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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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Magi Blue Flare saw the ships leave the island, approach the floating castle, and start circling around it through her spyglass. She grew exited, they were about to make contact with the mysterious island civilization! But she grew dismayed when she saw that they were shouting up at the castle. She strained her ears to see if she could hear them, but couldn't hear a word they were saying. The castle was just too high up in the air for their voices to reach! She quickly ordered some of her most trusted crew members to prepare to teleport down to the biggest ship to initiate proper communication. She hoped they wouldn't be too surprised when they seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the deck of their ship, but it couldn't be helped.


As the strangers didn't reply the captain shouted up again "by order of her majesty queen of woodborough I request that you... What the?!" The captain spun around and pointed his sword at the arriving ponies "finally, now. What brings you to our peaceful island nation? I would be wary of your words if I were you I don't trust strangers especially one's who could potentially threaten her majesty's life. Unfortunately you fit into that catagory " the captains first mate also put his sword up to the nearest pony

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As the strangers didn't reply the captain shouted up again "by order of her majesty queen of woodborough I request that you... What the?!" The captain spun around and pointed his sword at the arriving ponies "finally, now. What brings you to our peaceful island nation? I would be wary of your words if I were you I don't trust strangers especially one's who could potentially threaten her majesty's life. Unfortunately you fit into that catagory " the captains first mate also put his sword up to the nearest pony

The War Wizards that had accompanied Blue Flare grew nervous as weapons were pointed in their direction. Most unicorns could only teleport once per day, so if the island ponies decided to attack they would be forced to fight, unable to teleport back to the safety of their floating castle. Given they were vastly outnumbered by the island ponies, such a fight would be impossible to win. Despite the dire circumstances, Blue Flare refused to allow things to turn violent. She merely giggled at the sword at her throat and gave the Captain a bubbly smile. "Hi! Never fear, we mean no harm to you or this queen of yours! We come in peace, and only wish to establish diplomatic relations and maybe even a trade agreement or two!"

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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The War Wizards that had accompanied Blue Flare grew nervous as weapons were pointed in their direction. Most unicorns could only teleport once per day, so if the island ponies decided to attack they would be forced to fight, unable to teleport back to the safety of their floating castle. Given they were vastly outnumbered by the island ponies, such a fight would be impossible to win. Despite the dire circumstances, Blue Flare refused to allow things to turn violent. She merely giggled at the sword at her throat and gave the Captain a bubbly smile. "Hi! Never fear, we mean no harm to you or this queen of yours! We come in peace, and only wish to establish diplomatic relations and maybe even a trade agreement or two!"

" well why didn't you say so?" The captain and first mate both sheathed their swords "but you best see the mare in charge if you want to trade. " the captain walked up to the helm and shouted out "set a course for Kiljoyce docks" and soon after all three ships began moving toward the island nation. In the middle of the Egil-Kiljoyce channel there was a bridge it stuck out of the water enough for a pony to swim underneath but a boat wouldn't fit so the centre of the bridge began to tilt slowly upwards until not even a mountain climber could scale it (partly because of the smooth surface) once it had reached its full hight the lead ship slowly drifted through the gap between the bridge sections "impressive huh?" The captain said as the second and third ships came through before the bridge sealed creating a link in between the islands once more

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" well why didn't you say so?" The captain and first mate both sheathed their swords "but you best see the mare in charge if you want to trade. " the captain walked up to the helm and shouted out "set a course for Kiljoyce docks" and soon after all three ships began moving toward the island nation. In the middle of the Egil-Kiljoyce channel there was a bridge it stuck out of the water enough for a pony to swim underneath but a boat wouldn't fit so the centre of the bridge began to tilt slowly upwards until not even a mountain climber could scale it (partly because of the smooth surface) once it had reached its full hight the lead ship slowly drifted through the gap between the bridge sections "impressive huh?" The captain said as the second and third ships came through before the bridge sealed creating a link in between the islands once more

