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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle



The quarry workers, one and all, each stopped whatever they were doing and LOOKED at Illiad Easle.


There wasn't any hate... or fear of him... or even skepticism.  There was AWE - LOTS of it.  None of the other workers here had ever seen such a sight, and they had no idea what would come of it.  But whatever it was, the Blackwaters were standing behind him - and as bad as their reputation was, the workers here knew the score for what it truly was; they might not be friendly, but they wouldn't stand behind just anybody.


Redd also seemed affected; he HATED it.  As he stared back, an aura of red energy surrounded the indisposed Mr. Handid... then he simply dropped like a rock out of mid-air, hitting the ground with a dull thud and lying there motionless.  What was left behind was... different...


The Jinx Stone itself began to unfold... and twist... and shape itself accordingly into the form of a scintillating, gem-like version of a draconequus - though this was NOT Discord... not in the least.


The form stood as tall as the water tower next to the refinery; it had two massive onyx wings that flapped menacingly behind it, and it's tail was long and wickedly barbed.  The two arms it had were muscular, ending in two powerful-looking fists tipped with sharp claws, and these it flexed with a grinding sound.  It's head was long and angular, it's eyes twin rubies set into its' skull and it's mouth peeled back to reveal a row of jagged diamond teeth.  Steam curled from it's nostrils, and it coiled itself around Redd's form, transferring some of its' red aura to the hapless and helpless pony.  Redd lifted from the ground and hovered directly in front of the gemstone draconequus.


"You words alone tell me EVERYTHING I need to know, unicorn - that you care so much for the other entities here says that even a single death will cause you SUFFERING... delicious, scrumptious suffering... and you may indeed destroy me, especially given your current power level... but my suffering will finally END with my death; yours will go on for the rest of your miserable existence!"


It grinned with a vile light in it's eyes, and wrapped one of it's taloned hands around Redd's skull, palming it deftly.


"Tell me... have you ever heard the sound of a pony's skull being crushed?  It's simply delightful, I promise you..."


It's grip tightened, and a soft moan escaped Redd's muzzle.


"... continue derailing my fun, and I shall show you first-hoof what it sounds like.  Your threats don't bother me - YOU OFFER ME RELEASE!  A release that I would HAPPILY kill every living thing in Equestria for... but I damn sure won't simply lie down and die, either!  Such is the nature of my ilk, that we simply MUST make our mark."


It regarded the pony in it's grip again, then looked back at Illiad once more.


"Perhaps I should make a mark on Redd Handid?"

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad simply shrugged, all the power, all the effort it took to not explode from the energy he contianed, it made it very hard to care. Though he held tight regardless, he had a purpose, a duty to the world.


"Why leave a mark on him... when you could leave a mark on me? A being as powerful as yourself must know how important I am to this world, how far your mark would change the course of the future of this world. I see many futures now, not all of them pleasant, though right now you have a say in how it all goes down."


He gave a smirk as his horn began to glow brightly, what remained of the mass of cloud diamond after all the circlets were made formed around himself, joining the sparse ring of the original diamond as majestic wings of diamond took shape. They seemed to channel the energy better, an array gathering the emotional energy and focusing it into a now gem-augmented horn.


"But if you're going to make a mark on me, you'll have to hit me first. If it's death you want, I can assure you it is something you'll NEVER receive if you harm any others. Instead I will take special measures to ensure that you are simply trapped by the anti-magic, forever trapped within your own mind, never to experience anything but your own thoughts, forever."


He took a battle pose, his left wing turned in front of his face like a shield while his right was extended back and to the right like a sword, all while standing on a cloud of the diamond to be at eye level with the Jinx Creature.


"Now let us do glorious battle for the fate of the world. Just you and me."


"Make your mark.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The thing tilted it's head, then gave a low chuckle.


"And what would be so bad about that, eh?  It would mean that I officially get away with everything I've done up until now; essentially sending me somewhere where I'll be forced to be alone with only my thoughts?  Paradise!"


