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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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“Indeed, a shame. However that is a concern for another time. On to business then?” Maverick took a seat across from Nightingale and retrieved a folder from inside his jacket; laying it on the table slowly opening it up and separating out several pictures and files about several mares, six in fact, that Nightingale may have met, “What do you know about the Elements of Harmony?”

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@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten

"Rhetoric... it's fine." Trixie breathed out a sigh, letting it echo off of the cavern around her. "I just overreacted. I haven't had anypony close to me for a while, so when I did I-agh!" She shuffled forward on the rock pillar as it came to an almost sudden stop. Casting her own variety of wind magic, she managed to conjure up a breeze to regain her own balance, just barely landing back within its perimeters. She leveled another sigh.


"Sorry. But we're here." Terra replied. The earthen pillar begin to shift positions, now moving up. As before, the surrounding earth simply flowed out of the way in response to Terra's magic, reforming as they paved their way to the surface. With little more than a small clatter, they emerged on solid ground once again. Outside, Canterlot's castle was visible less than a mile from the field where they resided, towering over them and the surrounding area.


"I don't have a perfect memory, to say the least. But the unicorn clan lived within this area. If we're going to do this, it should be here."




Sleight Mist could feel the fatigue setting in, making it harder to function. She'd always been better at efficiency, not drawn out matches, and it was starting to become clear. She only had a few minutes left on solid stamina, magic a few more... She disassembled every frame of Falza's movements, like pictures in a slideshow. Studying them. The moment Falza began his backflip, the swords were already moving into position. Two rose up slightly directly behind him, blades sideways, ready to intersect his downward arc with their magically attacking cuts. The other once again drilled directly forward, aiming for his chest. And still Sleight Mist watched, waited, and anticipated. Falza was slowly opening up to her, as if she could read his mind...



@Star Saber

Oh?" Nightingale's grin couldn't have become more savage as she looked down at the picture's on the table. "Well, it's finally nice to have some names to these faces." She picked up the picture of Rarity. "I recently just stole from her. A priceless diamond of the highest degree. Shame I could keep it, but there's always second chances." She put the picture down, and picked up the one of Twilight. "And I believe i've had a run in with the princess herself, as well. Quite powerful, but a bit too preachy, for my tastes." She moved on to the picture of Applejack, and gave a dark smirk. "I burned her tavern down. Detonated it, really. A slight waste of a bar, but it's not as if she were serving quality anyways. I wonder if they did ever pull her out?" She barely resisted a chuckle, but as she put the picture down, she found herself drawn to one in particular. A yellow pegasus, who even through the faded picture seemed to radiate an immeasurable beauty. She picked the picture up, and scowled, a complete reverse of her previous mood. "This mare..." She looked down at her hooves, and realized they were shaking. With a sigh, she tossed the file back onto the pile. "Can't say i've ever met the two. Or that I knew they were even a group. So, what exactly are these "Elements of Harmony?"





Rarity looked down at the menu, double checking it just to make sure. She had already said that she wanted burgers, but since then the declaration had begun to feel awkward to her, especially since Ice Blizzard was ordering far less. In a flash, she changed her mind. "I'll take the grand salad, deluxe. Tomatoes, cucumbers... all of the fixings, if you'd please." She let out a sigh as the waiter walked away, then turned her attention back to Ice Blizzard. "And don't be ashamed of a poor comedy routine. Maybe it was an off day. Or maybe some of us just aren't built for it. Maybe not you, of course. But there's a reason you'll never see me hosting an open mic show. I'm not very funny." Rarity had to admit it; of the many, many jokes she'd shared with her friends, most of them had been due to unitentionality. In more simple terms, she'd been the butt of the joke, she remembered as she thought back.

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"Rhetoric... it's fine." Trixie breathed out a sigh, letting it echo off of the cavern around her. "I just overreacted. I haven't had anypony close to me for a while, so when I did I-agh!" She shuffled forward on the rock pillar as it came to an almost sudden stop. Casting her own variety of wind magic, she managed to conjure up a breeze to regain her own balance, just barely landing back within its perimeters. She leveled another sigh.


