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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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OOC thread: https://mlpforums.co...tural-exchange/

FimFiction Story: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/325624/a-cultural-exchange


(It's spoiler because private is not an option)


Illiad Easle had lived in Deltrot for nearly three years and for the first time in his life he felt like he actually belonged in his community. He was sitting out on a sand dune a few hundred strides from the noise and light of town, giving him a great view of the stars above. As he began his trek back to town he came across a paper half buried in the sand. He retrieved it and began to read, a smile coming to his face. A cultural exchange? What a wonderful idea! He stowed the paper in the folds of his sand cloak and hurried back to town, eager to participate.


A few days later he received the response that he had been accepted and been paired with an Earth pony named Dax Blackwater, who's permanent address is near the base of the crystal mountains, but current residence was a bit unclear, similar to his age which said 'Adolescent'. Illiad found the name of Dax to be odd, but then again, so was his. The response said to write a letter of introduction, so he pondered what exactly to say before he began to write.


Good evening Mr Dax Blackwater,


My name is Illiad Easle and I was selected to be your pairing in the cultural exchange. To tell you a bit about myself, I am an adult unicorn living in Deltrot, Troy. I have a khaki coat and a shortish brown mane and tail. My mark is a three cross ruler, quill, and paintbrush, symbolizing my talents in plotting, writing, and painting respectively. I mostly work as a designer of security measures such as watermarks and official seals. That sort of work doesn't come too often but frequent enough to pay my bills here. Occasionally I will be commissioned for a piece of abstract art or to design an inlay to furniture. Though I thoroughly enjoy writing short stories from time to time despite not being too good at it. I suppose I've talked enough about myself, how about you? I look forward to showing you around my new hometown and I can't wait to hear back from you.


-Illiad Easle


With writing the letter taken care of he took it to the local post office where his good friend Swift Message assured him it would go out on the next mail run to Equestria. He then went back to his life, eagerly awaiting a response.


(You receive a notification from the Cultural Exchange program stating your acceptance and informing you that you have been paired with Illiad Easle, an adult Unicorn in the southern nation of Troy, it instructs you to watch for a letter from him and to respond in kind when it arrives. You receive Illiad's letter the very next day.)(Questions can be asked in quotations or in the OOC thread)

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(The response letter arrives about two days later, in a fancy envelope with [THE BLACKWATER QUARRY] stamped in silver foil on the back of it.)


Dear Illiad Easel,


Hiya!  I was wondering when my response would arrive, and it was quite quick!  I'm pleased that we have been paired together, and I certainly hope that this works out to be both educational and fun for each of us!  I enjoyed reading about you, and I hope I can come up with enough nifty things to pique your own interest!


I'm an Earth Pony living at the foot of the Crystal Mountains.  My family has been living here for a very long time, and we have a manor that is built right into the side of the mountain!  My Father owns the Blackwater Quarry, where the miners dig for gems; specifically, they gather emeralds, but there has been a deposit of other valuable stones from time to time.


About me: I have a black coat with green stripey-patches; my Mother says we have a little bit of zebra in our family tree, but I'm not sure if that's pure baloney or not.  Anyway, my cutie mark is a chunk of granite with an emerald sticking out of it - I got it when I helped find the biggest deposit of emerald ore I had ever seen, and I have a bit of a knack for finding emeralds; it's sort of like a "sixth sense" to me!  I'm currently trying to study for college, but as it is I haven't actually had a job yet... not that I don't want one, mind you - but my Father seems intent on passing the family business to me.  I don't know if I want to go that route, but I'm still deciding what to do with my life, so time will tell, right?


It will be interesting to see how well the ponies here will take to you - but I can hardly wait to see what you think of the place!  My Father agreed to this ONLY because I've been doing well in my schoolwork (I'm almost 18 years old now!), and he DOES NOT usually agree to such things readily.  I hope this works out - he is quite "iffy" on letting me go anywhere, but he does understand that this is an exchange, after all.


Well, I suppose this is a decent job of an opening letter, so this is where I will end it... but I do have a question, if I may?  Would you tell me more about where you live?  I haven't been far from the Quarry, so I'm still trying to find out more about the world.


Sincerely - Dax B.


(P.S.: If my calculations are correct, you should be able to see the Horsehead Nebula from where you are - just look to the western sky; it should be the large-ish clump of stars near the horizon.  OH!  I love constellations, too!)

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was surprised at the quality of the envelope, it certainly wasn't Equestrian standard. Then again, he didn't know much about the crystal mountains, and he certainly hadn't heard of Blackwater Quarry. That's what a life in Canterlot gets you I suppose. Upon reading the letter he was again surprised by the thought that was put into the letter, he could feel the enthusiasm Dax had. A smile came to his face as he thought about how to respond, Dax had certainly surpassed his expectations.


Evening Dax Blackwater,


You've certainly led an interesting life so far, it only seems fair that I tell you about my past too.


I am originally from Canterlot, Equestria. (I don't know where Blackwater Quarry is situated on a map so I don't know if you're inside Equestrian borders or not.) When I was about your age I worked in the Canterlot archives shelving books, and while I loved doing it I could tell it wasn't my destiny, despite it giving me the opportunity to pursue my passions. Shortly after my 18th birthday there was a bit of persecution around me. You see I too have a sixth sense, I can tell how others are feeling just by being near them and I can occasionally influence their emotions with my own. Mind you I don't do that, often, but when I do it is only to help others (I'm fairly certain I prevented a suicide once, that was a good day). However, there was some negative propaganda against ponies like me (collectively Empathics if you've heard of that term), and I eventually had to leave Canterlot to keep from being injured. I eventually left Equestria altogether and emigrated here to Troy.


On some maps it sits on the San Palomino desert, but others label the area as the Mild West. Troy is a collection of now six cities that declared independence from Equestria way back when Princess Luna was banished (I happened to move here the night she returned, there was a big party). Troy, or the Trojan Empire, is mostly a trade nation. We have a large population of artisans and craftspeople who's goods get sold to caravans traveling all across the world, even to Equestria despite the trade embargo (Celestia's still mad we left), The embargo is actually really good for us as we get to sell our goods to them at a huge markup on their black market. Though I hope she decides to remove the embargo, I hate to think that so many have never even heard of Troy or the wonderful art it produces.


