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open The day to day.


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((OOC link and my OC Abide.))





It was like any other day in the city of Manehattan. Ponies shouting, taxis nearly hitting pedestrians, street merchants trying to sail random junk to anyone who pass them by. Even a few musician playing a guitar, saxophone or even a glockenspiel for a little bit of change.


Each one going though the daily motions of the day to day.


Abide was one of them. She roaming around with the store, grabbing anything that looked good to her. Sneaking a drink or bite or two while no one was looking.  She payed for most of them and left, wondering aimlessly while she snacked on what she got. 


This was her life now, no goal, no ambition, not even bathing for a week or two. 


And she wouldn't have it any other way.


Because this was her day to day.


((*Hehe* I rhymed.)) 

Edited by Gloomfury
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(awesome finishing line.)


ruby wandered into the city, looking about. she found a good-looking shop, and walked in. she selected an apple tart, but quickly discovered she had no money left. 



she grinned sheepishly, and ran out, taking the apple tart. "sigh...i guess i need a job..." she said, as she started looking around for a newspaper that was left on the ground. "heh...caliber would've never had to get a job...but i guess this is now my" 


dramatic build up


"day to day."


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Abide, drinking from a carton of milk she bought at the store, kept roaming the streets not really looking for anything to do. But open to it is something douse catch her eye.  She munched on a few chips that he kept in her bathrobes pocket while she kept wondering. As she did she came across a young mare looking at thew ground, as is she was searching for something. 


She stopped there and watched her, for no real reason other then she was curious of what she was doing.  As she looked at her though her sunglasses she kept drinking from her carton of milk.

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"aha!" ruby exclaimed, as she picked up a newspaper. "now..." she sat on the ground, and started flipping though the pages, looking for the job section. "huh? whats that?" she kept reading. "i...dont know what any of these are..." she chuckled. "ah, thats manehatten for ya...maybe i could jut do odd jobs..." she threw the paper in the trash, and continued on her merry way.

Edited by PeytonJay


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Jackie was finally finished with her shift at the construction site, sweating slightly from the sunlight. She had been working since midnight, but didn't complain. Any work she could get was food on the table and a roof over her head. Its not like it was a terribly hard gig, its just that the pay was meager, barely enough to get by. What else can you do?


As she walked that familiar route home, every step practically in the same spot she had taken it yesterday, Jackie remained silent, listening to the music playing in her ear. As diverse as Manehattan was, it still surprised her to see the same ponies walking the same direction every day, no change in course, no alternate destination. Its as if everyone in this city had nothing better to do. Including herself.


Although, she will admit: the pony in the bathrobe was new.

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Abide watch the strange mare walk off.  It would seem she was looking for a job. She could have helped. But she didn't really feel like going out of her way. Not because she was mean, it's because she was too lazy. But if the mare asked she would help. They might meet again, but until them Abide just shrugged and walked off another way.


Her head locked on another interesting looking mare walking her way. She was all brown and had glasses. She slowed down a little so she look at her.  Thinking she couldn't tell thanks to her dark sunglasses.

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Jackie wasn't quite sure what to think of the mare in the bathrobe and sunglasses, she felt like she was being watched by her. She tried to ignore it but as soon as she passed by, she involuntarily looked back to see if the other pony was still looking.


Jackie still wasn't sure. She pulled the ear bud from her ear and let it hang, the sound of classic rock belting from the device. She paused and war red with herself on confronting the pony, eventually settling calling out to her.


"Can I help you?"

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Abide didn't really give a reaction. She just kept looking at the mare with an even expression on her face. She looked at her a little and took a sip of milk. "Not really." He said, leaving a bit of a long pause. "You're cute. I just felt like looking at you. I like ponies with glasses." She reached into her robes pocket and pulled out a bag of corn chips. "Chip?"

