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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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Illiad moved to sit on one of the blankets. "Well, I don't really have a strong preference one way or the other, I've gotten used to staying up all night from my time in Troy." The gen seemed to glow slightly differently for a short while. "As excited as Selena is to meet you more directly, she is content to wait if you want to stay up and talk."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax looked back and forth between the gem and Illiad.  "Oh... now I'm kinda torn; I don't wanna be rude and keep someone waiting on me... but I don't wanna just leave you here alone, either.  Aw, shucks."


He may have been lamenting the situation, but his emotional flow said he wasn't actually rattled - merely indecisive.  He stayed put for a bit, then he got a bit of a smile.


"Y'know... it's funny how things work out sometimes.  When I started writing letters to you, I was really in a bad place in my head.  I figured I'd give this a try, seeing as how I didn't really have anything to lose.  I didn't expect an answer from you - heck, I didn't expect an answer from ANYPONY, to be honest."


He turned his kindest smile on, facing the unicorn.  "But you did.  You wrote back, and you sounded so thrilled to write to me, that it gave me hope... hope for the future, y'know?  It made me feel like, hey, if I can make a friend through the mail, then face-to-face should be easy, right?  I mean, not here at the quarry - I know - but all over Equestria.  And every single one is a potential friend."


He finally laid back on one of the sets of quilts, crossing his forelegs over his chest as he gazed out at the stars.


"I was thinking... I don't know... maybe I will write a letter to Princess Luna, like you suggested.  I mean, you said yourself that she enjoys hearing from her subjects, right?  I... well, I..."


The blush on Dax's face was visible, even in the low light.


"... I really think she's the most beautiful mare I've ever seen.  I mean, I know I KNOW... there's no point in wanting to... to marry her... as I'm just a commoner; I'm no Prince or anything... but, she always looks so lonely in the photographs and paintings I've seen of her... and someone like her shouldn't be lonely.  I know what that's like, though nowhere NEAR the level she knows, I'm sure.  But..."


He glanced at Illiad.


"... but I'd make sure she never felt lonely again.  We could help each other; no more nights by ourselves anymore.  She wouldn't have to be trapped in royal solitude anymore, and she..."


Dax blinked, realizing he was rambling about something that was, to be honest, somewhat embarrassing... though, for what it was worth, there most certainly was a ribbon of affection coming from the young stallion.


"... well... I know it's a pipe dream, sure... but I've whiled away a lot of nights thinking of her.  I know I probably shouldn't, but I can't help myself.  And I... probably shouldn't have said all that, huh?"


He gave a sheepish grin that could beat the band.


"When you get lonely, the mind goes pretty darn deep, sometimes."


He put his hooves behind his head now, still looking out the window at his only other friends.


"You've actually MET her, too... and you're pretty special to her, I gather.  Is she really as pretty as they say?"

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Illiad found Dax's ramblings to be somewhat cute, especially when he was talking about Luna. That is not to say he didn't take them seriously however. "Well, first of all I'm glad I was able to improve your life in some way. As to Luna, I know she'd appreciate having someone to exchange letters with. I would if I didn't already meet with her directly often enough. You sound like you really do care about her, you'd fit in well with Trojan culture in that regard. I think she's a decent looking mare, she's not exactly my type as she's a bit too authoritarian for my tastes, but she's kind and caring too. I would say many of the more recent depictions of her are fairly accurate to what she looks like, but it's never a good comparison to actually meeting her directly." A sly smile came to his face, "You know, she does visit Troy fairly often, maybe we'll run into her during your visit?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"I know MY luck; I'll have either just missed her, or she'll be there next week." 


His response was cynical... but the Empathic could feel a little, tiny flicker of hope kindle in Dax Blackwater.


"But, yeah... I kinda wish I was older, y'know?  I wouldn't care if I was royalty or not - I would try my best to charm her.  Treat her how she deserves to be treated.  I might not get taken seriously, but I would at least try; then I wouldn't spend my twilight years wondering if I'd have missed out on my chances.  Such as they'd be."


He smiled then, his eyelids half-closed as he settled back a bit more into the covers, pulling the top blanket halfway over himself.


"A ball would be nice, tho'... I could see it, Illiad; the music, the atmosphere, the dancing... I would be waitin' at the side, with a nice suit on - and not one o' those fancy numbers Mother tries to dress me in; I mean a really nice suit... and I would see her across the way, lookin' all alone an' sad... she'd be beautiful, too... an' I'd have the chestnuts to walk right over to her an' tell her, 'Madam, we may be among the stars here, but your light outshines them all... may this comet take a spin in your orbit with you?'..."  he gave a sleepy chuckle, and yawned before continuing.  


