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open Equestrian Excess RP


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/129947-equestrian-excess-politicsdarkmature/


Equestrian Excess

A roleplay about corruption caused by both power and wealth.


Opening Post, Princess Celestia:

It was a beautiful day in Canterlot, that is, until a deafening bang rocked the cobblestone streets. Moments later, residents would be able to see the rapidly expanding dust cloud rising from the south of the city. If you'd lived in the city long, you probably would hardly even notice. Explosions from that sector quickly became background noise in everyday life. Having an alchemist guild in the city tended to have that effect. Today the dust cloud was bright pink and had swirls of yellow, causing many foals to chatter to each other about it looking like cotton-candy. (Interestingly enough, that was the intended effect. Not the blowing up part, but the result being cotton candy.) Soon enough, the cloud was dissipated by diligent weather ponies, and life moved on.


Princess Celestia watched the cloud being guided away from atop her throne, looking through one of the huge glass windows in her audience hall. She'd need to have a word with the Guild-master. Surely -everything- didn't need to involve explosions? But, then again, the Guild was housed in a triple reinforced bunker, one with an easily blown of roof. So the explosions always went up instead of out. And it kept all the ponies overly fond of fire and loud noises in one place.


One of her advisers had mentioned to her one of the recent prototypes. Something about a metal tube closed at one end, and directed fireworks. He'd known enough to make it sound dangerous. She'd -definitely- need to have a word with Master Fizzle about that. Introduction of technology always bothered her. It so often resulted in unpredictable outcomes, and anything that could be turned into a weapon could cause a lot of trouble. She noted it down on her to-do list and returned to her task. It was a delicate operation, one needing precision and absolute concentration. If she lost her focus, the entire enterprise would be ruined.


Opening Post, Princess Luna:


She awoke suddenly, the rolling boom shaking her from her slumber, as well as toppling one of her prized kick-nacks from its shelf. Groggily, she rolled out from under the sheets and ruffled her wings. Stepping lightly around mounds of ripped wrappers and carelessly tossed cartridges, she made her way to the shelf and looked for the fallen item. After a quick search she found it, it having rolled under a pile of the before mentioned wrappers. Brushing it off, she set it back on its position on the shelf.


Blasted alchemists. There would be hell to pay if they caused one of her precious items to break. Thankfully it hadn't this time, but if it did... Huffing, she turned from the shelves and tip-hoofed over to her favorite lounging couch. Her crown had been hung over one side, glittering even in the almost perfect darkness of her room. She carried it with her as she went over to her vanity, delicately placing it down. After a moment's contemplation, she chose one of her ultra-fine bristle combs. Her mane hadn't been that disheveled while she slept, short as that had been. She would have wanted to go back to bed, but she knew that since she was totally awake she'd never get back to sleep.


As she brushed out the few kinks, she pondered what she would do today. It wasn't exactly like she had many friends. Most of her companions were the animals of the night, which spoke to her of what they'd seen. All of them would be asleep right now, as she ought to be. All of the Elements of Harmony were busy. Twilight especially. And it wasn't like she could easily talk to them. They were better than most ponies, who grovelled at the mere sight of her. But there was still a subtle distance that she couldn't bridge. It was the curse of being a Princess.


Her sister was probably busy. Cadence had her own affairs now. Twilight... Twilight was more her sister's realm. They got along well enough, but she was sure that Equestria's newest Princess still remembered and thought of the time she'd been Nightmare Moon... Well, she'd not thought of that in a while. It always made her hooves ticklish. They remembered how she'd walked during that time, with power and absolute assurance. Despite her best efforts, she could never entirely stamp out the whispering remnants of that time. They were always there, in the back of her mind.


Finally her preparation was done. Placing her crown on her head, she traced the complicated path between the piles of forgotten items in her room to the door. Looking back once at the shelves, she wondered if maybe one of the shops in the market had acquired any more. Exiting her room, she was immediately flanked by her personal guards. They seemed to always know exactly where she'd be, and they got this look of politely offended sensibility if she told them to leave her alone. As such she let them follow her down the grand halls and stair cases. As she passed the Throne Room, she saw her sister engrossed in her favorite hobby.


As she exited out the front gates, heading to the market, she wondered how any pony could be -that- particular about what order they ate their snack cakes in.


((Twilight and Cadence are not present at this time. They will show up as the story progresses.))


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Opening Post, Ennex


"Good morning, sir," greeted his secretary as he entered the outer office.  "You danish is waiting on your desk for you, along with the morning financial paper and this week's shipping reports."


"Thank you," Ennex replied, before approaching the double-doors to his private office.  They opened automatically before him (via the secretary's unicorn magic), and he stepped through, pausing for just a moment as the doors closed.  Once he was sealed in, he walked around his large redwood desk, and taking a seat on the silk cushion behind it.  He eyed the plate of apple danishes sitting off to one side, a large glass of apple juice beside it.  Other's may prefer alternate morning beverages, such as hot coffee or teas, but his father always believed that a glass of juice provided for a healthier start to the day.  Ever since he was a young colt, he started each day with a glass of juice, and as of yet, had never regretted it.