It cracked open it's maw, and from within came a rollicking, raucous and raving laughter that felt like it was scratching gouges in his eardrums.  The Jinx-Thing was insane; of that there could be little doubt.


"And I can mark your outer shell whenever I wish... but to mark your conscience with a death?  THAT will leave scars that EVERY ONE will notice - scars of your WEAKNESS, your FAILURE... and the life, the single life, that causes this scar will be one you don't even like - the irony is more than I could ever have hoped to plan."


The Jinx-Thing wrapped the end of its' tail around Redd Handid, holding him like a constrictor-type snake about to feed, as he sunk down towards the ground.  As he did, Redd was brought to follow suit - he looked exhausted, yet each almost-yawn was stifled by a slap across the mug with that wickedly nasty tail.  Redd was simply lolling in the grip of a mad creature.


However, Illiad was powerful enough to sense that Taps was in position on a high-wall, just opposite of the Jinx-Thing... and she had a number of magical items on her - including one buried inside her very heart, it seemed; the bright pulse from inside her was easy to see for the ultra-powered Empathic Trojan unicorn.


And she had a spell prepared that would turn that horrific thing back into a bauble... if Illiad could keep its' attention.


"You truly believe I have ANY other goal than causing as much damage as possible?  Even my own freedom is forfeit, should it mean my work will cause utter chaos!"


The Jinx-Thing lowered its' voice until the bass rumble from it shook the ground and vibrated even within Illiad's chest.


"For I am HAVOC; and I now loosen the dogs of Tartarus!"


... and with that, he twisted his tail to the left quickly, and an audible > SNAP < filled the gap between the two combatants.


Havoc smiled at Illiad.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad could still feel, thus it was only auditory. An illusion meant to distract him, to put him off kilter and attack haphazardly. It wouldn't work on him,


But it would on the others, those that couldn't still feel the little emotions he still gave, that would be quite the backlash that he has to prepare for lest it overwhelm him.


He looked at Havoc, head slightly to the side. "That's how it's going to be then? All right."


In a flash he sprung into motion, gripping Havoc's head with magic he spun it around as he slammed it to the ground swinging through its neck with a diamond wing to sever the head from the body before leaping back to his start position with the head in tow. "How do you like it? Not so pleasant is it?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



The eyes in the severed head rolled to look at Illiad, and his grin widened.


"That depends on your definition of the word 'pleasant', doesn't it?"


The head suddenly swelled up and exploded, covering Illiad in a gout of purple flame.  The burns he felt weren't doing any physical damage; the pain was all magical in nature, and it felt as if his very essence was scorched from the explosion.  


But he was far too powerful for that to register... yet.


The draconequus' left hand reached into the socket where the head had been and simply pulled up a new one, as if he'd been a turtle hiding in his shell.  Havoc licked his lips with a jagged tongue and sneered.


"MY turn..."


He flexed his claws outward, and gestured.  From the very ground itself, a spined column of pure emerald shot up out of the ground beneath Illiad, slamming into him at high velocity and shattering like glass, shards slicing and cutting into the Trojan's skin until he looked as if he'd gone twelve rounds with a rosebush... and lost.


"... aaaaaaand..?"


At Havoc's enigmatic question, each of the cuts began to sizzle with a greenish mist.  THOSE were physical burns; some sort of poison or acid was searing at every single one of the multiple, tiny cuts.  Havoc chuckled haughtily. 


"And even the SMALLEST opportunity to do harm would be completely worth-"


A chunk of rock whizzed through the air, and slammed into the Jinx-Thing's left cheek, sending shards of its' substance spiraling into the air.  Havoc gave a surprised yelp, and locked his eyes on his assailant.


Luther Blackwater had taken up a position near some of the rock-filled carts near the mine proper, and had turned and was bucking rocks at the foul creature.  With the mine owner's strength, those hard clots of earth were now ballistic missiles that could potentially kill a normal creature.  Of course, Havoc was far from normal.


"BEGONE!"  Luther bellowed as he sent another rocky shard flying at the gem draconequus.