Anyway, your home sounds interesting too, would you mind telling me a bit more about it? How long has your family been there?


-I. Easle


PS, I was never too big on constellations, I simply like to bask in the utter glory of Luna's night whenever I can get a break from my work, I don't often bring my telescope out on the dunes as the sand is a real pain to clean out but I'll keep that in mind, It certainly sounds interesting.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(Again, about two days later, another fancy envelope arrives, addressed to Mr. I. Easel.)


Dear Illiad, 


Wow.  I am rather impressed by what you've told me of Troy - I asked my tutor about it, but he didn't seem to want to elaborate, much to my dismay.  So, I guess what you tell me will have to do, right?  It's fine - I am fairly certain getting a pony's first-hand view is better than a possibly watered-down version in a generic guidebook!


Empathics?  I can't say I've ever heard the term before, but then again I don't get out much, so that makes sense on my end.  It sounds like you have a lot of potential to do good in the world; how often would you think finding certain rocks would help anypony?  Still, I'm pleased that you seem happy to help others with their problems.  I wish th-


(The letter is smudged here, as if erased.  It picks up again one line down.)


I'm sorry that things aren't exactly on good terms between Troy and Equestria; who knows?  Maybe our exchange here will be a catalyst (is that the right word?) that might end up being a part of a solution for it!  As far as any kind of Black Market goes, I know I've heard Father speaking about such things... and he is not a fan, to put it mildly.  But still, I didn't mention anything about it to him - a good thing, as he isn't a very 'happy' type of pony.


Okay, so - the Blackwater Manor has been here since Earth Ponies started mining emeralds!  My great(x12) grandfather, Serious Black, started mining here shortly after Discord's reign over Equestria was over, and as the silt rose in the nearby river due to all the activity, it turned the water black - and years later, the name "Blackwater" was taken on for my family line.  The Blackwaters have been mining here ever since, and the Quarry is one of the biggest in Equestria; chances are, if you have an emerald, it came from our mines!


The manor started as a simple block house, but as the years went by and profits rose, it was added to and added to, over and over again, until it became the modern wonder it is today.  It sits above the Quarry itself, and half of it is actually INSIDE the mountain; a cleared-out mine was once there, and it was hollowed and chiseled so that it could be an addition to the already impressive manor house it was becoming.  I sort of feel like I'm bragging, but I'm really trying not to - that wouldn't be very nice to present to my new friend, would it?


They have a number of workers, and my Father is The Boss; what he says is LAW around here.  He had to wrestle the company from my grandfather, who wasn't exactly keeping things running well, from what I've gathered.  I can't find out much more about that, as there aren't any records I can get to, and Father NEVER speaks of it to anyone - even ME.


This is SO exciting!  I don't have (the word 'any' is barely visible here, erased and written over) a lot of friends, so I'm quite pleased to have somepony to talk to, even if it's only the words on paper doing the talking!  Hope you write back soon - I've been checking the mailbox every day since this started!


Your Friend, Dax B.


(P.S.: I wish I could see the sky from the same vantage point Luna could while she was on the moon; I just hope I'd have a way back home afterwards!  What kind of telescope do you use?)

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was once again impressed by the quality of Dax;s writing, clearly his tutor(s) were teaching him well.


Evening Dax,


I suppose if you were to look up Troy in a history book you'd see that it was destroyed during Nightmare Moon's time. It wasn't mind you, but that is what Celestia said happened and similarly why most don't know it still exists. (You wouldn't believe the stories I've heard of adventurers looking for the ruins of Troy only to find a thriving city). I will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding Troy.


Well, being Empathic isn't always a good thing. The negative propaganda had some truth to it in that there are a few evil Empathics out there. And furthermore... Nevermind. If you asked your tutor about Empathics they might give you factual information or they'll spew propaganda like how we turn ponies insane or do mind control or are secretly changelings draining everyone of their emotions. I do get to do some good in the world, but I am forever worried that I'll accidentally ruin something, so I always use these abilities sparingly. On that note, what are your thoughts on changelings? I was there visiting during the attack and to be honest they still tend to scare me. I'd be lying if I didn't suspect some of my friends of being changelings when I got back, but it was all sorted out and we're still friends.


I don't think this exchange will be what convinces Celestia to admit she changed history books to her own favor, the full reveal of Troy will not be good for your monarchy. However, I suppose this could be a good start, who knows? As to the black market, Troy only sells, we don't buy anything from Equestria directly, thus Equestrian goods have to go through another nation before a Trojan will touch it. We don't what Equestria to benefit from the embargo after all, then it would never be lifted. Your father is likely mad that the Trojan diamonds sell for such high prices through the black market, and that they are in such high demand. I wouldn't know for sure as I am no economist so that's just a guess from me.


I suppose I should tell you a bit about the history of Troy, I have a whole book you can borrow when you visit that goes into more detail, but here is the short version. Troy was founded by an Earth Pony named Trojan Horse, he's the same one that surveyed the Canterlot mines and recommended that a city be built there. Troy started out as a place for caravans to meet and exchange goods so the individual caravans did not have to go all the way to central Equestria. The city eventually grew surrounding a nearby oasis, it attracted artisans who wanted to sell their works directly to the caravans and thus they could sell to most of the countries in the world. As time went on the city expanded as more moved there permanently, creatures of many different species gathered which is why Troy is the most diverse nation in all of Equis. Eventually other cities were built around other oasis's throughout the area to house the ever increasing numbers of immigrants. A few years before Nightmare Moon there was a large influx of zebra immigrants who had recently been freed from slavery (There's something no Equestrian will admit, and this relates to why old earth pony families often have a fear of zebras). The Trojan Province was different from the rest of Equestria because it had a governing council instead of a government appointed governor, this was Princess Luna's idea and the reason why all of Troy is so enamored by her. Anyway, there were a bunch of conflicts between the democratically elected council and what Celestia wanted, so after Nightmare Moon Troy decided to leave Equestria and has been independent ever since.


Don't worry about bragging, I'm glad your family is something you can take pride in. The question is really, would you still be happy without it all? If so it is not really bragging I guess.


I won't be too quick to pass judgment on your father as I haven't met him, but your are certainly painting an interesting picture of him, I certainly don't know what to expect when I meet him.


