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Princess Luna in this world?

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Do you know how many brilliant minds in our history have probably had that said to them?vI'd wager at least 95% if not 100%.
The difference between your theory and the geniuses of human history theories is that they based theirs on logic and evidence they found. Newton didn't say "Gravity exists because you can't prove it doesn't", he used logic and calculations to prove that gravity existed, while you haven't shown any evidence or logic that supports your theory (other then "you can't prove I'm wrong").


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It would seem to, yes. Do you know how many brilliant minds in our history have probably had that said to them? I'd wager at least 95% if not 100%. They've proven that not everything has solid logic or reasoning right away. What everything needs straight away is the minds to think of it. I admit it's a rough but of thought at the moment but it doesn't discount it's possibility, lessens credibility yes. 




Yes but HOW do you know? Admittedly there are more numerous reasons that seem plausible but that doesn't make them the exact reasons, more likely yes. There's no way to know exactly what happened without checking into every possibility, farfetched or otherwise. 

How do we know they didn't make it all up? Don't you know about Magical Mystery Cure? The episode is totally different from the original script. They wrote that script when they thought there wasn't gonna be a season 4. It was originally gonna be the last episode. Then we got a season 4 and they made tons of changes. Are you saying that the REAL reason they decided to change it and make a fourth season was because they found another universe to base it around? You also should read that official MLP guidebook. It's called The Elements of Harmony. It discusses the creation of the show. Go read it. There's all this stuff about different designs for the characters and how they changed their minds about what some characters would be like. If you still say that they might have been writing about something real even after reading that book, I give up. There's no reasoning with you. You are being ridiculous.

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The difference between your theory and the geniuses of human history theories is that they based theirs on logic and evidence they found. Newton didn't say "Gravity exists because you can't prove it doesn't", he used logic and calculations to prove that gravity existed, while you haven't shown any evidence or logic that supports your theory (other then "you can't prove I'm wrong").


Never did I say that it's correct because I can't be proven wrong (now you wanna talk predictions with me I'll eagerly banter that one). I said that the lack of might itself be an explanation. Gravity existed long before newton "discovered" it. Most arguments about why things fell were more crackpot ideas than my theory, including that they couldn't be proven. Yet even the most ridiculous, gods, or the one most like mine "because things fall" which the first definitely lacking credible proof that all parties agree on. 

How do we know they didn't make it all up? Don't you know about Magical Mystery Cure? The episode is totally different from the original script. They wrote that script when they thought there wasn't gonna be a season 4. It was originally gonna be the last episode. Then we got a season 4 and they made tons of changes. Are you saying that the REAL reason they decided to change it and make a fourth season was because they found another universe to base it around? You also should read that official MLP guidebook. It's called The Elements of Harmony. It discusses the creation of the show. Go read it. There's all this stuff about different designs for the characters and how they changed their minds about what some characters would be like. If you still say that they might have been writing about something real even after reading that book, I give up. There's no reasoning with you. You are being ridiculous.


Exactly the point, we as outsiders know nothing of the situation and have no right to pass judgment either way. The most that can be said is "it may or may not have happened" which is all that can be asked, I'm I'm trying to say, and all I'm asking others to sayfor the fact of preventing this.Discussions like this are auto breeding grounds for this kind of crap out of the fact that at least one person will be off the scale on one side or the other no matter what the opposite party or the middle man says to create openness within the individual in the name of harmony. I.e. two scientist types versus an open type admitting that there is no answer. Own a copy actually. And it's only a theory, an idea with no clear yes or no, no government stipend research, no deity to inquire to, and definitely no evidence accept that humans, if not other animals, both terrestrial or otherwise, come up with the weirdest things in their minds. My theory is just one idea of what causes those images in our head to randomly appear, or as an idea to the questions of the universe. It's like questioning religion. There is no proper answer. Believers try spreading belief, nonbelievers demand proof, even from the deity(ies) in question. Yes I;m being difficult, I'm trying to offer balance to the scale to prevent problems, which appears only to serve biting me in the flanks, but that's the unfortunate case I have with all communications and being the middle man attempt to avoid/prevent drama kind of guy I am. Having it backfire is as natural as breathing. All that matters to me is that both sides find a way to compromise. That's whole reason I'm being so vehement, to get the side of the scale likely to cause the problems (proof is demanded, witness (someone who believes they've had an experience) gets defensive whether or not as a ploy, stuff starts) to at least admit that while the probability is astronomically low, that there is still an astronomically low possibility and that otherwise nothing can be said for sure.  

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Never did I say that it's correct because I can't be proven wrong (now you wanna talk predictions with me I'll eagerly banter that one). I said that the lack of might itself be an explanation. Gravity existed long before newton "discovered" it. Most arguments about why things fell were more crackpot ideas than my theory, including that they couldn't be proven. Yet even the most ridiculous, gods, or the one most like mine "because things fall" which the first definitely lacking credible proof that all parties agree on. 


