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planning ancestral quest


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Sorcerer is an arcane caster so is wizard warlock illusionist mage a bards magic is considered arcane

spell preparing is something that's a granted unless you specify that it doesn't happen in the morning I always assume it does and as a Devine caster you pray in the morning not meditate

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Yes youll be creative I'm not gonna limit spells per day nor do you have to give me a spell list this is epic level to start so you have access to all advance level and lower magic for both arcane and Devine casters but you'll be able to advance to higher levels through the quest plus don't forget the special powers I'm going to grant every one but now I have interest in all spots let's take a look at those character sheets ive chosen arcing storm for the warrior base i love the idea of a pegasus paladin and have good ideas for specials for him bronislav84 has the Devine caster spot dashian500 has the arcane caster spot and midnight-aurora has rogue spot

  • Brohoof 1
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As i said dashian there is no spell per day limit but if you want to you can set up as part of your back story why you have only a limited number of spells you can memorize each day but you have unlimited casting of them and at epic level it won't be a small number

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So you can do an unlimited sorcerer or you can set your limitations if you want I'll leave that up to you and you'll also be able to choose.a blooine trait if you wish as alternate arcane source

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Background update:


Was born the Daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Queen Chrysalis. The events of the Canterlot Invasion has left her different from the other changelings.


She was born with no holes, like a changeling has, her horn is similar to a Unicorn's or Alicorn's and bright Rose pink. She has Rose pink fur under a Black and Rose pink carapace. Her wings are the Transparent Rose pink Feathered wings. One could say if you remove the carapace she looks almost like an alicorn but much smaller.


Out of her clutch of 100 eggs, She knows she might be the only one left.


She was the only one to pass the Changelings placement trials out of her clutch. All others were exiled.


As she learned more about the events surrounding her birth, Queen Chrysalis chose not to tell her about her father. But she had gained enough info to determine that her father is somepony who was involved in the events that led to her birth.


Shortly before she left the hive she discovered an ancient changeling archive. What she found within confuses her. The discovery led to her leaving the hive and residing to search out the ones involved in the invasion and make amends for the Changelings She has also desided to seek out the other archives and discover the secrets of the crystal she carries with her. She comes to Ponyville seeking answers about the Crystal and to make amends with the main 6 who were involved with the invaision. She has spent a great deal of time and effort to befriend the six and make amends for the Changelings wrongs. She considers the Changelings her kind. During this time she has aided them and helped them, growing into a powerful Flutterling. To this day she doesn't know she is a Flutterling, which is the ancient true form of the Changelings. She has learned many languages during this time as well. She has learned Griffin, Breezie, Flutterling (Birth), Changeling, Equestrian Common, Language of Magic and Alicorn, Wing semifore and Unicorn.


She has the following abilities:


Heart Sense: part empathic, part telepathic ability. allows the detection of any and all emotions of the Heart. Can also be used to detect a being's motives.

Heart Link: Can link to any heart to allow for growth of already present Love.

Aura Magic (Aura usage varies between user.)

Hardened Carapace: Carapace armor that grants defensive resilience.

Many styled Wings: wing types are as varied as the colors of pony coats.

Shapeshifting: can assume any form the being has seen before.

tounges: can learn any language. Must be around said language for a few days to learn it. Can speak read and write any language they know.

Partial Pacifists: will resort to violence as a last resort. Never anger the Flutterling royalty.

Magic: can learn and cast spells as standard for unicorns. Aura magic is an advanced spell type for all Flutterlings.


Aura Magic: ancient form of magic thought to be lost. Can cast specialized spells from the different aura types or channel already know standard spell through the aura instead of the horn. Full body glows with aura colors.

current auras and their colors:

Pink/Love: also called a mother's love. This aura heals the user and to a lesser extent all ally targets with 30-60 feet of user. Can use Mother's Furry aura attack spell.


Silver/Hope: also called Valor's Light. This aura makes the user immune to fear. Grants allies within 30-60 feet a resistance to fear effects. Can use Valor's Wingstorm Aura Spell.


Red/anger or rage: This aura increases the users physical strength and endurance. Allies gain no benefit but the enemies are hit with a fear effect similar to an intimidation. Willpower to control, form looks to be more closely to a nightmare's form then normal. Can use Rage of the Ancients aura spell. (yes this aura spell is similar to rage of the gods/titans from god of war.)


Fear/Black: This is an aura that makes anyone cower in fear. Must consume fear for food to use. Aura user almost becomes fear itself. Allies and enemies in range must either face ther worst fear or looks away from user. Willpower to control, form becomes like that of greater Nightmare. Can use Nightmare's Curse aura spell.


