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private Mystery in Manehatten

Scare Effect

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The moon shines brightly as it highlighted the path of Iron Hoof, Chief Justice in the courts of Manehatten, as he walked home in the dead of the night. turning a corner he nearly ran into a purple alicorn, stopping to apologize but when he looked at her he saw an evil look in her eyes. turning to run he nearly ran into a pony who wore a thick black robe. Through the robe he saw a kilowatt smile that glowed in the moon light right before he could scream the robed pony stabbed him up through the jaw to his brain killing him.



Later that same night,


a pony in a white trench coat walked toward the crime scene stopping before an officer pony, showing the officer pony a badge. the officer let the pony into the crime scene.

"What is the scene like?" the pony asked calmly.

"The chief justice Iron Hoof has a twelve inch knife embedded in his skull, entering his jaw and straight to his brain." The Officer said to the pony.

"any suspects?"

"The last pony to come into contact with him was his assistant but she was asleep half way across town." the Officer answered as they stopped in front of the victim. The pony lowered their head to get a closer look at the scene taking note of every little thing.

"You might as well back off detective this is a police crime scene and your kind is not welcome here." Said a large stallion that had a cigar in his mouth. Then he approached the pony and recognizes the detective."ahh i knew you looked familiar your that new detective who moved here recently, Scare Effect i believe you call yourself."

Scare looked at him with a smile,"yeah that's me, and i take it you want me to leave fine, but if you need help with this case just call." Scare turned and left the scene.


once out of sight her smile fades into rage as she walked down the street stopping at an office building, reaching into her pocket pulling out a key she unlocks the door, and walks in closing and locking the door behind her. once inside she grabs some cider and sits down on a couch. and drifted off to sleep.


the dream


She was in a the desert talking to somepony that she couldn't figure out who she was, then the pony turned towards her and said something she couldn't make out anything. then a loud bang went off and startled Scare awake.


after which she went to the local club to rid herself of the memory of the dream.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"look I know you miss her but you need to let go, you knew her for like three days" "I don't care, she was special...look I wanted to leave an hour ago but you have been stopping me" "how was I stopping you?" "look can I just go to sleep, my arrangement is gone" "actually can you come with me to the club that's around here? I know you know where its at and I am going there with some friends" "fine, only for you Chain" Banner answered as they both walked out the apartment they stayed at. They reached the club called the DJ's hideout "a little to loud for me but I can stand it" "good I'm just going to go to my friends, don't drink to much" they both go inside. Banner sits down on at the bar "something light"

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Scare walked into the noisy club walked over to the bar and sat next to a gold colored mare, but she didn't look at her for long turning to the bartender who came over to give the mare her drink. "Ms. Scare Effect I see you had that dream again."The bartender said."so the usual?"

"you know it." Scare said back with a smile. the bartender then left to go get Scare's order.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"s...Scare?" Banner made a double take at the mention of her name then looked over to the mare next to her "Scare Effect?" she scanned the mare up and down "i...is it true? are you Scare? do you remember me?" she asked with a growing happiness in her tone. "I don't drink a lot, can we do something else? we could a card game, I know poker" "come on, I know your friend would be up to it if we asked her so why are you chickening out?" "because she is a hard drinker, in the years I have known her the only drink she could not take was that applossen whiskey, that crap is strong" "well we won't drink that, we will drink this" the stallion talking to Chain pulled out a bottle of a drink called, dragon cider.

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Scare looked at the mare sitting next to her. "um you look familiar but i don't know where I meet you before." Scare said ."maybe you can tell me who you are maybe your name will jog my memory because I did recently recover from amnesia so I don't currently remember everything."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"I've heard of this to much in movies and shows but to have it happen in real life is weird" Banner commented then focused back in the question she asked "I'm Banner, we were kind of in a relationship before" Banner said then thought of something kind of horrible and that was she could tell her anything about her past and without any pony to say it was wrong she might believe it, not right now right now is the time to learn more about her. "what have you been doing since the last time I saw you...probably when you got amnesia"

