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open MLP Empires: Clash of Cultures - World Stage (Diplomacy,Trade & War)


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The pirate king raised an eyebrow when the old mare placed the peach on her desk.  "Um, no. Like I said we came here with a gift. Witch is food we brought from our land. If you don't know what I gave you it's a peach. It's sweet and I'm a pretty big fan of them. We also got bananas, oranges, apples, kiwis, pineapples, and mangoes. We also have many vegetables.  I was hoping we could call everyone in the boarding house so we can pass them out."

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Elroc was discussing strategy with one of his famed warriors, Trying to figure out what the best approach would be. Their chat was cut short as a loud thump and screams could be heard before the camp turned completely quite. A large amount of yellow smoke could be seen in the vicinity of the camp, Out from it emerged a multitude of screaming ponies covering their eyes as they fell into the snow rolling around trying to rid themselves of the pain. Some fellow warriors ran towards them trying to help them as they coughed uncontrollably waving their hooves in all directions. Shortly after another thump could be heard and the process repeated it self. Panic spread as they all tried to carry the wounded away from the haze of yellow smoke, Coughing started spreading and soon many found it hard to breathe. The ones caring for the wounded soon joined them on the ground, It only became harder and harder for every breath they took to take another. It wasn't long before blood started staining the white snow and only more collapsed to the ground trying to scream as the blood filled their nostrils and mouths.


At this point there was no saving them, Two riders signaled the entire herd to scatter into multiple directions by blowing their horns under Elrocs command. The signal instantly took effect, Scattering the herd into multiple groups moving away from the threat. Elroc had seen a lot through his days and only one thing ever came close to this, "The Ghoul", A plague that terrorized the south 20 years ago. He was convinced they had been cursed with the relentless and incurable sickness once again.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Food, bless you dear, this way."

The Old mare took the strangers to the main hall, it was a large room filled with ponies, young, old, sick, any kind. They were wearing dirty clothes that haven't been changed for months and the smell was foul. On the wall layed a army recruitment poster encouraging citizens to join the millitary. Most of the pones payed no attention to the newcomers going around their daily buisness, playing cards, joking or talking with each other. The only silent figure was a grey stallion with a black mane sitting on a broken chair in a corner.




"Enemy seems to have dispersed sir" a lietenant looking in his binoculars reported.

"Fire ine more volley and sieze the gasses. They should disperse and catch a few more by surprise. Get the Percussion and explosives ready. Wait for them to suffocate a bit longer."

"Yessir." he galloped towards the artillery, "Load explosive and shrapnel shots!"


The idea was simple, the initial shock of the gas attack must have been huge, the general waited afew minutes for the situation to stop and give the enemy a false sensation of saftety before hammering their morale with explosives. 


"Target the biggest clusters for maximum casulaties!" the cannons were all aimed, "Fire!"

The 25 8-inch howitzers were now joined by another 100 normal cannons of varing caliber (largest 12-inch), the percussion shells exploded right above ground while the explosives ones on contact. Sharpnel shells exploded above ground releasing a scatter of lead on their target.


The general was watching the carnage. They have now made their position clear.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king rubbed his chin which had a sandpaper like five'o clock shadow.  This was the time where first impressions are key. He looked around at all the ponies. A mix of intrigue and some pity came over him as he watch them for a second. They were like they being in Skerghaven.  But they seem so very lackluster. Like they were just passing time and not really enjoying themselves. Kind of like a waiting room for death.





After a light hum he came up with an idea on how he can force some life into this bunch. He started to stomp his hoof in an even rhythm. Soon his men caught onto what he was doing and they joined in. The stomps rang about the large room. Soon He started started to sing. His voice was loud and filled with life. Soon his men also started to sing. While Gloom sang he grabbed some of the bottles of while and ail his men took from the castle and passed them out to the older ponies.


He then started to stomp and around the middle of the room to make sure all eyes were on him. Soon he danced over to the crate and open it. He pulled out three peaches and started juggling them. He stood on his hind legs and went over to three young fouls and gave the peaches to them. His two other pony crew members grabbed a bunch of fruit and started passing them out while still singing and stomping their hooves.


