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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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"Master Dax needs that difference."


The butler then gave a rather kind smile.  "And you are as different as they come for these climes, if I may be so bold, Sir Illiad."


The Blackwater Manor was even more stately once they passed the wrought iron gates.  Four stories of quietly elegant design sat solemnly back against the mountain, surrounded by well-manicured gardens and a stone-tile walkway.  Opulent, but respectably so.  It brought up the question of the difference between the almost tacky carriage and this stately manor.  Even the different layers of the place, as Dax had written about, were visible - yet were so tastefully blended that it was only Illiad's experience with his own father's work as an architect that allowed him to see the difference.


The butler pony trotted smartly up the path, then mounted the flagstone steps with a measured gait.  Reaching the subdued dark wood doors, he pulled them open and gestured.  "Right this way, Sir.  Master Luther will be-"


"- waiting for a moment longer.  Darling!  YOU must be Illiad Easle!  How charmed I am to finally meet you!"


Standing inside the large entrance foyer was a rather beautiful pegasus mare.  She had a green coat with almost golden stripes, and wore a number of rich, gaudy-looking baubles and bracelets.  Her black mane and tail were elegantly styled, with a single green stripe in each.  All of this topped off with a large yellow silk bow.


"My little Daxter has been saying so very much about you - and I can certainly see why!"


She moved forward like she was flowing across the floor, and offered a bent-wrist hoof as she reached him.


"Vylia Blackwater.  Charmed, dear."

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad hesitated for a moment before proceeding, partly due to the odd color combination, but also because he did not immediately recognize the gesture. I suppose this sort of culture difference would occur eventually. I think she might appreciate this difference.


"It is a pleasure to meet you too, I thought Daxter Had to be exaggerating your beauty but I am pleased to find that he did not." Illiad said as he approached Vylia. Once close enough he did the standard Trojan bow (As opposed to the Equestrian 'two bent forelegs') by crossing his right foreleg in front of the left and bowing his head towards her outstretched hoof. Instead of kissing it he lightly tapped it with his horn, allowing his Empathic abilities to show her the respect he felt directly. Though he had never been on the receiving end of this Empathic gesture himself he had done it before and had been told it was an interesting yet pleasurable experience. As he rose from the bow he looked her in the eye, hoping the action did not confuse her. "Do forgive me if that was out of line, I realize now that our cultures may be more different than I had initially realized."


I know it is quite a bit of effort to get out of kissing her hoof, but I hope this doesn't lead to any negative consequences.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Oh?  OH... oh, my!"


Vylia's green eyes (very much like Dax's) went wide as she witnessed his greeting, then felt the small empathic surge.  She took a few breaths before continuing, a slight blush on her carefully groomed muzzle. 


"Well, I must say that was a first - and so very polite, as well?  Well, I am certainly overjoyed to see that Daxter has finally found someone of regality and import to put his interest into; far better than those dreadful workers, believe me!"


She gestured at Illiad to follow her, and turned to face the butler pony, who stood stiff and emotionless-looking.


"I shall take you the rest of the way, darling; Call, take Mr. Easle's things to his quarters... NOW."


The slight peek of seething anger that he caught from Vylia was somewhat disconcerting in its sheer magnitude, and Illiad felt a lick of fear arc off of Call as he jumped to attention, then took hold of the light baggage and, piling it on his back quickly and expertly, he dashed off into a side hallway.  Turning back to face her guest, a large smile rolled across her features, none of the previous irritation anywhere in her being.


"So, I certainly hope the trip here wasn't too droll - I heard you were forced to travel by train?  Oh, most certainly that is a shame!  Next time you visit, I shall be most pleased to send Beck and Call to fetch you; no sense in travelling like a peasant, when my lovely carriage will more than suffice, hmm?  Did you enjoy your trip here?  I absolutely LOVE my carriage, don't you know?  So regal, and yet such a smooth ride, yes?  Anytime you need it, simply tell Beck and Call; they'll take you anywhere you'd want to go, darling."


She continued a constant roll of shmoozy rich-speak as they made their way up the grand staircase to the fourth floor.  Walking the hallways, Illiad saw rich tapestries and exquisite paintings all around, fine vases and hoof-crafted statuettes, and expensive-looking chairs and decorative tables.  It was obvious the Blackwaters weren't just rich - they were wealthy.


Eventually, they reached a pair of simple, yet sturdy, utilitarian doors.  Vylia stopped and motioned to them.