Exactly the point, we as outsiders know nothing of the situation and have no right to pass judgment either way. The most that can be said is "it may or may not have happened" which is all that can be asked, I'm I'm trying to say, and all I'm asking others to sayfor the fact of preventing this.Discussions like this are auto breeding grounds for this kind of crap out of the fact that at least one person will be off the scale on one side or the other no matter what the opposite party or the middle man says to create openness within the individual in the name of harmony. I.e. two scientist types versus an open type admitting that there is no answer. Own a copy actually. And it's only a theory, an idea with no clear yes or no, no government stipend research, no deity to inquire to, and definitely no evidence accept that humans, if not other animals, both terrestrial or otherwise, come up with the weirdest things in their minds. My theory is just one idea of what causes those images in our head to randomly appear, or as an idea to the questions of the universe. It's like questioning religion. There is no proper answer. Believers try spreading belief, nonbelievers demand proof, even from the deity(ies) in question. Yes I;m being difficult, I'm trying to offer balance to the scale to prevent problems, which appears only to serve biting me in the flanks, but that's the unfortunate case I have with all communications and being the middle man attempt to avoid/prevent drama kind of guy I am. Having it backfire is as natural as breathing. All that matters to me is that both sides find a way to compromise. That's whole reason I'm being so vehement, to get the side of the scale likely to cause the problems (proof is demanded, witness (someone who believes they've had an experience) gets defensive whether or not as a ploy, stuff starts) to at least admit that while the probability is astronomically low, that there is still an astronomically low possibility and that otherwise nothing can be said for sure.  


Well, coming up with a bunch of nonsensical theories isn't gonna make anyone more likely to believe that people are talking to ponies. If anything, it's causing the opposite of your desired outcome. I am blocking you so I won't be tempted to have this argument when I should be doing my homework.

...How do I block someone? I can't find a button.

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Well, coming up with a bunch of nonsensical theories isn't gonna make anyone more likely to believe that people are talking to ponies. If anything, it's causing the opposite of your desired outcome. I am blocking you so I won't be tempted to have this argument when I should be doing my homework.

...How do I block someone? I can't find a button.

W/e dude. 



@nidra. Sorry that things got out of hand. Better to keep these's kinds of things to yourself. Humans have an auto destroy instinct that kicks in when things are not understood. People will do all sorts of things, ridicule, drug, lock ups, etc whether or not something actually happened. Why? Who knows, maybe it goes along with the seven sins being a mundane daily part of life. All I know is our species is good at letting fear control us and that when it comes to the unexplainable it's best left unsaid unless around those with open minds or those you know for sure you can trust with subjects like this. Closed minded people are likely to deny no matter what and then when it gets too overwhelming they'll throw you in the nice hotel with the fancy rooms and the special jackets and pump full of happy pills. The other extreme is pretty much you're believed but now you're the one getting poked, prodded, and studied inside and out. If you really need to get it out, make it fake. Write about it like you're writing a fanfic. Some people will even get into rping, so that as well is an avenue. Just don't talk to others about it until you know it's an ok subject, and even then be extremely wary.   

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Nidra, Cimarronboy, you're trolls.

And calling me closed-minded when I believe in digimon is ridiculous. I recognize that MLP COULD be real because almost anything is possible, but your so-called theories are completely irrational.


Monster yes, trylle, no. 



Just answer me one thing, you say you believe in digimon (a fandom we both belong to), yet you shove things that aren't rational. Do you honestly believe that EVERYTHING in existence is defined by rationality, logic, or otherwise?   


EDIT: Honestly it is a crappy theory. It was just one of those "what ifs" that pops up in conversations with buddies. There was never much thought, it didn't serve enough of a purpose except "what if", didn't have much belief in it to go further with it. Slag it doesn't even cover one subject, bleach naruto, pokemon, beyblade, etc, all covered by it. It's probably the smartest thing I've come up with that's not fictional, or at least that has a chance of being a legit ideal when compared with an interplaner remote.I can't be blamed for defending something like that, but I agree, it needs more thought, more cement, so to speak, to make it more plausible than just a "what if". Unfortunately I wouldn't even know where to start. It's a decent "what if" but it'll definitely need some backbone before I can officially call it a theory. 

Edited by Cimarronboy
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*chuckles* If Princess Luna actually did do this, I can see her talking to her sister, something in the line of this:


Celestia: "Where have you been, sister?"


Luna: "We hath been in a strange world.  One where the creatures can trot on only two hooves, or whatever they hath called their legs in their world."


Celestia: "Did you perchance enter the dreams of one of those creatures?"


Luna: "Indeed.  We hath told her that she is not ready to join us, yet.  We then trotted around her house to look at its simplicity."


Celestia: "I'll bet anything she won't think it was real."


Luna: "Could very well be.  However, she somehow knows of us."


Celestia: "What?"


Luna: "We speak the truth.  We peeked in her mind, and by some unknown source of magic, our actions hath been recorded in her world."


Celestia: "Amazing."


Luna: "Indeed.  Once our magic is back, we shall see in returning to her world to know more about how she knows of us."



Again, this is just me,

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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OP I believe you,even if everyone else is mostly just joking about it. 


To be fair, I wasn't joking.  I'm just saying what would happen if the OP description did happen.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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To be fair, I wasn't joking.  I'm just saying what would happen if the OP description did happen.

Yeah its just I've heard a lot of the other arguments so many times its tiring. So I just assumed and that was wrong of me.  

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