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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Falza idmeditly back flipped off high a moment after he casted his dragon for an attack, so he would'nt crash against the wall along with her while recovering from blindness. Nightingale's thrown explosion orb grazed him outside blast radius, luckily blocked by his steel armor only normally heated to a point it could cuass pain for little time.


Despite Nightingale's effort damaging Falza's dragon lower half, the front half would slowly desperse completely but instead her luck would'nt be enough to stop its onsluaght ramming into the wall in dark magic explosions cuasing great kenetic force.

Edited by DarkusX



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Yuki smiled happily at the filly. He pink eyes lit up with glee as she watched Yrel eat the sweets, "Oh no, it's perfectly ok. I can easily make more. I have, as the young ones say, a boatload of cookbooks. Many of the recipes that were passed down to me from the mares of the clan. We can cook really well. My mother for example, everypony called her 'Ol Grandma Deathfreeze,' because of how angry and bitter she always was, but her cooking was the best! She cooks better than anyone I know. In fact, those sweets you just ate, little one, even though I made them, my mother does 5 times better."


She looked over to Zenru, "Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. Respect does run in the family, though he can be a hotheaded nuisance some of the time. But I love him for it." She looked back over to Yrel, "When he was about your age, Yrel, he'd used to frolic and play a LOT. But when I was feeling sick, he went allll the way to Ponyville to buy groceries for me. Look.."


She showed them a picture of Ice Blizzard as a colt, hauling groceries into the house, and fumbling them all over the place, "Wasn't he just the cutest thing?" she asked happily, "I have some more pictures of him when he was younger if you want to see them."

zenru smiled again, taking a good look at the picture...before it was swiped by yrel, who started flying around, looking at it


"ice used to be a colt?!"


zenru blinked, before chuckling a little. "i used to be a colt, too, yrel..."


yrel looked at him like she's never seen a pony before. "what!?"


cookies forgotten, she flew to yuki. "moar pictures, please, ma'am!"


The figure halted, keeping a respectable distance from Violet, and cleared his throat once more.

"I apologise if I unnerved you," he began, sounding rather...old up close, "but I could not help but wonder...you are a fighter, are you not?"


He blinked once. "A practitioner in the martial arts?"


"...yeah. and for frutre reference...in bangcolt, just about everyone is a fighter. but whatever."


she raised an eyebrow, upon closer inspection. an old...not a pony. looked more like a dragon. well, whatever he was, he radiates...




...what was the word she was looking for? ​experience.


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Yuki giggled at the filly's curiosity. It reminded her of when she used to be a curious little filly, "Aw, you're adorable," she said with a giggled. She reached into her saddlebag, and took out more pictures, "This one is of little Icey as a newborn foal." She showed then a picture of a newborn Ice Blizzard in her mother's arms, "My own precious baby boy..."


She then pulled out another picture, showing Ice as a foal covered in flour, failing to reach it to his mother, and smiling happily, "Aw, this is when he used to try and help me cook." Afterwards, she showed them one last picture, showing Ice in his teenage years, with a few pimples on his face, a full head of messy, unkempt blue and yellow hair, and reading books, "Oh, and here he is, reading these strange books. He never actually told me what they were for, and I never remembered him going to the library or reading them for school. Hm. But regardless, he was an avid reader. Look at them as much as you like. My baby boy is a sight to behold," she said with a smile.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"It's something Celestia told me..." Twilight paused, then exchanged glances with Cadence, who glanced back at her. After a moment, Twilight sighed in defeat, then looked back up.


"Before we came here, Celestia called all of the princesses for an important meeting. A few nights before we left, the Canterlot vaults were broken into. Somepony broke into the deepest sections, and made off with something important, and supposedly very powerful. But, we though that that magic was a myth until now. It seemed so impossible..."


"But its real. An object that steals alicorn magic, and seals it away, so it can never be acessed again." Cadence continued to stare down at the sheets, her eyes slightly distant. "The horn of Harmony."




