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@@Gloomfury,@@Troubleshoes Clyde,@,  


Jackie grabbed herself a plate and two slices of pizza before sitting down next to Abide. The couch was incredibly comfortable and well-worn, and there was almost no way to lay on it wrong. She immediately scooted a little closer to their hostess, but not too close as to make it difficult for her to eat. She gladly ate, thanking Novelle for the food, and even dipped the crust in the dip when she got to it. The previews were showing, allowing everyone to get settled quickly.

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Abide stretched her legs out under the table an leaned back a little. She eat her first slice of pizza fairly quickly and then grabbed another, eating a little slower this time.  During the previews, she thought about Jackie's reaction when she told her she liked her. It was kinda cute, but she could also tell that Jackie wasn't very good at handling those kind of situations.  


"Hey, Jackie. If me saying things like that make you uncomfortable, I'll stop if you want me too."

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Jackie looked at her for a moment before hastily swallowing the bite she had in her mouth. She then cleared her throat, and shook her head. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable, it's just that I'm... how do I say this... not used to it. Heh." She looked back down at her pizza, blushing a bit. It had been years since anyone had told her that and it was almost like a new thing. She wasn't uncomfortable at all, but rather super happy. Without looking at her, still red in the cheeks, Jackie flicked her tail at Abide, the smallest smirk on her face.

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ruby was getting a head-start, picking up some trash. but when the previews started, she jumped over the couch, and grabbed three slices. she started chomping down, and watched the TV. 


"so," she said, "this is the first time iv been in a home. its nice." she said. "should i just...live here, until im ready to head on the the next town?" she asked. "it'll be around a couple weeks..."


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Abide smiled. "Considering how cute you are I would think that you bet hit on a lot. Me on the other hoof. I think cause of the way I dress they think I'm homeless or something. So I had to make myself the one to approach. But when it came to ponies I find attractive I just end up staring at them. Like with you. But you were the first one not to walk off thinking I was being creepy or something."




When Ruby asked her question, Abide look up to her.  "That's cool. I don't mind. "

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"Eh... my size kind of throws off a lot of potential dates. But I'll be honest, I wasn't sure what to think of you at first. You came across not as creepy, but a little suspicious. Glad I didn't walk off~. But I think it's great how you live your life. Others can have good jobs, big houses, and all that crap, but they're never really satisfied. Life should be simple." Far more comfortable now, Jackie leaned back and relaxed her back, taking every chance she could to inch closer to Abide. 

Edited by x0jackie0x
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"I think that way too. I use to be a workaholic when I lived in Canterlot. I was a stenographer for a few high class law firms. I got payed well but I never spend it on anything. Just my house, supplies and food. I was just too wrapped up in my work. I never even had time to make friends. And cause of that I started to get very severely stressed. I had a panic attack once or twice.  


But one day when I was working... I just stopped. My job consists of me looking at my keyboard and listening to what everyone says. But for the first time I looked at everyone. I've been working with some of them for a few years, but I never seen what they  looked like till that day.  And I didn't really like what I saw. Everyone looked like they had their shear of stress. For some it aged them, and some were younger them me.


So, I just stood up and walked out. I quite the next day."

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"Oh wow... yeah, I don't blame you. I would've done the same thing." Jackie felt a little thankful that her job wasn't too stressful. Money was the main cause of it and her job was simply the means to an end. Her life was as easy as it could get at the moment. It left her tired, hungry and annoyed at times, but nothing's better than having the time to relax. "Did you get any angry looks on your way out the day you quit?"

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Abide chuckled. "Yeah. My boss was pretty angry about it. But when I gave him my resignation he then tried to talk me out of it. Mostly because whenever someone was having their day off or something I was the go to mare to call to fill in. But I'm glad I quite. Plus I got enough money that I'm set for life. I got this house pretty cheep. And I mostly buy food, sometimes movies, records. The most expensive thing in this house is the TV. And it was a gift from my cousin."