I too am excited, this is likely one of the best chains of letters I have ever experienced. I don't have too many friends either, but I suppose it is more that I prefer to have a few, close friends, than to have a whole bunch that are only a little bit better than acquaintances. 


(Instead of a signature the bottom of the page is stamped with an image of Illiad's mark)


PS, The problem with the moon is that the sky is forever dominated by Equis, you'd have to walk a full quarter of the surface away to have the planet not be in the way, but I guess you're right. It would be nice to see the stars without any atmosphere or light pollution. As to my telescope, I only have a basic one as it is easier to clean out. If I were to need a better one I head out to the Alphyns Academy observatory outpost and use their large telescope, it's really cool on a clear night.


PPS, I forgot to mention this earlier, has your quarry ever found any cloud diamonds? The ones that are magically malleable? I have started to accumulate a mass of them and have been on the lookout for more.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(This time, the letter arrives three days later.  Same envelope, same addressee.)


My dear friend Illiad,


It really sounds as if Troy is a beautiful, diverse place to live!  I admit, I'm a bit jealous - there aren't many townships near the Crystal Mountains, except for Canterlot, of course.  I have been near Ponyville a time or two, but I've never been inside the town proper - call it "chronic shyness", if you like.  The Quarry is sort-of a little village, I suppose, but only during work hours; at night, it stands as quiet as a mute mouse.  It will be so much fun to see something other than rocks and trees, and I feel the excitement in my hooves to feel actual sand!  That might sound kind of strange, but it's the truth!


It makes me quite ashamed to hear of how Celestia has treated Troy - I would think that ALL ponies should live in harmony, not just the ones who follow her rule.  I wonder, what could be going on in her mind about this?  And it makes me wonder what Luna is thinking, as well... has anypony told her that things have gotten this way?  Maybe with all that has been happening, she was sidetracked?  Regardless, I hope it won't put any kind of damper on our friendship; I have nothing but respect for you and what you've told me of Troy.  I do wonder, though - if the Trojans knew I was from Equestria, would they hate me?


I have heard of Changelings, but the only ones I've heard of are the ones that attacked Canterlot - surely that cannot be what all of them are like, can it?  I would really rather find out for myself - though, admittedly, I am not exactly a pillar of courage; maybe if I found one who would talk to me, I might be able to expand my knowledge of them.  Maybe they aren't all bad, right?


I actually don't spend much of my time at the manor very often; to get away from the hustle and bustle of the quarry, I have a tent near the edge of the Everfree Forest that affords a beautiful view at night.  Don't worry, though - I plan to have us both staying at the manor while you're here; company should be treated with the best one has to offer, right?


My Father is a very serious stallion.  He keeps everything in line at the quarry; he still mines when the need calls for it - he's not the kind who stays behind a desk all day.  He doesn't care for parties, or jokes, or any kind of "frivolous activity", as he calls it - he's a bit of a stick-in-the-mud, to be honest.  But he does make sure we get whatever we need, and much of what we want.  He's not really a bad pony - he just has very little patience for needless things... or at least what HE sees as needless, anyway.


Friends have been difficult for me to make - what with the quarry not being exactly visitor-friendly, and my Father being himself, and other such problems.  But I am quite pleased to be making friends with you - I can hardly wait until I can show you all the interesting things to see here!  


Ever your friend, Dax B.


(P.S. - When I visit, I beg you to take me to see the giant telescope!  That would be a wonderful way for me to show you how much I've learned about the sky and her jewels!  And no, no Cloud Diamonds... but we do come across the occasional bed of Fire Opals!)


There is a bit of dry black silt in the bottom of the envelope.

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Iliad was excited to read the new letter, and in the process the silt contained within fell to the floor. He simply stared at it with a sad sigh. "That is worse than confetti right there. At least it isn't in my coat."

As he read the letter a smile came to his face, growing bit by bit throughout.


Evening Dax,


Similarly, your description of your home sounds lovely, I haven't had much opportunity to be in the wilderness. It just came to me that you guys aren't nocturnal like we are, due to it being a desert here it gets quite hot during the day and cold at night, so we sleep through as much of the day as possible. Well, my flexible work hours will certainly allow me to get more used to being awake under the oppressive heat of the day star. Oh and believe me, you're going to get tired of sand fast.


I too find it sad that She has done this, and I often wonder why she would think it the best course of action. Remember that the vast majority of Equestrians are the three main pony races, with only a few griffons, deer, zebras, and others. It could be that she fears she wouldn't be needed if there wasn't some scary foreigners to protect her ponies from. If you think about it not too much has changed in Equestria in the last few centuries. I have actually met with Luna since her return, it relates to how I have so much cloud diamond, she is overjoyed that Troy has remained free in her absence and its very existence is proof that we don't need the princesses to tell us how to run a government (Troy's government was Luna's idea after all). I suppose that is why Celestia does not want Troy to succeed. I've also heard the Celestia has been slow to return power to Luna since her return, either by habit or fear of a repeat I don't know. Oh, don't worry about being an Equestrian, the locals know that Celestia holds all of the responsibility and thus no ill will is born towards Equestrians (Except unicorns, they have a bad history with them and only allowed us Empathics in because we suffered similar persecution). 


You would not believe how happy I am to see that you have such an open mind. I know a few changelings around here and no, they are nothing like the ones that attacked Canterlot. Changelings in general prefer peaceful coexistence and create unique identities in the community to consume the excess emotional energy (I am told that as an Empathic Introvert I am a particularly good source of energy), I also heard that the hive that attacked Canterlot had been starving for a few weeks before they struck. If you're interested I could have you meet some of the changelings I know from the local hive.


I similarly like to get away from the city at times, there's a nice dune not too far away where I sit on occasion, usually to watch the moon set. My house is not nearly as impressive as yours, space is a premium here as much of the land around the oasis is devoted to community agriculture. You'll see a bunch of thin, tall buildings here. My house is fairly small but it is big enough for me to work in and it is well ventilated to keep it a nice cool temperature throughout the day.


