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private Halo ODST Role-Play

Your Nightly Spectre

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Deathmark who was still un noticed shot down a banshee. The Banshee exlpoded, and decorated the sky with a purple explosion. Death held a hand in front of his visor to stop the harsh and bright light. He quickly recovered though, he noticed a Banshee had noticed him and it started firing upon his position. Death hided behind the wall, he was about to run but he got a brilliant idea. Death ran towards the Banshee and jumped on it. He hijacked the vehicle.


He activated the commlink. "The Banshee above you is me do not shoot it! I repeat do not shoot it!" Said Death. He began circling the territory, hoping to finde the Zealots.

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"Trust me, if we could shoot it down we would have done it long ago before you got on!"

Moving between cars Spec would move towards the nearest team member, him being Enzo.

"We lost Ash's signal, I believe we already have a man down. Jacobson also hasn't responded yet. Things are going very fracking grim! "


Before he could make it to Enzo he'd almost be shot, the random spike appearing next to him out of nowhere as looking around he'd notice Jackals setting up positions on the roof.


"I'm pinned down by hostile sniper fire! "

Moving out from behind a car for cover he'd fire some shots half-blindly, not getting anywhere to hitting any of the jackals, them simply a bit too far away and too many. Then something worse would happen as he'd spot a bunch of grunts going his way. 

"Remember that we still got at least one zealot running around here, watch your backs at all time!"

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Deathmark heard Spec over the com. "I'm on it!" Said Death. He flew towards the position the jackals were, and shot a huge plasma bolt which cleared the whole roof. "Target neutralized, i'll circle around sir" Said Death over the com and made a u-turn. He noticed the Zealot not far away from Spec. "the zealot is 50 meter south west from your position sir!" Said Death over the com

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After what seems to an eternity to him, Patch finally gets his drop pod to release and allow him to descend from the frigate to the battlefield below. Deciding not to let technology fail him again, he begins manually exerting what little control he has over the pod in order to land near his comrades. Picking a spot that appears to be clear he crashes down behind the remains of a fallen building to the southeast of Spec's position. As the drop pod deploys around him he scrambles into cover and checks his comms.


Keying in the radio frequency for his squad again he frantically shouts, "Patch is on station! Drop pod wouldn't deploy till now, what needs doing?"

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"Thanks hotshot, and roger. "


Looking around himself he'd get the general idea where the zealot was. Not wanting to screw over with this one, knowing he might not be this lucky especially with a group of grunts approaching his position. Quickly ducking out he'd charge right the grunts, throwing a granade against a wall and bouncing it to the middle of the group, blowing them sky high and then proceeding to shoot any of the scattered survivors.



"Expect to be punched the moment we regroup.. alright, advance to me, we got a zealot doing his business around here south-west of my position. Try and not engage the fracker."


Looking around he'd look for any escape plan.


Shit, I can't do anything until we are regrouped...


"Alright guys, we advance to the crossroad and meet up there, try and not die on the way there. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Patch nods and checks his cover, before dashing to another point along the wall closer to the crossroads that were his ultimate destination. He notices the zealot on his left and slips into cover where it can't see him, "Sir, that zealot buddy of yours has got me locked down pretty tight right now. if there's some sort of way to take him out you've thought of I'd like to know it now, if not I'm afraid I'll have to find an alternate point to rendezvous with you all." He begins to mentally plot out a route, hoping to not die horribly before he can rejoin his squad.

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Ash discovered a dead convenient soldier, Ash quickly looks for clues. 


Ash talking

"Seems like he was shot in the chest from somewhere far, possible sniper wound."


As Ash is observing the body and documenting his findings he is shot at from afar. The shot grazes Ash's left arm but doesn't puncture his armor. Ash is quick to react by taking cover behind a counter in the abandoned building. Ash tries to scope the area out but is interrupted by another shot and this time close to his head. Ash leans back and devises a plan of action.


Ash talking

"Alright you son of a *bleep* you wanna play this game."


Ash then throw two smoke grenades over the counter in the direction the shots were coming from. He then waits for the smoke to cover some area of vision before making a run in a different direction of street way. Ash then recovers by checking himself for any fatal injuries, none. Ash then proceeded his search for any possible sign of help, he continues to relay a message of his radio.


Ash reflects on his life and tries to humor himself in this empty hallow place. He discovers a nice Ally way where he could spend the night, Ash was tired and needed to rest. He was still feeling to draining feeling since his first contact with whatever abducted him from his squad. Ash lay down and began to take a nap in-hope when he wakes he will be found and rescued.

