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ooc HAS Antigone (OOC)


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*facepalm* I don't know where to start... I guess I'll start with the character database. It's obvious that you hadn't even skimmed through the rules because this is about 5,000 years after Princess celestia/luna's life spans. Second, I think that having a magical power is great! Oh, you're not a unicorn? I don't know about TheSteampunkNinja over there, but that's sort of godmodding. And also, I can't tell you how many people have signed up with a characters who are 17-23 years of age.

The HAS Antigone is an airship that is currently in use as a method of transportation for the crew boarding it. The mission is to take down the Industrialists/selectivists. The Industrialists are a group of ponies that have highly advanced weapons of mass destruction that could send equestria into a radioactive winter. The selectivists are a group of ponies (or I guess you could say a cult) that believes in making pony biology more advanced (stronger, faster, smater, etc.)

So... Yeah "just a normal transport vehicle."

Edited by KingOfIcecream

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*facepalm* I don't know where to start... I guess I'll start with the character database. It's obvious that you hadn't even skimmed through the rules because this is about 5,000 years after Princess celestia/luna's life spans. Second, I think that having a magical power is great! Oh, you're not a unicorn? I don't know about TheSteampunkNinja over there, but that's sort of godmodding. And also, I can't tell you how many people have signed up with a characters who are 17-23 years of age.

The HAS Antigone is an airship that is currently in use as a method of transportation for the crew boarding it. The mission is to take down the Industrialists/selectivists. The Industrialists are a group of ponies that have highly advanced weapons of mass destruction that could send equestria into a radioactive winter. The selectivists are a group of ponies (or I guess you could say a cult) that believes in making pony biology more advanced (stronger, faster, smater, etc.)

So... Yeah "just a normal transport vehicle."


maybe you missed the part where I mentioned I change the backstory from RP to RP? I probably should've mentioned to ignore the celestia/luna part because I DID read that they were no longer in the picture. As for the powers, just disregard the whole 'untapped power' thing but you can at least give me the glowing part, can't you? i'm practically just a pony flashlight, and i did mention there could be selectionist meddling there, that isn't plausible? Age: There's nothing wrong with having a young character cast especially if there's a war on, besides i'd make a terrible old person.

btw i'm new to RP so thanks for making me feel welcome *sarcasm*

what was that Brony motto? "love and tolerate?"


so if the antigone is on an important mission, why are they taxi-ing around passengers? This is kind of crucial to my character (if you even let me in >_>)

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maybe you missed the part where I mentioned I change the backstory from RP to RP? I probably should've mentioned to ignore the celestia/luna part because I DID read that they were no longer in the picture. As for the powers, just disregard the whole 'untapped power' thing but you can at least give me the glowing part, can't you? i'm practically just a pony flashlight, and i did mention there could be selectionist meddling there, that isn't plausible? Age: There's nothing wrong with having a young character cast especially if there's a war on, besides i'd make a terrible old person.

btw i'm new to RP so thanks for making me feel welcome *sarcasm*

what was that Brony motto? "love and tolerate?"


so if the antigone is on an important mission, why are they taxi-ing around passengers? This is kind of crucial to my character (if you even let me in >_>)


They're letting people on, because they're helpful, and I think (I'm not the writer of the backstory) The crew get's paid for their transportation services. People happen to like money.

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plot question:

can you elaborate more on the ships purpose? you talked in the intro about a 'special peace-keeping mission' however so far the only thing they do is take on passengers. temporary passengers. Sounds to me like the ships just a normal transport vehicle.


The Antigone's full mission will be revealed further along in the roleplay, as of now it is just hopping from place to place picking up people who happen to need a lift until the next stop while trying to keep from getting blown up by the industrialists and selectionists. It is actually on a very top secret mission known only by me (not my OC).


we need more people to post, come on


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Were is everyone? Only like 5 people have posted. :blink:


i know, where is everyone?


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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*still waiting for a que* but if you think it'll help i can have my char. roam the docks for awhile



P.S. she doesn't glow all the time. quite rarely actually. a little info for introductions etc.

