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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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@@That pony

White jumped out of the pot just as a cook started to heat it up and noticed a rather fermiler Stallion walk into a tent and then Sparkle dropped infront of him and the two followed him staying in the shadows like spies untill they reached the tent "why hello there" White said walking up behind him being followed by Sparkle

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@@That pony,

White jumped out of the pot just as a cook started to heat it up and noticed a rather fermiler Stallion walk into a tent and then Sparkle dropped infront of him and the two followed him staying in the shadows like spies untill they reached the tent "why hello there" White said walking up behind him being followed by Sparkle

Travel instantly jumped up. "Agh! Oh its just you sparkle." Travel was a bit dazed, he thought for a moment then he realized "What are you doing in my tent?" Also can you move your hoof your crushing my fez." He noticed white. "Well this is a change first im alone for 5 years of traveling next thing i know everypony is trying to get into my tent!" Edited by That pony
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Sparkle moves her hoof "ooh sorry Travel(/Will/who give a monkey's?)" Sparkle gave him a hug "i missed you sooo much!" 

"aye me to i can hardly deny it" White also hugged him slightly crushing Sparkle inbetween them because you know how can you miss your girlfriend hugging another Stallion right infront of you

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@Sparkle Sword,

"I didn't know you guys were on the ships, it is great to see you two again!" He does a sort of awkward hug. "So how have you two been? I've been here mapping the new land, im the only mapper I've seen so far though." (ill be back i have to go to work) Travel waits for a reply.

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@@Little Red,


Sharp graciously accepted the food. It tasted great, and in a few minutes he had emptied the bowl. Then Blitz asked him if he wanted to stay here the night.

"Grateful to you. I'll sleep outside, if it's no trouble. There's always been something special for me when I sleep outside. Reminds me of my youth."

He placed another piece of wood on the fire. it was starting to burn down now, becoming hot embers.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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@@That pony

"h...hey you two are urk! crushing me!" Sparkle said gasping for air " can you move perchance White" she said as White hugged travel tighter "White this ain't funny i can't breathe anymore my brain is no longer braining " Sparkle tried to push White off her back but he was hugging to tightly

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Red fang decided to explore a cave with 5 of his men never explore caves that have echos was his new rule once he found an exit he said "we speak of this TO NOTHING EVER" 

he yelled the last 3 words they said "agreed"and left the cave pretending that this never happened

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Two weeks after the pony colonists arrived on the island;


Sharp was stood in the shade of a large tree. As leader of a work party, he had been deforesting an area, and stacking the softwood in great piles. Already, he could see some ponies driving logs into the ground, making foundations for the houses soon to come. In the distance the great sea of tents shimmered in the morning heat. He took a sip from his canteen, and lifted the axe at his side. Sharp swung it with all his strength, and there was a satisfying crack from the tree he had attacked. He was interrupted by one of the workers.

"Sir, what are we going to do about the leaves?"

"Put them over there, with the others. And don't call me sir."

Damn, but some of them could be a bit dense. It would be a hard slog, but they would make it work.

  • Brohoof 2

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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Travel stops hugging him. "So how have you guys been? I haven't seen you in 5 years!" Travel looks at white "You sure like hugs." travel pulls a Bannana out of nowhere "Would you like a Bannana? I got an extra from some mare who was allergic to them, didn't hear her name though."

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 I left my current post in order to get a closer look at the crudely written sign. "Law enforcement are a due I might like this better then making stew." I written my name on the sign up and happily made my way. After spending the day feeding hungry little ponies I made my way to the little tent I set up for myself. I was certain the ponies can handle food distribution without me I happily. I'll just let the ponies borrow my pot for a while, it's not like there gonna loose it or something. I unloaded my bags and fluffed up my pillow I got from my trip to Canterlot. I blew out my candle, cleared my thoughts, and snuggled my pillow as I went into deep sleep.


  Two weeks has passed since I signed up for guardsmen duty. My new captain that went by the name of Red fang was a peculiar looking fellow but he meant business. There was at least ten ponies that signed up for guard work and six of them left the camp including Red fang himself. Which left me and a few others to quote guard the locals, which actually meant try my best to deter thieves. The training for the job was easier then I'd expect since I was familiar with the work myself but Red fang sure didn't make it any more bearable.


     I walked through the camp watching the ponies hard at work chopping down trees to lay down foundations for their future homes. The sun shone down hard on everypony including me, wearing armor made sure I was as uncomfortable as possible. I tugged on my collar a bit to try to cool my neck down a little. "Where is that captain and his troops, I'm tired feeling aloof." My armor clunked as I walked, although the vest that covered over the plates made it more bearable.

