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@@Dapper Charmer


Fantasy Moon nods and smiles slightly in response, throwing the paint away into a trash can and standing the paint cans up.  Having a very *ahem* energetic mother who would sometimes visit her, she could relate.  Considering the task done, she began to look around the store.  "You made these?"

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@@Dapper Charmer


Fantasy Moon nods and smiles slightly in response, throwing the paint away into a trash can and standing the paint cans up.  Having a very *ahem* energetic mother who would sometimes visit her, she could relate.  Considering the task done, she began to look around the store.  "You made these?"

"Yes I did," said Dapper, "when the stores not full of customers I like to paint. It's a good way to drum up business. Thanks again for cleaning up the mess," Dapper put his hoof to his face. "Where are my manners," he said as he extended a hoof towards the unicorn,"G'day, the names Dapper, Dapper Charmer. And welcome to The Painted Llama, your one stop shop for all things creative. If you need anything just let me know Miss...?

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon nods, takes Dapper Charmer's hoof to serve up some delicious llama hoof later, and shakes it.  "Moon.  Fantasy Moon."  She then pulls her hoof away and goes back to browsing.  I'm envious.  I can't even do good shading on paper!  Then again, he must've been doing this his whole life and I only really began at fifteen.   

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"Pleasure to meet you Miss Moon, or do you Prefer Fantasy?" Asked Dapper cheerfully. Dapper studied Fantasy carefully. He'd never seen her around town before. "Pardon the intrusion," said Dapper, "its just I haven't seen you around town before, so you must be new here. And if you are new let me be the first to welcome you to our little slice of paradise. Unless you've already been welcomed in which case let me be the second to welcome you." Dapper looked over at fantasy and realized he might be banking again. "Sorry," he said, "I tend to speak more then I should. Now what can I get you?"

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The rain had ceased and the wind became calm. Whilst still clouded it was instead a tinted mix of gray and orange yellow. Satisfied he stood and picked up his sling pack.


"It was a pleasure Bright. May the stars bless you." He says and departed, his signature smile the ending to their encounter.


@@Akari of Duskshire

"Good bye Ms. Moon." He quickly and audible said as he passed by her and another stallion making along from the Bazaar and onwards to travel.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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2:29 PM local time, UPI campus


'...the dog was found safe and sound by a local police officer. Now, before we go, here's a final look at the weather. The tropical storm that struck Grand Hoofnea to our south has brought Port Impala some effects, including more rain and heightened wind gusts. The rain and wind have been letting up within the last hour, and should be completely over within the next half hour or so. Looking at our downtown sky camera, we can actually see the sun beginning to peek out, and some ponies are returning to the streets. Expect dry conditions over the next three days, with highs in the upper 80s. At least humidity will be lower.


'That's your afternoon news update from Metro5, we'll be back at 6...'




Compass Meridian turned off the TV in his dorm room. The rain's let up, so maybe it's time to explore the city. Hmmm...the bus ride here was a bit uncomfortable in the heat and humidity, I don't have a car of course, so maybe it's time to take the subway!


Grabbing his saddlebag and a map of the city, the brown unicorn left his room, intent on seeing as much as the city as he could. With his geolocation abilities, it didn't take long for Compass to reach the University subway station.




2:31 PM local time, Seaside Bazaar Indoor Shopping Center


It couldn't have been a coincidence; the waiter already had Bright Idea's meal ready for her not even a minute after returning to her table. The conversation she had with the stallion and the mare was good, as it helped her take her mind off things. The mare was curious, so maybe she'll visit the Municipal Archives at some point.


Heh, maybe the brown unicorn from this morning will also run into her. There's a thought.


Her mood was also helped by the fact that the food was very good.


I might have to frequent this place more often, she thought.


As she finished eating, Bright Idea thought about what to do next. Of course, she'd have to check to see if the police cruiser was towed away; since her mood was better, maybe she should also visit those officers and apologize for her actions from earlier. It wasn't their fault one of her government ministers was making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Of course, the day was still young; it was only 2:30 after all. What to do? Explore some of the shops? The Bazaar only opened four years ago, and most of the good stuff was sold outside, so she never had any real reason to visit the two-year-old indoor shops that often...well, aside from the opening, when the center's owner insisted on having the newly elected mayor visit.


With the rain ending, some of the customers inside the restaurant got up to leave. Bright Idea couldn't help but listen to some of the conversations. A few ponies mentioned visiting an art shop across the street, some were adamant on going back to the beach, and a few were ordinary residents who took a reaaaaallllyyyy long lunch break.