Edited by Lunar Echo
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Death who was still in the Banshee saw the Zealot. He decided to try and wing kill it, so he dived after the Zealot. But unfortunately the Zealot outsmarted him, and EMP'ed the banshee. Death crashed into a car, and fell out the banshee. Fortunately for him, a part of the wing fell of and hit the Zealot so that he was temporarily stunned. Death ran towards the Zealot while it was regaining it's senses and stabbed it in the back. The Zealot let out a cry of agony and fell down dead. Death exhaled. He clutched his arm that was broken from the fall. "Target *Inhale* neutralized" Said Death. 

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"G'job you madman, remind me to try and get you a medal of honor for that stunt if we ever live through this. "


Continueing on my radio

"Well, rise and shine rookie , I don't think that zealot will be bugging you any longer. And it also sounds like you have a friend. Rookie meet our sniper. He is doing an awful job in actually sniping.   "

Spec would chuckle over the comlink, continueing his path through the street, killing the once in a while grunt.

"Good news, we are rather close to each other. I'll try and possibly make my way to your position and you to mine.-" Spec would stop for a second, some spiker bolts hitting right next to him, he would move by reflex away and behind a car.

"-Nevermind, these grunts have a thing for pinning me down. Make it to my position, remember it is shown on your helmets nav!"


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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The grenades detonated just at the right time, blowing up the swarm of grunts who were attempting to zerg the ODST down. Hearing the satisfying 'boom', Enzo turned to see bits and pieces of grunt fall from the sky, some splattered against the walls of the street.


He also noticed a certain zealot which had a noticeable lack of plasma grenades, and boy was he pissed.


"Oh, fuck me"


Before he had time to draw his energy sword, the zealot shoved him down and pinned him against the ground, activating his energy sword and bringing it down on Enzo's face


"Oh no you don't."


He moved his head out of the way as the sword slammed into the ground beside him. Reaching for the pistol strapped to his waist, Enzo fired it several times, startling the Zealot enough for him to struggle out of the pin and get on his feet. 


Both combatants up, Enzo reached for his own energy sword and activated it. Slowly, but surely, the Zealot and the ODST settled into their respective dueling stances and circled each other, looking for an opening.


Occasionally, one of the combatants would lunge for a testing strike, only to be parried and driven back. The standoff had attracted circle of grunts had gathered around the 2, forming some sort of makeshift arena.


Eyes still on his opponent, Enzo talked over the radio.


"If anyone can hear me, i'm currently in an honourable sword on sword duel to the death with a zealot. If anyone could interfere that'd be great."

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Death offered a chuckle "Medal of honor? I would much rather get a million dollars and retire" Said Death. He then looked at the soldier that joined them last second. "Are you a medic? Could you partch me up?" Said Death gesturing to his broken arm. Hoping that he could

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It was the next day and Ash managed to get some rest. Ash got up and got his belongings together, he scouted the area before taking a sip from his flask. He then went to check his radio in hope his team got back to him, his radio was now non-operational. Ash threw his radio against the wall out of anger and it smashed into little bits.


Ash talking

"God damn thing ain't working no more *bleep*"


Ash then decided to continue his search for help. What seemed like hours was only a couple of minutes, Ash started thinking back to his intervention with his little attacker yesterday. As he did so it was apparent someone was following his every move. Ash was not alone and his follower was cloaked.


Ashes thoughts

"That son of a gun is still out there somewhere, I feel like he's watching me right now and just inches away from pulling that trigger. I can't let this cloud my thoughts, I've got to keep it together and regroup if I can, this *bleep* has gotten way outta my control. I sure hope the others are still alive."


Then suddenly Ash spotted a ship taking off in the distance, it flew over him and then into the sky. The Ship was a USNC Ship, Spec Ops class. Ash just looked as it flew away, he knew they'd not stop for him. Ash also knew it was unlike them to enter this warzone that's this hot.


Ashes thoughts

"Atleast I know I am still in the same planet just not where my squad mates are. This area is just so baron and lifeless compared to where I was when this all started, it's hard to believe this is the same place. I gotta keep searching, I know I will find someone if I keep searching."


Ash pulled out his handgun since he lost his primary and started walking around with more caution.

