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Child Of Darkness

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Tempest shrugged slightly and smirked. "Yes, but while mine are infinite, you stole yours from Golden. They won't last long." The bat pony then formed a pair of dual swords in his hooves. "And I don't fight for the divine anymore, as far as I'm concerned. I have... other motives guiding me now." Tempest then charged at Caras with the speed of a lightning bolt and slashed at him with his blades.


Dawn backed away a bit and knew that this was Tempest's fight. "I'll help if it's needed." She thought to herself.

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Clayton smirked and glanced at his friend, and was a bit intimidated by the power radiating off of him. "Wonder where he's been." He thought to himself as he turned his attention to Zecz. The unicorn woils wait until an opening presented itself before he struck.

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Goddess: "Mother Venus is busy. She is trying to find methods of ending the war via a peaceful method. She cannot tall right now." *sigh* "Heart, or as you know her, Golden, her words stand true. It's a complicated issue concerning the Blessing. It's not you we do not trust, it's the Demons. They are deceivers, we don't know if they have some alternative motive for aiding you. Odds are they do, you can't trust them. Particularly the top 3. I have seen them all promise their aid to others and then stab them in the back for ply heir own motive. It's has happened several times, with very few exceptions. Unless you can prove to me that these Devils are trust worthy, the Blessing will remain with me. I'm sorry, but that is the way of things."



Chrysteel smiles, "I never intended to keep the stones myself. Will you have the stone placed in Mother's Avatar's care? Crystal's soul fragment lives on in me. I can sense her physical self inside the throne room. That was where I would like the stones gathered. That is the location I told Golden I would have chosen. I don't think even Caras will be able to defeat a demi-goddess. Crystal's physical self should at least stalemate. Also one more thing. I am starting to feel a pulse coming from the underworld. Could you have someone check the source of the pulsing for me? It started pulsing when, Flutterling's Heart started to pulse from the love of Friendship."


Chrysteel thinks a moment and then says, "If I can get an honor bound pinkie promise from a member of the top house of Devils, should that suffice for you? Crystal's soul fragment has detected two devils that would be trusting. Simple, a 25% hybrid, and Niruna, daughter of the first house. Niruna currently considers me like a big sister to her. It is a love that I can tell is genuine. Beyond that the only other thing I know from Crystal's soul shard is, the land the devils say is theirs actually once belonged to the Flutterlings. It would be a neutral ground. A place where all should have been able to talk in peace. However, I feel that both the Divines I have meet and the Devils aren't really telling the whole story. Like the Flutterlings before me, I have opened myself to sensing the hearts of the devils. They seem bound to their honor, pride and love in similar manner that the mortals are bound to their harmony,friendship and love. If things get really bad, that which the mortals have shown to be their greatest defense may be used. The Elements of Harmony is a very powerful and dangerous weapon. What do you suggest I do to stall? I have a chance to meet the Lord of the first house, House Lucifer. His Daughter, Niruna has formed a small bond with me."


She senses around her. Reaching as far as she can Taping her love stores as a changeling to empower herself further. "Mother's Blessing is active but not at it's peak. Tempest and Dawn are currently engaging Caras and Zecz. Your Heart, Golden, and a few mortals are there as well. Caras has gone his hybrid form. He has released his other half. I can feel their hearts close by eachother. I do not think I can stop the fight to come. Tempest and Dawn are protected by the love they share. One act of love and the true power of Love's Strength will be unleashed into both of them."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tempest shrugged slightly and smirked. "Yes, but while mine are infinite, you stole yours from Golden. They won't last long." The bat pony then formed a pair of dual swords in his hooves. "And I don't fight for the divine anymore, as far as I'm concerned. I have... other motives guiding me now." Tempest then charged at Caras with the speed of a lightning bolt and slashed at him with his blades.


Dawn backed away a bit and knew that this was Tempest's fight. "I'll help if it's needed." She thought to herself.