Then the Minotaur in Gloom's crew sneaked the lid to the crate over to the wall and covered the poster. He went back over to the crate and then lift it one arm and also started taking food out of hit and passed it out, singing as well.



When the pirate king was done making sure the young ones had their hooves filled with fresh fruit he took his hat off and started swinging it around as he kept singing. He made sure that the ponies started stomping their hooves along with them. With his mean alon they made the room shake, but if everyone started stomping they could surly make the room thunder with song and their stomps.

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The riders picked up as many as possible and didn't stop for anything but only kept on going. The ones left on hoof struggled to keep up and it wasn't long before they'd fallen far behind. Far in the distance multiple object could be seen fired into the air heading towards them, They were clearly not out running the projectiles and had to think fast. One of the warriors put his shield up as if protecting himself against arrows and more fallowed his actions, They had soon created a thick layer of metal between the two. Never knowing what to expect from this powerful enemy many said their last prayers readiyng themselves for their final moments. Some were still struggling to breath and simply couldn't hold their shield up, creating multiple holes in their defense. They were hit, The sheer force of the impact crushed some, The weaker shields instantly budged or were impaled leaving nothing more but smithereens down below. The lucky ones shields ricocheted the hail of lead and could carry on with nothing more then scratches or minor wounds, But the majority was killed in an instant or bled out.


The riders had could here the impact of the projectiles and feared for the worst, Not many animals were lost, Most eagles were able to fly way and were now flying togheter above them. A few bears were killed in the gas attacks but most were able to make it out as they're always kept in the outskirts of the herds. 


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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The mood was hightening up in the boarding house, new food and a odd song. Many joined in until the stomping caused the wooden floor planks to crack, sending a poor fellow plummeting into the basement. He was fine but took quite a fall. At that instant the crowd went quiet and went back to their usual, the stallion in the corner just smilled and puffed out a small laugh.




"They don't seem to be moving, sir!" the Lieutenant reported.

"I know, they need a little.... bait. The 22nd will advance." the general commented looking through his binoculars.

THe lieutenant, shocked looked at the general,


"I said the 22nd will advance."

The lietenant gulped,

"Yes sir!" he then yelled,

"The 22nd will advance!"

The company seargent looked at the lietenant with regretful eyes, he pulled out his sword,

"Company! Forwards! March!"

The regimental drummers started beating for the marching pace and were then followed by the flutes and beagles singingone of the Ponssian marching song. The 360 pony regiment separated from the army and started marching in quadroupe file towards the huge enemy, its flag fluttering through the breeze, marching forward for glory.


Artillery barrage continued all the way.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The enemy was now emerging from their foxhole, They were approaching rather slow due to the distance in between them in combination with the deep snow. There were few warriors who had survived the explosions and were still struggling to stay alive. The riders weren't giving up on them. The largest group that had split north and witnessed the slaughter of their fellow Longhorns, The fragment of the herd blew three of their warhorse to signal danger. The group soon after sent a pair of eagles to scout, It was no problem for them to spot and circle the approaching enemies. The loud shrieks of the large birds broke the silence, The smaller groups could now knew where the enemy was and where they were heading just by looking into the sky. Two smaller groups consisting of 25 000 each located the enemy and moved stealthily towards the enemy, Staying behind trees and snow drifts the were able to slowly make their way towards the army. When they had gotten close enough the groups both blew their horns once signaling attack and emerged out of the snow with full force. Two layers of shielded heavily armored warriors acted as walls to flank the enemy, Only to open up letting the savage swordsmen out when close enough.


This was and had always been the strategy of Pruines warriors.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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(I'm still Stormgiggle, by the way! Just a temporary change)


"Steam engines?" Blue Flare gave the captain a puzzled look, but realized he was probably eager for them to meet with the queen.  "Uh, very well then. I would be honored to meet with your queen! However, I would like to meet with her without any of my... companions with me." Although they were very competent at magic and usually level headed, she wasn't sure she could trust them to keep their cool if negotiations with the queen went sour. She turned around and smiled at the captain. "It was nice to meet you, uh..." She suddenly realized with some embarrassment she had never asked him his name!

