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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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A bit of honest smile crept onto Illiad's face. I'm amazed Dax remembered all that. Though I suppose it is to be expected.


"Well, Troy isn't entirely communal, just the agriculture out of necessity. Its a sort of social safety net for those who have fallen on hard times. The rest of the society is all about independence and freedom."


Illiad took a more engaged stance, leaning forward a bit, indicating that the topic interested him greatly. "I am a sort of security artist. For the most part I design security measures like watermarks and seal for important documents. In fact, I am designing a set of Mr. Blackwater at the moment. That reminds me, I need to sketch your and Daxter's marks, Mr. Blackwater requested them specifically. Outside of my work in security I occasionally design inlays for furniture or wall hangings, though I do on occasion make paintings and write short stories I am much better at security. It pays decently and has loyal repeat customers as it is good practice to update securities every few years."


He leaned back a bit while glancing at his still empty cup. A slight bit of worry crossed his mind as he wondered what could be taking so long. He feared the worst yet hoped for the best.


"Is there anything else you'd like to know?

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Oh, I could simply listen to you go on for HOURS, Darling!  There's just so much we could learn from you, it would be like having a teacher right here at my home!  Oh, it's such-"


Call came trotting over to Illiad's side of the table, a decanter in his mouth, ready to pour.  At that same moment, only visible from the Trojan's side of the table, Oglevy's hoof slid directly into Call's way.  The grin widened as Call tripped over it.


The decanter went end over end in the air, then splashed down into Illiad's lap.  The smell of apples was everywhere, and there was an amber stain spreading across his clothing.  Beck gasped, Dax covered his face, and Oglevy simply laughed at the butler's misfortune.


Vyila looked angry.


"Beck... go assist Call... with the cleanup..."


Dax leapt up.  "I can take Mr. Easle to  clean up and change, Mother."


Vyila waved them away, her eyes locked and focused on the two butler ponies, frantically cleaning up the mess.


"Terribly sorry, Sir Easle-"


"- it won't happen again."


Dax motioned to the door, his eyes electric and his emotions at a fever pitch; Dax was planning this as their escape.  Oglevy, sitting perfectly in his seat, gave Illiad a wink as the two stepped into the sunroom, where Dax closed the door.

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, juice is infinitely preferable to tea in this case. It's a good thing I wove those protection spells.


Once the door was closed Illiad turned to Dax, "I know your entire ploy was to get out of the room and I can't blame you. Your brother is quite insufferable." He began to activate the protection spells, reversing the stain and removing the juice from the garment. "It's a shame, this looks like quality juice, Apple Family no doubt." He drew the juice away into a small ball, which he simply held as he had no idea what to do with it. "Well, there's a bunch of time we don't have to waste actually cleaning and changing. I think there's a good 10-15 minutes before they'll suspect anything. Is there anything in particular you want or is simply avoiding your family enough?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax unceremoniously yanked the scarf off of his neck and tossed it onto one of the chairs, then ran a hoof through his hair to set it more back to how it was.  Once he did this, he gave a huge sigh of relief.


"I wanted us to get outta there - Mother's about to give Beck and Call a good yelling; that'll keep her occupied for a while... but it won't be long before Oglevy asks to be excused - and he'll be looking for us."


Dax led Illiad out into the hall, down more stairs, and back toward the front foyer.  It was a fast trek, and Dax actually seemed to be grinning as the two of them made their way out like thieves in the night.


"C'mon - we'll go back down to the quarry, like you wanted to, remember?  I'll show you around, and we can swing by Silver's workshop while we're there!  Forget the tea - Mother won't even know we're gone."


Here was excited Dax again; his joy was near boundless as he led his new friend through Blackwater Manor, bound for the quarry proper.


"I'm really sorry about that; Mother kinda blindsided me, so I couldn't get away.  Sorry for Oglevy, too; I warned ya, didn't I?  Hope they weren't too bad... and I hope Father didn't lean on you too hard, either.  If it's okay to ask, what'd he want?  Did he mention the watermark?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad was a bit apprehensive as to where they were going.