The assembled War Wizards breathed a collective sigh of relief. It seemed there would be no violence, at least for now. Even so, they made sure to stick close to each other and to Magi Blue Flare. Magi Blue Flare meanwhile was looking towards the island and the bridge, fascinated. "It's pretty impressive, but I bet you haven't seen a floating castle before today either!" She teased. "Oh, and if you don't mind me asking, just who is this leader of yours? Will I get to meet with her?" She asked.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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The assembled War Wizards breathed a collective sigh of relief. It seemed there would be no violence, at least for now. Even so, they made sure to stick close to each other and to Magi Blue Flare. Magi Blue Flare meanwhile was looking towards the island and the bridge, fascinated. "It's pretty impressive, but I bet you haven't seen a floating castle before today either!" She teased. "Oh, and if you don't mind me asking, just who is this leader of yours? Will I get to meet with her?" She asked.

"All in due time" that captain said walking off of the ship and onto the wooden jetty. He walked out of the dock gates and signaled for the War Wizards to follow him. After a couple of minutes walking up hill they arrived it terabeath one of the larger towns on Kiljoyce. He stopped at a street corner and stopped a passing cart. After persuading him to go the extra few miles to heraru the capital the captain opened the door to let the War Wizards inside the cart

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Gloom was a little buzzed by the time they reached the castle. The bottle in his hoof almost empty. He placed it in his other pocket and gave Francis's an annoyed look. "Well what's inappropriate about what I am wearing?" He said getting in his face. "This coat was taken off a griffon kingdom navy commander. He was one the strongest bastards I ever had to fight. Long after he crew gave up or were dead me and him still kept fighting into the next day.




My then we were so out of breath he could move a single limb. During that fight a certain respect grew between us. We exchanged coats before  I only took some of their cargo while letting them keep the rest. I'll admit this ain't the most fancy coat in the world, but to be honest. I don't don't give a shite what I am requested of.  A pirate kings wars the clothes of his the beings he fought or killed in battle. Maybe you should join us Fran. We've plundered plenty of ships that were shipping fancy ladies clothing. I'm sure ye would love that." His mean snickered again, really trying to hold in their laughs.

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"Barbarism" the servant whispered to himself. As he was leading the invitee to a room he explained,

"When one enters the room of his serene highness, one must be properly dressed and follow the procedure. Once you enter his majesty's room, ou shall have to take two bows. The first one when you eneter the room and the second one when you reach the center of the room. Under no circumstances are you to gaze upon his majesty until the second bow, his majesty will adress you first, only then may you commit your proposal."

The king was given a fancy light pink costume and pointed towards a room. 

"Once you are dressed you shall knock on that door, then enter. His majesty will await you there.




Gunshots could be heard from miles away in the quite atmosphere, the soldiers have managed to kill 2 wolves, 5 eagles and had captured a bear. They were now forcing the bear towards camp while the dead animals were pulled on a sleigh. The catch should be able to give the entire crew a good-needed meal.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The camp turned quite as the loud booming sounds had broke the silence of the barren lands, Everyone in the camp had turned their heads towards the source of the disruptive noise. The ponies looked in anticipation at their wolves who had their ears peeked tensely staring out over the tundra.


Talk of the ice breaking or thunder speed around the camp, "That was not the ice breaking, The gods have spoken!" Serylda exclaimed after a minute of silence. "The wolf herd and bear riders will come with me, We will obey them!" She shouted as the whole camp lifted their weapons towards the sky in one loud "hurrah".


They mounted their bears and gathered their wolves and took of onto the large tundra, They were only around 200 soldiers out of the herd of 100 000. It didn't take long before they found blood spattered on the snow on multiple locations, Nor did it take long for the wolves to pick up a trail and start fallowing it. In the horizon they could spot multiple figures, Intrigued they moved towards them and the closer they got the clearer it became what exactly had happened. Not only could they hear the loud roaring of misery but they also noticed the trail of blood. In a fit of rage Serylda lifted her sword towards the intruders, "CHARGE!".

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The group was just marching calmly towards camp, smoking and joking around,

"Some catch, nah Fritz?" one of them asked his compatriot.

