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private Whisper: The City Of Darkness

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@Unicorncob,@Chip Circuit.


Bramble revved the engine, still not taking his eyes off the demons but fully aware that the others hadn't followed him onto the bus. Wilhelm ushered Marble and Trivy aboard, then gestured to Lavender and Zayoh. He looked somewhat askance at Lavender's two companions, but said nothing. No-one seemed inclined to speak, other than Lavender's quiet mumbling, under the baleful glare of the daemonic alicorns.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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The revving of the engine knocked Lavender off her train of thought, and she shook her head to regain her wits. The others were on the bus, awaiting her and Zayoh to board. The two mutants were still standing there, loyally waiting their master's next order.


No. She shook her head again. She wasn't their master. She was their shepherd.


She looked at the two creatures in the eyes. "If you wanna come with me, please board that bus. Don't worry, nopony on board's gonna hurt you...as long as you don't bite any hooves or anything."


She trotted to the bus and boarded it, sitting at the window. The familiar scene of the window seat comforted her a bit from the verbal war that took place in her head just moments ago.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Zayoh hesitantly turned around taking his eyes off the demon still feeling responsible for the being that was now released upon this once beautiful land. He stepped onto the bus shakey about what was happening, he walked down the aisle of the bus avoiding eye contact with the rest of the group. "I am responsible for what will conspire, because of me that demon will do as he wishes long before he will retire." He muttered as he walked toward the back of the bus. "I will do my best to right my wrong some how, this to myself I vow."


The zebra sat himself at the back of the bus, his gaze fixated on the floor as he pressed his hoof gently to the amulet under his cloak.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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She looked at the two creatures in the eyes. "If you wanna come with me, please board that bus. Don't worry, nopony on board's gonna hurt you...as long as you don't bite any hooves or anything."


The two mutants quietly trotted onto the bus behind Lavender, the one with the saddlebag of belongings sitting next to her and the other one sitting behind her. Lavender noticed that the saddlebags had a pile of apples next to a barrel embroidered on them, along with the two words 'Gala Apple'.


@Chip Circuit,@Unicorncob.


As the bus accelerated away, 'Resh' burst into green fire and vanished a moment later. The alicorn-demons made no move to follow them, and no mutants blocked their path, but Bramble didn't slow the bus until they were well past the city limits. The sun had fully risen now, and everyone on board was squinting in the bright light after a month of constant twilight. Canterlot, where Bramble tersely explained they had to go to warn the King and the Guard, was a couple of hours distant.


The mutant behind Lavender stared out of the window, whilst the one next to her pulled out a book ('Tinker Tailor Saddler Spy') and stares blankly at the bookmarked page. Crystal Spark fidgets in her seat, never relaxing, whilst a couple of seats away from her Trivy dozed fitfully, occasionally sitting up and looking around before dozing off again. Wilhelm sat thinking, and even Marble seemed subdued. Bramble said nothing, but the occasional rough gear change or over-revving of the engine betrayed the tension he felt.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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The two mutants quietly trotted onto the bus behind Lavender, the one with the saddlebag of belongings sitting next to her and the other one sitting behind her. Lavender noticed that the saddlebags had a pile of apples next to a barrel embroidered on them, along with the two words 'Gala Apple'.


Lavender smiled as the two mutants decided to join her, one sitting next to her and the other behind her.

"I wasn't expecting to make new friends out here," she chirped, beaming at the mutant next to her, "But I'm glad you two came along!"


She took a mental note of the 'Gala Apple' logo on her saddlebags. It might be useful later...or not. But it never hurt.



The mutant behind Lavender stared out of the window, whilst the one next to her pulled out a book ('Tinker Tailor Saddler Spy') and stares blankly at the bookmarked page. Crystal Spark fidgets in her seat, never relaxing, whilst a couple of seats away from her Trivy dozed fitfully, occasionally sitting up and looking around before dozing off again. Wilhelm sat thinking, and even Marble seemed subdued. Bramble said nothing, but the occasional rough gear change or over-revving of the engine betrayed the tension he felt.


