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private Helping a stranger in need (FO:E)

Nameless Knight

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OC :https://mlpforums.com/topic/131247-helping-a-stranger-in-need-foe/


Moohave Wasteland, 2268 

""After what happened, there was a burning hatred within me, a flame that burned brighter and hotter then the sun itself. A flame that could only be extinguished with blood... the blood of those who took everything from me..."     -Nuclear Powers



Hazmat lied there, pressed up against the large stone. He was conscience, he had been for about an hour now, He was passing out and waking up every few hours. He felt nothing but pain, but he couldn't scream, He couldn't even move. He was just stuck staring... staring at the burned remains of his home. The corpses of his father, mother, and sister just laid there, in front of him. Beside their corpses was the corpse of one of the raiders, who Hazmat had killed. Behind him on a hill were the signs of an explosion. Hazmat tried to move his legs and get up but he couldn't. His vision began to blur and then fade. He managed to reach out for the corpses of his family and saying "no..." under his breath before everything faded into darkness. His hoof went limp as he lost consciousness.

Edited by Knights Templar

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"stupid ants and there stupid pincers" Chain said walking away from a nest of mutated ants with a few bites "where's the nearest town?" he said to him self looking at his map when a new place close to him appeared "The Powers residence? do any of you guys know how this is?" he asked the rest of the group with him   

Edited by Yoshikupo
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"Uh, no, not me," answered Silvermind Goodspeak. "And remind me not to let you lead again, okay?"


Stopping to take a swig of clean water, he noticed a destroyed house. Nothing new, he thought. As he went to put the water back in his saddle bag, however, he did a double take. A pony was lying in front of the house, and he seemed to be alive! Silvermind rushed over to the pony.


"What happened here? Are you alright?" he asked his unconscious patient. He received no response.


"Okay, let's patch you up and get you out of here. ...Oh, god, you're in a nasty shape." Silvermind reached into his saddle bag and took out some water. He gingerly poured a bottle over the burn wounds, then opened his patient's mouth and poured half a bottle down his throat.


"Chain! Hazel!" called Silvermind. "Get over here and help me with this pony! We need to get him out of these harsh conditions."

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"stupid ants and there stupid pincers" Chain said walking away from a nest of mutated ants with a few bites "where's the nearest town?" he said to him self looking at his map when a new place close to him appeared "The Powers residence? do any of you guys know how this is?" he asked the rest of the group with him   

 Star paladin, the rank that all knights dreamed of and the on all paladins fought for, and now I was one.After years of countless battles and struggles I endured I finally achieved the rank that rangers of all chapters respected. Yet I was not on the front lines fighting side by side with my knights, nor was I right next to the elder giving off my advice. No instead I was wandering aimlessly with a band of wasteland rejects across the roads of a place miles away from any ranger contingent!!!! I angrily thought to myself as I walked, my armor's servos and heavy plating made sure my presence wasn't forgotten.


  One of my companions went on ahead of us quickly answering questions from another in our group to do who knows what. The pony who asked the questions looked slightly annoyed at the tiny critters that bit away at his hoof. Who knew ants smaller then a wagon existed in the equestrian wasteland. Now ignoring the ants the pony focused back his attention on the dirty looking map in his hooves. I decided to protect this group to see if they could help me familiarize this place, but to be honest they were of little help. I might as well follow them considering my mission to find rare technology in the west wasn't going as well as I'd hoped."No, I do not know of this powers residence place nor the nearest town. The question you should be asking is why did you let Silvermind go ahead of you."


 I trotted as fast as I could upon hearing Silvermind's  call for help. Silvermind was cradling a injured and tired looking pony in his arms. Four corpses laid in front of the charred and ruined remains of the burning house. Judging from the bodies it was a raider attack on a family homestead, this was a common occurrance why Silvermind bothered was something I had to ask myself. "This pony looks dead enough as it is why waste supplies on him?" I coldly asked.

