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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle



"Oh, this?  Well dearie, I did relate to them that we were in a bit of a hur-"


She stopped, looking at Illiad right in the eyes... then she sighed and looked down.


"No, no... that's a... that's a lie."  


She looked back up at him.


"I know a few of the cooks here, mostly because of our charity work, and they're always happy to bring me something, but... the owner has a presence here in Canterlot, and he... he does not want Blackwater business."


It was awkward, but she was obviously telling the truth.


"So instead, I requested what you asked for, and it shall be delivered forthwith.  Perhaps we can simply make a time of it, eating here as we roll on through town; the sights will be lovely, I'm sure!"


Though she sounded as if it didn't bother her much, her emotions told the Empathic she was expecting him to disapprove.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad actually raised his eyebrows he was so surprised. "Given my previous interactions with nobles they don't really care where their money comes from, money from an enemy is especially desirable in their eyes as it is more for them and less for you as a sort of thing. He must dislike Blackwaters sincerely to refuse to take your money." Illiad gave a slight smile. "You're really going out of your comfort zone for me and I really appreciate it. If I had known what this would mean to you I wouldn't have asked for it. Hopefully I'll be able to show your son a good enough time in Troy to repay your exceeding hospitality. I will certainly do all I can." He looked around the place, "So, are we going to have to worry about him catching us?" He tried to convey that he felt nothing shameful about the current events, sure the chefs might be technically stealing from their boss but wrongs deserve rights and good deeds deserve others. It would all balance out in the end from his perspective.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



"Yes... well..."  Vylia fidgeted for a moment; she was actually caught QUITE by surprise at Illiad's comments.  "... Blackwaters tend to be seen socially as... shall we say, 'undesirable company'?... and as such, there isn't much call for us to be seen with anypony; anypony who wishes to BE somepony in Canterlot, that is.  And mind you, THIS is how it was when I first married Luther; all this skulking around took years to perfect, you know... not exactly what I had WANTED to do when I first came to Canterlot, but..."


She shrugged prettily.


"Usually, I simply chalk it up to THEIR loss - those that have bothered to get to know us are very pleased to have done so, I've noticed.  Perhaps a bit intimidated, yes... but still pleased, all the same."


The rear door opened, and a mare dressed in a waitstaff outfit looked around suspiciously.


"Ah!  A moment, Illiad..."


Vylia left the cab and met with the mare.  They spoke for a moment, then the waitress smiled, followed by Vylia's tinkling laughter.  They parted ways, and when Vylia returned to the cab, there was a carefully folded sack that she placed gently next to him on the seat.


"There you are!  Do help yourself, Illiad - it's as fresh as you'll ever have it!"


Vylia didn't seem to have anything to eat herself; she seemed content that HE had something, and it seemed to be enough.


"Go ahead, dearie - you have GOT to tell me how it is.  You certainly made it sound rather tasty..."

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was surprised to see it served in a sack, but he supposed it was the cost of doing business this way. He was happy to find it was on a plate with a fork and spoon, all disposable of course, when he opened it. He breathed in deeply as the slightly tangy aroma filled the carriage. It smelled slightly like thousand island dressing, cream cheese, and some other thing that defied description, in all it smelled heavenly, likely the cause of the name. It was a large pile of rice topped with a thick, light brown, sauce that still had some unmelted bits of cream cheese in it.


Illiad took a small bite, carefully mixing the sauce and the rice to a good consistency. And a wide smile came to his face. "This is almost as good as when my mother makes it, though I'm sure it would taste better with the chicken to one used to it." He quickly took another bite before gesturing to the spoon as he was using the fork. "Please, you can have some if you like, it would be rude of me to eat all this while you have nothing. It is thanks to you that I have it after all."


(It's my absolute favorite food btw, I know I can't give it an accurate description of it here but it is honestly delicious.)

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Vylia lifted an eyebrow, but a smile like the sun lit up her features as she took up the spoon.


"Thank you kindly... I was hoping, but... well, it wouldn't be proper to seem as if I were begging off of your plate, now would it?"


She let loose a giggle, then took a dainty spoonful and tried it.  Her eyes closed, and she simply allowed it to sit for a moment on her tongue, then began to chew slowly.  Eventually, her eyes opened, and she gave a grin.


