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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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Illiad gave a slight smirk, he did know what he was after. "It's not the bits we're after, TrUST can supply all the funding we need. It's the backing we need. Silver wants the quarry as a company to back her patents on her machinery and for the quarry to manage the logistics of allowing other companies to use her patents in exchange for royalties. If Mr. Blackwater is against the quarry as a company backing the patents, then we'll have to find another company to back them in Equestria."


Illiad sighed, patent law was a difficult nest of tape. "In short, we're after the company as a legal backing in case her patents are ever contested." 

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax shrugged.


"Still sounds like Mother's kind of thing to me... but when it comes to law, I expect you'd know a bit more than me, so we'll go talk to Father.  Let's get Silver and head back to the manor; I'll ask if he's busy."


Illiad and his Blackwater shadow made their way across the manor grounds, through the quarry yard and over to Shed #7 - Silver's Shack.  As they got close however, Illiad began to pick up feelings of panic and worry coming from what was undoubtedly Silver herself, inside the workshed.  When they got closer yet, they could both hear what sounded like crying.


Dax picked up his pace, headed for the shack.  Upon arriving, Illiad and Dax came across the poor mare sitting on the floor, surrounded by notebooks, ledgers, binders and loose diagrams in piles that almost came close to the tabletop.  There were tears running down her muzzle, and she looked quite distressed.


"Oh, Illiad... Dax... I can't d-d-d-d-decide WHAT to YUUU-HUUUU-HUUUUUSE!"


She began bawling anew, looking so absolutely adorable in her misery.


Dax made a strange face, then turned away as he fought the grin he had... he felt bad for Silver, but he was also quite relieved that it wasn't anything more... dangerous.


He nudged Illiad, then said, "Silver, calm down... you're gonna be fine."

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Illiad had a slight smirk as he surveyed the situation, and gave a small laugh as he came a bit closer to Silver, drawing her into a gentle hug as he carefully calmed her emotions. "I've certainly had that problem, not knowing what piece of work would have the best impact on a new client, partially wanting to draw up something new just for the occasion. You're smart Silver, I'm sure you'll figure it out, though if I may make a suggestion, why don't you keep it simple? The goal here is to get Mr. Blackwater to back your patents and aid in the logistics of the distribution of your machines to Equestria. He's already seen some of your machines in action and understands the value of them. You've already proven to him how capable you are, you don't need something new and impressive to prove it to him again, just yourself."


Wow, I'm really being the advice guru today. 


Illiad looked for a spot where her could stand nearby and still be out of Silver's way. "Here, why don't we do a practice run of talking to him before we actually meet with him? That should certainly ease your stress, Dax can stand in for Mr. Blackwater even since he was going to advise us on how to speak to him anyway."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Silver's mood lightened with Illiad's hug, and lightened more at his advice.


"You're right, you're right... of course you are.  I'm a filly for crying over this - Mister Blackwater knows I'm good; he'll back me, I'm sure he will!"


Dax grinned, and his own heart lightened when Silver's did.  When the stallion suggested the Blackwater stand-in for his Father in a dry-run, Dax actually pepped up a bit more.


"OH!  Yeah, I can do that!  I've practiced!"


Dax cleared his throat, then his entire face seemed to transform into one big scowl; it was actually quite eerie how, wearing that expression, he DID look a lot like his father... the resemblance was downright uncanny.




His voice the perfect pitch and timbre to match Luther's own, and Illiad was familiar with the minimalist greeting by now.


Silver noticed as well - the look on her face showed how impressed she was.


"That's... wow, Dax.  That's SPOT ON!"


Dax let a small grin onto his features for just a second before regaining his Luther-Face.


"Studs.  Easle.  Why are you here?"


Downright uncanny.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad nodded, giving a slight smirk before he too settled into his role. "Mr. Blackwater, among other things we are here because I have found Silver to be a suitable candidate for the Trojan United Science TrUST. As such she want's your company's backing against the patents she would like to draft on her inventions."


He felt like that was as good a place as any to switch off, so he looked over at Silver in an attempt to convey that it was her turn to speak. It was a good thing they were practicing this as he realized he had little to no idea how he would phrase all of this best. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Silver smiled broadly, then looked at Dax and cleared her throat, ready to be all business-like.


