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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle



"Thank you; we will accompany you at once - Madam is taking a nap, so we won't be missed yet."


Beck nodded, and Call simply followed along with them as the three made their way to Illiad's room.


Beck was exhibiting a flow of emotions that was quite unlike what the Trojan had previously seen; before, he had been simply a single butler that didn't seem to stray much from mimicking his brother's mental state... THIS Beck, however, had serious issues weighing on his mind, and had a bit of fear as well.


Call's emotions were a mishmash of fear, self-loathing and a bit of paranoia aimed haphazardly everywhere - even at Illiad, though only for a moment, as it wasn't his true feelings towards the unicorn.  Whatever it was they had been speaking about, it had the poor stallion shaking in his spats.


The two of them walked in the same positions behind Illiad as they did with Vylia, and Call (it WAS Call, he knew it now) opened the door to Illiad's quarters for him.  When he entered the room, the two followed suit, Beck closing the door behind them.


Sighing with resignation, Beck sat down on the four-post bed carefully.  Call simply began to pace nervously, measuring his breathing as best as he could to keep from hyperventilating.


"Mr. Easle, I give you my word that I will give you the absolute truth - but in return, I humbly ask that you keep whatever you hear from us to yourself.  Is this agreeable?"

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Illiad nodded, "So far as nothing said would violate my station to keep secret, I do so promise not to repeat anything said here. Now then, Tell me what it is that is causing you two such distress. It pains me to see you two in such a circumstance."


Illiad took his own seat on the cushion he had been using as a bed. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The two of them exchanged a glance, then sighed in unison.  Beck began speaking.


"Many years ago, the two of us were part of a rather notorious mercenary company, called the Clovenhooves.  My brother and I never did more than simple breaking and entering, petty theft or scam jobs - we never actually did anything to HURT anypony; that wasn't our way.  The head of the Clovenhooves, a pony by the name of Slick Shadow, was wont to use us for small-time purposes, so he kept us around as personal assistants, much as Missus Blackwater does - except her errands, as annoying as they may be at times, are nowhere NEAR as dangerous as Slick's were."


Call continued.


"Our final job for Slick was to infiltrate the Blackwater Quarry and case the most valuable place on the entire property: The Vault.  The Clovenhooves have a number of hirelings, so papers and work records could be easily forged for us - we came in response to Vylia Blackwater's ad in the Canterlot Times for a personal servant.  The idea was to get in good with the family, then case and rob the safe of whatever we could get our hooves on."


Beck cleared his throat, taking the narrative again.


"But Madam Blackwater is... extremely astute, as I'm sure you may have gotten hint of; she allowed us to work for her for two whole weeks, keeping us too busy to case ANYTHING, before she told us that she knew what we were after.  She offered us a choice: Either we could be reported, arrested, prosecuted by the Blackwater lawyers and sent to prison..."


Call finished the sentence.


"... or we could agree to stay on as her personal assistants, and in exchange for our loyalty, she would use her own contacts to send false word of our deaths.  It was the only way that Slick and the Clovenhooves would have ever let us go; they don't look kindly on those who fail their missions - ESPECIALLY when that mission was given to you by the leader of the company."


Beck nodded and continued.


"We agreed to stay, and to this day we continue to serve her.  THAT is why, no matter how angry she gets, we put up with her - she saved our lives, and stuck her neck rather far out to do so.  I have since learned that she even had to burn a bridge or two to ensure our safety; not something Missus Blackwater does lightly, once she makes a contact."


This is where Call began breathing hard again, and as he spoke up next, his words were rapid and shaky.


"But now we've learned that members of the Clovenhooves have been spotted in Canterlot, and we fear for not only OUR lives..."


Beck finished with a grim look on his muzzle.


"... but those of anypony who would hide us.  We assured Madam Blackwater that the Clovenhooves would NEVER come here looking for us if they thought we were dead - but here they are.  If we tell Madam Blackwater, she might try to retaliate - which would only drag the entire family into the line of fire... but we have no one else to turn to."


Call's eyes and demeanor brightened a tic.


"Maybe you have an idea as to what we might do, Sir Illiad?"


They both looked at the Trojan; one with respectful curiosity, one with hope.  One thing was certain, though - after feeling their true emotional states, Illiad would NEVER mistake which brother was which again; their mystery was solved - or at least for Illiad Easle it was.

  • Brohoof 1

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Selena sighed, glad actually that the two events were apparently unrelated, the storm sapphire could wait.


Illiad looked contemplative for a few moments, "I see, you two really do have quite the problem. Though, Canterlot is quite a ways away from here, and from your depiction an area they would have business in so it wouldn't be too surprising that they would be there. Hmm..."