"This is quite nice... I especially like the cream cheese; thank you, Illiad.  I shall have to make certain to seek out the recipe - Vegetarian Chicken Divine, you say?  Delicious, dearie!"


Inside, she was simply happy to have somepony offer to share their food with her... outside, it must have been the truest version of Vylia Blackwater he'd seen since he arrived.  Who she was inside really wasn't that bad, after all... maybe ponies DID have the wrong idea about the Blackwater family as a whole - not just poor Dax.


But then, why did Luther do what he did to his son?  What did he think such an act would accomplish, other than separate his own child from the world around him?  Luther may have been cold on the outside, but Illiad knew how much he cared for his son - he'd nearly been bowled over with it.  So why would the Blackwater patriarch put his child through that kind of trauma?


It didn't add up... but it didn't have to right now; he was with Vylia, and it would be rude to have his mind wandering too far off track.


She ate roughly a third of the meal, and then politely thanked him once more for allowing him to join her.  She hadn't hated it, but the Trojan got the impression that she enjoyed the company more than the food.  She sat back, carefully patting her lips with a dark green hankerchief before speaking again.


"Tell me, please... about this political race you're involved in.  When I said I was surprised, it was because it hadn't come up at... luncheon the first day; I'd have thought you would have mentioned such.  Unless, of course, I was going on again - I DO have that tendency, I know.  But, truly; I would like to hear WHY you've gone into this - you, specifically.  What drew you?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad ate at about the same time as Mrs. Blackwater, so the dish was finished soon after she was done eating.


Illiad was surprised by and not entirely sure how to answer this line of questioning. In truth the reasons why he had agreed to run with Midget was because Luna recommended it in response to his visions of the future. Dark times were coming, and the best course of action was to have him and Midget there when it occurred. To say so would require him to then explain his position and relationship with Luna, and while he was beginning to trust Mrs. Blackwater he did not trust her quite that far.


"Well, for as much as Troy has done for me I always wanted to really give back to it. Midget has been my friend for as long as I have lived there, he being the one who approved my immigration in the first place, so when he asked me to run with him as his assistant it was the perfect opportunity for me to give back to the community. Also, I'm slightly afraid what Iron Hoof would do if elected to another term, he's talked about war with Equestria and he may not be afraid to start it if he has more time."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Vylia gave a start.  "WAR?  Is he serious?  What good would THAT accomplish, I ask you?  Is he trying to infuriate Royalty, or does he honestly believe he has a chance?  By Celestia, it sounds quite serious."


She pondered this point for a bit, then nodded to herself, seemingly making a decision.


"Well, I would like to hear what you plan to do about it - or at least what your compatriot Midget plans to do, at any rate.  Tell me, how have the two of you been campaigning against this Iron Hoof character?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad gave a sad sigh, "By my accounts, Troy does have a good chance of winning even if we don't strike first, but only if the griffon kingdom is on our side or stays out of it. As to why, Since Celestia has refused to recognize us as a country she similarly wont recognize our borders, leading to many confrontations on said border between the guards. Appaloosa was a prime example of this disrespect, not only to us but to the buffalo as well who's lands she allowed the settlers to steal. Iron has held on to that trespass for some time. War would enable us to solidify our borders and make it so Celestia cannot deny our existence any longer. I don't think its worth it but Iron and a small portion of the community agrees. As to what Midget and I are doing is playing the opposite, emphasizing how Celestia's actions against us have actually helped us at her expense. Our allies through shared distrust, the increased cost of trade leading to thousands of bits leaving the country for our goods. Overall the community doesn't want war so we continue with peace as our platform." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Vylia looked (and felt) a bit alarmed by this news... but, after a moment, her muzzle took on a thoughtful look.


"Well, I'm not one to condone war... but, if the issue is the border disputes, then why not reinforce the borders?  After all, if the walls are strong enough, you won't need a Princess to tell the ponies of Equestria that Troy is its own nation - it'll be obvious for anyone to see."


She nodded to herself.