"You know Im not that uch of a fan of meat... we're biologically vegeterians." the other one responded taking his pipe out of his mouth.

"Hey, you eat or die, eh?" the other one laughed.

"Hold on a second... Albert." the smoker said as he straingthened his ears. There was a slight trembling noise and the horses started to become uneasy. He squinted in the distance and saw a large group of figures approaching from the trees. He shouted,

"Go! Drop everything! To camp"

The group let loose the bear which started running off and let go of the sleigh. They started galloping towards the coast whipping theyre mounts and firing random shots behind, trying to scare off the attackers. They were still far away but were approaching fast.

"We're not going to make it Fritz!"

"I know! Albert, Hanz, Joseph and Louis! On me! We must destract their attention" The small group slowed down, they knew they stoops no chance, but they had to give the rest of the group time to run. They stopped behind a log , hoping it would slow the enemy charge. They dismounted their horses, forcing them to kneel in front of them as sandbags. They rested on their bellies rifles ready and loaded. 

"Fire when in range!" Fritz, the senior soldier in the group shouted. The other 7 soldiers were legging it to camp, they had to warn the others. Some of them started playing their trumpets for alert.


Meanwhile, back at camp, the wooden stake perimeter had been set, surrounding the camp. Sandbags were also layed down into defensive layers. The regimental flag floated prestigiously above camp. The staff-seargent was overseeing everything, most of the soldiers were now resting but suddenly he heard a faint familiar sound. He recognized it, the retreat call.

"All hoofs! Ready!" he ordered. The camp sprung to action as soldiers started meeling around while the non-combatants started running behing the sand fortifications, many taking what arms they could to protect themselves.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The intruders were speeding up as they dropped everything, But that didn't stop the enraged bear riders. "WE'LL TRAMPLE YOU TO DUST!" Serylda shouted, More of the loud booming could be heard as her fellow warriors fell to the ground and the enemies metal sticks bled smoke into the sky. At first it made the bears a bit uneasy, But the riders regained control quickly whilst some of the bears who's riders had been killed fled away.


The intruders had gained speed and disappeared in between the trees, But neither that stopped them. Ahead stood some of the hornless reindeers they had been riding on, And the raging group of bear riders charged full force towards the creatures ready to cut them down and continue the hunt.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Ready! Shoot to kill!" Fritz ordered. The five soldiers rose from behind they're horses and started firing. They could fire a bullet every 8 seconds, but sometimes the bullets ricoshed off the armour of the enemy's mounts. 

"When at 40m, lit your grenades!" he ordered as he took out a fuse-lit grenade from his pouch, "May the Lord forgive us!" he told himself as he continued firing


By now the entire camp was ready. All sandbag walls were manned and the ships were signalled to load their cannons and fire when ordered. They all aimed for the forest, having no idea what might come out of the woods. Th first appearance was one of the hunting soldiers on his white horse which imidiately started making his way for the seargent. All the soldiers were waiting for the 'fire' command to unleash lead upon whatever horror might decend upon them, this camp was not going to fall, they had to protect the flag and the regiments honor!


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The ones at the very back of the pack they sent their eagles to bear news of what had happened, In invitation to slaughter. The enemy fired away at them, Not only fatally injuring the warriors, But the bears as well. Serylda and Ursus who were in the middle lines of the flock, Had the luck of having such thick armor, protecting them from the barrage of fire. The riders respectfully avoided to trample the fallen soldiers and bears, Slwoing them down a bit.


Fearlessly some of the warriors in the front lines started to speed up and readied themselves to pounce.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Throw!" five grenades flew from behind the horses. They exploded releasing a small shower of pellets to shread everything in a small radius around it. The soldiers then slapped their horses which started fleeing towards the coast. The five soldiers stood up, they fired one more volley before making to rows, three in the front and two in the back, they lowered heir bayonets waiting for their end. 

"For the 205th! For his Majesty! For the country! We die in glory!" Fritz yelled before the five soldiers started running towards the incoming horde.