Illiad looked the pair over as an idea came to him. "You know they were in Canterlot because you recognized them right? Well, why don't we make it so they can't recognize you? Even a small difference in your appearances would make it believable that you aren't who they think you are, if you perhaps, died your manes and tails a different color or even your coat you would look like entirely different ponies. Your marks might be memorable, but they aren't exactly unique. It isn't unheard of for two or more ponies to share the same mark so if you were spotted with the different appearance it wouldn't be out of the question for them to dismiss you two as completely different ponies from the ones they're potentially looking for." 


Illiad sighed, "Though we could have a bigger problem, those are only the ones you recognized, there could easily be more members in other places that you may not recognize, ones that joined after you two left. Who's to say that they didn't try to do this job again? That there aren't more of them here in the quarry? Really all we can hope for is that you two haven't been discovered yet, and make it so you can't be discovered later."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The mental relief the twins felt at Illiad's advice was almost physical, it was so strong - they had truly hoped Illiad would be understanding, and they were not disappointed. 


"At this point," Beck said, "we're willing to give ANYTHING a try... I'll simply tell Madam Blackwater that we decided to... to..."


"... freshen up our look!"  Call added.  "Yes, she may accept that!"


The two seemed to be getting themselves in better spirits, yet there was still a ribbon of doubt coming from Call.


"But maybe they AREN'T here for us?  What if Sir Easle is correct - what if they're here to do the job we never did?  We have to find out if Slick is here with the group - then we have to find out what their plans are.  As long as they don't involve the quarry or the Blackwaters, we'll be OVERJOYED to stay at the manor until they leave town."


Beck considered the idea carefully.


"The job we were sent to do was almost two decades ago... but the Blackwater Vault is one of the most well-guarded collections of gems and bits in Equestria proper; it's a fantasy target for thieves everywhere.  They might be here for it, at that."

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Illiad smiled, glad he could be of use to the situation. "I'm glad I could help you, even with the disguises it is a good idea to stay out of sight while the danger is present. I'm glad you were able to come up with that."


He stood and prepped to leave, Selena having signaled that whatever she had to say was not as important anymore. "If that is all, I need to go find Daxter. If either of you know where he could be found it would be greatly appreciated." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Though Call was still quite worried, Beck gratefully stepped forward, and bowed politely.


"Sir Illiad, you are very kind to do us this favor.  In exchange, I offer you access to our knowledge of the Blackwater Quarry.  We have been here for quite some time, and we know a lot of truths, rumours and history of this place.  Being mere servants, we have overheard, picked up and pieced together quite a bit during our time here - and we would be glad to tell you all we know about whatever we can."


Call nodded eagerly.


"Oh, yes - MORE than glad; we would feel pleased that we could help you in return!  So, should any questions come up during your time here, ask us ANYTHING!"


With this, they stood and moved to the door.


"Anything further, Sir Easle?" they asked in perfect unison, respect and genuine admiration for the Trojan coming from both.

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Illiad nodded again, "I'm just happy to have been of service. Again though, I do need to find Daxter. If either of you would have some idea of where he might be it would really help me."


Selena thought for a moment, having access to the brothers' wealth of knowledge would certainly be a great benefit to their search for the storm sapphire. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Beck and Call looked at each other quizzically, then turned to look back at the unicorn, concern growing in both of them.


"But... but wasn't he supposed to be with you?  Master Dax came to us in order to arrange a picnic meal..."


"... which we did do, and then he thanked us and said he'd tell you we did such.  I suppose we merely assumed he was with you..."


"... since he wasn't in his bed this morning..."


"... NOR his tent in the woods."


The two of them separated emotions here; Call began a slow yet steady line of worry - for Dax's safety, the Empathic was certain - and it would build to a fevered pitch if the Blackwater wasn't found soon... Beck, on the other hoof, locked down his emotions into a determination that rivaled even dedicated warriors like Consul War Horse; Beck was GOING to FIND Dax - come Tartarus or High-Water.


Both seemed genuinely surprised that Illiad didn't know where Dax was... that couldn't be good.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad too looked worried at the revelation. "Dax had the picnic arranged as a sort of surprise date for Silver and I, we didn't see him later and I had assumed he had come back to the house so we could enjoy the date in peace. I was actually going to find him to thank him for the opportunity. Did he show up to breakfast today?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Call spoke up.  


"No - we all simply assumed he was with you and Silver!"


Beck nodded.


"We had even made extra for a breakfast meal for the three of you; didn't you notice?"


Maybe THAT'S why there was so much food..?


The two butlers began to fret in earnest, but differently - Beck strode out into the hallway, headed in the direction of the front of the house, determined to find Dax... Call followed his brother along, checking outside every window they came across as they got to the opulent front hall, almost a motherly concern for the missing Blackwater.


Beck turned to look at his brother.  "You check outside; I'll check inside."  Then he looked at Illiad.


