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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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She smirked wryly at Sharp. "Well, what do you think my cutie mark means?" She asked drily. "Fire magic isn't as useful as one might think, unfortunately. Good for cooking-- but that's about it." She stirred the warming soup with her knife, a still levitating the chopped vegetables, and dropped them in the boiling water.

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(Can't figure out how to mention on my phone. Sorry. @spellbind & peregrine.)

Glider beamed as it was settled that Spellbind would come back to the tent with them, and was happy to find out about Peregrine's love of exploring. Vague fantasies of them, a three-mare team, discovering new lands filled her with a bold excitement she hadn't felt in awhile. Extending her wings to illustrate this, she said eagerly, "Alright, let's go!" She paused, and added, "Um, where's the tent?"

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@@Little Red

"Fire magic isn't as useful as one might think, unfortunately. Good for cooking-- but that's about it."

Sharp grinned at her. They both knew fire was useful in many more ways.

"Oh, come on, there must be more uses for it than that. I served with a unicorn that was rather adept at fire magic once. Apart from being the best cook in the battalion, I once saw him make an earth pony jump a clear metre into the air," Sharp laughed at the memory, "He set the end of his tail on fire."

Edited by ForthEorl

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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Blitz chuckled lightly. "Oh, there are other uses for fire magic." She tossed her head seemingly absently, showing the scar in clearer detail than befire-- though she always made sure to keep it visible. She smiled at him slightly. "But I don't get into fights. Well... Not often. Can I borrow a few bowls?" She called to the head chef, who obliged cheerfully.

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he was told they would give him a tent he refused and put up his own the explorers left and he decided to have a meal so he made a fire

and set up shop(an old tent with a merc 4 hire sigh on it)and cooked up some grub mushroom stew(he found them near his camp site)was on the menu and ate it up with that he went to sleep waiting for someone to intorduce them selfs 

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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@@Little Red


Sharp continued with his story.

"Heh... Poor chap. Took an arrow from a deer in the far southern jungle. Lost a leg."

He looked wistfully away for a moment.

"Yes, we were mapping the coast, looking for viable places to colonize. Funny... That's sort of what we're doing at the moment. They were in the trees, you see? Literally on top of us. We managed to escape by throwing ourselves into a nearby river, taken by the current a mile to the coast. Two of them lost, three wounded..."

Edited by ForthEorl

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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Blitz was silent, smirk fading as she listened to the rest of his story.


He'd been through a lot in the military. It always surprised her when she heard of the hardships the military faced, she always took for granted the peaceful land.


"How many were in your squad?" She asked, not entirely sure squad was the right word to use. She levitated the soup and poured it into the bowls, and levitated the bowls to the ground. Using her magic, she winked the fire out of existence. After all, fire magic wasn't just making the fire.

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@@Little Red,


"How many were in your squad?"

Sharp looked up at the question.

"There were... Eight of us there. No, nine, the local guide. He was a deer. As far as I know, he was captured. The deer there did... terrible things to their prisoners. I won't go into details."

He looked around, self-consciously. He was afraid to speak about his past around others. Violence wasn't appreciated by most ponies; but to preserve their peace, it was necessary. He would try and change the subject.

"Surely you don't want to hear an old soldier's tales. Tell me what being a teacher was like. I always thought about it, after leaving. being a teacher, I mean. Being able to pass on your experience to the younger ones."

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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@@ForthEorl Blitz watched him. His eyes were glazed slightly as he finished his tale, obviously in a place far off.


He abruptly changed the subject, which did not pass her notice. She smiled as he asked of her teaching, mentally rolling her eyes. She hated discussing her teaching. It reminded her of just how low she was. She forced the feeling down as she lay down at her soup bowl, levitating it to her muzzle and sipping, considering.


"Frankly, I quite enjoyed hearing your story and would love to hear more." But better not to push. "Maybe later, though." She smiled.


"There's not much to tell about my teaching..." She sipped absently. She was disappointed by how the soup turned out. A little too simple, but that was to be expected. It was alright, though. "I taught magic and it's usage to foals. So basically, whenever a foal's magic blew up, I got the brunt if the exosion." She grinned wryly.

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@@Little Red


"Sounds like a barrel of laughs." He said rather sarcastically.

Hm, Sharp thought, at least we both have subjects we feel awkward talking about.

He watched her sip the soup.