"Jonsonn ma'am but I believe that I never asked your name either." He opened up the door to let Blue Flare through. "I'll wait out here whilst you and her talk. And I would mind what you say. The guards aren't as tolerant as Derby herself so be careful. Good luck to you"

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Gaining a more visible view of the army, the archers immediately lowered their weapon. Some were a bit fearful; if this was a massive tribal rebellion, then the whole city was headed toward inevitable destruction. There was nowhere to flee to, either, for they were trapped between the city and the army. The second-in-command lieutant stared at Yongxi, expecting him to at least call out an order.


After a good half hour of silence in the night, however, the army did not advance, and Yongxi was quick to assume that they did not have an intent to attack. Finally he glanced at his lieutenant. "Tell a few of our archers to fire the signal flares. Toward the coast," the bat pony muttered; the nearby archers hastily complied and picked up a small bundle of tiny mortar-like devices, aiming it at a certain angle before firing it off.


The Liao were very crafty with their gunpowder, thanks to the detailed expermentation from dynasties before, and some centuries before had found a way to pack gunpowder along with various other chemicals to make fireworks, and later long-burning flares. Clever military commanders decided to use certain colored flares as messages between stations.


A yellow and then multiple blue flares were sent out with the simple message: "Army of several wan (one wan being ten thousand) soldiers, near fortification." It was bright enough to be seen several kilometers away, at least by a nearby patrol to spread the news to other cities. Later Yongxi and around a company-size of soldiers approached the massive army, raising the dynasty's flag.


"You are approaching the Da-Liao Dynasty's borders! Please state your army's business! Any attack upon the city will be considered an act of war upon the country of Hetiandi!" Yongxi shouted in Yihua (the main language of the country) to what he assumed to be the army's general. After a few seconds the same announcement was made in the province's dialects, then in multiple tribal languages.


Thankfully the Pruinians would understand the announcement in their own language after several minutes of listening to foreign gibberish. As it would have turned out, the Pulaiens from the North, as the Anqi (the common citizen of Hetiandi) called them, had in fact had an influence upon the nation a few hundred years ago, when certain clans took over an older dynasty before separating from Pruine itself and collapsing a few decades later. Its influence still lay in the northeastern parts of Hetiandi...albeit in a different form due to changes of language over time. At the least they would be able to understand it.




Piao frowned and stared at the approaching captain; she was a bit surprised that they could speak Equish as well, but immediately she could sense the arrogance and intolerant nature behind them. They certainly proved that by attempting to fire at them. The captain Tougang first muttered something before Piao decided to translate it to and back. "Captain Tougang says that he could draw a quick map to the nearest port. It is not far...the Longlian-Guo (Dragon's Union) has a small port on the islands dedicated to ponies," she explains.


More whispering from Tougang. Piao bit her lip before she continued. "We rather not have you follow our ships. Granted that we are heading towards the same port, but your ships...are not normal. The dragons will not approve you using their port as a place to set your warships...whatever they are. I say again, we are just civilians and do not want to get concerned with your politics."

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"Take a seat gentlemen. You have my attention."


"Good afternoon Captain," Arran began, "I am here on behalf of His Majesty King Archus Shetland II, and my proposition is simple. A small levy of, say, 3% of the traded goods value, shall be paid to you or your representative for each cargo ship of food that arrives in the Shetlands. In return, all ships that fly the Shetland flag and are chartered ships or warships of His Majesty shall be spared from attack by any pirate operating out of Skerghaven," Arran paused, watching the pirate captain carefully, "How does that deal sound to you?"

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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The staff-seargent leading the regiment lifted his hoof signallling the company,

"Company. Halt!"

He looked around seeing the approaching walls on their flanks, advancing slowly.

"Company! Form Sqare!"

The regiment, which was walking in line until now shuffled into the Square formation with the flag and officers in the mddle. The square not only did it allow the regiment to guard all flanks and offer a more defensible composition (Front line soldiers melee while the rear lines fire but also offering the ideal formation against any kind of mounted attack. THe square relied on basic animal phsycology, any animal, no matter how trained by its rider, will refuse to charge in a wall of sharpened pikes. The seargent knew the orders,


The soldiers quickly detached some odd primitive charcoal-filtered gas masks from their backpacks and placed them over their heads. Back on the hill the general told his second,

"Three chlorine rounds on the regiment if you please.... chlorine, not mustard! Also, pepper those bastards, they'r shields shouldn't do too much at this range."