"Will you accompany one of us, or do you have an idea of your own?"


The two of them obviously no longer wished to keep up the high-cultured charade; they spoke and felt towards the Trojan Empathic like he was a friend - no longer simply a guest.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad smiled at the added sense of camaraderie among them, though his expression grew more serious as his thoughts turned back to the matter at hoof. "I can search for him better outside, the thick stone walls of the manor affect my magical abilities. I'll help check outside."


Using the diamond as an aide Illiad extended his Empathic senses to a greater length, a good hundred meters or so. He had spent enough time around Dax that he would be able to distinguish his emotional source from the rest. If he were nearby Illiad would know pretty quickly.    

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



It didn't take long to pinpoint the solitude and loneliness that seemed to be its' own little personal thunderstorm.  There was a pull from the far western side of the manor grounds; with the barest of examinations, Illiad's eye caught what looked to be an ivy-grown path leading from a rather discrete corner of the yard.  The path seemed to wind around the rocky outcropping at this end; no telling if it went further up or down.


Call ended up circling the manor once, checking the alcoves and hedges - just in case.  Finding nothing, he came back to the Trojan and huffed a sigh of frustration.


"Well, he isn't around the manor, and I couldn't see him in the quarry when I passed around the narrow side... I do hope he hasn't gone back into the mines; after the recent disturbances, I don't feel it would be safe until the workers say so."


He gazed back at the large iron doors of the quarry, visible from where they stood.


"Maybe he IS at his tent now; perhaps we missed him in passing this morning?"

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Illiad turned to Call as he approached. "I am getting something from over there." He gestured towards the ivy covered path. "I think Dax may be that way, and it doesn't seem too good."


It's been what, a night since I last saw him? Then the rest of that day was taken up by Mrs. Blackwater, the night before was when he met Selena, so it's not like its been a long time since I last saw him. Why all the loneliness?

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Call looked at where the Trojan was pointing... then he gave a slight sigh of relief.


"Oh... that DOES make sense.  He's at Blackwater Ridge; he does tend to go there when he's feeling bad.  What in the wide, wide world of Equestria could be bothering him NOW?  After all, he has you here, yes?  To hear him speak of it, one would have thought he'd be BLEEDING happiness from every limb!  But... he IS a unique one, Master Dax is..."


He stepped back towards the manor, looking (and feeling) far less stressed.


"Thank you - I'll tell Beck post-haste.  You can wait for us to escort you to him, but there should be no issue if you'd want to go to him yourself; mind the fence - it's rusty."


With that, Call hurried inside to ease his brother's worry, leaving Illiad to either wait... or go down the path himself.

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Leaving loneliness to fester was hardly a good idea, so Illiad decided he'd make his way to Blackwater Ridge on his own to see what all the trouble was.


It seems Dax may be more socially damaged than I thought. I only hope that I can do something to improve his state before we step out of each other's lives again. If he has a hard time leaving me alone for a day then he definitely won't take the end of next week well. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The path was a bit overgrown, but not troublesomely so; Illiad only had to step over a few clumps of ivy and a fallen branch before reaching a tall, rust-spotted metal gate.


It looked as though it had been here for quite some time, wickedly sharp looking spines topped each rail, and a wrought-iron sign at the top of the gate proclaimed, in bold letters, "BLACKWATER RIDGE".


Through the gate, Illiad could see lines and rows of marble headstones, a few standing reliquaries, and a statue or three.  The area here was quiet and lonesome, though the view was serene as the open north end framed the mountains to the far north, affording an idyllic view that one wouldn't mind being buried at.


Blackwater Ridge was apparently the family cemetery.


At the far end, there was a dead tree standing next to a pony-sized statue of a stallion.  Dax was sitting at the statue's foot, looking for all the world like someone had just stolen his ice cream.  He sniffled, and wiped a hoof across his eyes.

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Illiad adopted a concerned expression as he tentatively approached the crying colt. He held off on adjusting his emotions as this was the sort of point where one could do real damage to a pony's psyche. "Hey Dax," he spoke in a calm, even tone that was a bit uncharacteristic for him since he arrived. "You okay?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax jumped a bit when Illiad spoke, but he turned to look at the unicorn all the same.


"... no... I... I saw... you two were..."


He sniffled hard, then coughed once.


"... it's just... I'm being all... stupid..."


He wiped at his eyes again, the Empathic feeling Dax get a bit frustrated with his own tears.


"... you two looked so happy... just being... y'know... together... which I'm GLAD for that, but..."


He turned his view up to look at Illiad.


"... but I got jealous.  Not over Silver - she's like a sister to me - but... y'know... I saw you two having so much fun, and I just..."


He hung his head, now shame creeping into his emotional state as well.


