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"Yep that's right! Spellbind is my name!" said Spell confirmed. Before she could say more White Wing suddenly ran off. Apparently she had "forgotten Sparkle".


She looked at Caramel. "I want to be on that ship again... with our family..." She went up to Caramel and nuzzled her closely. "S-sister..."

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Caramel hugged her back "Lets go to bed sister, White will know where to find us in the morning." Caramel said with a smile. She drank the last of her drink and then headed upstairs while she still hugged Spellblind. With this job, she could finally find the old crew again.


(ooc: the feels ;-; )

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"Sparkle Sparkle Get up! c'mon i have too tell ya something"after much yelling and pokeing white decided it was no use and serched sparkle's saddle bag she found:one torch, a book, a map, a picture of the ship and as she removed it a small box fell out (what the?) she felt a compulsion to open it and when she did (OH MY GOSH OH MY GHOSH OHMYGOSHOMYGOSHOHMYGOSH he does plan on proposing) she quickly nabbed the ring and popped back to the tavern and sat next to caramel "girls you won't believe what i've found. i got a picture and this"*white pulls out the ring*"do you know what this means? wait whered you go?"


a few stallions spotted the ring and walked over"hey babe your not wering that so your free?"

white turned too face him "oh its like super sweet that you guys think im cute. yeah guys like you make me feal like totally barfing"

"ouch that was cold" one of the stallions picked her up and held her by the neck "now behave like a good little mare now we wouldn't want anything BAD too happen now would we?" the other stallion pulls out a knife and holds it too her neck 

white gulps "uh oh" she mutters tooo herself

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"Congrats, that's great.... just awesome...for you.'' Caramel said trying to put on a smile. She hated wedding and everything that had to do with it but she didn't wanna ruin that for White. "but we are going to bed so goodnight.'' Caramel said while walking away.

She stopped and turned around when she heard the stallions coming in. "You leave her alone or ye gotta deal with me." Caramel said while her mane and eyes turned blue. She could feel her strength rising with every step closer to the stallions. She grabbed her dagger as she took another step closer. "Get lost!"

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Spellbind was frightened and shocked at what was happening. Still, she had an idea. She pulled off her hat to reveal her deformed horn.


"Let he go without hurting her," she commanded to the two stallions. "I may have a deformity, but I can still use magic. It just doesn't happen correctly. And I don't know what it might do."

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Tech stopped and turned to the pony, "Yes, is there something I can help you with?"


Ruby and Sapphire yawns. The look to eachother. "Long night?" Says Ruby. "Yup." Says Sapphire. The two wait by Tech's sides ready for anything.


Tech waits for the stranger to respond.

Treasure tried to hide her surprise as the clockwork fillies spoke. "Just wanted to say hello. You three seemed interesting. My name's Treasure Trove. I'm new in town, just come up from Horseshoe Bay, and while I haven't been too far from home, I haven't ever seen anything like these fillies. I was curious, and I wanted to meet you."


Then the commotion over by the bar caught her attention. "Uh oh. Looks like I picked the wrong time to step away from the bar." She glanced at the three ponies beside her. "Uh, sorry to cut it short, but those mares are outnumbered. I'm gonna go see if I can lend a hoof." Treasure started towards the bar, calmly at first, but ready to run in if things went bad.

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Tech says, "Sapphire, defense protocol alpha. Combat mode authorized. Ruby, can you please remove the young lady from his grasp. Combat mode authorized."


Tech also steps over to the three. "Gentlecolts any problems. I would suggest you put the lady down, before my Ruby does it for you."


Sapphire takes a defensive ready stance. Ruby takes a combat offensive stance. her horn begins to spark with energy and glows red. "I can and will do so. My papa didn't design us the way he did for nothing."

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Treasure strolled up to set a hoof on a stallion's shoulder. "Now, now, I don't think there's any need for fuss. In fact, I'm sure these gentlecolts were just leaving." She leaned in close to the stallion, her hoof tightening just a bit around his neck as she gave the best threatening smile she could. "Isn't that right, friend?"

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the stallions looked around out numbered they dropped white and made a run for it 

"oww why does this keep happening too me?"white looked up too see several mares and a stallion standing around her "aww thanks that's the second time my flank's been saved today." white then remembered something" sparkle's ring did they take it?"

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Caramel mane was still glowing, but she started to calm down. She slowly put away her dagger as she kept glaring at the stallions until they ran out the door. She turned to white ''Äre ye okay? I hope they didn't hurt you. Should I get Sparkle to come down here?"

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"that would be great thanks Caramel we're staying in a hotel across the street in room number 5 on the second floor"white looked at herself"no i don't think im hurt"white then looked over too spellbind "well ain't that somthin' you risked embarrassing yourself for me"white gave spellbind a hug"i guess we're even now huh i help you two you help me eh?"