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Novelle lied down on the ground watching the movie. It was pretty good. She chomped into a slice of pizza, enjoying the taste of fresh pizza. She heard Abide and the other mare whispering to each other behind her, while the other mare was just there watching the movie, like her. She turned back to the movie, just glad she didn't go to a show tonight and went here instead.

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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@@Gloomfury,@@Troubleshoes Clyde,  


"You are so damn lucky... I would give anything to have a life like this." She sighed, half jealous, half content, and continued to eat. She already knew she was doomed to work for the rest of her life, but it could be far worse. The movie was reaching an intense part, which she sort of focused on. It was an interesting movie, but she was happier just being here. She also wanted some more pizza. She leaned over a tad and asked Abide if she wanted anymore.

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ruby glanced at abide talking about her way of life. "you know what? thats not too different from being a traveler, or wanderer. adventurer, or whatever y'all call us. we travel from place to place, living off berries, and plants. until we get to civilization. then we do stuff like this." she gestured around her. "yeah, its a pretty care-free life. but it ain't really all that safe, though." she patted her sword. 

Edited by PeytonJay


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"In a bit, I'm going for the dip." She grabbed two chips and got a big scoop of dip. After plopping it in her mouth and eating, she drank some soda to wash it down. "And I'm sure everyone dose. But a life of being super stressed really made me go for it. You'll get to your time. I'm sure of it." She moved closer to her and rest her head on Jackie's shoulder. Cause she was a bit taller then Abide, it was a little more comfortable. She also placed a hoof on hers, just because.

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(lol, i just now realized gloomfury's avatar is rainbow and scoots.)


ruby shrugged, looking at the two, and focused on the movie. she ate some more pizza, and chips, but didnt take anymore than that, since she's already had a lot. 


"so..." she said to the other mare, "whats your name?"


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Jackie smiled again when she felt Abide's hoof on hers, especially so when she rested her head on her shoulder. How quick was too quick? She'll admit, she missed the cuddling, the... kissing, but she was so out of game that she didn't really know what to do next. For the time being, she pulled herself as close as she could to Abide, feeling how warm she was against her. This was nice. Watching awesome yet cheesy kung fu movies with someone, being comfortable without stressing out...

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Abide stay like that though most of the movie, occasionally grabbing something to eat and drink with her free hoof from time to time. She was glad that she met Jackie today. She really think about moving too fast or slow, she was just going with what she felt. She wanted to be close to her, she wanted to hold her hoof. She even wanted to kiss her. But considering she's been eating a lot of food that would most likely make her breath smell kinda bad, she hold off on that until she eat something a little more pleasant. Like a peach or a lemon bare. 


But for now, this was more then fine. But she give her a light nuzzle now and then. 

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Novelle saw, out of the corner of her eye, the mare around her age ask her what her name was. "Oh, hey. My name is Novelle. What's your name? I don't think I caught it earlier? And are you enjoying the movie, by the way? I loved the bit where his hooves turned to stone."


She then realised that she was still wearing her saddlebags. She began to unbuckle the strap around her midriff slowly, hoping no one would notice her doing it.

Edited by Troubleshoes Clyde

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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@@Troubleshoes Clyde


ruby grinned. "my name is Ruby, swordsmare extraordinaire!" she said proudly. she was focusing on the movie. "and yeah, i liked that bit. but i liked the sword fight better." she grinned. "novelle, right? well met." she held out her hoof for a shake.


'today was a good day.' she thought. 'lots of new friends, and a place to stay at!'


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Novelle shook Ruby's hoof gladly. "Nice, you're a swordsmare! That's really cool. Eh, me I'm an aspiring author. Hoping to publish a book in a year or two. Actually, can I ask you something?"


Finding, that the buckle wouldn't budge, Novelle started squirming so that she could slip it off that way. 'By Celestia, I hope no one thinks I'm wrong in the head or something.' she though.