"Sorry. But we're here." Terra replied. The earthen pillar begin to shift positions, now moving up. As before, the surrounding earth simply flowed out of the way in response to Terra's magic, reforming as they paved their way to the surface. With little more than a small clatter, they emerged on solid ground once again. Outside, Canterlot's castle was visible less than a mile from the field where they resided, towering over them and the surrounding area.


"I don't have a perfect memory, to say the least. But the unicorn clan lived within this area. If we're going to do this, it should be here."


Starlight breathed a small exasperated sigh, feeling like nopony had been listening to her for this entire trip. She understood that she had some atonement to go through, but surely by now she deserved a chance?


She stumbled forward a few steps from the sudden stop, tripping and landing on her front. Huffing, she stood back up and shook herself off. When the pillar had stopped moving, she stepped onto the field and glanced up at the castle looming from the mountain.


"Are we all ready for this?" She asked the group, "Because once I start this spell, I can't stop it."


Hopefully she'd get an answer this time.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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 Picking himself up as he had fallen flat on his face from the abrupt stop. Dusting off himself for no reason "Well I'm ready as I'll be... but how about the rest of your girls?... Anything you have to take care of before we descend into time?" 

he couldn;t help but smile at the thought, it was rather exciting 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice just laughed a little bit as the waiter left with their orders. ​"True. I'm not really that funny either. In fact none of my friends think I'd last a day with stand up. Although, when you're an adventurer and a risk taker like me, you end up cracking jokes in heated situations to just add an air of levity. Ya know, as a little beacon of hope that no matter what happens my friends and I will still be able to smile and laugh knowing that we'll make it out of whatever we've gotten into." ​A tiny set of bowling pins showed up on the table in a 7-10 split, ​"No matter what happens....no matter what odds are against me...." ​A tiny bowling ball knocked the two over, ​"Everything'll be fine. Ya know; optimism."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Anette walked along, just enjoying the sights and sounds of the world around her. She had always been one to appreciate everything, from the small to the large, and today was no exception. Everything from the radiance of the flowers, to the brilliance of the sky, to the scattered but strangely uniform ways that the ponies milled about, like they did. Rushing to businesses, or just enjoying their lives in the moment, like she was; she put on a colorful smile for them. Today was a day to be happy.

"Say, Wilhelm..." She finally decided to break the silence, looking to the stallion next to her. "When's the last time you had a moment like this?"


Wilhelm paused, considering the question carefully. His head tilted to the side and his tongue poked out from between his lips in a way some might think adorable. "I... Just when I could walk around? Nothing to do, no pressing concerns I couldn't put off for a moment, no Tartarus-spawned monster looming over me an inch behind my haunches?"


He chuckled wryly. "Probably between when I came here and when I got back from that whole pirate business. What, around... six months ago? More? And even then, I had to spend half of that free time in bed, because apparently I had contracted some sort of nasty delayed-trigger zebra hex." Wilhelm ran a hoof through his mane. "What I mean is... not in awhile. Unless you count the few minutes we had in the muffin place before I had to run off yet again."


His lips curved in a small smile. "What about you? You haven't spent half your life at university or chasing monsters." Sometimes, I wish I could just settle down. Go back to Canterlot, go back into academia... find a marefriend. Well, I suppose Annette is, but... Could I ever give up adventuring?

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Falza expected Sleight would now try her hardest to strike,... as he saw the magical objects shift around into position during his first quick backflip. Next... Falza continues onto his second flip. Before he could touch the ground....
he lunged Fezor downwards to lift him up directly over the two swords behind him,... then very soon after he strongly swung his bottom half -following the backflip steps- while pressuring his front hooves on Fezor's handle to create a quick mid-air dash towards the ground a few meters away from the swords. Falza is getting quite close to the crater's lower edge and over lapping debris.