Isaac had just finished his slice of carrot cake when he decided to take his coffee and leave just as he was about to he tripped and the cold coffee which should of had it plastic lid on spilled on the mayor.... "oh sorry I apologize.... I" he rushed to quickly go get some towels by the time he got back he realized that it was the mayor "oh my! I really do apologize...."

Edited by Donald Gamer
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@@Donald Gamer


Bright Idea waved to the (Arabian?) stallion as he left. The unicorn mare probably left sooner. Indeed, the restaurant was now missing roughly a third of the customers it had earlier - likely because the rain had all but ended, allowing them to go back about their business.


Well, maybe I should head back to the Mayor's Office and -


Just as Bright Idea was about to get up from the table, she felt a cold, damp sensation emanating from her right front hoof.


- meet...with...my...Civil Defense...minister.


On one hoof, her mood was a lot better than it was when she entered the restaurant, not to mention this was likely an accident. On the other hoof, when was the last time Bright Idea was talking with visitors and residents one minute, then pushed into a police car for overblown reasons, then have to deal with an accidental liquid spill? She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice the colt returning with...towels?


Oh, so he accidentally spilled this on me.


When she turned to face the colt, Bright Idea noticed that he was profusely apologizing for the spill. The spill itself was nothing major, plus, it's not like she had any formal clothes on.


"It's fine," she said. "Considering how my day's gone, this is the least of my problems."

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@@Donald Gamer


Bright Idea waved to the (Arabian?) stallion as he left. The unicorn mare probably left sooner. Indeed, the restaurant was now missing roughly a third of the customers it had earlier - likely because the rain had all but ended, allowing them to go back about their business.


Well, maybe I should head back to the Mayor's Office and -


Just as Bright Idea was about to get up from the table, she felt a cold, damp sensation emanating from her right front hoof.


- meet...with...my...Civil Defense...minister.


On one hoof, her mood was a lot better than it was when she entered the restaurant, not to mention this was likely an accident. On the other hoof, when was the last time Bright Idea was talking with visitors and residents one minute, then pushed into a police car for overblown reasons, then have to deal with an accidental liquid spill? She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost didn't notice the colt returning with...towels?


Oh, so he accidentally spilled this on me.


When she turned to face the colt, Bright Idea noticed that he was profusely apologizing for the spill. The spill itself was nothing major, plus, it's not like she had any formal clothes on.


"It's fine," she said. "Considering how my day's gone, this is the least of my problems."

"sorry.....i'm new here but i'm guessing from the looks i'm getting, your the mayor" isaac blushed "my name is Isaac. Isaac ShiftHeart.......I hope that this isn't causing any problems for you..... um... oh yes!.." Isaac forgot he had packed a spare pair of clothing in case it rained on him.... "here take these theres a changing room in the clothing store next door i'm sorry"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Either one."  Just don't make jokes about my name.  Fantasy Moon didn't particularly care about what she was called as long as it wasn't insulting.  While she looked around, she listened to Dapper talk.  And talk.  A lot.  "Thanks.  I'm just looking for now."  She wouldn't be buying very much until toward the end.  "But again, they're good."




At the sound of her name, her head shot up, looking toward the entrance.  She saw Quarbari very briefly before he left. 

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The faint traffic was barely audible but the music remained the focus of his hearing.


(Track : Lazy Daydream - Vincent Diamante)


The only shade was the wandering clouds just like himself as he continued along down the street. At one of the intersections he awaited as traffic cleared or stopped.


Once across he continued onward heading more so into the city.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Donald Gamer


Bright Idea thought about taking the change of clothing from the colt, before deciding against it. She didn't really need it - there were no formal state functions today, so she didn't have much of a need for clothes - and she thought that if he had a spare change of clothing, he'd probably need it more than she did.


"First, I accept your apology. It was just an accident." Bright Idea said, before giving the spare clothes back to the colt. "Also, thanks for the spare clothing, but I don't need it. I don't have to meet any foreign dignitaries or meet with the legislature today, so I don't have any need for clothes. Besides, if you came with a spare set, there will probably come a time where you need it more than I do."


With that, Bright Idea got up from the table, picked up her saddlebag, and prepared to leave.


"Again, thanks for your apology and offer to help, Mr. SwiftHeart. May the rest of your time here be filled with good blessings."

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@@Donald Gamer


Bright Idea thought about taking the change of clothing from the colt, before deciding against it. She didn't really need it - there were no formal state functions today, so she didn't have much of a need for clothes - and she thought that if he had a spare change of clothing, he'd probably need it more than she did.