"Well, here we are!  Luther is right behind this door, in his study; do come back down to the foyer when you're done here, darling... I'll have Daxter waiting for you, as I have a fine tea-time planned on the balcony for us.  Ciao, love!"


She trotted away, and even with her self-important attitude, Illiad found it a bit difficult not to watch her shapely figure trot off down the hall.  Now, he stood before the doors of Luther's study, the stallion himself within.

  • Brohoof 1

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Wow... I regret being so polite. Clearly it has inflated her ego.

The reason Illiad wanted to stop at his room first was that he wanted to leave his cloak there. He also wanted to retrieve his sketching supplies in case the seal was what Mr Blackwater wanted him for. He thought a bit on Mrs. Blackwater and found that though she was certainly beautiful in her own way she certainly lacked the personality that he desired.

Either she doesn't realize that Deltrot is about 200 miles away or she really does not care for the well being of her assistants.


Another thing occurred to Illiad, he absolutely despised tea since it had been used many times as a weapon before he fled Canterlot.

I wonder how that will go over? Well I best get on to more pressing matters.


He surveyed the doors before him, and then his clothes. He quickly preformed a quick clean spell that removed most of the dust that had accumulated from the trip, then approached the door and knocked twice. He decided to wait for a response as he didn't know how Mr. Blackwater wanted things done, so politeness would be key.

I hope he isn't as much of a noblepony as his wife.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The single word came through the thick doors quite clearly.




Illiad opened the door and got a view of the office.  It was very subdued, compared to the rest of the manor.  Rows and rows of books in shelves along the wood-paneled walls, dark curtains over each window, sturdy chairs, what appeared to be a real plant which was potted in an ancient-looking stone pot in the corner.  The centerpiece was an elegant rosewood desk, lovely in it's simplicity and design.


At the rear of the room, on the balcony, stood a tall stallion.  His dappled black and green coat was neat and sensible, his dark blue mane was trim and well-kept, and his matching tail was in a short fan, tied at the base with a black cord.  The stallion wore a vest, and had a durable, no-frills watch on his front left leg.  The spectacles he wore added just the right touch of class to him.


However, the look on his muzzle was stern and grim - and he was putting off the emotion to match.  He glanced over his flank, then turned and walked to his desk.


"Come in.  Sit down."


He motioned to one of the chairs in front of the rosewood desk.


"Illiad Easle, correct?  Good.  I am Luther Blackwater, and this is my home.  Welcome."


The words were short, crisp and to the point.  There was not a trace of foppishness or snide pride visible; he seemed to be the stark opposite of his wife.  Honest... but cold.


"From Troy, yes?  Very dry there."  His eyes slid up, then down, examining Easle's clothing.  "No nonsense.  Good; enough of that here, already."


He seemed to squint a bit as he looked deep into Illiad's eyes; it seemed like Luther was looking into the unicorn's very soul... and was judging him.  For what it was worth, there was no snarl, no hate, no anger - just close inspection.


"Daxter said you made seals.  Watermarks.  A useful skill.  Offered us one.  Appreciated."


He nodded, seemingly making a decision to himself.  That done, the squinting ended, and his cold demeanor lightened... but just a bit.  Just a bit.


"While you stay, no nonsense.  No trouble.  Your culture is welcome.  YOU are welcome... because of Daxter.  I allowed this because he has done well.  Encourage him to keep doing so.  Don't fill him with nonsense.  Do these; you and I will be fine."


There was a natural aura of intimidation... but he didn't seem to have any issues with Illiad.  Yet.


"Questions.  Ask them."

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Well, this is almost worse. At least Mrs. Blackwater won't pay too much attention to what I say. Mr. Blackwater is going to judge me based on my next few words. I'll have to make them count. He's more abrupt than Consul War Horse.

Illiad took a moment to compose himself, He decided to keep the same Canterlot intellectual accent, this time with a bit of authority instead of smug or condescending.

"I appreciate your welcome. Your son Daxter is a fine colt and I am sure he will become a fine stallion like yourself one day. My only questions at this time are as follows: Will you or a representative assist me in designing a suitable security measure for you? In either case, when do you wish to proceed?"

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Luther's look didn't change one bit.


"I will.  My company - my job."


Illiad felt a tiny swell of pride at that, but it was buried quickly beneath the stone-cold veneer.


"Best to know all the details personally."