"Mister Blackwater, you've known the work that my machinery can do, and you know how much good it's done your quarry.  I'm going to endeavor to spread this technology to all of Equestria, and I think that it would be remiss of me not to invite you and the quarry to get in on the ground floor of this venture."


Dax's face remained dour and stern.  "Cost?"


"The cost will actually be minimal, as I expect a quick turnaround - so I was thinking no more than a five-digit figure to start with would make enough of a difference to get me started... after that, we can negotiate further expenses, and even focus on machines you yourself have a vested interest in seeing come to life."


Dax put a hoof to his chin.  "Rights?"


Silver lifted an eyebrow, but was prepared for the question.  "I plan to retain the rights to my patents, Mister Blackwater... but as an investor, you will have FIRST PICK of anything I create for this end, and I would be honored if Missus Blackwater would possibly be so kind as to assist me in figuring out my expenses."


Dax frowned deeper, getting the same look on his face as Luther did when he was giving Illiad the once-over in his study, back on the first day here.  He looked over to Illiad.


"And YOUR part in this?"

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Illiad gave a slight smile, "I personally have no part in this, other that my joy in Silver's Successes, rather I will represent TrUST in the regard that they will desire access to all her patents and future designs, in exchange they will provide all the funding and other resources that Silver requires to continue inventing, including an escort to safe locations should the need ever arise."


"In my mind you have much to gain and little to lose from allowing the quarry to back Silver's patents, the possible royalties the quarry could gain by allowing other companies to use Silver's designs would easily recoup your investment and even possibly improve your and the quarry's reputation in the social and business worlds."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax put on a semi-goofy 'thinking look' and began a slow, exaggerated pacing that Silver couldn't help but giggle at.


"Sounds good - perhaps worth looking into.  Studs works hard; earned my trust.  Solid worker."


He then turned and looked Silver in the eye, crossing his own as he spoke and making her giggle even harder.


"What guarantee will I have on this supposed profit?  And what will happen if you should happen to fail?"


At those words, Silver pulled herself together.  "Well, I can offer you the patents to the equipment I've build for your quarry, if your investments fail; that way, you'll at least have the rights to the things you KNOW already work.  It's the closest thing I CAN offer to a guarantee... but I promise, once Equestria sees what I have to offer, there is no possible WAY this could ever fail!"


Dax strolled toward the edge of the table and placed his forehooves on it, leaning over and looking so very much like Luther leaning over his desk.


"Why the interest NOW?"


Silver smirked, and looked at Illiad.


"THAT has to do with TrUST - Illiad thinks they would have a vested interest in making this kind of machinery available to everypony... and I think it would say a LOT about the Blackwaters if you were to show your support of this project, Mister Blackwater."


Dax nodded.  He stood back from the table, then walked to the doorway as if it were Luther's balcony, then made an exaggerated show of looking out majestically at the imaginary quarry.


"It will be considered... and my vest is full of grape jelly."


With that last line, delivered in Luther Blackwater's deadpan voice, Dax and Silver both burst out laughing merrily at his little jest.  

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Illiad too laughed heartily at the non-sequitur transition. Whilst looking around to ensure that no one that disliked them or Mr. Blackwater had overheard. That would certainly not go over well if they did.


"You are certainly like your father in that regard, I think you'll do a fine job running this quarry some day if that's what you end up doing."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax half-grinned at Illiad's comment, but his mood fell just a bit at that... however, it wasn't low for long, as he turned and walked over to Silver and walked a slow, comically-strutting circle around her, his eyes exaggeratedly wide and staring.  She wore a smirk of her own, and was blushing a bit from the effort of trying NOT to laugh.


"You are willing to stake your reputation..."  he got eye to eye with her, their muzzles pressed together nostril-to-nostril.  "... ON OURS?????"


Silver burst out laughing, and hit the floor rolling with whinnygiggles and snorts of amusement.


Dax looked at Illiad with that dour face... and wiggled his eyebrows up and down rapidly.

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Illiad too laughed a bit before calming down, he had never been one to laugh uproariously, unless he was tired of course, in the which case everything was absolutely hilarious and he would be laughing for minutes on end. Unfortunately this was not one of those times.


