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Love Doctor Blaze

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"Hm, you must be the quiet type." Dazzle stared off in the direction that Silent was heading toward. She paused and looked back at Moonridge. She was pondering whether or not to follow him. Maybe she should follow as soon as possible. She sighed as she picked up her milkshake with some magic and slowly made it toward Silent.

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Silent Wind noticed the mare following him. He was quite surprised, almost enough to make him stop. No pony EVER follows him. He decided to ignore it for now, and head towards the noise. Around a small section of Canterlot where there were a bunch of buildings, lay the walls of a bunch in rubble around a blue pony. Random. 'This day keeps getting better and better...' He thought to himself as he gazed at the scenery.

Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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Moonridge got up and walked with Dazzle hearing the sounds coming form over there. moonridge looked at Dazzle and said


(Moonridge said) heavy metal is in my top five music that i like but lets save this talk for later. what do you think is going on over there


moonridge make a look over to where the sound was coming form




Moonridge: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/moonridge-r8863

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Blaze smiled. "The genre is Electro step in case you couldn't tell. As for the song... I don't really have a name yet. Like i said, this song is new." Said Blaze. He looked at dapper. "Did you know that Luna is going to perform in one of my songs tonight?" Asked Blaze. "She is also going to have a solo piano performance, which i'm excited to hear. How about you? Any perticular event you're looking forward to?" Asked Blaze


"Well to be honest," said Dapper answering Blaze's question, "I'm looking forward to the art show/auction. I will have one of my paintings proudly displayed for all to see. All I need to do is figure out what to paint." As Dapper stood there he remembered Blaze's song. He suddenly had I brilliant idea, "Hey Blaze?" he asked, "I was wondering, and I know this will sound strange, but could I maybe paint the song you just played?"

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"Well to be honest," said Dapper answering Blaze's question, "I'm looking forward to the art show/auction. I will have one of my paintings proudly displayed for all to see. All I need to do is figure out what to paint." As Dapper stood there he remembered Blaze's song. He suddenly had I brilliant idea, "Hey Blaze?" he asked, "I was wondering, and I know this will sound strange, but could I maybe paint the song you just played?"

"You are an artist? Huh, couln't have guessed that" Said Blaze. He suddenly got a confused look on his face "Paint my song? Uhh... Alright. This should be interesting. Blaze replayed the song. Putting extra effort in this time. Once again building up the drop, and finally the drop it self, which he made sure to bass boost

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Hidden dashed twards the castle getting in. "guarded heart where are you we got a problem." {yes what is it sis?} "Not much just an assassination attempt." {what where? What do mean attempt} "in the square thank luna a bench got in the way follow me." {Brave heart let's go}

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Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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"You are an artist? Huh, couln't have guessed that" Said Blaze. He suddenly got a confused look on his face "Paint my song? Uhh... Alright. This should be interesting. Blaze replayed the song. Putting extra effort in this time. Once again building up the drop, and finally the drop it self, which he made sure to bass boost


As Blaze began to play Dapper quickly got his easel and paints. As the song played Dapper visualised it in his head. He smiled, all that was left to do was transfer it to paper. Dapper quickly got to work painting the song. When he was finished he showed it to Blaze.




"What do you think?" he asked enthusiastically.

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Moonridge first thought when he sow the mass was a unicorn firework spell backfired. then looking to his side was Dazzle looking like she was going to use a spell! he sidestep away a little not wanting to be in the kill zone or falling rubble zone. 


(mooridge said) what in the world did we miss?




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Random was picking his way through the debris, still struggling with a mental choice.  Hidden Heart had told him to wait here while she went to get help.  But he also knew that he should find a way to send a message to his brother about the attack.  Not sure what to do, just just wandered around the debris....

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Moonridge first thought when he sow the mass was a unicorn firework spell backfired. then looking to his side was Dazzle looking like she was going to use a spell! he sidestep away a little not wanting to be in the kill zone or falling rubble zone.


(mooridge said) what in the world did we miss?




"Everything. We missed something the size of a dragon tear through this." She didn't hesitate to start trotting toward the stallion, who was now pacing around bits of broken Canterlot.


Once she was close enough, she muttered to herself. She then scowled. "What in the name of Luna's moonrise did that Earth Pony do?"

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Silent Wind hasn't been this curious since he saw that group of 6 friends come through Canterlot awhile back. He spread his wings and flew up with silent grace, and landed on top of a building to look around at the scenery. 'What happened...?' He had to eavesdrop.

Understanding this, he flew down, and started to pretend to help. He wondered if he truly was not very noticeable. But then he also remembered that he didn't care, and continued to pull a light piece of stone up in the air, dramatically making it heavier to get a good listening on the situation.

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Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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'Alright random I'm on my way back. I got my brother and my sister decided to tag along.' she said through the link running back to random at a speed she was not fond of. "Hey guarded why is she coming with us?" {She is a captin, why do you think?} "Oh yeah, as long as she doesn't try to find the assassin and fight her." [Why not sister?] "If you have to know she has grenades and a unique fighting style."

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Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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As Blaze began to play Dapper quickly got his easel and paints. As the song played Dapper visualised it in his head. He smiled, all that was left to do was transfer it to paper. Dapper quickly got to work painting the song. When he was finished he showed it to Blaze.


attachicon.gifRP painting 1.png


"What do you think?" he asked enthusiastically.