(Sorry If it has bad sentence structures,... just trying to make it simple as possible.)​



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"You presume quite a bit, don't you, Queen Chrysalis?" The wyvern crossed the top of Moondancer's head to look at her, speaking in a voice like gravel shuffling. "I don't care for you or your kind either way, but I did care that you shed off that ridiculous disguise, and reveal your true intentions. And yes, I could tell; I can feel the magic all over you even now. Not a stronger magical sense in the world than us wyverns-"


"Umm... the princesses are inside. If you really need help, I can take you to them." Moondancer resisted the urge to shudder just from the Changeling Queen's presence as she looked at her, waiting for her to speak.





Sleight Mist watched every moment, which was now beginning to look look like a slow reel playing; clunky and mechanical. The swords changed position once more, swirling around Falza, then began to attack. One after another, they unleashed a chain of neat and incredibly quick attacks, each one spacing itself out so that blocking an attack from one would leave the two others free to cut. And as Sleight Mist, directed them, they would only continue to adapt as she watched, still studying Falza's every move.



@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten

Terra nodded once heavily to Starlight, exuding determination from her eyes. "I've been prepared for this for centuries. I'm ready to go."  Trixie stared at Starlight for the longest of times, before finally, she nodded once, too.


"Let's do it. Let's head back in time, and figure all of this out." She didn't elaborate on what this was, however; she wasn't quite sure she knew.




@Orion Caelum

"...No. Well, not really" Anette laughed lightly, and kept walking. "I travel with Sleight Mist, and while it's not typically chasing monsters, it is always one crazy adventure after the next. Destabilizing a group of wild dragons here, going undercover to unveil corrupt politicians there, the whole nine yards. But one thing has always been constant; that we've never stayed in one place. It's..." She paused. "I've always had the open sky, but no time to appreciate it, I guess. We always leave before the dust ever settles..." She trailed off, looking away. "Sorry."




Rarity gave a soft smile. "I tend to be more of an idealist, so I quite understand. Sometimes, it's the only thing that can get you through an otherwise impossible day, and I happen to have plenty of those. Like that time I managed to create five gala dresses for each of my friends within the space of a day, though... actually, let's not talk about that." She gave a small grin. "Point is, I understand what's it like, at least a little."

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​Ice nodded in agreement. He was always the first to usually be optimistic in many a situation, given what he normally did throughout his life. It was fun to say the least. "Yeah. Life is great when you always have a bright side to look at. Even if that bright side happens to be the sun or something. Hehe. I remember this one time when I was a colt, I'd always go outside and play with my schoolfriends no matter what the weather. Heck, even if it was raining we'd always play out there. Boy, let me tell you--if you try playing hoofball in the mud, you will get a few teeth knocked out of you. But it was still fun as heck." ​He sniffed slightly. He could tell their food would be done in a matter of moments, ​"While we're on the subject, what was the most fun--is it most fun or funnest? I don't--whatever. What was the most exciting thing you did as a filly, Rarity?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rune is awesome

Caliber muttered something under his breath, that had the words 'second special talent' in it. "Metal's a necessity, then."


He was mainly quiet as she registered their match, and started to follow her in. Upon hearing her question, he blinked, and pondered it for a moment.


"...Maybe...Mage's Paradise?" He suggested, "its probably got enough metal in it, right...?"


But if he was being honest with himself, his mind really wasn't on the fight at hoof. Well, it was, somewhat, but not nearly as much as he usually was. He distantly wondered what was distracting him. 


"Actually, it doesn't matter to me. I'll still try my best, and go for the win..." He grinned, "try to make it a good one, eh?"




Meanwhile, a certain grey-coated unicorn was sitting in the stands of the arena, munching on a bag of hay. He was watching the current fights, on the screen, to go with jotting down notes on this Falza character, and Sleight. And...Whats this?


He blinked as the second projector lit up, showcasing two ponies walking in. A grey-coated one like himself, and a rather bright yellow mare. Odd...But they certainly seemed note-worthy.


He continued to observe in silence...




