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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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Scriba had patched herself up as soon as she had gotten the the train. She had already used most of her own bandaging getting up the mountin, and she was annoyed that she had to rely on this new country for help. But she knew it was for the better, being able to contact with a leader would make it all worth it, and she guessed that the messengers would be making it back to anitha soon.

Peering out of the eye that wasnt fully bandaged, scriba watched the landscape change. She wondered if this could every happen to anitha, the sacrifice of the trees and other plants for the ever hungry maw of progress. She guessed if embers ever came this way, It wouldn't happen, and so she waited, talking short notes in her book and wondering when she would arrive, she guessed soon due to the speed of the rails. 



     . +.  |  * . '
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A smile grew on the pirate kings face. There was hope for these sheltered sods. "That is grand to hear Mr.Shaw.  The more mad the better. But know that the life of a pirate is a hard one. And if you have now experience, well, we all got to start somewhere." He chuckled. He looked over the other ponies, it seems Shaw was the only one willing to go. Which wasn't a large problem. "It saddens me that no one else wishes  to join. But know Skerghaven will always welcome those who wish to stand up to their unfair lives and get some coin while they're at it.


Because the gods nor any rulers guide our actions. It's the free will of us all that guide us." He placed his hat on his chest and gave another bow. "May the Ladies grace help you all though troubled waters. And enjoy the food." He placed his hat back on and head for the front exit. "Shall we Mr.Shaw?"

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Yongxi sighed and took of his military hat, flying back to the wall to watch Serylda's (as she was called) army to spread farther out. As commanded three courier ponies were sent to Wei'ao, the city some of her army was designated to. Then the remainder of that army was to be spread further south to another city, with various smaller divisions in towns. Supposedly it would control the population spike in the province, and as much as he disliked the way he said it, if they didn't spread, the situation would only worsen. A small city like this couldn't handle a whole army.


Most of the soldiers hardly slept throughout the night (though thankfully Yongxi, being a bat pony, didn't need sleep), making sure Serylda's army was moving as intended. Around daybreak only ten thousand of her troops remained near the city walls, led by a lower ranked leader.


Now that the disorder had been dealt with, Yongxi approached the Pulaiens once more, searching for this division's leader, or at least some officer. He had a few questions...and approaching whoever he approached, he asked: "...It wasn't just the winter, is it? Otherwise you wouldn't have brought an army here. You came down for another reason."

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Seryldas second in command Thorhall had stayed at the wall, His main purpose there was to make sure they weren't moving in for some sort of ambush or fleeing after they'd left. Something very unexpected awaited the stallion, Namely the leader or speaker of these wall dwellers. On closer inspection he saw how odd this stallion was, He had fangs and wings like they'd never seen before. Ignoring the appearance of this individual Thorhall proceeded to answer the question, "The winter is a harsh beast, But it couldn't cause this damage, No... We're being slaughtered in our own land." He exclaimed in response. Thorhall had been in the third row during the first attack, And seen the carnage they had ensued. He had seen his friends and fellow warriors burn to ashes, Not having them buried at the sacred grounds tortured his mind every day. The word of second attacks against the longhorns had him furious and he wasn't going to hold back on speaking his mind. "The reason why Lady Serylda brought us here, I can't answer, But we have to trust her. She could be sitting high on the Iron mountains eating nothing but the finest, But instead she's here fighting with us.".




 The square of enemies decreased slowly as bodies desperately sprawled towards them soon to be trampled in the chaos of it all. They weren't sparing anyone, Nor were they getting spared, But rather cut down, Shot and blown apart. Far in the distance three warhorns echoes could be heard, It could only mean one thing, Their inevitable doom. The tones of strange music approached slowly hammering through the sounds of war, Soon a row of booming noises overwhelmed the music and a barrage of lead impaled frigid armor and ripped soft flesh. The Longhorns were suffering huge losses not gaining much from it, The next day their names would be mourned and they would once again meet in the afterlife after their lifeless bodies been buried in the sacred soil. But they knew that this day would ultimately come once joining the Longhorns, They were the wardens of the south and they weren't abandoning this life just yet, But fought until they'd fall onto ground bloodied having made their nation proud. 


