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searching MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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Nations Info Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141125-ooc-mlp-empires-nation-info/?p=4186543

World Stage RP Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141384-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-world-stage-diplomacytrade-war/

Commoner RP Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/141385-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-commoner-thread-diplomacytrade-war/

Colonization Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/142769-mlp-empires-clash-of-cultures-colonization-diplomacytrade-war/



This RP is a modified reboot of; MLP Nations which i personally enjoyed.


War, hatred, greed, ever since the first civilizations rose from the dust, they always plagued the lives of ordinary beings far and wide. The world, divided amongst states striving for sparse resources in order to assert dominance over their lessers for protection, wealth or the simple ambition of individuals. From cities to duchies, from duchies to kingdoms, from kingdoms to empires, from empires to dust. The ever-lasting cycle of strength and failure, life and death that has corruptred the civilized world since its beggining. The world is split in many races from many nations, struggling to win the game of power, a game of wealth, a game of war.


This is an RP in which you can play an OC or Canon Nation taking control of almost all of its aspects. From there you will have to build up, forge allliances, trade routes, invading others to strengthen your position on the world stage. Unexpected 'disasters' may randomly occur (triggered by me  :umad: ), challeging your rule of your nation. Each RPer will be allowed to control up to 2 nations (however they cant team up together) and drive them to victory. The main aim of this RP is to lead your nation to prosperity trhough sheer wealth, millitary might, diplomatic powerhouse or even sheer cultural dominance, or all of them, its pretty much all your choice. 




Once you create/select your nation, you will take control of its leader (or make one) which will be your primary character. The attributes, traits and personality of your leader will have a very heavy impact on the way your nation unfolds. Every custom nation has to come with a OC leader.







Nations will mainly be split in 4 main categories, nations in the same category will be placed next to each other on the map (yes we will have a map)





Scientific nations despise magic and flyers, being ruled by ground-bound beings. In order to endure the obstacles, these nations use rationalism to endure, unlike other which would simply sheild themselves behind a wall of magic. Scientific nations have NO magic and NO flying citizens. They tend to be extremly hostile towards others due to harsh histories. The technology of these nations is capped to the equivalent of the 1870s. They tend to fight each other but have a even bigger disgust for those they see as primitive and 'different'. They tend to have high, poor populations led by a minority elite.


These nations tend to be milllitaristic/trading/cultural powerhouses







Magical Nations are made from magic-conjuring beings which use their powers to do their bidding. They have very small populations and tend to be very isolationist and suspicious of neighbours. They can use their vast powers from anything such as warfare to terraforming their land. The populations of these nations is usually inbred ikn order to keep the magic pure and are very secretive with their powers. They disregard technology and individual strength as ways 'unpures' try to compensate for their inability to perform magic.


These nations usually lurk in the shadows and are not expansionist, seeing foreigners as dangers to their purity. They may try to seek another powerful ally but will always be suspicious.







Traditional nations are neither magical nor scientific. These nations put large emphasis on  individual power and traditional values. The consist of flying creatures or just extremly strong ground-bounds. They use old weaponry such as swords, crossbows and axes but are fierce warrior societies. This nations are extremly self-confident and over-righteous seeing all others as weaklings compared to their power. Their populations are HUGE and are extremly loyal to theyre traditional values.


These nations are made to conquer 'weaklings', pillage and loot lands or enslave populations. Even though they might be at a disadvantage compared other nations, yet they make up for it in numbers and courage.








Rational nations have a bit of everything, but do not excel in anything either. As seen in Equestria, these nations hav all sorts of races living in harmony. The power of these nations is in their diversity and culture. They arent exremly magical, nor strong physicaly or scientifiacally, but find a perfect balance between the three. Tese nations usually disregard millitary (millitry tech capped at 1400, early gunpowder) and have moderate usage of magic, as well as using strong individuals to improve tahier lives (eg. weather control). These harmonic nations have little understanding of the conflicts between their odd counterparts but can call on their multi-race population in order to overcome problems.


These nations are the heart of culture and wealth and diplomacy of the world.





Millitary Tech groups:


1870 weapons for scientific nations
1400s for rationals
Swords/spears/ medieval stuff for traditionals
Bronze age + magic for magical.



