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open Exploring and Settling New Lands (RP) -Open World RP-


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White snuck up on a cow " yep you were right cow's i wonder if we could keep two and use them for milk? milk's better than sea water i know that at least " White slit one's neck "how do we get this thing back? it'll provide food for day's " the cow heard the word food and with the last of its strength kicked White sending him into a tree " agh that hurt" he said 

"Oh SHUT UP!" he proceeded to relentlessly  stab the cow "you okay now.........whew....." simple proceeded to crave out only the best parts "the rest is fat we  don't need it......" he proceeded to lift the meat on his shoulders "we should get back to camp and pack up its important we get to the middle of the forest and start work on say a place to keep animals..... a farm in this place is not only profitable but is also necessary for survival... i also saw what would seem to be a waterfall it would provide water... useful for making certain types of food and ingredients....now... could you carry the cow's skin its valuable leather...."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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trying to fly was a painful if not bad idea so walking he cursed the idea that a man like himslef be disgraced by the land he slashed at the trees as he walked trowards the camp

relizeing he could be closer than he compinplated (he was never good at math)and would be there by night fall if not sooner

Edited by Bill_theBrohny
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"agh sure" White said practicly pealing himself off the tree and picking up the skin before following starlight 


meanwhile sparkle was flying circles around the camp for no apparent reason - she said she was practiceing for racing to anypony who bothered too try and talk too her

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@@Little Red,

"Hi.... You can just call me Glider."

"Hi!" said Aspen, "how are you?  My name is Aspen Swift, and this is...Peregrine, right?  Yeah, Peregrine.  So, you won't mind if we share your tent?  I promise I don't snore!"

He turned to Star Blitz.

"We went ahead and put up the tent.  Lead the way!"

Edited by AspenSwift
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"agh sure" White said practicly pealing himself off the tree and picking up the skin before following starlight 


meanwhile sparkle was flying circles around the camp for no apparent reason - she said she was practiceing for racing to anypony who bothered too try and talk too her

"why would you want to run away from everyone?" said starlight to sparkle "well it doesn't matter we need to pack up and move into the middle of the forest it's much better for many reasons......" he proceeded to take the cow meat and cut it up into smaller pieces...... "it should now fit into my bag as long as i leave behind about 50% of it,  we can keep all the leather though......" starlight proceeded to pack up all his stuff and proceeded to help white pack her stuff up as well, he also helped sparkle a bit..... "let's go"

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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Ocean looked around the new land. There was so much possibility here. He decided to go out on his own.

"Now which way should I go first." Ocean thought to himself. After a little consideration he started heading Straight. He had plenty of food and water in his saddle bags so he wouldn't have to worry about food. He traveled for a little bit taking some detours along the way. When he decides that he had enough exploring, he turns around to go back and realizes he has no idea where is.

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(remember White's a guy ) 

sparkle was sent into the sand with the addition of a sleeping bag too her training "aww " she tried too take off " you can't keep me grounded for ever!!" she yelled before White pulled her off

"c'mon sparkle stop whineing " he said putting her and the cow skin in a small cart

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@@Little Red,

 "Hi,Peregrine. Hi, Aspen."

Aspen opened up the tent.  It was pretty spacious, with about enough room for five ponies to stand up comfortably.  Cots were to bulky to bring, so each pony was expected just to sleep on the ground, and bring their own blankets and pillow.  That may seem uncomfortable, but the sand was so soft that it felt better than any mattress.  And the tents had canvas floors, so sand didn't get in everything.  Not a bad setup, honestly.  Aspen set his pillow, blanket, and saddlebag next to the door.  He walked out, and sat next to Glider.

"So, how was the journey over on the boat for you?  I know that I have had enough time on a boat to last me for the rest of my life."

Edited by AspenSwift
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@ @AspenSwift


"Oh, it's really no trouble at all. I used to wander a lot, but I never did like being alone." Peregrine looked away upon Aspen asking what she wanted to do with her life. "Oh, umm... well, I guess you could say I'm really trying to play things by ear and go with the flow to keep my options open, so you know, I'll cross that bridge when I get there."




Upon entering the tent, Peregrine listened to Aspen.

"So how was the journey over the boat for you? I know that I have had enough time on a boat to last me for the rest of my life."