Caras got a rush of adrenaline as he crossed swords with Tempest, bringing their faces within a few inches of each other. It felt great to finally cross swords with his old enemy again. "This is not power is stole, but one I was born with. And you have also awoke the power that had been sleeping within you for so long. About time. I'd say, at full power that we are both perfectly matched. Which means neither of us is going to die without a tough fight first." Caras positioned his left sword so it would hold back both of Tempests swords and slashed at his throat with his right sword.



Zecz decided that he would open up with the first move. Without any means of a physical attack, movement and his power of speech are what will help him win the battle. His first target was the divine. The biggest threat. He spoke to her Telepathically. "*curse* Hear my voice, crawling deep into your brain. For every sound you hear of me, a sword shall pierce your mind. And the all consuming fire of the underworld shall burn within you. Feel it's pain. Feel the torment of Hell."


Golden grasped her head. No amount of training could have prepared her for this. It was excruciating, but she had to hold on. "Be careful. Words are his weapon. You can't block him out, just resist. One hit and he should go down easy." She charged head first at Zecz and lunged at him. Which he effortlessly dodged. Putting good distance between them. "You'll have to do much better than that."




Chrysteel smiles, "I never intended to keep the stones myself. Will you have the stone placed in Mother's Avatar's care? Crystal's soul fragment lives on in me. I can sense her physical self inside the throne room. That was where I would like the stones gathered. That is the location I told Golden I would have chosen. I don't think even Caras will be able to defeat a demi-goddess. Crystal's physical self should at least stalemate. Also one more thing. I am starting to feel a pulse coming from the underworld. Could you have someone check the source of the pulsing for me? It started pulsing when, Flutterling's Heart started to pulse from the love of Friendship."


Chrysteel thinks a moment and then says, "If I can get an honor bound pinkie promise from a member of the top house of Devils, should that suffice for you? Crystal's soul fragment has detected two devils that would be trusting. Simple, a 25% hybrid, and Niruna, daughter of the first house. Niruna currently considers me like a big sister to her. It is a love that I can tell is genuine. Beyond that the only other thing I know from Crystal's soul shard is, the land the devils say is theirs actually once belonged to the Flutterlings. It would be a neutral ground. A place where all should have been able to talk in peace. However, I feel that both the Divines I have meet and the Devils aren't really telling the whole story. Like the Flutterlings before me, I have opened myself to sensing the hearts of the devils. They seem bound to their honor, pride and love in similar manner that the mortals are bound to their harmony,friendship and love. If things get really bad, that which the mortals have shown to be their greatest defense may be used. The Elements of Harmony is a very powerful and dangerous weapon. What do you suggest I do to stall? I have a chance to meet the Lord of the first house, House Lucifer. His Daughter, Niruna has formed a small bond with me."


She senses around her. Reaching as far as she can Taping her love stores as a changeling to empower herself further. "Mother's Blessing is active but not at it's peak. Tempest and Dawn are currently engaging Caras and Zecz. Your Heart, Golden, and a few mortals are there as well. Caras has gone his hybrid form. He has released his other half. I can feel their hearts close by eachother. I do not think I can stop the fight to come. Tempest and Dawn are protected by the love they share. One act of love and the true power of Love's Strength will be unleashed into both of them."

Goddess: "If you can prove that these demons can be trusted. Then I shall be happy to aid you on every way. Until the Maõ himself confirms that they mean no evil with the Stones, I cannot help you. But it appears you have overlooked something in your judgment. By all laws of the world, Caras himself is indeed classified as a Demigod, from his Father's side. Be cautious Flutterling. Many trials await you in the future that may break your spirit. But falter not. I shall always be with you."

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Chrysteel nods, "I will show to the two a secret I have told you. If they intend no harm for the stones, They won't try to claim it. Also should I evolve without the devil's blood? I already know that my blood will alter it. This is thanks to a test me and Simple ran." She shares the memory of what happened with the blood samples and the fragment of Flutterling's Heart.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Tempest saw the attack out of the corner of his eye and pushed against Caras's sword, making the second attack miss. The bat pony then smirked as electricity crackled around him. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He said as he shot a bolt of electricity at the demon. "I also know of what you have done to Baz."