They raised their shields trying to block the haze of gunfire, it wasn't very effective but it was something. Once falling the next row picked up their shields and redid, And again, And again. This tactic lowered the casualties at a minimum, But allowed them to have more time to storm the centre of the attack.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Little more than 50 ponies were in the square. As their numbers faltered, they lost ponies faster and faster. The flagbearer waved the regimental flag as hard as he could to inspire his comrades while a flute-colt, the last surviving regimental musician, barely 15 years old, played the same war song as his comrades in the relief regiments. He realized however, this was the end.


Back on the hill

"Their not breaking up sir! The 23rd is almost gone!"

"Send it the rest of the first line and move the gatlings on the 1200-yard hill, the 12th and 13th will stay by them as infantry support. Lets not let their sacrifice be in vain."


The 20 gatling guns were on cavalry-cart mounts which meant they could be moved around with relative ease, the whole crew also being mounted. They raced to the indicated position and set up their weapons, about 1km away from the enemy. They opened fire as soon as unlimbered, firing 20 rounds per second (1200 per minute), in total 24,000 bullets per minute (400 per second) rained death upon the clustered, un-missable enemy. The four regiments stopped their advance approximately 600m from the horde while another 4, from the first line approached from behind. The second line, containing eight regiments had stopped halfway between the 1st line and the gatling guns. All 10 regiments had their musicialns playing, over the constant fire of the infantry and gatling guns, this was meant to show respect and encourage their doomed comrades.




'Lead the way.... captain." The stallion said as he followed the captain.



The train came to a sudden stop as it reached the central station. The building itself was huge. Bearing no less than 30 different train lines in its main hangar. Its floors and walls were marbled while being lit by a collection of glass-chandelier style-lights hanging from the roof, at least 20m up. The train station was full, mostly with middle class citizens dressed in smart, clean clothes. On the sides of the hangar layed tens of in-hous shops, cafes and restaurants, waiting to please their customers. A long corridor led to the magnificent gate, a 5m tall decorated iron masterpiece, leading away in the city. The two guards waited by scriba, they were given a bag of coins in order to please this foreigners wishes.... if she was what she claimed to be.




Following the instructions given by the odd, small, wooden ship they just encountered, the three warships approached The northmost island of the dragon union. They had retracted their guns in order to not provoke anyone and sailed in line towards the unknown port.

(They have never seen dragons before by the way)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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As if from nowhere the haze of bullets came flying at them, Shredding them to pieces. Their shields simply couldn't block this many bullets and were instantly destroyed. As many tried running or dodging the barrage of gunfire it was to no avail, The pressure put on the surviving warriors was immense and at this point didn't matter which way they ran. The only way some of the ones stuck in the heat of the battle survived was because of the heaps of bodies acting as a meat shield.


Elroc inspected the slaughter from far away, Nothing could be heard but constant gunfire and screams at this point. He couldn't bare to watch much more of this and was at the verge of signaling retreat. He knew very well that that wasn't what the warriors fighting for their lives wanted They were ready to offer themselves for the greater good and ascend to the afterlife. As he looked around he could see the remaining longhorns had joined his sides watching horrifiedly as their friends were mercilessly butchered. He couldn't take it anymore and signaled retreat, The warhorns were blown and they could only pray now. 


Most of the survivors started instantly making their way out the battle, Whilst some unwilling and wounded stayed behind in hopes of buying them some time. The mass of ponies started charging north west with their weapons pointing forwards with intent of harming anything in their way, they acted as a moving wall of stakes. Many were still collapsing due to the inhalation of toxins and a lack of blood.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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A few minutes after Pirate king left the boardinghouse along with his crew and new member.  His Pegasus and griffon crew mates came back, coughing a little as the landed by them. "No luck captain. Damn sheep ran off or avoided us if we just so tried to speak to them." Said the Pegasus. "Aye, and I was almost arrest for nothing! Disturbing the peace they said, blasted zealots." Said the griffon. 

"And this air is so polluted the air around the slaughter docks smell like a bed of roses compared to it. Any long and we could have choked to death. "


The pirate king shook his head. "Then the sooner we leave the better. Oh, and say hello to our new recruit Mr.Shaw. " The Pegasus and griffon looked back with a surprised look on their face. But it soon slipped into a smiles. They both slowed down to walk beside him. "While I'll be a poor mans bastard, I never thought anyone from this loyalist land would ever join us. Damn glad to meet ya Shaw. Name's Gildan. But everyone calls me Gully." Said the griffon. He had silver feathers ,dark brown fur hazel eyes. Her wore a blew vest and a red sailor tie.