He went to the shelves and, after a moment or two perusing titles, he carefully selected three books and brought them each to the desk.  Illiad could read the titles of two of them; the third was titled in a language he had never seen before.


'Decryption And Encoding' was one of them.  'Protecting Your Work'  was the second.  '<( #][ <>.#][ }={' was the closest approximation to what he saw on the cover of the third.


"Source materials.  I have read them all.  What will you need - no expense is too great."


Luther Blackwater didn't waste time, did he?

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I can be quick too. He really is efficiency at its finest. Makes you wonder how he allows his wife's extravagance.


"Worry not about the cost, you son has suitably arranged with his generous gifts, this is my way of returning the favor. You can rest assured that the seal and watermarking plates will be absolutely unique. It would be nearly impossible for even I to make them again. The only thing I need from you is your input. And a sheet of paper if you can spare one."


Illiad approached the desk, ready to begin a facts version of his security speech.


"When it comes to seals the security is in the fine details, the pattern within the print. It is usually something recognizable, yet complex. Most use a version of their mark or a family crest. Seals come in two kinds, stamp and wax. A stamp gains security through special patterns in the solid areas visible close up but not at a glance. Wax gains it's security through patterned impressions in the paper, dots that could be felt on the letter inside the envelope which would confirm if the contents had been disturbed."


"When it comes to watermarks the process is similar, using complex images that are still recognizable, in your case you would want something you could remember every detail of and notice if anything were wrong with it. The watermark would be invisible when not in direct sunlight, or moonlight if you prefer."


He turned to face Mr. Blackwater directly, the confidence of someone who knows what they're doing evident in his eyes but not by his smooth expression (It is said that Empathics are particularly expressive).


"As soon as I know what images you want I can get started. Do you have some in mind now or would you like to consider it?"

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


Luther frowned - which was a feat, considering he was already frowning... but there was no emotion to go with it except a slight tingle.  It took a moment to realize that he was, in fact, thinking.


"Watermark.  Moonlight on one side, sunlight on the other - if that can be done.  Moonlight, if only one.  Cutie mark; mine, Vylia's, Dax's.  Open for suggestions on the rest."


Luther Blackwater's cutie mark (if ANYTHING can be considered 'cute' about him) was a pickaxe, crossed over with a red feathered quill pen.  The smart vest he wore was specially tailored to make certain that mark wasn't obstructed in the least.  He turned and opened a drawer, removed a high-quality scroll and a very familiar stack of envelopes, with the words [THE BLACKWATER QUARRY] stamped in silver foil on the back.


"Parchment for design; envelope for tests.  Beck and Call will fetch inks and quills on command."


With this, he shut the drawer.  Looking back up, he locked eyes once more with Illiad.


"You have the proper knowledge; good - no time for fools."


Luther nodded at him, and Illiad could feel cautious satisfaction eke out of his hardened demeanor.


"Anything more, speak now."

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I suppose this proves the point where too little communication can be as bad as too much communication.


Illiad took the parchment and envelopes to look at them closer. Good thickness and duribility, unlikely to puncture via wax seal and high visibility for patterned stamp.


"Just a few more questions, I gather you want the marks as seals correct, a seal per mark? Do you want them as wax, stamp, or both? A stamp can often be used in place if a signature, but wax can be used for little more than sealing envelopes and scrolls. It would be two layers of security if you used both."


Illiad held the parchment up to the light of the room. Low transparency, excellent.


"For the watermark I can do sun/moon, I could have your mark on one side and your wife's on the other if you like. Ultimately it is up to you what images I use as I do not know what images you know every detail of."


Illiad pulled a small amount of his diamond's mass from his robe in the shape of a quill.


"Also, I will need to trace the marks if I am to use them. Do you mind if I trace them directly?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Luther's eyebrow raised when he saw the Cloud quill... but he said nothing on that matter.  Yet, anyway.


"Combine the marks; harder to forge.  One symbol, three images put together.  Stamp and wax... if that would be fine."


He frowned in thought again, then nodded to himself.  


"I know our marks.  Unmistakable to me."


Looking at the quill, he looked over his shoulder at his flank for a moment, regarding his cutie mark... then turned back to face Illiad.


"Fine; be quick about it."


There was a slight ribbon of discomfort, but it was pushed aside in a moment.  He gave the unicorn a sidelong glance, then sighed softly.


"Daxter is cleared for Troy, yes?  No issues?"