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"well I was found in the desert unconscious and taken to Canterlot for medical attention. well I woke up with no memory, i'll skip the boring parts after I got out of the hospital I moved to Manehatten and got my detective license, now I am a full fledge detective." Scare said with a smile.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"that stands to reason, are adventure ended at the desert" she reminisces about what happened a year ago and how slightly awful it was, mostly that Rave pony "well since you were gone my friend over there started getting more bits and we have been living here where he owns a business, I'm not going to advertise but he makes good knifes" Chain was currently drinking from the bottle of Dragon cider "that cant be good for him, its a good think I'm here to take him home" then I can go out and try to help the world my way, the old way was to slow for me now I can help nightly Banner thought

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"hm very interesting. Now Banner you said we were in the desert last time we saw each other what ..." Scare started to ask when a guard pony walked in and approached Scare.

"Detective Scare Effect you are needed at the crime scene." the guard said he then turns around and leaves.

"well duty calls we will catch up later alright." Scare said as she grabbed Banner, gave her a hug, then she left the Bar to go to the crime scene.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,

"I didn't think she would hug me" she said to herself as she watched Chain drink down the rest of the bottle "dame you can go at it when your buzzed" "shut the hell up I know" Chain responded to him then fell over "yep what I expected, yo mare come get your colt friend!" "we are not in a relationship, we are just friends" "he said otherwise...then again that was like 30 seconds ago" "good I won't have to talk to him later about that" Banner picks up Chain on her back and they head out "guys why don't you do something else next time, I don't want to do this all the time" 

*later at he apartment*

Chains asleep, all the chores are done and its 1:00 am, time to head out she thought getting her equipment out of the coach then exited throw the window. while paroling she ended up stopping a crime of petty stealing from a mare how didn't even know she was there but not much happened after that except her looking around still.

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Why did you hug her you barely know her, Scare scolded her sel​​f as she headed to the crime scene, For some reason it felt like the right thing to do.​ once she arrived at the crime scene she walked over to the chief. "what is the reason for this un expected pleasure." Scare asked but the chief was quiet he then passed her a letter. on it were weird symbols that Scare never seen before." What is this?"


"Its a note left behind I heard you are good with decyphering codes" the cheif answered."so i thought you could decypher this."


"I can but it will take sometime to do, so i need to take it back to my office so i have all my sources to help decypher the code."


"Fine take it just report what you find."


"will do" Scare said as she put the letter into her coat pocket, she then turns and leaves.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"a note?" Banner said as she was spying on the crime from around the corner, I have bigger problems as Scare is heading my way said Banners common sense then looked behind her to see a long alleyway I cant run that fast and I cant hide since my cloak doesn't match up with anything around here...crap I just have to ditch my stuff in that trash can and look like a normal pony taking trash away, dear Celestia I hope this works. Banner put her plan into action as Scare got closer and closer to the ally

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Scare walked past an alley way then saw a pony throwing something away,hmm why is there a pony taking out trash here so close to the crime scene that is kinda suspicious, Scare thought as she approached the pony, " excuse me miss you..." Scare started to say but stopped when she noticed the mare in front of her looked familiar. "Banner? Why are you here? did you follow me?"


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"n...no I wouldn't do that, I just was taking out my trash" she responded kind of finicky as she quickly closed the lid of the trash can "why are you here? are you still on the case of those criminals?" she cleared her throat "I bet some pony would like to see you somewhere else, I have to go check up on Chain, how knows what he could do still drunk" she started slowly moving away until she looked around then went fast behind a corner. dear Celestial do not have her look in the trash can, I would hope not to become public enemy number one she thought going around the building hoping to somehow get her equipment without Scare knowing

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Scare watched Banner's strange actions as she clearly lied about what she was doing. Scare grabbed the trash can and carried it to the corner Banner ducked behind, and put the trash can down, " you might want to take this with you or you might become a suspect also don't lie to me again please." Scare said out loud hoping Banner heard her. she then left toward her office.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Watching from the rooftops, a pair of eyes followed Scare as she made her way down the street.  The eyes seemed to glitter for a moment, and a voice sang a little snatch of a song:


"... and again and again, no matter what you doooooo... I will always be here WAT-ching youuuuuuu..."


A tiny, tittering giggle escaped her, and she turned and bounced away from the sight, little 'sproingy' sounds echoing away into the big city as she made her way away from the scene.