"Now hold on a minute, I understand that your mother's tea party is the last thing you want to suffer through, but if we don't get through it now we may have to do it again to make up for it."


He sighed, "I need to make a good impression on your parents or they will never let you go with me back to Troy, now I am confident that your father has at least a bit of respect for me, as you said he was quite appreciative about my offer and has requested a watermark and stamp set. He wants me to design a symbol that combines his, yours, and your mother's marks. If I can make a good impression on your mother now we will likely have much more leniency throughout the rest of the week."


He sighed again as he came closer, "I know it isn't what you want, but I think we should finish your mother's tea party. I'm sure it wont take too much longer." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax's spirit fell through the floor.


"But it'll take forEVER... Mother doesn't-"


One look at Illiad's face told Dax that the unicorn would brook no argument.  He sighed, picked up the cravat (scarf?) and began tying it back into place around his neck.  His hooves were quite adept at it; apparently, he'd had plenty of practice.  His hair was still a mess, though.


Once tied on, he gave an exasperated look to his friend.


"If we gotta, we gotta.  I just wish I didn't have to..."


He did give Illiad a momentary look as he headed for the patio doorway once again.  "But after this, we're quarry bound, right?"

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A slight smile came to Illiad's face. He was glad to see that Dax could agree with him.


"Of course, I can't wait to see what you have waiting for me at the quarry."


He noticed that he still had the ball of juice floating by him, it would be rude to return with it still in the air. He began a filtration spell to remove any fermentation or contaminates from it before taking a drink of it, he was pleasantly surprised at the taste of it. Good quality indeed, I'll have to ask about it when I can. Perhaps the Appaloosan trade deal isn't all bad after all.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


As they made for the porch, Illiad could pick up the muffled speech behind the doors:


"... ever again, DO you understand!?"


"But Mommy-"


"You mean MOTHER, young colt!  I won't have you embarrassing Daxter in front of his guest!  The NERVE of it!"


"I'm sorry, Mom-... Mother."


"You had best believe it... now, NO more shenanigans, are we clear?"


"Yes, Mother."


"Good... now back in your seat; here they come.  And don't slouch."


As they started to pass through the doors, Dax's eyes flew open, and he quickly smoothed his mane back into place, right before he crossed the threshold onto the patio.  Vylia and Oglevy were seated at the table; Vylia lounging and smiling broadly like there wasn't a care in the world, while Oglevy was giving Dax a look that could curdle lava.  The twin butlers were done with their cleaning, and were standing on each side of Mrs. Blackwater, like bookends.  At this point, Illiad had again lost track of which was which.


"Oh, so wonderful to see that the cleaning staff still know how to do their jobs, hmmm?"  


She laughed like a tinkling bell at her own little joke, then turned her look on Dax.


"Now, your friend has quite a bit of culture here Daxter; you would do well to pay attention when he's speaking to you about his homeland..."


"Yes, Mother."


"... and always be certain you respect his wisdom - there are so many things you could learn from such a stallion as this!  Why, there's every possibility that you'd be smarter and stronger for having listened to his advice!"


"Yes, Mother."


"A whole world full of possibilities at your hooftips!"


"Yes, Mother."


"Yes, Mother."  Oglevy's voice was whiny and sing-songy as he copied Dax.


"I mean, with the possibilities he could present you with - why, you might make enough friends to help the quarry get by once you take it over, Daxter.  I'm certain you'll be amazing at it - it's in your blood, you know."


"Yes, Mother."


"Yes, Mother."  Dax shot his brother a look; Oglevy just smiled.


"Oh, I do hope you'll forgive my enthusiasm, Mr. Easel - I simply think this whole exchange idea is wondeful, and I'm excited that my little Daxter gets to be a part of it; it's for your own good, isn't it?"


"Yes, Mother."


"Yes, Mother."


"Stop it!"


"Stop it!"


"Will you cut it out?"