"How does it taste? Those magically preserved vegetables always taste funny, I find. We were once rationed magically preserved potatoes. Heavy as bricks, and didn't cook very well either. They burnt on the outside, leaving the rest raw."

He just couldn't place her. The Piercings, the scar, it was so memorable, and yet he was struggling to remember where he had seen her before.

"Is it ready? I'm famished."

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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"It's ready. Don't expect anything great though. I'm only a passable cook." She levitated the bowl up for another sip.


He talked a lot, she mused. But she got the impression it was only around her, judging by his harshness in his orders earlier. He talked about his past around her a lot as well, and almost certaonly more freely than he normally did, judging by his quick change of subject earlier.


She came to several slightly rushed conclusions-- but not unlikely-- as she took another sip. The first was that his past hainted him somehow. The second was that he was lonely, to have opened up so easily.

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@@Little Red

Sharp took a bowl, and swallowed a mouthful. Deciding that it was not bat at all, he quickly drained the rest of it. It didn't have enough salt for his liking, but he had no reason to complain about it.

"This really isn't bad. I've had far worse."

Then it hit him, like a crate full of fine china.

"How long have you had that scar, blitz?"

Edited by ForthEorl

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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Blitz finished her soup politely, watching him gulp it down. He must have been starving. For a pony of his status, he had eaten it quick to the point o rudeness.




"How long have you had that scar, blitz?"

She wasn't surprised. She'd expected the question at some point, or something like it. He sounded so... not urgent, but something akin to it, however, which did take her by surprise. She answered honestly anyway.


"Almost thirteen years now, really. I got it when I was thirteen." she answered, putting one foreleg over the other and watching him, tilting her head slightly, raising her eyebrows, asking silently what's it to you? in a polite way.

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@@Little Red

Sparkle walked towards a campfire and shyly walked up to the two ponies sitting at it drinking soup "hey i don't suppose you have room for one more?" Sparkle said as her stomach growled "i haven't eaten in two days... "(and my stomach feals like it's gonna eat itself) 

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@@ForthEorl, @@Little Red, @

"hi names red fang" he said to a group of ponys near a campfire he picked this group because of the unicorn wearing

a miltary uniform and the type they issued in the deer wars he fought in them and if he saw a deer it better run also they had a fire

and he puked out his mushroom stew so he could cook other food useing there fire

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Blitz blinked. "Oh!" She said to the pegasus. "You were helping out earlier... weren't you? I thought I saw you! Hey, can I have another bowl?"


After a minute or so, she had poured out another bowl of soup for Sparkle. She was slightly disappointed-- this meant she couldn't talk to Sharp anymore. At least, not in the same privacy.




"Ah, hello, Red Fang," Blitz said, startled by the friendliness of the two ponies. "Would you like something to eat as well? I have just enough for one more bowl." One more bowl she was sure either she or Sharp would have been glad to eat...

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@@Little Red, @Forthearl

"thacks"as he sat down he noticed they were not freaking out "normaly ponys get creeped out by me being a batpony and all"he liked how polite this pony was and said "sorry for intruding if i was i noticed the other unicorn has a miltary outfit did he serve"

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@ @Reaver, @Littlecandylulu903


"The tent's just this way, silly!" Peregrine led Spellbind and Glider through the tents on a twisting route that seemed to turn back on itself several times over, but they made it back to the tent, where Socks the cat sat, having completely ignored his bowl of food. Peregrine did what she could to make seats for the other two mares, opting to take up a hollow in the sand herself.


"So, if we're going to explore, how should we do it? Personally I think we should limit ourselves to being away from the camp for one day, but be thorough, and try and keep as accurate a map as we can."

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"you know Sparkle... we could always get our own tent" White winks twice at his girlfriend who blushes 

"well umm uhh..." Sparkle said nervously

White put a hoof on her mouth making her blush even more

(alright girls time too put what we've practiced into action *sparkle fantizises about her and the stallion* you first mrs sword MRS SWORD!!!!!)

sparkle spots some ponies in the corner of her eye "look i have too go White " Sparkle runs off

"sparkle! wait up.... sorry white...i fear sparkle's in danger...... got to go!"rushed to get to sparkle but suddenly "its you......." the figure looked at him.... "him....oh no........i'm kind of the opposite of who you've been seeing...... i'm the creator of the evilizer stones..... my brother died in the creation of making them.... but who cares i never like him anyway............. he's been trying to stop me forever your the chosen i see..... well goodbye.....you won't be seeing me again until the end of your journey.......i wonder what'll stop me from seeing you......." he proceeds to walk off.... "oh and tell sparkle....... his dark side........will soon belong to me.....why would i need it...... you'll see soon enough"

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Spellbind happily followed her new friends into the tent. She noticed that there didn't seem to be a lot of space for her so she tried to figure out how she would be sitting down, let alone lie down to sleep. Maybe she would have to sleep outside after all...