@The Down Trotten

"I would require you and your kind complete cooperation with Equestria. You will also be meeting with myself and the other princesses at a later time, in order to discuss the best possible route to peace for us all." Celestia sighed openly. "This will not be easy for them, or for any of. This will also not be as either of us wish it. But I truly this is the best way to stop the violence, and save us all."





Nightingales entire body was rocked by a massive explosion, directly after slamming into the far wall of the Bangcolt arena. She had no chance to recover in the aftermath. She made a massive impact crater, then slid weakly down the wall; most of her bones were broken, and her left wing was beyond use.


"Dad...?" Nightingale looked up distantly at the sky for a moment, before she lapsed into unconsciousness, slumping over on the nearby wall and falling silent.


"...ATTENTION, PONIES! THIS MATCH HAS BEEN CONCLUDED! THE WINNER BY KNOCKOUT IS FALZA!" The crowd erupted into spontaneous cheers, as the stage slowly faded back into the solid blue dome of Bangcolts basic arena.




@The Down Trotten

"Well, fighting's not for everypony. Personally, I can't really stand it. Its why I became a doctor; to heal the sick and injured. And with all of these injuries, I really wonder exactly how much good this arena is doing Equestria..." Redheart looked off slightly towards the window, before she turned her head back towards Rhetoric, and smiled again.


"I'm sorry, I was getting distracted. We're almost done, I promise."




@Star Saber

"You too, and I am sorry. It would have been wonderful to talk with you again." Luna stared silently at Eclipse for a moment, before turning back to Nightmare.


"I will give you one chance, Nightmare. Leave now, or be attacked. And you know what this blade means for you." Erebos sparked, dark black and deadly; Nightmare herself shivered at the spectacle.


"I just wanted what was best for us." Nightmare fired a hateful glare at the both of them, even as she began to disperse into black mist. "I just wanted us to be happy..." Luna watched the spectacle, her eyes nonplussed as she watched Nightmare fade into the background of the world.


"...I highly doubt that."

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Chrysalis heaved a heavy sigh "Celestia, your giving me nothing to work with. I need to leave this room, with something to tell my changelings... otherwise there is nothing I can do for you either your highness." it wasn't a threat at all, in fact her voice was laced with sadness.  




"...Well that is a ponder isn't it?..." Rhetoric thought about what ht nurse had said himself "Well if nothing else I'm sure its a magnet for a wide variety of violent types, at least it bottles them up some where... Can't say I like it much myself though... Do the Princesses end up in here a lot?" 






Blueblood looked ahead again "Stonewall, you poor fool. Its just a single pony! ... I suppose if you want something done right , you have to do it yourself" 


"Sir! Wait please let me handle it!" 


Not listening to his guard he marched up the unicorn in the road "Are you going to stand there all day? Your holding up important royal business" he demanded obstinately 

  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Blueblood looked ahead again "Stonewall, you poor fool. Its just a single pony! ... I suppose if you want something done right , you have to do it yourself" 


"Sir! Wait please let me handle it!" 


Not listening to his guard he marched up the unicorn in the road "Are you going to stand there all day? Your holding up important royal business" he demanded obstinately 


The unicorn raised an eyebrow and glanced over as the guard approached and demanded he move. He took a look at the uniform the stallion sported.


Hm, looks nothing like the Royal Guard. Or the Night Guard, for that matter.


"Perhaps I am," he answered defiantly, "I have my own agenda, sir. Besides, it is a big road; you can simply walk past me."


The irate, well-dressed blond stallion behind the guard suddenly sparked a memory in his mind. He'd seen that stallion before.


Ah, that explains it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Falza heard cheers all around Bangcolt arena, setting one final glance towards Nightingale.

"....hm" seeing there isn't much to do right now, he swiftly turns and walks away slowly outside of the battle field through the exit halls.

This fight shouldn't have been slightest of trouble... he somewhat imagingly thought to himself damning that flash grenade.

Next time he'll be much more careful about his actions, Might even thank her for that demo.



