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open Canterlot High (Reboot!)


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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv


Tyra tilted her head confusedly, wondering why nopony had acknowledged her answer to Cirrus's question, but carried on nonetheless.


She arrived at the bakery with Cirrus and Trivy, and her nose lifted up as the warm smell of fresh baking filled her sinuses.

"It smells just like Volid's bakery back home," She purred, tongue sliding across her lips hungrily.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Trivy stepped into the bakery and gazed at all the delicious bread and treats behind the glass. "Oh dear Luna these look so delicious." She turned around to face Cirrus and Tyra. "Maybe a little rude to ask on the first day but does any of you have some bits to spare.. I'm afraid I don't have any at the moment. I will pay you back, I swear."

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Cirrus reached into his own bags to pull out several bits. "My... guardian. She made sure I had everything I would need for school," he said. He went up to the counter, first requesting what he wanted, then looked to Trivy and Tyra. "What do you two think looks good?" he asked. "My treat this time."

As they made their orders, Cirrus looked to Trivy. "It's okay, it's in the past. I should learn to be more comfortable with it." 

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@@Pucksterv @@Ochre_Dust


"Are you sure, friend?" Tyra blinked up at Cirrus, tilting her head, "I have my own bits, I can pay for my own!"


Suddenly, something behind the glass display case caught her eye, and she got on her hind legs to stare at it, hooves planted on the glass. A plate of sweetrolls sat neatly stacked behind the barrier.

"Sweetrolls," She purred, a sliver of drool running down the corner of her mouth, "I love sweetrolls..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Silhouette stood at the entrance way to the cafeteria, pizza box on her back. What she saw was a wall of noise, personified by tables filled with colts & fillies messily munching away at their government issued rations. The sickly smells of a mish mash of prepackaged foods assaulted her senses. Worst of all, every table looked packed. Sure, there was a seat here or there, but no table had enough room specifically for her. No amount of space or distance to call her own. 


"Buck, this." She said as she charged a teleport, and bamfed out of the school.




"There should be a cafe/ bakery nearby. I've been there a few times. I'd always looked upon the school and thought "those poor souls." I'd never thought I'd be one of them."


She re-materialized in a flash just outside the doors. She magicked open the doors and let herself in,  the jingling of bells signalling her arrival. 

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Trivy trotted over to Tyra to look at the famous Equestrian sweet-rolls a lot ponies had seemed to mention today. "I'll have some of those... always wanted to try those. A lot of ponies have mentioned their delicious taste."




Her ears flicked back at the sound of somepony entering. She turned her head and greeted the pony with a smile. "Hi there! I've seen ye around before. You're in the same class right?" Trivy said as she walked over to the pony. "My name is Trivy." She said as she held out her hoof for a the appropriate hoofshake.

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@Pucksterv,@Unicorncob, @Ochre_Dust

"Nice to know I am worthy of noting. I would not know if we are in the same class or not. I am too busy paying attention to more important things, like class itself. But thanks for the introduction. We will see if it is worth remembering later on." She finished, as she made her way to a table in the back of the cafekery, walking past the smiling mare and her outstretched hoof. 

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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv @@Denim&Venom


Tyra slid her tongue along her slobber-covered lips, not taking her eyes off the sweetrolls.

"I shall have some of these, also," She purred.


Upon hearing Trivy greet somepony, she turned around and saw the mare from class before. The one with the bad attitude.

She scowled lightly upon her rejection of Trivy's hoofshake and walking right past them.


"I do not think I like her," she growled quietly to her friend.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cirrus nodded. "Alright, we'll get some of those," he said to his friends. He pointed to the sweet rolls. "We'll have six please," he said.




"Sraka. Vin povynen buty viddavalo." Cirrus hissed underneath his breath as the walking ego streak passed them by.




Cirrus put a hoof on Tyra's withers, shaking his head. "She's not worth it." With that he finished making his order, enough for the three of them to have a decent lunch, and took the order to a table by the window.