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Clayton smirked as he used magic to levitate his scythe and made it rush to Zecz. "You know, there's a point where one can't hear what you say. You just have to find the right distance." The unicorn then made his scythe slash at the demon. Clayton figured that distance was his best bet and figured he could keep that advantage.

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Mangos head was on fire, the demon's words inched into his mind before being suddenly ejected and replaced with the suits shroud. Mango barely noticed the bat pony swoop in and engage the other lord. Refocusing his attention Mango saw the unicorn soldier and the divine engaging the mouthy lord. Mango saw the unicorn backing away swinging his scythe with his magic, staying far away was his strategy. With no ranged weapons on his person Mango engaged the only way he could. Hefting his sword Mango swiftly ran in front of the divine. With the scythe swinging away at the demon Mango took the opportunity to attack with a powerful downward strike.

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Tempest saw the attack out of the corner of his eye and pushed against Caras's sword, making the second attack miss. The bat pony then smirked as electricity crackled around him. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He said as he shot a bolt of electricity at the demon. "I also know of what you have done to Baz."

"And Baz will remain that way until I say she can be free. That will never happen." Caras recomposed himself, and surrounded himself in a small barrier if fire. "It's such a shame. You and I could have been such good friends, we're both determine leaders, great tacticians and military leaders, with an unbreakable will of street. Both of us fight for what we believe and for the good of those closet to us. So show me how much Dawn means to you, try and strike me down. For the love I have for the one I see as my daughter will grant me the strength need to bring your end. Show me your resolve!"



Chrysteel nods, "I will show to the two a secret I have told you. If they intend no harm for the stones, They won't try to claim it. Also should I evolve without the devil's blood? I already know that my blood will alter it. This is thanks to a test me and Simple ran." She shares the memory of what happened with the blood samples and the fragment of Flutterling's Heart.

Goddess: "Evolving by using things representative of all three races, divines, Demons and mortals, will bring about the ultimate evolution for you. Demons respect Blood, and the power it brings, Mortals respect friendship and unity more than anything. And Divines are tricky, they love peace and order. It's possible you will not be able to fully reach your potential until peace is achieved, or at least a temporary peace at least."



Clayton smirked as he used magic to levitate his scythe and made it rush to Zecz. "You know, there's a point where one can't hear what you say. You just have to find the right distance." The unicorn then made his scythe slash at the demon. Clayton figured that distance was his best bet and figured he could keep that advantage.

(Zecz cast his curses via telepathy. And in the area you are fighting him in, you will always be able to clearly hear his voice.)


He continues to keep his distance, the advances from the three where somewhat difficult to keep up with, but he'd been through worse.


Zecz: "Words are a much better weapon that sword. You can't have your voice turn against you, and it always follows orders. A scythe can stab you in the back, or more so you can stab yourself in the back. *curse* You are not why you think you are, a devil has invaded your mind and the only way to remove it and save multiple people from his control, is to remove your own head. It will be painless and save many. Do the right thing and remove your own head."


(These curses are difficult to fight, while you may resist them at first, it will put a lot of staring on your mind and tire you out relatively fast. Just to let you know.)

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"You fight with words devil, if you knew the years of constant temptation and command I have endured you wouldn't even bother using your abilities. My mind is but a hollow shell of its former self and my body wishes to die. My mind is barely my own and too many innocents have fallen upon my blade. I cannot take back my actions and killing myself will not solve any problems. For I have burdened myself with sin itself and I will die carrying that burden by someone else. Strike me down demon not with your voice but with your blades. Unless your too much of a coward to do so, till then my body will hold up with your mediocre torture."

Edited by Ranger22
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Tempest smirked a bit as he moved back a bit. "Funny thing about contracts, they tend to have some unspoken loophole." He said. Electricity then crackled around his body as the bat pony shot a bolt of lightning at the demon. "As for Niruna, I have no intention of killing her. A few plans in my head actually hinge on her survival." The bat pony's swords then morphed into aura spheres and Temoest quickly fired the projectiles at his opponent.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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(Oh. Sorry about that.)