I suppose my own father was similar to yours in a few ways. He is an architect still in Canterlot, he isn't afraid to work with the contractor crews to get a building done right. He worked long hours to keep my family happy, though he enjoyed frivolous things too. He was very fond of little models and would often build little replicas of his projects. But I'll be sure to give your father the utmost respect he deserves when I meet him, while I am a bit frivolous I can be serious too (Luna wants me to be a member of the grand council or even Consul, if only so there is someone she knows in charge). 


I can't say I've had much better luck making friends, I'm a bit awkward as I don't get out and interact with others outside of my work or town meetings. But I'm glad you consider me your friend, you seem like a cool colt too.


(Again the letter is stamped with Illiad's mark)


PS, I'll be sure to arrange it. I've heard that the observatory here is second only to Luna's personal observatory in Canterlot.


After delivering the letter to his mail-carrier Illiad retrieved a second sheet of paper, "If she's available this would certainly be quite the surprise for him."


My Dearest Princess Luna... 

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(Almost an entire week passes before you receive another letter, once more in a fancy envelope.)


My Good Friend Illiad,


I apologize for my response being so late - my little brother got me in trouble again, so I was restricted from responding for a few days.  It is infuriating, but sometimes I wonder if my Father even realizes that I am no longer a foal.  I suppose now would be the time to warn you about Oglevy - my younger brother.  I have two of them, though my older brother has left home to pursue his own path - much to my Father's chagrin.  Perhaps that is the reason why he tends to be so firm with me - but it still stinks.


Oglevy is only about 8 years old, and already he has become one of the most irritating ponies I have ever known.  He tends to get away with a lot of mischief, mostly due to Mother's protection.  He is a Pegasus on top of this, so when he does irritate me, he simply flies away, sticking his tongue out and laughing at me.  Oh, I'm not certain that I made mention of that: my Mother is a Pegasus, and my Father is an Earth Pony.  My older brother Harcourt and I were born Earth Ponies - but Oglevy seems to have gotten the wings my Mother had hoped we would have, so he is Mother's favorite, of course.  He makes me so mad!


Anyway, enough about him - on to more entertaining things!


I can only imagine how hot it is where you live, but I hope I will be able to stand the heat long enough to get a good look at the village you speak so highly of!  Of course, there is always the possibility of seeing it at night - but I will admit, I may find myself too fascinated with the constellations there to be attentive enough!  The stars, you could say they almost hypnotize me; I might be somewhat useless for a few nights, or at least until I familiarize myself with the Trojan night sky!


I am glad to hear that I will not be shunned for being an Equestrian - and I am excited (and admittedly a bit scared) that you have offered for me to meet some of your local Changelings!  It simply felt wrong that they all might behave as the ones who besieged Canterlot did; hopefully, my courage (what little there is) will hold, and I will possibly be able to find out much more about them!  Thank you for your very generous offer!


Speaking of generosity, my Father (after much persuasion) has officially cleared for me to be able to give you three gifts, which have been cleared for you to take home with you!  I will spill the oats on one of them: I found you a Cloud Diamond!  Granted, it is a bit small - but it is a genuine Cloud Diamond for certain!  The other two will have to be a surprise for now, but I will also say that one of these gifts is actually for your village - it's a goodwill present from one of the workers here, which I have been telling about your letters!  She is a very gifted engineer, and a unicorn to boot - chances are, there will possibly be some magic involved!


You say that Luna wants you as a Consul?  WOW.  That must make you quite an important stallion; although, after our communications, it does not surprise me - you would be a very wise choice, as you are quite intelligent!  Would it be rude of me to ask what Princess Luna is like?  I have never had a chance to meet royalty, and I have admittedly (this part seems to have been erased and re-written a number of times, as if there was an indecisive moment or two about what would be written - but among the erased scratchings, Illiad can make out multiple erasings of the word 'crush') had a great personal admiration for her, and I would like to know how she is, face to face.  If that isn't too much to ask, of course - I do not know if that sort of information would be considered confidential or not.


I can hardly wait to meet you - the exchange program stated that, as long as you approve, you might be able to come here as early as next week!  This is SO exciting!  I look forward to meeting you at the train station, and I hope you are able to come - I will be counting the days, my dear friend!


Yours Truly, Dax B.


(P.S. - Thank you so very much for offering to make the arrangements for us to go to this telescope; my heart nearly jumped into my throat when you told me it could be arranged!  You are truly a good friend!)

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was initially surprised by the lateness of the response and feared for a moment that Dax had lost interest. When the letter arrived he was worried to open it fearing what it might contain, especially if it was more silt. He was glad then that his fears were in vain.


Evening Dax,


Worry not, I understand how much trouble siblings can be. I am the oldest of four in my family of mixed races and they do get away with a whole lot more than I ever did. I wonder what would happen to your brother if you decided to leave the quarry as well? I suppose I must have been my mother's favorite for being Empathic and for becoming an artist like her. While my brother used to annoy me on occasion I still love him dearly.


 It does get quite hot out here, but it is significantly cooler within the cities. Out on the dunes the highest temperature recorded was 120 F, but that was when Celestia left the sun up a bit too long soon after Nightmare Moon's defeat. Within the city it is generally 68 to 77 F throughout the day but it can get close to freezing at night. It gets colder in the winter but not too much within the city. You should be fine so long as you stay out of the sunlight, your black coat will certainly get quite hot out of the shade. The city is most active at night given that it is significantly easier to conduct business in the cool night than in the warm day. Though I suppose seeing the city during the day would be best as the crowds are significantly smaller. I do agree though, the stars here are great as there is significantly less light pollution than central Equestria. I found myself in awe of their beauty when I first arrived.


As to the changelings, don't be too frightened. The ones that I want you to meet are good friends of mine and would never do anything to hurt you. They aren't proud of what Chrysalis did, and they are making efforts to undo it. I've heard the local queen has even met with the current Consul on a few occasions in an effort to be a bit more open about their presence so they can be better accepted here.((OOC: I use the changeling structure from A Novel Tale)) They are happy to meet with you and answer whatever questions you may have.


I must admit I was so surprised when I read about the gifts that I dropped your letter, I am still amazed at how generous your father is being to give me a cloud diamond even if it is particularly small. They are not only quite rare but extremely valuable. It certainly isn't the kind of gift I could accept without reciprocating in some way. Let your father know that I would be more than happy to design him a security seal or watermark for free. You can pick up it's printing plate when you come here. You ponies are quite generous, I wish I had more to offer in return but all I really have are my talents, and security is the least frivolous of them all.