The lieutenant saluted and ran to convey the order. Out of the three gas rounds fired, only two found their mark, one striking about 8m from the regiment while the other 6. The slow moving enemy soldiers were now close enough for the short-range cannons and a bombarment of shrapnel started. The moment the enemy would be less than 100m from the regiment, the shelling would stop. The square opened fire, the front threeo rows using holding they're bayonetted rifles as pikes while the back three fired their rifles. The range on the rifles was 1700m though its accuracy was efficient once the target was by the 370m mark. The gas surrounded the square with gas in a circle with a radius of approximately 9m from where the shell fell, thus ensuring the soldiers were protected by an invisible threat. 




"Dragons..." teh captain looked at his marine-officer and laughed. 

"Very well, we.... gratefully accept this map of yours...I am fully aware our ships are unnormal, I think they are tiny compared to the rest of our fleet."

As the said that the frigate closed all its cannon-holes.

"Now, here is a little cmpensation for your... scare" he threw a small pouch of gold coins, the moment he would recieve the map, the ships were to sail directl towards the given position. This area was fertile, surely someplace would have a food surplus.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The projectiles seen earlier had once again fallen from the sky, The warriors were ready for what to come and carried on with the plan for the greater good of the herd. As they charged in the enemy was surprisingly ready t face them, Never the less they were still charging full force towards them. The thicker shields ricocheted the gunfire sustaining minor damage for every shot taken, Whilst the less lucky were shot to the ground as their shields weren't able to stop the relentless gunfire. They were constantly under fire from a unknown position and bodies went flying like gloves before reaching the enemy. Larger parts of the utter shielded layers had been eliminated, Parts of the inner row was now under heavy fire. 


Many were lost on the way but they had now reached the point where the shielded warriors dispersed trying to ram as many enemies as possible whilst the sworded infantry slipped through the defense lines slicing and dicing anything in sight. Two warhorns were blown and the plan moved into it's last stage as the defense lines separated and the mass of warriors were let through.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Sir! They're getting massacred, we should sound the retreat!"

"There is no retreat!" signal the cavalry, they are now off guard, hammer an anvil."

"Yes... sir"

The trumpets played as the cavalry rode onto the battlefield. These included hussars, mounted gunners, dragoons and life guards. The light cavalry was fast and simply swashed by the enemy lines, in hit-and-run attacks. The mounted gunners similarly rode around the enemy bob firing blunderbusses (Early shotguns) in the backs f the enemy ponies, the heavy cavalry though charged ight through, slashing their way through the unexpesting enemies and then quickly retreating out of the blob before the weapons could be turned on them. They were running around the enemy, making sure nobody the chances of getting caught by a spear or sword was minimal, charging the area where most ponies had their backs twards them. The square was tightening. The previously firing infantry from the two rear rows were now also enfgaged in melee. The final row, was made out of grenaiders. These were the tallest, strongest ponies in the regiment, seen as elites. After succssfuly managing to eliminate those who have penetrated the square, they started lobbing cluster grenades in the horde. There were no misses. The shock of the initial charge had passed as the lines were reformed however, as the battle went on the square tightened as the number of defenders decreased.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The pirate king chuckled. "We glad to see that our song raised your spirits a little.  Now to introduce myself." He placed his hat over his chest and took a bow. "I am Captain Gloomfury Dovegreen of the Wrath, Pirate king of the land of Skerghaven." He placed his hat back on his head ans stood up straight and proud. "Grand to meet you all. A few months ago one of my scouting ships came upon your land. When they got back they told me about it.


Back before I became a pirate I was a down on my luck ex-military. I couldn't get a job, I had now food barely anything to dink. But thinks to one pirate captain, I had a chance at a life of adventure, food in my belly and as much booze I could drink. From there I sailed with him as his quartermaster and helmsmen. After a few years I felt like it was time to get my own ship and crew. I had many adventures, countless battles and enough gold and silver to buy at least half this city.