Here is the Nation creation sheet:



Goverment Type: Monarchy, republic etc


Leader: (link)

Category: (see above)

Enviroment: (general landscape of the nation)

Two Abundant Resources:

Two Scarce Resources:

Religion: Scientific nation will all be under the control of the Popal Church at the start, sects may be formed in time. The others, go around make ur own religion,

General Race Compostion: (Races in ur nation, population Magical -max 500,000, scientific-max 20,000,000 , rational max 30,000,000 , traditional max 50mil

General Race Description: (how they look, what they wear etc)

Two Primary Nation Traits: (Industrious, Millitaristic)

Two Nation Values: (Disciplined, Honorable)

Culture and Description:


Foreign Policy:


Quality of Life:

Millitary Power:

Misc: (Anthem, pics etc)






1. No Gary-sue/Mary-sue Nations or OC's

2. No Metagaming or OPing your nation/OC (Your OC can be 2/3's the strength of Luna or Celestia with 1 stat that is equal to their skill)

3. No Godmodding. Don't take control of other peoples characters.

4. Don't RP before being accepted. This is rude and will get you banned.

5. You must have your OC leader approved before you create your nation. Add "Leader for OC Nation" is your reply next to the link of your OC if you want to apply for them being a leader of an OC nation. Once accepted then you may create your nation.

6. Don't break global rules, obviously.

7. What the Mod's of this RP say, go. If your nation is experiencing an event you don't like, deal with it. It's not a permanent event and can maybe be solved through good RPing. 

8. Post where we can read. "I no lik redin diz otay." and no using l33t speech and such.

9. Give us something to read. 200 characters is okay, but try to be more descriptive and paint us a vivid picture.

10. Don't join if you don't plan on staying for a while.

11. Be reliable, just post 1 time at  least every 1-2 days. Not too much to ask I dont think. (Pardons may be given)

12. If you have to leave for whatever reason, tell us! Don't just abandon the game without any word whatsoever.

13. No killing OC's unless given permission. Nation Warfare on the other hoof is another matter entirely. Will fall into the Dice Roller system we will be using. You may overthrow a leader or w/e, but depending on military strength and other modifiers you may find your own military may be the one left in ruin. Also the leader of the defending nation will be fighting on their home turf, so expect them to receive some advantages. They may turn the tables and overthrow your nation. This mainly goes for Nation capital battles. Just skirmish battles that involve gaining ground are modified differently. This mainly goes if you are trying to overthrow/wipe out an enemy nation.

14. If you are overthrown then you can take back your nation either by trying to incite a rebellion (Dice Rolls) or trying to get another nation to fight on your behalf. If you have other good ideas on how to restore your nation, PM me and we will discuss : )

15. Canons are available for claims, but you must fill out the OC character sheet and/or Nation sheet, but given a bunch of the nation stats and Canon histories and such are vague the standards will be somewhat lower for the canon nations of Equestria and the Crystal empire. This also goes for most canon Characters.

16. Also, don't abuse or bully other players, they're here to have fun too. If you don't like something, tell one of the mods.

17. List may be expanded.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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So, If I may ask, what it the type of weapons that they would be using for war? What time is this compared to our world?

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So, If I may ask, what it the type of weapons that they would be using for war? What time is this compared to our world?

If you read the whole desc, it depends on the type of nation. 


You got


1870 weapons for scientific nations

1400s for rationals

Swords/spears/ medieval stuff for traditionals

Bronze age + magic for magical.


This is simply for balancing reasons, as i saw what happened when everyone had a 'free hand'  :wau:


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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If you read the whole desc, it depends on the type of nation. 


You got


1870 weapons for scientific nations

1400s for rationals

Swords/spears/ medieval stuff for traditionals

Bronze age + magic for magical.


This is simply for balancing reasons, as i saw what happened when everyone had a 'free hand'  :wau:


When you say Goverment type, do you mean like a political or militaristic goverment or...? Also the category. Is that the nations you have listed above? :)

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When you say Goverment type, do you mean like a political or militaristic goverment or...? Also the category. Is that the nations you have listed above? :)


No, goverment type would be


monarchy, republic, etc.


Yup, those are the tech groups of the 4 cats. 

  • Brohoof 2


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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At the "culture and description" part what do you exactly mean? :)


Its pretty much the way your subjects live and act. What they do. Do the drink a lot/what  kind of life do they value... how they act, what they believe. I mean, the culture of the population


here, ill give you an example from my prev nation =)



A non-magical society, magic is seen as a capital offence or heresy and is usually punished via torture or death; magic has been outlawed in the North-West for about 2 centuries as ponies result to a new idea, science and rationalism. The Ponssians follow the belief of a superior power creating the world (A dominant belief in the North-West) which has been the cause of many wars (crusades and genocides in the region. None of the citizens of Ponssia have the ability to perform magic but make up for it through hard work. They are a very militaristic society which would almost always follow the commands of its government, with a belief in racial superiority against distant, less advanced civilizations.