This time, however, Havoc simply snapped his fingers in an all-too-familiar gesture, and the rock became a pillow that harmlessly fell to the ground, landing with a fluff of dust and feathers.


"Blackwater, I'll get to you next - like I got to your worker here."  He rolled a coil, and one of Redd's limp forelegs momentarily appeared, helping Havoc to make his point to the crowd gathered here.


The ripple of shock, sadness and hate at the idea of Redd having been killed began to settle in on the other workers... and their hate began to grow into a presence that almost felt like some sort of slimy, black presence in the Empathic's mind.  Illiad could feel that ball of hatred, almost sentient in its' raw power, filling his mind with the idea of vicious, cruel murder upon the gemstone draconeq-




The voice of Dax Blackwater rung out from below and behind the Trojan, and the enthusiasm began to shine like a small sun.


"It's a TRICK!  Redd's ALIVE!  Don't let that thing fool you!"


Even the workers who had called Dax by the nickname Pink-Slip earlier (Illiad could pick them out easily) had no doubt in their mind about the young stallion's honesty; the hatred began to abate, and turned into a sense of chagrin... then, as one they began to resist actively.  The cloud diamond that protected their minds was sending that sense of fight and victory directly to Illiad, do not pass GO, do not collect 200 bits - Illiad felt as if he could simply let Havoc wear himself out; Illiad could take anything the evil being could throw at him.


Havoc brooded, his ploy obviously foiled... but he brooded with a smile.


"And I STILL have him, don't I?  And your precious diamond can't get to him, either - so maybe I'll just do THIS..."


A snap, a puff of smoke, and Havoc was alone.  What's more, a sickly reddish-purple aura began to glow around the Jinx-Thing, and began to warp and twist reality around it; Illiad couldn't seem to trace where the draconequus had sent Redd Handid.


"... and then THIS!!!"


He suddenly sent a spiral of razor-sharp shards spinning at Illiad, looking to turn him into a pony pincushion!

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad's form shimmered, before disappearing just before the razor shards passed through the area, then he reappeared, along with six identical clones of himself as the remaining mass of cloud diamond disappeared.


None of the Illiads has wings, but they each had a small line of cloud diamond circling around them, just enough to make a small shield to deflect projectiles if necessary. They all also appeared unharmed.


They spoke in unison, each with the same slightly smug expression. "Now what will you do Hmm? Can you find the real one?"


The Illiads all disappeared, the reappeared evenly spaced around Havoc, just far enough away that they would have time to dodge attacks thrown at them. They each in turn leaped from their positions to strike at Havoc with their hooves, diamond edges cutting away from his mass in a series of brutal blows to the head, limbs, torso, and tail respectively.


Meanwhile the true Illiad watched from a safe distance, controlling each of the seven clones through a small plane of cloud diamond through which he could see the battle. The stones were orbiting his head, each representing one of the clones on the field. "This should certainly be interesting."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



As the Illiad-clones tore and slashed at the Jinx-Thing in their midst, a voice spoke from behind the Trojan's left shoulder.


"Hmmmm, yes... very nice.  An expert attack, no doubt... too bad I'm not there to receive it."


Standing behind him was Havoc, though this was not the Jinx-Thing the others were fighting; it was somewhat ethereal, like looking at a ghost or such.  The ghost was far more like a draconequus than the gemstone creature: he looked oily and dark, black scales shining like smooth sludge, claws that looked both cruel and precise, and his long body looked as if it were slightly crooked as he stood there.


Unlike Discord, Havoc's limbs all were matching pairs - though still from different creatures, it seemed.  To go with his dragon-like body, he had a large and leathery pair of batwings, his forearms were both paws of some large bird, like an ostrich, and both his legs were short and stumpy with no definable toes, like elephant's legs.  The tail still ended in a tuft of fur, but Havoc's was a bright red - just like the goateee and bushy eyebrows he had on his sinister-looking face.  His eyes, yellow orbs, had bright green pupils that seemed to track every twitch on Illiad's face.