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Yuki giggled at the filly's curiosity. It reminded her of when she used to be a curious little filly, "Aw, you're adorable," she said with a giggled. She reached into her saddlebag, and took out more pictures, "This one is of little Icey as a newborn foal." She showed then a picture of a newborn Ice Blizzard in her mother's arms, "My own precious baby boy..."


She then pulled out another picture, showing Ice as a foal covered in flour, failing to reach it to his mother, and smiling happily, "Aw, this is when he used to try and help me cook." Afterwards, she showed them one last picture, showing Ice in his teenage years, with a few pimples on his face, a full head of messy, unkempt blue and yellow hair, and reading books, "Oh, and here he is, reading these strange books. He never actually told me what they were for, and I never remembered him going to the library or reading them for school. Hm. But regardless, he was an avid reader. Look at them as much as you like. My baby boy is a sight to behold," she said with a smile.


yrel examined each picture intently, giving them each a long look. "wow! he really WAS a colt once!" 


zenru looked, too, but didnt look as interested as yrel. "he certainly was handsome, in his younger years." he remarked.


"zenny! do you have any pictures of when you were a colt, too!?"


"...um...no, yrel, i do not. sorry about that." 


she looked disappointed, for a moment, before remembering that she had cookies. which she promptly started nomming on. "ms. yuki, do you have any pictures of when you were younger??"


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"...yeah. and for frutre reference...in bangcolt, just about everyone is a fighter. but whatever."


she raised an eyebrow, upon closer inspection. an old...not a pony. looked more like a dragon. well, whatever he was, he radiates...




...what was the word she was looking for? ​experience.


The figure raised his head a bit, interested by this fact.

"Everyone, you say?" He asked, blinking once, "Interesting, that will be good to know in the future."


Much like Violet thought he did, he could sense the experience radiating from her. She would definitely prove a challenge.


"Anyway, if you have the time," he continued, "I am interested in sparring with you."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice was startled when he heard that. His maple eyes grew wide with awe, as he almost fell out of his chair. He knew he needed to remain calm in order to solve this, so he did, "Wh-what? Ok, woah....that's some news. I now have a crapton of questions about this, but first off, let me say this."


He looked right at Cadence, "You saved my life, Cadence, the least I could do to help is to try and, well....help. You got one of Bangcolt's top fighters, and former champions on your side. I'm gonna make sure you get your magic back. I won't let you down," he said with a serious expression.


His notepad was out, and pencil was in between his ear, ready to take notes as he saw fit, "Now, I' gonna ask my most important questions. 1. Is it indeed possible to get your magic back from this thing? And, 2. Why was this made?" he asked with a confused expression, looking between the two alicorns.



Yuki smiled, then laughed, "Yup. My baby boy is pretty good looking." she then looked to Yrel, "Mhmm," she then brought out pictures of herself as a filly. "This was me doing a cheer with my school," she held a picture of herself holding pompoms with mother cheerleaders. "Haha. I used to be so....weird back then."


She then showed them a picture of her as a filly in a chef's hat, in the kitchen, and stirring something in a pot, "I always used to love cooking, but I gave it up to follow my love of jewelry." She showed them one last picture. It was her in her teenage years, selling bracelets, jewels, and her hair was in pigtails, "Oh, haha. I was so unattractive at this age. This is when I first started selling jewels. Look as much as you want," she said, smiling.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Oh, yeah!" Cloud chirped, nodding with a grin, "All of Equestria's best fighters are arriving there, and I wanna see what they've got. Especially the flyers."


A confident smirk crossed her muzzle. "I heard Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust are around here, and I wanna prove I'm just as good, if not a better flyer!"

"You must be good to have made it here! Me, I consider myself a decent flyer, but I wouldn't say it's my talent." Lightning looked at the sword on his saddlebag and smiled. "I work as a guard in the castle back at Canterlot. Of all the guards there, I am the best fighter. However, not a whole lot of circumstances pop up where I'd need these skills at the castle, so I came here to test my abilities..."


