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private University of Canterlot


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Link to the OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/140075-university-of-canterlot-slice-of-life/?p=4155226


The air was crisp, the wind was gently blowing making the leaves rustle and fly off of the delicate branches. The smell of fresh apple cider filled the city streets. Hot apple tarts and carrot muffins were being sold by street carts. Along with ponies selling scarves and hats, fall was here, and so was the beginning of the school year. 


The smoke cleared from the train that lead from Ponyville to Canterlot. Students flooded the campus, they were from all over Equestria, ponies were reuniting after a long summer off. 


The new seniors were taking their place as top ponies on campus. Preparing their houses for the upcoming freshmen. The housing ceremony happened the first night after the group dinner. The headmaster usually made the same announcements as every year, be safe, study hard, join teams, and most of all, do your best. 


The sorting ceremony didn't take too long, you had to be accepted into the University to begin with so the amount of new students every year wasn't all that big. There were three houses, the Alicorns, the Changlings, and the Crystals. 


The Alicorn house always had award winning students, on the headmasters list of academic achievement, or the house with more of the winning trophies for the sports and other competitions. They were a good house, some might call them the goody two-hooves of the houses but good ponies were there just the same. 


The Changling house usually housed those who were more dedicated to the magic of Equestria, figuring out spells, brewing potions, exploring the strange and untamed. This house helps ponies who are looking to explore and expand their knowledge and to be able to do wondrous things. Don't let the name fool you, there are not changlings here, and it isn't just a house for unicorns either, many ponies of all races have found ways to use magic to help them and others. 


The last house, the Crystal house. This house is for those who are still searching for who they truly are, they have their cutie mark but they still have yet to realize the full potential of that mark. This house helps ponies to find their true selves, they explore all types of areas, from magic, to agricultural, to academia. Ponies that find themselves in this house will uncover who they are before they graduate and that knowledge will help them to leave this school fulfilled and accomplished, almost more so than the other two houses where ponies pretty much already know who they are and destined to become.


An announcement came over the loud speakers. Attention students of the University of Canterlot, this is your headmaster. I would like to welcome you all to a brand new school year, I have a feeling it is going to be filled with fun, excitement, achievement, and most of all learning! I look forward to seeing all of the return students, and meeting all of the first years! Remember the campus dinner and housing ceremony begins tonight at 7pm! Don't be late! That is all."


This year is going to be something just a little bit different....I have a feeling.  

Edited by Stardust*
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@@~The Snowy Wolf~, @@MiniKirby123, @, @@reader8363


An announcement came over the loud speakers. Attention students of the University of Canterlot, this is your headmaster. I would like to welcome you all to a brand new school year, I have a feeling it is going to be filled with fun, excitement, achievement, and most of all learning! I look forward to seeing all of the return students, and meeting all of the first years! Remember the campus dinner and housing ceremony begins tonight at 7pm! Don't be late! That is all."


The staff had been focusing on preparing their classrooms for the upcoming year. Anxiously awaiting to help the students learn and prepare for their lives outside of the campus. It was a privilege to attend the University of Canterlot and these students worked hard to get here. The professors took pride in their teaching and they knew that the students were there to find who they were, and find out exactly what their destiny was. 


Some students knew who they were and they were there to embrace it, grow upon it, and learn from the best. Others were still finding out who they truly were. They were there to figure out what their cutie marks meant and why their destiny was chosen. 


Professor Stardust was busy making her classroom appeal to those who were interested in learning about the stars. She posted charts across the room that she had made. She made sure that the observatory was ready to stimulate the minds of the students she was bound to help figure out if the stars is where they belonged or not. 

"Well, I think this is going to be a great year, I cannot wait to teach the first year students." She said as she finished placing a constellation map on wall. She flew down and looked at all the work she had done, she was satisfied with how everything looked and she left her classroom to meet up with the rest of the faculty in the teachers hall. 


The time was 6:30, almost time to head to the dining hall for dinner and for the sorting ceremony. Many students had finally finished exiting the train and making their way to the campus. The students luggage was to be stored in the main hall until after the sorting ceremony. Once it was done their luggage would be placed in their appropriate house.


The headmaster entered the teachers hall, "If you would please make your way to the dining hall, I would like to be there before the students began to enter."