"They may actually succeed in destroying that body, you know?  'Twould be a shame... because then my spirit would be FREE."


He leaned in close, whispering to Illiad from behind a claw.


"... and I'll bet I could cause SO much more damage if I found a host who was REALLY good with machinery... like a certain somepony who's currently locked away in her shed, hmmmm?"


With that, the ghost of Havoc snapped... and nothing seemed to happen.  The draconequus looked quite confused.


"Well that's... different..."


Illiad could feel the change; Taps had started her spell.


Havoc turned back to the Trojan again.  "No matter - I'll simply do this the old-fashioned way!"


He then vanished, and a roar issued from the center of the bladed whirlwind that was made of Illiad-clones.  The roar hit certain decebels, and the cloud diamond that was closest to the wicked creature shattered from the vibration - a few clones managed to pull back far enough to remain standing, but Illiad saw at least two of them shatter like so much glass.


Havoc stood there, his nasty aura now blazing around him.  He looked quite a sight; the Illiad-clones had done quite a number on his physical form.  He was dripping some kind of greenish ichor from numerous places, one of his arms had been reduced to a stump, chunks were missing from his midsection, and he looked as if he'd lost an eye as well.


Yet he was still smiling.


"Oh, that's GOOD!  Yes, bring unto me your worst - because I don't have time for your second-best antics!"


He slammed his tail into the ground, and pillars of rock formed beneath and flung the other Illiad-clones back at their master, moving at quite a high velocity.

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad hardly reacted when Havoc's ethereal form appeared behind him, he was too concentrated, too focused on containing himself to care. He wasn't about to fail them.


He dispersed the clones to make them easier to stop and reverse, flinging the now cloud of diamond back at Havoc, causing all the shards to embed themselves into his body, lashing themselves together into a straight-jacket of sorts as well as chains to bind him to the ground.


The diamond suit was designed to prevent him from escaping his body again, and to prevent him from leaving that spot while Taps completed her spell. Hopefully it would work. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Havoc looked at his newly formed strait jacket and chains... and turned his smile on Illiad once more.


"Oh!  Whatever shall I do?  It seems as if I have been ensnared by BAUBLES!"


He let loose a ragged, bellowing laughter as the end of his eyebrow became a small hand and >SNAP!<...


Havoc stood there, the diamond restraints and chains transformed into necklaces, rings and piercings that almost seemed to make Havoc look like a wealthy punk rocker.  He chortled gleefully, and then pointed a single claw at Illiad.




With a single gesture, Havoc reached into the Empathic's mind and metaphorically tried to pinch the connections between Illiad and his abilities - and three things happened simultaneously:


Illiad felt something in his head twitch, and his Empathic abilities buckled; they didn't stop, but it was a NASTY knock.


A balloon filled with liquid struck the draconequus directly in the face, coating his entire upper torso and head with thick, dark blue ink.


A BRIGHT flash of light appeared around Havoc, and his eyes flew open WIDE.






There was a very unceremoniously small puff of smoke, and the Jinx Stone pendant fell to the ground, clinking against the rock as it landed.  


Almost immediately, a gloved blue hoof swooped down and grabbed it up.  Taps, with her satchel open, jammed it into a small, rune-covered bag in the front pocket, and shut the flap on it.  She then looked up at Illiad, grinned, and tipped the bowler hat to him.




Dax came running towards his friend, his heart singing with happiness and relief.  The rest of the Blackwaters were right behind him, all coming his way...


Taps moved up next to the Trojan, and out of the corner of her mouth, she whispered, "Keep your eyes on the ground, Easle... trust me on this one."


All this happening around him, yet whatever Havoc had done to him, he felt... wounded.  

  • Brohoof 1

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The attack on his abilities, had it succeeded, would have killed him instantly. As it was there was still a good chance of VERY bad thing happening if he didn't fix it fast. Especially with all the others coming at him with their charged emotions.


He had to bug out of there fast.