"I'm certain a nation like Troy has more than enough funds to be able to support such a project, don't they?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad shrugged. "While we have the funds, there are other reasons why a wall is not a practical solution. The first being that there is now way your princess would allow us to build a wall on what she has declared to be her land, even if it is within our borders. That makes it a dangerous environment for the wall builders as they would be no doubt harassed by Equestria's border patrols nonstop. Further, a wall would make it more difficult for us to continue our secret trade practices which would effectively reduce our national income. And I don't think your princess would appreciate having so many garrisons so close to her border. She may see it as an act of aggression on our part to justify her going to war with us. I just hope that the situation can be resolved peacefully. With Luna back your princess may finally get over her grudge and allow peaceful communication and trade between our nations." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Vylia pondered his response for a bit, her mind racing even as she sat there looking calm and collected.


"Hmmmm... well, that certainly DOES offer a challenge, doesn't it?  But perhaps there are still means and ways... have you possibly considered simply building these garrisons where they cannot be seen?"


She giggled at her own thoughts.  "Of course!  My dear Illiad, could you not put them underground?"


"Being as Troy is a dry area, from what I've gathered, the prospect of digging tunnels in sand may seem a bit intimidating, but the idea does have merit, mind you.  If these garrisons were underground, even if only a few of them, they would not only provide response expedience, but they would maintain their cool temperatures - making them far more hospitable to the Trojan Guard.  Of course, all of this on top of the certain advantage of having the element of surprise in a skirmish... all things considered, it would be a brilliant strategy for both keeping the peace AND ensuring Troy is protected without jeopardizing your trade interests."


She looked at the stallion next to her.  "And don't try to tell me digging in sand is an impossible venture, dearie - the quarry itself has a method for doing so... and I am certain Luther would be more than willing to share that information with you.  After all, if there's ANYPONY who would understand all there is to know about digging..."  She trailed off, the rest of the statement being obvious.


She then gave Illiad a bit of a skeptical look.  "SPEAKING of 'anypony', I've taken note of something... perhaps you can enlighten me?  I notice you don't use the typical equine indentifiers... more precisely, you don't say things like 'anyPONY'.  I was wondering if there's any particular reason for that - or is it simply a vocal affectation?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad gave a slight smile as he waved his hoof. "Believe me, Troy is well defended, but the nature of that is not something I am at liberty to discuss with non-citizens I'm afraid. As to my general Identifiers, I guess it's something I picked up from life in Troy. To say anyone is far more inclusive and welcoming than to say anypony. Troy is the home of a vast array of creatures other than ponies so it would be exclusive to speak in such a manner. I heard that Celestia came up with those after the unification of the tribes to bring them together in a common Us/Them arrangement of Ponies/non-ponies." He seemed to shake himself from his ramblings. "I'd hardly wish to bore you with this, is there another place we have to go that I'm holding us back from?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



She shook her pretty head.  "No, no... we are on the way home as it is; it's already after lunch, and I'm sure Daxter is positively RABID to find out where you've gotten to.  I believe I've kept you far too long today... but I do thank you for your company.  I..."


She grinned a bit shyly, which was strange yet endearing in its' own way.


"... I don't typically get company that isn't nearby for a handout or such.  You're so kind - I do wish I could help your political situation more, but it sounds as if you don't need my help - and possibly wouldn't want it, either.  Such as it is, I suppose."


She shrugged lightly.


"I am used to that, dearie - I understand that the elusive upper-crust will always be out of reach for me.  And... it does hurt.  But I can either dwell on such a thing, or I can move along until I find somewhere I can put myself to use; I would rather stay busy than have time to cry, you know."


Already, the outskirts of Canterlot were falling behind them.  Vylia kept her gaze turned out the window, her emerald eyes casting their glance across the forests and rivers below.  There was a ribbon of melancholy in the mare, but it wasn't intense; merely sad, at something missed or left behind, it was difficult to say... but nothing that felt dramatically serious.  


"I suppose it's simply one of the things one must deal with when they're shunned, for whatever reasons... whether it's because of their reputation, such as myself, or because of something extra special about one, like yourself; the reasons hardly matter to the one suffering through them, eh?  Still - perhaps I'm better off left to my own devices; I have my husband and my children, and if they're the only ones who will tolerate my company, then... so be it."


She gave a slight nod to herself; the emotional ache was still there, but she was purposely ignoring it.