"She would smile, an' tell me I was quite a gentlecolt... an' she'd take my hoof... an' we'd dance... an' dance... an' dansirmuff..."


There was only the sound of crickets chirping their lullabye for a moment, then a soft, tiny little snore issued from the lump of quilt and pony next to Illiad Easle.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad thought Dax;s talk of Luna was slightly endearing, he contemplated telling Luna before they met, but decided against it. It would not be well to have any preconceived notions at their meeting. Illiad set the gem so that it would be close enough to both of them to work it;s dream magic before settling in to sleep himself, there was no point in staying up later than his host after all.


Illiad was aware of the dream as he had grown accustomed when Selena wanted to talk, it appeared she wanted him to be there for the meeting with Dax. Illiad was surprised to see that the plain white room had been furnished slightly, in that there were chairs already there. He supposed that made sense given Dax would have no experience with this room when Selena pulled him into it. Speaking of which, Selena looked as radiant as she ever did, she seemed like she wanted to impress Dax. Her form was the familiar one of a young and thin crystal mare, her slightly bluer mane and tail were arranged in a cute, yet beautiful way. Illiad approached and gave her a slight hug, "I'm sure he'll like you just fine."


With a slight nod that betrayed her nervousness she went to the doors of the room, and prepared to summon Dax to the collective dream. She managed to snag him right at the beginning of what would no doubt be a wonderful dream if left unaltered, but Selena managed to pull him away.


Dax would become aware of the dream world and find himself in front of a set of closed doors in front and a lever behind him marked exit. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


There was a moment where nothing happened at first.  Before any worry could start, however, the doors were carefully pushed open, and the visitor outside stepped in... but it took a moment before either of them realized what was standing in front of them.  They had expected cute little Dax Blackwater, almost grown yet still so child-like that it was hard to take him seriously as an adult for many ponies...


The stallion that entered the room was a shocking difference, but also familiar.  He was as tall as Luther Blackwater himself, and had a similar build as well.  He looked strong and powerful, like he was the King of the Rock Miners.  He was also roguishly handsome; the emerald eyes, the black and green mane pulled back in a neat ponytail, the goatee well-trimmed and sharp all added to his personal allure - even the notch missing from his left ear added a sense of hidden danger to him.  He was wearing a very expensive, yet reserved, tuxedo with a crisp white rose in his lapel, and cuffs for each hoof, all decorated with emerald cufflinks.


Aside from that, though... there was the hesitant way he moved, those eyes scanning the room nervously, the careful steps that made barely a sound... he might look like a full-grown adult stallion, but the personality beneath could be nopony else but Dax.


When he caught sight of Illiad, he smiled... and when he saw Selena, he simply stared for a moment.  When he spoke, his voice was rich and deep, if perhaps a bit soft.


"I suppose the Ball can wait until another night."  His chuckle was resonant and hearty, but the smile that spread across his features was the kind of smile only Dax could have.  "This is incredible... and you, my dear, are exquisite to behold.  Greetings," he bowed low and respectfully, "I am Daxter Blackwater, heir to the Blackwater Quarry; it is a fine and rare pleasure to meet you at last, and your radiance shall shine within the halls of my mind forever - a portrait of the purest definition of the word 'beautiful' will hang there, showing you at this very moment in time.  I pray that you forgive my lack of proper vocabulary - as there are truly no words to do any description of you any form of justice."


Apparently. Dax was a bit more eloquent in his dreams.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was impressed by the change in Dax. While it did betray a difference in image to reality, IE Dax did not see himself in the same way he actually appeared or was perhaps uncomfortable with his physical appearance. It was likely a result of being unused to being pulled into a shared mental area. Illiad looked the same as he did in reality as he had long accepted his body and all of its flaws, right down to the scars on his back. He was wearing his typical robe but he would admit that he made this one whiter and more comfortable.


