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Midnight replies 'While knowing about could be considered useful what is the point of having it taught to us if we can not manipulate any form of magic... form of magic?.. I wonder... If ...' and with that Midnight goes to the back of the classroom and starts writing notes.



Flearia where just about to make another counter on Midnight's reply but then stopd herself as she saw that she had gotten trough at some point and that Midnight had started to note down specifik notes about the class as she herself also had done before. Maybe this pegasi wasn't as closed up as she first tought? 

Edited by Flearia
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My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Shadow walked by the magic class and stopped and leaned against the doorway, and listened. He got hungry and reached into a portal and grabbed a bar that was silver color with a red tint to it. He placed it in his mouth and chomped down on it. He breathed a little fog, about half an inch of it.

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@@Summer Breeze, @@MidnightMadness1,  @


The professor listened to the three ponies whispered discussion amongst themselves.  Annoyance at their disruption of his class welled up within him for a moment...but only for a moment.  They're discussing the nature of magic, he reminded himself.  And sometimes, peers can inform one another far more effectively than can a teacher.  Especially when he's a "creepy old windbag".  The last bit made him smile to himself.  Was that really how they saw him?  Indeed, they had much to learn.


"Upon my desk," he glanced back behind himself, at a large stack of leatherbound tomes on the wooden flat, "you'll find piled this year's course materials.  As you leave the room, please take a book with you.  This is the text from which you'll be studying, so do try to keep it in good nick.  They're rather difficult to replace."


He looked back in the direction of the students.  "Your first piece of homework for this class is rather simple," he said.  He looked at the female pegasus in the front row.  She had lovely light blue skin and a long pink mane that highlit her blue eyes beautifully.  Her cutie mark appeared to be three flowers, blown about by a gentle breeze.  "I assume that most of you have a science class this semester, hm?  If not, you all have a library from which to cull knowledge.  Using your teachers or the library as sources, I would like you to answer a single question in three paragraphs or less to the best of your ability."


"The question is this," he smiled.  "It is well known that the typical pegasi has a conventional, solid bone structure.  It is also well known that the typical volume of the wings of a pegasus is considerably less than that of their body.  Considering the musculature of this sort of pony:  How are they capable of flight?"


Professor Mirror was staring out into the silent body of students as the classroom's bell rang loudly, signaling the end of class.

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Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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Shadow finished his bar and left, he sat down and looked up, resting his head on the wall. He reached into the portal and out notepad and a writing utensil. He reached into his portal and grabbed his bag. He set it next to him and closed his eyes as he placed those two things in

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"If you could all please open your books and turn to chapter one, but before you release the strap make sure that you rub the spine of the book to calm it down. You don't want it snapping at you while we are trying to study. We are going to be learning about Changlings today." She started to walk around the circle and talk about the chapter. Calling on the students to read portions of the book and making it a fun game. She was not going to start off the year with a dull and boring class.

When the teacher wasn't looking, Vinyl cast a spell on the book that she was told by some of her third and fourth year friends would relax it without having to lay a hoof on it. When she opened the book, she blushed deeply and looked around to see if anyone had seen her mistake. The spell worked in relaxing it, maybe even too well. She raised her hoof a bit and called to the teacher. "Um excuse me, Ms. Autumn, but my book doesn't seem to have any words in it."

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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as summer walked out the classroom with flearia and midnight she apologized for not joining in their conversation 'sorry, but i felt like he was looking at me and i didn't want to upset him, he's creeping me out' summer said to the other girls. 'and what about that homework, did he want us to say that pegasi have magic to fly?' summer sighed, tired of this creepy class and all she wanted to do was curl up in her bed with a good book.

'flearia, when it's lunchtime, could you show us irra then? i would love to see her, i've never seen a fire spirit before' said summer and gave flearia her sweetest smile. summer was verry curious about what a fire spirit thing looks like and summer really wanted to draw it. 