Looking sidelong at Illiad for a moment, she gave a bit of a half-grin.  "Well, with so many secrets and political aspirations, it seems as if you have quite a LOT of secrets; pray tell, is there anything you CAN speak of fully, or shall we simply ride home in companionable silence?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was annoyed that she continued to beat down on herself for her social situation but she didn't show it. He was satisfied that he had made at least some positive difference in her life. 


As to the secrets, "Well, if I were free to share them they wouldn't really be secrets now would they? I'm fine to remain in silence but I would be happy to answer any more questions I can that you have."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The Blackwater mare gave Illiad a bit of a tired smile.


"No, it's fine - far be it for me to continue to pry where it's obvious there's simply too much for me to pick at; any further secrets you hold are safe from me."


After a moment's though, however, she spoke up again.


"Actually... I wanted to know the answer to a simple question... hopefully an answer that isn't classified as top secret."  She gave a slight chuckle; a bit of snark showing, but nothing truly angry.


"Why did you do this thing - the exchange, I mean - when there is SO MUCH going on in your life right now?  For certain, Daxter is EXTREMELY grateful you have... but it doesn't add up for me.  I don't understand why you would participate in something like this, that has uprooted you from your busy and important life for a week AND will send you home with company for yet another week... with what I've heard, you are extremely busy.  WHY would you do this?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad thought for a moment. "Well, I guess it's because I'm so busy that I decided to go along with it. It forces me to take a break from my normal life and be myself for a bit before I have to really bite in to the role of a politician for the next couple of months. It also advances my goal of looking like someone who is both open to good relations with our neighbors as well as someone who can be a good face for our culture to the outside world. Important characteristics for the head of state. I also thought I could do some good by going through with it, to learn about another culture and share my own, a chance to really have an impact on the lives of individuals." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



She lifted an eyebrow skeptically, yet wasn't at all irked by the answer... more curious than anything.


"And so... it's certain you've shared your culture with us... but, do you believe YOU have picked up any culture from us?  Have you impacted us?  Have you learned anything from us at all, or has this endeavor been clearly one-sided?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad looked away slightly, thinking hard on his experience thus far to see if anything had really impacted him then he remembered something. "Actually, this exchange has changed me as well. I neglected to mention that when I decided to be part of this I was in a bit of a depression, the excitement had finally worn away from my new life and I found myself anxious and worried that I didn't belong, that I could never really belong. But in Daxter's responses, the clear excitement he wrote in, I felt like I was worth something. Like I could be successful and wanted by even those who had just met me. Every letter I received was a high-point of my night. And my time here has been even more fulfilling. The last time I felt so wanted was back with my own family. Your family has done more for me than I can ever hope to repay. All I hope is that I can help Daxter to feel the same way." He looked over at her with a slight smile. "I hope that satisfies your question."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



A bit of surprise jumped in Vylia... and not an unpleasant one, either.  Then, came a soft warmth that Illiad hadn't quite felt from her before.  She smiled sweetly, and put a hoof on the Trojan's shoulder.


"From what I have seen, I think it's less that you're finding that you belong... and more that you're having a chance to discover you may be right where you belong, as well.  For what it's worth, I think you will make a fine representative for your constituents... and a good stallion, all around."


She smirked.  "All the better for Silver, eh?"  Her teasing giggle was all meant in good humour.


The walls of the quarry were now looming large over the taxi; the cabbie slowed down out of sheer reverence (and a dab of fear) at the enormous gates as they passed beneath them.  They took the side trail, and made their way up to the manor proper.  Waiting by the front doors, side by side, were Beck and Call.  The identical twins looked relieved to see their employer... and a bit puzzled to see her with Illiad.


As she stepped out, the twins came right over and started gathering the packages together.  Vylia moved aside and watched them work for a moment - her face had gone to more of an annoyed pout... but Vylia's emotions were actually at a high point.  Casually, she spoke to one of them.


"Oh, that silver-wrapped box there is for the two of you; don't think I've forgotten your birthday coming up.  Since you've been dealing with more than your usual fare, I decided to pick up a little nic-nac I'd come across - just take it in with the rest and open it later.  There's work to be done, and I will want a bath running in no less than FIVE minutes... do NOT keep me waiting long."