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The headmaster entered the teachers hall, "If you would please make your way to the dining hall, I would like to be there before the students began to enter."

"Very well, I'll be there momentarily. I'll have to say, you have a very nice campus here, but wasn't this the site of a mass burial prior to your acquisition of this land? This initial conflict between the three races founding this land created quite the scene that Celestia herself omitted from general public knowledge."


I left the room making my way to the dinner hall absorbing the layout as I followed the signs. Gah, this building is aesthetically pleasing but it has way too many hallways to make sense of...I thought. The various cork boards advertising the clubs on campus reminded me of my young pony days when times were simpler and I wasn't so...well changed as I mentally looked at my ruined hoofs. Ah well, the price i paid to get where I am now is of no consequence. Let's find this damned dinner hall and get this meeting over with I thought as I found the main reception hall and entered the room.


The few ponies going about the room were making last minute preparations as the floating candles illuminated the area with a haunting quality like fallen sirens themselves held them aloft. The various stain glass windows seemed to almost interact with the inhabitants of the room itself. I felt strangely watched despite the fact that I was semi-alone. The huge table was clearly visible and I found my name written on the piece of paper on my assigned seat for the evening. I casually threw the paper when it flew back at me right where no one seemed to be. Something hissed to keep the room clean angrily and kept about their way. Wow, you'd think they be done complaining after they passed...I guess not as the ethereal being disappeared once more.

Edited by Mr. Culpepper
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Vinyl, living in a small room in the castle, was just a short walk away from the university. Last year she had burst into the dining hall just a bit late, which unfortunately had been one of the jokes that stuck with her throughout the year. This year she planned to start off on the right hoof by being on time, or even a bit early.


She carried her bags to the Changeling house dormitories, dropped them on her bed, and proceeded to change into her robes. From her window, she watched the first years arrive on the university grounds and she took a breath. What did she have to be nervous about? As a second year student, she had a lot less to worry about than the first and fourth years, but she was anxious nonetheless. "I'm sure the feeling will pass," Vinyl whispered to herself, as she headed back down and to the dining hall to meet up with the upperclassmen. She was there far earlier than she needed to be and she knew even the headmaster would notice. She just hoped he wouldn't poke fun quite as much as he did last year

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Shadow sat down, leaning against a tree, and watched everyone walk into the school. He was still wearing his glasses, to not scare the newcomers on their first day. he reached into his bag, and his old hat, it was a grayish black with hole for his scaly ears, and he put it on, as he thought to himself, I can relax here until after everyone is in the dinner hall.

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"Jazzy! Hurry! Up!" an overly excited pink unicorn exclaimed, walking with a spring in her step as she levitated her luggage along with her. Remix couldn't be more excited to get started with her university life - who knew what drama she could encounter? Her gray pegasus counterpart also shared this enthusiasm, albeit a bit more subtly. 


"Jeez, I'm coming, I'm coming." Jazz murmured, unable to stop a smile slipping onto her lips as she carried her saddle bags with a disappoint lack of magic. "We have to go to the dining hall, if I'm not mistaken - the dinner and sorting ceremony happens in about half an hour. Apparently, our luggage will be taken to our houses after we're sorted." she explained to Remix, knowing that her friend was much too excited to be able to retain the important knowledge. 


"Oh! Sweet! What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


"... That's the wrong way, dumbass."


"Uh... I knew that!"

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I'll have to say, you have a very nice campus here, but wasn't this the site of a mass burial prior to your acquisition of this land? This initial conflict between the three races founding this land created quite the scene that Celestia herself omitted from general public knowledge."


Headmaster Greyhoof started out of the teachers hall and answered the curious ponies question.  "You are correct Jack, these grounds are the site of a very old war. They have been consecrated, so they are now pure and holy grounds. Not many know that much about the history of this site. I am surprised that you know, but if you could please keep that information to yourself, and not spread it to the students. I have had a good run at this school and I do not want to see any students leaving because of a silly superstition."


The headmaster entered the dining hall and saw a lonely mare sitting towards the front of the room on one of the Changling house tables. "Ah, Vinyl, it is good to see you again, I take it last years experience had a lasting impression." Greyhoof gave a warm smile and a small chuckle, he then made his way to his position in the middle of the tables at the head of the room. He straightened his papers to be ready for the students. 


