answers found.


The swordpony, being very skilled

and ice pony, making your enemies chilled


Lightning one, with all of your storm power,

and young one, who chooses not to cower 


Flutist, and she who hides power in her hair,

you two make quite the pair


Humble wonders what Zecora means by that, then considers she must be talking about him and Spellbind. He blushes a little.


Though Kaymen I worry about you,

as it seems you fight between two.


Nonetheless, I will not stop you in your quest,

as I will study this shadow that you made rest.


Zecora takes the shadow that the blushing Humble Hymn pulled off Skylar from him and begins to walk back to her hut.


Keep in mind, this story is not yet complete,

as there is still the greater enemy you must defeat.


She enters her hut and closes the door, leaving the group to decide on their next move.

Edited by Humble Hymn
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caliber was almost laying on the ground, trying to catch his breath. "im...okay...just need...a breather..."


he glanced at the others. "so, what next?" he asked, as causally as he would ask 'whats for lunch?'  "do we stay here, or do we head on over back to ponyville...? im cool either way."


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Blizzard noticed the fighting had stopped and said, "Woah..that was kind of a big deal. But at least the worst is over." He heard what Caliber said, "Hmm, I don't know bro. I guess we should wait and see what the others have to say. Anypony else tired or hungry? I know I am a little."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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We should probably keep exploring to put this madness to a stop, otherwise, the shadows may continue terrorizing Ponyville, let's eat first though to get our strength and energy back (idk if those two would be the same thing XD), she walked around for a bit, then returned with food

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caliber jumped up at the sight of food. "FOOD! GLORIOUS STAMINA!!" he started munching down on the food that was meant for the group. "i could kiss ya right now!" he remarked, eating the food at an alarming rate, "you dont know how hungry i was!"


he finished. "ah...oh, should i go get more?"

Edited by PeytonJay


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LS was somewhat shocked at what he said, but what he said after he finished eating made her laugh. She replied "yes you should, and don't eat all of it on your way back" she said with a little chuckle, she walked over to IB, "don't worry, Cal(iber) will return with more food soon"

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The figure that had been observing the other ponies, fighting his shadows, was looking around his hideout. He smiled. "All of these ponies are ignorant, they know not what they are getting themselves into. I shall end them if they try to stop me" he laughed darkly. He approached a map of Equestria. "Equestria. Shall. Be. Consumed" a spark of flame appeared in the middle, the fire spreading, burning the drawn lands of Equestria. 

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Once getting his head together after the large battle and what Zecora said, Humble spends a moment observing his flute. He studies it carefully while quiety playing a note now and then. Some sort of a smile appeared on his face after playing that flute during the battle, though some concern covers his face as well. 

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Blizzard replied with a laugh, "Haha. Don't worry, Lightning, Caliber is a vacuum cleaner. That's normal for him. But yeah, he's always came through for me in the past, so I wouldn't worry. :) " Blizzard sat down and read from his book some more as he waited for Caliber.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber dashed off into the woods, his sword coming out. he saw his prey, and slowly sneaked up on it...he raised his sword, and 




he was slicing apples/zap-apples off, catching them in a large bowl. he sliced various berries into the air. again, catching them with the bowl. he was having some fun, and then the bowl was full, so he decided to return. 


his ear twitched, and he set the giant bowl of food down. he looked around, eyes narrowed. "i coulda sworn i heard something..." he shrugged, and left with the bowl.


he set it down, and dug in. "help yourselves!"


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LS looked at the food and took one giant hoof full, after she was finished eating she looked a lot better, she said, "that. Is some good food" and took another slice. She then said, "alright so once everyone is done eating we should probably keep going, the sooner we stop whoever or whatever is doing this, the sooner everything will be back to normal" she then sat down next to the hut and waited for everyone else to finish eating

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Blizzard was happy, "Oh thanks, bro. I was starving!" Blizzard then grabbed an apple and some berriezs and munched on them, "Damn these apples are good. It's been awhile since I had a zapapple." He ate the berries and kept munching the apple. "I'm ready when you guys are."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@Humble Hymn,


Spellbind sat next to Humble and listened to him as he played that flute of his, and it was like chocolate cake to her ears. That being an idiom she just made up, meaning it was wonderful to listen to. "That was beautiful," she complimented when it was finished, nuzzling him.