His breathing grew ragged as his horn sputtered from the pinch on his abilities. Already the restricted magical pathway was being overloaded, He looked around, trying to find a place far enough away to keep the quarry safe if and when he blew, he spotted the vault, where he had removed the magical protections, if he put them back up with him inside... It just might contain what he was about to do.


With a bright flash he teleported away, his pained and fearful expression the last those nearby saw before he vanished. The remaining cloud diamond fell unceremoniously to the ground, already beginning to reform itself into larger chunks.




Within the darkness of the vault he quickly resealed the magic he had removed earlier in the conflict. He felt sick, the emotions he had built up before now trapped within himself. He took a stance, ready to force all of it out of himself. It would hurt, a lot, but it just might save his life. With a scream a beam of light shot out from his horn,  impacting the ceiling and dispersing in an array of many different colors like a hose of high pressure water. The beam was small at first, then grew larger as the pathway was stretched back to the way it was before. It kept going until all the energy he had stored up was depleted, the beam sputtering as it ended, before he collapsed to the ground, now painfully aware of the other wounds Havoc had inflicted.


As his vision started to fade the stones fell lightly to the ground around him, as well as his original diamond, which began to roll towards him slowly. Sometimes victory comes at a cost, but if it saves those I care about, no cost is too great for me to pay.


He drifted into a dreamless sleep, surrounded by the darkness of the vault with nothing but his gem to protect him.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



It was quiet for all of a moment.  No pony spoke or stirred in the aftermath of Illiad's vanishing act.  Until...




Dax rushed over to where the Trojan had once stood, then skidded to a stop and began frantically looking everywhere, as if the Empathic had simply stepped aside - though there was absolutely nowhere to go.




Luther, meanwhile, had already pointed to a number of the quarry workers.


"Search!  No stone unturned!  EVERY CORNER!"


He turned to the two who stepped up the fastest.


"Chuck!  The outer road!"


Chuck List nodded as he spun on his hooves and took off for the front gates.


I hope'ta C'lestya dat he's arrite; it'd KILL Daxie if he ain't... I swear, please PLEASE don'lemme find a corpsicle...


Yet Chuck stowed his own worries for now - he had somepony to find, and it it wasn't over 'til that funny little stallion was safe.


An' he don't even LIKE straw dogs; ain't dat somethin'?


"Slapper!  The quarry yard!"


Knee turned to the others.  "All right!  You, you, you and you - hit the walls and make a circle; work your way in from the outside!"  He gave them a mental push, making this the most urgent thing in their lives at this moment.  They all nodded and scattered, with Knee making his way to the ruined Gem Refinery.


Hold on, my friend; help is on the way.


With duties doled out, Luther himself headed to the mines, the usual stern look on his face tempered by a small twitch of worry around his mouth and eyes.  


The Blackwater patriarch was well aware that he didn't like other ponies - he hadn't ever since the incident where the miners he'd toiled with beat him nearly to death.  His sense of trust had been shattered, the shards of which had cut his soul clean to the bone.  Aside from Vylia, whom he loved dearly, and his children, all three of them, Luther had wanted no other kind of connection to anypony.  Over time, there had been Chuck... and Slapper... and even Silver, Taps and Ziggy had been acceptable; but he never really socialized with them.


Then, there had been Illiad.  Despite having every earmark of being a pony that would usually shoot a hard rod of distrust through Luther's barrel, he discovered something that he hadn't at all expected...


He liked Illiad.  


As anti-social as he was, that didn't happen often, and he was smart enough to recognize the fact.  Plus, as a complete surprise to Luther himself, he'd opened up to him about what had happened, all the way back then.  Vylia had pieced it together through her little information network... and he had a sneaking suspicion that Chuck knew the truth by word of mouth.  But he had told absolutely NOPONY what had happened that day.  Except Illiad Easle. 


Luther wouldn't rest until they found him.  Period.


Vylia stepped up next to Dax, placing a concerned hoof on his trembling shoulder.  He'd been so excited to have a friend like Illiad; Dax had been so much more there, so alive, these past few days.  