"So," he looked about the pair, "Are we ready to talk to Mr. Blackwater then?" To be frank Illiad was still a bit nervous about speaking to Mr. Blackwater, perhaps he had pulled too much of it from Silver. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Silver collected herself while Dax got the last of his giggles out.  He then turned to them both and smiled.


"Okay, you've got an idea what he'll say... now, if we can-"


Dax's words were cut off by a small, humble voice that typically had no reason to sound meek and mild as it did.




He turned around, and it was Oglevy Blackwater, his stuffed dragon perched on his back, standing there looking at them all.  He looked far more subdued than usual, and Illiad could feel a low but steady thrum of regret, shame... and a dash of fear, as well.


Dax lifted an eyebrow, about to snark off at the little pest... when he realized Oglevy wasn't BEING a pest.


"Uhhhhhhmmmm... yeah?  What?"


The colt gave each one in turn a serious, almost apprehensive look... then he faced his big brother again.


"Mother wants to speak to you."


Dax's confusion at his younger sibling's behavior was evident as he gave Illiad and Silver a slightly worried look.  Turning back, he asked plainly, "What is it?"


Oglevy looked his brother right in the eyes.  "She knows about the pearls, Dax."


Dax's eyes went huge, while his pupils shrunk to pinpoints.


"Oh, manure."


NOW, worry, guilt and nervousness began to ripple from the older brother, while it seemed like Oglevy had already had to deal with whatever this was.  Dax looked at his friends again.


"Uhm... if Mother wants me for... f-f-for this, then I'd better go... uhm, yeah - it's... kinda bad."


Oglevy spoke up quickly.  "I stuck to our story!"


Dax looked at him... and gave him a soft smile.  "I knew you would, Oglevy - it's why it works!"


THERE; Illiad had sensed the world of love that Luther had for his son, and the ocean that had threatened to drown his from Vylia... and now, it was so with Oglevy Blackwater.


The young colt didn't seem to do anything more outwardly than give a small, shy smile.  Emotionally, just hearing that Dax had trusted him was like twin bombs of emotion in the tyke - first a megaton blast of admiration, then a secondary burst of affection.  Dax hadn't even noticed the effect it had on Oglevy; Illiad got the impression that it was okay that way, too.


The young stallion turned back to the Trojan and the mare.


"Uhm, I have to go do this... but, uhm... I gave you the rundown; stick to what we said, and you should be fine!"


He nodded to his younger brother, then went for the door... but he stopped there, and turned back one more time.


"I'll be okay - it was a long time ago... but, well... Mother found out."


He shrugged, then he and Oglevy (who also glanced back at the duo standing there) headed into the manor to face the apparently long-overdue music.


Silver looked at Illiad, and words started tumbling nervously from her lips.  "Uhh... we should wait, right?  Right?  I think so... maybe, we should, don't you think?  I think maybe we could reschedule, it wouldn't be so bad - maybe the weather's not-... I mean, we shouldn't-... p-p-p-p-perhaps we can just... uhhhh..."


Silver was getting Cold Hooves, and her emotional state matched it.

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Illiad's eye was still twitching from the sudden burst of emotion. He couldn't warp out of the way this time, so he did the best he could to shield himself from the emotional onslaught. It worked to a limited extent, he wasn't about to be overwhelmed, but it still left him a bit frazzled. They really need to work on their emotional states before they seriously hurt someone, or themselves. This isn't a healthy way to express themselves.


Illiad shook his head in an effort to clear it and get his eye to stop twitching. He turned back to Silver with a bit of nervous determination on his face. "We have two options here, either we go or we don't. Either way TrUST will back your research and development and they will ensure your patents in Troy and beyond. If we go then this dilemma will be done with, but if we don't then we'll have to make this choice again and again until we decide to go. You don't have to get your works patented in Equestria, but it is the only way you'll be able to successfully enact your plans of an Equestrian Industrial Revolution."


Given the recent emotional bomb he couldn't help her nerves directly, so he hoped his words would suffice. "Either way, I'll support you in your decision."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Silver gulped, then closed her eyes.


"Okay, okay, okay... I need to calm down and just... just... breathe..."


She took a number of forcibly slow and even breaths before she simply sighed.