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Humble took an apple and started eating it quietly. He was still thinking about the flute and what it did. He saw the that the shadows weren't like they were before they started playing. They were distracted, weak and angry, all because of what he did. Though what Humble wondered was if it was all because of him, or the flute...




"Oh...what...the music?...oh that was just...the flute....like Zecora said...it's a...magic...flute...." Humble confessed, hoping the others, especially Spellbind, won't get the wrong ideas of him...and because of the nuzzling.... that too....his mind was in a state of confusion.... ummmm....wh-what's happening...

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LS looked at Spellbind with a confused look, then walked back over to the fruit bowl to get a few more pieces, she asked the others, "are we all set? Or are some of us still eating?" She said looking at Caliber. She walked over to skylar, "hey kid, are you going to get food to or are you full from your scavenge earlier?" She said smiling

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Kaymen just sat there, as the bat flew over to grab some of the fruits, draining some of them in the process. After all, she was a vampire fruit bat. Kaymen held up his hoof to grab some of the fruit and started munching on it. "Hm...I almost wish he could have found something else...I'm kinda bored of fruit...but then again, we are still in the forest..." He wipes his muzzle and stands back up "alright, I'll recon to see if I can see anything important" Kaymen flew up above the canopy, out of sight of the others

Things are changing

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@@Humble Hymn,


Unfortunately for Humble Hymn, Spellbind was completely oblivious to Humble's reaction. She was beginning to like him, he was so gentle and sweet... and she liked having a feeling of responsibility for him.


"Nice goatee. I don't see a lot of them," she commented with a smile.

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"uh...thanks..."Humble replied, trying to be as nice as possible. A lot of things are going through his head at the moment: shadows, fighting, his flute, new friends. As there were times he wanted to "meet" a mare, he doesn't believe this to be a good time. Nor the fact of how "nice" she is being towards him with her nuzzling and affection for his, facial hair, and how uncomfortable all of it actually is. He gulped and said "I...uh..like your..." trying to come up with a polite response, then remembers what Zecora said. She who hides power in her hair.  "...your...hair...Spell....bind..." He directs his eyes onto her hat and hair.

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LS went back into the woods and returned with food a few minutes later, she put the food in her bag and said "this food is for later, not for caliber to devour in a few seconds, again" she looked at the sky, "we should get going if we want to stop whatever is causing this before dark"

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Blizzard got up after he finished eating, "I'm ready whenever you guys are. I hope we get to the bottom of this and stop whatever's causing this. I sure hope Rarity is ok at home, because if she get hurt, I'm gonna be so pissed off. But then again, she can handle herself pretty well, so I don't think I should worry. Come on everypony. Are we ready to get moving?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Skylar thanked Humble quickly for helping her and thought about what Zecora had said. So, I'm... the... young one. But, she felt oddly as though she was a part of something.

Yes... yes, she was going to stick with these guys. Oh, imagine when she got back to her friends and told them she'd gone on an adventure! She grinned to herself... then processed what Lightning had asked.

"Oh, I'm fine," she said, grinning at Lightning, "I am totally full." Well, more like she had lost her appetite from the awesome fight.

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after the others had finished eating she asked them, "so, where should we go first?" i guess me and humble could search from the skies while you guys are searching from down there" she turned to humble, "or you could go with them, its completely up to you, but im going to be up there" she said pointing her hoof at the sky"

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Humble quickly turned turned his head from Spellbind's hat to Lightning, and replied with shaking words "Y-You know....I...um...think it would be better if I stayed...with the rest of the group....I case if something happened....it's not like I'm a good flyer anyways...but if you want to go, that's fine by me......"

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"Alright" Lightning Strike said. She unfolded her wings, ready to take off when the group started their search, while she was putting her bag on her back she said, " we should probably check the old castle of the two sisters first, it always seems like scary stuff is hiding in there".

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