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Jackie cocked an eyebrow at the pony, just... utterly confused. How was she supposed to take a compliment from a mare in a bathrobe that was currently holding out a bag of corn chips to a complete stranger? Then again, was she really that picky? She then vaguely remembered eating pasta that had been in the fridge for three months, knowing that she was capable of worse things. Shrugging, ruffled the bag a bit to slide a chip onto her hoof and accidentally ended up with four instead.


She looked at her hoof and looked back at the mare, her expression unchanged, as far as she could tell. "Um, whoops. Want the others back?"

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She smiled. "Nah, chips are better in a bundle." She chuckled before grabbing a few herself and putting the bag back in her pocket. She washed it down with a little more milk. When the carton was empty she tossed it in a dumpster.  "Name's Abide. But you can call me Abs or Abby or the Apster. I don't mind either way."

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"Abide? I'm Jackie. No nicknames that I'm aware of." As was courteous, she gestured to shake, only to remember that she still had chips. She sighed lightly and shoved the chips in her mouth, chewing them quickly. Wiping a few crumbs from her lips, she found herself hesitating to speak again. Not that she was nervous or anything, but it just felt a little out of place. The mare in front of her was unnervingly calm and she found herself a little... envious? She was a laid back pony herself, but Abide here seemed like she invented the idea. "What's going on, Abide? How's the day treatin' you?"

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"Pretty well I must say." She nod, looking around a little. "A worm cloudy day, calm collection of loud noises and such." She chuckled. "It's all mellow in its own since." She paused again for a bit. "Jackie, hu? ... Never met a mare with that name before. Most would have a name like Storm Breeze or Calm Summer or something...  It's cute." She smiled. "I got my name from my grandma. She use to work in a place that print dictionaries and it was her favorite word. ...Now that I think about I think that made me her favorite grand kid... Huh..." She smiled again with a chuckled.


She looked back  at Jackie. " So you're a handy mare? Hope you don't mind I looked at your flank a few times." She said randomly and in a way it was like she was talking about the weather. 

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She blushed through a forced frown at the 'flank' comment. "Uh, thanks?" Abide was perverted in such a nonchalant way that it threw her off. Most comments like that that came easily were accompanied by a betraying body language, but there was none whatsoever. She didn't think it was possible for someone to be this chilled out. Her tail instinctively flicked once or twice as she regarded the mare with a hard look.


"Handy mare, yeah. I work over at the construction site around the corner." She and the one other female worker got enough catcalls from their co-workers, all stallions. Having a mare call it out wasn't unwelcome, but a thought crossed her mind that caused her heart to skip a beat. Jackie figured she was pretty good at not appearing to... dyk-ish, but it seemed to seep out more than she thought. Maybe. Abide might just hit on girls, regardless of that. She decided to try and insert a little humor onto her side, see if she could gain some ground in this conversation. "Can't say the same for your 'asset'. It's all covered up."

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"You can seem my face can you?" She smiled. "But I don't mind reveling a little more." She said in a sultry tone before taking off her sunglasses to show her purple eyes. "I wouldn't mind taking off my rob, but I'm too comfortable to do it. Sorry." She placed her shades on top of her head.   "You're cuter in the light." She said randomly again. 

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It was difficult to maintain that frown and even then, she could feel it slowly give way a smirk. Abide had very pretty eyes, but she didn't say so. Somehow, she knew Abide caught on, considering how Jackie stared at them for a few seconds. She shook herself free of her little 'zoning out' session and proceeded to stumble over a simple 'thank you', fiddling with with her ear bud, which she promptly remembered wasn't in her ear.


Jackie was losing control of the situation, control she never had to begin with and Abide didn't seem to budge. She needed something to distract her, but the thought of her flank being looked at so blatantly kept mixing her up. "Umm... so, what do you do, Abide?" Yeah, that's a quality question, Jackie.

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 "I'm unemployed. Had a crappy job for a few years. Quite it, sold my house, moved here and now I live how I want to." She shrugged. She stared into Jackie's eyes and glasses with a relaxed expression on her face. "Brown really suites you. You're the same kinda brown as a teddy bear I had when I was a kid. What was her name..." She scratched her chin as she thought about. "Oh, Fluffster. That was it." She laughed, still feeling relaxed.