Edited by Ranger22
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"oh my" he says as he hears Silvermind talk about the injured pony "come on Hazel lets go help" he says running to the house seeing the injured pony "how would do this? other than many ponies, gangs, and maybe some robots or animals" he said in a monotone voice "do you think you could fix this? I have zero medical magic I can use"  

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"Maybe," Silvermind answered Chain. "I know how to treat his burns, but I don't have the proper medicine. First things first, we need to get him inside somewhere. This burnt-out house won't do... You have a Pip-Buck, right? Where's the nearest city? Hazel, help me lift him up."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Chain looks at his map "the nearest city is 2 miles away and is...sunny springs? sounds like the nicest place ever." he said imagining how nice the place would be then levitates the unconscious pony "I got him he is not that heavy" he says ignoring that Silver and Hazel would pick him up 

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Hazmat slowly came back into consciousness. He saw a steel ranger and two other stallions standing over him. His father told him of the steel rangers, He said they were not good ponies and were not the most tolerant to pegasi. Hazmat found it strange that even though his father said they were not good people, his mother still traded with them occasionally. He looked at the steel ranger, it hurt like hell doing so but he managed to say "I ain't dead yet..." 


He managed to move, it hurt like hell but he could move. He shook out of one of the stallions grasp and fell to the floor. It hurt, badly, and he knew it was not the smartest decision he had made. He tried standing up but he had to keep his right back leg elevated. He looked at his hat on the ground and used his magic to put it back on. "None of you are from the moohave are you? If you were you would know how to make your own medical supplies." He managed to say, the pain in his head getting worse the more he spoke. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"hey I was trained in battle magic and have little knowledge about medicine, I could make a stim-pack I guess" he answered then looked at the struggling unicorn "are you sure you should be up? you look very badly hurt Mr. powers...that is you last name right?" he asked him  

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My companions ignored my statement as they rushed to help the individual. Rolling my eyes I followed my companions and saw the injured stallion. Heeding my statement the injured pony stated he wasn't dead yet as he struggled to get back up. Followed by saying that if we were from the moohave we would know how to make natural medicine from the local fauna."Fun little trivia my injured bloke, but as of right now that information is irrelevant. I'd say you'd be dead within a couple of hours without medical attention, so how about you make it worth our while and maybe I'll share some painkillers." I said mockingly to the injured individual in front of me who now managed to put a hat on.


   I made my way past him to inspect the bodies of whom I presumed was the stallions family. One individual clearly stood out between them. The countless scars, dirty hide, and gory cutie mark was more then enough to tell me it was a raider. Killed by a large caliber round from up close, how classy. Raising my hoof I brought down my armored limb crushing the remains of the raider's skull with a distinct wet crack. "Disgusting filth, not even worth a bullet to put them down," I proclaimed as I scraped the raider's skull fragments off my suit. I took a second glance at the deceased family, it took me a while to realize but...wings? There was a pegasus all the way out here? He was dead now so it wasn't my problem...but I was a little curious. Looking off in the distance I spotted what looked like the remains of an explosion. Despite there being nothing on my E.F.S I made sure to rev up my minigun just in case.

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Hazmat looked at one of the stallions, he tried to nod but the pain stopped him,b "Yes, I am Nuclear Powers..." He said. He then looked at the steel ranger "uhh Yeah... you ain't getting nothing from me. I can make my own medicine. All I need is some xander root and... and..." His mind was a little foggy, probably from blood loss. "broc flower... mixing them can make many different medicines from, Healing powder to Stimpaks to Bitter Drinks and anti-venom" He said slowly. "You can even make sunrise sarsaparilla with it." He said. 

Edited by Knights Templar

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"that's wonderful but I think we should get to sunny springs, hopefully there's a doctor there that can help more than a few stim-packs can" he says to Mr. powers "so do we have to carry you or can you walk?" he asked. there's been too much violence here Chain thought I hope someday we can just make peace with everypony...fat chance but I have to try any way I can 

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Well it was worth a shot at least, I mean his house is currently set ablaze and his family was dead so I guess I saw it coming. I choose to ignore his lecture on fauna, seriously he talks about herbs like a zebra! My companion Chain then brought up the suggestion of going to the nearby town of sunny springs. It wasn't really a well thought out plan but it was somewhere to start. "I highly doubt nuclear powers can walk more than half a mile before his limbs tear up and get an infection from the shrapnel. So I highly suggest somepony carry him till we get there." I said as I walked over back to them.

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"I could levitate him it would not be very hard with this" Chain pointed to his horn extension "I could pick us all up right now and we could float with my magic for like 2 hours until I got to tired and passed out" he stated exaggerating about his powers a little bit "what I'm trying to say is I will do it" 

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"Thank you," Silvermind answered. He turned to Powers. "I'm Silvermind Goodspeak, by the way. Do you need some more water? What wounds do you have? How bad are they? Do you need immediate medical attention? What happened here?" Silvermind attacked Powers with a flurry of questions. "...Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first, how much pain are you in?"