Lightning put his sword back in the saddlebag. He paused, and then asked excitedly, "Wait, did you say Rainbow Dash?"


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As soon as the arena shifted its structure back to its original form, a team of medical ponies rushed into the arena. Moving past Falza, they gingerly lifted Nightingale up and placed her on the stretcher that had been brought with them. Then, with one of the medical ponies keeping her stable through a continuous low does of white magic, they quickly carried her away to the safety of the hospital...




@The Down Trotten

Celestia paused once again, and looked straight at Chrysalis.

"Tell them that the fighting is over. That they might never have to hide in fear from ponies again. That they might never have to worry about starving again. And, if it all of that seems to good to be true to them, just tell them what i'm about to tell you. There is no future in war, but there is hope in peace. And we are about to take the first steps towards it."




@The Down Trotten

"Actually, Celestia earlier this week was the first time a princess has been admitted here. They don't get a lot of challengers, and they don't get into fights much. And if they do, they certainly don't lose, to my knowledge." The white magic disappeared from Redheart's horn, and she relaxed and straightened up.


"And that's it. All set to go."





Twilight inhaled loudly, then shot ice Blizzard a blank look.


"We... don't know. Either of those. The horn was just supposed to be an artifact, so nopony decided to study its properties. We don't know how it works, or why."

"...But, if it was activated by magic to steal magic, maybe magic can be used to release it?" Sunset Shimmer finally took her chance, and walked into the room. Twilight was the first to noticed, and stared confusedly.


"Sunset Shimmer?"


"In the pony skin. But there's no time for explanations now. It looks like right now, we have a job to do. And the quicker it gets done..."

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"You must be good to have made it here! Me, I consider myself a decent flyer, but I wouldn't say it's my talent." Lightning looked at the sword on his saddlebag and smiled. "I work as a guard in the castle back at Canterlot. Of all the guards there, I am the best fighter. However, not a whole lot of circumstances pop up where I'd need these skills at the castle, so I came here to test my abilities..."


Lightning put his sword back in the saddlebag. He paused, and then asked excitedly, "Wait, did you say Rainbow Dash?"


"Wow, that's pretty neat!" Cloud said, nodding with a wide grin, "Sounds like we have something in common then!"

She craned her head down, taking a look at the sword. "Nice sword! Where'd you get it?"


She tilted her head, then nodded. "Yeah, I heard she's here. Why d'you ask?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice gave Sunset a smirk, "Ah, the old eavesdrop, eh?" he laughed. "Just pulling your hoof. But seriously, an artifact, that makes more sense, but anyway. If you don't know how it works, Twi, then maybe Sunny here has a point. Maybe if magic somehow activated the thing, then maybe it can simply be reversed?"


He looked between the two, "Now, first things first; while Shining Armor and his guards have secured the Princess Compound, and they're searching for the thief as we speak. Until then, it's up to the rest of us to figure something out. Now, fortunately, with them searching, that'll buy some time for a solution to be found. But until then, I have a question, can't you just do what Sunny said?"


He got up, and made an ice game board table, with a "T," "S," "SA," "C," and "?" on it, "Ok, you guys' initials are up here. Now..." he moved the "SA," to the "?," "Once Shining Armor finds...whoever this is. It can be captured, and brought back to the city." He moved the "T," and "S," together, "Until then, I believe you two could eventually come up with a solution. You have the combined brain power to find a solution, and just in case..."


He moved the "C," over to the "T," and "S," "I'm sure Celly will be able to come up with a solution if you guys couldn't figure it out. But I have faith in ya. Wherever Celly is right now, she should be back soon. Heck, wouldn't be surprised if she was back right now, and suddenly showed up to help." He sat back down, de-materializing his construct, "I mean, this all rides on if we can find this thief, so...ya know. Hehe...yeah...." Running out of things to say, he looked over at Cadence. He felt sorry for her, and that he needed to do something to repay her for saving him, "I gotta do something. I can't stand to see her like this. Especially after she saved my life. No. I gotta help somehow...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Actually, Celestia's back. We all took a trip to another dimension to go save-" The air left Sunset Shimmer's body suddenly, as she found herself embraced by a very ecstatic Twilight.