Oglevy started to continue the game, but before he could, his mother clonked the back of his chair with her hoof.  Both Oglevy and Daxter went stock still.


"Enough - sit and have your tea in peace and QUIET."


That final word came out with a very dangerous and low voice.  With the two silenced, Vylia looked to Illiad and sighed.


"Have you ever worked with children, Mr. Easle?"

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Illiad kept his slight smile as if there was nothing wrong with the situation in front of him. He took his seat with some grace and was again surprised to see that there was fresh drink for him. He turned to face Mrs. Blackwater directly.


"I must admit that I have not had the pleasure. I have found that children have little need for security measures and by the time they have their marks they have outgrown much of their childishness. Speaking of which I still need to sketch yours and Daxter's marks for the design your husband is having me make. It wont take long if you want to get it over with quickly."


Illiad took advantage of the question to daintily sample the drink in front of him. He found it tasted much better when not magically filtered.


"This is very nice apple juice, genuine Apple family isn't it?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


"But of course, dear - no other apples taste better!  We get at least five barrels of cider from them each year... and our own batch of Zap Apple Jam, when it's in season of course."


She sipped daintily at her tea.  For the next hour-and-a-half, Vylia smiled, laughed, chatted and carried on as if he were a full-fledged member of high society... and after a bit, he got the impression that her interest in Troy and it's culture were genuine.  Plus, she was smart - VERY smart.


Through conversation, Illiad discovers that Vylia is, in fact, the Head Accountant for the Blackwater Quarry - and runs a tight ship.  She goes into facts and figures that show the unicorn that this mare not only knows her numbers, but lives by them when it comes to expenses.  She funds her OWN account, which she uses to buy all her extravagant luxuries - while the family savings steadily grows, untouched save for one or two major repairs to the property.


During this time, Illiad manages to get the tracings of the other two cutie marks - Dax is a little afraid of it, until he sees that it doesn't hurt; Vylia giggles and says it tickles, her melodious laughter eventually becoming girlish giggles.


Oglevy continues to sit in his seat, though he squirms and rolls his eyes the whole time.  Eventually, almost an hour into the proceedings, he asks his mother sweetly if he may be excused.  Vyila allows it, and with a naughty smirk at Illiad, he leaves the patio.


Poor Dax.  He sits calmly in his chair, only interjecting when called upon, and sips at his tea soundlessly.  His eyes keep wandering back to the Trojan, but he softly sighs when they find no sign of leaving, and looks away - only to have him look again ten minutes later.  Otherwise, he is the model of a perfect little gentlecolt.  His emotions, however, relay his boredom, frustration and personal solitude to Illiad easily.  Dax was miserable... but he complied with his mother's wishes, all the same.


Eventually though, Vylia admitted she had an appointment to keep, and as it was about the trade agreements with the Griffon Empire, she would not want to be late.


"Truly, darling Illiad, you simply MUST come to tea with me again!  It will be fun; I'll invite Luther... it would be good to see him outside of his office, for once."


She gave Illiad a quick hug, then looked over at her colt, in his limp cravat/scarf/whatever.


"Daxter can escort you to your room; I'm certain he has so much to tell you, and he was most well-behaved today."


RIGHT THERE.  At the moment she looked at Dax, though her face was only slightly smiling, Illiad felt an enormous wave of love pour out of Vylia's seemingly cold heart and wash over the young stallion; if it had been water, he'd have drowned instantly.  This mare had a love for her child that would not only move mountains... it would obliterate them.


"Go on, now - go and enjoy your fine company."  She gave a small, honest grin at the unicorn.  "We'll speak later, darling - ciao!"


She sauntered off... still quite a sight to see.


Dax groaned as soon as she was out of earshot.  "Why did you make me sit through all of that?"  He looked exasperated - but his emotions said he wasn't upset at Illiad for it; merely a little disappointed.