Though she sounded angry, she tipped Illiad a sidelong wink; the stallion had seen the price tag on what was in that box; 'nic-nac' indeed!  However, it DID prove that Vylia cared for her long-suffering attendants... in her own strange way, of course.  The two butler ponies both gave a slight bow, then began packing the parcels upon their backs, each one putting items onto the other - like a well-oiled team.  He could feel a bit of excitement from the two at the prospect of Vylia's gift, but they were professionals; the job came first.


While this was going on, Dax himself came out of the manor.  He looked... passingly interested in the proceedings, but his emotions betrayed him; there was a streak of disappointment, a little jealousy, and a sizable portion of loneliness.  However, not a bit of this was in his manner or speech as he spoke up.


"You two were gone for a good while - I was beginning to worry.  But it's good you're back... I was getting hungry waiting for you Illiad, but I held out!  I mean, it might seem kinda late for a picnic, but I was sure you wouldn't forget - so, I waited."


He gave the stallion a smile, but his traitor stomach gave Illiad a fierce growl.


"DAXTER!"  Vylia gasped.  "Sorry, Mother... we'll be eating soon..."  He looked at the Empathic with a worry in his eyes that was laced with worry and anxiety.


"... won't we?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad gave a firm nod with a big smile. He had forgotten that such a thing was planned but he was intent that Dax would never know of it. He hopped from the carriage and moved quickly to Dax's side. "Yes, we should get on that quickly. I'll bet I'm as hungry as you now."


He sighed as his smile waned to a bit apologetic, "I'm sorry to have  kept you waiting, I must have got it in my head that it was a dinner picnic rather than a lunch picnic somehow."


He leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially. "If you move quickly enough your mother can't say otherwise can she? And Linner is my favorite meal, how did you know?"


The last thing he wanted was for Dax to be disappointed, so he hoped his own enthusiasm for the activity would raise Dax's spirits.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



It was the conspiratorial air to the aside that did it.


Dax's grin, and his good mood, spread quickly.  "Yeah - I figure you've had MORE than enough of Mother by now.  C'mon - I have things set up!"


Now there was something new to add to the list of emotions Dax displayed - there was a slyness there that the Empathic wasn't sure how to pinpoint; did the Blackwater stallion have something in mind?


He led Illiad away from the manor and over to a different path; this one led up, further into the mountains.  It was only about a five minute walk, so it wasn't too long before they crossed over a rickety rope bridge spanning a mountain river to reach what looked to be a nice little glade, a natural clearing in the midst of the pines.  There, on the ground, was a spread-out blanket with two wicker baskets sitting on it.  Near the spread, a small black box with a single switch on it sat innocently in the grass.


"I thought you might get in kinda late, so... I was busy."  He smiled sheepishly, then made his way over to the box, and carefully flipped the switch.


There was a slight glow of magic from the box... and then, the darkness began to peel away from the little campsite; in a perfect circle around the campfire were wooden poles, and topping each one was a crystal that gave off a pale, soft blue light.  The gathered effect was a gentle light that made the night picnic seem like a meal at a moonlit rendezvous.  


"Get a good look, Illiad - I packed the baskets well!"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was impressed by the small glade, and surprised by how late it had become. Though he thought the crystal torches were a bit much. "This really is an impressive spot, perfect actually to take someone on a date. You should keep that in mind for when you actually start dating." 


After taking a moment to really take in the beauty of the area, "Well, I bet you're hungry, so am I. Lets get to it then unless you have something else in mind?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



He could feel the presence of someone else.


Since they had arrived here, there had been a strange 'doubling' of Dax's anticipation, and Illiad could tell they were NOT alone.  However, he wouldn't have to wait for long, as this was the point where the other individual spoke in response to his words.


"I'm certain there's a thing or two I have in mind."


He knew that voice... it was Silver!


She stood there, cleanly scrubbed and looking downright lovely in a cute blue sundress.  She had not a single smudge or stain anywhere on her, her mane was out of the typical braids and cascaded loosely over her shoulders; her smile soft, rich and a bit enticing.  She appeared very feminine; quite unlike the usual tomcolt-ish look she wore - and she was lovely.


