Dapper Charmer 591 August 28, 2015 Author Share August 28, 2015 (edited) @, @@MidnightMadness1, @@reader8363, @@Yoshikupo, @@Denim&Venom, Without warning the large screen turned on to reveal Princess Luna's face."Welcome to all of you who decided to accept my gracious invitation," Said Princess Luna, "And welcome back to Mikosama. As you all know I have called you all here to rebuild The Midnight Guild. I have Chosen you because each of you has a special skill essential to this team. As you have already been told Mikosama will be the team's Liaison. However the rest of you may not know what role you will be playing in the team. Shadow Beast will be the muscle for the team, he will be in charge of anything that requires brute strength. The coincidentally named Midnight Madness will be the teams engineer, if you need anything mechanical made or fixed you'll turn to her. Sparkling Jade will be the teams Spy, he will be in charge of infiltration and espionage. Ticktock Starblast will be the team's RC specialist, he will use his RC equipment to provide recon for the team." She turned to Mist, "Last but not least, you Mist Twister will be the leader for this team, you will coordinate missions and run field operations. Your authority in this team is second only to me. Now are there any questions before I give you all your first assignment?" Edited August 28, 2015 by Dapper Charmer Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 August 28, 2015 Share August 28, 2015 Midnight Madness looks at the Alicorn located on the screen and says " I'm curious as to why you can believe that you trust a bunch of misfits and criminals? I mean the reason we are criminals is because we don't listen to your sister and why would you go behind you sisters back? This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 August 28, 2015 Share August 28, 2015 Shadow stood up turned towards the screen, and said, "I already covered my back, but are you sure we won't get caught and thrown in jail, if we do get caught, will you use your princess powers to bail us out or something? Is anyone going to find this place? Not saying that I need it, but are we going to get paid?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skylord Nexus 527 August 28, 2015 Share August 28, 2015 Ticktock looked at the screen "Yeah i'm with Shadow on this how do when get paid?" Ticktock then also turned to the rest of the group "Also guys i am also i good engineer so if Midnight is to busy then I can help you I am mostly free anyway so feel free to ask." King Of All Things Discord Signature by: Pucksterv My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 August 28, 2015 Share August 28, 2015 "I don't really care about payment as long as I have friends and do good deeds...even if its against the law" he scoops up his gems back into the bag "plus I bet I know the reason why shes doing this, its because you think the law can prevent good things from happening sometimes...right?" he guessed my OC Chain https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chain-brace-r7491 my OC Banner https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/banner-r8273 my OC Jade https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkling-jade-r8629 my OC Emerald https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shining-emerald-r8775 My OC Dark https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-shine-r8830 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 August 29, 2015 Author Share August 29, 2015 (edited) @@Yoshikupo, @, @@reader8363, @@MidnightMadness1, Princess Luna looked over at Sparkling, "That is correct. The law system we have in Equestria is not perfect. There are certain criminals who can use the law to their advantage. They commit crimes and because they leave no evidence of their crimes my sister and I cannot arrest them without breaking the law. That is where all of you come in." She looked over at Midnight. "To answer your question Midnight, the truth is I can't trust you. But I can trust that you know I won't be lying when I say that if you cross me your punishment will make my thousand year banishment look like a slap on the wrist." "As for getting if you get caught. Well the simple fact is if you get caught don't expect me to swoop in and save you. You are all criminals and I have complete deniability if you get caught. After all do you really think anyone will take your word over mine? As for your payment you will be paid after each successful mission. I believe 50,000 bits each for your first mission should suffice." "Speaking of your first mission," Princess Luna stopped and looked at the pony who was tied up in the middle of the room, "Who, might I ask, is that?" Edited August 29, 2015 by Dapper Charmer Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 August 29, 2015 Share August 29, 2015 Shadow looked at the pony, then turned to the screen, then he shrugged He said, as he enlarged his shadow, " Don't know, heard something about spying. Anyways, I was just asking for them, 50,000 bits will do." He walked into the shadow, opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, came back to the room and sat down, gulping a