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze



as summer walked out the classroom with flearia and midnight she apologized for not joining in their conversation 'sorry, but i felt like he was looking at me and i didn't want to upset him, he's creeping me out' summer said to the other girls. 'and what about that homework, did he want us to say that pegasi have magic to fly?'


"It's quite alright. Not everypony get as cought up in her studdies as I do and I tend to have some bad habbits about it... and about our homework. I could help you with that after todays classes! Yes it is about that Pegasi uses magic to fly." Flearia then continued to mumble a spell to give herself some purple specral looking fire wings on her back. "The wingspawn of a pegasi nor the muscles  have anything to do with it. It is the magic in you that makes it happen." She said as she flapped with the enchanted wings and dispelled them. 




'flearia, when it's lunchtime, could you show us irra then? i would love to see her, i've never seen a fire spirit before' said summer and gave flearia her sweetest smile. summer was verry curious about what a fire spirit thing looks like and summer really wanted to draw it. 



Summer's request made Flearia looked crosseyed up towards her horn. She hadn't noticed that Irra had merged back in with her horn... When had she done that? "I couldn't posibly "Show" her to you. just as Professor Mirror said. you do not command the elements. You lead them. Irra isn't a pet nor really a companion... She is like a part of me... It is hard to describe. Tough I think she will come around and show herself during lunch time. After all. it is lunch time and she would like her food too!"


Flearia looked at their map and wondered what their next class would be? Was it lunchtime already? Or was it simply just a short time untill the next class started?

Edited by Flearia
  • Brohoof 3


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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Jazz was jolted awake. She had managed to make it through the first class without too much trouble – who knew stars could be so interesting – but the second class had knocked her right out. Magic wasn’t exactly her forte, considering the fact she was a Pegasus and all, and the whole opening speech served only to cart her off to dreamland. Honestly, not quite sure why I’m taking that. Would be much more convenient to take flight classes. Even so, she felt slightly bad for nodding off, and made a mental note to participate actively next time. Gathering her things, she ran a hoof through her slept-on mane in a futile attempt to neaten it, before standing and exiting the classroom.


Remix, on the other hand, had barely made the last half of the first class. She was late to the second as well, since she somehow missed the main flood of first years wandering to the class. As a result, she was seated at the far back, away from Jazz and all hopes of actually paying attention. Even so, she heard enough to know there was homework and that they had to grab the book, so when she spotted Jazz leave empty-hoofed, she quickly snagged two and slipped a sheet on which she had scribbled the question into one. With a grin, she dashed out of class, weaving between the ponies walking to and fro and eventually catching up to Jazz. “Hey Jazzy! Here!” she exclaimed, placing the book precariously on the head of her friend.


Jazz reacted quickly, catching it just as it was about to fall, and smiling when she read the question. “Hey stupid, you actually paid attention for once. Good job.” She remarked, ruffling Remix’s mane and messing it up even more.


“So. Do we have another class, or…”


“No clue.”


“Man, I knew your smarts were too good to last.”



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"The wingspawn of a pegasi nor the muscles have anything to do with it. It is the magic in you that makes it happen." She said as she flapped with the enchanted wings and dispelled them.

'then why do we even have muscles and wings if we don't use them to fly? if we use magic to do it, we could have done it without those things on my back' summer said flapping her wings 'don't you agree with that, midnight?' she asked midnight who was walking next to her.



Summer's request made Flearia looked crosseyed up towards her horn. She hadn't noticed that Irra had merged back in with her horn... When had she done that? "I couldn't posibly "Show" her to you. just as Professor Mirror said. you do not command the elements. You lead them. Irra isn't a pet nor really a companion... She is like a part of me... It is hard to describe. Tough I think she will come around and show herself during lunch time. After all. it is lunch time and she would like her food too!"

summer giggled when flearia looked crosseyed to her horn but then lissend to her talking about irra 'first i want to say that you look really funny when you look to your own horn' said summer 'seccond is that i don't understand how that works, is irra a part of you or isn't she. because if she is then you should be able to controle it but you said you can't so that means she is something else and the last thing i want to know is how do fire spirits eat?'