But I still remembered my times, starving, begging for coin just to buy leftover scraps. When I heard this land was nearly staving it made my heart ache. So I came here with three man'o wars filled with crates of food and set up a meeting with your king. We now have a tried agreement and ships from my land to come here. And I'll make sure that everything that comes hear is priced fairly. So all could go to bed with a full belly.


But back to what I said before. Thanks to that chance I was able to become the next Pirate King. And now, I'd like to give that chance to the people of this land. Would anyone like to join my crew and sail the seas and live in the land where the air is a bit smelly, but not toxic and where you can get fresh food at every trader. A place where all beings go to be free to live their life any way they see fit.  Where we fight for ourselves and not just our land.


That being said we want people who thrive to be strong so they can be able to take care of themselves even with the odds against them. The life of a pirate is a hard one but very worthwhile. And you'll die with coin in your pocket, a sward in your hoof and thoughts without regret. Now, who wants join me?"


@@Once In A Blue Moon


Malachi rubbed his mouth a little as he thought over the proposal. "That's a very interesting proposal. But there are many ships outside of Skerghave And I already have to keep track of most of them. I mainly deal with most of the ships that make large runs. I mean two or three ships a day. But Ideal with some of the small fish. They tend to bring in a good haul now and again. But I can't keep track of ever single ship.


I can't really stock a fresh blood ship just getting its bottom wet. And if they happen to plunder one of your ships the next thing I know you'll be at our throats and ready for war. 


How about this. You give 10%, thats for me and a contribution to Skerghaven and the pirate king. In exchange I make sure the ships serving under him, me and the other first fleet captains will not target ships flying your colors.  And we will also keep track of and deal with some of the stragglers why don't really like to follow the rules. As for the rest we cant keep track of... Make sure to pack heavy artillery.


What do you say?" 

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Seryldas eyes and stone cold expression fallowed the flares as they flew into the night sky, I see. ​"We didn't come here to harm you, So don't make us." She said trying to sound friendly, Failing terribly. "Feeding 50 000 000 is a hard task, And the task I have at hoof, We're looking to trade you see." She wasn't trying to sound friendly anymore, And wanted to get to the point. She once again preformed a single hoof gesture and mass of shields were lowered.




Caught from behind they were blown apart, Shot and stabbed in back, The gases were also taking effect and claimed many lives. The Longhorns were now running berserk trampling the piles of corpses throwing themselves into battle cutting down anything in their way only to soon after fall victim to the same fate. Four battle horns could be heard from far away into the distance, It was something very rare to hear, Meaning retreat. The ones whom hadn't gotten to enter the battle yet instantly dispersed into any directions without enemy troops whilst the remaining warriors in combat tried their best to buy them time.


Elroc and the remaining parts of the longhorn could only watch and pray as the carnage ensued far away. The tens of thousands were lost in exchange for only a small portion of the enemies soldiers, It was a great loss that would be remembered for years to come. The fragments of the herd proceeded to head in the opposite direction traveling to the next safe point.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Scriba walked forward, Not really having any idea of what was going to happen, but now that they had made it deeper into the heartland, it was clear that there was so much more to this country then could be found from were she had come. She guessed that was because there was such a slim chance you would make it through the mountains in the first place.

Scriba, however, still looked terrible. She had dirt smudged all over her, and her gear was in disarray, mostly because she hadn't had time so set it back together

She had given them them everything they had asked for, so far, Although she didnt know how far they would go. . 

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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"Jonsonn ma'am but I believe that I never asked your name either." He opened up the door to let Blue Flare through. "I'll wait out here whilst you and her talk. And I would mind what you say. The guards aren't as tolerant as Derby herself so be careful. Good luck to you"

Blue Flare frowned. "Please forgive me. In all the excitement of all this, it seems we didn't get a chance for a proper introduction. And I'm sure everything will smoothly! Thank you for all your help Jonsonn, I really appreciate it!" With that, Blue Flare trotted forward into the room to meet with the queen.