"Celestia's back! Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou..." Twilight held onto Sunset Shimmer emphatically, enough so that she found it hard to breathe. She laughed, even as she pushed against her friends grip.

"Yeah... she is. So do you think you could put me down...?" She coughed, and Twilight finally realized what she was doing; she set Sunset Shimmer down, blushing slightly.




"Don't mention it. Let's just get this done, and i'll fill you in on the way to the library."


"Alright. But first; Ice Blizzard, I believe unicorn magic should be enough to..."


"Hello?" Both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer froze, staring curiously at the new arrival. Trixie felt like an insect under a magnifying glass, but she kept her composure, looking directly at Twilight.


"I overheard you talking. I know there's somepony in trouble. And... I want to help."

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Ice smiled at the sight of Twilight hugging Sunset. It made him feel warm inside, "Hm. How touching." When he heard Twilight speak t him, he nodded, "Alright so--"


He then heard the voice of somepony coming through from the door, and looked over to see who it was, "Trixie? Are. You. Serious?! Another damn pony wanna come up in here? What the heck? Who's next, Daring Do? Supermare? Batmare?! And now it feels weird being the only dude here....jeez...." He looked at Trixie, "So, you wanna help, eh?" he gave a dubious look, "Well, I don't know about you, but I plan to help Shining Armor search out in the forest. If you want, you could help me. We're looking for whoever stole Cadence's magic."

After a quick side glance to Cadence, Ice turned back to Twilight and Sunset, "In fact, I suppose it would be best if we all went out and searched to help expedite this. The sooner we find whoever this, and get Cadence her magic back, the better." He pulled a map of the city, and made a larger scaled version of ice on a table in front of them all, similar to Twilight's castle map, "The last place I saw the Cadence and Shining Armor before the incident is here...." he pointed a hoof over the icy version of the Whitetail Woods, "That means we should begin our search, around this general area..." he drew a circle of ice over it.


"Canterhorn Falls Lake would be too out in the open for the thief to retreat to. Whoever it was, is probably still in the forest that is just Northeast of here," he said as a upside down, spinning icy arrow was pointing to the woods, "Now our best bet  is to begin our search deep in the forest, and expand outwards to a city-wide radius."


His glance went back to Trixie, "You said you wanna help, Trixie? Well, then you can accompany me on the search if you so choose." He turned back to Twilight and Sunset, "You two should come along as well, unless you need time to research the magic stuff or something. Although since it's dark out, if we search now, we should probably pack somethings, and camp out or something. I dunno. What do you all say?" he asked them all, as his construct was still there.

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The unicorn raised an eyebrow and glanced over as the guard approached and demanded he move. He took a look at the uniform the stallion sported.


Hm, looks nothing like the Royal Guard. Or the Night Guard, for that matter.


"Perhaps I am," he answered defiantly, "I have my own agenda, sir. Besides, it is a big road; you can simply walk past me."


The irate, well-dressed blond stallion behind the guard suddenly sparked a memory in his mind. He'd seen that stallion before.


Ah, that explains it.


The guard paled and tried desperately to get between the two and only managed barely 


"How dare you! Don't you know who I am!? Stonewall, get the carriage, I'm going to teach this, obstinate pony a few things about respect." his nostrils flaring, the prince was not thinking straight... and his guard having little to no choice followed orders, knowing he would have to rush back in a moment to save his sorry behind 




Rhetoric thanked the nurse profusely and with a sigh made his way back into the world. What was he to do?... He wanted to help with the Changelings but he felt rather out of line for that.... Trixie! he had to find Trixie  !... but where was she?.... he sighed and found himself lost in Bangcolt, looking for his friend how could he lose her so easily? 