As he reached out to open the newspaper, the building suddenly shook, and a loud boom rumbled through the walls.  before he realized what was going on, the glass shook off the desk, crashing to the floor in a shower of juice and pieces.  


"Nightmare damn them!" he hollered, spinning around to spot the pink cloud rising from a nearby building.  Yes, he knew the consequences of working so close to a alchemist guild.  But the larger blasts still annoyed him greatly.  "Perhaps I should send Ravage to encourage them to tone it down..." he muttered. 


Suddenly, one of the doors opened.  "Sir?" asked the secretary, "Are you alright?"  


"Yes," he replied.  "Please send somepony in to clean this up.  And bring me a fresh glass of juice."


"Right away, sir," she said, once again disappearing behind the office doors.  Turning back to the window, Ennex sighed.  He had a feeling this was going to be a long day.... 

  • Brohoof 1





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Down by the docks of Manehatten. Near the poorest part of the city. A large group of ponies were gathered. Some workers, others normal citizens of the district. You could tell that each of them has worked at least a few days in their life. Even the children. For just enough pits to eat for a day. Maybe two, if they were lucky.  


They were all looking and listening to a pony in the center of them all. It was usually normal to see a small crowd around a soap box speaker, dishing out news of the day and such. Sometimes you would get some whack-job shouting about the end of the world or something. But you would't really see a crowd gather around him. No, today. There just one pony, one stallion. Talking to the crowd. Not shouting. No just speaking, he didn't have to shout to be heard.


This stallion was speaking directly to the crowd, it it was something all needed to hear. 


"How heard have you all worked just to feed yourselves  and your families once a day?  How long dose it take to save up enough pits to be able to get your children books for school? In fact.  Who here are even able to put their kids in a school?" The stallion looked around at the crowd. "Not many I see. I'm not gonna lie. I have never felt those troubles. I had a fine life. Good school, never went a day without food. But when I got older I joined the military out of respect of my clan.  I learned what it was like to struggle, what it's like to go a week without eating. With every bone in your body aching. But I had to get up and work the next day.


I also leaned what it meant to work, just to help someone you care about. You feel with the pain, but you grin and bare it. Just as long as you can give that being a better life. Or just some food to last them for a week." He gave a dry chuckle before his head went down a little. "I also learned what it feels like to have that person be taken away from you.  And how it feels to want revenge on the pears who took them. And what it's like to get that revenge. 


I have felt pain, not your pain. But I have felt it. "


He looked out over the crowd slowly, looking each of them right in the eye. "No one should feel that pain. No one should have to struggle so much for so little.  Sure. We can pray that the princesses will help us. But. Deep down. We know they will never hear our cries. The nobles well make sure of that." His eyes narrowed.  "The nobles of the filter between us and the princesses. Sitting on all of the bits forged from our blood, sweat and tears. They are the real power. We all know it. They make the real choices that effect us all. But we can't blame the princesses for being ignorant. That will be like blaming a deaf pony for being hard of hearing. 


That is why I plane to make sure that they hear us. And they way we do that is by making the nobles get out of our way. But, we don't want to make this a revaluation. No, we want a better life. One not bathed with only blood. No, what we should want, is a new home. A home with greener pastures. A home that don't have nobles making sure that they keep us here! In the muck! A home, that has leaders who will hear our cries loud and clear without thee need for shouting. A home, we will be proud of." He paused to take a few breaths to calm himself down before looking at the crowd again. 



"But to achieve this home will take time. And I'm sure you all know. This land wasn't built in a day. Neither was all the nations. But there is one thing I will state my life on. Our home will be better then them all.


So I ask you now, on this day. Who will help me build this home?"


The crowed let out a thunderous roar. Like the horns of an army ready for war. Thy stomped the ground, making it seem like there was an earthquake.


The stallion on the soap box look over the crowd. The feeling of pride going through him, not superiority. This was just the first step to his goal. One he will make happen, no matter what.


Because Gloomfury Dovegreen always completes his missions.


That was just a week ago. Through that Time Gloom went from dock to dock, dark ally to dark ally to gain enough strength to handle a small army. Some mercenary, some pirate. All willing to help him reach is goal.  Now that he had his strength. He head right for Canterlot. He was going to need to make a few allies will help fund his goal while also helping him in other ways. 


But to do that he had to make an impression.  And you know what they say, first impression are everything. 


When he reached Canterlot he marched though the streets leading up the the royal castle.  Not with his full force, but a crew of ponies, griffons and three minotaurs.  They were his personal crew from his ship, The Forsaken's Wrath. Each one carrying weapons like they were ready for battle.


When they got to the front of the castle a few of the guards stopped them. Gloom was up front, wearing a black leather captain  trench coat. Knife strapped to his lag and a black dagger on his lower back.  They didn't make a move to show that were going to attack. Gloom just walked forwards towards the guards slowly and stopped till he was just an inch away from their blades. He gave a smirk  


"We would like an audience with the princesses. And make with quick, would ya kindly?" 

  • Brohoof 1
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The main mansionof the Trotstein family was situated in the center of canterlot. It was a classical noble mantion with 3 floors, renaissance-slley architecture and a large garden, surrounded by a high, barred fence. In front of the gate were two guards, wearing conquistador-type armour (think of the swiss guard... without all the zebra colours) and bearing halebardiers. Mr. Gold was standing in front of his fireplace, reviewing the numerous paintings that decorated the walls. A knock on the door was heared and two guards entered, pulling a ragged-looking stallion behind them,

"M'Lord, we caught him trying to steal from the warehouses on his break."

