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open Broken Souls

Aurora Lights

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Indicus watches the two stallions talk for a while before deciding he would be better off leaving now that his mind had settled down. He dose notice that one of the stallion is wearing a dress. Indicus filed it in the many things that is none of his concern nor business. With that squared away Indicus got up and headed away from the pond.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@Shadow Dancer


Glade felt a presence leaving so he glanced over at the other male pony across the pond and felt slightly intrigued by him,he didn't know why nut he felt he could be useful later on,so he called him over to the two ponies,remembering that Rag was still very nervous around ponies,he gulped and hoped this stallion wouldn't be mean like the rest of the ponies they've came into contact with.

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@@Aurora Lights, Jay wandered up to the pond where she spent a lot of her time and started nervously when she saw that there were other ponies there. Jay was always shy around other ponies; she couldn't help it. Only this year, she had finally been able to approach other ponies without being afraid of hurting them. This was cuz ever since she was a filly, Jay had had an evil mage known as Jinx living in her head and taking over her body. Jinx had been a unicorn who'd lived in upper class Canterlot decades ago, and who had craved immortality. She had achieved it but her body had been destroyed so she'd possessed Jay until she was able to perform a spell to get a new body. Jay had expected that Jinx would kill her now that she was no longer needed, but much to her surprise, Jinx had shown her mercy and allowed her to leave.


Now, Jay was tentatively trying to get on with her life. While Jinx had shared her mind, Jay's cutie mark had been a yin yang symbol, but after Jinx had left, the cutie mark had vanished. Now, Jay had no cutie mark cuz she hadn't yet discovered what her special talent was. She felt very self conscious about her lack of a cutie mark and hoped that the ponies here wouldn't remark on the fact.



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@@Pripyat Pony


Glade felt another presence enter their area and he looked around until he saw the mare that showed up. He gulped softly and feared she would either make fun of him,or try to hurt him. He looked around nervously,stopping in his tracks and looking at the ground,he was actually paralyzed by fear,he started breathing heavier as he heard voices in his head,they were yelling at him,screaming his name,he looked around and he then looked back up at the new mare,his ears flattened against his head as his eyes grew huge,"J-Jay...Jinx..."he muttered,they had gone to the same school,a very long time ago,he was still a colt and she was a filly,he was there when Jinx took over Jay's body and saw the destruction she had caused,he feared being around her,not just because of his past,but what he saw her do,he's never approached her before,he'd be surprised if she even remembered him,much less his name. He gulped but he felt no second presence inside of her,no possession,he blinked and stared at her unintentionally. 

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@@Aurora Lights, Jay was nervous when she looked at the stallion shrinking away from her; she recognised him as a colt who'd gone to her school. He hadn't been one of the bullies, that she definitely remembered. But he obviously remembered when Jinx had possessed her and was afraid. She didn't blame him; Jinx had done some terrible things while she had control. But now that Jinx was gone, surely she could make some friends, which she hadn't been able to do so before out of fear that Jinx would hurt them.


"H-hello," Jay stammered. "You remember me, don't you? I'm sorry for everything Jinx did, but she's gone now."



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@@Pripyat Pony


Glade blinked as she started talking to him,his ears were still flat and he was still shaking,"Y-Yes...I remember you...J-J-Jay..."he looked a slight bit relieved when she said Jinx was gone,still though,he is scarred forever,not only was he not safe at home,but he feared every day he was at school as well. And seeing what she did to those colts...He slowly moved his back legs then his front to scoot backwards,he was so scared,it seemed strange,a 20 year old stallion fearing this 19 year old small mare,but he was a very strange pony. He gulped hard as he tried to drag out more words,to try to ease himself of the fear,"G-G-Gone?...F-Forever?..."he dredged out,his voice was quiet and feeble.

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@@Aurora Lights, "Yes, that's right," Jay replied, quietly. "She was only waiting until I was old enough to perform a dark magic spell that would restore her body. Once she had done that, she left my mind and went into her new body. I thought that she'd kill me, but she told me that she would allow me to go. I was surprised at that cuz I had seen firsthoof what an evil creature she was."


Jay looked at her blank flank and sighed. "If you still don't believe me, then look at my flank. As soon as Jinx left my mind, the yin yang cutie mark I had vanished, and now I don't have a cutie mark at all cuz I don't know what my special talent is."