Taikua had been wandering towards the city's library, with the brute trailing behind her. She occasionally stopped to pick up a rock from the ground, storing it in her bag...Why she did that was anyone's guess. 


Mangle, meanwhile, seemed more interested in watching the ponies around them.


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Right after landing, his ghastly dark aura grew larger... producing vast amounts of purple light-smog around the area.
Real soon a thin haze dome was envoloped over his entire position,
then it bursted into 6 smaller clouds... which arced over the surrounding swords when they was ready to attack, leaving no sign of Falza.
The cloud blobs smoothly but swiftly crawled around Sleight's position and stopped a meter behind her back... muffeling his foot steps.
Each of them was side by side slowly moving even closer towards her, seemingly as if Falza was going to strike at any moment.


(Magic consumptions left: 2 moderates and 2 smalls)

Edited by DarkusX



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Picking himself up as he had fallen flat on his face from the abrupt stop. Dusting off himself for no reason "Well I'm ready as I'll be... but how about the rest of your girls?... Anything you have to take care of before we descend into time?" 


he couldn;t help but smile at the thought, it was rather exciting 


Starlight took a deep breath, thinking over what she was about to do. She had used this spell before, albeit for a more... malicious intent. The thought of using it one more time brought up unpleasant memories. Past struggles, former enemies, and a glimpse of the end of the world.


She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of those dark images.


Come on, Starlight. You've changed now! You're a new pony, with new aspirations! And friends! These two are your friends! ...right?



Terra nodded once heavily to Starlight, exuding determination from her eyes. "I've been prepared for this for centuries. I'm ready to go."  Trixie stared at Starlight for the longest of times, before finally, she nodded once, too.


"Let's do it. Let's head back in time, and figure all of this out." She didn't elaborate on what this was, however; she wasn't quite sure she knew.


Terra's announcement brought her train of thought to a halt, and she suddenly realised all eyes were on her. Trixie's stare was almost unsettling, like she was expecting big things from the reformed unicorn.


"R-right," she muttered, giving a small nod of her own, and raised her head toward the sky. Her horn, pointed straight up, began to glow a brilliant light blue, and her face scrunched up with extreme concentration. "Everypony, get close to me!"


A beam of magic shot skyward from her horn, stopping a few meters above her head and expanding into a circular shape. The light blue energy dissipated and revealed some kind of portal. Anypony looking inside could see visions of ticking clocks floating around the space inside the portal, and could hear a loud, incessant tick-tock. A vacuum began a small breeze, leading into the portal and causing manes and tails to flow upward.


"This portal leads to different eras in time," she called over the noise, "all we need to do is find the correct time period, and it will bring us to this exact spot in that time!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric let his mouth hang agape slightly, not saying a word. Not only was it not his place but it wasn't necessary. Time was flashing before them. All they had to do now was pick the right era, and poof of they would go.

I... wow... this is amazing... I almost wish I could go back and rewatch my life 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"...No. Well, not really" Anette laughed lightly, and kept walking. "I travel with Sleight Mist, and while it's not typically chasing monsters, it is always one crazy adventure after the next. Destabilizing a group of wild dragons here, going undercover to unveil corrupt politicians there, the whole nine yards. But one thing has always been constant; that we've never stayed in one place. It's..." She paused. "I've always had the open sky, but no time to appreciate it, I guess. We always leave before the dust ever settles..." She trailed off, looking away. "Sorry."


Wilhelm's expression grew melancholy. "I... understand, I suppose. Sometimes, you just want to settle down, but there's always something, always some other disaster you feel honor-bound to fix. Some little filly tugging at your uniform, asking the stallion with the bow and the sword to solve her problems. And he can't refuse." 


He let out a long, slow sigh. "Well, I suppose you aren't leaving now, right? And I won't, either." The smile reappeared on Wilhelm's face, and he linked his foreleg with Anette's. "Now, I heard about this new cafe up on the garden terraces. 'Twould be my pleasure to wine and dine you. Or, well, I could just admit I'm still hungry." He laughed, lightly. 