Clayton grit his teeth as he tried to block out what Zecz had said. "The only demon I see here is you." He thought as he continued to attack with his scythe. The unicorn then glanced at Tempest, but quickly turned his attention back to the demon.

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Goddess: "Evolving by using things representative of all three races, divines, Demons and mortals, will bring about the ultimate evolution for you. Demons respect Blood, and the power it brings, Mortals respect friendship and unity more than anything. And Divines are tricky, they love peace and order. It's possible you will not be able to fully reach your potential until peace is achieved, or at least a temporary peace at least."



Chrysteel says, "will see what I can do. For now I must locate the source of that pulse. I will also talk with Lord Lucifer. I hope he honors the old agreement and meets with me. I have to save those who are important for the future. Tell we meet again."


Tempest smirked a bit as he moved back a bit. "Funny thing about contracts, they tend to have some unspoken loophole." He said. Electricity then crackled around his body as the bat pony shot a bolt of lightning at the demon. "As for Niruna, I have no intention of killing her. A few plans in my head actually hinge on her survival." The bat pony's swords then morphed into sphere and Temoest quickly fired the projectiles at his opponent.

She comes out of her meditation. She links mentally to Tempest and Dawn. "An act of Love grants the true power of Love's Strength, Tempest. Kiss Dawn and even your aura beasts will be empowered. If you can capture him and Zecz. I want them to see my ancestor. I know what I ask is not good but they need to see it. I will ask Niruna to take me to her father."


"Dawn, with love's strength Baz will become stronger. Kiss Tempest and Love' Strength will grow."


@Child of Darkness

Chrysteel then heads back to the house. "Niruna, I have a request to make of you."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Chrysteel says, "will see what I can do. For now I must locate the source of that pulse. I will also talk with Lord Lucifer. I hope he honors the old agreement and meets with me. I have to save those who are important for the future. Tell we meet again."


She comes out of her meditation. She links mentally to Tempest and Dawn. "An act of Love grants the true power of Love's Strength, Tempest. Kiss Dawn and even your aura beasts will be empowered. If you can capture him and Zecz. I want them to see my ancestor. I know what I ask is not good but they need to see it. I will ask Niruna to take me to her father."


"Dawn, with love's strength Baz will become stronger. Kiss Tempest and Love' Strength will grow."


@Child of Darkness

Chrysteel then heads back to the house. "Niruna, I have a request to make of you."

Niruna was engrossed in a book she found around the house. An ancient tome bound in chains, written in a language that is long dead. "Onee-Chan! Come and have a look at this book! It's full of all sorts of cool stuff. And it comes with its own talking Dagger, how cool is that? Oh, what is it you want from me?"



"You fight with words devil, if you knew the years of constant temptation and command I have endured you wouldn't even bother using your abilities. My mind is but a hollow shell of its former self and my body wishes to die. My mind is barely my own and too many innocents have fallen upon my blade. I cannot take back my actions and killing myself will not solve any problems. For I have burdened myself with sin itself and I will die carrying that burden by someone else. Strike me down demon not with your voice but with your blades. Unless your too much of a coward to do so, till then my body will hold up with your mediocre torture."

Zecz: "*curse* One who has already sold their soul to the devils is one that has no place in the mortal world. By selling your body to the armour, you are no better than a devil. The things you so dearly want to kill. So make short work of a strong devil and kill yourself. For the benefit of all."


Golden's eyes had become slightly whited out and her tone dropped to a more somber and automatic pitch. "He's right. That armour was made by us to become devils to combat devils, it required you to sacrifice your soul and become on with it. Killing yourself will allow us to destroy the armour. So its best that you do just that and let us rid the world of something evil."



Tempest smirked a bit as he moved back a bit. "Funny thing about contracts, they tend to have some unspoken loophole." He said. Electricity then crackled around his body as the bat pony shot a bolt of lightning at the demon. "As for Niruna, I have no intention of killing her. A few plans in my head actually hinge on her survival." The bat pony's swords then morphed into aura spheres and Temoest quickly fired the projectiles at his opponent.