"On the count he fell into a gully one times he was shit faced." Laughed the Pegasus. Who was a mare. She had a short grey mane, brown fur. and green eyes. She wore a dark blue bandanna around her head and a white loosed medium sleeved shirt with a brown vest over it. "I'm Abby. Glad to have you join us."


By then they made it back to the docks. The pirate king slowed down and faced the others. "Alright, before we head to the ship. We need to think of a way to bring Mr. Shaw on with anyone seeing. Because what we're doing is like taking one of the lad king's toys." He looked around till he saw  one of his other crates that were empty. "I got an idea." 


@@Once In A Blue Moon


After a long and a little heated discussion between one of the captains in the Pirate kings inner inner circle, Captain Malachi.  And the representative of the land of Shetland, Arran. They came to an agreement. They agreed 6% of each traded cargo of food will be given. on a three year trial period. Along with four new unmarked ships for trading, as well as privateering contacts to those who so choose to sign. 


In return the pirate of Skerghave will not attack on ships waving the Shetland flag or their allies. 


Captain Malachi wrote everything down in thick ink that he used for making contracts. When he was done he put his signature and placed a red stamp of the symbol on Skerghavens flag buy his name, signifying that it was under the authority of the pirate king. He then turned the paper around and placed his ink and quill near Arran for him to sigh. He pointed at the line next to his name. "Sign here and stamp or place anything that marks you as the representative of Shetland or your king/leader. A copy will be made out after you sign to be given to you, your king/leader or whoever is in charge of your contracts. Another copy will be sent after being certified by the Pirate king himself, Captain Gloomfury Dovegreen.


Do you understand and agree to these terms and agreements?" 

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"Most are retreating..... but some are charging our way."

"In the Lords name, don't these guys ever give up. Signal the retreat, if the follow, they'll get into cantister range and we'll finish em off. We gotta stop this pointless thing, they may be inferior scums.... but there sure are a lot of them"
The retreat trumpets sung as all troops started and orderly, quick pace retreat back up the hill, it would be unwise for an enemy to charge against a defender holding the high ground.


Behind the two retreating armies, a sea of wounded and dead was left, some still strugging to cling on to life or crawling slowly back towards their lines.




The stallion got inside the crate and waited for further action, the smuggling would be difficult as all transports in and out of the port were checked.


Meanwhile back at the boarding house, a little after the outsiders left, a soldiers company arrived to take the schedueled national censes. After the search of the boarding house, the seargent approached the receptionist. 

"We found some left ID papers... and one Mr Daves Shaw is missing." he told the old mare.

"Oh yes... these fellws arrived arround here... Truely generous, gave us food. They took Mr Shaw with them. Now... i know my eyesight is failing me but i could swear they had wings.... and one of hem... a bird head."

The seargent was surprised, he rushed out of the boarding house to the nearest Law and order telegraoh post, calling the port authority.


This is seargent bolt from sector 5, Code 4, unidentified personnel, most probably arriving with the reported strange ships are most likely involved in the abduction of one of our citizens, Mr Daves Shaw, ID number 14567843. asset must be retrieved."


It would take some time for the authorities, to mobilize a force to search for the missing citizen yet the central post is now aware of the situation.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The Minotaur in the pirate kings crew picked up the crate with Shaw inside slowly, and placed it on his shoulder. "Lay on yer belly, lad. You'll move around less." He said as they started walking towards the dock where the ship is held. The pirate king was in front so he could handle anyone that stopped them. 


He was lucky that his ship was able to dock and resupply, as well resupply the man'o wars.  He could see his ship making its way back to get the last batch of supplies as well as them.  Gloom could see a few dock guards posted mostly around his ships dock,witch will make things a little tricky. 


For now him and his men, and the crate with Shaw inside, waited near the crates of supplies. 