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"Well, you seem to be having an easy time with it. Kind of wish I could just quit my job, buuuut rent and all that... Fluffster's a cute name." Jackie still had her own ursa minor teddy bear from her childhood. Was that silly? Regardless, she stood there, the resulting silence making her feel a bit awkward. She caught herself looking down at her coat, imagining a young Abide cuddling a small teddy bear.


Looking back at the mare, Jackie sighed. She was usually okay at keeping herself focused, but Abide so casually threw her off, she couldn't help but also think about the last time she had actually hung out with anyone. How to word this... "So, you got any plans today, Abby?"

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Abide thought about it a bit. "Not really. Maybe doing a little bowling tonight. Other then that nothing. I was just grabbing some snacks while doing...well... nothing. I just sometimes wonder off and take a walk whenever the mood hits me. Usually have a good time. I met you today so that's something." She smiled.


"... You wanna go take a nap under a tree? I haven't done it in a while, but I feel like taking a nap under a tree."

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Jackie was so jealous of her. That was exactly the lifestyle she wanted to achieve but couldn't afford. Maybe if she stopped worrying so much about money, her life could get a little more relaxing.


"A nap?" Well, how about that. First step to relaxing shall be taking a nap, if she could get comfortable enough to do so. Jackie had never slept outside before, but no better time to start than now.


"Hmm... How about that big tree in the park? Its wide open and shady enough."

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Abide smiled. "Now you're talking. Come on." She placed an arm around Jackie's shoulder and led her to the park. She put her sunglasses back on while she walked with her. "Hope you don't mind. I stay up a lot so my eyes are kinda sensitive to bright lights now." She said looking at her. "Don't worry, you still look cute." 

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"Nah, I don't mind. I know how that feels on your eyes, though mine don't hurt for too long." She casually shrugged off the compliment, hoping that Abide's sunglasses couldn't see the red on her cheeks. She was enjoying the praise and wished she didn't feel too self-conscious about returning it. Frankly, it felt like her new friend knew which buttons to push. Or was she that easy to read?

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It didn't take them too long to get to the park. Abide led them to a large tree that had a pretty big shadow under it. She pulled her arm from around Jackie and lied down. She took her sunglasses off again and put them above her head next to the tree.   Then she put an arm under her head while closing her eyes. "You can use me belly as a pillow of you want. I'm built for comfort not for speed."

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"Heh. That's my line." Jackie stretched out a bit before kneeling down tot he ground next to Abide. Her belly was open and inviting, but she... Well, it was normal to be hesitant around others you barely knew. Abide either didn't know or she knew and just flat out didn't care. With a couple of jerky motions, Jackie laid down stiffly next to the mare, her head raised above her belly.

"Screw it." Gently resting her head on Abide's warm belly, Jackie looked up at the tree, suddenly focused in the leaves. She was still nervous and tried to not act like she was. In fact, this was never how she acted. She was always very open and often strayed into others' personal space, so why was she so...?

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 Abide breathed in and out slowly, making her chest go up and down, along with her belly. She was starting to feel really comfortable with Jackie lying on her. She opened her eyes a few times to look up at the leaves as well. But it didn't take her long to get tired. But before she fell asleep she started stroking Jackie's mane a little, not really having a reason for it. She kept doing it till she finally falling asleep.  

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Jackie accidentally let out a little noise when Abide began stroking her mane, one of surprise and contentedness. She LOVED having someone touch her mane and without really caring, she showed it by pushing slightly against Abide's touch.


She was just a little disappointed when the feeling subsided, seeing that the mare under her head had fallen asleep. Too peaceful. However, Jackie didn't attempt to fall asleep immediately. Without moving, she looked out of the corner of her eye, studying the mare but not wanting to wake her. This was turning out to be a strange day.

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