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@Unicorncob,@Pucksterv, @Ochre_Dust


"Prodolzhayte vorchaniye, oskorbleniya ot slabogo zherebenka nichego ne stoit.She said in response to Cirrus's curse, as she sat herself down in the back of the cafe, setting her pizza down and casting a scaled back ignition spell to reheat it. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Unicorncob, @@Denim&Venom,


Trivy followed Cirrus and Tyra towards the table while giving a displeased look towards the pony that introduced herself as somewhat superior to others which was certainly not the kind of behavior Trivy would appreciate or was even tolerable. But it seemed for now it was the best idea to ignore the 'fellow student' and return her attention to her new recent friends.


''At what time does the break end and the next class start? Come to think of it, which class is next?" She asked the friendly ponies seated next to her.

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Pucksterv, @@Denim&Venom


Tyra snorted indignantly toward the rude student and stomped after her new friends, hopping onto the chair by the window.


Her bad mood was quickly forgotten as her order of sweetrolls was put in front of her, and she practically shoved one of them into her mouth, chewing happily. Her braided tail waggled with glee.


"I am not too sure," She wanted to say to her friend, but it came out as nothing but muffled gibberish.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I don't know how soon our break ends," started Cirrus, before he began to dig through his bags for the schedule. As he searched, he looked to Tyra and Trivy. "So where do you each live here in Canterlot?" he asked.


He pulled out the schedule at last and scanned it. "Health education, followed by History and Other Cultures." Cirrus looked to his friends. "I think I am looking forward to both of these classes."

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Back at the school...


Taivas sat in the teachers lounge, looking over her itinerary for her class later today.


"Excuse me, everypony." A secretary by the looks of things announced at the door.  "Is a miss Miko in here by any chance?"


"She vus. But then she left pretty soon after classes started, seeings as how she doesn't have class today. Vhy?" Taivas replied. 


"Well, the part about her not having a class isn't entirely true. You see there was a mix up in the schedules. Does anypony have a way of contacting her?"

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"I don't know how soon our break ends," started Cirrus, before he began to dig through his bags for the schedule. As he searched, he looked to Tyra and Trivy. "So where do you each live here in Canterlot?" he asked.


He pulled out the schedule at last and scanned it. "Health education, followed by History and Other Cultures." Cirrus looked to his friends. "I think I am looking forward to both of these classes."

@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv


Tyra looked over to Cirrus, swallowing and wiping crumbs onto her foreleg. "I have an...ah-part-ment, near the school here! My parents got it for me, and I am staying until I complete my time here!"


She leaned down to the schedule and looked at it.

"Ooh, history and other cultures!" She chirped, grinning ear to ear, "Perhaps you will learn about my home!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@unicorncob, @Orche_dust,


"I..uh.. At the moment I'm still living in between places actually... So yeah... Don't really like talking about it."


Trivy went quiet for a moment, starring at her sweetroll, not wanting to look at Tyra's or Cirrus's face. "History sounds nice. Don't know what in the hay we would learn at this 'health education'."

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@Unicorncob,@Pucksterv, @Ochre_Dust
Silhouette sat back in her own corner table, munching on yet another slice of her family sized deep dish. She only had a few left. Spread out in front of her was her binder, turned back to her latest master work of "Prison Without Walls." She reread her current scriptures, reciting them in a low mutter to herself.  

The grayest of blue skies, encompassing the world once vibrant with color.
​Gale winds blew away the petals of flowers before the bloomed
Dust coated any aspects of youthful vigor, tarnishing the shine of new coming exuberance. 
The presence of those unworthy, proving an obstacle. 
Their motions, lopping the heads off conscious thought. 
Their words, the grinding screeches that bled the melodic cadence dry.
Their convictions, the acid bath of new ideas in utero.  

Seeking, for isolation.
Searching, for peace.
Thirsting, for distance.
Longing, for enrapture. 
A perfect world to be sought. Or a perfect world to be forged. 
Where the mobs of the inconsequential, the hordes of the condemning, are naught but a nightmare. 
Where the intrusive voices working as both scathing remarks and screams in the night, are naught but a trick of the mind. 
Where their hoofs of filth, their bloody caresses, their flesh forged of perdition, are just illusions to fill the empty spaces after such fill of them.
Where the sharp gouges of prying eyes, the volleys of arrow and spear, comprised of judgmental rendering and opinions carved from stone but fathomed on a skim of the detail, lay notched behind the sights of a piercing stare.