forth of the bottle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 August 29, 2015 Share August 29, 2015 (edited) @Yoshikupo, @NexusBrony2312, @reader8363, @MidnightMadness1, "I believe Luna-san forgot to mention that I don't exactly answer to anypony here. My services are those of a supplier, organizer and go between.I function to compliment this team, in conjunction with this team, or between Luna, the guild, and other parties that may be of use." "Luna-san also forgot to mention that my services are also a contingency in the event of capture or discovery. How you might ask? Well. These "certain criminals" (she air quoted with her paws) that Luna speaks of? I may or may not be one of them. So for a fee, I will be able to provide assistance, legal or otherwise, and that can range from a team of lawyers, to leveling the entire prison complex you're located in." "And yes, I will have you killed if your rescue is unlikely and you become a liability to this team and my operations. Well, more of a liability anyways. So try not to get caught. By Celestia, Cadenza, Sparkle or Diane Pie, at least." Edited August 29, 2015 by Denim&Venom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 August 29, 2015 Author Share August 29, 2015 @@Denim&Venom, "I did forget to mention that, however Mikosama if Mist requires you to supply anything for using your "connections" you will be required to do so. Am I making myself clear?" @@MidnightMadness1, She turned to Midnight who was standing next to the tied up pony, "Now I ask again who is that pony and what is he doing here?" Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 August 29, 2015 Share August 29, 2015 Midnight looks at Princess Luna and states" I came upon this pony spying upon our hideout and relaying information to an unknown source so I decided to capture him and then I brought him into the hideout to interrogate and leave the decisions to the batpony." This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 August 30, 2015 Author Share August 30, 2015 @@MidnightMadness1, Mist looked up when Midnight mentioned his name, "well," he said nervously, "I said that we should ask you Princess Luna." Princess Luna thought about the situation for a moment. "At the back of the armoury there is a small holding cell, take the spy there after the briefing and I will send a representative of mine to come and collect him." @@Denim&Venom, @@reader8363, @@Yoshikupo, @, "Now on to your mission," Princess Luna's image shrunk as a photo of a stallion dressed in military gear appeared on the screen. "This is General Tulius Hoofenheimer, he is a political figurehead for the country of Germaneigh. Both my sister and I have a strong belief that he is running an illegal slave mining operation. However we have no proof of this. That is where you all come in." The photo disappeared and Luna's picture returned to normal size. "Your main objective is to secure evidence of his illegal activity. You will do this in two days time during one of his extravagant parties. You will have three objectives during this mission. The first and most important is securing the evidence. The general is a very organised stallion, so I know he'll have some sort of data detailing the flow of jewels coming from the mine. Your second objective is to free most if not all the slaves trapped in the mine. And finally you will steal the jewelled centrepiece that the General will be unveiling at his party. It is made form the ill gotten jewels and he does not deserve it. After you have stolen it you may do with it what you want. Are there any questions before I hand you over to Mist Twister?" Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 August 30, 2015 Share August 30, 2015 @Dapper Charmer "The theft of the headdress will probably have to wait until there is confirmation. First the team needs to bring me these supposed records so that i may find more accurate details on the area, it shipping routes and it's activity. Then comes the part of investigating and seizing the mine itself, which will take a few weeks time and preparation. And even then, your allegations of it being a slave operation sound based off a hunch, as you have said, have no evidence." "So, worst case scenario, you are asking this guild to rob a stallion of possibly reasonably acquired goods before we have evidence of the slave mining behind it even existing." "Not that any of us are really complaining I'm sure. Those diamonds will fetch a pretty bit and we'll steal it regardless of the morality involved. Just not so sure it would rest well on your conscious if you're proven wrong. Last time I checked, the guild has a 'no refunds' policy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 August 30, 2015 Share August 30, 2015 "yeah it could go south fast, but I guess first we have to try it to even find out" Jade said to the group "I bet me with some gadgets and some RC piloting by Ticktock we could get it" Jade added thinking that he was right for the job but also had a small morality issue by himself about the whole 'he could be good pony' but if he said that to the group, how know what would happen so he's just going to try and roll with it my