THERE it was!  Just a momentary opening into Luther's true emotions came, and in that moment Illiad felt a WORLD of concern for his son Dax; Luther was chock full of worry and care for the young stallion - his face gave away nothing, but his heart was as plain as day for a moment.

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A slight smile came to Illiad's face as he came a bit closer to Mr. Blackwater. So there really is some love in this family.


"Worry not Mr. Blackwater, I ensured all his paperwork was in order before I left. We'll just have to pass through customs and so long as he doesn't posses any contraband like poisons or anti-magic there should be no problem getting him in."


Illiad floated the quill near Mr. Blackwater's flank. It caught some sunlight and began to refract it over the mark, scanning it from left to right, as it did an image grew from the feather of the quill, forming a 2D image of his mark. Mr. Blackwater would have felt his flank grow slightly warmer as it was scanned. Once the scan was complete Illiad floated the image back to himself, before showing it to Mr. Blackwater.


"I will repeat this process on your wife and son, if you still approve, then combine the images for your approval before I return to Troy to have the design made into a seal set of wax and stamp. Would you like the design made into watermarking plates as well or is the seal all you desire?"


Illiad allowed the diamond to retain the shape of Mr. Blackwater's mark, no note made it even harder to recreate, thus improved security.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Luther gave Illiad a strange look.


"No anti-magics.  No poison.  Daxter doesn't have those things."


He picked up the three books he had taken from the shelf that were unopened on his desk, and returned them to their niches in the bookcase.  Turning to face the Empathic from there, he nodded.


"Yes.  Plates will do.  I still agree.  Do what needs to be done."


Making his way back towards the balcony, he spoke just loud enough for Illiad to hear him.


"Most appreciated..."


As he paused, he glanced back over his flank, not quite making eye contact, but obviously his attention was on the unicorn.


"... thank you."


With that, Luther Blackwater stepped out onto the balcony once more.  Apparently, he was done.  For now, anyway.  He stood there, looking down over the railing at the quarry below, and in that moment, Illiad could clearly see that this was a stallion that lived only for his work... and his family.


Was that something to be proud for?  Or was it heartbreaking?

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It is clear that he cares for little else than his family and work. It's sad that he doesn't seem to let up, but at least he cares enough to provide the best he possibly can.


Illiad simply nodded, saying anything at this point would be unnecessary. He simply turned and proceeded to leave the room, he wondered what he was supposed to do next, he hoped someone would be in the hall to tell him for he didn't know how to properly summon someone to direct him. He had no intention of getting lost on his first day here.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


On the other side of the door stood one of the butler ponies.  He gave only the barest hint of a grin, but went fully professional before it was seen... but his emotions said that there was now a bit more respect for the Trojan in this pony.


"Ah, hello Sir Illiad; I have been instructed to escort you to Madam Blackwater's tea party; Master Daxter will be in attendance, as well as Master Oglevy."


There was a definite pulse of irritation at the mention of the youngest Blackwater's name, but not a sign of it on Beck's... no, Call's... well, on the butler's face.  It was still impossible to tell them apart, but at least it was becoming obvious that there was more to these twins than snobbishness.


"I have been given allowance to take you to your quarters to change for the event; what is your wish, Sir Illiad?"


He waited politely for Illiad's decision.

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Illiad thought for a moment. Going to the room first will be preferable as it delays my encounter with worst beverage. Plus I can do a more thorough cleaning of my robes. He returned to the Canterlot Intellectual accent he used before, the smug one, this time leaving out the condescension. 


"Let us go to my quarters first, if possible I would like to get my current robes cleaned. I have another set I can wear to the party in the meantime."


He began walking with the butler, "Tell me, will tea be the only beverage served at Mrs. Blackwater's party? I must admit I lost my fondness for the stuff after a traumatic experience a few years back.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


The butler pony bowed.  "Very good, sir."  With that, he began to lead the way.


"If you wish, Call and I will launder any clothing you wish to have cleaned.  Merely hand the offending articles over to myself, or leave them in the hamper; they will be returned clean and pressed, if sir wishes pressing."


Again, the opulence of the place struck Illiad as they went through a number of halls, down a spiral staircase, and into a part of the manor that was notably cooler... and had no windows.  Apparently, Beck (from his admittance) was used to questions about the windowless area, because he spoke up.