I think Luna wants me simple because I am one of few that she trusts to a degree. I am not sure if running a country is what I'm meant to do, but if she believes in me I am willing to give it a try (Perhaps I could be an adviser first?). Luna is particularly kind and caring once she opens up, as I've met with her she has always seemed so caring about me and my work. And I in turnn have had the opportunity to see some of her work, she is actually a fine artist, painting her sky on occasion or planning how meteors will fall to achieve the greatest effect. I hope you can get the chance to meet her yourself, I'm sure she'd be happy to see somepony with an enthusiasm for the stars like you.


Has it been that long already? I have cleared up my remaining contracts so I can visit you at the start of next week, we can likely each exchange one more letter before then. Just to be clear, which train station will you be waiting at? I've fallen a bit out of practice with the Equestrian rail system.


(Stamped again with Illiad's mark)


PS, I'm glad to see that you are so excited, I'm sure it will be a wondrous experience for you.


Illiad prepped the letter for delivery, and was surprised to receive a letter as he dropped of his own. It was a blue envelope sealed with the silver lunar seal.


The week after next? I will be there Wednesday night.

-Princess Luna

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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(The reply comes in the standard two days... but this time, it arrives in a very plain envelope.  More dry black silt at the bottom, but this time it doesn't fall out; once bitten, etc.)


Dear Illiad,


I wanted to be able to pick you up at Canterlot Station without my Father sending an escort to 'babysit' me, so I'm writing this letter from my tent!  I want to be able to greet you without Father's supervision; it might be one of the few times I get to do something without having to worry about his eyes on my back, so to speak.


I realize that, given time, Oglevy will eventually stop being a pain and begin to mature - and I will have to be the big brother.  Harcourt used to tease and bully me when I was little, but he did grow to like me; he couldn't stand Oglevy, though - it was the reason he left.  It is somewhat sad, but I don't believe those two will ever get along, but I may be incorrect.


I am actually looking forward to the warmth; the mountains are cool and breezy (when they aren't freezing and gusty), so a warmer climate might be able to shake the family chill from my bones!  And I am already re-re-RE-studying my star charts and textbooks, so that I can accurately pinpoint the most beautiful constellations when the night sky reigns.  I have been requesting access to a camera, but those are exceedingly rare and expensive - meaning it would be quite likely that I would have to fill out reams of forms for my parents to even consider it!


I thank you most graciously for your invitation to meet with your Changeling friends, and will be most pleased to take you up on it - as long as you accompany me, of course!  As I have said, I am aware of my limits, and I know I have yet to truly gather much courage; I will try my best with you beside me, though!


I am quite pleased that you are excited about the gifts - but I want to point out that, although Father was the one that cleared them through customs, I am the one who located and retrieved the Cloud Diamond; my Father simply got permission for it to leave Equestria for me!  As for the seal you have offered, I would actually be quite honored - and I believe my Father will like it most of all, as he is always on the lookout for anything that makes his job more efficient.  You won't get a smile from him - but you MIGHT ACTUALLY GET A THANK YOU!


As much as I would thoroughly enjoy meeting with the Moon Princess, I am well aware that I am only a single apple in the orchard (so to speak), and she has far more important tasks than such.  I had heard she was present on Nightmare Night in Ponyville, but I was kept at the manor, as an unwilling captive to the Nightmare Night celebration that Mother fairly well demanded that we have, more for Oglevy than myself.  By the time I had managed to slip away and travel the distance, she had already departed, and the celebration was over.  It was just not to be - but I still wish I had made it.  THAT was a long, long journey home - and not simply in paces, either.


As far as the entire Consul position goes, I do hope you get whatever ends up being the best for YOU - and that we can still write to each other, once you're so important!  Even if it only happens once a week, or a month - I'll still be just as eager to hear from you!  As it is, I can hardly wait to see you!  As I stated, Canterlot station is where we can meet - on the way to the Blackwater Quarry, we can talk about all sorts of things!


Always your friend, Dax B.


(P.S. - I don't think you'll have any trouble spotting me; I'll be the one grinning from ear to ear!  Safe travels!)

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Illiad rushed to write his response if only to ensure that it would arrive before he did.


Evening Dax,


I'm surprised your father would send an escort with you to Canterlot of all places. I don't remember it being all that dangerous for normal ponies. None the less, when you're here he wont be watching you, you'll be able to speak freely. I will be arriving at Canterlot station in three days, I similarly can't wait to meet you in person.


It is always sad when a family grows apart, but there is often little that can be done from the outside to fix it. If you end up getting closer to your younger brother you could be what brings your brothers back together. I don't speak from experience, not even second hoof. 


Now that you mention it I am looking forward to wind that is not full of sand and that wont gouge your eyes out if you look directly into it. A cooler climate will be a nice break from the back and forth swing of desert temperatures. Now that you mention it, a camera would be nice, but similarly here they are expensive and the climate is no good for their inner workings.


I will of course be with you when we visit my changeling friends, don't worry. Their excited to meet you too as you are one of very few ponies that have expressed any interest in learning about them, from them.


I am amazed at your generosity, for you to give up something so valuable... It gives me hope for the future of Equestria if there are ponies like you in it. If only more shared your open-mindedness and generosity. I am surprised that your father actually managed to get Equestrian Customs to let them through. He must be one powerful pony to get the border guards to allow that. I'll be sure to talk with your father about the seal so I can make it when we come back to Troy. Do be sure to tell him about it before I arrive so he knows what to expect.


You'd be surprised how friendly Princess Luna can be, you may be a grain in the dune but if you wrote her a letter you'd stand out like a star in the sky to her. I've heard that there's one little colt in Ponyville that writes her letters every so often, it brings a smile to her face to read them.


If I do become Consul or an Advisor I will be sure to not forget about you. I may not have too many friends, but the ones I do have are forever.


(The letter is ended with Illiad's mark)


PS, I will be wearing a light colored cloak, it is much colder in Canterlot than it is here.