"Huzzah!" The five soldiers yelled just before impact.


The remaining ridrs made it to base. They reported to the seargent,

"Countless enemies mounted on.... on bears sir! We were outnumbered and retreated to inform you of the incoming threat, sir!  Fritz and the others stayed behind, sir!"

The seargent rubed his short beard,

"Bears huh?' he stepped up on the sandwall,

"Soldiers of the 205th marine Corp! 5 of our faithfull countrymen, our comrades, our brothers, lay dead at the hands of savages! You are the finest soldiers the Royal Marine Corp has to offer! Today, we stand against the darkness of this world, today we avenge our fallen and bathe in the glory of victory!"

Cheers erupted through the camp for exactly 5 seconds before the soldiers retook their positions taking aim at the forest.

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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A big part front rows were obliterated by the hoofs of the intruders, The explosions had a few riders in the other rows loose control as their mount panicked. But now the enemy was in a bad position, Without cover, Soon to mauled by the savage bears. More soldiers were shot down as they approached the venerable soldiers.


Back at camp the dim sounds of the explosions could be heard, Worrying the rest of the herd. As the eagles arrived with the news of the events, A large part of the herd was sent out, With the one objective of defending Serylda at any cost. It didn't take long before a storm started slowing them down, But as determined as they were they kept moving.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The soldiers attacked bayonet forward, three managed to stab the chest of the beasts but the others didnt manage to lay a blow. One got squashed by a huge bear while the other found his end at the tip of a sword. Another of the soldiers, not managing to hit a vital part of the bears chest, got clawed to death. Albert, after killing the bear with his bayonet hit and rushing to finish of the rider got sliced from behind by another, Fritz managed to kill both the bear and the rider, as the bear fell backwards over his master. He suceeded in fatally stabbing another passing rider but got sliced through the stomatch by a third. he fell backwards, growning and bleeding.


The Regimental drums started beating in order to improve the means morale, two cannons were fired randomly towards the woods in order to intimidate the savages. all company=lietenants had their swords held upwards, ready to order fire.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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President Flamestreak(A male Pegasus with appropriately Dark almost blood red coat and Yellow and orange mane) was in his office, He had a look of frustration and disappointment stuck on his face he appeared yelling about something. "Dammit!" Flame Bellowed. "The Flock is losing rations fast!  If I don't increase the tax on food we will all out in 3 days! However If I do increase the tax then only the rich will be able to afford food!" Flame hissed as he slammed his hooves on the desk he was sitting near. "Winter is only weeks away! How will we survive through it! Tears where now forming in his eyes he quickly wiped them away.  


"Guards!" He cried out, Two tall and well built Pegasus both of them having a midnight blue coat with Gray and Orange mane and tail to match marched in the room.


​"Yes chief!" They said in unison  


"Bring my consultant here I wish to with speak her." The warm-colored pegasus answered


"Yes sir!" The guards answered as they left the room


It didn't take longer then a few minutes for the to guards to return this time they had a young, Exceptional Beautiful mare with them. The mare had a honey like Brownish-Gold coat, Her apple green and light pink mane was braided around her neck with her bangs covering her right eye slightly. Flame hated to admit it but he was quite taken with the mare.


"Yes, Thank you come in Honey Drop guards you may return to your post." The guards left the room and Honey Drop closed the door.


"Honey Drop at your service sir!" She commented with a professional tone saluting him.


"At ease Honey. We've been friends for a long time you don't have to address me like that.   Flame said glumly


"Why not? After all you've done for slaves you deserve it. That comment seemed to set flame off.


"ALL I have done? WHAT HAVE I done? I have shunned everyone not associated of the Flock I practically treat them like dirt! I have forced members of The Flock, The ponies I'm supposed to protecting mind you. To have a branding to show alliance and loyalty to The Flock despite already forcing them to pledge allegiance to a stupid rule of loyalty and if anyone breaks the rule then the penalty is death! Fucking DEATH!" Flame yelled his voice growing more irradiated the more he spoke. Tears were starting to roll down his muzzle.