"The living quarters are located in the rear half of the manor; be certain, you will be quite safe, and most comfortable.  Should you wish, the fireplace is available for your usage - firewood will be provided on request, sir."


At Illiad's question, Beck gave a thoughtful look, then grinned lightly.


"If sir would wish, I would be happy to provide a substitution; Madam will be..." A quick flash of fear.  "...unhappy about such, as she does enjoy differently flavored teas to be shared; if I may make a bold suggestion?  For a guest who might be allergic to tea leaves, she would be far more willing to make an exception."


Beck stopped in front of a scrimshaw-laden oak door.  He opened the door, and stepped back.


"I shall await for sir to approve of the quarters and provide laundry before I depart."


The room was quite large.  There was the aforementioned fireplace, red marble and iron with inlaid brick.  The deep maroon carpet was plush and soft on his hooves.  There was a four-post bed with soft pinkish drapes, with a matching chair, sofa and dresser, all in harmony with the rest of the room.  In the corner, there was a round, red cushion on the floor - big enough to be a table!


The most interesting part were the walls - they were stone, cut and polished and beautiful to behold.


"Is everything to your liking, Sir Iliad?"

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 It's a bit much... This carpet is softer than my bed back home. My are my home preparations woefully inadequate. Well, I suppose at the very least my house should be better than his tent. I guess that is something.


Illiad fully entered the room, removing his cloak as he did so. "It is certainly much grander than I had expected, you really do treat your guests well here." He flashed his inner robes off of himself revealing his khaki coat. If one looked closely they would see some discolored patches with a bit of old scar tissue beneath. He proceeded to his saddlebags to retrieve his other set as he untangled what he had removed, revealing it to be one continuous stretch of cloth. He folded it as he placed it with the cloak he had removed.

"You won't need to be careful about washing it, it is a very durable fabric and you'll get more dust out of it with cold water. But I trust you know what you're doing."


Without looking back Illiad began to wrap the new set around himself, one end had a strap which he tied around his barrel, the cloth extending between his forelegs. He wrapped the cloth around the right side and across his back, the cloth stretching from the base of his neck to the middle of his hind legs. His tail easily poking through a hole in the back. The cloth then wrapped around his midsection before wrapping around his left in a similar manner to the right, the remainder being tucked under the beginning. This robe was a shade or two whiter than the first one due to it being recently cleaned.


Illiad returned to Beck with the original garments in tow, passing them over to him. "Let us be off then, it would likely be worse to keep her waiting then for her to hear about why I so dislike tea. Allergies seems unlikely as she may desire to test that. Hopefully she can be understanding."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Beck accepted the laundry, quickly and securely placing the clothing on his back, and nodded.


"The advice is appreciated - and if you wish sir?  I would be happy to wrap you next time, if it is requested; I never forget such things once I witness them."  A small skitter of honest pride drifted out from him.


As Illiad spoke his piece about the tea, Beck began putting off low waves of fear; they didn't seem to be aimed at him, but he was beginning to get a bad feeling about what might come of this...


Another hallway, another staircase (this time, up the spiral), and down another corridor.  This time when Beck stopped, he did so in front of a rather ritzy set of glass doors.  On the other side, Illiad could hear Vylia's voice, going on about something or other.  Beck pulled one open, and made a sweeping gesture.


"Madam and Masters are within, awaiting your-"




Beck audibly gulped, then continued.


"... presence, sir."


The roil of anger was big enough for Illiad to feel it from here; it was frightening in it's magnitude.  Beck, after closing the door, scooted quickly through the cute little sunroom and onto the balcony.


Arriving at the doorway, the scene was just so:


Vylia Blackwater, in a lovely sundress, standing tall with a FURIOUS look on her face, looming over Call, who looked as if he were about to soil himself.


Dax Blackwater, his wild mane slicked back and a frilly scarf on his neck, sitting quite uncomfortably in his seat, whose eyes lit up at the sight of Illiad.


And, sitting at the other side of the table, was a small blue pegasus colt wearing a baby blue sailor suit and a straw hat.  He was scowling when Illiad entered, but when he saw the unicorn his muzzle slowly twisted into a wicked little grin.


Upon entering, Vylia instantly whipped around to face Illiad, her stance going completely demure and her face snapping into a smile.


"Oh, WON-derful!  You've arrived!  Please, if you would sit on the divan provided for you, I'll be quite happy to pour for us all."


Her eyes slid sideways to regard Call, who was shaking like a leaf.


