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open The Harmony Hotel


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(OOC Thread here!)


The hotel has been in renovating state for months but today was finally the day that it would open again. The most famous and popular hotel in a Equestria, opening with a brand new look and new staff. The boss was excited, the staff was excited and so were the ponies in Manehatten. (well most of them)
Tender stood behind the bar, cleaning up the mess from the practice round last night. He checked every corner, every inch of the wooden bar. A small peck of dust landed right in front of his eyes. He blew away the bit of dust of the table. He was looking like a fool as always. Not that there was anypony around to see it...yet.
The boss ringed the bell, a sign for all the staff members to get ready. Security, desk, cleaning, everyone! The front doors were going to be opened any minute. Since it was already turning night, that meant a lot of customers for the bar.
Tender got his tab ready and then waited for the other staff members to get ready.

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Aqua was flipping her fins... Or what was now her hind legs in joy and excitement for not only her new day at work but also since it was a reopening of the most popular and famous restaurant in all of Equestria! She started whistling a happy tune to go along with her splashing mood.


Her tune was very upbeat with joy and excitement. Her horn was glowing with joy as well.


Aqua's job at the hotel was serving as a bartender. Aqua quickly pinned her pick seashell by her left ear. It was her most absolute favorite seashell, she's had it for pretty much her whole life. The sun shone right in Aqua's face right before she stepped into the hotel to see what was awaiting for her today.

Edited by TwilightAqua


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Tender walked through the hotel, searching for the rest of the staff. Or at least the pony that was suppose to help him inside the bar. He looked around the hallway when he saw a beautiful blue unicorn entering through the staff door. "Aah, There you are! Aqua was it? yes... Come on, shift is going to start soon. We gotta get everything ready." Tender said, grabbing the unicorns hoof, dragging her across the hall (in a non-violent way of course), not giving her a chance to reply to his questions. He was too excited to wait.

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Aqua was only trotting down the hall while whistling a cheery tune while a stallion approached her. She gave him and friendly smile and said,"Hi there! I'm Aq-WAH!!" She squeaked and all of a sudden he pulled her hoof so she would be going with him. He seemed to know who she was if he knew her name. She had already stopped whistling by then.


" What was his name again? O-oh! Tender! That's right!" Aqua thought to herself. Then it came back to her, this was who she would be tending the bar with. She understood his excitement though.


Aqua let him show her the way and take to where she was needed. She giggled shyly and used her magic to brush a strand of her mane away from her mane.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Diamond was very excited. This was her first day on the job as the desk manager. She was re arranging all the stuff, and was making sure everything was in perfect order. She placed her diamond sculpture on the top of the desk as display, and arranged all the room keys. She was whistling a happy tune while doing all this. "I wonder were the staff is" Said Diamond while looking around "I better get to know them before the guests arive" Said Diamond, and left the desk with a closed sign

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Scarlett was walking up to the hotel. "First day on my first job" she said to herself "This is going to be interesting..."


Upon seeing Aqua she gaped in surprise, and it was at that point she devised a plan. A very simple plan. She teleported into the hotel just around the corner to where the two were walking, sat on the ceiling and when they came round she said in her best impression of a professional security guard said "Papers please."


Art by DoeKitty

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With Aqua still by his hoof he walked past the lobby desk. "Good morning Diamond!" Tender cheered while greeting the mare with a smile. He then continued to walk towards the bar. "I'm sorry about all this Aqua but we gotta get to w-'' Tender stopped as he saw Scarlett hanging on the ceiling. "Good morning Scarlett!" He said with another smile before walking towards the bar. He looked at his watch. 17:43 "Alright, Aqua I need you to get all the chairs of the tables while I get the crates of well.. booze of course!" Tender said while opening up the storage closet behind the bar. ''Scarlett, get to Diamond! She's gonna need help when the doors open." Tender said almost tripping over his own hoofs.

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With Aqua still by his hoof he walked past the lobby desk. "Good morning Diamond!" Tender cheered while greeting the mare with a smile. He then continued to walk towards the bar. "I'm sorry about all this Aqua but we gotta get to w-'' Tender stopped as he saw Scarlett hanging on the ceiling. "Good morning Scarlett!" He said with another smile before walking towards the bar. He looked at his watch. 17:43 "Alright, Aqua I need you to get all the chairs of the tables while I get the crates of well.. booze of course!" Tender said while opening up the storage closet behind the bar. ''Scarlett, get to Diamond! She's gonna need help when the doors open." Tender said almost tripping over his own hoofs.