"Taking away freedoms turning what's supposed to be a democracy into dictatorship! And for what? To save a few slaves a day maybe less wow I"m SUCH a hero I'm so NOBLE!" He said the sarcasm in the statement be could heard for miles, His tears were now staring to flow profusely he fell from his chair


"I'M NOT A HERO HONEY DROP I'M. A. MONSTER!  He curled up into a ball weeping to himself continually saying his last three words over and over again. Quickly Honey Drop rushed to Flamestreak, She laid down next to flame hugging and slightly nuzzling him


"Its ok Flamestreak your not a monster, You are just....miserable. You weren't like this when we were younger you were happy and so full of life. I remembered one time you said you were going to be the best wonderbolt ever. You said everyone was going to love you and everyone would want to be like you, get your autograph, even have all your clothes" She chuckled at the memory. 


Now ever since you started running The Flock you've been depressed, trying to compete with other bigger, stronger nations and you've made rash decisions under pressure. Your taking on too much responsibility you need help, and as a friend I want you to be happy again. She smiled wiping a few tears from Flamestreak face.



"As your consultant I suggest getting a therapist but that can wait I guess you have other pressing matters."


"Yeah I-I do." He answered amazed by her kindness. He felt the warmness of Honey's embrace he welcomed it gladly, he had to remind himself that there just friends.


"We should get up though don't want anypony getting the wrong idea, you know how bad tabloids are."


"At your request." She wiped the remaining tears from flame's eye before letting go of the stallion to get back on her hooves Flamestreak followed suit.


"The problem at hoof is that The Flock is running out of rations of food. If don't raise the price slowing the buy rate and salvaging what food we have then we would quickly run out and since the winter is starting in a few weeks we can't have a famine now. But if I do raise the price then only the rich would be able to have food and we would potentially starve millions of ponies." Flame explained with a touch of sorrow in his voice.


Honey nodded her head understanding the dilemma.


"Ok have you considered trading with other nations?" She offered


Flamestreak face-hoofed as obvious as that solution was that's one thing he didn't think of.


"No...I haven't so which nation do think are willing to trade?" Flame asked


"um...ponssia?" she suggested unsurely


"They don't they seem to be willing to trade with anyone and beside they don't have much food either." Flame replied.


"Ok how about Kingdom of the Shetland?" 


Flame laughed  "They hate us we hate them." He said bluntly with a hint of contempt in his voice.


Really? Ok then how about Liao Dynasty? Or do they hate us to?  Honey said sarcastically.


"Actually we haven't had any real contact with them and I know they have an abundance of food... yeah why not?" His voice had sense of relief in it. 


"Ok so that's the plan then? When shall we go."


"Tomorrow I needed to rest now its been a long day." Flame said sighing.


"Yeah I imagine see you tomorrow?


"Yes definitely...also thank you I've needed that....for a long time. 


Oh no problem we are friends right? She walked out the door "Good night" She added before closing it.


"I wish we could be more" He said glumly to himself. Flame walked across the room to turn the light switch off

and trotted to a couch in his office, he laid down on it falling asleep



Edited by KingFl@me1990
  • Brohoof 2

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Embers, looking over his latest reports was mildly amused. He grinned as he sat back in his chair, slowly shuffling through more and more papers as they piled up on his desk. He had returned from his visit, and along the way had learned that sofar the explorations were going well. Mostly, that was, as one team had been stuck, due to a massive storm that had run through there path. He had also learned that the large mountain range was much larger then previously though, but his folk were hardy and he was sure that they would make it through fine.


He sat up, moving out of his chair, and wondered...wondered if they would ever find other ponys like them. He had heard the story's, yes, of other ponys fielding large amounts of ships, but he dismissed them as just that, a story. In the meanwhile, Embers had other things to do, such as wonder around and figure out what to do if he ever did find another group of ponys.