She noticed the mutant next to her pulling out a book, and leaned over to have a look at it.

"Never read that one," she muttered, then smiled up at the mutant, "Any good so far?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Zayoh simply kept to himself in the back of the bus, he was merely thankful that the group did not leave him to fend for himself against that demon and his minions. So he chose to not bring attention to himself in case they would be close to changing their minds.


The zebra then chose to press the hooves of his fore legs together and began meditating, to attempt to calm his mind once again along with the state of the area around him. Though it seemed now that there was less happening around him, he determined that either lavender or her friends were causing some sense of instability to the spiritual connection of the area. "Her friends were not with us before in the square, it is seeming more likely she is causing this potential tear." He muttered to himself focusing more on lavender's disturbance on his connection with the spiritual realm.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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"Never read that one," she muttered, then smiled up at the mutant, "Any good so far?"


The mutant looked up but didn't answer, then went back to staring at the same page again, eyes not moving.


"Hmm?" Wilhelm looked at the book's title, paused, then said, "It's a book about one of Celestia's spies trying to find out which of her other spies has betrayed Equestria and is working for the Gryphons. I haven't read it, but it's supposed to be good, if you're into that sort of thing." Wilhelm's tone suggested a humorous disdain for the subject matter, famous as he was for describing theoretical theses  on multidimensional spacial magics as 'light reading.'

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@Chip Circuit,@Unicorncob.


As the bus sped away from Ponyville, a pair of ponies watched it from a camouflaged hide on a nearby hilltop. The earth pony was surveying the city through a pair of binoculars, watching the mutated inhabitants shamble through the streets and slowly assemble outside the city. One of the alicorn-demons flew out and landed in front of the assembling horde, which immediately began to organise itself into a more ordered formation.


"I've seen enough," The earth pony said, lowering the binoculars, "Take us back." Without a word, his unicorn companion's horn flared, and in a flash of magic they were gone.



Two Hours Later


Canterlot had changed drastically over the last thirty years, with traditional cream masonry built over by the accoutrements of modern life and changes in architectural taste. In the month since Celestia had disappeared and the King came to power, the rate of change had accelerated, with increased security technology and guard presence on the streets. Canterlot Castle, towering over the city, was now built like a fortress - armour-plated walls to resist cannon-fire, magical searchlights illuminating every inch of it, barbed wire and security fences replacing the low stone walls and hedges that Princess Celestia had favoured, and on the roof the observatory was obscured by scaffolding as work continued to turn Canterlot Castle into an impregnable bastion.


The bus approached the gates to the university campus on the outskirts of the city. The streets of Canterlot were full of ponies holding an impromptu street party, and trying to navigate the packed narrow roads with a bus was all but impossible, so Wilhelm had instructed Bramble to return the bus to the campus before he made his way to the castle on hoof. The university, however, was swarming with guards. A dozen were standing guard by the gate, and the moment the bus approached they surrounded it, weapons drawn. A pegasus officer, identifiable as one of the King's Household Cavalry by his uniform, ornate sabre and the modern flintlock pistol at his side (more of an affectation that a weapon for a pegasus or earth pony) boarded the bus, looked around and then stared directly at Wilhelm.


"Are you Dr Winter?" He asked brusquely.


"I am, Lieutenant, and I..." Wilhelm began, but the pegasus cut him off.


"Dr Winter, I will need you and your companions to come with me. Immediately." Two more guards, also in Household uniforms, boarded the bus, standing just behind their officer.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Zayoh nervously stood from his seat but didn't advance from where he stood on the back of the bus, he was still unsure of how the others felt about him after what had happened. If he hadn't interacted with the crystal back in ponyville then Resh wouldn't be loose to do as he will in Equestria.