Mr. Gold slowly approached the stallion, the stallion begged

"Please, m'lord! it wont happen again.... i swear!"

He spoke calmly, with a slight tone of superiority,

"I am sure of that Mr. Sparks... yet you must know... that i am a pony of buisness and repspect,"

He turns to one of the guards,

"Cut off his hoof."

The stallion yelled as two more guards help him on the ground, a halebardier fell, ripping the hoof right off from the knee-joint. The stallion was then released.

"I am truly sorry to hear of the working accident that cost your hoof, Mr. Sparks."

The stallion, was escorted outside. Mr Gold lifted the cut hoof and levitated it to a cellar door. He opened it and inside, 3 timberwolves waited, growling. He threw the hoof inside and close the door, walking to the balcony on the first floor. In the distance you could barely see the land below the mountain Canterlot was situated on. Large farms and plantations could be seen, with hundreds of ponies working on them. They were Canterlots nearby food supply... and they were his.

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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While sitting down at his desk, which was standing in the middle of the large office landscape that made up most of the Canterlot Post's building, Puzzles jealously looked at one of the private offices. Its owner just got promoted because of an – allegedly brilliant – article he wrote about Canterlot's alchemist guild, which was drawing a lot of attention recently. He just seemed to always be in the right place at the right time, while Puzzles was struggling to find any decent stories at all.


Not everything about it was bad though. Puzzles got to share a desk with the pony he considered his best friend. And he knew he could trust her, which is worth a lot in a world in which everyone has something to hide.


Using his magic, Puzzles placed the mug of coffee he had just prepared on his desk. Normally he would've brought one for his deskmate, who usually arrives around the same time as him, too, but she called in sick this day.


If he'd been honest, Puzzles didn't have any idea why he even came in that day. There wasn't really anything noteworthy going on, and the few things that were happening, were already covered by someone. This day, he was basically just sitting at his desk, daydreaming, and waiting for something interesting to happen, something worth writing about, something extraordinary that would give his career the boost he had waited for during the past couple of months.

Edited by Puzzles
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((The following posts contains suggestions for how other players could get tied in to this scenario. You're of course totally free to use them, or ignore them.))



Princess Luna


"If you wanted an audience, you could have just knocked," Princess Luna said as she emerged from the castle's main gates, a contingent of her Royal Guard unfolding behind her like a well oiled machine. They arrayed themselves in a line behind their princess, the gate guards backing up slightly to slip into the formation. Looking over the group Gloomfury had brought with him, a slight frown passed her features. "It's also generally acceptable to send a letter. Or a messenger. Some ponies might get the wrong idea, if such a group arrived unannounced on their doorstep."


There was a look in her eyes, as she looked Gloomfury straight in the face. It approximated something like 'or it might give the right idea, but I don't think you look stupid enough to be going for that.' "After all, it's almost lunch time. The cooks can hardly be expected to adequately service so many without some fore-notice. A shame. If you'd given some advanced warning, I'm told that there would have been an excellent fruit arrangement. But no matter." She stepped forward so that she was face to face with Gloomfury, barely an inch away.


"I was headed out to town," she continued. "To visit the market and so on. I know several eating establishments which are more than capable of serving all of us. And..." she moved right past Gloomfury, her wings almost touching his flanks. "Besides, we can hold your audience over the meal. Tempers are always so much more mellow with full bellies, don't you think?" She was past his flunkies by now. Her guards moved around the sides, leaving the crew behind as they headed after their princess. The gate guards remained, though it seemed their numbers had been bolstered by a pair of Royal Mages during the short time since the Princess had exited the gates. If Gloomfury chose to follow, he'd be led to one of the medium class restaurants on the market square, which specialized in a kind of plant-sausage put on whole wheat buns. Most of the occupants would have found it best to be elsewhere in short order, and as such the establishment would be left entirely to the Princess and Gloomfury's use. (Well, them and their hangers on.)



Given Ennex's number of contacts and sources, it would be assured that'd he'd hear of such a seemingly scandalous meeting between a Princess and little better than a thug in short order.



This will probably be one of the restaurants that the Trotstein farms supplies. The owner will likely have sent a runner to inform his influential supplier. Whether it is an effort to repay a debt, loyalty, or fear is up to you.



Quite possibly the news office has its own sources as well. The display was quite noticable and in a highly visible area. If Puzzles is the only free agent, it's highly likely that he'd be assigned and told to get out there as quickly as possible.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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The lord was in his informal ware, reading a book in his fire-side chairs. One of the guards entered the room,

"Letter for you, sire."

He took the letter and read it,

"Captain Flame, ready my carriage if you may."