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 I left my current post in order to get a closer look at the crudely written sign. "Law enforcement are a due I might like this better then making stew." I written my name on the sign up and happily made my way. After spending the day feeding hungry little ponies I made my way to the little tent I set up for myself. I was certain the ponies can handle food distribution without me I happily. I'll just let the ponies borrow my pot for a while, it's not like there gonna loose it or something. I unloaded my bags and fluffed up my pillow I got from my trip to Canterlot. I blew out my candle, cleared my thoughts, and snuggled my pillow as I went into deep sleep.


  Two weeks has passed since I signed up for guardsmen duty. My new captain that went by the name of Red fang was a peculiar looking fellow but he meant business. There was at least ten ponies that signed up for guard work and six of them left the camp including Red fang himself. Which left me and a few others to quote guard the locals, which actually meant try my best to deter thieves. The training for the job was easier then I'd expect since I was familiar with the work myself but Red fang sure didn't make it any more bearable.


     I walked through the camp watching the ponies hard at work chopping down trees to lay down foundations for their future homes. The sun shone down hard on everypony including me, wearing armor made sure I was as uncomfortable as possible. I tugged on my collar a bit to try to cool my neck down a little. "Where is that captain and his troops, I'm tired feeling aloof." My armor clunked as I walked, although the vest that covered over the plates made it more bearable

"behide you mate"he said in a creepy voice"demissed"he shouted some of them ran away some troted he asked the one he tried to creep out"xander right how's your day"going to a more causel tone of voice he looked at his whove while waiting for a anwser from the pony

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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@@That pony

"yeah yeah we've been good"White said FINALLY stopping and freeing Sparkle from her huggy prison

"oh thank Luna air" Sparkle was so desperate for air she even mentioned the fact she was a Luna royalist and not a Celestian one 


White was bringing in some of the first pieces of wood so he and Sparkle could get to construction

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 The sudden appearance of Red fang behind me made me jump a little. After making his surprising introduction he dismissed some of the other guards near him. He refocused his attention back on me then asked on how my day was going. Red fang was a unique individual, that plus his brash personality made most ponies be cautious around him. He however was not on my list of things to fear, however his jump scares were something that always got me. "My day is as uneventful as usual, considering thieves don't bother to steal anymore since everypony is getting more organized. Not many creatures check out the camp either for the same reasons, so I just patrol in an effort to make the ponies here feel safe."

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Aspen Swift peered through the dense shrubbery of the jungle.  The ponies in front worked with their magic to clear away some of the vines and shrubs to make a trail, but it still took a lot of concentration to avoid tripping over low hanging vines and plants.  He looked behind him at the rest of the ponies.  They seemed weary, and cast their eyes downwards.  

It had been a hard two weeks, to say the least.  Every morning, the explorers would wake up early, eat quickly, and then trek until they couldn't see a hoof in front of their face.  Then they'd set up camp and eat, and finally go to bed.  Wake up early, got to sleep late.  That was the life of the explorers for those two hard weeks.

Aspen couldn't help but notice that the one mare who's spirit never left her was Ocean Moon, the leader of the trip.  Every new discovery changed the world to her, and even the smallest things got her interested.  He could see her up ahead, in front of everypony else.  She was trying to talk to some pony who seemed as downtrodden as the rest, and he was doing her best to ignore her.

"Well, if no pony else wants to talk to her, I'll do my best."  Aspen trotted up to the front of the line.

"So, uh, Ocean.  Think we'll be there soon?"

Ocean looked sad.  "Yeah, I guess.  These two weeks have flown by, I just wish that we could stay for a whole month!"

"You are probably the only pony in the whole group to think that" "Oh, yeah, a whole month would just be fantastic" he said, trying hard not to roll his eyes.

But Ocean's eyes shone brightly "I know, think of all the stuff we could discover!"

Aspen couldn't help but smile.  Aspen had gotten to know Ocean on the ship really well, and thought he knew everything about her. She had told him that she wanted to help explore the island, and to discover all of the secrets it kept.  Aspen knew that she liked exploring, but ever since the trip began, Ocean's seemed to be twice as friendly, excitable, and happy.  It was like she just...came alive...in the wilderness.

"Man, wouldn't it be nice to know exactly what you want to do with life," he thought.  "To just...have a purpose, and to have something to strive for."

This time in the woods had really given Aspen a chance to think.  Think about this new situation, and his future.

