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"Oh." Novelle was shocked to hear such an interesting pony was dead, but glad his memory lived on. Moving on, she noticed the movie was over and the credits were on the screen. She decided to ignore that fact.


"So, Ruby, how long are you staying in Manehatten? I'm staying still the end of the summer with my distant cousin's place. And do you have a place to stay. I heard something about you staying somewhere but I was busy reading my book then."

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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@@Troubleshoes Clyde


"ah, im staying here for about a couple of weeks. im just trying to get some money, to get to the next town. i might stay a little longer, cause i met some friends, but make no mistake. im not here to stay forever. oh, and im staying here." she gestured around them.


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 Abide smiled and Jackie latched onto her arm. It felt really nice. She kept holding her hoof while the watched the movie. She also chuckled when she did. She started thing of putting in a funny kung fu movie next. After the movie was done She leaned lightly on Jackie. "So did you like it? If you want, I got some funnier action movies we can watch." 

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Jackie gasped and nodded her head vigorously, hugging up to her like she was urging her to do so. "That would be great! I think comedy kung-fu is the best thing ever! I think Kung Pow: Enter the Hoof was one of the greatest ones ever! All the purposefully bad lip-syncing and parodies worked together so well!" 

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Abide eyes went wide as she stared at Jackie for about a minute. But without warning she hugged her tightly, knocking them both over. "I think you're my soul mate. That is one of my favorite movies of all time. "Gentlemen, from this day forward you will all refer to my by the name, Betty." " She then did a spot on impression of Betty's laugh, before laughing herself.

Edited by Gloomfury
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@,@, @@Gloomfury,


"Oh, nice. If must be cool moving from town to town like that." Novelle then lay on her pillow, watching Abide change the movie. She grabbed another slice of the yummy pizza, and thought about how wonderful her night was so far. She had received a book that while she had to give back, she could photocopy the pages, so she could read the info while not having to worry about damaging the book. She had become friendly with Ruby, and even though she had barely spoken to Abide and the other mare since coming here, Novelle would say she friendly with them too.

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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 Abide laughed. "Damn right I do. I also got a few other classic comedy movies. Like blazing saddles, space balls, young Frankinpony And the princess bride.  Oh! Lets mix in some comedies in the marathon." She smiled as she kept hugging Jackie, nuzzling her a little hear and there.  

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"You have the movie collection I always wanted!" She leaned a heavy hug into the mare, pressing her muzzle into something. It felt like her neck. In her excitement, she didn't realize that she kind of squished her a bit. With a small yelp, she pushed herself off of Abide, but didn't move much farther than that. "Sorry about that. I know you were very clear about liking me, but that doesn't mean I can throw myself at you."

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Abide chuckle. "It's cool, Jackie. I understand. As long as you don't mind a little bit of affection from me now and then. You're just too cute when you're shy." She giggled. I'll go put the movie in, maybe grab some more soda while I'm up." She got up off her pillow and head to put the movie in. But before she did she leaned down and kissed Jackie's nose. "And That's about as far as I'll take my affection. For now." She smiled and went to put the movie in.

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Jackie turned beet red but took the opportunity to have a happy freak out while Abide had her back turned. It was a kiss! On the nose, but a kiss! She quickly straightened up as soon as the mare turned around and simply smiled at her. She really needed to calm herself down; she was acting almost like a little girl, too excited and jumpy. She was a mature pony. Time to conduct yourself as such... Yeah, like that'll work. 

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 Abide head to the kitchen to get another bottle of soda and cane came back. She took her seat next to Jackie again, putting the bottle on the table. She leaned back again, stretching her legs out so she could get more comfortable.  And considering she just kissed Jackie without warning, she thought she should hold off a bit. She didn't want to come on too strong.

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"Oh man... did she see me freak out?" Jackie stuck to her mature act, but it failed every so often, mainly because of the movie they were watching. She wondered if she was making a fool of herself... she munched quietly on her food, glancing over at Abide every so often. She wanted to say something, even if it was just simple.

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 Abide's attention was mostly focused on the movie. Not because she was forcing herself but because she really liked this movie. She laughed at every funny part and had a smile on her face that wouldn't go away. But when it got to the part when the chosen one was fighting Betty and the chosen one's master told everyone whet he learned about metal claws, she started laughing even more till she fell over. Leaning on Jackie. " "Th-they hurt like crap man!" AHAHAAHAAHAA!" 