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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Its pretty much the way your subjects live and act. What they do. Do the drink a lot/what  kind of life do they value... how they act, what they believe. I mean, the culture of the population


here, ill give you an example from my prev nation =)



A non-magical society, magic is seen as a capital offence or heresy and is usually punished via torture or death; magic has been outlawed in the North-West for about 2 centuries as ponies result to a new idea, science and rationalism. The Ponssians follow the belief of a superior power creating the world (A dominant belief in the North-West) which has been the cause of many wars (crusades and genocides in the region. None of the citizens of Ponssia have the ability to perform magic but make up for it through hard work. They are a very militaristic society which would almost always follow the commands of its government, with a belief in racial superiority against distant, less advanced civilizations.



Ah thanks. I'll write out an application in half an hour or so :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Any chance I could roleplay as Celestia with her nation, of course, being Equestria?


Now admittingly, Equestria is a principality diarchy, a land rule by two equal rulers so it wouldn't just be Celestia but I don't know if you would let me roleplay both princesses. I would also considering there being something of a governing counsel, perhaps something like the House of Lords and the House of Commons with the royal sisters being the directing heads of the counsel.


I would still fully detail the information I need, I just wanted to know it there would be a problem.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Any chance I could roleplay as Celestia with her nation, of course, being Equestria?


Now admittingly, Equestria is a principality diarchy, a land rule by two equal rulers so it wouldn't just be Celestia but I don't know if you would let me roleplay both princesses. I would also considering there being something of a governing counsel, perhaps something like the House of Lords and the House of Commons with the royal sisters being the directing heads of the counsel.


I would still fully detail the information I need, I just wanted to know it there would be a problem.


(Wow.... didnt expect someone picking a cannon)


Of course you can, however, you must consider the fact that by playing equestria, you would have to act as equestria.... which, you know, i dont really see how much you could do (millitarily at least), but again, you prob got an idea, so sure.


You should fill in the nation sheet tho. No need for details such as history, culture, buildings, or other stuff in the show... but RP related stuff such as resources, enviroment and traits. Just so oter nationsknow why they would be interested in the nation =)


Alos, only limitation would be.... you cant alter the moon-sun cycle only cuz some nation was mean =p


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Any chance you might be willing to help me with the nation sheet? I admit to being a little uncertain what to put in many cases.


Also, Celestia and Luna would not use the sun and moon as an excuse to tell other nations what to do (nor would I).

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Any chance you might be willing to help me with the nation sheet? I admit to being a little uncertain what to put in many cases.


Also, Celestia and Luna would not use the sun and moon as an excuse to tell other nations what to do (nor would I).

Yeah sure, no prob ;)


Will PM it to u to see if ur ok with it?


Even if lets say, an invasion happened =p


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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DU- Dragons Unite Goverment

Type: Democracy

Flag: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DJuVSXvPuUg/VHDq5ph0WRI/AAAAAAAAEPA/ImXyRfyykCw/s1600/Emperor's%2Bflag.png

Leader: Sappy Lappy. (Link in signature)

Category: Rational

Enviroment: A mountain, with water and a forest nearby.

Two Abundant Resources: Iron, marble

Two Scarce Resources: Sugar, silk

Religion: The midnight guardian 

General Race Compostion: Population 20000.

 General Race Description: this nation consists of smaller sized dragons, and the ocasional Wyvern. These creatures generally wear sophisticated clothes. Though there are some parts where they don't wear anything

Two Primary Nation Traits: Cultural, wealthy

Two Nation Values: Dependable, disciplined

Culture and Description: DU is a strongly cultural nation. They believe in "The midnight guardian" Which is a being, that has immense power. They believe that this dragon protects them, so they don't rely on military, and mainly focus on their culture. Also they have natural weapons such as claws and teeth. They believe that everyone should have rights, and that everyone is equal no matter the race. These dragons and wyverns live in a big city that spreads from the mountains to the forests below. These dragons doesn't trust anyone with their frindship early, but once you are allies with them, they'll be very loyal.


Buildings: Big marble houses in the mountains, and tree huts in the forest

Foreign Policy: Rights protection

History: DU was founded by the first civilized dragon. He wanted a nation with peace, equal rights and culture. He with the help of a few dragons, started building the castle, that's known as the "Midnight Castle". Which is where he founded a religion, where they would offer jewels to the midnight guardian in exchange of protection. Because of their cautious steps, and superior culture, they quickly rose up in popularity

Quality of Life: Mostly rich. The dragons that live out in the forst are poor.