Edited by Lunar Echo
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@, @,


"Deathshot we'll be ne-" I starting to point at a good vintage sport but stopping as I hear a sniper shot and within the next seconds Patch was on the floor, with a spike deep in his visor and on the floor.


"-MEDIC DOWN!" I take cover, spotting the sniper and fireing with my magnum three times, the last shot somehow getting the bugger just as he was about to shoot me back, a bunch of grunts and a couple of elites making their way to our position.



In the meantime above us the UNSC Ascendacy was fighting the covenant frigate, being already beat up hard from her last fight this one was still winnable from the surprise factor.


"Ascendacy, this is Rook, let us take some of this work off your hands you crazy bastards"

Out of orbit a new ship would fly in, immidietly fireing down at the covenant ship and lining itself next to Ascendacy.


"Nice to see you rook, glad you could drop in, we were beginning to feel lonely. " The deep voice of the commander would answer.


"We'll, we were kind of shy at first but then we just said screw it, we are both in awful shape after all, after this we'll be forced for an emergency landing on the surface, there is no way we can get back up. "


"You did a good service, Rook. Lets pray it will count in the end... Speaking of which our ODST squad is pinned down, think you can help them out?"


An ODST drop alert would sound on the Rook, alerting all ODST squadrons. The armory full of preparing as two squads prepare to drop....


"ODSTs, your mission is simple, assist Ascendacies ODSTs on the ground and help them fulfill their mission crucial to our victory. We'll connect you to Ascendacies command and you will be linked orders immidietly from there. Drop estimated in 5 minutes. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Wiater was just about to open up her rifle to do the weekly cleaning when the alert sounded. "Damn it Rook! Why you pick this time of all times to drop us? Time to head down the the pods then..." 


Wiater rushed downstairs to the prepping area to get her armor on and activated. She noticed the other squad was getting ready as well. "So we all being deployed this time?" she asked to no one in particular. A voice rose from the second squad, "Yea, but you can go right in front of us. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to see the enemy!" A few laughs came as Wiater got aggravated. "Hardy har har. But if you stick behind me, you won't get to see any action now will you? More aliens for me." The laughter stopped as Shadow finished preparing herself. 


"You bozos know where the rest of my squad are?"

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle,@,


Elita was annoyed by the sounds of her squadron laughing and giggling at their silly jokes. Couldn't they see she was reading? Elita pushed her glasses forward unto the ridge of her nose using her middle finger. What a pain in the butt, but in her mind she couldn't help but smile of the thought that after this annoying battle she could go back to her wonderful lovely books. She could practically hear them calling her name. Now one of the members of her squad was yaking ruining the mood of her wonderful book. Sighing she put her book into one of the compartments of her suit. Luckily she had plenty of pockets. Standing up to get the attention of the squad leader she replied "Ready and accounted for Ma'am".  



signature by Pucksterv

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@, @,


"Deathshot we'll be ne-" I starting to point at a good vintage sport but stopping as I hear a sniper shot and within the next seconds Patch was on the floor, with a spike deep in his visor and on the floor.


"-MEDIC DOWN!" I take cover, spotting the sniper and fireing with my magnum three times, the last shot somehow getting the bugger just as he was about to shoot me back, a bunch of grunts and a couple of elites making their way to our position.



In the meantime above us the UNSC Ascendacy was fighting the covenant frigate, being already beat up hard from her last fight this one was still winnable from the surprise factor.


"Ascendacy, this is Rook, let us take some of this work off your hands you crazy bastards"

Out of orbit a new ship would fly in, immidietly fireing down at the covenant ship and lining itself next to Ascendacy.


"Nice to see you rook, glad you could drop in, we were beginning to feel lonely. " The deep voice of the commander would answer.


"We'll, we were kind of shy at first but then we just said screw it, we are both in awful shape after all, after this we'll be forced for an emergency landing on the surface, there is no way we can get back up. "


"You did a good service, Rook. Lets pray it will count in the end... Speaking of which our ODST squad is pinned down, think you can help them out?"


An ODST drop alert would sound on the Rook, alerting all ODST squadrons. The armory full of preparing as two squads prepare to drop....