Selena gave a slight yet dainty laugh, "I suppose it will have to wait, your flattery knows no bounds. However, this is no place for facades, I want to know the real Dax, not the Daxter Dax wants to be someday. If that is alright with you that is, while I can I won't force you to change. Come, take a seat with me." Selena somewhat walked but mostly floated over to the chairs she had made in the white room, they looked fairly comfortable, yet quite plain being the same color as the rest of the room but easily distinguishable from it. Selena's gait was like one who knew the concept of walking, yet lacked practical experience in that regard. Selena took a seat and gestured to another as Illiad took one as well. "Do come join us. As I am the host it is only fair that you get to ask the first question, if that;s what you want."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax stood there a moment, a puzzled look on his face before glancing down at himself.


"Oh.  Well, I suppose that could be a tad disconcerting... a moment, my lady."


Dax's form began to shrink and mould into what Illiad knew the young Blackwater to be.  As the reformation completed, Dax looked himself over and gave a bit of a sheepish grin.


"Sorry about that - I was... uhm... in a different dream; I'm sorry if I kept you waiting long."


 Dax made his way over to the seat reserved for him.  He tried not to stare at Selena... but of course he did.  When he walked over, there was an interesting effect; behind Dax ran a softly glowing trail, the color of emeralds.  It flowed behind him as he moved, and slowly caught up to him after he sat down.  There was no telling what it was about - it simply seemed to be a part of Dax.


He kept watching Selena as he took his seat, fascinated with somepony so different than anything he had ever seen before.  Normally, he'd be extremely nervous... but for some reason, he seemed to have at least a passing grip on his skittishness.  Perhaps it was Illiad's presence that made the difference.


"It's a real honor to meet you; Illiad always seems fit to burst when he speaks about you, like he wants to tell me more, but..." he turned to the Trojan, "you were right; nothing like meeting somepony like her face to face."


He looked around a bit at the room, then returned his gaze to the lovely mare.  "I do have questions... and I kinda hope you have some for me, too - though what you'd wanna know about ME, I have no idea..."


He cleared his throat, and squirmed a bit in the chair; he was trying to find a good place to start.


"Illiad told me the story of why you and the others... your siblings, I guess?... came to be.  I guess a good starting question would be to ask you what it's like to be a star?  I mean, a real star in the sky... how did it feel?  DID it feel?  How was the view?  Could you-..."


Dax checked his enthusiasm, taking a breath to clear his thoughts.  "Uhm, yeah... so how was it?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Selena seemed puzzled by the green ghosting that Dax was doing, but didn't want to seem to comment on it at the moment, her expression brightened when he asked his question. "First off, I don't see the world like you two do, I don't have eyes. I can feel the world through a combination of vibrations and an ability similar to Illiad's in sensing the emotions around me, though it isn't as powerful. And in space there is not much of either so I couldn't see much outside of Luna herself. It was very quiet in space, peaceful even. My memories compare it to lying in a still pool with your eyes closed. It was also quite cold, though there was a lightness to me, it took significantly less effort to change shape there. I much prefer life here, the silence got very boring after a while and freeing Luna was a time consuming but not very challenging task." She paused her reminiscing and returned her focus to Dax. "I would ask about the trail you seem to leave as you move, but I would guess you don't know. So, what do you think of Equestria? I find the younger have the least biased opinions and Illiad is just a bit biased against it to answer honestly."  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Trail?  There's a trail?"


Dax looked behind him - but of course, there was no trail while he was sitting down.  Shrugging, he turned back to face Selena.  He spared a moment to look over at Illiad and smile.


"But wow... to actually BE a star.  I've gotta admit - I'd love to see-... I mean, FEEL the sky like that."


He listened to Selena's question, and pondered it for a moment before answering.


"Well... Equestria is my home, of course.  I mean, well... I haven't really had a lot of chance to visit many places.  As far as what I HAVE seen, I've been to Manehattan - which was big and bold - and Ponyville, which looked wonderful from the Everfree... though I didn't actually go in there; I did see the ponies there having fun, though.  I wished I could join 'em..."


Dax got a wistful look in his eyes for a few seconds, then realized he was still among company, so he shook his head to refocus.


"Uhm, yeah - like I said, I haven't seen a lot of Equestria, but what I have seen has been really magnificent!  Beautiful mountains, somber valleys, fruitful forests and playful rivers and streams... I think everypony that lives here is lucky to have such a beautiful place to live in."


He smiled at that... but then he got quiet and thoughtful.


"I... I've heard a lot about Princess Celestia from Illiad, and I wanted to ask... why is she doing all these things that make no sense?  It bothers me - a lot, actually - that the Princess I've heard so much about seems to almost be petty and cold... why?  Is the mantle of royalty so heavy that she's suffering?  Does she not realize what her edicts are doing to the ponies of places like Troy?  Why would she be like that?"