The guard banged a hoof on his armoured chest and tilted his head as a sign of obedience before leaving the room. The lord thenpiced up a bell an rung it. 5 servants came in carrying clthes, wigs, powder and so on. Mr gold just stood up from his chair and the servants started doing the rest. They dressed him up, arranged his mane, placed the wig and powdered it. He was dresses in fancy aristocrat clothing with a white wig and a heavily featherd tricorn. His face was whitened with powder as well and an artificial beauty spot was place on his chin.A carriage awaited him outside, with a guard by it. He got in and the two earth ponies pullimg it started making towards the center.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Garra as everymorning woke up before Mot, the routine was to get out of the cave a bit to look around a bit without going too far. For her surprise a group of ponies were heading to their way, she wanted to see a bit before call Mot and she saw they had multiple "Pony tools" like an axe, a saw and some papers, she was so cautivated about them (Is not common to see a pony in this areas) that she used some rocks to hide in and watch them better (even hear them if they came too close). After a few seconds the ponies were a few metters away from Garra and she could hear them very well, a gray stallion was talking "Yeah, this all area must be chopped down, the new..." and before they could end Garra emerged from the ground in an aggresive stance looking at them. "What the..." said one of the ponies at watching her emerge, while most of them just got surprised, "YOU NO CHOP HERE, ME CHOP YOU HERE" said Garra with her little angry voice while she pointed at the gray pony with one of her big claws, a few seconds of awkward silence passed after most of ponies started laughing at her, and still she was in the same aggresive instance.. "How did a baby-dragon landed here? // are you lost? // we dont have gems but if you want we will give you a rock.." were most of jokes on her, and she was a bit blushed and angry at the same time, before she could make any response a really big bear appeared in two feet and grabbed her to his back quickly and growled at the ponies, who quickly started running in panic to different directions and fade away in seconds, leaving tools in general in the floor... Excpeting for one pony who had another idea: Bears dont attack dead food, but his maximal error was in not to consider the dragon, who obviusly discovered him and the result was that this pony actually became was he was preteding to be but in a horrible (but funny for Garra/Mot) way.
Garra/Mot started their rutine of walk around Everfree forest - look for food - play with the food - make it become food - eat - rest - look around until its night. What the symbiont didnt considerated its that their actions could have a result in the authorities responsable of making that "new place" in their old house and for killing a pony.
A pony skull is now impaled nearby of the area where Garra/Mot lives, with clear marks of claws and jaws in it.

Edited by EmiliaBoneca
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Ennex was still going over the financial reports, and finishing his new glass of apple juice, when the doors to his office opened again.  "Excuse me," said a young tan-colored mare, sporting a medium length orange and brown mane, "but I have some news for you."


"Yes, what is it?" he replied, setting down the papers to give his apprentice his complete attention.  She approached the desk, her face betraying her concern.  


"There appears to be a disturbance outside the Princess's castle," she reported.  "A small mob of ponies, griffons, and minotaurs are demanding to see the Princess."


"Minotaurs?" Ennex exclaimed.  "That is interesting.  A riot or coup of some sort?"


"Not yet," she replied, "but that could always change.  Ravage is increasing the number of guards here, and at our warehouses, just in case things get ugly."  


"Excellent."  He stood up and turned to the window behind the desk.  "Perhaps I shall make my own way to the castle and observe this situation personally."


"Are you sure?" she asked.  "This could easily become a riot at any moment!"


"Nonsense," he countered.  "Celestia would never allow such an event to take place, protecting 'harmony' and all that.  And here in Canterlot she has enough royal guards to control a small mob."  He turned back to face her, a small grin on his face.  "But if it makes you feel better, tell Ravage to shadow me."  


"Alright," she conceded.  "Oh!  I almost forgot!  We got a report from Ponyville this morning.  Random Action is in trouble again."


Ennex sighed.  "What did he do now?"  For a pony who wanted to live a simple life, his brother seemed to get himself into trouble quite often.  Which always meant Ennex had to get him out.


"Snooping around, and was caught by a guard," she replied.  "What do you want to do?"


Another sigh. So, the fool got himself caught.  I new I shouldn't have gotten him involved in that plan. "Would you mind going to Ponyville and taking care of it?" he asked.  "Take him the sealed message in my drawer."  He stepped past her to the doors.  "And remind him to keep out of trouble, please."


"Sure," she said, and he left her in his office.  Stepping past the secretary, he continued down a flight of ornamental stairs, into the front lobby of the building.  Several ponies were present, mostly other businessponies that ran his company.  They stepped aside as he passed, all looking down so as not to look him in the eye.  It was a small gesture, but one that he enjoyed.  As he approached the main doors, another pony in a striped shirt came over.  "Sir," he said, "I was watching the mob by the castle-"


"Was?" Ennex cut him off.  "Why are you no longer?"


"Sorry, sir," he mumbled.  "Princess Luna came out to meet them, and they are heading out to the dining district."  He gulped.  "I just wanted to report..."


"Very well.  Go make yourself useful somewhere."  It was a clear dismissal, and the pony quickly wandered off.  His head held high, Ennex stepped outside into the sunlight, and headed off down the street....

Edited by nx9100





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Despite being less intimidating then he wanted to, he smiled. He turned around and gave his crew a look to give them some space while they fallow next to Luna's guards. He then trotted up next to her. "Sorry for being so rude. But I did try to make a request to meet. But it seamed my letter got lost in the mail. That or I gave it to the wrong letter carrier. Either way, I can talk to you now. So thank ya for that." He smiled at her. 