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Why did I elect to sit through all that? As much as I appreciate all the secret love that's going around I am starting to get woozy from all these pulses. Honestly I would prefer a trip to Ponyville. If only I were a changeling and could consume all these positive emotions, I wouldn't have to eat for months.


As soon as Mrs. Blackwater was far enough away he transfered all his stored emotional energy into his diamond, it now glowed moderately bright. It could be seen glowing through his robes so he distributed it throughout to make the glow a bit more even.


"Because your parents love you enough to make a changeling fat when they let their guard down. And thus you should do what they want even when you don't want to. If you show them respect they will show you some too and all that."


He still felt a bit woozy despite shunting the love. If only I could find a shot of pure terror, that would certainly help. Even a splash of cold fear would do nicely, there is simply too much love here. Illiad began to make his way over to the door, stumbling a bit as he did so. He turned towards Dax.


"I need to burn a vast quantity of energy quickly, so we are going to teleport to my room okay?"


Without a confirmation Illiad grabbed Dax with his magic and teleported the two of them safely to his room. Illiad shook his head and looked about, his head was clear once again as he had distanced himself from the flood of love. He quickly moved to Dax.


"I am so sorry, under normal conditions I would never use magic on anyone without their express permission but if I didn't leave quickly enough I would have drowned from the sheer amount of love your mother has for you. It is a major downside of being Empathic, If I didn't have this diamond I would have snapped a while ago. I really do envy changelings at times like these, I'm sure they would love all this emotion."


He shook his head again to clear his thoughts. He quickly ensured that everything was physically fine with him.


"I am rambling aren't I? Sorry again for teleporting you here so suddenly."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax looked at Illiad like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears.


"Love me?  I mean, I know they do, yeah, but - I mean, Mother takes care of me, and Father sees to it that we get what we need, but... they never say it outright; are you sure?"


Dax looked a bit confused.  Illiad could tell that the young stallion was completely caught off-guard by this information; it couldn't hide the fact that, even though he was surprised by this information, he was secretly happy to hear it. 


"Oh, and the teleporting?  That was actually pretty cool - I always wanted to try magic, but there's very little of it in my family; we've always been the workers and fliers... I don't think there are any unicorns on our family tree."


He grinned a bit, then looked to the Trojan in earnest.


"So... are we still gonna go to the quarry, or are you wanting a rest?"

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Illiad looked at Dax sort of skeptically, "I think I know love when it hits me in the face, I'm very sure and I hope not to run into too much more of it without proper precautions. Now I think we should get to the quarry, it has been a long day already and I am unsure how many hours of daylight we have left. I'm sure what you have to show me will be quite impressive."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax's muzzle lit up.


"Right!  Okay, then - follow me!"


He led the way, nearly galloping, out of the manor and down the path that led to the busy quarry yard.


Even close to sunset, the place was alive with activity.  Dax continued to motion to Illiad, skirting groups of workers and stationary equipment.   Strangely enough, there was a general feeling of unease, and even some hate, towards Dax... and there was no obvious reason why.


All the same, Dax was either oblivious to this, or didn't care - he kept going, turning back every now and again to motion Illiad to follow him.  Eventually, he came to one of the sheds that stood in rows in front of the gigantic half-sunken boulder with the double doors in it.  The sign on the shed read [sHED #7].


"In here!"  Dax nearly yelled.  "She's in here!"


Dax went to the door, and knocked in a humorous manner.


"Silver!  I brought him!  I brought him - come and see!"


After a moment, the door opened.  Standing there was a cute unicorn mare with twin braids, she had some soot on her muzzle, and a pair of goggles over her eyes.  She reached up and lifted them onto her forehead, and she smiled broadly.


"Well, hello there!  You must be Illiad, correct?  My name is Silver Studs; I'm overjoyed to meet you!  Well, not so much as OVERjoyed, but more like extremely pleased to meet you!"

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Illiad was sure to draw away as much hate as he could, managing to lower the level to at least discontent. Hate is a bad thing to leave sitting around, so he neutralized it with some of the love he had stored. He was surprised when they had finally arrived at their destination.