Equestria, Canterlot - Princess Celestia

Seeing the white flag the princess would smile, giving a sigh of relief before flying back down to the balcony. Once she had landed, Celestia would say to one of her guards, “Lets keep alert, they have shown a white flag telling us that they come peacefully though we should be ready just in case trouble arises. Still, tell the staff to set up a welcome. We must show that Equestria is hospitable to visitors.


Turning to the other she say, “Lastly, seek out a messenger that can fly swiftly to the castle. Perhaps Fleetfoot if you can find her.”


With the guards leaving, a quill and pen would appear by way of the princess' magic and she would begin to write. Yet, not forgetting about the visitor she already had Celestia look up and say with a sheepish smile, “I apologize for this unexpected turn, perhaps we can return to the throneroom and we may continue with our planned meeting?”


One thing that would be concerning was that Celestia's voice sounded a little strained, as if using the Canterlot voice and an volume spell so she could be heard miles away was more then her throat could handle.


Admittingly, there was also the realization that her subjects across Equestria had heard what she had said and might thus begin to worry. Still, she would put such aside for now to ask the dragon as they walked inside, “So what is it that you would like to discuss?”



Equestria, Ponyville - Mane Six

In Ponyville, ponies were already talking among each other and wondering who Celestia had been speaking to. Twilight and her friends had gathered at the castle, the young princess found looking through a telescope in the direction of the flying castle. Rainbow Dash had been the first to notice it, giving word to the others. They were now all taking turns to look through the telescope and discussing the situation.


“So who do you think they are,” would come the question, Twilight answering, “I don't know. I didn't even know there was anyone who could make a full size building and more fly in the air. However they have it set up it is powerful magic.”


“Looks like they are armed and ready for a fight,” Rainbow would note, with Fluttershy adding, “though there was a white flag they showed so maybe they are friendly?”


“Who comes with weapons shown if they are friendly,” Applejack would ask, and Twilight would say, “Maybe they are afraid we wont be peaceful and attack them. I have never seen of a group like this coming to Equestria before.”


The young princess would sign, before looking to her friends, “I can send a letter to ask what is going on, though I think Princess Celestia has this taken care of. If she needs our help, Spike is here for us to get a letter.” The dragon would nod as Twilight then looks back through the telescope.

Sliver Gleam frowned. He hoped they got the message. He supposed the only thing to do now was to wait until they either send some sort of messenger or they got close enough to teleport in. He watched through his spyglass as the flying unicorn flew around. He had heard of spells that gave unicorns wings, clearly the ponies of this land were adept at magic! He even thought he caught a glimpse of a dragon through one of the windows! Surely he must have been mistaken about that, dragons were merely fairy tales after all. 

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Blue Flare frowned. "Please forgive me. In all the excitement of all this, it seems we didn't get a chance for a proper introduction. And I'm sure everything will smoothly! Thank you for all your help Jonsonn, I really appreciate it!" With that, Blue Flare trotted forward into the room to meet with the queen.



Sliver Gleam frowned. He hoped they got the message. He supposed the only thing to do now was to wait until they either send some sort of messenger or they got close enough to teleport in. He watched through his spyglass as the flying unicorn flew around. He had heard of spells that gave unicorns wings, clearly the ponies of this land were adept at magic! He even thought he caught a glimpse of a dragon through one of the windows! Surely he must have been mistaken about that, dragons were merely fairy tales after all.


Derby looked up to see Blue flare "HALT!" one of the guards shouted pointing his spear at Blue "STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS! " Derby held her head as if she was in pain. "Will you two please stop shouting? " she said looking towards the unapprovingly "sorry your majesty " one of them said bowing

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Derby looked up to see Blue flare "HALT!" one of the guards shouted pointing his spear at Blue "STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS! " Derby held her head as if she was in pain. "Will you two please stop shouting? " she said looking towards the unapprovingly "sorry your majesty " one of them said bowing

Before today Blue Flare had only heard of queens from storybooks and the like, but even so, she knew you were supposed to bow before royalty. She gave the queen a stately bow and then said "Greetings, your majesty! I am Magi Blue Flare, and I have traveled from a far off land in the hopes of establishing diplomatic relations and perhaps even friendship!" She pretty much ignored the guards, they weren't her concern.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Before today Blue Flare had only heard of queens from storybooks and the like, but even so, she knew you were supposed to bow before royalty. She gave the queen a stately bow and then said "Greetings, your majesty! I am Magi Blue Flare, and I have traveled from a far off land in the hopes of establishing diplomatic relations and perhaps even friendship!" She pretty much ignored the guards, they weren't her concern.