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Ruby hands her the item. "They tried. I used my psionic grip on it. It shouldn't be damaged."


Tech smiles at Ruby. "Good Ruby. That there is a good deed. Returning an item to its rightful owner."


Tech turns to the mare. "They really should learn not to mess with mares, when there are those willing to help her."

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white looked at the pony handing her the ring and bent down " thank-you. you know i bet my boyfriend would be really interested by you. he's told me stories of his old job and what happened"white got back up"did you create them yourself?"she said too Tech " their cute"

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Caramel walked upstairs, looking for the room White and Sparkle stayed in. Her mane turned back to normal as she calmed herself a bit. Her eyes where still glowing though. "Room number 4 if I'm correct" Caramel said to herself. She knocked on the door, only to notice it was already open. "Sparkle, ye in there? White has been hurt, we need ye downstairs. Sparkle ye there?" Caramel looked around the room but didn't see him. "I'm sure this is the right room." she said to herself out loud.

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white looked at the pony handing her the ring and bent down " thank-you. you know i bet my boyfriend would be really interested by you. he's told me stories of his old job and what happened"white got back up"did you create them yourself?"she said too Tech " their cute"

Tech says, "I did. They are prototypes for my new TC series. They are nearly sentient life forms. They only lack the learning programs for understanding and experiencing emotions. For now there are only the two. I am hoping once Shela is complete to create up to six of them. One to represent each of the six elements. But that is so they can fulfill their purpose of protecting and maintaining the Harmony Core of my pet project the Rainbow Fortress. He wanted us to talk earlier but things happened. What room are you in? We are in room 6."

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sparkle looked around the corner a mare step into room 4 (it's a theif) he thought to himself so he rushed back and got his sword semi out of his saddle bag when he relised that his ring was gone (uh oh this is bad i paid like 100 bits for that ) sparkle stepped into room 4 and snuck up on the theif "GOCHA" he said placing his hoof on her back just where the wing would join "don't try anything or i will end you "

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you mate." Caramel said confident while pulling out her dagger and opening her wings. With a fast move Caramel turned herself around, now facing the other with her dagger pointed at his face. "I don't know why you would sneak up on me like that but I'm not here for trouble. Could ye please lower yer weapon?"

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"fine but if your not a theif why are you here?"sparkle looked at her strangely"and why were you calling my name how do you know me? why do you know me? and most important wheres white? i woke up and she wasn't their nopony was on her side of the bed. also who are you?"

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"delighted to make your acquaintance, my name is Captain Caramel." Caramel said while putting away her dagger. "The reason why I am here and I know your name is because White hired me." Caramel said smirking. "Aye, ye heard it right, hired me. I'm suppose to sail ye all to an island or something. In return I get payed. Simple as that."

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"delighted to make your acquaintance, my name is Captain Caramel." Caramel said while putting away her dagger. "The reason why I am here and I know your name is because White hired me." Caramel said smirking. "Aye, ye heard it right, hired me. I'm suppose to sail ye all to an island or something. In return I get payed. Simple as that."

"oh so your the captain" sparkle rubbed his head "ach sorry about that lass i didn't know i promise you i don't normally do stuff like that i just can't find white any where you seen her at all lass? sorry captain. so howed she end up hiring you? lemme guess her brother told her?"

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Ochre reached the tavern recommended in the letter's appendices just as a group of stallions bolted from the entrance. "Draft dodgers?" Ochre smiled and shook his head at his joke before going over the letter once more. "Can't believe the principality would go through all the trouble of putting me on a non-negotiable colonization project. Guess they felt my years in the engineers was what they needed.


Putting away his documents, he entered the building, finding himself in the bar where he saw several other ponies already gathered, and listened in just as Captain Caramel introduced herself.


"So... this is where the exploration and colony team is supposed to meet before the voyage?"

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"Jobs not important right now. What's important now is that yer girl White got assaulted by some stallions a few minutes ago. Don't freak out, she's fine. She just needs you to comfort her. Go downstairs, I'll meet with you later." Caramel said as she turned herself to the stranger who just walked in. "Hi there stranger, what brings you here?"

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"WHAT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!?"sparkle ran outside and shot down the stairs like a rocket sled on rails before ariving at the bar "white you alright?" he said hugging her

"t...they were gonna kill me sparkle one had a knife too my throat if everpony hadn't come when they had i... i would've seen my brother again" white started to cry 

"it's okay no ponys gonna hurt you now 'cause im here okay are you bleading anywhere? hurt?" sparkle said his head next too her's as he hugged her some more

"no im fine thankfully" she replied her voice a little shakey "i'm sorry i shouldn't have left the room"

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Stuff had happened over the few moments. There was yet another commotion, this time between Caramel and White Wings boyfriend

Now another pony had slid up to them, here for the voyage exploration mission.


"Um... should I go and comfort White Wing?" asked Spellbind to Caramel.

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