Millitary Power: The dragons military is about 5000 strong. They mostly rely on their natural weapons to fight, but they also use their weapons. Mostly the greatsword and the crossbow.

Mischttp://t07.deviantart.net/ktmNBUBdVrvK5vTDpaQxrdNqmRg=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/2603/th/pre/i/2004/325/b/3/midnight_guardian_by_liquid999.jpgThe midnight guardian

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So... it more of a city state? (one city)

Also, you know, since ur rational, you can have a race mix... so dragons etc...


Foreign Policy is the official policy the nation takes towards exterior nations.... in r case i guess it would be...... rights protecting? YOu seem like a good Switzerland  :)  :lol:

History, the way your nation came into being. how it was founded... etc

Millitary power.... they must have some sort of guardians to protect themselves? I mean, Every nation has one. You could go for levies, in whcih the populace arms itself, yet you have to mention how many are able/willing to fight. Also, if they want to protect others, they cant do it wiithout an armed force =)



other than that Approved =)


just edit those bits =)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Sure, that is fine.


I admit, I actually wish I had someone willing to roleplay Luna, so I don't play as both. Would be nice to have a stronger show that there are two different ponies sharing rulership, where they could actually disagree at times in what decisions should be made.


No, I honestly couldn't see them doing this. That and if they ever did try I could seem them losing the respect of other nations. Using their control of the sun and moon to bully other nations, if we agree they could even do that, would only lead other nations to perhaps see the royal sisters as threats.

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Sure, that is fine. I admit, I actually wish I had someone willing to roleplay Luna, so I don't play as both. Would be nice to have a stronger show that there are two different ponies sharing rulership, where they could actually disagree at times in what decisions should be made.


No, I honestly couldn't see them doing this. That and if they ever did try I could seem them looking the respect of other nations. Using their control of the sun and moon to bully other nations, if we agree they could even do that, would only lead other nations to perhaps see the royal sisters as threats.

There is no prob in u playing both, it will just mean u will have to type more (you know..... convos between them).... i saw a guy trying to RP an entire senate lol. So you can do both, if you want.


(ps. the nation i had in mind would have some beef with the sis's.... so... would make it interesting ^^)


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I guess, though I have more experience roleplaying as Princess Celestia. Heh, I have roleplayed her for quite some time in the Equestrian Empire section of the roleplay forums.


I admit to seeing Equestria as something of a magical/traditional society, with the main races of the land each having their own magic innately though such is expressed differently for each. Where Equestrian's believe as a whole in community and sharing in strong bonds with each other while also seeking pursuit in their special talent and skills. Where ponies are taught that each of them have a special destiny and purpose, though often it must be discovered and figured out on their own.


A problem I see is that technology can often be quite advanced, though not when it comes to the military which seems to lack even gunpowder weapons. They have DJ tables, megaphones, and industrial hair driers, among other out of place technology for bronze or medieval ages.


As a whole, the nation is non-violent and prefers to find more diplomatic solutions to problems yet if a fight is required other nations may be surprised at the zeal and dedication ponies have to their nation, race, and family.

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I guess, though I have more experience roleplaying as Princess Celestia. Heh, I have roleplayed her for quite some time in the Equestrian Empire section of the roleplay forums.


I admit to seeing Equestria as something of a magical/traditional society, with the main races of the land each having their own magic innately though such is expressed differently for each. Where Equestrian's believe as a whole in community and sharing in strong bonds with each other while also seeking pursuit in their special talent and skills. Where ponies are taught that each of them have a special destiny and purpose, though often it must be discovered and figured out on their own.


A problem I see is that technology can often be quite advanced, though not when it comes to the military which seems to lack even gunpowder weapons. They have DJ tables, megaphones, and industrial hair driers, among other out of place technology for bronze or medieval ages.


As a whole, the nation is non-violent and prefers to find more diplomatic solutions to problems yet if a fight is required other nations may be surprised at the zeal and dedication ponies have to their nation, race, and family.

Yeah i know. Thats why most of the tech restrictions are on millitary. As far as I see it, theyre reliance on magic and non-hostile neighbours meant that they did not have to build up their armed forces. I mean I have to come up with a list for magic limitatipons.... we cant have people excelsior-ing al around XP


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I have to go soon, when you send the PM I may not be able to reply today.