"My name's captain Gloomfury Dovegreen of the Forsaken's Wrath.  You may have heard of me or you might not. It's not impotent.I came here to ask you a question.  Mostly because I'm more of a night pony. Plus the moon is more beautiful to look at then the sun." He said smoothly with a charming smile.  "Anyway, Celly seemed less likely to hear out my questions and or requests. So that made you my first and best choice. Along with the other reasons.


I do hope you will hear me out."

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@@Lordav, @@nx9100, @@Gloomfury,

Princess Luna


"Lost in the mail?" she said with a hum. "Surely I'll have to have a word with the mail ponies. Losing a letter destined for the Castle could cause so much trouble. Imagine if a declaration of war was forgotten in a mail sack!" A polite lady like giggle passed her lips. "How embarrassing that would be, to have an army show up unannounced on our door step. My sister and I might have to take action, rather than try to have a polite and reasonable conversation such as we're having." The restaurant's owner began to bring out food and drinks. Luna was of course served first, then Gloomfury, then Luna's guards, then finally his crew. Even with the regular crowd having cleared out, the place was still a bit packed with all of them in there. Not to mention that Luna's presence tended to fill up any kind of space all on her own.


"It's a pleasure to meet you Captain," she replied, taking a sip of tea. One of her guards had laid out what looked to be a personal tea set. Both the cup and the saucer were black as night, and embroidered with golden stars. The tear shone like the moon. "I find it interesting, how you have come to ask me that question with such urgency and forthrightness, yet have neglected to actually ask it yet. But I'm sure you've had a long trip, and no doubt your companions are hungry. Perhaps we ought to talk, and you ask, in more depth once the meal is done with?" It would be easily apparent to Gloomfury that the heavily slathered on flattery had not gone unnoticed. But the night didn't give up its secrets easily, so it could not be told whether she approved or disapproved at the moment. The food would smell good, and it's aroma had quickly filled up the entire room. It was that kind of smell you couldn't exactly identify, but made your stomach growl unbearably.

Edited by HigurSan


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@HigurSan, @@Gloomfury,


Having made his way across town, Ennex rounded a corner and noticed a crowd had gathered around of the the restaurants.  That must be where the Princess is meeting with her... guests, he thought, and headed in that direction.  Upon passing an alleyway, a Pegasus pony stepped over to him.  "Sir," he said in greeting.


Ennex paused, and after a moment, he recognized the other as one of Ravage's thugs.  He never forgot a face that worked for him.  "You have a report?" he asked.


The Pegasus nodded.  "Princess Luna is in that diner, along with the captain of a known pirate ship."


"Which one?"


"The Forsaken's Wrath.  He's brought his crew with him, I think," replied the thug.  "And she has her usual guards in there as well."


"Interesting," said Ennex with a grin.  "What would a pirate captain want to meet with an Equestrian Princess about?"  At the thugs blank stare, he realized the information had come to an end.  "Very well.  Continue with your business."  The Pegasus saluted, and headed off down the street, leaving Ennex to ponder the recent events.  So, a known pirate captain had shown up, in force, and demanded meeting with the Princess.  I wonder if this has to do with those uprising rumors I've been hearing about.  After pondering for a moment, he decided it was time to find out.  A brief movement in the alley caught his attention, and he just barley noticed the Red eyes looking out of the shadows, watching him.  That brought a smile to his face, and he turned away from the alley and confidently trotted across the street towards the restaurant.  Being surrounded by pirates and guards would be much easier knowing that Ravage was nearby...


There were a pair of Royal Guards standing just outside the doors to the restaurant.  Instead of entering, he trotted past them, and moved past to the next building, where a small coffee shop was located.  Choosing one of the outdoor tables, he waited, and watched....





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(Dont you mean Princess Luna... in the first part?)

The luxurious carriage stopped in front of the restaurant. The guard got down and opened its door with and made a bow. Gold got down from the carriage. His colourful clothing and the huge feathers on his hat were sure to attract attention. He also had a golden cane levitated by him. the guard got back on the carriage and it drove off to 'park' somewhere in the vicinity. As soon as he entered the restaurant he eyed the at. The waiter recongnized him and one of them approoached him. Gold whispered something in his ear and pointed at the table next to the one the princess was sat at, even though it was occupied, the waiters made the customers move and cleaned the table for the Lord. He gently sat down, removing his hat and placing it on the table. He ordered some expensive meal (which he wont have to pay), his ears where locked onto the conversation taking place at the neighbouring table.



The ponies were actually workers hired to clear the forest for a new estate. The happening will be sure to attract attention after mr. Gold returns to his mansion.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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From his table outside the coffee shop, Ennex watched the decorated carriage arrive and drop off it's fancifully dressed passenger.  So, Trotstein himself is joining this little get together, he thought, as the regal stallion entered the restaurant.  I always new he owned that place, and must have been summoned by the Princesses arrival.  Interesting....  A waitress arrived with a plate of danishes, and he thanked her, and resumed his observations...