"Good morning diamond!" Said an optimistic Tender while trotting by. She always liked Tender, he was always a moral booster, kinda like her. "Good morning Tender!" Greeted Diamond back. She turned around and began to get everything ready for their opening

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With Aqua still by his hoof he walked past the lobby desk. "Good morning Diamond!" Tender cheered while greeting the mare with a smile. He then continued to walk towards the bar. "I'm sorry about all this Aqua but we gotta get to w-'' Tender stopped as he saw Scarlett hanging on the ceiling. "Good morning Scarlett!" He said with another smile before walking towards the bar. He looked at his watch. 17:43 "Alright, Aqua I need you to get all the chairs of the tables while I get the crates of well.. booze of course!" Tender said while opening up the storage closet behind the bar. ''Scarlett, get to Diamond! She's gonna need help when the doors open." Tender said almost tripping over his own hoofs.

Scarlett laughs falling off the ceiling onto her hooves "Morning Tender! Seriously, the gravity spell doesn't surprise you?" She walks past Aqua gently nudging on the shoulder "Morning Aqua, nice to see you again."


Diamond was very excited. This was her first day on the job as the desk manager. She was re arranging all the stuff, and was making sure everything was in perfect order. She placed her diamond sculpture on the top of the desk as display, and arranged all the room keys. She was whistling a happy tune while doing all this. "I wonder were the staff is" Said Diamond while looking around "I better get to know them before the guests arive" Said Diamond, and left the desk with a closed sign

She walks through to the front desk and said "Morning, uhh, Diamond was it?


Art by DoeKitty

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Silver was in the bathroom failing to straighten the bow tie he's been struggling with all morning.Letting out a defeated sigh he decided to give up and head out to the front desk making sure everything else was in proper order. Going over a quick check on everything, Silver was ready and set for his new job at the hotel.


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Scarlett laughs falling off the ceiling onto her hooves "Morning Tender! Seriously, the gravity spell doesn't surprise you?" She walks past Aqua gently nudging on the shoulder "Morning Aqua, nice to see you again."



She walks through to the front desk and said "Morning, uhh, Diamond was it?


She was openning everything, and making sure that all was set. She didn't want to make the guests think she was slacking off. She turned around when someone adressed her. "Yes, that's me!" Said a happy Diamond "Is there something i can help you with?" Asked Diamond

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Silver was in the bathroom failing to straighten the bow tie he's been struggling with all morning.Letting out a defeated sigh he decided to give up and head out to the front desk making sure everything else was in proper order. Going over a quick check on everything, Silver was ready and set for his new job at the hotel.

When Silver arrived with a, sloppily, done bow tie Scarlett said "You want some help with that?"


She was openning everything, and making sure that all was set. She didn't want to make the guests think she was slacking off. She turned around when someone adressed her. "Yes, that's me!" Said a happy Diamond "Is there something i can help you with?" Asked Diamond

"No, I'm good. I'm the new security! Haven't been told what I'm supposed to be looking after besides 'the hotel' so I think I'll stick by the front door for the first opening if you don't mind!"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Nice to see you again Scarlett!" Aqua chirped with a friendly smile.




Aqua giggled when she saw that Tender nearly tripped over his own hooves. "On it!" She beamed, still giggling a bit. Aqua then ran over to the tables and started to levitate each chair off of the tables with her blue magic.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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When Silver arrived with a, sloppily, done bow tie Scarlett said "You want some help with that?"



"No, I'm good. I'm the new security! Haven't been told what I'm supposed to be looking after besides 'the hotel' so I think I'll stick by the front door for the first opening if you don't mind!"


DIamond smiled "Sure, i think it's for the best that you have the keys then" Said Diamond and handled scarlett the keys to the door. "I haven't opened the doors yet, so could you please do that for me? I'm a bit behind here already" Said Diamond with an apologetic smile

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The front door of the hotel was made of glass, meaning you could see the amount of ponies standing in front of the hotel. Which were a lot. "5 minutes until the doors open!" Tender said, running from place to place before stopping and looking at Silver and then the others. "He's wearing a bowtie, that's good. What I do not get if why the rest of you are not! Dress code ponies!" Tender said before running again.

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When Silver arrived with a, sloppily, done bow tie Scarlett said "You want some help with that?"


For a moment, Silver didn't understand the question but then started to notice how Scarlett was eyeing the collared part of his shirt.


"O-oh! Uhh-" Feeling a bit embarrassed Silver replied. "Uh, please. I've been having trouble all morning." Silver let out an awkward chuckle. Finding it a bit embarrassing he doesn't know how to dress properly. Almost making him feel like a foal.