Edited by Summer Breeze
  • Brohoof 2


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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The Professor watched the ponies as they left the building from the vantage of his classroom's window.  He watched as students of all stripes and colors began to meander on their individual ways.  Some would go to their next classes; others would go to their dormitories, perhaps one of the University's dining halls.  It rather fascinated him, really.  He found himself watching them in that way for some time, until all had finally fled from view.  There were so many of them, each one with their individual lives:  Their loves and hates and passions.  Each one held their own potential for greatness or ignominity.


Each one was so very...different from the other.  That was taking much more getting used to than he'd expected.


Where he was from, it couldn't have been any more dissimilar.


A creepy old windbag.  He was tracing the glass with his hoof.  The classroom was empty and silent.  He was beginning to wonder if accepting the position at the University had really been such a good choice.  He found himself wanting to go back to his chambers, strip the cover from the mirror and gaze once more into its utterly black face.  He wanted to stare into the void and beg her forgiveness.  Perhaps she might let him return.  Perhaps he might not be so...




The Professor jumped from his reverie with a start.  It was but the first day of classes.  These things took time.  He couldn't expect a revolution of being in so short a time.  He sighed to himself and it came out as a snort.


He walked from the classroom, closing the door behind himself.  Perhaps a walk on the school's grounds were in order, he considered.


Something to clear his mind from darker thoughts.

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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Midnight leaves the class and then decides to go to her room. Midnight gets to her single dorm room and closes the door, Midnight pulls out her diary and thinks to herself 'This is brilliant, I mean if I am correct the undervalued species of Equestria can be valued to about the same levels as the unicorns. I am also curious if I work out how to manipulate it then what happens with my batpony heritage... We could turn feathers to throwing knives and wing bones into swords... A new generation of the assassin will be born.

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@@Script Dangles,

Shadow opened one eye to see the professor leaving his class. With a stretch, he got up from where he was sitting, reached in his bag and pulled out his hat and shades. As he was putting them on, he placed his bag in the portal, then walked up to the professor, and said, 

"So, you teach magic class?

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Midnight leaves the class and then decides to go to her room
summer was searching for midnight, she went to her room after magic class and summer felt a bit guilty not having properly introduced herself to midnight. 'hey midnight, i was looking for you, what are you dooooooing?' summer said when she opened the door. midnight was writing something in her diary and summer walked closer to see what she wrote but she couldn't read it 'proffessor mirror is a creep, don't you think? i mean, we don't have magic and i just don't understand it when he sais we do. flearia say pagasi do have magic, and that we use it to fly but then why do we have wings?' summer said to midnight and she sat down next to her 'ow yea, i am summer breeze, i don't beleve i introduced myself properly to you, sorry for that, i didn't mean to ignore you' and summer gave midnight a guilty smile
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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Summer Breeze, Midnight quickly closes her diary and then locks it in her draw and says to Summer 'Sorry about that secret diary and all that stuff, my full name is Midnight madness to tell you and while the teacher is a creep he is quite obliviously is very talented but Flearia got me thinking a pegasus wing span is way too short for our bodies this means that we use another force to control it. I am thinking us Pegasi are using it to allow us to fly as evolution probably slowed down for us and as we needed to fight the unicorns and earth ponies in theclan wars we naturally started using magic to fly. This means that our wing are similar to horns because we manipulate our magic with it. With this knowledge Summer we could create spells for oursleves. but we probably couldn't use unicorn magic but magic which allow our wings to do anything.

