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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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Sparkle jumped on top of Starlight "now where in the hay do you think you goi....." sparkle was cut short upon seeing some other ponies 

White stumbled up behind the two of them " who the buck are you? " White waved one of his hooves at them "hello anypony in there?" he said

"we our the ones who will make these stones work..." the new ponies proceeds to lift starlight off the ground and proceed to use the stones "its time starlight" the stones take hold of starlight and a white wisp like aura comes out of starlight and takes hold of sparkle.... starlight watch as sparkle's eyes go white.....then suddenly they change to a rainbow colour....starlight notices this and says to sparkle in his mind "your power is being unlocked..... trust yourself your heart....take my power unlock yours....and defeat......any evil in your way... i do this for you...i do this...as a way to say thank you...." starlight proceeds to say one least thing "destiny is strange is it not....heh heh....." he then drops to the ground as the stone stop taking hold of him..... and sparkle the last thing starlight notices electric like effect around sparkle....he notices it wear off before final letting the last of his life force go.......... he proceeds to quickly lose his pupils his eyes turn completely white..... he mane and tail proceed to disappear......soon after his cutie mark....and final his colour....he body was now just completely white and lifeless like a puppet......the three ponies proceed to teleport away but the brother to starlight stays he cries in front of his brothers body..... "i...i'm....so sorry....it was for the best....forgive...b..b...brother..." "i'm sorry.... but it was for the best i wish you my best sparkle" the brother proceeds to teleport away

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Sparkle shook her head "w... What's going on? where am I? " sparkle said before looking at the body of Starlight completely cold and life less "No no this isn't happening Starlight Starlight c'mon please I need you" White who was also shocked thought it would be best too remove Sparkle from around the corpse" STARLIGHT!!!!!!! White what are you doing let go of me I'm your captain for Pete's sake and as your captain I order you too PUT ME DOWN!!!" Sparkle started to cry and she remembered what her father said "girl no matter how tough times get you must sparkle from dawn 'till dusk." He had told her when she was a little filly

"Okay...dad..." Sparkle said drying her tears

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"Well that was werid i'll fit right in"he said to no one in particualr as he went back to his tent to decorate he saw somthing watch them him

went out in the forest telling a group of random ponys if he was not back by sundown he was dead they nodded and he left stalking the stalker he readyed his fang to find somthing he never expected to see outhere

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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@@Bill_theBrohny@@@Little Red@@ForthEorl,


Guy-Manuel awoke in his tent, wondering why nopony woke him up earlier. 'Do these ponies not like me? What did I do wrong?' he thought, feeling a bit discouraged. He walked outside to see the sun almost in the middle of the sky, getting plenty of scowls from the hardworking ponies. 'Oh, I feel terrible that I didn't wake up sooner.' He decided he'd go get something to eat, he felt like he could eat a human, whatever that was. After he made his food, some oats with blueberries he found in the woods the day before, he walked over to some ponies he saw by a fire. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked the group.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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White carried Sparkle back to camp and as soon as he put her down she curled up into a ball and started crying again "i'm sorry dad I know you told me to be strong to Sparkle from dawn 'till dusk but I can't do it he's dead and gone Starlight is completely dead"

White nuzzled her "i'm sorry Sparkle but I can't do a..." Sparkle stuck a hoof up

"I don't wanna here it " She said before crying some more

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(Again,@Spellbind and @Peregrine)


"Yeah, being away more than a day might be dangerous." Glider agreed with Peregrine, absently going over to pet Socks. "Aw, no eating your food, hm?" She murmurred. She nodded at Spellbind, who was giving the cat a friendly look. "This is Socks," Glider said, "She's very friendly; my sister's cat. You can pet her if you'd like."

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Sharp was ashamed of his rather brash behavior towards Blitz. He should have noticed that she was uncomfortable speaking about her past, far more so than he. Sharp realized that while he was trying to be more open about his previous life, others probably weren't at that stage yet. When the other ponies arrived, and Blitz seemed occupied, he tried to sneak off, to find something to occupy his mind.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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@ @Reaver, @Littlecandylulu903


Peregrine nodded. "So we agree on that. Now we have two pegasi with us--" At this Peregrine flapped her own wings. "So we can stay within sight of the camp if we fly above the treeline, or..." Peregrine ruffled through her bags, producing a compass from its depths. "We can simply choose a heading, go for a few hours, and then make our way back, keeping a basic map being drawn as we move along."