A mirror appeared in front of Caras, and as the magic hit it, they reflected back towards Tempest retaining their full strength but at a higher velocity. "I accept the kindness of leaving Niruna out of this. I can't say I will show you the same in kind. As for curses of the nature, I made sure that it had no loopholes. I specifically stated that until, insert words of freedom in this gap, are uttered, Baz shall have her power remain locked away for eternity, even after my death. If you can find a loop hole on that, please inform me via direct contact, letter, or visual proof of said deed. Until then, " Caras created several huge pillars of fire around Tempest trying to position them to catch him as he dodges other pillars. "Let's kill each other."

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Tempest smirked as he waited for the Lightning. "Using my own power against me, are we? You're getting sloppy Caras." The bat pony then took the electricity into his hoof and directed its path through his body and out the other hoof. He didn't aim for Caras, though. He directed the electricity towards Zecz.


"I don't think now would be a good time for that, Chrysteel." Dawn thought as she fired ice at the fire.

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Tempest smirked as he waited for the Lightning. "Using my own power against me, are we? You're getting sloppy Caras." The bat pony then took the electricity into his hoof and directed its path through his body and out the other hoof. He didn't aim for Caras, though. He directed the electricity towards Zecz.


"I don't think now would be a good time for that, Chrysteel." Dawn thought as she fired ice at the fire.

Caras took the opportunity while Tempest was aiming for his friend to Dash at him and get a strong Slash across his chest. Not cutting deep, but enough to make Tempest at least a little more alert. "Tis but a flesh wound. Now focus Tempest, I could have ended you, but I didn't. Now focus on me. This is our fight."


Zecz caught wind of the attack just in time, but he had to cut his curse short in order to move out of the way, taking only burning his clothing from the splash. "This is my best suit. You have any idea how much this cost to get tailor made just for me? A fortune! Fantastic."

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Clayton was stunned. He hadn't expected Tempest to be able to do something like that and was honestly afraid of the power he displayed. "Now I know why the others fear him." He thought to himself as he pulled his scythe back to him. He wanted to see what would happen next before he continued.

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Tempest grit his teeth as the wound healed and kicked Caras in the chest, sending him back a bit. "Good point." He muttered under his breath as his aura became more erratic. "Then again, it's not just me fighting you. I have the aura beasts and my friends backing me and I know they won't let me down." The bat pony then fired multiple aura spheres at Caras.

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After a few seconds, a plan came to Clayton's mind. "I wonder how magic would work against him." He thought to himself. The unicorn then put his scythe on his back and fired a small beam of magic at Zecz. He didn't know what it would do, but figured it wouldn't hurt to find out.

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Niruna was engrossed in a book she found around the house. An ancient tome bound in chains, written in a language that is long dead. "Onee-Chan! Come and have a look at this book! It's full of all sorts of cool stuff. And it comes with its own talking Dagger, how cool is that? Oh, what is it you want from me?"



Chrysteel asks, "I need to talk with your father. It is important enough that it can't wait. Can you and will you take me to see him?"


Chrysteel looks at the book and then says, "Caras said they are forbidden items. I don't think you want to get into trouble with him do you?"

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Chrysteel asks, "I need to talk with your father. It is important enough that it can't wait. Can you and will you take me to see him?"


Chrysteel looks at the book and then says, "Caras said they are forbidden items. I don't think you want to get into trouble with him do you?"

Niruna: "Without an accompanying Lord that is trusted by Father, I don't think they will let you into my home. It's just a safety precaution. Even those I trust have been turned away. I will contact Father via magic circle and see if we can get you an exception to this rule. And Caras left the book lying about. It can't be that bad if he didn't even try and hide it."

After a few seconds, a plan came to Clayton's mind. "I wonder how magic would work against him." He thought to himself. The unicorn then put his scythe on his back and fired a small beam of magic at Zecz. He didn't know what it would do, but figured it wouldn't hurt to find out.

Zecz was easily able to dodge the telegraphed attack. Magic was something that could be predicted and avoided without much thought. "All your determination is admirable. But worthless. You can't win. Isn't that right?"