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 "As you wish, miss Luna. " Even though he didn't use her title, he showed her respect. "The boys could use a good meal anyway." Before he could tell them to dig his it would seemed that they started eating already. I was kinda like watching a pack of wolves go at a fresh kill.  Gloom chuckled before eating himself, with a little more manners. "And I assure you, it's not a call to war. My crew is here because I trust them as much as I do my own clan. Each one has certain skills and strengths that help me in all kinds of situations. 


And you are right. This question is very impotent and not meant to be taken lightly. So it would be bast to have a full meal and ready ourselves for the outcome." He drank a little bit of his tea and went back to eating. "Also, I hope you don't mind me not using your royal title. In my eyes I see only a mare with a title. My mother taught me to always treat a mare like a lady and with respect.  But I also treat the mare, or stallion, like any other bring. Princess or pauper. No pedestal, no lines. "

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Puzzles was trying to push through the crowd to get a better view on what was happening, but it didn't seem like he had good chances of reaching the front row. He clearly wasn't the only one interested in finding out what's going on.
He decided the best way of getting information was to wait until they'd leave the restaurant and tail Princess Luna's mysterious guest. Wherever he and his crew might be going to after this meeting, he might get some useful information there. Even just knowing where they're heading to could be useful information. Also, he might get a chance to overhear the Princess' guest and his men having a conversation. So he just sat down at a table at the coffee shop next to the restaurant, which was almost empty – except for another stallion, who seemed rather interested in the Princess' meeting himself – ordered a cup of coffee, and waited.
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@@nx9100, @@Lordav, @@Gloomfury, @,

Princess Luna (Naming... d'oh!)


Luna carefully levitated a fork and knife, delicately slicing a portion of the plant-sausage, dipping it in a supplied sauce, and popped it into her mouth. She chewed fully and swallowed the entirety before speaking again. "Hmm. My sister is always telling me to not judge a book by its cover," she commented softly. "I of all ponies ought to remember that, I suppose." She looked over Gloomfury's crew, then her own guards. There was about as stark a contrast as was physically possible between the two groups. Her entourage was dark, unform, and almost painfully precise. His group on the other hand, was colorful, full of varied personalities, and had a kind of viciously haphazard way of going about things. Both groups seemed to be highly skilled in combat as well, albeit of entirely different styles. If they faced of, she wasn't sure which would win.


But it wouldn't come to that. It couldn't, not here in Canterlot. She was determined that it would not be so. Even now she still had to carefully manage the after-effects of her time as Nightmare Moon. Though the gentry was almost ravenous in their desire to please her, she could still always detect the hints of fear in their eyes. If she used even a fraction of her true power here, it would damage what few solid ties and cauterize the chances of many new relationships being formed. Gloomfury would likely not be able to detect such troubled thoughts as the silence was masked by another carefully eaten portion of food and sip of tea.


"Unfortunately, I must admit that I do mind a little," she eventually replied to Gloomfury. "The title was something I earned, given to me when I hadn't asked for it. I treasure the memory of those who bestowed it on me and my sister, and don't want their legacy to be tarnished." She looked Gloomfury full in the eyes, the merest wisp of the darkest night sky passing inside her pupils. "As cordial as our visit had been thus far, I must admit that-" Her attention was shifted momentarily as another pony entered the restaurant. The arrival of anypony at this time surprised her. Most, even nobles, were usually warded off by the presence of her guards. But then again, when she saw who it was, it made perfect sense.


"Ah, Mr Trotstein, how pleasant to see you," she greeted him smoothly, switching gears without a single drop in beat. "Mr Gloomfury and I were just enjoying the wonderful fare that this establishment provides, which I'm to understand is due in part to some of your exquisitely manicured fields produce." She indicated the plant-sausage. "I'll have to have the castle chef come down to chat some time and learn the recipe. It's proved to be a wonderful snack." She cocked her head to the side ever so slightly. "Though I'm ashamed to admit that my sister and I weren't able to fully savor the baskets of greens you sent us last month. We were called on an urgent trip and they'd wilted before we got back, even stowed as they were in our cooling cellars. Such a disappointing waste."


In actuality, one of their food testers had alerted them that he'd detected the faintest traces of old blood which had been washed off the produce before it'd been delivered. There had been whispers of workplace abuse on the Trotstein farms, but every time an investigator was sent, the source had suddenly fallen silent. There wasn't a lick of evidence to be had. But Luna didn't like the Trotsteins as a whole. She'd known some of their most distant ancestors, and they'd been undeniably cruel. Review of old records showed they'd even lost their nobility at one point due to a scandal regarding alleged slavery practices. It had been 'disproved' a couple of generations later, but the faint stain on their record remained. Celestia had long turned her attention to new troublemakers, but Luna was still relatively new on the political scene. She had few of the biases and little of the forgiveness of her sister. She remembered grudges a long time, and she'd eventually repay the disfavor dealt by sending tainted lettuce.




Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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The moment he heard his name, he stood up imidiately, making a long bow.

"Your grace.... it is trusly a honor to see you..." he followed, "I will surely send a entire carriage if your grace wishes so." he ended in a shorter bow. He stood in the bowing position for a few seconds and then sat down again. HIs food somehow arrives with lightning spped, even though he ordered it only a few minutes ago.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Gloom raised an eyes brow at Trotstein. If he bowed as much as he dead everyone would think I liked to be bent over. Gloom placed a hoof over his mouth to hold back a laugh. He took in a few breath to calm down. But he still had a smile on his face. "Aye, this ain't bad. But you can't beat the real thing. My gran makes the best sausage pasta you'll ever taste. She makes her own sausage by talon. She cooks it with peppers, pennette noodles and a tomato sauce. It's do die for. 