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Selena looked slightly surprised by Dax's new line of questioning, but gave a bit of a shrug. "​Ultimately? She fears that you ponies wont need her anymore. She has strived to make herself indispensable at the expense of your social and technological development. She has played off the other forms of government by making the other nations seem inferior for not being ruled by an eternal monarch, in her eyes if you were to see that a society could live and thrive without her guidance then you might want that for yourselves and depose her. She fears being alone and unwanted, and accidentally caused those same feelings in one of the few that would walk through eternity with her. Even worse? She can't go back on her decisions, it would show the world that she was wrong, and if she can be wrong then, she can be wrong now. So she must live with the consequences of her actions, her fear guided ways, so that she can remain where she desperately desires to stay." Selena paused for a moment. "In a way, you are all like her children, but she cant seem to let you grow up and move on, for she knows she cannot follow you further. I hope that makes sense. My turn then, tell me your fondest memory, if you don't mind sharing that is."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax listened to Selena's explanation of Celestia's issues... and seemed a bit sad when she finished.  However, it didn't last very long, as he paid attention to the next question.  He looked down, smiling at the floor, and spoke with a touch of great fondness.


"That's easy; the day I found the Blackwater Emerald."


He sat up straighter, and gestured with his hooves animatedly as he spoke.


"This was a while ago, back when I was still sneaking into the mines and working on the side... before my cutie mark.  Y'see, I had been helping out for a few weeks when we had gotten pretty far down into one of the tunnels.  I was down there for about two minutes when I started getting this... tingling, twitching feeling in my hooves - like ants crawling over 'em.  And it got stronger and stronger as I went down one of the side tunnels the crew had abandoned.  The miners figured there was nothing there, so they just left it to be sealed up by the blasting."


Dax got a light in his eyes as he spoke, completely enraptured in his own tale.


"Well, as I had been working hard with the others for a while now, the forepony knew my name and he trusted my judgement.  So, he followed me there, along with a small, hoofpicked crew of other workers.  We st to work, either kicking or hauling away.  It was rough, but my hooves kept spazzing... so I knew we had to be close."


"When we broke into the chamber, it was all dark at first.  Then, when one of the others shined a light inside, there was this ENORMOUS pillar of pure emerald, reaching from the floor of the cave and through the ceiling.  The other miners and I just stared at it.  Then... completely without warning... out of nowhere..."


He leaned forward, adding to the suspense.


"... they picked me up and carried me on their shoulders, like a hero.  They kept calling out compliments and kudos to me, and didn't even expect a response!  It was later carved and removed, and is still really pretty... but it stays locked up in the Vault.  To this very day, it holds the record for being the largest emerald in all of Equestria - and I was the one who found it!  That was also when my cutie mark appeared."


He turned politely to show the side of his flank, where a lump of gray rock was pictured... but sticking out of the rock was a chunk of a beautiful emerald; Dax's talent for finding emeralds AND his hidden self were both represented.


"I was so happy that I was so thoroughly accepted - it was wonderful."


He sighed, smiling, before his eyes simply regained contact with hers.


"My turn again."


His grin shone from the sun of his face as he spoke to Selena.


"What kind of music do you love?"

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"Music? Well..." She sat pondering a few moments. "I like soft string music most, slow relaxing tunes are my favorite. I like songs with powerful harmony, especially when it has a mix of instruments, so a full orchestra would be my second favorite. Though high pitches can be painful for me to listen too. How about you? What music do you like?

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax shyly chuckled, grinning humbly.


"Well... I've always been a fan of Rock music, but the older bands; the ones with feeling, y'know?  The Barn Doors, The Rolling Boulders, The Birds, The Monkeys, The Beetles... I like their music because it tells a story between the words, and it's really cool when you can see the images in your mind of what they're REALLY singing about." 


He looked a bit stumped for a moment... then shrugged.


"Well... uhm, tell me more about you, Miss Selena.  I've never seen anypony like you!"


There was a slight blush (and from the Empathic's standpoint, perhaps a slight crush) coming from the young stallion.

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Selena felt, and was slightly surprised by, Dax's slight affection for her. Illiad was the first to respond though, aiming to give Selena some time to compose herself. "The Beetles huh? I like some of their music too, though mostly their earlier ones like 'Hard Day's Night' and 'Yesterday', their later music really started to get weird."