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DIamond smiled "Sure, i think it's for the best that you have the keys then" Said Diamond and handled scarlett the keys to the door. "I haven't opened the doors yet, so could you please do that for me? I'm a bit behind here already" Said Diamond with an apologetic smile

Scarlett took the keys with her hoof and put it in a pouch on her shirt while walking over to the doors to unlock them. She casually shouted over to Diamond saying "These doors a magic proofed right? I suppose they must be considering that we had royals staying here before, to my knowledge."

For a moment, Silver didn't understand the question but then started to notice how Scarlett was eyeing the collared part of his shirt.


"O-oh! Uhh-" Feeling a bit embarrassed Silver replied. "Uh, please. I've been having trouble all morning." Silver let out an awkward chuckle. Finding it a bit embarrassing he doesn't know how to dress properly. Almost making him feel like a foal.

Scarlett smirked and quickly walked back to Silver before opening the doors. She levitated her purple bowtie out of the other pocket and put it on herself with her magic. "It's quite easy really, pass me your bowtie. I'll tie it before I open the doors for you."


Art by DoeKitty

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The front door of the hotel was made of glass, meaning you could see the amount of ponies standing in front of the hotel. Which were a lot. "5 minutes until the doors open!" Tender said, running from place to place before stopping and looking at Silver and then the others. "He's wearing a bowtie, that's good. What I do not get if why the rest of you are not! Dress code ponies!" Tender said before running again.



Scarlett took the keys with her hoof and put it in a pouch on her shirt while walking over to the doors to unlock them. She casually shouted over to Diamond saying "These doors a magic proofed right? I suppose they must be considering that we had royals staying here before, to my knowledge."


Diamond nodded "Yeah the doors are magic proof, or that's what it said when i was looking through the hotels systems" Suddenly Tender shouted "Dress code everypony!" Diamonds eyes widened "Oh oh, be right back! " Said Diamond and ran to the counter to get some formal attire on

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Aqua had finished getting the chairs down from all of the tables and she heard Tender mention the dress code. Aqua whirled her head around to see that Silver Staff already had a bow tie on. Aqua gasped and then used her own magic to pull out her bow tie out of her pocket and put it on. She adjusted it to make sure it would stay still.


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My OC:Aqualuna Sea Splash :blush:

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Diamond nodded "Yeah the doors are magic proof, or that's what it said when i was looking through the hotels systems" Suddenly Tender shouted "Dress code everypony!" Diamonds eyes widened "Oh oh, be right back! " Said Diamond and ran to the counter to get some formal attire on

Scarlett made an 'eh' sort of noise before levitating the key towards the door's lock slowly so that she could be ready to open it, and be clear of the oncoming storm of ponies who wanted their chance to book a room in the large building we call the Harmony Hotel.


Art by DoeKitty

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Tender straightened his own bowtie before looking through the glass door. He recognized a few faces and some were very new. "Scarlett, it's 17:59! Time to open the doors." Tender said, running past the lobby desk again towards the bar. He jumped over the bar, landing on his hoofs behind it and straightened his hair a bit. "Ready!

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@Vinyl Scratchy DJ


Silver lit his horn and grabbed the black silk with his magic bow tie that has been giving him trouble all morning and levitated towards her.


"My father taught me a while back how to do this kinda thing.. I never caught on I guess" Smirking a bit with a tint of red in his cheek

Edited by Silver Staff


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Tender straightened his own bowtie before looking at through the glass door. He recognized a few faces and some were very new. "Scarlett, it's 17:59! Time to open the doors." Tender said, running past the lobby desk again towards the bar. He jumped over the bar, landing on his hoofs behind the bar and straightened his hair a bit. "Ready!

Scarlett nodded towards Tender before quickly grabbing Silver's bowtie off of him, levitating it towards his collar and tying it around Tender's neck. She straightens it up before muttering "bowties are cool" and then saying "Done!"


Upon the word done you could hear a click in the door as Scarlett turned the lock and quickly brought the key back to her. "Lets do this."

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Diamond got out behind the counter. She was wearing a tie, and her mane was set neatly. She stood and braced herself for the storm of ponies that was about to enter the hotel. She turned around and walked back to the desk. She got the keys ready, and her checklist was floating next to her by her magic

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The ponies outside walked in slowly, not expected. Some of them went straight to the bar and others went over to the desk. Tender gave a big smile, hearing the comment from Scarlett. ''Bowties are indeed cool!" He said with a chuckle before turning his attention to his new customers. "Aqua! Anypony who sits at the back tables, could you take their orders?" Tender said before turning towards the pony in front of him. "Good evening, what can I get you?" He said greeting the stallion with a smile.

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