Somehow finding himself at the train station.... Ponies were coming in and out and the general hustle and bustle could be heard. Idly scanning the crowd, his eye caught someone... but it couldn't be?... No... really?


"Pardon me, but are you famous Starlight Glimmer?..." unlike most, his voice wasn't filled with hostility, he was curious and even friendly 





Chrysalis sighed "Spoken like a true leader. Tell me Princess is it nice to be ab;e to dole out mercy like that?..." the changeling stood up and looked out a window "I will give your message... but I must warn you... I don't know how this will go over. But I pormise you this, Equestria will not have any more problems from me. I'm done fighting." 

  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Calibur only smiled in response to Sunset. He looked out at all those whom he had fought alongside with to rescue Luna. He was still wary of the Changeling Queen but who could blame him. He had gained some respect for Trixie, seems there was more to her than he originally believed. As for Rhetoric, Calibur hoped that he’d be ok but there wasn’t much that a pony like Calibur could do for him. The gunslinger left the group, off to search for an inn or other place to get a place to rest for the night.

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The guard paled and tried desperately to get between the two and only managed barely 


"How dare you! Don't you know who I am!? Stonewall, get the carriage, I'm going to teach this, obstinate pony a few things about respect." his nostrils flaring, the prince was not thinking straight... and his guard having little to no choice followed orders, knowing he would have to rush back in a moment to save his sorry behind 


The unicorn blinked once at the stallion's outrage, watching him stomp toward the guard who desperately tried to hold him back.

"Prince Blueblood, if I'm not mistaken," he answered nonchalantly, "the niece of Princess Celestia, and one of the highlights of the Grand Galloping Gala a few years back, if I'm not mistaken."


Rhetoric thanked the nurse profusely and with a sigh made his way back into the world. What was he to do?... He wanted to help with the Changelings but he felt rather out of line for that.... Trixie! he had to find Trixie  !... but where was she?.... he sighed and found himself lost in Bangcolt, looking for his friend how could he lose her so easily? 


Somehow finding himself at the train station.... Ponies were coming in and out and the general hustle and bustle could be heard. Idly scanning the crowd, his eye caught someone... but it couldn't be?... No... really?


"Pardon me, but are you famous Starlight Glimmer?..." unlike most, his voice wasn't filled with hostility, he was curious and even friendly 


The mare's ears flicked as she heard her name being mentioned. She wasn't expecting to be noticed so soon, especially by name.


She looked and saw the stallion approaching her, wearing a friendly disposition. He certainly didn't look like authorities.

"Oh, yes I am," she answered, feeling her pride swell a bit from being called famous, "Can I help you?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The unicorn blinked once at the stallion's outrage, watching him stomp toward the guard who desperately tried to hold him back.

"Prince Blueblood, if I'm not mistaken," he answered nonchalantly, "the niece of Princess Celestia, and one of the highlights of the Grand Galloping Gala a few years back, if I'm not mistaken."



The mare's ears flicked as she heard her name being mentioned. She wasn't expecting to be noticed so soon, especially by name.


She looked and saw the stallion approaching her, wearing a friendly disposition. He certainly didn't look like authorities.

"Oh, yes I am," she answered, feeling her pride swell a bit from being called famous, "Can I help you?"

Blueblood stopped short "Indeed. and who should I report to my Aunt for delaying royal affairs?, hmmmm?" it was his way of saying, hi nice to meet you, whats your name? his social skills, being that of mud to say the least.



Rhetoric beamed, luck seemed to be in his favor for a change "Actually, yes. but I think perhaps I should help you first... Your still not on the greatest of terms with the law yes?" he looked about for any sort of authorities a tad bit worried  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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“Don’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault…” Eclipse dropped his guard as Nightmare Moon vanish into the shadows. He sat back on his hind legs and sighed, “...I’m happy you came back for me...”