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(Sorry If I'm a bit late)

  On 2015-11-26 at 6:02 PM, The Pixelated Pony said:

" yes I suppose we could. We grow our food out on the sea water. I trust that you passed some 'floating fields' on your way here? Yeah that's where our food comes from. Our water however comes from the entire world and isn't an extremely constant stream meaning we have problems... "

"Hmm... Our water supply mostly comes from an underground aquifer. I suppose we could exchange water for food, but we don't exactly have an excess of water, so I don't expect this will solve all our problems, but it's a step in the right direction. I'm also curious about these invaders. I'd like to know more about them."

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

  On 2014-09-25 at 11:09 PM, Jeric said:
Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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  On 2015-11-29 at 7:51 PM, Flowey Stormgiggle said:

(Sorry If I'm a bit late)


"Hmm... Our water supply mostly comes from an underground aquifer. I suppose we could exchange water for food, but we don't exactly have an excess of water, so I don't expect this will solve all our problems, but it's a step in the right direction. I'm also curious about these invaders. I'd like to know more about them."

" currently we have no idea where they're coming from. But we know their motives they want the coal from these islands to sell to their allies unfortunately that means killing the leader. Me and as I have no heir then they will take the throne and our very way of life will be ruined. My ponies enslaved to work in mines treated like dirt " Derby said her wings expanding with rage

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  On 2015-11-29 at 8:24 PM, The Pixelated Pony said:

" currently we have no idea where they're coming from. But we know their motives they want the coal from these islands to sell to their allies unfortunately that means killing the leader. Me and as I have no heir then they will take the throne and our very way of life will be ruined. My ponies enslaved to work in mines treated like dirt " Derby said her wings expanding with rage

"I see... I wish we could do something to help, but our military forces are not exactly... expansive. Even so, hopefully the water will help keep your population healthy and in high spirits! You should expect the first ships to arrive in about a week. In addition, we hope to keep our floating castle here in order to act as an... embassy building of sorts."

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

  On 2014-09-25 at 11:09 PM, Jeric said:
Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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  On 2015-11-29 at 8:44 PM, Flowey Stormgiggle said:

"I see... I wish we could do something to help, but our military forces are not exactly... expansive. Even so, hopefully the water will help keep your population healthy and in high spirits! You should expect the first ships to arrive in about a week. In addition, we hope to keep our floating castle here in order to act as an... embassy building of sorts."

"Thank-you and good luck to you and your country in whatever you are currently doing. " Derby shook Blue flare's hoof to seal the agreement. She bowed and went back to stareing at the sea waiting for something to happen other than ponies worrying about water shortages

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Scriba stepped out of the train and had to blink a few times as she stepped back, in awe she glanced around a few times. So there was other nations just as advanced as anitha. She stepped forward, not sure where or who she was suppost to be going to, and she glanced at the two ponys standing next to her "Erm, May I ask were should I go if I wish to speak with your leader?" She scoffed, wondering why they were holding some sort of bag, and wondering if she would be safe here. 



     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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  On 2015-11-28 at 2:44 PM, Gloomfury said:
"Sign here and stamp or place anything that marks you as the representative of Shetland or your king/leader. A copy will be made out after you sign to be given to you, your king/leader or whoever is in charge of your contracts. Another copy will be sent after being certified by the Pirate king himself, Captain Gloomfury Dovegreen.   Do you understand and agree to these terms and agreements?" 


"Understood, and agreed."


Within an hour HMS Ardent was steaming back North, and within two weeks Captain Arran had reported success to the admiralty. With the final piece in place, Scapa Flow burst into activity. Ships were recalled, charts were drawn up from the information the various squadrons had brought back, merchant ships were requisitioned and stocks built up in the warehouses and on the harbour side.




Amidst the barely-organised chaos, HMS Agile slipped out of port one night and headed for Ponssia with a diplomatic delegation aboard. She returned a little over two weeks later, and as spring passed into summer the activity in port only increased. Specialist telegraph-laying ships assembled and steamed North to connect Shetland to Ponssia with copper and electricity. A regiment of hoof camped outside the city, stores and provisions to supply them for over nine months building up in the harbour side warehouses, and all the while the combined civilian and military fleet grew larger and larger. Finally, as the solstice passed and the days began to shorten, the fleet was ready.