Edited by MidnightMadness1
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When the teacher wasn't looking, Vinyl cast a spell on the book that she was told by some of her third and fourth year friends would relax it without having to lay a hoof on it. When she opened the book, she blushed deeply and looked around to see if anyone had seen her mistake. The spell worked in relaxing it, maybe even too well. She raised her hoof a bit and called to the teacher. "Um excuse me, Ms. Autumn, but my book doesn't seem to have any words in it."


Professor Autumn looked to Vinyl, and she stated to chuckle. "I told those fourth years to quit telling you young ones this trick. A simple fix is all my dear, just a few taps...and....there we are. Good as new, now don't forget to rub the spine before unstrapping it, it will all be better now." She walked back to the middle of the class.


"Now, we didn't have a whole lot of time today with all the introductions and such, but you will have a small homework assignment, to get you in the swing of things. Please read the book and tomorrow I want  you all to be able to tell me about the lifespan of a Phoenix from birth to 'death' and what happens after that. You might be surprised, I want one scroll explaining it, and we will discuss during class."


She waved to the students and they started to head back to the castle. "See you all tomorrow morning!"


The rest bell rang, indicating that the students needed to be heading to their third class. This class marked the middle of the day, after the third class the students would be heading off to lunch. They would have two more classes before dinner.


An announcement came over the speakers. "Attention students, that was the warning bell, you get a small break between your second and third classes. Gives you a bit of time to stretch and gather yourselves. I am hoping that everyone is settling in nicely, I will see you all in the dining hall after your third class for a delicious lunch!"


First years had their class outside with Professor Autumn, mythological creatures.


Professor Stardust and Professor Dangles had third period free, and so did Professor Mirror. 

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@@Summer Breeze, Midnight listens to the announcement and says to summer 'Come on Summer we have Mythological monsters and I am actually curious about the class and I feel that we really shouldn't be late to a lesson on our first day, that's the type of thing which causes you to be picked out as a troublemaker in class.'

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summer giggled when flearia looked crosseyed to her horn but then lissend to her talking about irra 'first i want to say that you look really funny when you look to your own horn' said summer 'seccond is that i don't understand how that works, is irra a part of you or isn't she. because if she is then you should be able to controle it but you said you can't so that means she is something else and the last thing i want to know is how do fire spirits eat?'



"Well Irra isn't an organic part of me but more of a..." Flearia begun to say and then turned to look at Summer just to se that she wasn't there anymore! Where'd she go? Had she been lost in her own toughts again and not realize she had left her company? 




An announcement came over the speakers. "Attention students, that was the warning bell, you get a small break between your second and third classes. Gives you a bit of time to stretch and gather yourselves. I am hoping that everyone is settling in nicely, I will see you all in the dining hall after your third class for a delicious lunch!"



Flearia picked up her map and looked at the schedule and saw that the next class would be about Mythical Creatures! She didn't know to much about the subject but she had some questions for the teacher as to if he or she did know anything about Spitits! Irra might just be a baby Fire Spirit and the only other spirit she had encountered was a Ice Spirit in the Shrine of the Snow Fairy who also had told her that Irra only was a tiny baby spirit. Hence to why she can't communicate other then trough telepathy. She decided to try get to the class before it started to se if the professor had time.

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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Autumn saw her new class starting to emerge from the castle. She saw a particularly determined unicorn trotting very quickly in the direction of the cart that was still quite largely filled with books.


"Is there something I can help you with lovely?"


Autumn was fairly certain that the unicorn was looking for a proper pony professor by the look she gave her.

Edited by Stardust*
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"Is there something I can help you with lovely?"



"I don't know... I'm looking for the professor of the class for Mythical Creatures... Do you know where he or she is?" Flearia said as she looked at Autumn and tryed to keep herself from looking to much. A Reindeer? She had read a lill about them in a book during her adventure in the Frozen North.

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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"Ah, the professor, she's a tricky one. It's always hard being new at the school isn't it? New classes, new friends, new creatures." Autumn gave her a bit of a wink.


"Professor Autumn at your service. What can I help you with?"