Stardust flew into the dining hall and took her place a few seats down from Headmaster Greyhoof. She had noticed a new stallion that had been wondering the halls for the last couple of days, he had been talking with the headmaster and it was becoming a curious situation. The other teachers began to file into the dining hall. She didn't see the strange stallion so she let out a sigh and pushed the idea of a replacement in the back of her mind. 


The time was 6:50, students began to file in at a rather quick pace. The older students were in their house robes and the first years looking lost as always filed in and sat down at a table that was reserved for them. 


Headmaster Greyhoof stood to welcome the students. "Welcome everypony, it is wonderful to see familiar faces and to see new. Please take your seats, the food should appear any moment. Eat your fill, we will be having a wonderful meal of carrot soup, with warm butter biscuits, a delicious apple cobbler for dessert, and of course piping hot apple cider." As the headmaster finished describing the dinner to the students it began to just appear out of thin air. The upperclassman anticipated this and they had their eyes on the first years. Once they discovered that their food was in front of them without even seeing serving ponies they began to gasp and question how it all happened. 


A Crystal house pony leaned over to the first year table, she whispered to one of the first years. "Don't be too surprised, the unicorns in the kitchen enchanted the dishes to appear as headmaster Greyhoof described them." She gave a wink and turned back to her meal. 

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Ponies began to fill the hall and I took my seat at the main table. I briefly considered eating one of newly arrived ponies but I pushed the thoughts aside as such urges would do me no good now. I supposed socially normal and boring food would have to do for now albeit the thrill of hunting live prey satisfied me much more otherwise.


The day had been long and my journey here a couple days prior had concluded some interesting finds. Allowing my eyes to close momentarily, I reflected upon the rumors of secret chambers and hidden passage ways that would no doubt be sealed off to the general public. My position here should be appropriate enough that no one would question my skulking I thought . 




Headmaster Greyhoof stood to welcome the students. "Welcome everypony, it is wonderful to see familiar faces and to see new. Please take your seats, the food should appear any moment. Eat your fill, we will be having a wonderful meal of carrot soup, with warm butter biscuits, a delicious apple cobbler for dessert, and of course piping hot apple cider." As the headmaster finished describing the dinner to the students it began to just appear out of thin air. The upperclassman anticipated this and they had their eyes on the first years. Once they discovered that their food was in front of them without even seeing serving ponies they began to gasp and question how it all happened. 


My reverie was interrupted as the food appeared and chatter gradually rose to a mild level. I kept to myself for the moment not quite sure where to start. I poured myself a glass of apple cider and carrot soup to start. You know there wasn't anything wrong with this. It was quite tasty but it was too...easy I mused to myself. 


I recollected the various houses at this school as the sorting process would soon begin Changeling, Alicorn, and Crystal...such simple denominations. No doubt it fostered a feeling of home and pride for the students within. Not quite sure what to expect next, I played my role and kept my...habits locked away for the moment. It would not do to give too much away just yet.

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After he heard the gasping of the newcomers, Shadow got up from the tree and walked to the dinner hall. As he was walking, he listened to the metal ringing on the tiles. He stood at the entrance, watching them eat, he smiled a little, at the thought of what might happen this year.

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Jazz and Remix were still quite a ways from the hall when Jazz's ears picked up the sound of a muffle voice addressing the students - one she assumed to be the headmaster. "Shoot! I didn't expect it to start quite so soon! Come on Remix, we have to hurry." she muttered, before picking up her pace. Remix followed suit, and the two of them dashed into the dinner hall and slid to a stop. Quickly, the placed down their luggage with the rest of the first years' things, and made their way within to the hall itself. 




Please take your seats, the food should appear any moment. Eat your fill, we will be having a wonderful meal of carrot soup, with warm butter biscuits, a delicious apple cobbler for dessert, and of course piping hot apple cider."


"Ah. Looks like we made it just in time for the feast." Jazz commented, her eyes not quite so tricked by the enchantment she assumed was either placed on the plate or the food. "Well, let's.... Eat." she began, trailing off as she noticed that Remix was no longer beside her. In fact, the pink unicorn was already situated comfortably at the end of the first years table, and was starting to pour herself some cider. Jazz simply chuckled, and slid over to join her, gathering food herself as they waited for the headmaster to continue speaking.