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


  On 2016-05-23 at 4:37 AM, Orion Caelum said:
Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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In the DU (Sappy is still next to Celestia in Canterlot)


Two dragons stood and overlooked the sea. They where about to move away from their position, until they noticed a ship sailing towards their dock. The dragon to the left began barking orders. "I NEED FIVE MEN TO ACCOMPANY ME TO THE ENTRANCE, READY YOUR SCORPIOS JUST INCASE THE INTRUDER IS HOSTILE, AND BRING ME OUR CO-PRESIDENT" Shouted the leader. The other dragons ran around, and prepared them selves

Edited by Gentleman Blaze
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b]@@The Pixelated Pony[/b], 


Some where a bit away from Skerghave sailed a ship. It was a frigate painted dark green and black. Fitted with a few rows of guns and had skulls of animals, some ponies and other beings hanging off the sides, on the masts and the figurehead. Witch was a carving of a goddess. On the top of the mast flew a blag flag with two stripes of white on its sides. In the center there was a symbol  that seemed Zebracan.


Also most of the ponies working on the ship were Zebras. Except for a few Pegasie and a griffon. At the helm stood a mud brown earth pony with black shoulder length dreadlocks, medium length tail in a normal style and sapphire eyes.He had three legs and a left hind-leg made out of a light metal. He wore black duster with a leather holster with a large club hanging from his side and a dagger on his lower back.


The zebra next to him shouted orders as he stared the ship. Though he was quiet it was clear that this pony was the captain.

Edited by Gloomfury
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  On 2015-11-30 at 8:47 PM, Gloomfury said:

b]@@The Pixelated Pony[/b], 


Some where a bit away from Skerghave sailed a ship. It was a frigate painted dark green and black. Fitted with a few rows of guns and had skulls of animals, some ponies and other beings hanging off the sides, on the masts and the figurehead. Witch was a carving of a goddess. On the top of the mast flew a blag flag with two stripes of white on its sides. In the center there was a symbol  that seemed Zebracan.


Also most of the ponies working on the ship were Zebras. Except for a few Pegasie and a griffon. At the helm stood a mud brown earth pony with black shoulder length dreadlocks, medium length tail in a normal style and sapphire eyes.He had three legs and a left hind-leg made out of a light metal. He wore black duster with a leather holster with a large club hanging from his side and a dagger on his lower back.


The zebra next to him shouted orders as he stared the ship. Though he was quiet it was clear that this pony was the captain.

The messenger came crashing down onto the deck of the ship his mane sticking up after he was struck by lightning. He looked up before passing out at the sight that unfolded before him skulls of every creature imaginable decorated the ship it was enough to make a grown woodburoian cry...

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


 The crew were all taken aback by the sudden crash landing by a random pony from nowhere. But on could of the dark clouds it would make any flying being hard to spot. After the some of the crew settled down one or two of them approached the Pegasus, whispering to each other in a Zebracan. Soon the captain came over, with a female zebra following him. The zebra mare left his head up gently. She then opened a vile of a strange liquid and placed it in her free hoof. She smeared some of it on his head and other parts of his body that looked hurt.


She spoke in the same language as the others. After speaking some more the captain spoke a well. Soon two of the crew came over and gently picked him up, carried him to the infirmary and placed him on a bed slowly. Soon the captain and medicine mare followed. The captain gave his men some orders before they left.


The medicine mare sat hear him and started placing bandages on him while the captain stood at the food of the bed, a hoof resting on his club ready to draw it just in case.

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  On 2015-11-30 at 9:49 PM, Gloomfury said:

@@The Pixelated Pony,


 The crew were all taken aback by the sudden crash landing by a random pony from nowhere. But on could of the dark clouds it would make any flying being hard to spot. After the some of the crew settled down one or two of them approached the Pegasus, whispering to each other in a Zebracan. Soon the captain came over, with a female zebra following him. The zebra mare left his head up gently. She then opened a vile of a strange liquid and placed it in her free hoof. She smeared some of it on his head and other parts of his body that looked hurt.


She spoke in the same language as the others. After speaking some more the captain spoke a well. Soon two of the crew came over and gently picked him up, carried him to the infirmary and placed him on a bed slowly. Soon the captain and medicine mare followed. The captain gave his men some orders before they left.


The medicine mare sat hear him and started placing bandages on him while the captain stood at the food of the bed, a hoof resting on his club ready to draw it just in case.

