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open Strangers In A Strange Land


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I stand by, hobbling along with Daisy. Perhaps, it'll all be okay... Maybe, I don't have to worry about the Elements, this time... I was barely able to cross through my Rift... I think to myself, waiting for Shadow to return. Mayhaps, they won't discover heritage; it'd be difficult to explain how I can be the child of the ones who harmed Twilight's brother... It was hard enough the first time, when she tried to kill me with her friends... My expression looses what little luster it had for a moment, as though my spirit has been drained.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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As Feeder and Shadow walked to the others, Feeder saw a creature with burns covered the body. He ran up to the creature and said,

"You're injured and you are moving, what are you thinking?"

Feeder turned to Shadow and said, as he was digging through his bags,

"You said, a pony needs my help, but you didn't say anything about burns covering the body."

Shadow looked at Marion Ette and said, 

"Well, here's my friend, Feeder. I should have warned you that he's a little crazy."

"Being cautious isn't being crazy, and you should learn how to be cautious, so I don't have to stitch you up every month."

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I smirk, finally collapsing. My consciousness fades, as those feeling fear nearby, start feeling drained. Any who've felt the feeding of a changeling recognize the sensation. I dream of a terrible past, where the one I loved hated me for what I was. Who tried to kill me, after I revealed what I was. That I fell to a strange world, as a last ditch effort, in order to escape. That I encountered a shady pony, and a cute flutter pony, with beautiful, glistening wings.

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Feeder jumped and grabbed something for the burns and bandages. then he said, to himself,

"He might be in pain as I place the bandages on."

he grabbed the bottle and scoped some of it on his hoof, and rubbed it on the burns, gently to not cause any pains. After that was done, he grabbed the bandages and wrapped in around the burns. After he was done with that he placed the stuff back in his bags, then sat down. 

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The wounds heal quickly, even swifter than should be allowed. As the process quickens, you see animals collapsing around us, weakened from my feeding. The physical burns are surface and minor burns are now almost gone, and the larger, worse ones are already progressing to heal visibly. Soon enough, the healing almost slows to a crawl, then returns to a normal pace. Only the worst burns remain, and they heal as they might, with a lack of things to safely feed on.

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Feeder watched as the burns heal and the animals collapsing, he started worrying. He ran to each animal, taking vitals. Shadow sighed and opened a portal under Feeder, making him fall in until his head was left above the portal, then he said,

"Feeder, calm down. They are going to be fine." How many vitals have you taken, and how are they?

Feeder said, when he stopped struggling,

" a few, and they are all fine."

"Then the rest are fine. But you won't be if you keep running around."

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  • 3 weeks later...

He finishes healing, and the creatures around him start to recover from his feeding. His breath becomes less shallow, and he's no longer going through a cold sweat. His burns have finished healing, and the creatures can't seem to feel fear for awhile. When they begin waking, they attempt to huddle near Marion, regardless of prey or predator. Even a bear approaches. After a period of rest, he seems to be sleeping beside the animals.

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Feeder watched what happen, then he shook his head and said,

"Shadow, get me out of this portal."

Shadow raised him and said, 

"At least the animal are getting better."

"Something is wrong."

"Feeder, I already told you he came out of a portal, smoking. I already know something is different, but don't bug him about it"

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He stirs, and his throat makes a series of insectoid clicks. The animals start to go away, none the wiser. He glances up at his two new allies.

"How much closer to town are we?" He asks, stretching. He lets out a large yawn, his bones and muscles settling. This had been a hasty shapechange, and his body wasn't exactly in the best of condition during the situation that required him to flee. Good luck that the random world on the other side was inhabited, and by ponies no less! Scavenging would've been much more difficult...

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Feeder was about to say something, but Shadow glared and him and said, 

"we are almost there, about 4 minutes. I see you healed all the way.Shall we get moving"

Feeder stepped up and said, 

"Let's get to know each other. Let's start with you. How is it that the animals pass out at the exact time that you are healing, and..."

Shadow clamped one of his claws on the mouth of Feeder

"I told you not to bug him about it. Sorry about him. He's full of questions, and doesn't know when to not ask."

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He looks stockstill, processing what happened, and what excuses he'd come up with. After a few moments pass, he finally decides on what to say.

"It's alright, he has every right to ask me, as I plan on living in the village you're both nearby. Not to mention, it seems he hasn't encountered that type of feeding before, otherwise, he'd know the answers to his questions." He pauses fro a moment, gathering himself before continuing. "I'm of changeling parentage. I fed off them, to heal myself, making certain not to feed so much, as they would suffer. I intend no harm, only solace. Suffice to say, I won't be taking anypony's place, because of a certain mutation of mine. I can't feed off of love, only fear."

As though to show by example, he begins feeding off of him, and he feels his fears slowly draining away. Before much of anything is taken, the sensation stops, as he ceases feeding.

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Feeder's eyes widened, and he reached into his bag and pulled out notepad and said, while writing stuff down,

"Since you are of changeling parentage, can you change your form,  or is that your actual form. What is this mutation you mentioned, is your father a changeling or your mother."

Shadow glared, and said,

"Feeder won't pay attention, Just so you know I can tell when living creatures are hiding something."

then he smiled and laughed, then said,

"Well, a changeling parentage. Met a few changelings, during my job. We all have unique stuff about us. I'm a hybrid of a dragon and a pony, Feeder will run in the middle of a battle to save a pet, which he hasn't done yet."