Edited by Ochre_Dust
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Seeing that no one responded to him, Guy-Man decided he'd eat on his own... as usual. 'I was always the talk of the town back home... People would have loved to eat lunch with me... Why is it no one wants to here? Does no one here love music? Or was it all an illusion? Maybe people didn't really like my jokes back home... Maybe they didn't like talking to me... Maybe they just hung out with me to be with a celebrity... And being a celebrity doesn't mean squat here...' he thought. "Does anyone want my food? I'm not hungry anymore..." he said, leaving it on a log as he walked to the beach to grab a cart and pull it up towards the main camp.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Littlecandylulu903,


"Oh, you decide. I'm going to take some of your food now, Socksy," she murmured, more attentive on the cat than Peregrine for the moment. She set about half the food in the bowl in front of the cat, and took the other half. She nodded at Spellbind, smiling. "I think that bowl of food over there was for me, but you can take it." With that priority out of the way, Glider realized she'd effectively ignored Peregrine. She looked apologetically at Peregrine, and said, "Uh, well, since Spellbind can't fly, we should probably do your second option. But, um, you decide." She didn't want to step on anypony's... hooves. (What had been that strange word that had entered her mind? 'Toes'?)

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Blitz smiled a response at Red Fang, and noticed another pony come forward. This was quickly becoming a party. They spoke, but she was looking at Red Fang and it was rude to stare, of course, so she didn't look over, but saw out of the corner of her eye Sparkle follow the other pony away. She glanced over, and when she looked back, Red Fang had left as well. She blinked several times.


She saw another pony walking away from she and Sharp-- had he spoken to them? She thought she recognized him. Wasn't he... DJ Bron3? That famous musician pony? She'd heard he had been on the boats. She'd heard about other celebrities being on the boat as well, and had figured most of them as rumors-- but apparently the one about DJ-Bron3 was true. She wondered whether Guy-Manuel was on the boat was well, as the rumors had claimed.


She was conflicted. A bunch of ponies had come and left in five minutes, leaving her feeling as though she'd just gone off a roller coaster and was collecting herself. She noticed Sharp getting up as well, making to leave, probably back to the beach. He looked as though he was regretting asking her about her scar.


@@ForthEorl, @@Jellal Fernandes,

Blitz stood up, levitating the now empty bowls and pot to the sink. "Don't you leave me too," she scolded, "every pony just upped and left! You don't want to leave a lady alone, do you?" She nodded after DJ-Bron3. "Tell me, Sharp, do you recognize that pony?" He provided a good change of subject from the previous one.

Edited by Little Red
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@@Little Red

"i... im gonna go help out too get me mind off Starlight" Sparkle walked off hanging her head low "hey d'you want any help with those dishes? i've gotta keep my mind of somepony and working seems like the perfect way too do it" Sparkle said a little depressed

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Blitz noticed how sad she seemed. Had something happened to the pony she had followed away? She hadn't seen.


She decided not to ask, giving a comforting smile. "I suppose if you wanted to. But the cooks are just starting to prepare dinner-- you can probably ask them for help, they need much more help than I do." She levitated a sponge over from another bucket-sink-- the bucket-sink she was using didn't have one. Then, she couldn't help asking. "Are you alright?"

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@@Little Red, @@Jellal Fernandes,


Sharp turned back at the question. He glared at the pony for a moment. He did look familiar, but Sharp had never been one for modern music.

"I'm note sure. Definitely looks like a DJ, from what I know. Which isn't much, 'specially when it comes to celebrities."

He looked in a bit more detail.

"Nice sunglasses, I suppose."

His mane wasn't too bad either. And he seemed alright enough. Quiet, for a celebrity.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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@@Little Red

Sparkle started to help the cooks prepare dinner " well the pony i went into the forest with he...he died in front of me he just died and i couldn't do anything... although he did leave this behind " Sparkle pulls out a pendant " he said it was a good luck charm i just wish i could've said goodbye" sparkle said chopping up some carrots

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She was glad Sharp had stayed. She suddenly realized that she had... enjoyed learning about him. And not in the same crooked way she enjoyed learning a pony's weaknesses... she'd enjoyed hearing what he'd had to say. She gave a quiet chuckle as he praised DJ-Bron3's sunglasses.




" well the pony i went into the forest with he...he died in front of me he just died and i couldn't do anything... although he did leave this behind " Sparkle pulls out a pendant " he said it was a good luck charm i just wish i could've said goodbye"

Blitz was stunned. Death? A pony had died? "Oh, Celestia!" She gasped. "I'm so sorry! How did he die?" She examined the pendant. The poor pegasus-- the pony had died in front of her?