"Diplomatic relations? Then please call me Derby. Don't mind them. They aren't very good at first impressions. are you? " one of the guards shook his head and the other one dipped his head in shame. "Anyway it's a pleasure meeting you Mrs Blue Flare. I prefer it when titles are dropped. But everypony insists on calling me 'your majesty' or 'your highness'. Moving on from that. What country do you currently hail from?"

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"Diplomatic relations? Then please call me Derby. Don't mind them. They aren't very good at first impressions. are you? " one of the guards shook his head and the other one dipped his head in shame. "Anyway it's a pleasure meeting you Mrs Blue Flare. I prefer it when titles are dropped. But everypony insists on calling me 'your majesty' or 'your highness'. Moving on from that. What country do you currently hail from?"

Blue Flare smiled, already liking the queen's casual attitude. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Derby. I come from a country known as Medeis! I... couldn't help but notice you have a problem with invaders, and water shortages. Our country also has some major problems, we don't have enough food to feed everypony. Maybe  there is some arrangement we could work out that would be beneficial to both of us?"

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Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Blue Flare smiled, already liking the queen's casual attitude. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Derby. I come from a country known as Medeis! I... couldn't help but notice you have a problem with invaders, and water shortages. Our country also has some major problems, we don't have enough food to feed everypony. Maybe  there is some arrangement we could work out that would be beneficial to both of us?"

" yes I suppose we could. We grow our food out on the sea water. I trust that you passed some 'floating fields' on your way here? Yeah that's where our food comes from. Our water however comes from the entire world and isn't an extremely constant stream meaning we have problems... "

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It took only a moment for Serylda's words to be translated back to their more familiar language, and Yongxi took the time to look at the army-sized group the mare was leading. Despite have some amount of order, several of the soldiers appeared to be suffering from starvation and disease, and looked like they could drop with their shields in any second. The situation appeared desparate, and, presuming they were really the Pulaiens in the north, the winter made their food issue all the more devastating.


The leader's tone sounded anything but desparte, however. Yongxi wondered if she was just hiding it behind a stoic visage, just to keep her army's hopes up. And surely hundreds, maybe even thousands, would have died on the way down. At least she wasn't in the mood to start a resource-stealing war.


"Fi-fifty million?" One of the corporals right next to him just gaped ahead. Fifty million was a very massive number for the Anqis, and they seriously doubted that their food surplus would do much to help. Yongxi himself tried to remain calm, however, and went into deep thought for a short moment.


"...Fifty million. That means we have to provide around thirty metric tons of food to keep your nation from starving. I'm not a council-pony, but our yearly surplus would only be able to feed a tenth of your population," he replied in their native tongue. "That's not accounting for supply routes. It'll take weeks for even your own army to gain sufficient food to even stay here."


He sat down and crossed his hooves, rather informally. "I'll have to inform my general first. I'm not in a position to make decisions like these, but if you can...I'll like your army to spread out some kilometers to the south," he added. "If you all stay in one location, you'll drain food resources too quickly, disease will spread, and it'll be too difficult to send supplies your way. There's another city in the southwest, only a day's march. I'll inform them tomorrow that...fifteen thousand of you are heading their way, and news should spread like that."




Tougang and th others just stared at the captain as they laughed off the mention of dragons, and found it all the more disrespectful. Dragons were the direct descendants of the First Emperor, after all...though it sounded like they never encountered the real ones. Yingong merely muttered to herself as they further boasted their naval power. "Hope the sea monsters sink their ships," she cursed in her language before they were given a bag of gold coins. She took out one and examined them before throwing it back in and snatching the bag before taking their leave and returning to their beached ship.