Edited by Ethereal
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*still waiting for a que* but if you think it'll help i can have my char. roam the docks for awhile


okay you can just be waiting to get picked up and we'll let you know when to board


I'm kinda waiting for the right time to appear


okay, but still where is everyone else?


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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((Sorry, but your response is invalid, the capitan already left.

"ok sir, so sorry to have missed you before, anything i can do before you leave sir?" striker was slightly shakeing from the fact that he completely missed the captain


((Your post is invalid due to the fact that the capitan already left.)) Edited by KingOfIcecream

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((............. I've read both Striker's and SketchBook's character databases and NEVER have I seen anything speaking about mind reading from any of your characters. Kyros wondered, not asked. And when in the rp were either sketchbook or striker following the capitan up to to the poop deck?))

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(i mean it said that you saw both of us on the deck, so if you ask a question were can hear you since you are obviously in hearing range, also again don't be such a stickler about every little detail, just go with the flow, it's not possible to be perfect with everything)

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(Oh sorry, i thought you were speaking out loud. But is it really that much of a big deal? Sketch could just be making a point, and if not, we all have our psychic moments...)



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(i mean it said that you saw both of us on the deck, so if you ask a question were can hear you since you are obviously in hearing range, also again don't be such a stickler about every little detail, just go with the flow, it's not possible to be perfect with everything)


((I said that I saw you on the deck. Steampunk Ninja said that I was on the top deck.))http://static.fimfiction.net/images/avatars/30649_256.jpg?1339358740


((There's at least 50 ft. between them.))

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(we have a sparring room? Sweet!)

Lockhart was in the sparring room, fighting the computer controlled dummies while dodging fire. "This is so much fun!" he said with a grin as he swung his brace at the dummy's head.


((I'm as surprised as you are.....))

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Striker: "ok then!" striker then changed his color to a sick black like color, he then moved next to lockhart super fast swinging his hoof at lockhart's chest.

Posted Image

((Striker changes color.))





Striker: "oh no you don't!" striker pulled out his hidden blade blocking, then quickly sliding under lockhart and swinging his sword (flat side of course) down at lockhart's back.


((Striker's an assassin that loves to make friends... And will pull a sword out on them. In a friendly manner of course. I pull out weapons on my friends all the time. The Steampunk Ninja can back me up on this. Remember that one time I shot you while we were watching T.V. Hunter (That's the steampunk Ninja's real name.)?))







Lockhart: "Still not done" Lockhart rolled, got up and did this: Posted Image


((Lockhart can gain a special blue power in his hands with a blue silhouette of everything he does follow him.))





Striker: striker feeling the blow on the bottom of his chest, used the force to jump high in the air, then using his two hind hoof landed on lockhart's arm brace's actually denting and slightly cracking them, "so sorry about the damage, if you want i can fix them up for you and even add a few more thing's to them,


((So... A pony can dent and crack metal...))





((Alert me when you two are done god modding, K? Call me a huge "stickler" to the plot all you want, But there's a very thick line between posting about the uniquity of your character, and saying something like, "Strikehart had only seconds left before the nuke set off and the entire world exploded. He then used his super not at all normal power (That he got while in the everfree forest after seeing his parents die) to become a dragon!!!!!1 He flew to the nuke and destroyed it one second before it's detonation. He then got into his spaceship that he had hidden on the ship and went back to his home planet Elgarzon where he was crowned king of everything." If you know what you mean.))

Edited by KingOfIcecream

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(... this is really awkward. my pony change's color when he fight's, he pulled out a sword because we were training with each other, and yes my pony can punch through metal, he lived in and was born in the everfree forest where he had to learn to live by himself, a pony has to be pretty god damn strong to live in the everfree, as for Lockhart he was just using the animation as an example of what his pony did, so no nethier of us are godmoding i can still die if you look at are fight, we both gave each other's tern's and if one of us made a mistake, we could exploit then we did)

Edited by jdor11
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