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Headmaster Greyhoof motioned to Shadow to come forward. I do hope he hasn't forgot the sorting shoe this year... last year was the first time he has ever forgotten it. 


The students were just about finishing up their meal and over the chatter and laughter Greyhoof stood and clanked his spoon upon his goblet as to gather the attention of the students. 


"There is no rush, please make sure you have eaten your fill, I do not want anypony to go to bed with an empty belly. But please be aware that we are going to start the sorting ceremony. We have a simple way to do this, with the sorting shoe. This horseshoe has been with the university since it first opened." He looked to the first year students at their table on the far side of the room. "Your name will be called and please be hasty as you make your way up. Once you are here, do not be nervous, just take a deep breath and place your right hoof upon the shoe. It will take only a few seconds and a puff of smoke will rise from the shoe, the color of the smoke will be the same color of the house that you are assigned to."


Greyhoof motioned for the students to look above the tables of the three houses. A large banner unraveled and showed the colors of the houses. 


"Crimson and gold for house of Alicorn, deep green and black for house of Changling, and crystal rose and crystal clear for the house of Crystal." 


Greyhoof looked at his notes for a moment and cleared his throat. "While the sorting shoe is placed I do have a brief announcement. Our beloved professor Lovegood has recently come to me with wishes to retire, we are sad to see him go but we have learned so much over the years that he has given this university. He will still be here for the next couple of weeks to show his replacement the ropes as it were and to observe him before he retires." 


He motioned to Jack Crystal, "Professor Crystal, please stand, professor Crystal is going to be taking over the class of biology and medical treatment. He has been familiarizing himself with the campus the last couple of days so the older students might have seen him around campus as you were setting up your houses. Would you like to say a few words professor Crystal?"

Edited by Stardust*
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Shadow got off the wall and walked to the front of the hall, while reaching into the bag. He pulled out the sorting shoe and placed it in it's designated area, then he walked out of the hall, while making sure his glasses were still on, to get stuff done. When he was out of the dining hall, he pulled of his glasses and sighed.

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He motioned to Jack Crystal, "Professor Crystal, please stand, professor Crystal is going to be taking over the class of biology and medical treatment. He has been familiarizing himself with the campus the last couple of days so the older students might have seen him around campus as you were setting up your houses. Would you like to say a few words professor Crystal?"
I set my goblet down and rose from my seat. I composed my face and took a breath, "Thank you all for bestowing upon me such an honor such as this. I can only be humbled as a position as one that allows me to improve your lives on a daily basis. It will be a sad event as always when change arrives. Rest assured I will do my best fill Professor Lovegood's shoes as I can. Thank you for the opportunity to address the school and faculty as a whole," I spoke finally giving headmaster Greyhoof my attention before I sat back down once more.


Most ponies were pleased at my address and I drank from my goblet once more. Well, I didn't expect to be able to handle that speech so easily, I reflected as memories of the earlier year came back...


(I have work and will finish this post at a later date, I hate to leave to leave you on a cliff hanger but alas, life calls :P)

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@@MiniKirby123, @


Greyhoof nods towards professor Crystal. "Thank you professor, that was a lovely introduction. Now, the time has come, first years when you hear your name please come forward." The headmaster sat down and a professor Stardust stood with a list in her hooves. 


Names started to be called, as each name was read the student stood and the ceremony had started. The first couple of students were a bit nervous as they placed their hoof onto the shoe. There was a puff of red and gold smoke, then a puff of pink and white, a few here and there were green and black. With each students puff of smoke a cheer rang out from the houses. This was an exciting time for everyone, the houses were getting new brothers and sisters in their homes to take under their tutelage and the first years were excited to be a part of something greater than they had felt in secondary school. 


Professor Stardust continued to call students. "Jazz Sonata, Remix Blitz, Flamestreak please prepare yourselves, you will be next." 

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Remix was far too occupied eating to even be paying attention to what the principal was saying. There was just so much good food and not nearly enough time. She had just placed a delicious mouthful of the apple cobbler in her mouth when she suddenly felt a sharp jab to her side, leaving her coughing and stuck in the limbo of struggling to swallow. After gulping down a couple of mouthfuls of cider, she turned to Jazz with a somewhat pleading expression, only to see her friend having turned almost entirely pale. Frowning, her eyebrows crumpled as she reached out a worried hoof. "Jazzy...? You okay?"