The messenger suddenly awoke and sat bolt upright "what happened? where am I? " he said looking around confused his eyes focused on the club. "On no please don't hurt me! I'm just a simple messenger of well... Trading.... I mean no harm to you or your crew Captain even if my landing seemed like it..."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


The medicine mare shushed and placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder. "Calm down child, We won't harm you." She then placed a pillow behind him to help sit him up. "You crashed onto my ship." Spoke the Captain, his voice was deep and had a thick Zebracen accent. He took his hoof of his club. "Do not worry. I did not know what your intentions would be once you woke . You can not be too careful."


The medicine mare continued to wrap bandages on him. "You have a few burns and a light concussion.  But nothing is broken. What are you doing out here? Where are you from?"

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  On 2015-11-30 at 10:17 PM, Gloomfury said:

@@The Pixelated Pony,


The medicine mare shushed and placed a gentle hoof on his shoulder. "Calm down child, We won't harm you." She then placed a pillow behind him to help sit him up. "You crashed onto my ship." Spoke the Captain, his voice was deep and had a thick Zebracen accent. He took his hoof of his club. "Do not worry. I did not know what your intentions would be once you woke . You can not be too careful."


The medicine mare continued to wrap bandages on him. "You have a few burns and a light concussion.  But nothing is broken. What are you doing out here? Where are you from?"

" I'm from a small group of islands named the Woodborough islands! And we're kinda facing imminent... Y'know death from a collection of all kinds of things. Dehydration ,invasion and disease... Don't worry we've got that one sorted. The others I why I'm here... We're not very good at invasion so we can't take the invaders out at home... And we have no action flowing water source on the islands. Which means no fresh water..."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


The captain face softens slightly. "I am sorry to hear that your home has going though such hardships. We are from Skerghaven. It is also a collection of islands. But I am sorry, I have not herd of Woodborough. But if you are surcharging for a places for aid, I think I could help. I am called Captain Trench Club. I am one of the pirate kings head fleet Captains.  We have gotten word that we should look for places and ways to make contact and arrange tried roots. As well as make allies. If you could lead us to Woodborough you could arrange a meeting with your leader."

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Yongxi frowned and tilted his hat. This was something different then, just as he thought. "You have a competent and honorable leader. I hope your land's conditions will improve," he bowed slowly, crouching his forehooves down. "Tell me...who are those genocidal murderers? As much detail as possible, please-"


"Sir!" a private quickly dashed towards the captain and kneeled at him; Yongxi turned around and paused. "What is it?" "We just received news that Colonel Yan Suo is sending two thousand more irregulars and soldiers around the area to assist in spreading the army in a few days!"


Yongxi raised an ear and nodded. "Um, tell the Colonel to hold their fire when they arrive! We might have a bigger situation than we thought with this thing..."

Edited by Sealand
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The enemies had sounded their retreat, Though it didn't matter much anymore, There was nothing left on the battleground but corpses and tattered banners. Even though hey seemingly had ridded themselves from the enemy for now, it wasn't seen as a victory, Far from it. The casualties on the Longhorns side were large, And had left the survivors scarred and bleeding. It was still to dangerous to retrieve the remains of their  dead for now,  They weren't risking another ambush. 


The ravaged group assembled with the main herd once again, And they now moved towards Ulf to be able retrieve lost resources. Ulf was a merciless stallion whom relied on the thickness of his armor and the sharpness of his axe, Never really keen on negotiating he'd always rather kill his enemies in cold blood. 




To be able to identify the enemy would be hard, They had hid behind a wall during the whole attack, Simply massacring them from a safe point. The more recent attacks in the south had left no survivors nor any trails, They were like phantoms, Cowards hiding behind dark magic. He simply nodded in agreement towards the statements of Serylda, "We don't know, They came from nowhere and destroyed the sacred, Killed our families, Burnt our forests and stole our crops!" His voice was gradually becoming more and more rage filled. "They slaughtered us, We couldn't even tell the dead apart after they were done...."  He became meek as his raspy voice spoke the words. 


Another pony stormed towards them and cut the conversation, Kneeling to the leader. They were now speaking in an unknown language (OOC: I presume?), It was Thorhalls only assignment to keep track of what was going on back at the wall. "What? What is he saying?" He said with slightly distrustful expression.  


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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