  • Brohoof 1

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"All in due time" that captain said walking off of the ship and onto the wooden jetty. He walked out of the dock gates and signaled for the War Wizards to follow him. After a couple of minutes walking up hill they arrived it terabeath one of the larger towns on Kiljoyce. He stopped at a street corner and stopped a passing cart. After persuading him to go the extra few miles to heraru the capital the captain opened the door to let the War Wizards inside the cart

The War Wizards stayed close to each other and the captain as they followed him deeper into the island. Although the densely wooded island had seemed fascinating from a distance, up close they found the forests slightly sinister.The way the trees moved and shifted slightly as the wind blew unnerved them, and ever since they had been foals they had heard fantastical tales of deadly creatures such as timberwolves and mantacores lurking in forests, preying upon the unwary. Magi Blue Flare however, was far to intrigued by the island ponies to be afraid. 


The War Wizards looked at the simple wagon with disdain, but got into it without comment. They had somewhat expected a more... distinguished means of trasportation. Magi Blue Flare turned to the captain and asked. "Where is this cart going to take us?"

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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"Very well, signal that our intentions are peacful and that we accept they're request... onboard our ship of course!"


"Lieutenant Saltshod!" Clyde called out, "Commodore Skye will be requiring an escort aboard the unknown ship, could you please assemble seven of your best ponies to accompany the two of you aboard."


"Yes sir," Lieutenant Saltshod answered. There were only twenty-four marines and one marine lieutenant  aboard, as the crew had been cut back to reduce the need for supplies. In much the same way, whilst the Argyll would normally have close to two hundred sailors it now had just over one hundred. More than enough to keep it afloat, but not enough to sail and crew the guns (half of which had been removed anyway) or to sustain losses in combat. It made both Saltshod and Clyde decidedly nervous, although Skye seemed to be fairly relaxed about the whole affair.




The Dussledorf stopped its engines, awaiting for the unknown ships to arrive and dock with them, the other two frigates moved on the flanks and stopped


The Argyll pulled alongside Dusseldorf bow to stern, and a boarding plank was run out between the two. Lieutenant Saltshod and seven other marines marched across, one of them carrying a bugle. The eight marines formed into two blocks of four, facing each other with the boarding plank between them, carefully avoiding even acknowledging the crew or marines of the other ship. The bugler sounded a short tune before Saltshod announced, "Commodore Skye of His Majesty Archus the Second of Shetland's Royal Navy," and Skye walked across. Captain Clyde suppressed a smile at the temerity of Skye marching aboard another vastly better equipped and crewed ship like he owned it. Still, the signal had made it quite clear that the meeting would happen on the other ship, so they might as well make the most of the opportunity. He looked round as the quartermaster walked up next to him on deck and nodded, indicating that the contingency plan was ready. Argyll couldn't hope to take on even one of the ironclads, never mind three, so should the other ship prove hostile one of the more ... dedicated marines was standing ready to ignite the magazine. At the very least they would deny their new foe a prize, and with luck they would take the ironclad with them. He had to suppress a grimace this time, and turned his attention back to the deck of the opposing ship.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Shuanggang City (雙港市), Xiangfeng Province (項峰省)

Year 6, Yuanliang (元良六年)


"Alright everyone, no slacking around! This damned ship is preparing to sail in two weeks, and we aren't disappointing the Imperial Court just because you sorry sods were sleeping on the job!"


The light green unicorn mare adjusted herself on the crate and chuckled, staring up at the massive wooden ship just ahead of her, on the flooded dock; the city had to expand a part of its port to allow for the "treasure ship" to have some space. She paused for a moment before letting down another soft stroke against the wooden slab. It was a stroke out of many; each one was meticulously cut at certain areas, and any printer would know that one small mistake could destroy the beauty of the print-art itself.


She was in her light red robes, with her purple eyes balancing her attention on the bustling docks in front of her and the print down below, and appeared to be in her late twenties. Shortly afterward, she was approached by the yelling brown earth pony stallion, who was a bit more rugged but had the hooves of a pony that's been traveling across the rivers and seas. "Oh, Mrs. Cihang, you're here again? How long have you been working on that print again?"