The other pony just shook her head desperately, her eyes wide. "They... They want us to go up. Up there. In front of all these ponies..." she whispered, glancing around as she tried to swallow around the brick in her throat. 


Remix bit her lip, understanding flashing across her face. "Alright, it'll be okay. Here, I'll come with you. Maybe we can do it together." she quickly spoke, rubbing a reassuring hoof across her friends shoulder. "Besides," she paused, noticing the random spoof of smoke that suddenly burst from the horse shoe, "I have absolutely no idea what those colours mean becauseI was definitely listening." she joked, smiling as she proffered a hoof. "Come on."


Jazz smiled despite the situation, and nodded stiffly. She simply linked her hoof with Remix, and the duo stood and made their way over. "Jazz and Remix reporting for sorting! Oh hey, that rhymed! Neat!"

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Stardust motioned to Jazz to place her hoof on the shoe. As she did within seconds a puff of smoke rushed up her leg and rose above her head. 


"Green and black, house of Changling!" Stardust said and pointed her in the direction of their table. "Next, Remix."


She too placed her hoof onto the shoe, and again smoke rose above her head, "Rose and white! House of Crystal!" Stardust pointed to another table sitting alongside the Changling table. 


"Next pony please!" Stardust continued to call the names of the rest of the first years. Placing them in their houses and making them feel like they belonged. 


When Jazz sat down at the Changling table an older pony nudged her, "Hey, I'm Silver Wing, don't be too worried, this house is pretty awesome. You will see, and if you ever have any questions or concerns please, don't hesitate to ask. I know it can be a bit overwhelming as a first year. But I can show you the ropes anytime." He gave Jazz a little smile and a wink and went back on cheering for the other first years. Then he stopped and looked at her again, "Oh, by the way I think you might even be bunking with a second year, she is pretty cool too, her name is Vinyl." 


"OOOOH! Come sit overhere!!!" A very vibrant colored pony was waving her hooves almost like they were on fire. "Remix was it?! That is such an awesome name!! I am so excited to have you here! My name is Trish.... yeah, not that exciting, so everypony around here just calls me Bubbles!" She nearly smothered Remix with the tightest hug she has most certainly ever felt. 

"So, I'm a fourth year here, and I am going to be your house buddy! I can't wait to get started! This is going to be such a fun year!!!" She smiled so big that most ponies thought her face would fall off. 


"And that concludes the sorting ceremony! Everypony please move to your houses and first years, don't worry about your things, they will be there waiting for you. First thing in the morning classes will be given to you, don't be late, but we do understand that it is going to be a little while for you to get used to everything here. Please make sure that you have your university map with you until you know your way around. Goodnight everypony! Sleep well!" Headmaster Greyhoof turned and started to sonter off to his chambers. He was not quite the spry old stallion he used to be. 

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Vinyl finished her food in silence, only glancing over to Jazz when she was mentioned. When the ceremony concluded, she stood up, made her plate disappear with a quick spell, and walked over to the first year. "So you're my roommate, yeah?" She stuck out her hoof and smiled softly. "I'm Vinyl. Not a big fan of my last name, so I never use it."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Jazz placed her hoof on the shoe as instructed, and jumped a little with the smoke – being enveloped in green and black would be surprising no matter how prepared you were. Changeling… That was easy. She turned quickly to see Remix’s sorting.



Remix followed suit, and placed her hoof down also, only to squeak with how quickly the smoke appeared. However, this time, she smoke was almost the complete opposite of Jazz’s colour. The eyes of the two widened as they looked at each other, and Remix was the first to respond. “JaaaaaaaZZZYYYYYYYY!” she whined dramatically, draping herself around the other. Jazz almost crumpled under her weight, but pat the unicorn on the head.



“It’ll be okay, we’ll still see each other out of classes.”



“B-B-But it won’t be the saaaame! Won’t you miss me?”



“Of course I will, dumbass, but it’s not the end of the world. Now pick yourself up, your snot is really not that attractive.” Jazz murmured, handing Remix a tissue before heading down to her own house.



Jazz sat down at the end, opposite Remix at the other table. When nudged in the side, she looked up with a somewhat cold expression. “Alright, cool. Thanks.” She said somewhat stiffly, and simply rolled her eyes at his wink. She met Vinyl’s eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement before proceeding to wait for the ceremony to end.