After sending the letter Illiad began to pack up a few of his belongings for the trip, he packed standard Trojan garb for the trip back in addition to his everyday supplies. He also packed his sketching materials so he could design a security seal for Mr Blackwater. All packed, he finished up the last of his contracts with his remaining time. On the moonset of the second day he left for the train station dressed in a whitish cloak. He boarded and would arrive at Canterlot, after a transfer at Dodge JCT, in the early afternoon.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The day was crisp and cool when the train pulled into the station.  There were a number of ponies onboard, and it took a good moment or two before enough of the others had cleared out for Illiad to exit the train.  


Upon reaching the platform he searched the crowds, looking for a black and green pony.  It took a moment before he found who he believed he was looking for... standing near the edge of the platform, flanked on either side by two very smartly-dressed ponies.  He looked quite sad, until he saw Illiad; the smile that began to light up his features, however, was cut short as one of the two escorts pointed at Illiad, and the other said something sidelong to the Blackwater pony.


Dax was... well, he seemed rather like a pony who is stuck in a cage & trying to keep from touching the sides; he looked like he was pulled into himself, his stance straight and narrow, his face somewhere between sorrow and subservience.  The only thing about him that didn't seem unduly subdued was the almost visible shine in his eyes - they followed Illiad like they were magnetized to him.


As one, the three made their way to where he was.  When they got close enough to speak without yelling, one of the two tuxedoed stallions spoke up.


"Good afternoon, Mr Illiad - that IS you, I presume?"  


He sounded as if he were trying to win a Snooty Contest... and was in the top running.

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Illiad's horn glowed over so slightly as it always did, he could feel the superiority that the suited ponies felt towards him.

That pony is more stuck up than any Canterlot Noble I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, I think a bit more respect is in order.

As he approached to a more comfortable distance he felt about the crowd for excess awe and respect, drawing it in to himself, preparing to release it as he spoke so they would feel awe and respect as he drained away their smug superiority. 

He drew upon the Canterlot intellectual accent he had acquired from long hours in the archives. Smug with a touch of condescension. The small smile on his face showed the calm confidence one has when their plan is already working.

"Ah, You must be young Mr Blackwater's entourage. Indeed I am the very Illiad Easle you seek."

He came a bit closer to the group, close enough that two extended forelegs could touch but far enough to dodge a sudden tackle.

"It is hardly evening gentlecolts but it will be if we don't proceed with due speed. Is there anything you require before we make haste?"

He took the opportunity to push a bit of courage towards Dax, hoping it would at least brighten his spirits a bit.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The two ponies on either side of Dax looked at each other, raised an eyebrow as if they were reflections of each other, then looked back to Illiad.


"Indeed, we should make our way to the carriage awaiting us, sir.  I am Beck..."


"... and I am Call..." said the other one, never missing a beat.


"We are Mrs. Blackwater's personal assistants, and we have been sent with Master Daxter to retrieve you..."


"... and bring you to Blackwater Manor.  Right this way, please."


The two of them turned as one, and began to head for the front of the station.  Dax lingered a bit behind, and when Beck and Call had their backs turned, he gave Illiad a warm, slightly embarrassed smile.


"Father found out," he said simply, shrugging.


"Come along, Master Daxter."  One of them shot over his flank.  Dax's eyes bugged for a second, and he fell into step.


As they came around the station, there were a few ponies stopped along the sidewalks, staring at a rather lavish silver carriage.  It was rather extravagant, studded with emeralds and topped with silver filigreed scrollwork - the whole thing was just a hair shy of ridiculous; one of the ponies began to attach the harness to his back, while the other opened the door.


"Gentlecolts, this way please."


Dax climbed inside and sat to the far side, leaving more than enough room for company and looking at Illiad as if he were the only thing that mattered in all of Equestria.

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Clearly these two will take more effort than they're worth, ah well.

Illiad stepped carefully into the carriage, frankly astounded at the utter opulence of it all. For someone who dislikes frivolous pursuits this is certainly odd.

As he sat in the carriage Illiad realized that he was still wearing his standard Trojan garb beneath his cloak. It would be a bit awkward to remove at this point so I guess it stays on and this exchange now has nearly 20% more culture to it.

When he spoke again it was an amicable, yet still formal tone. One he would use with a formal client.

"So... Your full name is Daxter? How have you been?"

He refrained from speaking too much as he didn't particularly trust the bodyguards and the utter opulence of the carriage was slightly disconcerting. I almost hope we get robbed for how much wealth is being put on display here.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"I've... well, I'm just really glad you're here.  It's good to meet you, Illiad."


The other pony (maybe it was Call?) nodded once everypony was inside.  


"Very well; we shall be on our way shortly, Sir Easle."


He closed the carriage door, and headed for the front to pull the cart along with his twin (Beck, maybe?).  As soon as the other pony had left their view, Dax's eyes lit up like fireworks, and he smiled broadly and happily - MUCH better and livelier than he'd been a moment ago.


"I'm SO glad you're here!"  He reached out and hugged Illiad, tightly.  He was still smiling as he sat back once again.


"I'm real sorry about those two - they're okay, but they're usually the ones Mother sends to do whatever needs doing.  They're okay, really... they just have to have that kinda attitude about 'em; Mother wouldn't have hired 'em, otherwise."


The carriage gave a very slight lurch, then began forward at a decent, yet not expedient pace.


"You're really HERE!  I just... I'm sorry, I... I just can't believe it's REALLY happening!  I mean, I kinda had this fear that you wouldn't show, y'know?  Like it was all just a dream or something... but you came!  I'm just so glad!"


Was this really the exact same morose pony he'd first seen at the station?  It was almost as if somepony had suddenly stuffed Dax with cupcakes and lemonade; it was such a radical difference.


"Sorry... I'm just really excited; I hope you don't think I'm, y'know, crazy or coltish or anything like that..."


He rubbed at the back of his neck with a hoof, and gave Illiad another sheepish grin; THIS Dax was considerably more lively than the one he was in front of Beck and Call.


"Uhm, yeah - my full name's Daxter," the distaste on his face was evident when he spoke it, "but I go by Dax - Daxter sounds too... well, 'uppity' for my taste, y'know?  How was your trip?  Did it take long?  I like your outfit!"


This was going to certainly be an interesting week.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was expecting Dax's change in attitude but he hadn't anticipated the magnitude. He really must not get many chances to unwind, unfortunate for one so close to becoming an adult.