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“Well well, seems you have a bit of history with them. Interesting…”


“The Elements of Harmony; is Equestria’s most powerful weapon. Capable of defeating even the strongest of threats. However it has a grave weakness.” Maverick motioned a hoof at the pictures of the mares, “For it to function all six of these mares have to be present. So I think you can see where I’m going with this?”.

Edited by Star Saber
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@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten

Terra could feel the breeze picking her up, pulling at her. The feeling was awe-inspiring, to say the least. "How do we figure out which time is the right time?" She had to shout so that she could be heard over the breeze.


Trixie looked up, and couldn't help but gasp. Was this the kind of magic that other unicorns were capable of? Distantly, she wondered what it would be like to return to her old timeline, and start over. So many things to change...





The swords returned to Sleight Mist's side as Falza seemingly disappeared. As they burst into clouds, she narrowed her eyes, shifting her stance. With one cut each, the swords split the ground in front of her, sending up a small spray of dirt and dust in a small circle around her. Inside, she stared out into the haze, waiting.




@Orion Caelum

Anette smiled at the touch. She opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly, her stomach growled. She gave an audible blush, and then a small a laugh. "I guess you're not the only one." She tightened her grip on Wilhelm's forearm, smiling. "A cafe sounds like a wonderful idea. Lead the way."



@Star Saber

Nightingale's grin couldn't have increased more as she looked at the pictures. "You want me to off one of Equestria's great saviors? This countries' sole defenders?" She looked down at the yellow one in particular, and her gaze concentrated, narrowing in on the figure. Finally, after more than a minute, she looked back up. "Where do I find them?"





"Oh... darling." Rarity looked over at Ice Blizzard, the mirth having slightly gone out of her face. "You don't want to know about that." She looked away. "I didn't exactly have the best childhood, in all honesty. Not dark, just... unpleasant."

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Rhetoric let his mouth hang agape slightly, not saying a word. Not only was it not his place but it wasn't necessary. Time was flashing before them. All they had to do now was pick the right era, and poof of they would go.

I... wow... this is amazing... I almost wish I could go back and rewatch my life 


Trixie looked up, and couldn't help but gasp. Was this the kind of magic that other unicorns were capable of? Distantly, she wondered what it would be like to return to her old timeline, and start over. So many things to change...


Starlight caught the glimpses of Rhetoric and Trixie, and she could tell right away what they were thinking. They wanted to have a look at their pasts, to see what they had done from another angle and perspective. Perhaps even to change something.


Nopony knew that feeling more than herself. All the things she had done, including using this very time travel spell, to cause harm in the name of revenge.


But that wasn't her anymore. Now she was using this spell to help a pony find herself. She was atoning for her sins... right?



Terra could feel the breeze picking her up, pulling at her. The feeling was awe-inspiring, to say the least. "How do we figure out which time is the right time?" She had to shout so that she could be heard over the breeze.


Terra's calling to her snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned to face the mare.


"Once we go in, we'll find a series of windows leading to different time periods," she yelled back to her, "It's all a matter of finding the right one to jump through!"


She narrowed her eyes as the vortex's vacuum began to increase in power. "We need to keep a hold of each other when we get in there. If we're separated, we might be flung into different time periods, and the only way you'll be able to get back is to make a sizeable change to the future!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ice cocked his head slightly. It was interesting what kind of childhood she had. Heck, it couldn't be any worse than his own. Lord knows how hard he had it when he was younger....the mistakes he made....the trouble he caused.....

​That is when he realized it was best not to try and press the issue. Besides, if she didn't want to explain, she didn't have to. It was only good manners to respect her privacy. ​"Oh....um...ok, then. I mean, I'm not the type to get all up in someone's business. But if you need to talk about something, or vent about something, then I'm here to listen if need be. And I'm sure your childhood was very nice. I mean, from what I gathered, that's when you earned your cutie mark, right? Heh. Nearly everypony can say that they at least have that going for them; when they found their life's calling."