"How in the Princesses are we going to deal with this now?" Kangshou, a younger brown earth pony stallion with a rather hot-tempered personality, complained to Piao. "They didn't even bother trying to help us pull the ship back! How are we supposed to get back in time!"


Tougang placed a hoof on his face and groaned. "Wait for the high tide, crew...and we should head home," he replied as he saw the frigates sail toward the dragon islands, and picked up the Ponissian coins. "These are certainly strange ships...and by the way they act, I'm afraid they're not here to make friends. We should go back to the ports and inform them. Set sail for Xiang'ao Port tomorrow."

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The answer was disappointing to Serylda, To say the least. With the phantoms (Ponissians) harrowing the south food was only becoming more of a scarce resource with the farmers being slaughtered or having to flee. Serylda was nor appreciative of how the stallion was talking about her proud warriors, Like they were some sort of desiese spreading vermin. But they couldn't risk loosing this opportunity and she certainly wasn't going to fallow the path of her father, Simply taking what she wanted with brute force.

"​Very well, We will disperse south." She replied before turning around setting the plan into work, As she organized the segregation with help of her second in commands the entire herd first lined up, Split into multiple columns horizontally and then vertically. Before leaving they also saw to it that all the groups were given their share of food and other supplies, Whilst she watched everything unfold she fed a slab of meat to Ursus. When everything was ready, They all dispersed out south.

As fast as they had left the vicinity of the wall Serylda started to write a letter with information of the potential trading partners and the location of the village for future reference. The letter was sent to the Mountain herd, And a copy meant for lord Elroc to the Longhorns.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"What, you mean.... out of the border?" a voice was heard

"We can't leave the fatherland now can we?" another whispered.

"The Lord will strike us down!" a scream was heard. Soon the entire room was filled with unsure questions and remarks. 

The stallion in the back had enough.

"Dumbheads!" he exclaimed as he stood up. Hw walked to the captain.

"My name is Shaw, Daves Shaw. You won't be getting anything from most of this dumbwits. Been brainwashed by alll that nationalism glory stuff. Not falling for it myself. Doctor said im crazy and to be honest.... I am a bit, though it helped me see this place for what it really is, a pony-grinder. Ponies go in through one end... dead meat comes out the other. I'd like o join you."




"Sir! Small portion has split off! But the square wont hold much longer!"

"I am aware lietenant. The 20th, 21st, 23rd and 24th will advance and pressure the enemy. Intensify artillery bombardment on the flanks and signal the cavalry to concentrate on the rear here. We will case a break and get them out of there, we made our point, lets see if they consider talking after this..."

Out of the 360 ponies of the 22nd only about 143 were still valiantl fighting to the last man, awaiting the retreat order. They would stay by the colours nomatter what. Many of the cannons that were still targeting the smaller enemy pockets that had dispersed in the initial attack had now begun targeting the battle. The cavalry started concentrating most of its charges on a single point, slowly cutting a way towards the square. The four regiments, counting 1540 ponies in total now approached steadily in line. The Music played by their trompeteers and drummers could be heard throughout the battlefield and it brought a glimmer of hope for those still stuck fighting for their lives. The advancimg infantry  followed a fire and advance tactic. The front line would fire, then the lst line would walk between the 2nd and first, taking positions in frontof the of the first line and firing, the last (previously second) line would now move to the front of the regiment and fire. These rank movements and fires were all syncronized in such a way that all four regiments fire simultanously in a deadly 480-bullet wave, followed by another, and another. The pressure was meant again, to cause a small rout in the enemy lines, giving them a chance to rescue their comrades.



After being checked and allowed on the train, Scriba was given a few bandages and desinfectant by the trains personnel. The train itself was in impecable shape, clean, fast and modern. As the trained raced south the landscape changed dramastically. The barren land like the one up north was almost gone. The entire area was covered either by cities, factories or greenhouse complexes. THe modern infrastructure of the nation could also be seen as they passed by perfect roads and impressive bridges. In the distance, in the direction they were travelling,  a huge city appeared, a clog of dark smoke arising from its east. The guards have been informed of the mares claim and therefore the check was fast before tgetting on the train. However improbable, if there truly was a people over the mountains, they had to know for sure.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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