She could see just a tad bit of red rush into the mares cheeks. Autumn gave her a gentle smile.

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"Professor Autumn at your service. What can I help you with?"


Flearia's cheeks got redder then a fresh tomato in the sunlight! "Oh! I'm so sorry Professor! I didn't know I..." She begun as she tryed to clam herself down! How embaresing! She tryed to clear her troat and start over. still with red cheeks. "I where looking for you as I was wondering if you would know anything about the different kinds of Elemental Spirits. You se..." She didn't get time to tell anything more as Irra emerged out form her horn with a purple glow  and satt down uppon her head behind the horn as was her usual spot. "This is Irra. She's my friend and companion. I found her in the Badlands many years ago and she'v been stuck to me ever sins."

Edited by Flearia
  • Brohoof 2


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

Starting a request shop! Visist it here


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"Oooh, very interesting, I have heard of these spirits, but I have never seen one. Wow, she seems so content, this is truly fascinating." Autumn kept turning her head trying to get a better look at the spirit. She was so intrigued, "I...I will do some research and we will talk again, this is just so incredible." She snapped out of her almost trance like stare, and she noticed that the class was almost there.


"Well, shall we begin students? My name is Professor Autumn, and yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, I am a Reindeer. Now, with that out of the way I am going to pass out your books. Please do not open them yet. First we are going to discuss what type of mystical creatures you are familiar with, this will give me an idea about where we should start." 


She looked around at the students, most of them were wide eyed and staring. She was used to it by now. She noticed a couple of students made sure to sit next to the unicorn she was just talking with. It was nice to see that students could make friends so quickly. 

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The two both paused when they heard the announcement, and much of the conversation in the hall that they were walking down also died down. "Oh hey. Guess we have another class." Jazz murmured, pulling out her timetable and map. Her eyes lit up when she read what class they had, and a smile slipped across her face. Remix, noting the sudden enthusiasm from her friend, peered over her shoulder excitedly.


"What what what?" she asked, before gasping over dramatically when she read the name. "Oh my gosh we have magical. Creatures?!" Her eyes met Jazz's, and they both grinned at each other. 


"Well, what are we waiting for?"


"Let's GO!"


They dashed down the hallway, perfectly in sync, and laughing somewhat stupidly. They got lost a couple of times in the end, but managed to make it just in time for Prof. Autumn's introduction. Jazz cleared her throat, and neatened her feathers absentmindedly as she sat down. Remix plopped down much less gracefully next to her, and they settled in for their first proper class together.

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'Come on Summer we have Mythological monsters and I am actually curious about the class and I feel that we really shouldn't be late to a lesson on our first day, that's the type of thing which causes you to be picked out as a troublemaker in class.'

'I'm also verry exited for our first class or mythological monsters, i love strange creatures, they are awesome!' summer said and she and midnight ran to the next class. when she came there, she saw flearia talking to a reindeer and there was a strange thing on her head. 'hey flearia, sorry for leaving so suddenly, but i remembered that i had to say something to midnight and got distracted' summer said with a guilty smile on her face 'also, is that irra?! she is soooo cute!!! i mean... not cute but, you know... she is... really cool? i don't know how to discribe it but she is the most interesting and beautifull thing i have ever seen!!!' summer was really hyperactive about the fact that she finaly met irra 'hey irra, i am summer breeze, how are you?' summer said to irra 'and could you pleas tell me finaly how you eat?!'

Edited by Summer Breeze
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thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Midnight nods to flearia and decides to take another seat in the back of the room. Midnight quickly glances at the teacher and keeps walking for a moments before realising that she had in fact seen a reindeer. Midnight was shocked she had known that the species had having extinction problems and to have one as a teacher seemed impressive. Midnight decided to shake it out of her head and took her seat as well as putting all of her utensils on her desk.

Midnight wondered if Reindeers could manipulate harmony magic.

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