A unicorn that is cute And smart? Perhaps there is some hope for me getting married after all.


Illiad was initially at a loss for words, which was odd as he was usually quite well spoken. He did his best to organize a coherent statement. He left off the accent he used with the Blackwater parents as he wanted to sound a bit more genuine,


"If you don't mind my saying so, you are far more beautiful than Dax described. Yes, I am Illiad, and it is a great pleasure to meet you as well."


Smooth... Let's hope she approves.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle 


Silver cocked her head a bit, lifting an eyebrow.


"Dax said I was cute?  Daxter," Silver smirked, "are you getting a crush on me?"


She laughed heartily at this, then turned to go back in.  


"Please - come inside."


Inside of the shed, there were technological gadgets and gizmoes galore.  Clockwork gears here, roll of copper wire there, and spare parts neatly stored in bins all over the shed.  In the center of the shed was a large worktable, with what appeared to be no fewer than four separate projects in various states of completion.  Otherwise, the floor and every available surface was as clean as a whistle.


Silver smiled sweetly at them both.


"Welcome to my parlor, said the unicorn to the stallions!  My hovel is your hovel... well, not so much as YOUR hovel, but more like you're quite welcome here.  I have finished that project, Dax - are we supposed to present it now?"


"OH!  Well, we can go ahead and give it to Illiad, but he won't get any use out of it until he gets home... and WHAT a use!"


Silver giggled, and walked over to one of the apparent projects on the table; it was a box, about the size of a bowling ball, with four gems on top, and a hole through the middle of it, top to bottom.


"Here we go - my little project for the ponies in Troy; go ahead, ask me what it does!"


Silver seemed quite proud of her work, and she was near bursting with it.

  • Brohoof 1

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Wow, Clockwork would certainly love this place.


Not having much knowledge in the finer workings of tech like his good friend, he did not have much to go off of in guessing the device's function. But that did not stop him from examining it up close, he withheld his magic as he didn't know if anything inside would be sensitive to magic. "Is it... A magic powered space cooler?" He was crouched so the device would be at eye level, he looked up and over at Silver, "Tell me, what does this thing do?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dax smiled, then looked over at Silver.  "Your presentation can begin!"  He then leaned against the wall and smiled.


Silver's smile broadened, and she actually whinny-giggled.  It was adorable.


"What you're looking at, my dear Trojan, is an Oasis-Maker!"


Her pride was near bursting.


"See, you take it out into the desert; when it begins detecting water, the gems will start to light up.  When all four gems are lit, it means you are directly over a source of water.  That's when you place a piece of pipe or tubing or something in the hole, and put the device on the ground - then press all four gemstones; the device will then push the pipe into the ground, and when water flows out of the pipe, it'll stop on it's own!  Instant oasis!"


She grinned, and tried to rein in her enthusiasm.


"It was made with my own designs and hoofdywork... but it was Dax's idea, in case he doesn't tell you." 


She grinned at Dax, while the young stallion blushed a bit and looked away.


"And so it goes to prove that I am a genius!  Well, okay, maybe not so much as a genius, but more like I'm intelligent and skilled enough to get the job done!  So, Mr. Illiad - what do you think?"


Both she and Dax were eager to hear his opinion.

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The implications of this... Wow. I don't even... I need to make a call.


Illiad stood frozen, his mouth hanging slightly open as his eyes looked back and forth between Silver and her machine.


"I don't even know what to say."


He rose back up from his crouched position, still staring at the device.


"It is... its just... "


"... perfect."


Illiad looked over at Silver. "Have you heard anything about the Trojan International Science Trust? I think with inventions of this caliber you'd be accepted instantly. Which begs the question, what is a genius mare like you doing working here? This invention of yours could put your name in history books."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Silver stared, then blushed deeply, then turned away with a wave of her hoof.


"Oh, COME now!  Okay, the genius remark was a bit much on my part, sure, but... c-c-c'mon, now - don't tease me like that!"