As his gaze shifted to outside the bus he thought over the fact of how the party in the streets was affecting the connection to the spiritual realm. While the commotion made it difficult it did not seem threatening but beyond it all in the distance he could feel a strange sense coming from the palace. It was similar to the sensation in ponyville but no where near as strong nor wide spread.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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As the bus ride continued, Lavender sat in silence, staring out the window. She blinked, and realised something.


It was quiet.


Not just on the bus, but in her head. The other voice had been quiet for a while now.

"...maybe he's sleeping," she deduced with a shrug.


When the bus stopped at Canterlot, she looked out at the party in the streets, longing to join the fun.

"I love parties!" She whined, "Can we stop here? I wanna get some silly hats and really unhealthy carnival food!"


When the guards appeared, and one even entered the bus, she felt unease.

"Uh oh."

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Chip Circuit,@Unicorncob.




"I love parties!" She whined, "Can we stop here? I wanna get some silly hats and really unhealthy carnival food!"


"Not now. There will be plenty of time to party, and we certainly need it after what we've been through, but I'm going to need you to see Dr Arcanus Tome first."


Now that the King's own guard were all but arresting them, Wilhelm wished that he had let Lavender go off and party - being detained wasn't a pleasant experience, even at the best of times. And the best of times were many years past now.


"I need to speak with Dr Tome first," he insisted, "He needs to know what has happened in Ponyville."

"Dr Tome has been arrested for treason and is awaiting trial, and if you are an associate of his then we definitely need to speak with you." The officer's tone broached no argument. Wilhelm managed to conceal his shock, and his mind started whirling as he assessed the various possibilities. There weren't that many. 


"I will gladly accompany you up to the castle, but I ask that my students be allowed to remain here. They've been through enough already." He said carefully, "If you need them then they will still be here."

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Zayoh gulped as his hooves begun to carry him forward toward Wilhelm, unsure how he would feel about the zebra and his actions in ponyville.


He walked past lavender and her friends. Zayoh approached Wilhelm from behind and cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should accompany you Wilhelm, I can sense a disturbance that is not of this realm." Zayoh said as his gaze drifted back up to the palace.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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@@Chip Circuit,@@Unicorncob.




He walked past lavender and her friends. Zayoh approached Wilhelm from behind and cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should accompany you Wilhelm, I can sense a disturbance that is not of this realm." Zayoh said as his gaze drifted back up to the palace.


The officer started when he heard Zayoh's voice, his eyes narrowing as he regarded the cloaked figure.


"Zebra," he said, his tone making it clear that it wasn't a question. His expression hardened, and he addressed the entire bus, "No, I'm afraid all of you will need to come with me." Everyone was escorted off the bus by the guards, and assembled with another group of worried students just inside the university campus walls.




Cura Breeze was having a bad day. Given that the sun had risen for the first time in a month, and it was in fact the first 'day' in over 720 hours, this was rather unfortunate timing. A number of students, himself included, had been rounded up for questioning by the Household Cavalry, the King's elite guard, and tersely informed that they were wanted for questioning up at Canterlot Castle. There was a small commotion at the university gates, and looking up Cura could see that several other ponies, as well as a robed figure, were being ushered off the bus and herded towards the detained students. One of the ponies, a relatively small white earth pony with a crystal emitting lightning for a cutie mark looked stared unblinkingly at him as she walked over, as if seeing something that he didn't. Then she looked away, looking at something in the distance.


@@Ethan Sawyer.


Scarlett Fidelity stood to attention as the pegasus officer walked over to her.


"Some more for the castle here. The pegasus is Dr Wilhelm de Winter - an associate of Dr Tome who claims he needs to speak with him about Ponyville. A zebra too, no idea what to make of that. Keep an eye on them - I don't like the look of them, and Dr Winter sounds like he's up to his neck in this."

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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"Zebra," he said, his tone making it clear that it wasn't a question. His expression hardened, and he addressed the entire bus, "No, I'm afraid all of you will need to come with me." Everyone was escorted off the bus by the guards, and assembled with another group of worried students just inside the university campus walls.