"You're right... I'm being a foal.  Well, maybe not so much as a foal, but it's more like I'm acting rather childish.  I can DO this - especially with you here!  I'm just... y'know... scared."


She blushed a bit.


"Well, no time like... well, like the present.  Let's get this done before I turn into a block of ice from all the chills I've got!"


She held her head up confidently, and strolled her way towards Luther's office.


Her emotions still said she was as scared as she could be... but she was doing it, all the same.

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It hurt Illiad that he was not in a state to assist her with her emotions, give her a boost of confidence. He'd have to recover from Oglevy's burst before he could risk any emotional manipulation on others. It was like trying to see after a recent blinding flash spell, he could still feel Silver because she was close both in proximity and emotional state, and he would feel Dax if he got close enough again, but he wouldn't be able to discern much else for some time.


Illiad kept pace with Silver, no words came to his mind so he didn't speak any, saving them solely for the upcoming talk with Mr. Blackwater himself. There's this patent thing, then there's the happening with Oglevy the night before last, and the torment by that worker before that, I think that's everything I need to talk to him about.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



She made her way timidly up to the large wooden doors that led to the office of Luther Blackwater.  She gave Illiad a glance and a small smile, turned back to face the doors, took a deep breath and knocked softly with a hoof; it echoed through the hall loudly, making her wince.




The voice within spoke the familiar greeting, and Silver slowly opened the door and went inside, holding it for Illiad before shutting it once he was in.


The office was as subdued yet stately as ever.  The ancient pot in the corner still had its single flower... yet now that Illiad looked at it, he was certain he'd never seen a flower like that before.  Odd, but something to address later possibly... depending on how things went here.


Luther, seated behind the beautiful deak, looked up as the two of them came inside.


"Silver Studs... Mr. Easle.... why are you here?"


It was eerie, how accurate Dax's predicted words were to what Luther now said.  Absolutely UNCANNY.


Silver stepped forward, intent on telling Mr. Blackwater everything she'd told Dax.  Though her fear was at a fevered pitch, she took a deep breath...


... and let out a single, tinny squeak.  Silver's eyes went W-I-D-E... and her fear shot through the roof.  She was in the grip of stage fright in front of her Boss; maybe Illiad could start the conversation for her?

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Illiad winced at Silver's panic, but there was nothing he could magically do about it at the moment. He took a deep breath before he spoke.


"Mr. Blackwater, there are a number of things which I must discuss with you, first of which is that I have found Silver to be a suitable candidate for the Trojan United Science TrUST. As such she would your company's support and legal defense of the patents she will be drafting for her inventions such as the machines she has invented for the quarry."


Illiad hoped it would be enough to get Silver talking, or at least Mr. Blackwater interested.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Luther eyeballed them both VERY closely, then locked his focus on Illiad, deciding that Silver apparently wasn't going to speak up.  Silver's mood went from fear-filled to sunk; she saw the decision as Luther chose who to pay more attention to.


"Hmm.  So you say."


He stood up, tall and wide as a barn, and came around the desk.  With a slow and steady gait, he walked a gradual circle around the both of them, and Illiad once again got the distinct feeling his very soul was being judged.


He heard Silver audibly gulp next to him as Luther stalked them... then, he stopped, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, as if savoring the sensation... or as if he was preparing to deal with yet ANOTHER issue.


"Name the cost."


Again, Dax's guess at his father's words was almost spot-on.

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Illiad gave a slight smile despite his own creeping nerves. "To my limited knowledge of Equestrian Patent Law, the initial cost would be in patent research and legal drafting for the official patent applications. The official cost then being whatever the patent layers in Equestria would charge, though I doubt it would be too substantial. TrUST would be willing to help cover the cost in exchange for the right to use the patented technologies." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Luther didn't give any sign of anything having to do with Illiad's words.


"The rights?  Who gets them?"


Silver's emotional state shifted HARD; she was NOT going to let this conversation go on without TRYING.


 "I'm gonna... uhm, I plan to... k-k-keep the rights to my patents... SIR... but with your money in... I mean, when you give us... your INVESTMENT will be returned as... as, uhm... well, y-y-y-you'll get the first... uhm, f-f-f-first pick of a-a-a-anything I make... for this... this... thing?"