He tried to cheer her ​up with a compliment or two. ​"Who would've guessed you would've became one of the most famous designers in Equestria? Or that your sisters and her friends would become literal crusaders for cutie marks? To me, it sounds like everyone's childhood has been good at some point, right?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Copper trotted along to the front gates of Bangcolt, humming a tune to himself.  He had heard of some entertainment going on in the city and he wanted to join up on the action.  He didn't know what kind of fun he was about to be in, but he knew it would be exciting.  


When he reached the front gates, he stopped and waited patiently for anypony to show up and greet him.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Copper trotted along to the front gates of Bangcolt, humming a tune to himself.  He had heard of some entertainment going on in the city and he wanted to join up on the action.  He didn't know what kind of fun he was about to be in, but he knew it would be exciting.  


When he reached the front gates, he stopped and waited patiently for anypony to show up and greet him.

Outside the gates, only a few guards were stationed beside the gates. They looked at the pony humming to himself, exchanging worried looks. After all, considering this town, this new guy probably has enough strength to murder both of them in the blink of an eye. Why did they always get stuck with gate duty? ...Oh yeah, because anything inside the town is far more dangerous.


One of them hesitantly started to open the gates.


"Ah...Welcome to Bangcolt." One of them said, gesturing inside the bustling town, "where you can fight to your heart's content, and watch battles."


"Rule one to surviving this place...Don't try to be a hero." The other cautioned. 


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Copper saw the guards open the door for him and welcoming him to the town.  It was only when a guard told him to not be a hero is when he gave them a serious look.  "No hero, huh?  I'll keep it in mind.  Thank you for the welcoming, though.  Is there any other rules I have to follow?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Copper saw the guards open the door for him and welcoming him to the town.  It was only when a guard told him to not be a hero is when he gave them a serious look.  "No hero, huh?  I'll keep it in mind.  Thank you for the welcoming, though.  Is there any other rules I have to follow?"

They exchanged more uneasy looks.


"Kid...No-one ever follows rules in here." One said glumly, "there's a reason why this place has the lowest population count of any other settlement in Equestria."


"Ponies die. Often. Most of the time, because they tried to bite off more then they can chew. And us guards...We've learned to not try and uphold the law in here. You'd need to be some kind of freak to tame these...Things, inside."


They hesitated for a second.


"...I don't know why you would wanna go into this town, but I will say this: anything goes, in this place. Laws are a joke. We try to arrest someone, we end up in the E.R. If we're lucky."


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Copper just gave a nod to the guards.  "Sounds rough.  So just try to survive then.  Got it.  Anypony gets in my way, they're gonna pay for it.  Just remember that once you see fireworks a-blazing.  See you around, if you're lucky."


He trotted into the city, a serious expression on his face.  He meant it by saying he was gonna make ponies pay by getting in his way.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Copper just gave a nod to the guards.  "Sounds rough.  So just try to survive then.  Got it.  Anypony gets in my way, they're gonna pay for it.  Just remember that once you see fireworks a-blazing.  See you around, if you're lucky."


He trotted into the city, a serious expression on his face.  He meant it by saying he was gonna make ponies pay by getting in his way.


The city seemed somewhat dead, seeing as only a few ponies were walking along the sidewalk. Most of them kept their heads down, save for the few that looked battle-scarred...The strutted almost as if they owned the place.


It was a few minutes of walking, before someone would actually approach him. He had a kind smile, to go with a rather dangerous looking duel short-swords holstered at his side. A dark blue coat, with a red-and-light-blue mane and tail. Styled formally, he was obviously high-class...


"...Well, hello there. How are you today?" He asked simply, with a smaller filly trailing behind him. 


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Copper was surprised that some ponies looked downward to the ground as he looked around, then saw the few that were battle-tested and looked like they owned this place.  He shrugged mentally, knowing that this must happen a lot.


He stopped as he saw a pony that greeted him kindly.  He nodded at the stallion.  "Hello to you, to.  I'm doing good, here.  How about you..."  he looked down at the filly with him.  ..."and your filly?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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