Cihang stopped and raised her cutter, picking up the silk cloth next to her to clean the knife. "Six days, Biaofan," she replies. "And before you ask, my foal is at Guo's house. What about you? That ship of yours, where's it going?"


Biaofan turned back to the ship for a moment. "I'm actually not going to sail with the ship, just supervise it, but as far I know it's heading past the Taidong Strait and circle around from the north, get more accurate information about the lands outside. It's supposed to leave in twelve days, but seeing how everything's getting messy, it's probably going to be late by three. Hopefully the officials won't be too disappointed about that...anyway, it's real massive, nothing we've ever done before...probably nothing the country's ever done before. You don't seem that impressed."


The mare chuckled and levitated the cutter, continuing her work. "I have the time to be impressed when it's about to set sail. For now I need to work on making this print so others can imagine this large feat as well," she replies. "That's what a printer does, just like the painter, the historian, and the writer. And I imagine the masses of ponies like you are making it as well."


Biaofan raised his eye at her strange statement. "Now...let me just finish off this detail."




Shuanggang was always a small yet busy port city in the eastern ends of the Liao, being located in a minor rift valley in the middle of the eastern mountain ranges. Earthquakes were more frequent there in that hundred-thousand equine city, and needless to say, it wasn't the first place Empress Yuanliang chose, with the agreement of most of her advisors and ministers, to set up their treasure ships. It turned out, however, that it's lack of a massive port allowed for more space and less outside attention, and was located closer to needed resources.


That wasn't the first issue that Yuanliang was concerned with, however.


For a while, Yuanliang had heard of the other nations outside. Nations that had masses of ponies that could kill fearlessly, and masses of ponies that could kill efficiently. Neither of them sounded very pleasant. The "cartography expedition" was far more than an expedition – it was to identify what was near them, before they came to them with less-than-social disposition.


The ships had to go out within the next few weeks.

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As they cut their enemies down, Loosing many in the process they continued forwards knowing the enemy had carried on forwards. Dodging the trees the swift bears tramples logs and shook the ground as they moved forwards, "WE'LL SLASH THEM TO RIBBONS FOR THE FALLEN SOULS OF OUR KINDRED!" Serylda shouted further encouraging the herd as they all once again simultaneously let out a big "Hurrah". 


Carrying on through the forest the riders could hear the loud banging of drums as they approached a large wall of sandbags. 

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@Once In A Blue Moon


The marines were in saluting stance, forming two perfect intimidating lines on the right and left of the strangers. They're uniforms were impecably clean and the dark blue shinined due to the Sun's rays. None of the marines turned an eye to the 'guests' they just stared forward in a guard stance. The normal crew on the other hand sometimes stopped to gaze upon the newcomers put quickly continues persuing their tasks. A slightly all pony stepped into view from behind the end of one of the lines, he wore a fancy bark blue captains uniform with golden pauldrons and 5 medals on his chest.. HIs hat was a bicorn (the napoleon-type hat) with a long white plumme sstreching tall from it. 

"I am captain Fredrick Shatterhoof of the Ponssian patrol frigate SMS Dussledorf, We have been sent to gather information on the surrounding and you just happened to appear into view. I see you are close to our millitary level,"

he said looking at the wooden steamer docked to his ship, "but only close." he looked towards the foreign marines.

"Anyway, I was asking myself if our peoples might be interesting in... reaching a mutually beneficient agrement? Please..."

He invited the Commodore into his cabin."




All rifles were ready and loaded, a gatling gun taken from the bow of the three frigates was ready to open fire. The perimeter of sharpened stakes qould be enough to slow down any charge, impaling a lot of the incomers. The drums were unifory beating throughout the camp at a fast rate. As the enemy started approaching the camp, the seargent smugged.
"Let us show these savages what real power is..."
The drumming continued to quicken then suddenly it stopped. The frigates opened fire, 57 cannons unleashed a barrage of exploaive, flamable and shrapnel shells into the wood. These explosive shells could bring entire walls down, the flammables set everything on fire while shrapnel would rip through absolutely and living being in its path, regardless of armour.
"Company, volley fire, present!"
The entire soldier line took aim,
"Fire! Fire at will!"
The entire line, 200 rifles opened fire in a constant barrage of lead. The gatling gun started turning, spraying a continuous stream of bullets. It was a massacre, the change of anyone reaching the line through all that was impossible.