OC Chain https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chain-brace-r7491 my OC Banner https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/banner-r8273 my OC Jade https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkling-jade-r8629 my OC Emerald https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shining-emerald-r8775 My OC Dark https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-shine-r8830 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 August 31, 2015 Author Share August 31, 2015 @@Denim&Venom, @@Yoshikupo, "You both have a point. Change of plans then, in two days time you will all head to the General's castle in Germaneigh. Using the party as cover you will search for evidence of his slave driving. If it's anywhere it will be on the computer in his office. The rest is up to you. One final note before I leave you in the capable hands of Mist. While this conversation took place I had one of my guards place a van in your garage. It is in need of repair but will no doubt be large enough to fit all of you and get you to Germaneigh." She turned to Mist, "As of now I hand over control of this mission to you. That is all." The screen went black. Mist looked at his fellow teammates. He had never been in this situation before so he didn't really know what to do, he remembered the spy. He looked at Midnight. "Midnight take the spy to the holding cell as Princess Luna requested. The rest of you talk amongst yourselves while I think up a plan of attack." Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightMadness1 105 August 31, 2015 Share August 31, 2015 Midnight grabs the spy, throws him onto her back, then walks the spy into the holding cell. looks around the room to see basic furnishings. Midnight throws the spy into the room and slams the door shut. Midnight then remembers that Luna had mentioned that the van needed repairs so Midnight runs to her room grabs her tool chest and runs to the garage. Midnight looks at the rust bucket in front of her and thinks to herself"She said some repairs this practically has to be rebuilt." Midnight then takes out an old blueprint and starts working on the van. This is my Oc Midnight Madness https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-madness-r8768 My other OC Silver Tongue https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-tongue-r9261 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skylord Nexus 527 September 6, 2015 Share September 6, 2015 Ticktock stood there for a while before getting up "Well then i guess i will start working on some suvaliace items." Ticktock looked at Luna and gave a quick bow before going to his room and he began drawing out some blurprints silently hoping that his latest invention wouldnt explode in the mission room with the others. King Of All Things Discord Signature by: Pucksterv My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dapper Charmer 591 September 7, 2015 Author Share September 7, 2015 @@Yoshikupo, @@Denim&Venom, @@reader8363, Mist watched as Ticktock left the room. He turned to everyone else, "Okay everyone I have a plan, well part of a plan. I'll think up the rest later but for now..." he turned to Miko, "Mikosama, if this mission is gonna work, we're gonna need a pony to go undercover and attend this party. I'm thinking our Spy Jade. But in order to have somepony go undercover we need an invitation. I need you to use your connections to get us that invitation. Do you think you can do that?" Avatar by Parfait My OC Dapper Charmer: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dapper-charmer-r8678 My Other OC Mist Twister: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mist-twister-r8706 My Villainous OC Hooligan: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/hooligan-r8765 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 (edited) @Dapper Charmer "First of all, it's Miko-Sama. Name and suffix. Second, yes. I can have us added to the guest list. A representative from a "reputable firm" would easily make the list. And third, while Jade-san is skilled at stealth, infiltration and theft, as per the personnel file-" She turns towards Jade. @Yoshikupo "It doesn't list whether or not you have attended any formal functions. Have you been to a formal gathering? What is your knowledge on high society? Do you practice table etiquette. Can you even dance? And no, the macarana doesn't count." She stood up and walked between the two of them, towering over both. "Because if anypony in this group can't act like they belong among the rich and powerful, can't play the part, than we'd have a better chance at storming the party, seizing the jewel piece plus the whole computer, and spearheading a running firefight though the Royal guard on our way out." Edited September 7, 2015 by Denim&Venom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 @@Denim&Venom, "I've never had much etiquette but I know table manners and I have been to a few high class parties with my sister, she did the stealing in them though, I was more of a fast pack-mule than anything" Jade said to Miko-Sama "were you thinking of some kind of training or a book I should read?" he asked wanting to