"First, I accept your apology. It was just an accident." Bright Idea said, before giving the spare clothes back to the colt. "Also, thanks for the spare clothing, but I don't need it. I don't have to meet any foreign dignitaries or meet with the legislature today, so I don't have any need for clothes. Besides, if you came with a spare set, there will probably come a time where you need it more than I do."


With that, Bright Idea got up from the table, picked up her saddlebag, and prepared to leave.


"Again, thanks for your apology and offer to help, Mr. SwiftHeart. May the rest of your time here be filled with good blessings."

"oh...about that i don't really need it.... I kind of over prepare all the time..." he chuckled a bit "well i've got to go....well...bye" he then proceeded to awkwardly walk out " well that was awkward........ i've gotta leave i've already got the frames i needed" he proceeded to walk home with a smile on his face

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"Okey dokey then, feel free to browse," said Dapper, "I'm gonna go get some more paints from storage, so if you need anything just give me a shout." Dapper turned around and opened the door to the storage room. 'I know I have some paints in here somewhere, 'Dapper thought to himself, 'but where?'

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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Bright Idea left the restaurant through its outdoor entrance, spilling out into a nearby beach. It was still mostly devoid of beachgoers, but the tourists would soon start to return now that the rain had ended. Once that happened, the stares would return, so she decided to return to her office at City Hall as soon as possible.


Deciding that the cloud ceilings were high enough to ensure that she'd get back by flying, Bright Idea unfurled her wings and took to the air. She wasn't a particularly fast flyer, but it didn't take long before City Hall was within sight.


While most of the buildings in Port Impala's central business district were between 600 and 850 feet in height, there were three that were more than 1,000 feet in height. City Hall was not quite a skyscraper, but its architecture was distinctive; the brown-colored brick and concrete that made up the outside of the 430-foot tall building is easy to pick out amidst the brick, concrete, and glass skyscrapers. Even in the slightly misty atmosphere that had developed after the rain passed, it wasn't difficult for Bright Idea to land on the roof of the building.


The Mayor's Office was not on the top floor - that's home to emergency communications equipment - but one floor down. Settling in to the office, the alicorn mare thought about what to do with the rest of her day. Even though it felt as if an eternity had passed, it was only minutes to 3:00 in the afternoon. The one thing she was really looking forward to, berating the Civil Defense minister for today's actions, would have to wait...he went home early, according to the note left on her desk by one of City Hall's secretaries.


Sighing, Bright Idea opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a planner. "Let's see...my Civil Defense minister went home for the day, so that just opened half an hour or so. Otherwise, most of today is filled with 'travel around the city and meet new ponies'. I could do that, but I don't want anymore surprises today.


"I think I'll just hang around here until the end of the workday; maybe get some paperwork done."




For Compass Meridian, the train ride was going pretty well. First, considering Port Impala's coastal location, he thought that the water table would be a bit too high to make subways unfeasible. If the system map he saw on the station platform was any indication, that problem was taken care of. IMT - Impala Metro Transit, apparently - was able to build a 39-station, three-line railway system to serve the city-state, quite the feat.


As for the ride itself, the train car Compass was in was a bit empty. Made sense, it was almost three in the afternoon, so it wasn't quite rush hour yet. The train itself was pretty fast, even if the ride was a bit bumpy.


Suddenly, a female's voice came over the intercom.


'This is a Red Line train bound for Beachfront station. This stop is 28th Street-Seabreeze Arena. Exit here for access to Seabreeze Arena, the Shops on 28th Street, and connecting bus service to the Baron's Building.'


Sure enough, the train was stopping. Fortunately, the train stopped in a smooth fashion. Unfortunately, the platform was packed with ponies, zebras, and even a few cows. Maybe rush hour had come early today. Still, there was no telling how loud or obnoxious the train would get with all these passengers.


As the doors opened, all Compass could do was watch as the throngs of passengers boarded the train. So much for peace and quiet, he thought.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon looked around for a bit, closely examining the brushstrokes.  Her moving images spell never worked so well on paintings done by her.  It might've been a lack of talent with that medium, it might've been something else, but even after years of studying her own spell (which, admittedly, isn't very long anyways) she hasn't quite figured it out.


Hm...  I could at least send a few postcards.  She levitated two hoof-made postcards and went over to the counter. 

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It took a few minutes of searching before Dapper found the paints. Dapper smiled to himself, 'I knew I still had some left.' Dapper put on his caring harness and put two cans of paint in each side satchel. He made his way out of the store room and saw Fantasy Moon standing at the counter. "Miss Moon," Said Dapper, "Have you made a decision on what you would like to purchase?" 

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The bustling crowds, the flashy lights and exotic choice of food, clothes and other shops among the tended and developed upper city. In this case, that was non existent.