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He nods, acknowledging what you said. He answers the questions.

"Yes, I can change my form. No, this isn't my true form. The mutation is that I feed off of fear instead, and this horn stays in all my forms that possess a horn. It was my mother." He answers plainly.

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Feeder nodded as he written it down. Then he said, as he rummaged through his bag

"I know I have a syringe in here."

Shadow grabbed Feeder's bag and said, as he dropped it into a portal

"Oh no you don't, you are not going to take blood samples when he just got healed a few minutes ago. Plus I'm pretty sure he lost enough blood already"

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He chuckles, remembering a time when he was once like that. All the things to explore and discover... Now, he was stuck here, for the time being. A familiar feeling by now. Besides, was was just about finished healing.

"It's alright, take a sample. I'm sure you'll find it... Interesting..." He smiles, holding out a foreleg to the syringe. 

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Shadow sighed, reached in to his bag and pulled out a syringe and gave it to Feeder.

"Here, if I do it, I might take too much blood, or worse."

Feeder grabbed the syringe, and jabbed it in. The syringe filled up quickly and then he placed it into his bag

"I just thought of something, When I was in the badlands, helping out some changeling's. I didn't see you there."

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He starts looking pleasantly surprised at the mention of you assisting changelings, but it turns to nervousness once you state that you never saw him.

"Well, the Badlands are a large geographical location... Besides, I was in the Crystal Empire, with father." He says, as means of explanation, before realising what he said. He throws one of his hooves into his mouth, the one without a needle in it, as it's draining a good amount of blood. It had replenished itself well enough with the regeneration.

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Feeder said, as he handed the syringe to Shadow,

"Yeah, Canterlot is a good place to live but I travel a lot to have a home.

Shadow said, as he took the syringe and placed it into a portal,

"Who's your dad. Your acting like it's a bad thing. It's okay to tell. I can keep secrets pretty well."

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He looks away, avoiding eye contact, mumbling his answer. His coat blushes a harsh scarlet, as his voice muffled by his hoof, and a soft voice, quieting it further. He knows he'll be judged by them, if he says it loud enough to hear. He wanted to get this part over with, but they were more-or-less friendly with him... He didn't know what he'd say if they pressured and placated a bit more. 

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Shadow sat down and said,

"Judging by your reactions, I would have to say that you are scared of what we might say or do. I know that feeling, me having dragon claws, scales, and dragon wings, it's not a great thing. I promise I won't judge, criticize, yell, throw stuff, or stuff you into a portal."

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This eases his mind, which he makes up. Before I change my mind!

"It'sKingSombra!" His voice shoots off at rapidfire, practically unintelligible. He goes stock still, staring hopefully into your eyes, practically praying that you won't shun him for the sins of the father, as so many others were prone to do. He calms himself down, noticing that he spoke too quickly and loudly. His voice becomes more soft, and clear, impossible to be misheard. "My father was the former King of the Crystal Empire Sombra."

He stays quiet, turning away, not wanting to see your face of confusion and anger. Surely, after the events at the Crystal Empire, it became common knowledge that there was a shadowy monster, that called itself King Sombra; Spike the Dragon was bound to boast about playing a large role in his defeat, and it would've become well-known. Perhaps, it turned to bragging, and he started warping the tale into something like: "he didn't even put up a fight". Or, perhaps, events played out differently in this universe, and he didn't return yet. Perhaps, Spike wasn't much of a boaster here. Perhaps, his father actually died in this one, like the other Ponyville he hailed from believed... Of course, that proved false; Umbrum have highly regenerative abilities; they can even come back with only their horn remaining... Of course, being half, such isn't the case for me...

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Shadow shrugged and said, 

"That's it? Not to disrespect your father, but You're worried about that? One shouldn't be scared of what their parents did?"

Shadow smiled then stood up and said, half jokingly

"Let's quickly get to Ponyville. Maybe Spike will be terrified that Sombra has a son."

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He face expresses incredulity at your reaction to him stating that his father was one of the most accomplished evil stallions in existence, who enslaved an entire empire, who the princesses considered enough of a threat to seal him under the ice of the Frozen North, who hesitated to send the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, who had previously defeated one of them and the Spirit of Disharmony, as well as (technically Prince) Marion Ette's mother. To him, this was a ridiculous scenario, only made worse by his off-handed comment about Spike. In his state, he hadn't noticed it was a joke, and reacted poorly.

"NO! DO NOT TELL HIM OF MY HERITAGE!" Tears of purple mist pour from his eyes, as his eyes turn to green, with scarlet irises. His pupil's become slanted, like his mother's. His horn glows with the dark magic of his father, accented by a bit of changeling green. A force of powerful levitation magic attempts to cement you to the ground, panic washing over his face, feeling his life threatened by Shadow. If he were to tell Spike, the Elements would find out! If the Elements were to find out, he would be inevitably attacked, perhaps even turned to stone! Like his Godfather! (Long story...) He couldn't allow that to happen...

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Shadow laughed, flew into the sky, reached into a portal and grabbed a sphere.  He said, as he threw it onto the ground

"Calm down, I said, I wasn't going to tell any pony, and I never break my word. This should help you calm down"

And take a little bit of your dark magic, for testing.

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He notes, intrigued, that his magic is being drained. He strolls over to it, and pours magic into it, experimenting to see how much it can hold, pushing to short circuit the odd device. He's calmed down a bit, realising what you said, after taking a bit to study you for honesty.

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