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@@Pripyat Pony


Glade blinked and he glanced at her flank,his eyes darted to her flank then back to her blue eyes again,"N-No talent?"he asked,he was a little surprised,but still,his was just a broken skull,he looked around and slowly sat on his rear end,still shaking violently though,he tried to divert his mind to something else,'Something,anything,come on,think! She isn't bad anymore! Look!' He looks at her for a moment and then continues to divert his eyes away from her,'She's pretty right? Don't even think about it Black...You know what she'll do...what every mare will do,not only that,what you could do to them. Are you trying to be helpful? Because you suck at it. She is pretty,look at her!' He looks at her body then her face and he catches himself blushing ,'Gah you idiot! Shut up,you know you like her! No,Black,you like her,I hate her,I hate all mares. Hay,I hate all ponies! Well,it's my body,and I'll decide who I like! You forget Black...This is my body too...We are the same pony,remember? Oh...Yeah...So,I'm arguing with myself? Eeyup. Well...' He looks around as he realizes he was staring at the mare the entire time he was talking to himself,he even stopped shaking,but when he realized she was looking at him,he started to shake again.

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@@Aurora Lights,@@Pripyat Pony,


Rag looked between Glade and the mare that just walked into the park. It seemed like they knew each other from when they were younger. Rag has never been to school so he didn't know what could happen in one. But from the looks of thing it could be pretty hard to deal with as well. But when he looked back at Glade it seemed like he had a hard history with her. Maybe she was a bullY? From the sound of it she had another half that was pretty mean.


When rag started to get distressed again Rag moved closer to him, to help him and because Rag was still not very good at meeting new ponies. "Glade, are you okay?" He asked his voice showing sighs that he was worried.

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Glade looked at Rage and he moved closer to him,"Y-Yeah...I'm ok...I just...I used to know her..."he looked at Rag and gulped softly,he then looked back to Jay,then to Rag, then back to Jay and he blushed," B-before you get a-any ideas...HE is not m-my Coltfriend...and y-yes,he wears dresses." he says and looks at the ground. He sighed softly as he looked at Rag,"Sh-she was in school with me,a long time ago...she changed from then though."he looked down and took a deep breath,he could relax a little bit now,his friend was here to help him.


@@Pripyat Pony

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@@Gloomfury, @@Aurora Lights, "A-a very long time ago, when I had another pony sharing my body," Jay said, her voice trembling. "But she's gone now and she'll never come back. I just want to get on with my life now and m-make friends. Jinx never let me have friends before and I wouldn't have anyway, cuz I wouldn't want them to get hurt by her."



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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Gloomfury,  


Glade nodded  as he looked away,thinking about the situation he was now in, 3 ponies,all three disturbed,scared of each other to a degree,all three having terrible scarring pasts,all three slightly insane...he started to laugh a little bit,"...Look at us...All three of us...we 're insane..."he chuckles darkly and looks to the ground,he shakes his head softly and looks back up to Rag,So,have you thought about my offer?"he asks,he then looks at Jay,he then felt his mortal fear again,remembering the colt's bones crunching and snapping,he looked away and his smile disappeared from his face.

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@@Aurora Lights, @@Gloomfury, "I'm just so sorry for what Jinx did," Jay cried out, looking at the two stallions, and thinking that they only thought the worst of her. "I couldn't stop her hurting other ponies... I tried my hardest but it just made her angry. All I want now is to make friends... but it's no good if everypony is just going to blame me for everything." She burst into tears, all the worse cuz it had been years since Jay had physically wept.



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@@Aurora Lights,@@Pripyat Pony,


Rag blinked after Glade said he wasn't his coltfriend.  He didn't really know what that was. He also didn't know why he had to say that.  But he decided to put that in the back of his mind for now. When Jay said that she had another pony living inside her, he instantly thought of one of his friends who also had another self. Then his attention went back to Glade after he mention his offer again. Rag smiled." Of course I want to help you. I like helping others."


He looked back at Jay, still smiling. He was staring to get tired of feeling bad and afraid. Another friend of his taught him how to dash some feelings away or just stop thinking about them. "Well now that's she's gone you can make friends. I've been locked in a caller half myself but I was able to meet many new friends."


He stood up and walked over to her. still smiling. "My name's Rag Stitch. And this is Dishcloth. " He held up his doll and waved one of her hooves at Jay. "We can be your friends. And I'm sure after some time, so will Glade." He said with a big smile. Then he lift up Dishcloth and wiped her tears while still smiling. 