"... just felt like... I dunno... like life's kind of... cheating me, I guess?  I mean, when I was still in Pony School, I tried to make friends, but... well, YOU know our reputation, Illiad.  I didn't have a... a snowball's chance in Tartarus.  But I feel like I don't have any room to complain, so... I didn't want to ruin the fun you two were having, so I went off by myself."


He sighed hard.


"... guess I got to thinking too much on it.  I'm so sorry."


Dax was lonely for a special somepony; the sight of Silver and Illiad together had made him jealous, and he had left so that his mood wouldn't spoil their fun.


Again, Dax proved that he was far more considerate than anypony would ever believe of a Blackwater.

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Illiad sighed, he was entirely unsure about how he should proceed. Until he had met Silver he had never really thought about finding someone special to share his life with, he had been resigned to the fact that he might never find someone he would connect to on so many levels as he and Silver did.


He looked over at Dax, "Look, I can see why you feel the way you do. You do have the disadvantage where there aren't many creatures your age around here for you to interact with. I'd say that if ponies just got to know you then they'd see that you're so much better than the stereotypes, but I know that many ponies will not give you that chance."


A slight smile came to Illiad's face, "You know, I was talking to your mother about a similar issue yesterday, about working against the reputation to show the world that you aren't like your ancestors. I think that same message applies to you too. They may not see you for who you are at the start, but if you keep on being the kind and considerate pony I know you are they'll see it too. And remember, very few if any in Troy have ever heard of the Blackwaters. You won't have to worry about your reputation there, maybe you'll find someone there like I did here?"


Illiad came a bit closer, unsure yet if Dax was in a state where a hug would be acceptable. "I was actually trying to find you to thank you for the outing you prepared. You left so suddenly Silver and I thought you had set it up for us to be alone. I really appreciate the effort you put into it, thank you."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax looked up, and Illiad felt his mood lighten a bit.


"I thought... thought you'd be upset with me for... y'know... being upset?  But... thank you."


He wiped his eyes one more time, then stood up.  Behind him, the statue loomed over them both.  It was set on a high pedestal, about eye level, and it was more impressive up close - the face looked hard and a bit angry, but the eyes almost seemed to shine with a sense of boldness and optimism.  The brass plate on the front, pockmarked with corrosion spots, still read the name 'Serious Black' quite plainly.  The statue was of a caliber that belonged in a museum instead of a graveyard, to be honest - it was exquisite.


Dax gave a slight blush at Illiad's thanks.  


"I just saw that the two of you looked like you were having a moment... and I felt... yeah... so, I left you both to whatever you wanted to do - I don't wanna be a fifth wheel, so to speak.  But you're welcome; I was pretty happy to see my friend having such a good time."


Though the hurt was still there, it had been culled back enough for Dax's trademark enthusiasm to resurface.  He looked around the cemetery for a bit, then looked back to Illiad.


"So... this is Blackwater Ridge; it's where every Blackwater ancestor has been buried since the land was first purchased.  I come up here to be alone sometimes... but I'm glad YOU came, Illiad.  Thank you."


Illiad didn't have to wonder about the hug; Dax gave him one right then.

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Illiad returned the hug, then sat. He wasn't entirely sure how to proceed and he never was very comfortable in graveyards.


"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, Silver and I were going to talk with your father about some things, including what you and I encountered the night before last. Would you like to join us?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax grinned.


"I could do that, I guess.  Father can be tricky to talk to, but I know how to put things to him.  I'd be happy to come."


Before he left however, Dax placed a hoof gently on the statue's pedestal.


"Thanks for letting me stay with you, Grandpa Serious - I think Illiad has it from here."


He gave a small, sad smile, then turned back to the Trojan.


"Okay, let's go - if we have to talk with Father, it may take a while, so the sooner, the better."

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Illiad gave a slight smile, glad to see Dax in a better mood. He turned back the way he came, "We better get going then, the sooner we start the sooner we'll be done talking to him. Oh, we need to go by Silver's to get her first, she has a bunch of stuff to show Mr. Blackwater in an effort to get him to invest in her idea of spreading industrialization across Equestria." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa... investments?"


He shook his head, then looked at his friend again.


"Illiad - if you want ANYTHING to do with my family and their bits, you're speaking to the WRONG pony; that's MOTHER'S realm of influence.  I mean, you could speak to Father first, certainly... but it's Mother who controls the books.  If you get HIS approval but not HERS, it won't happen; if you at least get HERS, she'll find a way to make it work - even if she has to fund it herself."


Dax smiled a knowing smile.


"Father IS the one who put her in charge of our finances, after all - he trusts her to make the decisions.  So, I'd advise to speak with Mother first, then Father."


Dax would know his family better than the Trojan OR the mare, one could reason...

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