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Least likely ship you like?


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Least likely ship you like. As in fan fiction/fan art and fan made stuff in general. 


What is the least likely ship you like. As in it's the least likely ship to happen. Sure, it be wish fulfillment.... but I kinda like wish fulfillment since I'm a sad loser. XD


For example as a ship that's unlikely to happen Zoidberg x Rarity or Shrek x Applejack. There's two are crack ship examples, but what is a ship you like but it's unlikely to happen if two said characters met?



Now.... that's out of the way, the least likely shipfic I like is.... human x Celestia. Very likely to happen... but I like it anyway.

Edited by Bendy

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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