Illiad's tone a a simple kind tone like he would use with his friends, it carried a sort of sense of belonging to it.

"It's good to see you in person too, I don't particularly mind those two but if your house is populated by them it will be hard to restrain my passive aggressive, yet entirely witty, comments. Don't worry, I can understand your excitement, you really don't get out all that much do you?"

He sighed, trying to find a comfortable position in the carriage, for all its opulence it lacked comfort. Why did all the rich hate comfortable chairs?

"To answer your questions, My trip went well, the Equestrian train was significantly slower that the Trojan one, but it was much more comfortable so I guess it evens out, gave me a bit more time to get acclimated to a non-nocturnal sleep schedule again."

He smiled a bit as he looked down at his garb.

"Oh you noticed? Most Trojans where this or something similar all the time, it was meant originally to keep the sand out of your coat and to keep warm at night. It isn't needed for those purposes inside the cities anymore but it has simply stuck as part of the culture. If I were Consul it would be lined with red."

He looked back over at Dax,

"I wasn't originally going to wear it but I suppose I forgot to take it off on the train ride here. Besides, it makes me look a bit more formal."

"So, What do you have planned for us this week? Anything you consider particularly exciting?"

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


If Dax were dynamite, he would possibly explode twice.


"Oh, I've got a LOT of stuff for us to do!  I wanna show you the manor, and the quarry - oh, you've GOTTA meet some of the other workers there!  I've been telling Silver about you; she's the one who made the..."  Dax stopped himself (quite a feat), and smiled impishly.  "Well, THAT'S gonna be a surprise for when I go with you to Troy!"


As he spoke, the carriage began to make it's way out of Canterlot and down a rocky path; the ride was surprisingly smooth for such a road.  Illiad could hear that Beck and Call were apparently speaking to each other, yet their voices were drowned out by their hooves, the rattle of the carriage, and of course Dax.


"I wanna show you my tent, too - but we'll have to do that when we can sneak out, 'cause Mother doesn't like it when I sleep there.  She tells me, 'Dax,'" he took on a whiny, sing-songy voice as he spoke her words, "'it's so cold and damp by that nasty river, why can't you just sleep in your own bed, where you're nice and warm and safe?'  I mean, YEESH - I'm big enough to know how to take care of myself for the most part... and I'm pretty good at hiding, when I can't."


Dax certainly seemed to have quite a lot to say; Illiad very much got the impression that he didn't have many good listeners among his few friends.  But, as excited as he was, how could anypony NOT want to see the young stallion this happy?


"I've got a picnic planned, and fishing - have you ever been fishing?  And at night, I can show you what constellations are in this seasonal sky; they'd be just a bit different than what you'd see in Troy, but just as beautiful!  Did you bring your telescope?  If not, that's okay - you can use mine, if you like!"


He looked so happy, he almost seemed about to cry, scream AND laugh, all at the same time.

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Illiad began to take in as much of Dax's enthusiasm as he could hold. He had the feeling he would need a bunch in reserve to get through meeting his family. As a result Illiad began to become more thoroughly enthused. 

"That sounds like a great time, I can't wait to find out what Silver has in store. Oh, I just remembered. I wanted to show you something."

Illiad reached into the folds of his robe and pulled out a diamond the size of a softball.

"This is how much cloud diamond I've been able to collect so far!"

His horn began to glow, converting the excess enthusiasm in the carriage into magical energy. The diamond in his hoof shifted in shape growing into a full length sword.

"Its pretty useful with a large amount of mass,"

The gem shifted again, this time becoming a key.

"But even little amounts can be quite useful. This is why cloud diamonds are so valuable."

Illiad began to offload some of the enthusiasm he'd been storing, as a result it began to glow slightly. He set it between them as it began to float upward of its own accord.

"It certainly makes things a bit easier when traveling."

"I can't wait to hear about how the constellations are different here, it will certainly a different perspective than I've gotten used to. Oh, no. I didn't bring my telescope. It wouldn't fit well in my bags."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The enthusiasm rolling off Dax was extremely thick, as well as a broad ribbon of happiness, and a thin line of... worry?  Well, it might just be first-meeting jitters, of course.  One thing was certain; Dax could be an extremely emotional pony - when he wasn't being watched over by his folks, of course.


His eyes went as round as saucers as he watched the Cloud Diamond go through it's various metamorphoses.  The wonder and awe on his face was coming off him in emotional waves; obviously, Dax wasn't one to hide his feelings when he was like this, which showed an honesty in him that others probably didn't evidence often.


"Oh!  Oh yeah!  Here - this is for you..."


With that, Dax reached back behind his neck and into his mane; there was a strand of yarn there, with a small pouch attached to it.  He opened the pouch and shook it into his hoof.  Out of the bag came a small, golf-ball sized Cloud Diamond.


"It's not exactly big, I know... but now that I see what you can do with it, I'm happy to hand it to you.  For my friend!"


With that, he gave the scintillating gem to Illiad, beaming from ear to ear as he did.


"And like I said, you can use my telescope - friends share stuff, right?  So, what does- OOH!  You can see the quarry and manor from here, if you wanna take a look!  See?"


Dax pulled back the ostentatious velvet curtain, and the view was something to behold...


The mountains seemed to simply fall away under the edge of the window; Illiad had to glance down to be sure they weren't floating in the air (they weren't, though the cart was a bit close to the edge).  The high altitude left a beautiful scene below; Illiad could even make out Twilight's Castle in the far distance.  In the closer distance, ahead of them, was a large stone wall about two stories tall, with large iron gates set into the front of it.  No foppishness there - it was ALL business, from what he could tell.


There was the crest of a large boulder peeking over one end of the wall, and a spattering of rooftops at the other end.  A small wisp of white smoke curled up into the air from what appeared to be the back of the lot, and he could already hear what sounded like an occasional sharp clang of steel.


Above the quarry lot, seated in the nestle of a mountain crag, was an exquisite piece of architecture.  It was a large manor house, classically structured with gabled peaks and what looked like silver ivy crawling up the side walls.  If the carriage was overstated grandeur, then Blackwater Manor was a dignified and beautiful diamond in the rough... or would it be an emerald?