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Agreed," Silvermind replied. He turned to Powers. "I'm Silvermind Goodspeak, by the way. Do you need some more water? What wounds do you have? How bad are they? Do you need immediate medical attention? What happened here?" Silvermind attacked Powers with a flurry of questions. "...Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first, how much pain are you in?"

"Silvermind his wounds are as apparent as your desire to help the stallion. It's obvious he's in a large amount of pain and that much shrapnel would require an operating table level of surgery. So lets pick up the pace and decide how we should carry the injured pony in front of us before he dies shall we." I jokingly pointed towards a random direction as I said so.

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"If we can salvage some things from my home, I can use some of my mothers supplies to keep me up long enough so I can walk to sunny springs. I know the doctor there from when I was a colt. He was the one who helped my mother give birth to my brother"


Hazmat looked at Silver "I'm in quite a bit of pain but I can take it. One missile won't take me down, all I can say is that I am lucky that raider couldn't shoot straight. " He then looked at Chain "And one more thing, I am not leaving until my family get a proper burial, and I will not take NO for an answer" He said as he pulled his bandanna over his face, so only his eyes were showing. He looked at his revolver on the ground and picked it up. Inside it were only 5 rounds. He holstered it and sighed "Also, Call me Nuclear..." He said as he limped over to his father and took out his lighter, the lighter had his mother and father's name on it. He put the lighter away and the noticed a piece of metal in the shoulder pad of his armor. He bit it and took it out, spitting it on the corpse of the raider.

Edited by Knights Templar

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"well we have no choice, lets bury them" he says using his magic to pick up two shovels and gave them to silver and Hazel "I'm not making you dig for me because I have this!" he says making a magic shovel in front of them "I love magic so much" he joyfully says levitating a body to a near by rock. if only this is how ignorant I actually am Chain thought  

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Silvermind nodded.

"I'll go inside and see what I can find." He entered the burned-out ruins of Nuclear's house. Not too long afterwards, he left, carrying some assorted herbs, namely some Xander Roots and Broc Flowers.

He handed the herbs to Nuclear and said, "Please forgive me, my knowledge of new-world medicine is limited. You'll have to make it yourself."

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Don't worry, I just need something to heat it up, maybe a campfire. If you can find me some bottles I can make some bitter drink, it is more effective than stimpaks being more concentrated but it tastes like if you just ate an orange pith..." He said, levitating the xander root and broc flower in front of him. He was clearly thinking. "once my family is buried I will show you how to make some, and if you got any empty syringes, I will show you how to make some stimpaks." He said before he saw one of the large jugs of water he had when he was bringing water to his family from lake mead.  It had evaporated and only about 5 bottles worth was left. He could use it to boil the xander root and broc flower. But he would need bottles to put the bitter drink in it. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Here," answered Silvermind, supplying the two empty water bottles. "I know how to make Stimpaks, but I have no syringes." I don't know how to make a campfire, though. And in your condition, there are probably better candidates."

"Chain!" he called. "You know how to make a campfire, right?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"yeah!" he yelled back then got finished with the hole and throw the body inside "I'll fill it in later" he said going towards the two ponies "how you make a campfire is...you get a few stone's and some wood and for the final touch!" chain said while setting up the campfire "you have to add the fire!" he made a fire on the wood "that's how you do it, or without magic you can just rub two sticks together really fast until it sparks up well you could also use a lighter  

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"Or for a more simple route... you use a lighter..." Hazmat said as he set everything up. He began to boil the water in the jug and added the broc flower and turned the xander root into a powder with a rock before adding it to the water."Give it a few minutes, then I can add it to the bottles and done." He said before looking at his younger sister's corpse "I want to bury her myself...  somepony give me a shovel..." He said as he limped over to her corpse. He looked at the bullet wound in her forehead. " I'm not sure if this is better for her or worse... who knows what they would have done to her if they had taken her alive..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Chain levitated a shovel to Hazmat "I feel sorry for you losing your family, I know a pony that had her family die too" Chain said in a less happy tone of voice "I'm gonna finish burying that body now" he says walking away back to the big rock. where did you go Banner? Chain thought 

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"I, too, can sympathize," Silvermind consoled. "I know what it's like to lose your family like this... Well, almost like this." He looked away.

"Anyway. I'll leave you to the burial."

Silvermind picked up his bag and walked after Chain, thinking about that fateful day not too long ago, where his world was shot to pieces, and he was thrust out into the unforgiving Wasteland.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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