"Oh, the boat was fine." Peregrine waved her hoof in the air. "I'm really used to travelling, and I've been on more than a few ships before in my life." Peregrine looked around the room, and clicked her tongue. "No beds, huh? That's alright."


On that comment, Peregrine flopped belly-first onto the sand, letting out a relieved sigh. "Ahhhhhh! Exfoliating..."

  • Brohoof 1
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Blitz took the bag of blankets that Glider had been carrying with her magic and began setting up makeshift beds with her magic. "Very nice tent," she called.


"Yes, it is," Glider agreed. She turned to Aspen as he sat down beside her and smiled warmly. "Oh, I loved the journey!" She said. "I love the ocean. It's beautiful. And every pony was very nice and supportive on the boat."

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(remember White's a guy ) 

sparkle was sent into the sand with the addition of a sleeping bag too her training "aww " she tried too take off " you can't keep me grounded for ever!!" she yelled before White pulled her off

"c'mon sparkle stop whineing " he said putting her and the cow skin in a small cart

(soz for the her mistake..... habit......)



"oh you two...." he laughed as he proceeded to show them through the forest "and here we are at where i found the bear..... oh their also seems to be some sheep...... we should probably start on getting better tools and building a small house and farm for animals..... that should be our first big goal......" simple proceeded to pull out a half used Axe and chop down a two small trees, one for the campfire and one for some wood for the fences they were going to be making......"now before we do anything of big project comes the basics....the only other basic we need at this point is better tools and also more of them......."

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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sparkle played a small harmonica which was lying in the cart here's what she played 


she stopped for a bit " hey White are we ever gonna get married? "

White's face went red " i don't know how to answer that sparkle"

"oh okay then" sparkle cary'd on playing the harmonica


sparkle hid the harmonica " i ain't got nothin' useful at all"

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"Dang, that seems nice."

Aspen fell back onto the soft floor of the tent.  Ooh, that was nice.

 "I hope they have dinner soon, I'm starving." he said, eyes half closed.  The smell of food was overpowering, and Aspen heard his stomach rumble.  "I hope they have it done soon."

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Finally done with the strenuous task of setting up his tent and dumping all of his belongings inside of it, Omar decided to lie down for a bit. "Ahh, finally on land. Never thought that it would be this amazing." He thought as he laid down in the shade of a tree," I wonder what lays in store for us in this land. I wonder what I will do here. Well, I'll think about that later... Hmm... *Omar now fast asleep (well he did miss his morning cup of coffee)*

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@ @AspenSwift, @Little Red


Peregrine raised her face up from the sand and looked over to Aspen. "If you're really that famished, why not graze a bit, I mean there's a whole forest next to the camp right now." Peregrine stretched only to have her stomach rumble as well. "Hehehe... Guess we could head out for food together? How about you two, Glider, Blitz?"

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"Oh, I know a thing or two about cooking. Perhaps I can go join the chefs. They probably wish to set up their own tents." Blitz said, standing up. She would need some connections among the ship cooks as well if she wanted to have a well-rounded town, after all.


Blitz exited the tent and Glider made to follow her sister. "It's okay, stay here. You rest." Blitz said, smiling genuinely at her sister.


Glider blinked and grinned back. "Oh, okay." She sat back down and watched her sister trot away and turned back to the other two. "What boat were you two on? Blitz and I were on boat 3." Glider said conversationally.




Blitz approached the cooks. Mostly, they were cooking soups. There were also simple hay-burgers. Some chefs had been brave enough to try and put native berries in their soups. Blitz entered into pleasant conversation with some of the chefs and helped stir the cooking soups, and used her fire magic to keep up the fires that warmed the food.

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sparkle played a small harmonica which was lying in the cart here's what she played 


she stopped for a bit " hey White are we ever gonna get married? "

White's face went red " i don't know how to answer that sparkle"

"oh okay then" sparkle cary'd on playing the harmonica

"nice song....." starlight started to hum a song....... (THIS IS THE SONG)






"this is the song......that always bring back so many memories of the good times when i was growing.......well at least what i can remember from it...... times  back then were much more simple.... but once...... the ones i loved died........i was left with nothing..... thats why i set on a journey to forget the past......but sadly it will probably never go away.......but at least this song gives me hope...." he proceeded smiled at white and sparkle "here's to adventure......" he then proceeds to get a five second flash back he sees a pony that looks like someone familiar and there by the cottage.... he hears a voice "dad said that we should be able to go sailing to another land.....far away from here.......i can't wait...until we set sail it'll be great......" starlight's flash back begins to end and he proceeds to notice that behind his back is another one of those cards.... with the same pony as in the flashback on it..... he puts in his saddle pack without the others looking.... what was that.... could it be a family member..... he had a dad......so many unanswered questions he then proceeds to stand up and notice the black robe pony staring at him, he blinks and he's gone.......