"Tea.  NOW."


Call took off like a shot, while Beck smoothly took his place behind Vylia.

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I don't much like that mare, you can often tell the quality of a person by how they treat those under them. This must have been what it was like in Troy before the revolution, I can't say I blame them.


Illiad approached the table confidently and sat in a similar manner to the rest he turned towards Beck, "I must thank you for your assistance, without your help I never would have found my way here." He looked over the other members of the table before focusing on Mrs. Blackwater. "If you don't mind my saying so, Mrs. Blackwater, might I have something other than tea? I lost my fondness for it after a traumatic accident a few years back."


Illiad sincerely hoped that she would approve of his honesty and not be offended. But if he had to tell the story of being repeatedly doused by boiling tea while his former classmates held him down he most certainly would.

Plus I want to see her reaction towards my thanking Beck, see if she's the kind of person who doesn't thank 'the help'.


Illiad was sure to keep his expression positive yet inquisitive, despite his growing fears of what... Oglybee? Whatever his name was, had planned.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


When he thanked Beck, all around the table surprise popped up - especially from Beck himself.  Vylia's eyes scooted sidelong for a moment, then she gave a slight shrug.  Dax gave the tiniest of grins.  The blue colt did glance over at Beck... and his nasty smile grew.


Beck looked a bit non-plussed for a moment, then he gave a short, neat bow.  "One is glad to be of service, Sir Illiad."  However, the Empathic felt a wave of gratitude come off him, followed by a jolt of worry as he glanced toward where Call had gone.


Vylia's eyes widened as she heard the unicorn's beverage request.


"A 'traumatic experience'?  With tea?  Oh, you poor dear... Beck, go fetch Mr. Easle some of my personal stock of apple juice, and make it snappy; I refuse to eat any teacakes without my dear guest having his refreshments at hoof."


Beck nodded, and made his way to the sunroom - and as soon as he rounded the corner, Call came back around right after.  He had a delicate glass tea pitcher, dainty and blue, on a silver tray.  He brought it to the table, set it down and began pouring the honey-scented tea into Vylia's cup.


"None for Mr. Easle - Beck has gone to fetch him a suitable replacement."  Call's eyebrows shot up, but he said not a word as he filled the Blackwaters' teacups.  The aroma of the brew was thick, but fortunately the breeze outside was enough to waft most of it away.


"Now, dear - I'm SO glad you could join us.  Daxter you know, of course; this is my darling little Oglevy!  Say hello to the nice stallion, my little biscuit..."


The blue imp's smile grew a little wider.  "Hello, Mister Easel."  The emotion coming off of him was completely unguarded, as children's usually were... and it was cold, ruthless and highly unpleasant.  It was as if a little Sombra was sitting there, trapped in the body of a child.


"Oh, isn't he just adorable?  Oglevy here is in the advanced classes with his tutors; they say that if he keeps up the level of study he accomplishes, he might just be eligible for college before he's even reached his teenage years!  Isn't that right, my little muffin?"


"That's right, Mother."  Those eyes were like daggers of ice.


"Of course, do not make the mistake of discounting my dear, sweet Daxter either - did you know that he constructed his own telescope at the age of eight?  Oh yes, he has always been an exceedingly bright boy - as we Blackwaters ALL tend to excel in what we do, isn't that correct, Daxter?"


Dax looked mortified by the whole affair, and put off an aura of nervousness as he tried not to fidget with his excessively frilly scarf.  "Yes, Mother."


"Yes, yes - I am so very fortunate to have such wonderful children!  In the race to surpass the expectations others have of them, they make the other colts look like they're standing still.  As it should be; they ARE Blackwaters, after all."


She smiled, and it was dazzling in it's splendor - as was she, in her sundress - but with the knowledge of who she was underneath, the smile felt counterfeit; the joviality forced.  It almost seemed like it was a routine, automatic.


"So, Mr. Easle - Daxter has told us a bit about you, but I would certainly have to say not FAR enough for my palette; please, won't you regale us with tales of your home?  I've never been to Troy, though Daxter tells me, from what you've written, that it's simply WON-derful!  Do tell us all about it, won't you?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad glanced over both of the children as they were mentioned. It's a shame I didn't drain any of that fear earlier. I sure Oglevy could use some. As a precaution Illiad began to weave minor protection spells into his robes. At least Mrs. Blackwater was understanding, I should thank her.