"There's the manor - right where Father can keep an eye on everything that goes on in the quarry.  The quarry means so much to him; I'm pretty sure we mean more - my family, that is - but it's a close call, for sure.  NOTHING goes on there without his stamp of approval... OH!  I'm sure he'll wanna talk to you as soon as we get there, so be ready for it.  He doesn't use a lotta fancy talk, so you might be able to deal with him better than Mother - she's... kinda, well..."


Dax fidgeted with his tail for a second, then once again smiled at Illiad.


"So, yeah - we're almost there.  When we get there, and after Father talks with you - if he does - what do you wanna do first?  Food?  A bath?  Tour the quarry?  You're my guest - YOU pick!"

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Illiad managed to pull his attention away from the truly stunning scenery to inspect the cloud diamond, amazed at it's size. Cloud diamonds were generally found closer to the size of peas or small marbles, and even those were worth hundreds of bits. A piece the size Dax had found could be worth almost 10k. Illiad's face would reflect how stunned he was.

"Your house is quite nice, a wonderful view and actually architecture that wouldn't be out of place in Troy proper. It's just..."

He lifted the piece that Dax had found. "Do you know how much this is worth? You've singlehoofedly found more cloud diamond than any one pony ever. That quary must be full of the dust and it must have been coalescing all this time, ever since the mine was opened." He looked up towards Dax, "This piece you;ve found is worth nearly ten thousand bits, I doubt your father knows, are you sure you want to give this to me?"


Illiad's diamond had returned to its natural diamond shape with the point directed downward. When Illiad let go of Dax's piece it floated up and began to orbit around the point of Illiad's diamond, "How curious." He shook his head to clear away his pondering. "I think I'd like to tour the quarry first if that's alright. I think you may be sitting on the largest depository of cloud diamond in the world. Oh if only Carbon were here, he'd be able to tell in an instant."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle




Dax gave the gem a curious look, then gave that same look to Illiad in turn.


"It was in one of the lower tunnels, quite a bit down.  When I told Father it was for you, he eyeballed it pretty close... but he said it would be fine.  I mean, I d-d-didn't... wow.  Wowie-wow."


He continued the curious look for a moment more, then thoughtfulness replaced it.  A spark seemed to jump behind his eyes, and the roll of emotions told Illiad that Dax had an idea coming.


"If there's a lot of them there, maybe there could be some kinda thing worked out?  I could speak to Father at length about it, if you like... I'd do that for my friend, easy!"


As he beamed his beatific smile, Illiad felt the carriage come to a stop.


"Okay!  We can tour the quar-"


"Master Dax?  We have arrived."


Almost instantly, the flow of Dax's emotions shut off like a light switch.  His face went slack, and he sat back quickly, taking a properly cultured posture.  The door opened, and both the butler twins were there, side by side.


"If you would be so kind, Sir Easle-"


"The Master of the estate has requested your presence-"


"- in his study.  I shall take you there, Sir-"


"- while I take Master Dax to Madam Blackwater, as also requested."


In unison: "Shall we go?"


Dax looked at Illiad and, with a slight sheepish smile, left the carriage.  The butler to the left gave a polite bow, then turned and escorted the young Blackwater towards the large gates.  There was a creaking sound, and they swung open just far enough to allow the two entry.  Dax looked back at Illiad as they passed from view.


The remaining butler politely cleared his throat.  "Sir?"

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Illiad retrieved the diamonds from their positions on the ceiling, stowing them again in the folds of his robe. He quickly composed himself, returning to the Canterlot Intellectual accent.


"Yes, let us be going. Perchance might we be passing by where I will be staying? It would be unfitting to meet my gracious hosts so burdened."


As they walked Illiad thought about what Dax had said. It's a wonder they haven't noticed the cloud diamond in those caves, it must be quite a low concentration, but the sheer volume of excavation combined with a likely methodical nature likely resulted in its slow formation over the many generations. If so there could be a decent amount of material throughout the mountain. That would certainly drive the value down if it was well known. Ah well. I'd have to see the quarry myself to tell. It could just be an isolated chunk, this is about how much I'd expect out of a mountain this size.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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The butler nodded politely.  "Of course, Sir Easle - though I would be remiss if I didn't offer to take your parcels myself.  But, as you have no formal knowledge of myself, I would not find it rude if you wished to do so yourself; simply offering, as is only proper for a guest of the Blackwaters.  Right this way, if you please."


The lone twin began making his way toward the still-open gate.  Dignified, he didn't look back to see if Illiad was following; apparently, he was giving the Trojan stallion a bit more respect after all.  Illiad followed him through the doorway, and...


The quarry was there, in all it's strange splendor - it was the size of a small town!


There were a number of buildings that were simple (yet sturdy) brick and mortar, but others were wooden, steel or even stone.  The giant boulder Illiad had seen earlier had a pair of wrought iron doors set in the front of it, and it was surrounded by sheds.  The white smoke was coming from a large, walk-in lunch wagon near the back of the lot, and there was a LARGE and foreboding-looking tunnel at the far end - probably the mines proper.


The butler gave a small grin.  "Many of those who first view the Quarry wear a similar look of astonishment in their eyes; always pleasant to know it remains so impressive.  This way, please, Sir Illiad."


He led them both to a cobblestone pathway that wound around the side of one of the larger metal sheds.  As they passed, a red pony by the shed gave Illiad a bit of a suspicious look - and he could feel the emotion to go with it.


The butler, his eyes casually drifting from Illiad to the watchful pony and back, gave a bit of a sniff.


"Never mind that one," he said, "he's trouble.  This way, Sir."


Once they were around the shed, the butler spoke again, yet this time at a lower register.


"Between you and I, Sir, I must admit I have not seen Master Dax so... enthusiastic for long and long.  I, for one, am quite pleased to witness the young Master smiling.  For this, my brother and I thank you; the poor boy rarely gets an even break."


Such said, he continued up the path, which clearly seemed to lead to the manor proper - though the walk might take a moment yet.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad walked with a careful pace, trying to see as much of it as he could without looking too eager, clearly he had failed in the latter. When he felt the red pony's suspicion he couldn't help but think that it would be trouble later.


"It is indeed an impressive establishment, and you're quite welcome. The young Mr. Blackwater is quite interesting to say the least. I am glad to have made a difference in his life.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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