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Jackie chuckled lightly, looking down at the mare as she lost it. She found that funnier than the movie, mainly because this was the most outwardly emotive that Abide had been since they met. She pat the mare on the shoulder, laying her head on the back of the couch. Then, out of nowhere, a yawn hit her. "That's right... I've been off-shift for a few hours now. Looks like that nap didn't do it well enough." She stifled the yawn quickly and went back to watching the movie.

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 Abide calmed down a little. But she laughed wholeheartedly at each part she thought was funny. Abide use to bottle up whenever she thought something was funny. She wouldn't even smile. But now she was free of her old way of life she's more outright. She laughs when she thinks somethings funny. She smiles when she's feeling happy.  


When the movie got to the end, Abide drank another  slice of pizza and drank about half a bottle of soda before letting out a yawn herself. "Damn. I'm getting sleepy. And we only watched two movies."

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"Nooo, we gotta stay awake! Its imperative we do so!" Jackie stretched and shook herself roughly trying to jar herself awake, but it never lasted for long. She was having too much fun to just crash now. "I'll get us some more caffeine." She hopped off the couch and walked over to the kitchen to pour them more soda, quickly coming back.

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@,@, @@Gloomfury,


Novelle after watched the movie on the TV screen for a while. it was funny and she enjoyed it but she found herself falling asleep. She curled up into a ball on the ground, snuggling into a nearby blanket. After being asleep for a while, she began softly snoring.

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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Abide smiled. "Alrigty then. I like staying up anyway. I became quite the master of it. " She took her drink from Jackie and drank most of it. "Also I've been drinking soda most of my life, so I got  bit of a tolerance to it. I also kinda need it now. Just to keep my energy up." 


@@Troubleshoes Clyde,


 When Abide heard Novelle's snoring he looked down at her. he smiled again. "Look like someone ain't a night pony." She picked up another blanket and put it over her to be nice. 

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"Nah, she's out like a light. Lightweight." Jackie stifled another yawn as they went, staying awake like a champ. "I've stayed up for days before this... this is nothing." Her head dropped for a brief second and she snapped awake. "Okay okay, how do you do it? What are your secrets, Abide?"

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 "Years of practice, sweetheart. I use to stay up a lot as a kid. Mostly studying.  And when I got older, work. But the thing is to have something that makes you want to stay awake. When you have something interesting and fun you wake up a little. That and you drink a lot of soda that you wont get a sugar crash till the next day.  Or you could just listen to loud music. Or anything loud for that matter."

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"i dont really sleep all that much..." ruby admitted. "its just something that ingrains itself into you after traveling for a while. but when i do sleep, im gonna be out for around a day." she shrugged, and got up to get some more food. "but hey, thats just me." she said, as she grabbed a soda.


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Jackie thought for a moment, cocked her head and began to make a loud noise, trying to imitate a siren. After about ten seconds, she stopped, apologizing quietly. Based on Abide's explanation, she didn't want to her to think that she was bored. She could do this! She could stay awake! Jackie urged her body to stay awake just a little while longer. "I'm doing good! I'm still here!"

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Abide winced a little as Jackie made her noises.  When she was done she rubbed her ear a bit. "Well, you must really want to stay up. " She got up and went over to her turntable that was in a brown wooden box, against a wall with a picture of her and a few stallions in bowling jerseys and a few alleys behind them. 


She started looking though a milk case next to the turntable that was fill with records. Some large some small. After a short skim though them till she found what she was looking for. She pulled the record out of its sheet and placed it on the turntable, turning it on and placed the needle on it.


She walked over to Jackie and took her hoof and led her to an open space of the room. "Then lets give dancing a try." When the music turned on she started dancing, egging Jackie to join her. 




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Jackie chuckled weakly. She wasn't a good dancer, by god, she wasn't going to let it stop her! Granted, she didn't really know how to dance, either. Did you just... move you hooves around? Concentrating, she began to sort of hop around a bit, zipping back and forth between each one. She was sure she saw someone doing this once. "This is how it goes right?"

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