Selena quickly adjusted to the new affection, "It isn't often someone has feelings for me, but I suppose that is due to the secret nature of my existence. I am fairly unique I would say, the only others like me I've encountered are the other balance gems, but even they are not quite like me. I am a living construct of magic, a soul sustained outside of a living body. I learn and develop much like any other pony, I am just in here while all others are out there. Someday Luna and Illiad will find a way to give me a permanent body so I can interact with the world outside, currently there hasn't been enough raw material nor a source of energy sustainable enough to be effective at maintaining a body for long periods of time. Moonlight is looking like a pretty promising source but that falls back on insufficient material to store enough energy to last a full day." She waved a hoof dismissively, "I'm sure they'll figure it out eventually, and I'm in no hurry. The world will still be there when it happens." She seemed a bit unsure on how to proceed. "I suppose that's a general overview of myself, is there something more specific you'd like to know?"


(Btw, what time zone are you in?)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle




Dax sort of fidgeted for a moment... then, he gave a small grin.


"Well, uhm... I was on my way to a ball - and I do like to dance..."


He smiled, stood up and made his way over to Selena.  Once there, he gave a low bow with his right hoof outstretched.


"Maybe we could... dance?  If you like?  I know there's no music or anything, but... I don't know if anypony's ever asked you to dance before, so...?"


He was blushing a bit, and his nervousness was obvious... but Dax was trying to not only be brave, but suave as well.  


At least one of those succeeded.

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(MST for me)


Neither Selena nor Illiad were expecting Dax's proposition. "I.... No, No one has ever asked me to dance before. I'd be happy to dance with you." With a slight smirk the room melted away, replaced by a polished marble ballroom floor. Pillars surrounded the large rectangular area with tall windows between them around the perimeter. Glowing crystal chandeliers were evenly spaced along the peak of the roof, evenly illuminating the large dance floor. From no known source soft string music began to play.


The chairs sank into the floor, leaving their occupants behind. Selena accepted Dax's outstretched hoof. "You may have this dance."


Illiad moved to the side of the floor, seemingly impressed by the mental construction, but content to watch for now.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle 



Dax led her to the center of the dance floor.  His eyes wandered around the place, absolutely in awe with the ballroom... but kept his cool - inside and out.  He gently took her by the hoof and began to lead in a slow, yet graceful waltz.


It was actually rather impressive; Dax's movements were fluid and sure, and he was careful to allow Selena room and time to keep up, if she needed it.  As they swept about, he first gave her only a shy glance or two... yet as they danced, he eventually began to really look at her.  Then, eye contact was established.  The hue of his emerald eyes was bright and merry, and looked very much like the same gems that the mines that held his namesake produced.


"This would actually be Mother's doing; with all the high society skills she insisted I have lessons in, I found out I like to dance... and with the tutors I had, it didn't take long to get pretty good at it, either."


Illiad had an interesting view, as the trail that seemed to follow Dax earlier continued to do so now; it left a beautiful wall of motion behind them both as he twirled, turned and stepped with her across the dance floor.


"So... do you like dancing too?" he queried, grinning with a kind and happy smile while he continued waltzing with the radiant mare.

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Selena had her eyes closed as she moved through the steps of the dance in Luna's memories. She simply felt the world around her as she danced, her form a bit more fluid than a normal pony. "​Luna too was taught from a young age about all things etiquette and class, and thus she learned to dance as well. She saw dance as a way to train her body for combat. But I do enjoy this dance, I suppose that's how Illiad and the others influenced me. While he never learned to dance like you did, he still saw it as a thing of beauty, a connection between two people to move as one." She gave a contented sigh, opening her eyes to watch Dax. "For a first dance, I think I'm doing pretty well. Not to distract you or anything, but the trail is back. It seems to appear only when you move, like a ghosting image."

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



"You're a terrific dancer; I'm just trying to make sure I don't trip YOU up!"


Dax laughed out loud as he continued to go through the beautiful routine... then, an improvised step, and he swept the semi-etherial form of Selena around in a circle, standing on his rear hooves to do so.  The trail behind him seemed to grow as Dax enjoyed himself, in length and brightness.


When Selena pointed it out, he naturally looked behind himself to try to see it.  "Where... I don't see it.  Is it really there?"


He smoothly broke loose and, without missing a single step, began dancing in swooping circles, keeping to the beat.  He was apparently trying to catch a glimpse of the trail - however, it was obvious from both Selena and Illiad's point of view that it should be right in front of his muzzle.  He looked genuinely puzzled; he simply couldn't see it.  However, his dancing made fascinating rings behind him, further attesting to his fluidity as a dancer.