Quarbari thrilled inwardly at thought. Surrounded in the familiarity of low income settings (it was after all the same he grew up in) . Many other emotions boiling about. Fits about his former luxurious opulence and the selfishness of the upper class and what not.


But brushing it aside it was his inner commitment to bring out the best of those who have felt the deep withdraw of poverty and such.


He was it seemed, him alone holding a slight smile. Giving nods and greets to those as he passes bye and some occasionally returning. Ahead just about at the front of a faded blue shack sat three old stallions. Each respectfully of the three main race.


In a way with slight nostalgia it reminded him of his earlier youth (like most moments now it seemed) , always giving praise and respect to the older laborers that rested out near their farm huts in the northern plains.


He approached, the elderly pegasus with better awareness turned his,head to see.


"Gentlecolts.", he greeted.


"Needing some directions? We get the occasional tourist." The pegasus replied.


"WHAT!?" The earth pony next to him shouted seemingly unaware of Quarbari.


"Numb skull! I'm not talking to you. " He replied.


"Its quite alright. Just wanted to make conversation. You gentlecolts look a unique type." The Arabian spoke.


"Well, we aren't no zippy zappy gang of,alicorn princesses. " The winged elder replied.


Seemingly to awaken from a short slumber the unicorn opened his eyes.

"I still. Still need to work on that spell." He muttered.


"You could barely cast a basic light spell." The pegasus spoke.


"I am Quarbari. Its a pleasure to meet you all."


"You too. You're one of them Arabian colts? .. Well that's Jumpy here next to meet." He points to the earth pony next to him, still in an ignorant stupor.

"Radiance Light over here." He points to the unicorn.

"And I'm Gracious Glide. Nice to see a friendly face." He finished.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Dapper Charmer,


The postcards Fantasy Moon chose showed scenes that appealed to her parents.  Tall, tall gray mountains rising over lush forests and capped with ivory snow for her father, a glistening lake shining in the yellows, oranges, and pinks of dawn for her mother.  Postcards were usually the first thing they received from her whenever she went someplace without them.  


At the sound of Dapper's question, the unicorn mare nodded.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


The postcards Fantasy Moon chose showed scenes that appealed to her parents. Tall, tall gray mountains rising over lush forests and capped with ivory snow for her father, a glistening lake shining in the yellows, oranges, and pinks of dawn for her mother. Postcards were usually the first thing they received from her whenever she went someplace without them.


At the sound of Dapper's question, the unicorn mare nodded.


"Great," Said Dapper, "That'll be two bits for the postcards please." Dapper looked at the postcards that the unicorn mare was levitating. 'Probably sending those to her parents,' he thought to himself, 'hmm i haven't mom and dad a post card in a while, i should probably let them know how I'm going.' Dapper made an internal note as soon as this was finished he was gonna send his parents a postcard. Dapper realished he'd been standing in silence for a while. "Would you like a bag with that?" Asked Dapper.

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@@Dapper Charmer


Fantasy Moon put forth the exact amount and waited for him to go on.  After some moments of silence, the unicorn was tempted to wave her hoof in his face, poke him, or whip out a card and project a dragon into the shop.  The latter sounded especially amusing, but she vowed to not abuse her spell, especially for something so simple as getting a shop owner's attention!  Goodness, that would be so fun...


When she saw that Dapper had asked her a question, she shook her head as an answer.  And out of the corner of her eye, she saw that somepony had entered the line with a particularly big painting.  Something about her screamed "Trouble!!!" to Fantasy.

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"But you'll love it, Ms. Mayor! This development will change the way we Port Impalans see TV!"


Bright Idea watched the presenter's display with a raised eyebrow. The presenter - an earth pony mare - was demonstrating what looked to be a television set. While that wasn't groundbreaking - television broadcasts began in Port Impala almost twenty years ago - what was interesting was how crisp, clear, and wide the picture was. It looked so much better than what was currently available, and yet, this all seemed so sudden.


"So, where else is this 'high-definition television' system used?"


The mare smiled before answering. "Nowhere. There have been small-scale experiments in other countries, including your southern neighbor Grand Hoofnea, but I want Port Impala to be site of the first commercial launch of the new service."


That was a tempting offer. Better pictures, and Bright Idea could then claim that Port Impala was at the "forefront of technological innovation". That said, this technology would not work with existing television systems, so there would have to be some kind of transition. She'd have to refer to the CMA on that, so her hooves were essentially tied.


Or were they?


Turning back to the earth pony, Bright Idea asked, "Is there some way to begin trials without interfering with existing TV operations? I don't want to be swamped with calls from ponies complaining that the TVs are out."