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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Gloomfury,  


Glade blinked and looked at Jay,he saw her tears and he looked sad for her,she was in a similar situation as he was,constantly tortured by someone she couldn't see. he sighed softly and looked down," I'm sorry Jay...i shouldn't have judged you on your past...I know she's gone now...but It's not just you I'm afraid of,I'm afraid of every mare that I meet...You didn't know what happened to me while I was in school with you,did I?"he said to her,he moved a little closer to her,he wasn't shaking anymore and he seemed more relaxed,he even felt a little safe now. He nodded to Rag,"Thank you Rag...I'll start questioning the souls when I get the chance...but for now,we need to get out of this park,it looks like it is gonna rain again."he said and looked at the clouds. He stood and motioned for them to follow him,"We'll talk more when we get to my ho-...my...my hideout."he said,hoping they didn't notice his mistake.

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@@Gloomfury, Jay smiled thru her tears at Rag. "Thank you," she said, lifting a hoof to stroke Dishcloth. "I'd love to be friends."


@@Aurora Lights, "No, I didn't notice," Jay replied to Glade. "I didn't stay at the school for long after the... after the incident when Jinx took me over. They expelled me after and then Jinx took me far away. I don't really live anywhere at the moment so yes, I'll come back to your hideout with you."



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@@Pripyat Pony@@Gloomfury,  


Glade smiled slightly as they headed off to his hideout,he looked at the old apartment building,it was crumbled,it only had one room that was even livable with a roof and a door,he opened the old door and walked in,turning on the lanterns with his ability to control the souls and turn them into a blue flame,he hung the lanterns up and smiled slightly as he invited the two in,he closed the door behind him,his couch was torn and it had stuffing and springs out of it,so it was slightly uncomfortable,but big enough to fit all three,so he sat in the middle of the couch and took a big breath in,"Welcome,to my hide-..."he looks down and sighs,"Welcome to my home..."he says,seeing there was no need to hide it from them. He looked over to the small broken TV and chuckled,"Unfortunately I don't have cable,or internet,or a computer..."he chuckled and went to get a book and he grabbed one he liked,a book of spells,"I've always wanted to be able to use telekinesis."he stated almost to himself and he shook his head before he continued,"Are you hungry?"he asked them.

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@@Aurora Lights,@@Pripyat Pony,


 Rag walked over and sat next to him, placing Dishcloth in his lap. "Oh, I'm hungry. I think I have something in my bag." Next to Dishcloths carrier, he had a normal bag he carried his things in.  He started looking though it, taking out a few things as he did. A fancy pen, a pare of boxing gloves and a small spell book. "Some of my friends gave me things so I can remember them by. They all do different things I never heard of before I met them.


One is a screen play writer, another is a boxer. The spell book is from another friend who called herself a Necromancer I think. She liked to tell stories of her adventures in different dimensions, the underworld even tartarus and hell. She also said she's gone mad three times. In the spell book she gave me she also wrote down things during when she was mad." Soon he pulled out a bag of nuts and barres along with a bottle of water that was in a large whiskey bottle. 

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@@Gloomfury,@@Pripyat Pony,


Glade chuckled softly," Well,I don't know why she would have gone mad."he looks down and sighs softly,"I'll be right back."he said and walked into another room,he then came back with a bag of carrots and apples and he put them on the ground,grabbing an apple in his mouth and eating it," Is it cold?"he asked,he really couldn't feel any coldness,but that's only because he's felt the chill of the dead all his life. He looked at his fireplace and walked over to it,holding out his hoof,a small blue flame appeared and shot into the burnt wood,it instantly going up in flames,he smiled slightly as heat soon filled the room. But,as he sat there,his face looked distant when he stared into the flames.

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@@Aurora Lights, @@Gloomfury, Jay took an apple and began to eat it. She hadn't had anything to eat all day. At this moment in time, she slept in a park during the day as she didn't as yet have anywhere else to go. But it didn't really matter to Jay, cuz to her the most important thing was that she was finally free from Jinx.



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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Gloomfury,


Glade looked into the fire still,he blinked once as his vision blurred...