"ODSTs, your mission is simple, assist Ascendacies ODSTs on the ground and help them fulfill their mission crucial to our victory. We'll connect you to Ascendacies command and you will be linked orders immidietly from there. Drop estimated in 5 minutes. "


Death took cover when the medic fell down dead. Specter took out the bastard somehow. "Nice shot, you should consider being a sniper" Said Death with a chuckle. He looked at his broken arm, and then at Specter. "Do you have any healing wonders with ya? Cuz i need it if you want a functioning sniper" 

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@, @,


"Trust me, I considered it. "

He looked back at the body, not sure what to do as a light feeling of emptiness filled him. Losing team mates so fast was not the plan... Then as Death asked for a medpack I took out mine, tossing it to him.


Spotting Enzos location Spec took a dive, dodging spiker fire and returning, killing several grunts as he ran between cars again, getting to a door, kicking it open and moving up an inside emergency exit. Getting close to the position, I unpinned my last grenade, tossing it in.

"Watch out Enzo, fire in the hole. "

It would quickly explode on the crowd of grunts and next to the zealot, almost killing him and filling the room with a thick smoke screen. Knowing Enzo couldn't screw up now he immediately ran back down, knowing his team mate should be safe unless he got hit by a rouge bullet.



The covenant Corvette would turn its fire away completely from Ascendancy, and then firing all they got at the UNSC Rook, quickly with good luck hitting a vital spot on the ship... causing several of Rooks engines to explode and be deemed operational as the ODST armory would suddenly be filled with chaos as everyone would feel lighter... the Rook fighting for its position and slowly falling below.


"This is Rook actual, all personnel abandon ship, all personal, abandon ship!"


Roughed up the ODST squads would try and get inside their drop pods best as possible.. before the corvette would get another lucky shot, its deep penetrating shots hitting the impending Drop Pod area, closely obliterating the room as shouts of crew members and soldiers would fill the room and ship.


"Oh shit... they got hit hard...ODSTs emergency drop! Green light!" An alert would fill the room with lights of red and a siren playing. 




@, @@Derplight Sperkle,

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Elita got hit hard. Her head was killing her. Her poor book laid on the floor like a broken toy. Now she was mad. "Lets kill these sons of bitches." Elita got into the drop pod and waited for her team mates to join her before pressing the button that would drop her into the battle.  



signature by Pucksterv

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"At ease. Let's get ready and head of-" The Rook shook before Shadow could finish. Alarms blared and announcements ordered everyone to abandon ship. "Let's go! Everyone to the pods!"


Shadow ran to her personal pod and prepared for emergency drop. She strapped herself in and looked at her squad's preparation lights. She noticed Elita wasn't about to drop. "Elita, drop now!" Shadow said over the radio before dropping herself. The pod ejected from the ship as well as a dozen others. I hope the rest of the squad made it out.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@,@@Derplight Sperkle,


Elita didn't want to admit to herself but this was her first actual time dropping into actual combat. All her other times it had been in training but this was the real deal this time around. She pushed the button after securing herself in the pod and the whole thing dropped with her in it. At first she screamed bloody murder, but as she continued to drop she quieted down to silence while the adrenaline kept pumping through her veins. Eventually the pod landed down onto the ground.  



signature by Pucksterv

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Shadow hit the ground about a minute after ejecting from the Rook. The door soon blew off and Wiater looked around at the devastation around her. Buildings were burning, and debris was raining down a few miles away as the Rook began to descend for the final time. 


"Squad, I need a sitrep, over," Shadow called over the radio, hoping from a response from somebody. It looked like Elita made, looking at her notification light. While she waited, Shadow decided to try get in contact with the Ascendancy ODSTs.




"Ascendancy squad, this is Sergeant Wiater from Dwarf Squad aboard the UNSC Rook. Requesting a sitrep, over." 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Derplight Sperkle, @,



Screams of all frequency would echo throughout the chat channels as the UNSC Rook would be falling down hard, clearly attempting to stabilize and not fall into the city hard, and with the sacrifice of the last pilots and alive crew members as the ship would keep getting pounded by the covie corvette. Eventually it crashed on the borders of the city, trampling several sky-scrapers earlier causing much havoc. Suddenly, easily 400 lives fell in silence.


The ODST drop pods and escape pods were scattered and far off course... it seemed the last two of he Dwarf Squad would be having no more luck, no others clearly dropping in safe anywhere close...




Jaw dropped as he looked at the huge ship falling, Specter was frozen, then getting the message from what it seemed like the last two survivors..

"Over, we are pinned down hard, think you can get to our position? You just seem to be one block away, but seeing the covie activity you may be having problems... I'm only reading two of you.. where is the rest of your squad Dwarf Leader?"


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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