But this of okay. Oi, Cookie. What do you think. "Gloom called to one of his crew mates. A griffon who, besides Gloom, was also eating with well manners. "Well the presentation is very good, but the portion could be more. Considering that it doesn't cost much to make. I can make this under twenty bits. So the price is most likely highway robbery.   As for the taste, it is different from most. At first. But the the after taste is one you don't really want to last all day. The tea helps to cover it a little. I'd give it a seven out of ten."


Gloom chuckled. "Thanks, Cookie." He looked to Luna. "He use to by a Chef on one the griffon kingdoms flag ships, for a high ranking admiral. We plundered them and he asked to join. Can't say no to a five star military chef." He laughed this time. "But it seemd like he didn't really enjoyed his time there. The boys really treat him like he's part of the family."

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A seemingly ordinary dark grey Pegasus with an ice-blue mane surveyed the scene before him, seeming as curious as the others were. After all, a Princess visiting wasn't an ordinary occurrence. Until now, he had been looking for work, then...well with the arrival of the Princess, all sorts begin to crawl out of the woodwork to try and win her over. And that was exactly what the Pegasus wanted. Now, he merely had to choose which one to approach for work.


Trotstein...well, he'd heard rumors about some shady dealings. A pony like that might have a use for his services, assuming the rumors were true.


The ponies by the coffee shop...Well, one looked rich and the other not. Perhaps he would benefit from approaching the richer looking of the two and finding out a bit about him. He really didn't have a lot to lose here.




With confident stride and a carefully calculated smile, the dark grey Pegasus approached the dark blue Earth Pony with the grey muzzle.


"Excuse me, sir. Might I trouble you for a moment of your time?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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He was watching the Princess and her guests through the windows of the restaurant, trying to figure out what was going on.  Clearly, this pirate captain is out for something.  Political gain, perhaps?  More freedom to continue his activities out at sea-


"Excuse me, sir. Might I trouble you for a moment of your time?"


His thoughts interrupted, he mentally scolded himself for not noticing the approach of the Pegasus.  Normally always aware of his surroundings, he had allowed his interest in the meeting to distract him.  Slowly, he turned his head to face the newcomer.  Ah, he thought, while studying the Pegasus, another tormented soul, looking for a purpose.  "Certainly," he replied, waving over the other with a hoof.  "Please, join me."  The briefest glimpse of movement from the alley across the street caught his eye.  Good, Ravage is aware of the situation.  "Now then," he said to the Pegasus, while putting on a sincere smile that hid its true motives, "what may I do for you this fine morning?"

Edited by nx9100





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@@Lordav, @@Gloomfury, @@Windbreaker, @@nx9100,

Princess Luna


"Ah yes," she responded to Trotstein. "I'm sure our cooks will be delighted to handle your immaculately handled produce. They so rarely get to cook something normal these days." 'Other than cakes,' she thought to herself. "A rather insightful examination," she continued to Gloomfury. "I'm sure that the entire Castle would be delighted to have a chef of his caliber prepare something. But about the plundering..." The entire room seemed to grow a few shades darker. Her guards all looked up, hooves near their weapons. Her face remained serene and calm. "Please refrain from such activities in the future, if you could be so kind. At least within the borders of Equestria, or regarding any ships bound for Equestria. It causes a lot of trouble for the small business owners."


In truth, her request was rather exorbitant, especially for a pirate. Equestria had firm control over almost all of the shipping in the hemisphere, and some of the most prominent noble houses had made their fortunes by plying the waves. It was however, true that many small businesses could easily be put under by only one ship being sunk. That was again, however, because those same small businesses had little choice but to export and import on the ships of the massive Noble House shipping companies. They were so large that they had every ship builder on the continent locked down in years of reservations. So you couldn't get your own ship, and even if you did you couldn't find any reputable sailors willing to sail it. The Companies paid so well that you'd have to be insane to work for anypony else.


So effectively it was a nobility monopoly, all completely legal, without a trace of outright wrong doing. But it still made her unhappy. She'd been examining ways to deal with the problem since she'd returned, but short of dismantling the entire nobility and purging all of their assets, there was little to be done. If she took that route, it'd send the entire economy into a train wreck. With there suddenly being no shipping, half the businesses in Equestria would go under before any individual ships could be sorted. But then again... This captain could provide her with a solution. Privateering perhaps? She'd need to think on it.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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 "Oh don't worry your highness. We don't really see a point in doing that. That ain't the reason we're hear." Unlike Luna's guards, Gloom crew didn't really show no sign of worry. They just kept eating. "Beside, we only went after both the navies and some major shipping company ships. No civilian or privately owned cargo ships. In fact we're starting to be sought out for security. 


We'e been getting word that some merc ships hit a few of them, driving them out of business. And since I have the biggest fleet out of all the other pirate captains, I'm getting a lot of requests. Soon we won't need need to do any more plundering. Hell, there's been talk of naming me king of the pirates. Which I do admit sounds rather grand.