Cura Breeze was having a bad day. Given that the sun had risen for the first time in a month, and it was in fact the first 'day' in over 720 hours, this was rather unfortunate timing. A number of students, himself included, had been rounded up for questioning by the Household Cavalry, the King's elite guard, and tersely informed that they were wanted for questioning up at Canterlot Castle. There was a small commotion at the university gates, and looking up Cura could see that several other ponies, as well as a robed figure, were being ushered off the bus and herded towards the detained students. One of the ponies, a relatively small white earth pony with a crystal emitting lightning for a cutie mark looked stared unblinkingly at him as she walked over, as if seeing something that he didn't. Then she looked away, looking at something in the distance.


Scarlett Fidelity stood to attention as the pegasus officer walked over to her.


"Some more for the castle here. The pegasus is Dr Wilhelm de Winter - an associate of Dr Tome who claims he needs to speak with him about Ponyville. A zebra too, no idea what to make of that. Keep an eye on them - I don't like the look of them, and Dr Winter sounds like he's up to his neck in this."


"Awww," Lavender whined in disappointment, and she exited the bus with the other students, giving the celebration in the streets a longing look. "Wait for me, my deep-fried babies. I will return for you...!"


She looked ahead and spotted a group of ponies about her age. More detained students, perhaps?


Two ponies in particular got her attention. A pegasus, and one of the guards.


More pawns in the game. But with the queen and bishops in play, and only a castle to oppose them, what can humble pawns do?


Ah, the chess rhetoric is back! "There you are, I was getting lonely," she whispered to the strange presence that seemed to take residence in her head for the last while.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Zayoh glanced away from the guard as he was able to easily recognize that Zayoh was a zebra and he was nervous how ponies would react to that knowledge when zebras are believed to participate in rituals such as Necromancy.


As the guard led them off the bus Zayoh's attention was drawn by a pegasus in the area, their presence caused a disturbance in his connection with the spirits. He looked away from the pegasus and rose his fore hooves up to the side of his head and pulled down the hood of his cloak since he was now known as a zebra to everypony.


He glanced back to lavender who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts, he still hadn't had the chance to probe her knowledge on alchemy.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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For all the festivities in Canterlot, the group of students currently surrounding Cura Breeze were quite the odd sight indeed. Instead of enjoying the return of the sun, an occurrence once so common, they stood huddled together, with only sporadic whispers erupting through the silent and apprehensive group.The air surrounding filled with soft undertones of fear and confusion as they stood just outside the university, the shock of their detainment beginning to wear off after waiting for so long. Within that group stood Cura, sitting silently as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of sun for a few brief moments before the sound of an approaching bus drew his attention.


Opening his eyes and closing the medical textbook he had been reviewing to pass the time, Cura stood up and turned to the bus as it reached the university and stopped just a short distance away from the group of huddled ponies. Watching as the King's guards quickly surrounded the bus and its occupants, Cura could only guess they were being detained as well. What could be so important that the 'King' has the Household Calvary of all ponies to detaining everypony? I just don't see what detaining a bunch of students could accomplish and the fact that all guards say is that we're wanted for questioning makes me even more confused. Maybe these ponies from the bus have something to do with it?


Looking once again to the bus's occupants, Cura found them being lead towards towards him and the rest of the students, though one in particular, a small white earth pony caught his attention. She stared unblinking at the group and Cura could almost feel her eyes locking on him, studying him for what felt like an eternity before looking away, sending a shiver down Cura's spine that he couldn't explain. Let's just hope the rest of the group isn't like her. He thought as he turned his gaze to the rest of the approaching group.        

Edited by Blacklight

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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WIlhelm hated complying.