With those words, Golden fired a concentrated beam of high powerful light energy at Clayton. "Die you demon scum."

Tempest grit his teeth as the wound healed and kicked Caras in the chest, sending him back a bit. "Good point." He muttered under his breath as his aura became more erratic. "Then again, it's not just me fighting you. I have the aura beasts and my friends backing me and I know they won't let me down." The bat pony then fired multiple aura spheres at Caras.

He cast a shield over the front of his body to absorb the orbs. The kick had winded him slightly, but he recovered quickly enough. "You're regeneration is impressive Tempest. You're more like the foe I wish you where all that time ago. I almost feel bad having to kill you now. And tell your girlfriend to stay out of this fight. Lest she become a target for my blades also." Caras' aura shifted again. This time half of him remind in his light state and the other half went back to being dark, and his appearance shifted slightly accordingly. He ser up a counter stance and waited.

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Tempest shrugged slightly as an idea came to his mind. It was dangerous, but it may just be crazy enough to work. "Oh, she's just giving a bit of support." He said, giving a slight smirk. Even if Caras did go for Dawn, he wouldn't get far. The bat pony then fired a beam of electricity at Caras.


Dawn noticed Golden's attack and countered it with her own magic, hoping to draw fire away from Clayton.

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Niruna: "Without an accompanying Lord that is trusted by Father, I don't think they will let you into my home. It's just a safety precaution. Even those I trust have been turned away. I will contact Father via magic circle and see if we can get you an exception to this rule. And Caras left the book lying about. It can't be that bad if he didn't even try and hide it."



Chrysteel nods and says, "He may have had something important to do. You do that. I still have to go and speak with Simple. He should be training. I detect him with the huntress."


With that Chrysteel heads out. She knows where he is and heads for the location she detects their hearts at.

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Tempest shrugged slightly as an idea came to his mind. It was dangerous, but it may just be crazy enough to work. "Oh, she's just giving a bit of support." He said, giving a slight smirk. Even if Caras did go for Dawn, he wouldn't get far. The bat pony then fired a beam of electricity at Caras.


Dawn noticed Golden's attack and countered it with her own magic, hoping to draw fire away from Clayton.

Caras fired a beam of light at Tempest Lighting, and the two collided and exploded mid-air. Causing a large cloud of smoke. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity for an attack, he telephoned himself behind Tempest and brought his light sword down over his neck and his Dark sword up to his throat in one motion.

Chrysteel nods and says, "He may have had something important to do. You do that. I still have to go and speak with Simple. He should be training. I detect him with the huntress."


With that Chrysteel heads out. She knows where he is and heads for the location she detects their hearts at.

Niruna opens up a magic circle connection to the home of the underworld, and a holographic projection of her father appeared.


Lucifer: "Niruna, I told you to use this channel for emergencies only. So what's so important that you had to use the emergency connecting line?"


Niruna: "Well, you see, Onee-Chan is something called a flutterling and she kind of needs some of your blood to do some ritual to evolve and this somehow archives world's peace and we all live happily ever after. I ask that you send me a permit to give her access to the underworld cities and come and see you, or if you would come to us and donate blood. Please?"


Lucifer: "I'll think about it." The call ended.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Simple was in the home that the Hunter Clan used as a base in Hell Above. A small house near the edge of the city decorated with hunting gear, trophies and pictures. With his training, Simple had discovered more about his blood and as a result, has inherited the power with it. He has become faster, stronger, more specially aware of his surroundings, able to use the world better and his combat skill has dramatically improved. His appearance had shifted to look more like a devil as the experiments had predicted would happen, his fur was darker and eyes a more low shade of red and pupils had became slits, not round. He was a new, more powerful Simple.

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As Dawn fired her magic at Golden's attack, Clayton dodged out of the way of whatever reaction might come out of it. "Are you kidding me." He muttered to himself. To be honest, the unicorn hadn't expected things to go like this and had very little planned in case it would. Clayton then decided it would be best to take cover until the divine came to her senses.

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