A part of her mind mentally noted where DJ-Bron3 was. She would approach him later. She needed to comfort the pegasus. No, no she didn't... the pegasus didn't matter, she told herself. Then what did? Oh yes, she needed to find out what had killed the pony. Just in case.

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@@Little Red

"i don't know what killed him all i know is that it was sudden... i'm thinking of drowning myself he was too nice and too helpful to die one of the last things i did to him was completely soak him in lake water" Sparkle said hanging her head even lower than before

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"i don't know what killed him all i know is that it was sudden... i'm thinking of drowning myself he was too nice and too helpful to die one of the last things i did to him was completely soak him in lake water"

"You don't know..?" That was... frightening. But obviously this pony was truthful, and Blitz shouldn't take out her not knowing on her. Then she registered the "drowning myself" bit.


Blitz's eyes widened. She gently touched Sparkle's shoulder with her hoof. "Listen, I'm sure your friend would want you to keep living," she said, gently. "Especially if he was as kind as you say. Remember him, always remember those who have left you. But don't let the past take over what you are." She did not want to see a pony commit suicide on her account.

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@@Little Red

"i'm a murderer thats what i am at least the other side of me is the side that looks like this" sparkle slightly stabs herself to push herself over the limit. suddenly her eyes and body glow white and become a blood red "see exept i'm much more murderers than this " sparkle glows white again and changes back too normal "i haven't killed in ages though..."

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Blitz felt... intimidated. She hadn't felt intimidated by a pony in a long time. The strange transformation was unlike anything she'd ever seen. And Sparkle stabbing herself made her flinch.


"Even... even if you're a murderer..." Blitz stammered. She swallowed, and her voice steadied. "Even if you're a murderer... ponies can change. I'm sure you've changed." Her resolve to comfort the pony was weakening. Could murderers really change? And how was this sweet pegasus actually a killer?

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Spellbind looked at the food. It actually seemed quite good, and she could go for some food, but she didn't want to be too much of an imposition on the hosts, and not to mention she had sympathy for the cat whose food was taken...


"No thanks, why don't you all eat?" she said with a smile.

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@@Little Red

"i know what your thinking. your thinking i'm a terrible pony who kills others too make herself feal better. WELL YOUR WRONG!!! i've only ever killed when necessary. i hate doing it anyway but when your me keeping your cool is extremely hard especially when you have a ship and a boyfriend too protect..." sparkle said trying too calm down

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@@Little Red

"i'm a murderer thats what i am at least the other side of me is the side that looks like this" sparkle slightly stabs herself to push herself over the limit. suddenly her eyes and body glow white and become a blood red "see exept i'm much more murderers than this " sparkle glows white again and changes back too normal "i haven't killed in ages though..."

(i decided with my free time to make this final comment it won't be long as it is late but.... i want to give a final goodbye to the rp)


starlight felt his soul just floating in a dark void of endless.... darkness until he saw a very familiar pony...... "oh sparkle....don't be sad..... i'm still here..... i'm within you i'm am a part of you...quite literally my power my life force my emotion they are a part of you........ trust yourself and your power will be unlock trust yourself.... i will become one......and when i do..... our power,speed,tactics and ranged attacks can save those of equestria...... the pendant is the answer to all your worries....it  will unlock your power....." starlight proceeds to touch where the pendant was laying on sparkle...... and notices his eye turn rainbow again.... removing him of his dark side side effects temporarily........... 

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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"Thanks, and I can do a lot more than DJ. I also play guitar, bass guitar, synth, piano, and drums. I just wish that I could find other musicians. I can't find much to talk about besides music, and it doesn't seem that anypony here is an avid listener of the musical arts, unfortunately," Guy-Man replied to the stranger. "I'm Guillaume Emmanuel, but my friends call me Guy-Manuel or Guy-Man. What's your name?"


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Littlecandylulu903,


"Don't be silly," Glider told Spellbind. "You probably haven't eaten all morning. Socks probably ate some rodent earlier, he's fine, aren't you?" she directed the last question at the cat, who gave a small glower in  her direction as she began excessively baby talking him. Realizing the cat's annoyance, she quickly stopped. "No, really," she added, turning to Spellbind. "You should eat, if we're going to explore. It will keep your strength up! I know I hate flying on an empty stomach."

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