do his best in the mission my OC Chain https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chain-brace-r7491 my OC Banner https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/banner-r8273 my OC Jade https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkling-jade-r8629 my OC Emerald https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shining-emerald-r8775 My OC Dark https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-shine-r8830 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 Shadow Beast gulped the rest of his bottle, tossed through a shadow portal, and said, "I think I can help with someone getting to his computer, is there a map of his castle, if I know where to put the portal, someone can slip through it, to the computer. I can also breath fog, so if the plan goes bad, I can cover the lights" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 @Yoshikupo "Well first, you probably won't be doing the stealing. The gems will be on display during the majority of the party. You'll be the guy getting in and doing recon, possibly distraction. Theft would best go down after the party is ended, and intercepting the jewels en route to their transportation. And second, I'd like to know where and what these parties were so I can judge for myself if they are high class or not. That'll determine if you need to be pre-tested." @reader8363 "The benefits of working in real estate, construction and interior decorating, among other things." Miko unfurled her tail towards the shadow beast, a rolled up set of floor plans, building schematics and photos lay balanced on the tip. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoshikupo 302 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 @@Denim&Venom, "I cant remember a lot of names but we did steal once from fancy pants, we had a money issue, saw he was hosting a party and after an outfit and a dress later we were in...didn't help the Fancy that the guard he hired would accept a bribe of literally 50 bits" Jade said trying to recall more about the parties but couldn't except for one that was not fancy at all my OC Chain https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chain-brace-r7491 my OC Banner https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/banner-r8273 my OC Jade https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkling-jade-r8629 my OC Emerald https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shining-emerald-r8775 My OC Dark https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-shine-r8830 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
reader8363 1,281 September 7, 2015 Share September 7, 2015 @Denim&Venom Shadow grabbed them looked them over, looked up, and said, "Yeah I can get someone in, but a distraction would be good, if there is guards in there. Now, if you excuse me, I going to make me a snack." He got up and walked into the kitchen. Once he got in, he grabbed the chips, soda, and a bag of peanuts, then used a portal to bring his bag to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,458 September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 "Hmm. Sorry, that's not gonna cut it. Fancy is well known for letting his parties be... "charmingly rustic". He's not as scrutinizing or picky as the rest of his peers. You can get away with a lot at a Fancy party. And I mean a lot." She turned her head to the side. "Jōhō!" A secretary walked out of Miko's book case office and presented her with a clipboard, standing at attention. Taking the clipboard in her paws, saying "Kyakka." The mare in question briskly tuned around and marched straight back to the office. " The General is going to be far more stringent. His security for one contains, and is trained by, ex-Germane foreign legion, many of whom were under his command. Guests will be asked to provide photo ID to get in. A strict dress code is being enforced. How strict? There's a list of what clothing brands, fabrics and colors will be accepted into the party. And so far, every creature on this guest list has one thing in common: their GDP. If you aren't known for how much money you make, you are probably not going to be invited." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skylord Nexus 527 September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 While he had been working on his latest plans Ticktock had been listening in on the conversation in the mission room through the spider robot he left there. Ticktock's voice then came out of the robot for everypony to hear "Well I may have a solution to your dilemma my friends. I know I have been put on this team for my skills with RC's but I have lived in Canterlot for over ten years I live in my own tower and I have attended many extremely exclusive balls and parties. I know perfect etiquette, I have high knowledge of high society (no pun intended) and I have been told at these very events that I am an excellent dancer. So even if I am not able to go into the field I can easily teach a pony how to act correctly." King Of All Things Discord Signature by: Pucksterv My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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