She also saw a cat. She smiled and cooed, but didn't touch it.

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@@Little Red

Sparkle started too drink the soup extremely gratefully " Thank-you i haven't eaten in days. it's brilliant! " she said before drinking some more " i love it better than the stuff White makes and thats for sure... his food tastes terrible i don't know how he can eat it"

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@@Little Red

Sparkle started too drink the soup extremely gratefully " Thank-you i haven't eaten in days. it's brilliant! " she said before drinking some more " i love it better than the stuff White makes and thats for sure... his food tastes terrible i don't know how he can eat it"

starlight proceeds to find sparkle eating with another pony and laughs "so this is where you've been enjoying food with this fellow.....wait whats that.... sparkle stay behind..... you should as well whoever you are..." starlight proceeds to another a figure he remembered dearly...... "brother......"......... "sparkle is the chosen......he will never realize it unless your destiny is set........i must....do something.....i promised never to do......follow me starlight" starlight proceeded to follow his brother......"



(Quick OOC:because of my recent wanting to focus more on my photoshopping hobby after perfecting my gaming hobby and also wanting to start up a photoshop request thread.....and also needing to focus on some family issues.... i want my character to die somewhere around now.....does anyone have ideas? if so.... tell me in the OOC)

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starlight proceeds to find sparkle eating with another pony and laughs "so this is where you've been enjoying food with this fellow.....wait whats that.... sparkle stay behind..... you should as well whoever you are..." starlight proceeds to another a figure he remembered dearly...... "brother......"......... "sparkle is the chosen......he will never realize it unless your destiny is set........i must....do something.....i promised never to do......follow me starlight" starlight proceeded to follow his brother......"



(Quick OOC:because of my recent wanting to focus more on my photoshopping hobby after perfecting my gaming hobby and also wanting to start up a photoshop request thread.....and also needing to focus on some family issues.... i want my character to die somewhere around now.....does anyone have ideas? if so.... tell me in the OOC)

"Hey Starlight where you going? Starlight hey wait don't ignore me wait!" sparkle turns too Blitz " look sorry but i NEED too go right now. HEY WHITE C'MON WE GOT A STARLIGHT TOO CATCH!! super sorry! mabye we can catch up later? " Sparkle dashed off after Starlight with White following closely

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"Hey Starlight where you going? Starlight hey wait don't ignore me wait!" sparkle turns too Blitz " look sorry but i NEED too go right now. HEY WHITE C'MON WE GOT A STARLIGHT TOO CATCH!! super sorry! mabye we can catch up later? " Sparkle dashed off after Starlight with White following closely

"oh so here comes the clan....see starlight..... sparkle is the chosen one who will save this island and equestria..... one problem through...for him to realize his power...... he needs a boost of power to do it......." the black robe pony appears "we're not sure but legend has it that your power in particular seem to be able to open his.... only problem is we need your life force...to be one with his..... meaning we need to take your life and give it to him....sadly this means your death......now to transfer the life force we will need to use these... " the two ponies proceed to pull out four gems "this are life givers used to transfer life forces to another pony......will you..." starlight proceeds to walk closer to them "yes....."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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"oh so here comes the clan....see starlight..... sparkle is the chosen one who will save this island and equestria..... one problem through...for him to realize his power...... he needs a boost of power to do it......." the black robe pony appears "we're not sure but legend has it that your power in particular seem to be able to open his.... only problem is we need your life force...to be one with his..... meaning we need to take your life and give it to him....sadly this means your death......now to transfer the life force we will need to use these... " the two ponies proceed to pull out four gems "this are life givers used to transfer life forces to another pony......will you..." starlight proceeds to walk closer to them "yes....."

Sparkle jumped on top of Starlight "now where in the hay do you think you goi....." sparkle was cut short upon seeing some other ponies 

White stumbled up behind the two of them " who the buck are you? " White waved one of his hooves at them "hello anypony in there?" he said

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