"I was beginning to think you were going to stand up poor Dax - and me, by proxy!"  She lifted an eyebrow.  "But I'm glad we waited... although I have to admit, I'm nursing a pretty big appetite right now... well, not really insomuch as nursing it, but more like just trying to keep it from overwhelming me!"


Dax was nowhere to be seen; the sly little booger had SET THIS UP for the Trojan - probably based on some of the conversation they had the other night.  Apparently, the Blackwater stallion had done MORE than just listen to Illiad when he spoke about Silver... he had arranged this impromptu get-together for his two friends.


"So, uh... is it time to see what Dax packed yet?  I HAVE been waiting for my date for a bit, after all."  She grinned teasingly, yet there was not a single drop of malice in her words; no, there was an altogether DIFFERENT emotion on Silver's mind...

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad paused for a moment, really letting the turn of events sink in. I knew it. At least, this is not unexpected. It came to his attention that he was no longer wearing his robe as he had removed it to be less conspicuous in Canterlot. Which also reminded him of something.


He turned towards Silver with a slight smile. "This is certainly a very pleasant surprise, if I had known you were waiting for me I would have encouraged Mrs. Blackwater to expedite our return. I would also have arrayed myself in a manner more fitting for one such as yourself."


He held up a hoof, looking as if he were thinking intently on something. A bigger smile flashed to his face with his horn as a box appeared in his raised hoof containing the clothes he had been measured for in Canterlot. "If you would excuse me for just a moment, I'll try to come close to matching your elegance in that dress. Why don't you see what Dax has arrayed for us while you wait, I shan't take long."


Having said that he hurried out of sight before warping to his room to put the suit and white collared shirt as well as comb his mane down to some semblance of cultured style before warping back to where he warped out. He took a moment to compose himself before he walked back into the clearing. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." In truth he had only been gone a few moments but it felt to him to be a long time given his nerves. He hoped Silver would forgive him for running off so suddenly.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle




Silver had been looking through one of the two baskets when Illiad spoke.  She jumped a bit, then turned with a smile (and a slight blush) on her muzzle.


"Oh, you didn't kee-... uhh..."


Illiad felt it; a rush of desire from the mare as she looked over the smartly attired stallion... she felt it too, as her slight blush deepened to a darker crimson.


"... didn't... kee-keep me waiting all THAT long, n-no."


She attempted to give a simple smile, but faltered around a bit before settling on a sigh and a grin.  It was obvious she was HIGHLY attracted to the handsome stallion; Illiad got the emotional impression that such a level of affection was new to her - her emotions were roiling under the surface, where she was all nerves and worry to go with her desire.


"I got a look through the baskets, and OH!  There's a FEAST here!  He must've almost brought enough food here to feed an entire shift!  There's even a jar of Zap Apple Jam in there - do you have any idea how hard that is to come by off-season?  I don't think we have enough stomach between the two of us to finish it all!"


She let loose her adorable whinny-giggle, then put a hoof to her mouth in surprise and embarrassment when she caught herself.


"I... I'm n-n-not really used to dressing like this; Dax told me I should wear something nice, so..."  She gave a little twirl, showing off the simple, yet pretty sundress - yet there was a good bet it could have been a mass of rags, and Illiad STILL would have found her just as beautiful.  She looked at him again, and that got the lust shivering through her once more... outwardly, she just gave him another nervous smile, and scuffed at the ground with a hoof shyly.


"You can, umm... blame Dax for all this - e-e-except the light posts; that was MY doing, actually - but HE was the one who told me that you might have wanted to... well... sort of..."


She seemed so unlike her normal self... but this version of her was sweet, to be certain.


"... I-I-I mean, uh... maaaaaybe we should start eating; we won't finish 'til midnight at this rate."


She gave a little giggle, then began to bring out the food.  For the love of Luna, there was a LOT of it!  Fruits and veggies, all cut and cleaned; mashed potatoes; buttered corncobs; fried and flavored dough balls; a large pouch filled with pre-mixed salad... there seemed to be no end to the amount of food that came from the two innocent-looking baskets!


"So, uh..." Silver started, trying nervously to make conversation, "... what... did... you do in Canterlot today?"

  • Brohoof 1

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