“...Although it might’ve been better if you hadn’t.” Eclipse said somberly as he looked towards the ground. “I’m not even sure why I was brought back in the first place… if I’m just some memory of yours or I’m genuine…”

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Blueblood stopped short "Indeed. and who should I report to my Aunt for delaying royal affairs?, hmmmm?" it was his way of saying, hi nice to meet you, whats your name? his social skills, being that of mud to say the least.


The unicorn raised an eyebrow and resisted the urge to smirk. Was he honestly going to report him to the Princess for standing in the street?

"Professor Indus Moonquill," he introduced himself, putting a hoof to his chest and dipping his head slightly, "at your service, sir."


Rhetoric beamed, luck seemed to be in his favor for a change "Actually, yes. but I think perhaps I should help you first... Your still not on the greatest of terms with the law yes?" he looked about for any sort of authorities a tad bit worried  


Starlight bit her lip, surprised that this stallion was so accurate. How could he have guessed."

"Well, I still have my doubters," she admitted, "But I am trying to fix my name again."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“So you say… I’m still not entirely convinced.” Ash muttered under his breath, yes he had agreed to give this ‘friendship’ thing a try with the pony but he hadn’t seen much of a benefit to it yet. So far it had been more of a pain. Falling into pit traps, having to carry all this nonsense. If it wasn’t for ‘friendship’ he would’ve already been to his hoard and back.


When the two finally made their way down the mountainside they would find that there was no good path to follow and the two would’ve had to rough it through the wilderness until they reached the cave entrance...

Edited by Star Saber
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Yuki smiled, then laughed, "Yup. My baby boy is pretty good looking." she then looked to Yrel, "Mhmm," she then brought out pictures of herself as a filly. "This was me doing a cheer with my school," she held a picture of herself holding pompoms with mother cheerleaders. "Haha. I used to be so....weird back then."


She then showed them a picture of her as a filly in a chef's hat, in the kitchen, and stirring something in a pot, "I always used to love cooking, but I gave it up to follow my love of jewelry." She showed them one last picture. It was her in her teenage years, selling bracelets, jewels, and her hair was in pigtails, "Oh, haha. I was so unattractive at this age. This is when I first started selling jewels. Look as much as you want," she said, smiling.


yrel was looking at the pictures one after the other, looking extremely...well, mind-blown. "cheer-leading? pom-poms?! chefs?! JEWELRY!?"


she then looked up at yuki with wide eyes. "your so special..."


zenru blinked, at all the pictures. "do you...just, carry around all these pictures?"


The figure raised his head a bit, interested by this fact.

"Everyone, you say?" He asked, blinking once, "Interesting, that will be good to know in the future."


Much like Violet thought he did, he could sense the experience radiating from her. She would definitely prove a challenge.


"Anyway, if you have the time," he continued, "I am interested in sparring with you."


that seemed to catch her attention. "a spar? well...granted, i haven't gotten any kind of real workout since my last match..." she grinned, actually. "and im starting to wonder what kind of style you use...but..." she looked back at the groceries. "...im kinda on an errand, right now..."

Edited by P-Jay
  • Brohoof 1


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The unicorn raised an eyebrow and resisted the urge to smirk. Was he honestly going to report him to the Princess for standing in the street?

"Professor Indus Moonquill," he introduced himself, putting a hoof to his chest and dipping his head slightly, "at your service, sir."



Starlight bit her lip, surprised that this stallion was so accurate. How could he have guessed."

"Well, I still have my doubters," she admitted, "But I am trying to fix my name again."

Blueblood nose nearly concave as he stared at Moonquill in confusion "A professor, here in this drudgery?... What on earth  for?... Stonewall? Wheres the carriage!" 


'Coming sir!" one thing that the private learned about the prince, he was a slave to being punctual 




Rhetoric sighed "I'm afraid you'll always have your doubters... but come quickly, lets get you out of this crowd. before some other pony wises up to who you are ms. Glimmer,,, if I may ask, being the presumptuous stallion I am, what brings you here?" he hadn't forgotten about Trixie... in fact he thought the two should probably meet each other. thats if what he read about Starlight was true 

  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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