Edited by Adorable Dragon
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"okay i lied i have a harmonica and that's it all i have " sparkle drops her sleeping bag " i'll go check the explorer for some tools" flies off "AND DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!"


after a few minutes sparkle comes back holding a lantern, a hammer, and a rusty saw " this is all i could find " she said landing

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"okay i lied i have a harmonica and that's it all i have " sparkle drops her sleeping bag " i'll go check the explorer for some tools" flies off "AND DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!"


after a few minutes sparkle comes back holding a lantern, a hammer, and a rusty saw " this is all i could find " she said landing

"thats great... but um... whats that!?!?!?!?!" out of nowhere completely black timber wolf appeared.................. he then heard the black robe pony's voice (you can't fail now fight!... these are evilized animals.... their are magical enchanted rocks on this island...;. some of the animals have been shocked by accident you must fight them to free them) starlight proceeded to fight the timberwolf.... but it didn't seem to fall for the same tricks..........in the end starlight figured out that these things have different weaknesses... and learned to kill it he needed to jump on its back and stab its neck constantly... a bunch of black and purple smoke went everywhere and the timberwolf was back to normal and left was no want to fight back like they normal would....it did leave behind some sticks for the fireplace through... "hmm.... evilized....... this isn't good not good at all...."

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@ @Little Red, @AspenSwift


"Uhm..." Peregrine put a hoof to her chin, thinking intently. "Boat number, boat number, boatnumber, boatnumber, boatnumber... Ah, right, I'm pretty sure it was boat number one, right Aspen? I recognized you from the boat, so that was the boat your were on too, unless I'm wrong about the number, or if you moved between the boats as part of your job."


"Which reminds me," said Peregrine as she looked to Glider and Aspen. "What did you two do before getting a spot in the colony? And Glider, what about your sister? I should have asked before she left."

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sparkle looked terrified as she hid behind White who was attempting too chase the timber wolf. sparkle looked up at him scared " you okay Sparkle? " he said giving her a hug 

"i...i hate timber wolves" sparkle started to cry "i've never liked them " sparkle nuzzled White 

"it's okay sparkle i won't let them hurt you" White said kissing her

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"Oh! Boat number 1! So you guys got the first view of land. How cool!" Glider said, very impressed.

When asked about her previous occupation, Glider smiled. "I was a weather-pony... Like almost every other pegasus. My sister was a teacher! But she could have been a very good politician if we had more money." Glider explained openly.

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sparkle looked terrified as she hid behind White who was attempting too chase the timber wolf. sparkle looked up at him scared " you okay Sparkle? " he said giving her a hug 

"i...i hate timber wolves" sparkle started to cry "i've never liked them " sparkle nuzzled White 

"it's okay sparkle i won't let them hurt you" White said kissing her

"its okay i don't think that timberwolf meant harm..... it was enchanted with something....... " starlight proceeded to smile  "so i guess we will need to make sure we have some leftover swords add that to the list...." simple proceeded to walk up to sparkle "it's okay....... wait what?....." the timberwolf return but had some meat in its mouth some fish..... it proceeded to put the fish down and then growled.... and ran away.... starlight tasted it... "well its perfectly fine to eat but covered in spit..... but cooking it should get rid of that...." starlight took the fish and put it in a leather bag hanging it on a tree... "thats so bears don't get any ideas of stealing it......"

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@ @Little Red


Peregrine pointed a hoof at Glider, brows arched and lips pursed. "I happen to resent that comment, madam. I am a pegasus, but I just so happen to be dedicated to hoof and mane care. I should hope you don't think all earth ponies farm too?"


Peregrine's expression held for several more moments before she broke into a fit of giggles. "Hah! Hooh, the look on your face! Oh gosh, the way some ponies get when I do that..." Peregrine snorted, bringing her hoof to her mouth as she let out a few more giggles and coughed. "But Blitz is a teacher, huh? So she's good with foals then?"

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