He looked around and saw flames,felt heat scorching his body,his house was on fire,he just sat there,flames surrounding him as he looked up,seeing his two new friends start to burn and melt,both smiling creepily as they did so,their skin and flash started to melt off of their body,showing bone,he saw Jay with half of her face missing,just a skill,he looked over at Rag and saw his face was gone,just bone,but he was laughing,"You will burn in the flames of Hell...can you feel the dogs coming after you?" he asked in a disturbing voice,he then heard dog's barking loudly,he looked at his door as it was broken down and he watched three demonic dogs with glowing red eyes,their faces bare of flesh mostly,yet they still had eyes and ears and a tongue. He gulped as he looked back to Jay,seeing her try to touch Glade...


Glade recoiled instantly as he came out of his hallucination,he looked around,his eyes showing panic,but he didn't see anything.Yet he sill felt the presence of dogs,he felt like he was being hunted,he even still heard dogs barking for him. He gulped and looked down. 

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@@Aurora Lights,@@Pripyat Pony,   


Rag noticed Glade acting strange again. Maybe from another hallucination. After slipping of the couch, he walked over to Glade and sat next to him. "To be honest, I don't think I am good enough to help you. I know very little about this sort of thing. But I think I know someone who can. My necromancer friend. Who better to help someone who's slightly mad then a ponies who's been mad more then once." He giggled.


He pulled the spell book his friend gave him. "She cast a spell between us that can teleport her here. But... the spell switches us. But I really think she can be better help. She's really nice and funny and will never look down on anyone." He smiled before he got up. He then out Dishcloth in her carrier and put his thing back in his bag." I am sure we will meet each other again."


He walked over to Jay and gave her a hug. "And I'll always be yours and Glad's friend." Then he went over to Glade and kissed his cheek with a light blush. "Good bye." He then oped the book and started reading off in a strange language.


All of a sudden the house start to shake and the book his his hooves started to glow dark green. Then a portal formed around him. With one last smile and wave with dishcloth's hoof, he was sucked up though the portal with a yell. Then another pony in a dark green cloak with black symbols on it, fell threw, landing on the couch. "Tombstones!" The pony was a small unicorn mare with black eyes, jade colored fur and a long black mane with steaks of gray. She also had three thick gold hoop earrings on her left ear.


The mare fell off the couch with a *oof*. She then rose to her hooves with a grunt. "Damned be the devil, where am I?" She said looking around till she saw Jay and Glade. She then raised a hoof." Hello."

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@@Gloomfury,@@Pripyat Pony,  


Glade blinked and blushed lightly when he kissed his cheek,but when the portal opened and jumped back quickly and stared at the new pony,the mare,he gulped and looked around,he felt surrounded,scared,'I knew he would leave you,just like all your other friends...he has forsaken you,now you must stay with this mare. I can smell the evil spirits around her...she is powerful,almost as powerful as I...Watch your back Black...' Glade gulped softly as he edged closer to the fire,feeling the heat made him calm more,so he was only shaking lightly,he couldn't find it in him to reply,just sate,look at all of the details of her body.He gulped,forcing out words,"Y-Y-Your at m-my h-house...y-y-your Rag's friend r-right?' he said,still nervous and slightly scared,though he knew he could trust Rag not to hurt him.

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@@Aurora Lights, @@Gloomfury, Jay jumped violently when Ragg disappeared into the portal, to be replaced by a strange mare. She laid her ears back, stepping backwards with fear in her eyes. As far as Jay was concerned, nothing good could ever happen with a powerful magic user, and she could tell that the stranger was exactly that.



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@@Aurora Lights,@@Pripyat Pony,


The mare mad a huffy face." Dang it, Raggy! I told you to only use the spell in emergencies." She sighed. But then hear head shot up and her face went blank. "One of you have a collection of souls within them." She looked at glade. Her eyes were blacker then night, the mark of someone who has gone truly mad.


But then she smiled and rushed over to him. "It's you ain't it? But you're not a unicorn! That's so AWESOME!" Her smile got bigger as she started to become giddy. "My name's Mezra, but call my Mezzy." Then her head shot up again. She looked over to Jay, her smile getting bigger.


She rushed over to her. "You have the essence of another beings soul  within you. It's gone but a little is still in you." He got huffy again. " Let me guess, a powerful pony looking for a way to live forever? I've seen it before." She looked away with her eyes narrowed. "I don't see the point of possessing others bodies just so you can keep on living. It's not fun for the pony who's body you're living in. That's just rude!" She looked back a Jay. " I sure hope they payed their security deposit before taking over your body." She giggled at her own joke.


Just then a loud growling sound game from her stomach. "Traveling thought a dementanal portal sure makes you hungry. Who want's waffles!? I'm buying." 

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