I'll have an even bigger fleet, power to take any fort both great nations have, I could rule the seas however I so choose. So I'm really considering it." He said, oozing with confidence. "But instead of plundering any ship that sail, I'm looking to become a leader that would make anyone proud to fight with. Not for.  Kinda like you and your sister. And with all due respect, one that doesn't have a group of nobles calling the shots, making rules that go over the real leaders's  heads and charging taxes for every little thing. Even to work and use tools.


And yes, I may be a pirate. But at least I can admit I'm a criminal. Unlike those who eat with a silver spoon, clamming that these taxes are for the good of the people." Gloom paused to look Luna right in the eyes. "And could you condemn a pony with such honesty, your highness? Because we are not monsters, we have goals, regrets,  families and love ones. But we also want to be free and support them. This is just how we went about it."  


Just then Gloom crew stopped eating and picked up their table. They moved it over to Luna's guards and sat down next to them. Most of the crew greeted them and were friendly towards them like they were long lost mates. 

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"Your grace..."

Mr. Gold bowed again as he slowly walked backed to his seat. It seems he has found one of the reasons his shipping profits had decreased. After the disappearance of a ferw of his trading ships, he now had to pay a fortune to place actually armed men on his cargo ships. He would definetly have to deal with this.... Barbaric captain soon, pirates, on his trade routes? This would not reflect well on his family.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Wilhelm was, quite frankly, rather annoyed. Of course, he was charming to the waitress, and he got a good seat, and his hat disguised his face just enough to be not suspicious but still effective, but yet, he was inexplicably annoyed. Actually, as he glanced over at the other occupants, he realized exactly why he was annoyed. There were too many ponies. Why, precisely, he preferred to have quiet if at all possible eluded him, but alike to his strange affection for the exponential sequence of two, he ignored such things. At this point, it was frustrating as well as annoying. While it helped disguise him, the chatter blocked out what was going on at the Princess's table (which all the patrons were giving a wide berth) and another table, as well.


This table drew Wilhelm's interest, as the pirate sitting across from Luna was currently only talking about privateering. Now, if said pirate had been inebriated and alone, this information would have been useful for blackmail or merely information barter, but considering he was spouting his information to Luna herself, it was, to the detriment of (only Wilhelm) not at all useful. Reflecting on this, Wilhelm took a slow sip from the teacup that had been prepared to his exacting specifications. Truly, the cooks here did wonders with their food and drink. He focused his gaze on the other table which was being avoided, and looked over the obvious nobleman sitting there analytically. Wilhelm observed these things about him:


One, he was a noble, of the highest sort. No doubt if he turned around, his cutie mark would be a gold ingot or some such; you could tell by his manner and the way he acted. The noble had smooth, carefully groomed fur and a glossy mane, obvious signs of being well taken care of. His mannerisms, especially the way he bowed, indicated that he was a noble as well.


Two, these same mannerisms indicated that the noble was experienced with royalty. He had the bow down to a science, something that was rare in one which did not spend time among the rich or the courtiers.


Three, he was feared, and likely for good reason. As the patrons subconsciously avoided Luna's table, so did they avoid the noble's table. As Wilhelm looked carefully at the stallion, strangely, he was reminded of a sadistic drill sergeant that was killed by a changeling. This pony held himself the same, and had the same set to his eyes that indicated- in the exact opposite way that the average pony's eyes normally indicate their strangely happy personality- that he had experience with seeing things that were not meant to be seen. Unlike most military veterans, Wilhelm included, they did not hold so much as a hint of hauntedness in them, but almost a smile, as if he was informing the world, oh-so-casually, that he loved seeing the things that traumatize their victims- or more often, wound or kill them.


Wilhelm was concerned about this stallion noble. Wilhelm, all things concerned, did not like ruthless ponies, especially the nobles. Not only did they have an impressively on-point talent for screwing up the subtlest plans, they often would not rest until they found whoever was unlucky enough to make a plan which could be discovered. And then probably kill said pony for daring to mess with them. Wilhelm sighed and took another long sip from his tea, looking over the room and outside with a gaze that would likely seem wandering, but was in fact carefully searching each pony in the room. Only one other tipped him off specifically, and that was a pony outside, another stallion, blue coat and brown mane, talking with a unremarkable pegasus. However, he seemed at first just as unremarkable as his companion, so Wilhelm decided to not focus on him, but to note him down and store the file in the folders of his mind somewhere.


As he bent down to open the paperwork he had brought with him in the event that this became a non-useful event, the pirate- Gloomfury- remarked about his purpose here, after nearly fifteen minutes beating around the bush with Luna, and Wilhelm's ears perked straight up under the hat. A slow smile spread over his face, disguised by the thick manila folder containing the dissertation on a new sort of star called a "pulsar" his research team had co-discovered last month. Under his breath, he remarked "Oh, another anti-noblepony activist? Well, we'll certainly see how far he gets; unfortunately, everypony seems to be quite unaware of how much even the Princesses' hooves are tied when it comes to the nobility as a whole." Calmly, he stopped talking, opened the folder, and began to write with a beautifully-crafted ink fountain pen.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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