"Thank you for understanding. Well I must say I am impressed at the progress your children have made in their studies. While my past is not nearly as impressive I did spend many years working in the Canterlot Archives as I developed my talents, specialized studies if you will. And while my family is not so renowned as yours, my father designed many of the newer structures in Canterlot."


He took a deep breath preparing to tell the stories of Troy. "I regards to Troy, there is much to say about it, is there any particular aspect you wish to know about? Or would you like an overview similar to what I put in my letters?"


Illiad glanced over at Oglevy, the protection spells nearly complete. His face would still be exposed but he hoped he could do a flash shield fast enough if it came to that.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


"Oh, I'm certain there's a LOT to say about your homeland, dear - but I want to know about the FABULOUS things there!  Those at the top of the milkcan, so to speak; where the CREAM is, darling!"


Her laugh was bright and sunny, and she looked so very pleasant... maybe, like her husband, there's something hiding in there that's worthwhile - Luther had three children, and that didn't just happen by accident; she had to have some sort of redeeming feature, right?  Maybe it would reveal itself, given time...


"Tell me about the society there... I'm simply dying to know what those in charge have going for the- Daxter, love, stop messing with your cravat!  You'll soil it!"


Dax's hooves zipped away from his scarf (cravat?), and went into his lap.  He looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.  He looked over at Vylia.  "Yes, Mother.  Sorry, Mother."


She nodded, and took a sip of her tea.  As she did, Dax glanced over at Illiad, and he could feel the young stallion's boredom.  It was coming off him so thickly, it almost hurt.


"Anyway, tell me how the better half lives, dear - I may decide that we could use a winter cottage there, should it be so good!  I'm sure Daxter would like that idea, and Oglevy always has such a wonderful time making friends, don't you my little sugarbelly?"


That smile didn't waver as he slowly and deliberately took a sip of his tea before he answered.  "Yes, Mother... new friends are fun."  Illiad felt some sort of intent, vile and wicked, squirming around in Oglevy's mind; it was almost certainly aimed at the unicorn.


"Of course they are, dearie.  Now please, Illiad darling - regale me!"


Between Vylia's foppishness, Dax's discomfort and Oglevy's unnerving attitude, the Empathic wasn't certain how much more of this he could reasonably take.

  • Brohoof 1

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I have a bad feeling about that colt. I just wish he'd do something already just to get it over with.


Illiad held his emotions in check so they didn't show on his face. "Well, at its base Trojan society is arranged much differently than Equestrian. We don't have a princess to rule over us or decide who will be in charge of areas. Instead we have two levels of councils, one for each city and one that oversees the whole empire. Anyone can be on the council provided enough of the populous agrees that they should be on one. All of the races of the world are treated equally and all residents contribute to, and benefit from, the community agriculture projects."


"Troy as a city, which is the capital of Troy the nation, is very similar to Manehattan, many tall buildings of glass and marble, two of the most common materials in the area. I can't say I really know what life is like in Troy itself as I live in Deltrot, but I assume the sense of community is still fairly strong there." Illiad paused, a slightly perplexed look on his face. "Forgive me, I seem to have hit a blank. Do you have a bit more specific question I could answer? I guess I must not really understand your question.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Vylia looked thoughtful.  


"You're describing a communal society - well, how very progressive!  I'm not certain how Princess Celestia could ever approve of this, but I suppose she has her reasons, hmm?  How wonderful to know that she approves of such an endeav-"


"It was Princess Luna who did it, Mother."  Dax spoke up, and Illiad felt a touch of rebellion in that action.


"Luna?  Truly?  Well, that's... interesting.  And Celestia approved?"


"This was before Nightmare Moon, Mother." 


"I see... how very interesting.  And such a forward-thinking move for such a long time ago... I must say I am duly impressed!"


It was an honest statement; her emotions proved it to the Empathic pony.  Vylia took another sip of her tea, pondering for a moment as she seemed to be savoring the honey-sweet taste.


Dax looked over at Illiad, his smile a little bigger now.  "If you please, would you be willing to tell her about your job?"  He may have sounded like a little lordling, but it was so different from the Dax he'd heard talking earlier, it was kind of funny to hear him speak that way.


Vylia's eyes lit up.  "Oh, indeed?  Whatever do you do for a living, Mr. Easel?  It must be FA-scinating, dearie - please, share with us your profession, if it's alright?"

  • Brohoof 1

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