He looked around at the soldiers escorting the group, and - as if he was a sergeant again - mentally chewed them out for their posture and weapon maintainance. You call that a halberd? Drop and give me twenty, then clean it until you can see your big lug's face in it like a mirror! With a toothbrush. It was a coping mechanism, to be honest. If the Household Cavalry were really taking Wilhelm to the King, then something very, very bad would happen. Then again... the sun had risen. Years, and it was here again. It reminded him of Celestia, and the corner of his mouth curved upwards as he thought about her Day Court, and the old times. 


However, the thought was soon banished by the thought of the demons possessing the bodies of his sworn princesses, and Wilhelm latched onto the goal of finding Doctor Tome with renewed vigor. Wilhelm wasn't a demonologist, and the only pony he knew with expertise in that area was Tome. However, he first had to get through the meeting with the King...


He shivered at the thought.

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Lavender, being the quirky mare she was, quickly got bored of waiting for the voice in her head to respond and decided she wanted to focus her attention on learning things. She always was an eager student, albeit a hazardous one.


@@Orion Caelum


She looked up at Wilhelm, blinking curiously.

"Sir, who's this 'Doctor Tome' we're going to see?" She asked, grinning, "An old buddy of yours? Do you have any embarrassing stories about him? Does he have any about you?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlett Fidelity stood to attention as the pegasus officer walked over to her.


"Some more for the castle here. The pegasus is Dr Wilhelm de Winter - an associate of Dr Tome who claims he needs to speak with him about Ponyville. A zebra too, no idea what to make of that. Keep an eye on them - I don't like the look of them, and Dr Winter sounds like he's up to his neck in this."


"Yes sir" she said to her superior before turning to face the ponies nearby. She made a mental note of the visual features of each pony, all while making predictions about each one. She headed over to Wilhelm. She felt like she knew him from something, but brushed the feeling off. Once she arrived next to him she said "Hello, are you Wilhelm?"


Art by DoeKitty

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@@Ethan Sawyer,@@Unicorncob, @@Orion Caelum, @@Blacklight, @@Chip Circuit.


A unicorn walked out of one of the accommodation blocks, "All done here," she called out to the pegasus officer, who nodded in response.


"Alright corporal, take them up to the castle," the officer said to Scarlett, "Use the bus they came on, although you'll still want to avoid the crowds. I think Lance-corporal Hayfield can drive a bus," He looked at one of the other soldiers, who nodded. "Alright, don't cause any trouble, answer any questions you are asked honestly and tell the questioners everything you think is relevant, and this will be over quickly, and you can all go back to your parties," he said addressing the group of about a dozen detained ponies now. 


"Sir, a small problem," the more distant unicorn called out, having emerged from the accommodation block again. The officer nodded Scarlett and strode off towards the unicorn.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Ethan Sawyer,@@Unicorncob@@Orion Caelum@@Blacklight@@Chip Circuit.


The group was ushered onto the bus again, and Hayfield took the driver's seat. The going was slow, with several diversions around crowds that were too thick to try and drive the bus through, but eventually the bus reached the entrance to castle where it was waved through by one of the guards. The castle had originally been a beautiful limestone palace, designed more for aesthetic satisfaction than for defence, but since the King took power its security had been modernised, with anti-climb spikes on the walls and searchlights mounted in makeshift guard towers. Galvanised steel featured heavily in the newer additions, with many of the more delicate architectural features either removed or shored up with concrete blocks and steel girders,  and the old wooden doors replaced by thick steel ones with locks and interior bolts. Flags and banners bearing the King's black-and-red heraldry flew everywhere, whilst over the entrance to the castle were engraved the words:





There was a fair bit of activity inside the castle walls, with dozens of guards of varying ranks to-ing and fro-ing between offices, guardhouses and superiors. Nonetheless, there was order in the chaos, and as soon as the passengers disembarked they were shown into a waiting room. Two armed guards stood at the door, and Scarlett was still with them, but it was a far cry from a cell in the castle's dungeon. 

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Lavender frowned as she looked around the sights of the refurbished castle. Everything was so modern, so clean, so sleek.