"Was I really meant to be in any kind of leadership position?" he asked himself.  "Why did the princesses choose me?  Was it a mistake?"

"-and that new flower we found, it's incredible!"  Ocean burbled on contentedly.  "I don't know why we don't have it in Equestria, I think it's just beautifu-"

"Ocean, I really need to ask you something." said Aspen, cutting her off.

"Um, sure." she said turning to look at him.

"Well...see-I've been wondering...and I was curious about-" he turned to look at her.  "Why was I chosen by the princesses?"

Ocean thought for a second.  "I think that's pretty obvious.  You may not be the brightest.  Or best looking.  Or fastest or strongest.  Or-"

"Thanks, I get the the point.  I'm not very good at much.  Carry on."

Ocean shook her head.  "That's not what I meant at all!  I didn't mean that you're not good at much, I meant that you're not so great at everything that ponies are to scared to talk to you or ask your advice.  Some of the ponies here were handpicked to do all of the big things, and to sit in meetings and discuss who should do what and why.  That's not you.  You're the citizen pony.  The one who has all the authority of the big wigs, but all the trust of the settlers."

Aspen thought about this for a second.  "So, you think that I'm the speaker for the little guy."

Ocean chuckled "Well, you're not very big yourself, honestly."
Aspen gave her his best glare.

She continued.  "But I think that you're pretty lucky.  Tons of ponies above us probably wish they were you.  You can be the emperor of the entire island, but if you don't have the support of the citizens, then you have no power.  Does that make sense?"

Aspen thought about it.  "Yeah, that does.  Thank you for that!"

She shrugged.  I "No problem.  Can I continue with what was talking about now?"


"So that flower we found, I'm thinking of calling it the Citriulsa Azeleus, or citrus azalea.  What do you think abou-"

"Look!" said Aspen, "there's a clearing up ahead!"

Ocean rolled her eyes.  "I can't believe it."

The two raced towards it.  Bushes and trees rushed by, and the light grew nearer and nearer.  Suddenly...

The ocean.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Well bye i guess i'm off to find my humble shack is it a shack or a hovel nevermind see you tomorrw"he told xander one of his best gurads and went to his shack/hovel thing and ate his last mango.He felling tired decided to fall asleep when a new idea in his head "i have'nt heard the pony's gossip(about me)"and decided tommorw he would..............practice his snecking skills on unsuspecting gossipers.

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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@ @Little Red

Peregrine rolled about inside the tent, wrestling with an idea that had been niggling at the back of her mind for the last week. The exploration was alright for the first week, but the idea of a new land was rapidly becoming quaint to her, and an idea had flourished in the midst of the routine: She wanted, desperately, to get herself settled in. Years on the ship, as a vagrant on the waves, must have instilled in her some deep need for normalcy--for a home.


Over the week her mind scrabbled at what this would mean. It meant having a home, a business, maybe--ideally, a family. But first there was the matter of a business. Self aware as she was, Peregrine knew she'd never be able to manage a business, talented as she was. She'd need a business partner, and in her time on the island, she could think of only one pony that matched up what she needed.


"Blitz?" she asked, rolling onto her stomach and rising. "I-I would like to ask a favor of you, if you'd be willing?"

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[2 weeks after landing]

William looked at the ocean, then he pulled his unfinished map and started to scribble on it.

"The estimated size of the island is 100,000 Kilometers (39,000 square miles), I've gotten most of the island on map." William holds up a map that was half drawn do to them not exploring the full island yet.

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Sharp looked for a figure of authority in the construction site.

Damn it, there must be someone here who is in charge! This is far too organized.

He rounded a corner, past a pair of ponies carrying a barrel. He stopped them, and asked who was in charge.

"That's Sylvia Lace. She's over there, by those tables. Silver hair, can't miss her."

Sharp thanked the pony, and headed over to the tables, which were buzzing with activity. Plans for houses, streets, an entire city, were laid out before him. He saw a mare with silver hair, who definitely looked as though she was in charge. He approached her. She looked rather busy, and he didn't want to cause too much trouble. But the news was pressing.

"excuse me, ma'am?"

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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Blitz had just gotten back from getting some food. To her disappointment, she hadn't seen the zebra again and hadn't managed to get any more of his soup, which was by far the best she'd had thus far. She'd heard he had joined the police force that was starting up.


She was lying down beside Paisley and Socks, who had been getting along nicely lately, when Peregrine spoke to her. Blitz glanced over and smiled slightly. "What is it?" She asked.