As Equestria, you know you can take control of almost any aspect of the show.... so if you want to get picky.... u can RP Princess Twilght, man six etc.... I mean... you can control the commonfolk as well... for 'flavour'


Im going to sleep soon too =p


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Name: Anitha

Government Type: Aristocracy, (Basically Monarchy but larger, more high ranks) 

Flag: sig-4185818.sig-4185818.2HE1tVK.jpg (minus the hammer and sickle) 

Leader: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/embers-r5480


Environment: Mostly forests, a few tundras scatted around, A few rivers as well.

Two Abundant Resources: Iron, Very rich soil.

Two Scarce Resources: Fish,Clay (I don't know if ponys eat fish)

Religion:The Popal Church

General Race Compostion: Around 15 Mill, almost all earth ponys.

General Race Description: Heavy cloths, as they live in a cold area, many cloaks.

Two Primary Nation Traits:  Militaristic, Reliable

Two Nation Values: Skilled, Able to work in very cold weather

Culture and Description: Mainly militaristic, they rely little on other nations and have become self sustaining, as well as growing slowly more hostile to other nations

Buildings: Small houses scatterd around

Foreign Policy: Hostile, but willing to work with for things that will benefit anitha 

History: Having started around as small tribes, they banded together to survive the harsh wilderness that they live in.

Quality of Life: Okay, Vary's from skill group to skill group.

Millitary Power:The main weapon used is the Springfield Model 1866, equepted with a bayonet. As well as some other variants. Anitha is land locked, and it does not include any navel power at all. There are more then 500,000 ponys currently inlisted, although around only 100,000 are on duty currently.. Those who join the military are drilled intensively for a long period of time, and learn a vast amount of tactics and skills. Everyone, male and female are brought up to love there country, as well as the basics of the military. In living in Anitha, both male and female agree that in case of mass need, they might be drafted into the military at anytime, inwhich they will be intensively trained, but for a shorter time, creating one of the most skilled military's in the world. The generals/officers train there whole life, almost always the sons/daughters of a leader, they in everything from CQC to Massive battles, and are retested randomly. Anitha's main defense however, are its massive trench systems, as part of the training is to help fortify/build them, and the trainees spend awhile learning about the tactics and how to survive in the trenches. Another large part is the winter, in which the military is trained the most, and gets the most training for, having to deal with large storms and massive amounts of snow, and each trainee learns how to deal and exell in these conditions. The military also uses light artillery.

Misc: Might as well throw in a song!  

Tell me if theirs anything I can change ^^

Edited by CrimsonWeb

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Ok, i have changed it. I hope that what i added is good enough :)

Yup... all good


lol... i imagine a dragon greatsword is the size of a tree XD



A few ques,

what do you mean by aristocracy as a goverment?

What race does your nation have... earth pony, buffalo, miule, etc

A bit more detail on Millitary.... I need numbers and weaponry. This is very important for millitary nations =)


Here is an example. Ps.... this is in WAY too much detail... but so u get my drift.


The Ponssian military is the most disciplined force in the North-West, a Ponssian soldier is taught to fear desertion more than death in order to ensure top performance on the battlefield. A Ponssian regiment would never retreat without orders. After a visit in Ponssia, a famous North-Western writer said: “Where most states own an army, the Ponssian army owns a state”. In the last century, the Ponssian army grew in influence and support over the population. The army now controls most aspects of civilian life, from simple laws to sleeping hours. Stallions are taught to use weapons from birth in order to ensure future soldiers for the ranks. Generals and military advisors hold high positions in the government and are given permission to mobilize the entire male population if needed. Using modern military technology such as muskets with socket bayonets, 12llber cannons and howitzers, the Ponssian military is a formidable force. The generals are taught in a prestigious university where they learn the deadliest and most efficient tactics invented by North-Western strategists. The troops are taught things like fire by rank and drilled daily to prefect their abilities. The Imperial army army numbers 205 regiments of 360 infantrymen(line infantry, light infantry, jagers, guards, etc), 140 regiments of 120 cavalry (lancers, dragoons, light dragoons and hussars) and 100 batteries of 16 cannons (900 cannons and 500 howitzers, each crewed by 10 ponies). The total size of the army is 112,200 ponies.

The Ponssian navy numbers 75 ships. 10 First-rate Ship-of-the-line, of which 3 are 122-gun heavy first rates and the others are 106-gun, 5 steam-powered Ironclads loading 80-guns, 15 Second-rates with 80 guns, 15 third-rates carrying 74-guns, 20 Forth, Fifth and Sixth rates carrying 64, 52 and 44 guns respectively and 10 frigates carrying 30 guns each. The total manpower used by sailors and marines in the navy totals 18,000. Ponssia also has 120 non-combatant trading, fishing and transport vessels as well as civilian ships.




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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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