The seargent walked by a beagle-filly,

"This is some firework display, isn't it cadet?" he laughed.

"Yes it is, sir!"



Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The War Wizards stayed close to each other and the captain as they followed him deeper into the island. Although the densely wooded island had seemed fascinating from a distance, up close they found the forests slightly sinister.The way the trees moved and shifted slightly as the wind blew unnerved them, and ever since they had been foals they had heard fantastical tales of deadly creatures such as timberwolves and mantacores lurking in forests, preying upon the unwary. Magi Blue Flare however, was far to intrigued by the island ponies to be afraid. 


The War Wizards looked at the simple wagon with disdain, but got into it without comment. They had somewhat expected a more... distinguished means of trasportation. Magi Blue Flare turned to the captain and asked. "Where is this cart going to take us?"

" the capital... Obviously " the captain held his head as if he was in pain "S...say? You wouldn't happen to have any water or anything like that on you?" The pony pulling the cart also said "yeah could I have some? I mean I am pulling you all..."


The cart rattled over a bridge and through a ruined checkpoint with W--dboro--h written on it the sign had obviously faded with age and the checkpoint it hung on had been destroyed in a raid.

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The ground trembled at the heavy stomps of the bears still chasing the intruders, When as if from nowhere a barrage of canon balls and bullets came flying at them, Literally shredding many to pieces, Burning some alive. Trees fell crushing some to death, The fallen trees quickly caught fire only creating more hazards for the damaged and bloodied group of riders. Out of the haze of splinters and smoke the surviving riders were still charging full force, Determined as ever to eliminate the enemy and avenge their fallen sisters and brothers of combat. As the wall revealed itself the surviving riders jumped of the bears letting them run wild whilst the riders themselves was right behind their trusty companions.


The herd had soon reached the end of the tundra and neared the forest, The sight of their fellow warriors bloodied and fallen only hurried them. The loud noise could once again be heard, As well as the screams of ponies and the loud roaring of bears. A large stallion in thick iron armor climbed up on a rock, Alerting the herd via a large battle horn creating a deep sound stretching as far as the eye could see.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The seargent looked as his pocket watch,

"Good Lord... how many more do these guys have?"

He could see that some of the newer soldiers were starting to fill uneasy with the amount of bloodshed they were seeing, after all a lot of the soldiers were lads, most of them just leaving high-school. Not even the tough-strict training of the army would prepared them for this massacre. Not even a single enemy had made it to the stake wall... from there they still had quite a fair way to the first sandbag line. A lieutenant approached the staff-seargent,

"We're doing murder, your grace... the men... their starting to be unsure..."

The staff-seargent looked at him,

"Its them attacking us, must they be reminded that they'll probably massacre all of us, soldiers, cooks, priests... all of us."

"Yes, sir..."

"Anyway, we must try to highten their spirits... call musician battalion in the center."

A group of about 20 ponies, bearing trumpets, horns, drums flutes and other line-musician instruments assembled. They started playing one of the battlefield songs. These were meant to help the soldier concentrate more on the fighting and help him concentrate.

"There.... that's better isn't it?" the seargent asked the lieutenant.

"It is sir, I just wonder... when will they stop throwing lives at us like this.... isn't it clear that tey won break through?"

"I dont know lietenant, one thing i can giuarantee, we have more bulllets than they do men, they will eventually give up... they have to..."

Just as he said that, a rider-less bear appeared from the distance, hitting the stakes and impaling itself on it. The amount of smoke produced by the rucuss made visibility pretty low, luckily, the wind was blowing away from the defenders, into the woods.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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