Aura Sinc: can sinc two main aura as one aura. 100% Sinc Valor's Love aura. Combines the effects of both Valor's Light and Mother's Love Auras. Can use both aura spells.


(This is just her mainspells.)


The Final Evolution: It is the pinicle of a Flutterling's strength. Once achieved, a Flutterling is considered to have achieved maximum power. This evolution is the last of the three evolutions. It is also the hardest evolution to obtain. (conditions for final evolution is by DM discretion.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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As i said i love the idea of the pegasus paladin and I have some Interesting ideas for you him like one of the abilities I'm gonna give you is Devine storm where your patron deity strikes your enemies with a raging storm but where it harms tour enemies it also heals your allies and that's one of your ancestral powers

  • Brohoof 1
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As i said i love the idea of the pegasus paladin and I have some Interesting ideas for you him like one of the abilities I'm gonna give you is Devine storm where your patron deity strikes your enemies with a raging storm but where it harms tour enemies it also heals your allies and that's one of your ancestral powers

So like a summon-type spell? And who is Storm's patron deity?

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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No it wouldn't be a summoning it's more like yiur patron deity creates the storm out of nothing from thier realm and as for who your patron is I'll leave that up to you as explained in the world description post celestia and Luna have ascended to true deity and are most common patrons for equestrian devine users (warrior and caster types both) but patrons from outside the equestrian kingdom is also acceptable

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No it wouldn't be a summoning it's more like yiur patron deity creates the storm out of nothing from thier realm and as for who your patron is I'll leave that up to you as explained in the world description post celestia and Luna have ascended to true deity and are most common patrons for equestrian devine users (warrior and caster types both) but patrons from outside the equestrian kingdom is also acceptable

So they will just appear. Or when Storm 'call' them?

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Very good midnight now I need class information from you and yes you can use your gestaldt if you want

Storm would call to his deity and as a favor for yiur faith and service they would grant the storm to aid you and your allies

  • Brohoof 1
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Xeon was born an earth pony and at te age of five began to have magical abilities by the age of seven he grew a horn and at eight his body was being consumed by the magic itself he was taken to celestia who put a deal on him to limit his magic then she trained him to control his magic and slowly over time weakened the seal once celestia decided she had fought him all she could she sent him to twilight to study magic and also for twilight to study today the seal is very weak and he can break it ((conditions and repercussions set by dm)

His abilities are:

Body of earth: his body is larger and tougher then most unicorns due to his heritage

Celestial light: heals himself and allies with 60ft of him

Magic bolt: standered bolt of magic that tracks the target

Fire ball :ball of fire that explodes on impact causing splash damage

Crushing hand/hoof of the almighty: a portal opens and a large hoof/hand reaches out and grabs then crushes target

Stone flesh :hardens targets flesh to form a

Stone like armor

Blur :blurs allies makin them harder to hit track and hit


These are just some of his abilities

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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those would be your unicorn spells (racial). Your class spells and skills stack on top of your unicorn magic.


And as for the limiter once it is broken you will gain your wings and ascend to your alicorn state.


Need your cutie Mark also and special purpose those will tie into some of the ancestral powers I will grant you

Also I love your back story as you have been a student of twilight sparkle you and midnight would at least be acquainted with crysteels seeking knowledge from twilight and you both had helped the main six at various times together

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As a sorc unless you have specific archetype you want to follow i would suggest useing damaging spells mostly mixed with some buff and debuff a few mind affecting too like maybe sleep ot enchant detect magic read magic knock and magic missile are standards thus you have them

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This should give a basic idea about Chrysteel.


She is like a gustalt from the Unearthed Arcana book.


Classes: Ranger/Rogue


1st favored enemy, track, wild empathy, 2nd favored enemy, Woodland stride, Swift Tracker, 3rd favored enemy, Camouflage, 4th favored enemy, hide in plain site, 5th favored enemy, Detect magical traps, improved evasion, uncanny dodge, sneak attack, trap sense, improved disable traps, search and perception, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Crippling Strike, Defensive Roll, Opportunist, Skill Mastery (Perception, Search, Disable Traps, Survival, Sneak, Bluff, Perform, Gather Info, knowledge (Dungeoneering))



Early Animal Companion

Two-Weapon Fighting


Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Greater Two-Weapon Fighting

Improved Initiative

Combat Reflexes



Spring attack

Two-Weapon Pounce

Skills focus (Search and Perception)

Versatile Performer (highest skill: Sing Chosen skill: dance and acting)



Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Traps, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (local), Lockpicking, Perception, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Sneak, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device and Use Rope, Concentration, Handle Animal (Cha), Heal, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Ride, Survival,


Ranger spell list:


Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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