Blaze nodded "Nice drawing. I can apreciate the vibration lines coming off jump as to show the power of the song" Said Blaze. He looked over at his little safe with some valuable items. He took out a cd case and two tickets. He handled them to him "Here you go. My newest unreleased album with mine and vinyl's autograph displayed on the fron page" Said Blaze. The front of the case had a background that ressembled Vinyl and him with their respective spinning vinyls. Dancing in what looked like a club. He then gave him the two tickets "The first ticket is for free food, drinks and the best spot at my show, and the other is a VIP ticket to my concert in 1 week" Said Blaze

Edited by blazedtime
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Random looked up.  "Hidden Heart?" he asked, not seeing her anywhere around him.  "Oh wait, she said something about talking to my mind."  He glanced around again.  "Ok, let's see if I can do this..."  Hidden Heart? he thought, I heard you, I guess.  Still waiting where you told me to wait, but it's getting a bit crowded around here.  He watched as other ponies scrambled around the debris...

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'Good we'll be there soon stay hidden we don't know who is an assassin' "see that rubble that way." {Right! Go over the debris or under is?} "Under." [Take out your swords guys!] "Right!" {Right!} "Random we are here!" {Hello sir full name, age and what the hell happened!} [Alright nothing to see here get out of here everypony!] "Sis I can get everypony away go help guarded." [Alright sister.]

  • Brohoof 2


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Blaze nodded "Nice drawing. I can apreciate the vibration lines coming off jump as to show the power of the song" Said Blaze. He looked over at his little safe with some valuable items. He took out a cd case and two tickets. He handled them to him "Here you go. My newest unreleased album with mine and vinyl's autograph displayed on the fron page" Said Blaze. The front of the case had a background that ressembled Vinyl and him with their respective spinning vinyls. Dancing in what looked like a club. He then gave him the two tickets "The first ticket is for free food, drinks and the best spot at my show, and the other is a VIP ticket to my concert in 1 week" Said Blaze


Dapper looked down at the album and tickets he had in his hoof, for the first time in a while he was speechless. "I-I-I don't know what to say. Thank you." Dapper put the tickets and the album safely in his wool. "I can't thank you enough for today Blaze. I mean the demo and the album and the tickets. There got to be something I can do to make it up to you."

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Dapper looked down at the album and tickets he had in his hoof, for the first time in a while he was speechless. "I-I-I don't know what to say. Thank you." Dapper put the tickets and the album safely in his wool. "I can't thank you enough for today Blaze. I mean the demo and the album and the tickets. There got to be something I can do to make it up to you."

Blaze shook his head "Nope, i don't want anything for that, other then you seeing me play tonight" Said Blaze. Seeing that he was about to protest, Blaze quickly said "Listen. I apreciate each fan i have, and if i could i would have sent everyone a ticket or a cd case, if that could light up their day. But unfortunately i can't do that because of 3 reason. 1 if everyone had an autograph, then the autograph wouldn't be worth anything. 2. Each and every autograph you see, is made by me. Which means i have signed each cdcase without copying anything. And 3. In order to keep my DJ buisness going, i need money. So i'm going to have to sell tickets, if i want to live off what i love the most" Said Blaze.

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Moonridge was looking around trying to see how this happen it was looking less like a unicorn firework sell that backfired and more like the shot that made this mass came form above then some pegasus came down with swords out. ya something going on here thinking to himself


(Moonridge said) noting to see a house exploded and you lot are armed to the hoof and looking like this is going to happen a 2th time. so whats not to see here



Moonridge: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/moonridge-r8863

Edited by Moonridge
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Random watched as Hidden and her siblings went right into guard-mode, pushing back the crowd.  "Un, my name is Random Action, and I'm not sure what happened..."  He glanced at Hidden Heart.  "She pushed me out of the way before some dart-thing would have hit me.  Then the whole place just exploded!"  He punctuated by waving his front legs around.

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Silent listened carefully, hearing every word that popped up. He sometimes lost what words they were saying because of the crowd's insistent interruption.


'Crowds are annoying...' He thought to himself, closing his ears, to strengthen his hearing a bit. 'Now go on with the explanation...' He thought.

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Bored? Want to be more bored! Check out my channel (and sub :P) to wait for the upcoming abridged series!

"What series is that good sir?" - Interested Bystander (IB)

Why, it is My Little Overlord! :D

"That name sucks..." - IB<p>

;-; Just check it out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIggp2B4qIFsPJrZ-mdKnCA Also, support MLP: The Game if you can! https://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/sig-4657732.MLP-The%20Game%20Icon.gif

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{Thank you sir. Hidden are you done with crowd control?} "Almost! By luna, get out of here everypony!" {When you are finished come and bring Mr. Action to the castle, I'm sorry sir but you will need to stay in the castle until the end of the festival} "and...done." she said troting back to random "let's go pal sorry you won't be able to enjoy the rest of the festival." [by the way what is it we are dealing with sister?] A 4 winged griffon the wings are bat like mostly black with some purple and a strange ranged weapon." [Got it now go.] "alright sis. "

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Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Poor Random was getting overwhelmed by everything going on.  "Uh, castle.  Sure," he agreed, trying to stick close to Hidden Heart.  "I guess I can miss another festival."  Suddenly, a thought occurred to him.  "Wait!  Before we go, I need to get a message off to my brother!  He'll know what to do about all of this!"

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A stallion appears in a flash of green, smoking, lightly smoldering. A tattered cloak of royal purple covers his back and cutie mark, and he falls to the ground, a scream issuing from his throat. "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXT!"

His coat is steel grey, his messy mane, and worse tail a shade of iron, his azure eyes shrouded by a pair of spectacles, hits the ground, exhausted.

After a time of awkward silence in his wake, "... Medic... ?!" He shouts weakly, struggling to stand, and collapsing again.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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