After a bit of this, he looked at her and shrugged, moving right back into step with his dancing partner and continuing the waltz... but with an extra twirl or two added in, adding a little surprise to the traditional fare.  He was having what seemed to be the time of his life.


At one point, he turned to look over at Illiad as the they spun past.  


"Look at me - I'm dancing with a star!"


For Illiad, being an Empathic could sometimes be vastly rewarding; the emotions coming from the young stallion dancing with the beautiful entity were worth every moment of their waltzing together.

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Illiad was only slightly jealous of the exchange, he wished he had thought to ask her to dance sooner. He reasoned it wouldn't be as magical an experience given they viewed each other in a more familial light, practically siblings at this point. "So you are, if only in your dreams." he said with a smirk.


Selena gave a light laugh at Illiad's statement. "I suppose you wish Silver were here so you could have someone to dance with too. Maybe you can figure out how to make that happen one of these nights.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax never wanted it to end... but he knew he didn't have forever.  He brought the dance to it's inevitable end, making certain to finish with a flourish, and dipping the shining mare as he did.  After a moment, he set her back upright and made a low, sweeping bow before her.


"You dance divinely - thank you so much for allowing me the chance to make you smile."


He stood back up... then paused a moment, the look on his face full of thought.  Such done, he turned back to look at Illiad.  "You said that Selena is a piece of Luna's soul, but she has her own existence now, right?"  He faced Selena, and the look on his muzzle was one of concern.


"Do you remember what it was like, when you first became self-aware?  I mean, I can't remember when I was born, but... do you?"

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Illiad seemed to be doing something in the background


Selena had a contemplative look on her face. "Well, the timeline of my memories flows seamlessly from Luna to me, but there is a wide period between those two points where Luna was becoming me, and so I was neither her nor me. I suppose the moment I really became distinct from Luna was when part of Illiad's soul filled what was missing in my own. As to me being self aware, I suppose I noticed when I wasn't within Luna's body anymore if that's what you mean."


The music of the room changed as Illiad made his way over to Selena. Her eyes and smile widened as she heard the song. "May I have this dance?" Looking over at Dax, "You're not the only one that can dance."


Without another word they began to dance, shifting in pace and speed with the intensity of the music, starting with a slow sway and building into more complicated steps. Their forms becoming a bit more fluid for some of the motions. The song was over quickly and they separated with a hug before returning to Dax. "Now, you were saying?"


is the song

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The young stallion watched in silent reverence as the two danced together, his eyes matching step for step, almost seeming like emerald-bedecked backup dancers.  They got misty and even dropped a tear or two, watching them both - yet a broad and happy smile accompanied the watery gaze, so amazing was what he was watching.


When they had finished, he took a bow before them both.  "Okay, I admit it - you two have me beat, hooves down.  That was magnificent... but I expected it to be."  He gave them both a kind grin... yet, even beneath all of that, there was the tiny, tinny ring of loneliness from the bell of his soul.  It didn't remain a mystery for long, however.


"You both seem so at ease with each other, like brother and sister... I kinda wish I had something like that."


There was no 'kinda' to it; he was lonely.  Normally, he took it well enough... however, he couldn't help but feel as though he was missing out whenever he saw any couple, be they friends, siblings or lovers, having a grand time.  Being Dax though, he wasn't about to let it spoil the moment here; he didn't want to do a single, solitary thing to cause Illiad Easle, the unicorn from Troy, nor his incredible companion any grief.


"You can travel in dreams, kinda like Luna does?  Uhm... would it be rude of me to ask if we could peek in on my family's dreams?  I mean, if that's too far, then I understand, but... I really just wanna see what they dream about.  Not for any nefarious purposes or whatever; I'd just like to see if their dreams are anything like mine... can relatives' dreams be related?"

  • Brohoof 1

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As it was clear they were going to be talking again the chairs rose up again under and behind the occupants of the room. Selena had a slightly apologetic expression, "While I can dreamwalk like Luna I don't have nearly the amount of power that she does. My range is limited to a length or two in any direction, so we'd have to both be pretty close to do that. As to their dreams, a dream is made up of your experiences, fears, and desires. The more similar those are between ponies, the more similar their dreams will be. Relatives generally have similar experiences if not similar fears and desires, so out of anyone one's family would be the closest match in dreams." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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