Where the cold, ink soaked claws of glances above the shoulder, breaching the attempts at security initial... are little more than memories, left to be entombed in the farthest distance, and buried beneath the farthest depths perseverance and-

Here was where she got stuck, and where her what's his face chess opponent interrupted her thoughts on the matter.  She still hadn't quite figured out what word she needed. Something that represents relief, yet having done so thanks to overcoming or accomplishing something. "Probably have to do things the hard way." She bit off a large chunk of her slice, and while chewing away at it, levitated a thesaurus out of her saddlebags. "Something to help drive my inspiration would be helpful as well." she thought as she levitated her own music player with a pair of thick headphones connected. She levitated them on, waited for her device to power up, and started playing her prerendered playlist of goth and doom metal. She then flipped open the thesaurus and started looking for a word that could work for her, lost in her own focus. 

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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv @@Denim&Venom



Trivy went quiet for a moment, starring at her sweetroll, not wanting to look at Tyra's or Cirrus's face. "History sounds nice. Don't know what in the hay we would learn at this 'health education'."


"What is this 'health education'?" Tyra tried to ask, but her cheeks were stuffed with sweetroll so it came out as mumbling with crumbs shooting onto her plate. She swallowed and continued instead of repeating, "History sounds much more exciting, hearing about glorious warriors from days of old, or fantastic battles held in these very lands!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I imagine that health class would be about how to take care of our bodies. Grooming, tooth care, preening for pegasi. Maybe horn filing for unicorns? Hoof care, making sure the coat is clean and healthy. I hope it's that stuff at least. I would be interested in that sort of thing."


Cirrus held a hoof out. "But history is good class too! I do not know much about Equestria, but I would like to learn more about my new home."

Cirrus looked to Trivy. "So, Trivy, you mentioned you are not having a home in Canterlot. Would you be okay if I spoke with my guardian about arranging something for you?"

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@@Ochre_Dust, @@Unicorncob,


"Thanks for the offer but I must decline. Now will you please drop the matter... I don't wanna talk about it. Not now and maybe not ever" Trivy said, her face still neutral but if you listed to her tone you could hear she was upset. Shegot up from her seat and walked towards the door and turned around. "Thanks for the sweet roll, I'll pay you back tomorrow. I'll see you both is class." With that, she walked out of the small bakery, back into to the cold and biting weather. She scuffled her hoofs through the snow as she walked back to the school, alone.

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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv


Tyra's ears lowered sadly at Trivy. She wasn't the brightest bulb in the socket, but even she could tell her new friend was upset about something.


"We should not let her return alone," She told Cirrus, and hopped off her chair, "Let us go after her, she needs somepony with her!"

Edited by Unicorncob
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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cirrus sighed letting his head hung low and his ears splayed out. "I was like that too until about a year ago. So sure of my own plans, so certain of where I was going in life. The idea of getting help from others was... offensive. There's nothing for it but time, patience and caring." Cirrus hopped out of his seat and gathered what was left of their food and followed Tyra to catch up with Trivy.

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@@Ochre_Dust @@Pucksterv


Tyra nodded and exited the bakery, looking around for Trivy. Thankfully, she had not gotten far, so she sprinted ahead, toward her friend.


"Trivy!" She called, accidentally tripping over a small bank of snow in her path and faceplanting into the road. She quickly got up and continued, as if nothing had happened. "Wait for us!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob, @@Ochre_Dust,


"Please, just leave me be. I just met you.. I don't even know you a full day. Don't take it personally but I just don't trust you. And I don't need any help." Trivy shouted back as she continued walking forward. Suddenly, the icy wind outside increases, giving her some resistant. 

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@@Pucksterv, @@Unicorncob,


"Hey!" Cirrus flew up to land beside Trivy, cutting through the inclement weather. "Hey, you aren't interested. That's alright. We can just be ignoring this and keep being friends." He raised a wing against the wind, seemingly creating a bubble of calm around which the wind and snow blew. "We'll drop it. But let us be going back to class together... friend?" He held out a hoof towards Trivy.

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