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@ @Little Red

"I need... that is to say I want to do something, and I'm not confident in my ability to do it alone but... You seem like the sort of pony who'd be good at organizing business interests, and you're dock-deep in constructing the town. I want to start a hoof and mane care business, but I don't know how. Do think you could find it in your time to help me out with that?" Peregrine looked hopefully to Blitz.

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red relized something they were like 20 ponys some how keeping 5000+ ponys in line his ego grew.He also relized they did not have a police station/prison he would have to ask Sylivia Lace or one of the consturction teams about that he also sorted his future plans for law enforcement files.

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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Blitz tensed slightly. This was the problem with friends, she reflected. They asked you things that conflicted with your plans but you couldn't just say no to a friend.


Blitz thought about it. Well, she had only specifically mentioned starting one. Perhaps she could help her start one and stay in the business for maybe a year, make some money, learn a little bit from Peregrine, and by then Peregrine would be fine.


"Alright," she said slowly. "Yeah, I think I can help." She smiled at Peregrine. "It will probably be a little simpler than starting one in Equestria would have been, of course. Since we don't quite have a government going yet. But I would love to help you!"

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@ @Little Red

"Oh thank goodness!" Peregrine sighed with relief. "It's been bugging me for a while now. I'm just starting to get antsy from it all... So what do we need to do first? Sure there's less government, but I've never even owned a house before in my life." Peregrine leaned forward, expectantly waiting for an answer.

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the final fence section was put down and work began on shipping in some sheep.... from absolutely nowhere, the construction of the small farm, ranch... thing had scared them all away so Sparkle flew above the beach and shouted "HEY DOES ANYPONY HERE KNOW HOW TO FIND SHEEP???!!!"

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He opend his dreary eyes as a jolt awoke him from his slumber. He half consciously raised his head and sniffed; stagnate, salty air had filled the room as usual. But Night Tracer caught a whiff of something aside from salt and fish. Fresh Air. It loomed around the ship and it perked him up in mere milliseconds.


He sprang up and wiped crust away from his eyes with a dirty towel and threw it in a navy blue basket filled with other things such as; dish rags, clothing, and dirty towels. He pranced over to the door to his cabin and picked up his saddlebag and slung it over his back and headed out of the ship.


In his bag were his two Kukri's, his beloved Journal, a lighter, and throwing darts. He was the last to get off the ship since he snuck into its kitchen and snagged a few loafs of bread, and a few canteens of water before heading out.


He walked out of the ship which had breached the shore and stood at the helm of it. He smiled and breathed in the fresh air. It had been too long since he had air from the land, from fresh pinewood trees and the gorgeous flora of Equestria. 


He gazed over to see the other colonists gathering, then he glanced in the opposing direction. Then he took off and went as fast as he could and flew as close to the ground as possible so he couldn't be detected by any of the other colonists. Hopefully, he wouldn't be missed all too much. He wandered off into the wilderness and prepared to do what he was assigned to do. Write.


He was assigned to go out and capture the beauty of this new land. He was told to describe it in a way in which he could bring ponies to tears, make them laugh, make them think and leave them in awe. And he knew he could do it as well. 


He ventured off into the forest and continued north for a few days until he found a peaaceful pasture in the midst of the forest that he could just sit and relax at. While he was there, nothing bothered him, nothing intruded on his thoughts. He was at peace. Bliss filled the air and he wrote. He wrote of blissful things, of joyous things, of wonder and imagination. 

He managed to last about 9 days out in the wilderness before he headed back towards the shore. Instead of walking like he did when he traveled out towards the unknown, he flew high above the trees at very high speeds so he could be get back into civilization, or these standards of civilization. 


He was almost back when he spotted two ponies below him. He thought he recognized them from the ship but didn't think he had spoken a lot to them or anypony for that matter.


He spent the majority of the trip in his cabin seasick and writing both journal entries; documenting his travels, and stories; stories of his lusturous imagination. He had plenty of ideas but all of them on the ship he scrapped, perhaps he couldn't think straight being sick and all. 


He slowed down to keep pace with the two ponies below him, Aspen and Ocean, thta was their names. He had finally remembered, or at least got close enough to be able to determine. He thought about intruding on their conversation but in seonds he would't really have a choice. 


While he was paying attention to Aspen and Ocean he wasn't watching where he was going and whacked into a rather large tree branch, which sent him plummeting to the earth in front of Aspen and Ocean, "Uh, My head," Night Tracer groaned. He slowly lifted his head from the ground and opened his eyes. He saw the two ponies he'd been watching, but this time much closer than before; he let out a small chuckle, "Hey guys." he beamed brightly. 

Edited by louisvillepride


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