The shudder from her was audible; it was the vocal equivalent of a shiver, and it was rather loud as she took a deep breath, then let it out in a huff, all at once.  Luther looked coolly at her, then turned back to Illiad.


"If this is Silver's idea, why are YOU involved, Mr. Easle?"


Illiad would have to thank Dax when they got back together - so far, everything Dax had said in his father's voice was, with changes, more or less what Luther himself was saying.

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This was not going as well as Dax had made it seem, but it wasn't too much of a matter if Mr. Blackwater didn't want to back the patents. There would be other companies.


"Me? I personally have no stake in this arrangement, other than my personal enjoyment of Silver's successes. In a representative capacity for TrUST however, the involvement would be similar to what I have already described. TrUST would like to support Silver as an inventor, providing her with whatever materials and funding she needs to succeed in exchange for the rights to use and analyze what she comes up with. It was Silver's idea to seek your backing in patenting her inventions in Equestria as TrUST is based back in Troy." 


Illiad sincerely hoped his explanation got the point across. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Luther's eyes narrowed as he glanced at the floor for a moment, then he looked back at Silver.




He strolled back over to his desk, and took his seat again, though his eyes were still drawing straight lines to Silver's own.  Miss Studs was as frightened as if Luther were a Manticore instead of a stallion.  She was shaking a bit, but she continued to stand right where she was - even though the emotions she was putting off said she SHOULD be halfway to Ponyville by now.


"Sounds acceptable - perhaps even worth looking into."


Silver's mood froze in place... then, ever-so-slowly, began to creep it's way hopefully up.  Luther turned his solid gaze to Illiad.


"Silver Studs has worked hard for the quarry.  VERY hard.  I only trust HARD workers."


Again, a bit of change-up, but pretty much what Dax predicted he'd say.


"And Silver is a SOLID worker."


He gave a soft sigh, then his gaze went from aggressive to curious.


"All right - I want to know what profits I would make from this..."


... aaaaand?...


"... and what will happen if you fail."


Silver licked her lips, took a deep breath, and tried again.


"Well, uhm... Mister Blackwater... if things g-g-go bad... I can offer you... the p-p-p-patents on what's already... uh, here... IF I fail, of course... since you know they all... uhm... they a-a-all work..."


Silver's fear was eating her alive - but her courage held her hooves in place like glue.  Illiad could feel the mental war she was having with herself... and she might actually be winning.  But the battle wasn't over yet.


Luther leaned forward, placing his hooves on his desk and looking FAR more intimidating than Dax did doing the same thing earlier.


"All this interest?  NOW?  Why?"


Silver started to speak... but all that came out was another squeak, and she blushed brightly again.

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"If I may,"


Illiad was starting to feel a bit more confident now. "Silver had never heard of TrUST until I told her about it just the other day. The thought had never occurred to her to patent her ideas until I mentioned that TrUST would be interested in gaining access to them. It wasn't like her designs were at risk of being stolen way out here so I would think it didn't seem necessary to put in the effort to patent them." 


Illiad gave a slight smile, "As to potential profits, you could be entitled to royalties on the patents if you were to allow other quarries to use the same designs."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Listening to Illiad speak, Luther placed a hoof on his chin and pondered.  His thoughtful face was the exact same as almost ANY face he had... scowling.  All the same, the wheels were turning.


After a moment, his eyes snapped to Silver again.


"It shall be considered," he said simply.


Suddenly, Silver's mood spiked again; she was trying not to laugh!


When Dax had delivered the same line, he'd ended it with and my vest is full of grape jelly... which was apparently the exact line Silver was thinking of, and in her panicked state, she might just burst out laughing at any moment!


Illiad wasn't sure, but it was a fair bet that Luther Blackwater probably wouldn't appreciate somepony laughing at him.

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Illiad hated to be the one to put a damper on good moods, so he decided he would change the subject to something more serious quickly.


"The next thing sir, is regarding the cave you had Knee and I secure a few days ago. A new development occurred the night before last that I think you should hear about."


He turned towards Silver with a look that tried to convey that this next matter was quite serious. "If there is anything else you need to say to Mr. Blackwater, now would be the time. Otherwise... I'm not sure he wants the story I'm about to talk about to be spread any further around the quarry than it absolutely needs to be." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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