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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"author, huh? hold on, i think i have a book..." she dug around in her bag, and produced a dusty, worn, ragged book. it looked like someone had scribbled 'Caliber's Adventure Log' across the front.


"this belonged to caliber, the wanderer. i dont know if you've heard of him before, but he used to be the 4th best swordsman in equestria. this was his book that he wrote his adventures in." she passed it to her. "just be sure to not tear it, or anything."


she heard the question. "sure, fire away! ill be happy to answer anything!"


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Novelle looked at Ruby in disbelief. "Really, I can have this." She looked at a few pages, savouring ever word. She squealed in delight. "Oh, thank you, thank you. How can ever repay you? I have been looking for ages on a unfiltered account of battles and stuff. I used to believe the Daring Do books did the job, but after Tirek, even though I didn't actually fight him or anything, I saw Princess Twilight get blasted into a mountain side and well, Daring's fights are rather one sided if you think about it."


Then, Novelle realised she hadn't ask the question she was meant to ask earlier. "This is just out of curiosity, but have you ever met a changeling on your travels? I have read lots about them in my local library back home but half of them were just assumptions made before the attack a while back and proven false."

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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There came a point in the movie where the main character was getting the crap kicked out of him and Jackie laughed a bit, nudging Abide a bit. Kung-fu movies were always serious and frankly, that's what made her crack up. After her little bout of minor insanity ceased, she leaned back, sighing and latched on to the mare's arm. She was truly enjoying herself for the first time in a long time. However, she remembered it wasn't just them and sat up a little straighter. She really needed to get over that.

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ruby's eyes widened. "erm...well, until its time for me to go, that is. im not giving you the book, its kinda important to me..." she smiled weakly. "but your welcome to look at it any time, im fine with that."


when she was asked the question about the changeling, she frowned. "i...dont think so. but its in here somewhere..." she flipped through the book, and pointed to an entry. "here, caliber's met one!"


March 5th, 756.

I met a changeling, today! He said that he'd been 'disconnected' to his hive, and he was trying to find a way of life in Equestria. i helped him out, and gave him some money, directions to the next, town, and whatnot. But he was really...Nice. I didn't expect a changeling to be so nice to a pony like myself. I asked him to demonstrate his powers, and he immediately transformed into me! It was truly an amazing sight. I asked him if when he changed, does he inherit skill, or strength, but he said no. I then asked him if he was well-versed in combat, and he said yes. He was rather good, I even had to use my 'Way of the Wanderer' stance on him, but I eventually won out. He said his name was Remental. Weird name if I ever heard one! One more thing...He said he could fly like a pegasus, cast spells like a unicorn, and he was as strong as earth ponies. Does...Does that make the entire changeling empire royalty, since the're technically alicorns? Just some food for thought. I'm gonna end this entry here, but I'll update if I meet him again.

                                                                                                                ~Caliber, the Wanderer


Ruby grinned. "i knew he's met a changeling!"

Edited by PeytonJay


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When Novelle heard that Ruby would need it back when she was going, she was disheartened but still glad she could get her hoofs on a book like this. "Hey, is it ok if I get this book photocopied. I know I can't keep it but if I had photocopies of the pages, I would probably be even better than having the hard copy sine it wouldn't be as worn. Plus, if this Caliber meet more mythical creatures, I could give more realistic descriptions of them in my stories." Then wondering where Ruby got this book, she asked, "Where did you get it, anyway? I would love to know. Maybe even meet this guy in the flesh! That would be amazing!"

Dun dun ddduuuuuuuunnnnnn!

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ruby smiled sadly. "he's...dead." she said. "the cloak im wearing was his, and so was this sword." she unsheathed it. "along with that book...he left them to me. in his will." she sighed. "he left these things to whoever discovered his will. and that happened to be me."


"and sure, you can photocopy it. just...dont sell it, okay?" she said, a little happier.


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