Remix, on the other hand, brightened up almost instantly when she spotted the exceptionally bright and somewhat hard to miss pony. “Yes! Thanks! Aw, Trish is a lovely name, but… I gotta say, Bubbles suits you much better!” she chirped along, just as happily, and returned the hug with equal vigour. “Oh! A house buddy? That sounds so cool!” she exclaimed, grinning just as wide as the other pony.



@~The Snowy Wolf~

Once the ceremony was over, Jazz saw Vinyl approach, and mentally steeled herself for social interaction. Oh dear, this is going to be a long year without Remix. “Probably. Jazz. Nice to meet you, Vinyl.” She said, bumping their hooves.


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Vinyl noticed that this first year wasn't big into being social. "Good, now that that's over, follow me. I'll show you to where you and I will be sleeping." She walked quickly and quietly to the dorm, checking behind her every once in a while to make sure Jazz was following. She didn't want to be in a crowd any more than Jazz did. She pointed out when they got to the common room and continued on to the dorm room up the spiral staircase. "Here's your bed, dresser, drawers, all that. I'm just on the other side of the room, so don't expect a ton of privacy." Vinyl sat down on her bed and looked up to Jazz. "Anything else you need to know?"

Edited by ~The Snowy Wolf~
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Shadow heard that it was over, and he knew that they would be coming any minute. So he put back on his glasses and made a portal, but he decided against it and closed it. Then he walked off Once he was outside, he opened his 6 inch metal wings, just to stretch them out, then put them back in,  then he walked up to a big tree and laid against it, pulled out a coat out of his bag, wrapped it around him, and took a nap

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The feast was nice, but eventually, I did have to make room for some much needed air. I left the hall greeting students as i passed toward the main entrance. "Which one should we hunt first? She looks tasty, although there's not much meat, oh maybe him then...", I thought as I smiled warmly but somehow had taken upon a debate showing nothing of the true intent within. "You could get to know them first, before you start plotting for at least an hour or so, you just might find some of them semi-enjoyable alive..." I replied back to myself with amusement. 




Shadow heard that it was over, and he knew that they would be coming any minute. So he put back on his glasses and made a portal, but he decided against it and closed it. Then he walked off Once he was outside, he opened his 6 inch metal wings, just to stretch them out, then put them back in,  then he walked up to a big tree and laid against it, pulled out a coat out of his bag, wrapped it around him, and took a nap


Before I could continue my conversation. I noticed a hybrid pony sleeping against a tree. Now that's an interesting creature, I wonder if I'll see him in any of my classes...


I eventually found my way to the class room where i was to teach Biology. Setting up the various stations and cleaning up the room as I went. I took stock of the adjacent supply closet for lab materials. Various beakers and safety equipment alike was present and neatly organized. Whoever this retiring professor was, I had to hand it to him. Definitely has a knack for keeping things in a solid shape. "You know this Lovegood character looks like a perfect first test for our experimentation. Let's use him as a guinea pig for our first victim." Thinking about it, I eventually conceded. He was leaving after all and wouldn't be missed by much. I however needed a place to dispose of the body without somepony detecting it. 


Sure enough, I would think of something soon. It wouldn't be long until I found what i came here for. Oh...then I would definitely have all the entertainment I could ever wish for and then some. Smiling to myself, I went to see the dear Professor off, he was leaving soon and I had questions after all. 

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Smiling to myself, I went to see the dear Professor off, he was leaving soon and I had questions after all.


"Oh good, Mr. Crystal, I was hoping to run into you today. I know that was a bit sudden when the headmaster introduced you, that was my doing. I do hope you understand, I am in a bit of a hurry to leave the students in your capable hooves. I have been telling the wife that we would be leaving soon as you were ready. She has been pressuring me to hurry up and retire so we can start to travel Equestria." Professor Lovegood was in his office and packing some of the last bits of his things before he left for the evening.


"A day or so more would be good enough don't you agree? The moment I am officially retired is the moment we get on the train and leave on a years adventure across the land." He had a bit of a smile on his face just thinking of the time that was awaiting him and his wife.  "Anyway, I won't keep you, I only have a few more things to gather and then this office will be yours. I will see you in the morning for observation as you teach your first class."