So boring,


"Geez, would it kill these ponies to put up a bit of colour?" She complained, sitting back on her bus seat and pouting. "My last attempt at a calming remedy was more lively than this!"


She couldn't feel her other friend's presence that well either; as if all the order and calmness was sucking away his energy.

She could feel it tugging at hers as well, from how much the slick architecture was making her yawn.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Yes sir" she said to her superior before turning to face the ponies nearby. She made a mental note of the visual features of each pony, all while making predictions about each one. She headed over to Wilhelm. She felt like she knew him from something, but brushed the feeling off. Once she arrived next to him she said "Hello, are you Wilhelm?"


Wilhelm didn't respond for a long time, focusing on studying the castle and formulating his plan. As he was heading in, he noticed his beloved observatory was enveloped in scaffolding - and, strangely, he could feel magic emanating from it, stronger than the rest of the castle's machinery. Whatever they're keeping in there, it's strong. Oh dear... what did I get myself into? Wilhelm nickered in displeasure, quietly.


When Lavender asked if Tome knew any embarrassing stories about him, Wilhelm quite deliberately ignored her. Oh, if only she knew. Heh, but Tome did make me promise never to talk about that one incident... in return for his silence about the other incident which was totally not my fault, even though it resulted in a very nice new six-meter window. Uh, wait... Wasn't I supposed to say something?


Wilhelm suddenly blinked back to the real world, and realized he was in a waiting room. He must have been thinking too much; like his mother used to say, off in his own world. Remembering where he was, he sat down in a cushioned chair nearby, then responded to Scarlett. "Ah, yes, I suppose so. Doctor Wilhelm de Winter, at your service... as much as I can be while waiting for the guillotine."


He chuckled, clearly meaning it as a joke, but when nopony else laughed, Wilhelm coughed in embarrassment and took a distinct interest in the plush carpet.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Wilhelm didn't respond for a long time, focusing on studying the castle and formulating his plan. As he was heading in, he noticed his beloved observatory was enveloped in scaffolding - and, strangely, he could feel magic emanating from it, stronger than the rest of the castle's machinery. Whatever they're keeping in there, it's strong. Oh dear... what did I get myself into? Wilhelm nickered in displeasure, quietly.


When Lavender asked if Tome knew any embarrassing stories about him, Wilhelm quite deliberately ignored her. Oh, if only she knew. Heh, but Tome did make me promise never to talk about that one incident... in return for his silence about the other incident which was totally not my fault, even though it resulted in a very nice new six-meter window. Uh, wait... Wasn't I supposed to say something?


Wilhelm suddenly blinked back to the real world, and realized he was in a waiting room. He must have been thinking too much; like his mother used to say, off in his own world. Remembering where he was, he sat down in a cushioned chair nearby, then responded to Scarlett. "Ah, yes, I suppose so. Doctor Wilhelm de Winter, at your service... as much as I can be while waiting for the guillotine."


He chuckled, clearly meaning it as a joke, but when nopony else laughed, Wilhelm coughed in embarrassment and took a distinct interest in the plush carpet.

Scarlett had to suppress a smirk, she still had some sense of humour. When she heard Wilhelm's response she was about to reply before she and the rest of the group were ushered onto the bus. As they were doing that and she passed Wilhelm, she quietly muttered "I laugh on the inside."


Once they had reached the castle the first thing that Scarlett noticed, like every other time she went there, tha everything was obsessively modern and clean. This wall needs a mural.


Art by DoeKitty

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Zayoh looked around the castle, he had heard tales of how pristine and elegant it use to be before the king's rise to power. But now he couldn't help but find a strong dislike of how the castle looked, while there was a sense of stability both physically and spiritually that didn't mean it was good.


As he walked out into the waiting room along with all the other passengers of the bus he couldn't help but notice a feeling he was sensing from a room a small distance away that had a peculiar feeling eminating from it.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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