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I thought she would have doubted me and try and put it on me...she must know something about before, it would explain why she hugged me before Banner thought before grabbed her stuff "don't tell Chain...please" she said as she put her cloak back on and sprinted away. I think my nights over, I'm going back to my hotel she thought slowly moving forward one building at a time to make sure she wasn't caught

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Scare let out a sigh as she entered her office and sat down at her desk and pulled out the letter and opened it on it were just symbols that were just confusing, Scare then opened her desk and pulled out a strange device and used it to scan the note.


the note:


"dear Scare Effect,


            You are in grave danger the pony that murdered this pony is keeping tabs on you, i am sorry i can't describe her to you she is very hard to keep an eye on her so expect her to try to get close to you in any way possible. don't tell anypony about this letter, below is a list of ponies you should locate they are trust worthy and will help you remember what you forgot.





Broken Heart




Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"OOH!  You have a nifty-thingy!  I had a nifty-thingy once, but it got broken after I used it to pull the guts out of this one pony who thought they didn't know where the thing I was looking for was - but the truth was they DID know, even though they protested for, like, hours and hours and hours... wait... no, that was a different nifty-thingy.  My bad!"


Scare hadn't seen the pegasus sitting in the chair in the corner when she came in.  In fact, she could have sworn that chair had been empty just moments ago.  The bright pink pony had a smile on her face, her wall-eyed stare and evil smile making her into a creepy-looking customer.  She was sitting there rather casually, and the only movement besides her mouth was her left leg, which she was kicking back and forth at an alarming speed.


"So, what's it say?  Is it a love letter?  I think it's a love letter - it IS, isn't it?  I got a love letter once, so I went and did some investigating of my own until I found him, and then I proceeded to flay the skin off him - HEY!  Technically, that makes us BOTH detectives, right?  Cool - JOB BUDDIES!!!"


Obviously, this pony was a bit unhinged.

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Banner got to the apartment and throw the window of there apartment. I wonder what she thinks of me now...the whole thing felt weird, even the atmosphere it felt like some pony else was there, oh Celestia i hope that's not true for many reasons she thought putting her stuff away in the sofa making it lumpy. She entered the bedroom Chain and her shared then got in her bed "at least I helped some pony today...almost got caught tho" she mumbled under her breath as the sun started to rise. "good morning Banner" banner replied with a moan and a turn in her bed "like every morning"

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Scare was shocked to see the pegasus who seemed to materialize out of no where,"who are you? How did you get in here?" Scare asked the seemingly mentally unstable pegasus, who was talking a mile a minute."and ot is none of your business what this letter says."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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The pink pony's smile began to turn into a deadly grimace.


"Oh, I think it is... maybe... possibly... okay, perhaps not... certainly not... no, no way that letter means anything to me... or does it?"


The strange pony put her hooves behind her head and leaned back in the seat.  She crossed her legs, and the rapid kicking resumed.  Her leg was moving so fast, it was blurry to look at; the rest of her was almost stock still.


"Hey, I got a riddle for you - what's forgetful, currently confused, and is going to be bleeding out into a gutter in a few days?"


Her 'smile' was taking on a manic tint, and the wall-eyed stare began to focus on Scare.  The gaze became more and more intense, then she suddenly sat up and said, "I'll only give you OOOOOONE hint, but you've gotta ask nicely!"

Edited by Randimaxis

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Scare stared at the pegasus with a look of anger,"who are you talking about you wack job." Scare almost shouted at the pegasus.


outside the building there approached a cloaked figure with glowing red eyes, the figure entered the building and headed for Scare's office.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... that's not nice.  Or is it?  Is it nice, I can't tell anymore... but no, that's not how you ask.  Better hurryyyyyyyy..."


She sat forward with such alarming speed, it appeared as if Scare had blinked.  The insane smile was now a deep frown.


"Seriously, Scary - you NEED to ask nicely, or I can't answer your questions.  Well, okay, I COULD - but I won't.  Nope.  Nuh-uh."

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Scare took a deep breath."Can you please tell me who it is your talking about." Scare asked politely, soon after the door opened with an creek and the cloaked pony walked into the office and stared at the pink pegasus."Silent Blade I finally found you." the cloaked pony said.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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