Headmaster Greyhoof reached his sleeping quarters and retired his robe to it's usual hanging hook, he placed his hat in the same spot as it has always stayed on the corner of his desk. Stretching out his tired old limbs he strolled across the room to a closet. He gently opened the doors and inside was a single box sitting atop a tall slim table. He opened the lid to the box and a low bluish light filled the room. 


He touched his horn with his hoof, almost like he was activating it, a white light gleamed from his broken horn. The light grew dimmer as it began to flow from him into the air and into the box. Once the white light turned to blue he opened his eyes and let out a small sigh. He shut the lid and closed the doors. Locking it with a key that hung around his neck. 


He turned and went for his bed, the tired body and weary mind needed much sleep. The year was going to be something of remembering, that was certain. 

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@~The Snowy Wolf~


Jazz nodded, following quickly. The way to the dorm was full of winding pathways and regally decorated halls, and she quickly found herself getting overwhelmed. I… I’m not going to remember this. At all. She tried to take in as much of the common room as she could, but quickly accepted that there would be more time later and resumed climbing the staircase. “Ah. Neat. Thanks.” She said, running a hoof across the bed and opening the dresser experimentally. “We’ll get to know eachother very well over the course of the next year, huh.” the gray pegasus mare joked, awkwardly clearing her throat afterwards. I hope this is how you make friends. “Anything else? Hm… Not right now, no.”

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@@Summer Breeze,@,@@MiniKirby123, @@~The Snowy Wolf~,


A knock came at the Changling House door, Professor Stardust had run into a couple first year students lost in the halls and were helping them to their assigned houses. First was Flearia in house Changling. The door opened and it was the head stallion, Silver Wing. "Silver, this is a new member of your house, she got a bit lost in the halls. Her room is the same as Jazz and Vinyl, if you could please escort her there." Silver nodded and stepped aside for the new pony. 


"Follow me, I will take you to your room, don't worry you have another first year, you will probably be in a lot of the same classes." 


Silver Wing knocked on the door before pushing it open a bit, "Excuse me, but you have a new roommate. She is a bit late, but all the same. I know she will be in good hooves. Night then." With that he was off. 


Professor Stardust was taking the other young mare to the Crystal house. Knocking on the door, Bubbles answered. Quickly Stardust started to speak, she knew that if she didn't start first she would never get in a word edge wise with Bubbles talking a mile a second. "Bubbles, please take this mare to her room, she is bunking with Remix. Thank you, goodnight." Stardust turned and flew off before Bubbles could even open her mouth. 


*SQUEEEE* "YAYAYAYAY! I am SO excited! I can't wait to show you your room! You are going to love it here and you are going to make so many friends that I can hardly contain the excitement that you must be feeling, oh my gosh! You are such a cutie! I can't believe you are in our house, this is going to be so much fun! Everypony has SO much fun here, I can't wait until you meet your roommate! Ah! You two are going to be getting along so well I an just tell!" *GASP*


Bubbles was talking so fast it almost looked like she was going to pass out from loss of oxygen. They got to the room and knocked on the door. It opened and Remix was there. "OH MY GOSH!!! REMIX!!! This is your roommate!!! Her name is... oh... goodness me... I forgot to ask your name lovely." 

Edited by Stardust*
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@@Stardust*,@@MiniKirby123,  @[member=~The Snowy Wolf~,],


After the sorting ceremony had been done. Flearia had looked at her map over the university and had tryed to find her way to the Changeling House but had gotten lost as there just simply was to many corridors and hallways to even try to being remembered at all.


"I think we're lost..." She said lookning cross eyed towards her horn as behind it on her head where a little purple flame that was the appearance of her companion, Irra. a small purple Fire Spirit.


After running around the place for a good while Flearia almost bumped into Professor Stardust as she had her map up in her muzzle trying to make it out... Irra quickly hid herself iside Flearias horn as Flearia was just about to talk to Stardust.  She had another pony with her and was about to escort her to her house that was the Crystal house and where offering her help to lead Flearia to hers as well.


Once they had arrived at the Changeling House and opening the door was Silver Wing who greeted her and lead her inside to her room to se her room mates.


When Flearia had entered the room and saw the other two ponys she put on a small smile and tryed a wave with her hoof. "Erhm... Hi. I'm Flearia Dragondanser... nice to meet you?"

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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