"Yes. I can use an unallocated frequency for testing. Also, if you want, I could also perform the tests at night, when everypony's sleeping and most broadcasters are off the air."


Bright Idea sighed, before pulling out a blank form that read "Temporary Operations Permit". She couldn't grant permanent business licenses on her own - that was another minister's job - but her office does have the authority to issue temporary, three-month permits for use by startup businesses.


The mayor filled out the form and stamped it before handing it to the presenter.


"Well, this seems interesting enough, so I'll let you play. Here's a three-month permit to allow you to operate your testing business. You'll have to talk to the CMA about securing a frequency though; I don't have executive authority to grant broadcast licenses.


"If you don't get CMA approval on your own, talk to MBO, the public broadcaster. Part of its mandate is to 'promote the development of new technologies', so maybe they'd be willing to help you get your own channel or repurpose one of their own for tests."


The mare was ecstatic. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you! Don't worry, everything will be just fine and nothing can go wrong! The future awaits!"


Except for the complete failure of the broadcasting system, nothing can go wrong, Bright Idea snarked in her head. A few moments later, she noticed that the mare looked as if she was having trouble moving the equipment out of her office. "Need any help?"


The mare shook her head. "No, I moved all the equipment up here piece by piece. It took a while, but I was able to manage. I'm sure I can manage this as well." As she trotted back to one of the older TV sets, though, it was enveloped in Bright Idea's yellow-orange magic glow.


"No, I insist." She responded.


The mare was a bit apprehensive at first, but decided to accept her help. "Well, if you want to help, that's fine. I'll be out of here quicker, at least. Maybe I'll be able to avoid the inevitable rush hour traffic."


Both mares smiled, before taking the first of the equipment downstairs.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dapper took Fantasy Moon's payment. "Thank you Miss Moon," said Dapper cheerfully, "feel free come again."

Dapper put the two bits in his register as the mare that was standing behind Miss Moon walked up to the counter.

"Great weather we're having," said the mare sarcastically.

Dapper chuckled, "yep, best we've had all year."

The mare giggled, "I'd like to buy this painting please."

"Okey dokey, will that be all?"

"Actually," said the mare as she pick up a jar of pencils from the front counter, "I wouldn't mind a few of these pencils if it's not any trouble."

'Wow,' Dapper thought to himself, 'two well mannered ponies in one day'

Suddenly the mare threw the pencils in Dappers's face and ran for the door.

"Stop! Someone stop her! " Dapper screamed as he kept over the counter.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon had nodded to Dapper with a smile and was just on her way to some unknown destination (unknown to herself, at least).  But then, she heard a clattering of a few solid objects and the shop owner shout at the top of his lungs.  Wh-what?!  What in Equestria is-  She saw the thief head towards the door with the large painting she saw earlier.  At the very last second, she regained her composure and used her magic to slam the door closed.  The thief skidded to a stop at the door, then she turned toward the unicorn with a threatening look.


...Oh no.

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Dapper was relieved, that painted cost at least 25 bits and took him months to perfect. "Thanks," said Dapper to Miss Moon as he walk up beside her. Dapper's mood darkened as he turned his attetion towards the unicorn. "Didn't your mother ever teach you stealing is wrong?"

"Bite me old man!" said the unicorn harshly.

"Old? I'm 17."

"Yeah 1917."

Dapper was ticked but he was taught to give people second chances. "Look, whoever you are, this doesn't have to end badly if you just put the painting down and leave the store ill forget this ever happend."

"shut up, i don't give a damn what you think." the unicorn turned her attention towards Miss Moon. "and you. you know having a door slamed in your face hurts. I think I'll return the favor." The unicorn levitated a large eisle and threw it at Miss Moon.

"Look out!" Dapper cried as he pushed Fantasy out of the way and took the full force of the eisle.Dapper lay there in pain as the unicorn trotted slowly towards him.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Fantasy Moon's mind blanked when the aisle was thrown at her, throwing up a foreleg to shield herself.  Immediately afterwards, she was pushed off her hooves and she was surprised to find herself mostly unharmed.  And even more surprised to find Dapper in a worser state than she and the aisle in a state of disarray on the floor.  Though she didn't show it, the sight of the approaching mare scared her.  N-no...!  What, what should I do?!  I-  She stopped when she remembered her travel journal and her pen.


Wait, that's it!  She quickly brought it out and began to draw a wolf on one of the blank pages.  Hiding it from the view of the mare, she casted her spell on it and a life-sized, glowing wolf began to walk menacingly toward the mare in front of Dapper.  Please work, please work!

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