There was confusion and a little bit of anxiety coming from Silver, but Dax was ecstatic!


"YEAH!  I KNEW you were great, Silver - this just confirms it!"


She looked around a bit, then shyly shrugged.


"Well, I... thank you, Mr. Illiad - that's kind of you to say.  I don't... it..."


Silver tapped her hooves together nervously, then gave a shrill giggle.


"Oh, I'm not one for... uhm, I... "  She closed her eyes, gave a hard sigh, then looked back up at Illiad with a firm, yet kind look in her eyes.  "I'm quite flattered by your compliments, but I have an obligation here, and I have a job to do.  I don't think I'll be leaving the quarry anytime soon; you're quite sweet to tell me I'm better than this, but the truth is I..."


She dropped the look, and after glancing over at Dax, she turned back with a smile on her face.


"I love working here, and I really enjoy my job.  Why would I want to change that?"


It was quite obvious that, emotionally, she wasn't telling the whole truth - but maybe there was a reason?


"I'm glad you like the gift - and be sure to tell the other Trojans that's it's a gift from the Blackwaters; that might open negotiations between them, right?  Would they be interested, maybe?"


"There's an embargo, Silver - I don't know if Princess Celestia would allow it... would she?"

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Illiad's face fell a little bit at her response.


"I know there's more to this, but if you don't want to share I won't pry."


He retrieved a small card from his robes, and passed it over to her.


"Even if you don't want to leave that area, I'm sure the Trust would still love your work. You contact that address if you're interested and they'll supply you with whatever you need to keep inventing. Now as for negotiations, The last I heard your princess was still refusing all audiences with our envoys, and lately she's had the guard start enforcing the borders a bit more strongly. The border towns like Appaloosa and Dodge have been open to trade with Troy for a few months now, but I doubt that this will get your princess to change her mind. The best I can do is organize some trade between Troy and here, but you are so far northward that it will be difficult."


He looked back at the invention. "I'll tell the public it was a gift from the Blackwaters like you want, but I will make sure enough important people know that it was you. This will certainly change the whole dynamic of the nation, we can have more cities, better expansion practices... It's a whole new chapter in the history of Troy."


He turns back to Silver, "I wouldn't be surprised if they ask you to name a town or two."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Silver blushed fiercely.


"Oh, I don't know about... oh... oh, they don't have to do that, now!  And make sure they know it was Dax's idea - the 'making something to find water' part, that is.  I never would have thought of it on my own... I'm a little air-headed; not really that my head is full of air, but more like I tend to be a bit scatterbrained, at times."


She grinned, and after taking the card and putting it away, she turned back and chuckled.


"I keep things running here at the quarry - it's the reason we have lights, and plumbing, and... well, all sorts of stuff!  I keep everything running smoothly here; they wouldn't know what to do without me!"

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"I'll be sure to mention his help as well. I understand why you would want to stay, but if you ever need to leave, the Trust will assist you."


He turned to Dax at that point, "Now, is there anything else you'd like to show me tonight? Or should we resume in the morning?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


"Well... we've still got a whole week, right?  Then yeah, I guess we could rest... Silver, it's good to see you - thanks for making the gift; I think it's safe to say he likes it!" 


Silver smiled, "Sure Dax - and you're welcome Mr. Easle!  Feel free to come by sometime - if I'm here, I'd be happy to chat with you!"


Dax waved to Silver, then made his way outside.  As the two of them made their way towards the manor, Illiad again saw the red pony who was staring at him earlier... and he was staring at him again.


Dax was sort of wound down in energy, but he kept talking about the general day-to-day around the quarry, so he didn't seem to even take notice; he was enjoying having somepony to actually talk with him.

  • Brohoof 1

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I thought that was Oglevy before, but now I know it isn't. Who could that be? I have the strangest feeling that they're going to cause some trouble later on.


"Hey Dax, Who's that red pony over there?" 


Illiad sincerely hoped that nothing bad would come of it, he definitely didn't need two ponies after him.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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