It had been her worry for her son that had influenced her to allow Dax to join the Cultural Exchange program in the first place.  Since Illiad Easle's arrival, it almost seemed as if her entire family, herself included, had found something in the Trojan that had awakened something in them... and whatever that something was, she was now absolutely CERTAIN it was Illiad's doing, as she had never seen such a reaction from her middle child since little Oglevy had broken Dax's first hoofmade telescope.


She also had to admit that she found him to be an astute and worthy individual.  She'd not expected his understanding, nor his own particular charm.  Romance-wise, he wasn't her type - but as a friend, he was quite a catch.  She had thought the little courtship between him and Silver Studs was adorable, and secretly hoped they would end up in each others embrace.


Now, she looked down at her worried and frantic son, the one whose heart was far too big for his body sometimes, and spoke gently to him in her best lullabye voice.


"Dearie, we'll find him... don't you worry.  After such a demonstration, I'm certain nopony here will stop until he's found-"


"But he's HURT!  What if he's hurt BADLY?"


Now that she got a good look at him, he was beyond frantic; Dax was beginning to panic, and Vylia knew she had to try to calm him down, if she could.


"He has GOT to be nearby; even Celestia herself couldn't teleport TOO far, and Illiad isn't an alicorn, the last I saw.  Though, WHAT he was a few moments ago might be debat-"


"Mother!  We have GOT to find him!"


It hurt her heart to see him in such pain... and the fact that she was worried about the Trojan as well wasn't helping matters.  Still, she put on a brave face and tried again.


"We're making every attempt to, dearie; simply stay with me, and we can search the manor together.  Now Daxter, come along with-"




Dax took off from Vylia, running toward the sheds and calling his friend's name again and again.  Vylia, watching him go, sighed audibly.  Though she had to fight her motherly instinct to go to him and comfort him; Illiad had been right that Daxter needed some room to grow up.  Besides, she had Oglevy to watch over, too.


As if summoned by mere thought alone, Oglevy Blackwater poked his head out from behind her tail.


"Mother?  Is Illiad going to be okay?  He looked like he was in pain..."


That was another thing; her youngest son had always made it a point to truly give a hard time to the scant few guests that the family had entertained during his little life, resulting in many ponies refusing to visit them.  However, after a few shenanigans, Oglevy had seemed to just drop the brat act and had been following him, admiring him from afar like he was some sort of superhero, like Daring Do, his favorite storybook character.


It touched Vylia to see her little colt showing concern for somepony else... and it gave her hope for the future.  His future.  The Blackwaters' future.  She turned and put a gentle hoof on his shoulder.  


"He's made of sterner stuff than you'd think, my dear."



Oglevy smirked.  You have NO idea, Mother-Dear, he thought to himself, recalling the grand battle in the mines earlier that week.


The colt had started the week determined to get Dax's lousy, no-good pal to vamoose by day 3; instead, he had discovered the Trojan to be an awesome force of power, fighting evil and saving lives like the Power Ponies, having an aura of mystery and power like Mare-Do-Well, and being wily and clever like his all-time favorite, Daring Do.  He was the pony Oglevy wanted to be when he grew up... and now, he was missing and hurt.  Empathy wasn't as alien an emotion as others tended to think from him, and right now he was hoping with all his little heart that Illiad Easle would be okay.




As all of this went on, Taps took off the bowler and stuffed it carefully into her satchel.  She surveyed the scene below with equal parts relief and weariness.  Then, she turned her head to face the Pony Express office again, nodded to herself, and made her way there.


Once inside, she opened the door to The Closet once again, and made her way downstairs, passing the usual antiquities, until she reached an area where the candles were glowing with a bright red hue.  This was where the most dangerous and powerful relics ended up, and there was a massive shelf area with podiums flanking it.


Taps walked up to one of the podiums and, carefully and slowly, she removed the Jinx Stone from her satchel, and emptied the bag onto the column.  As soon as she did, a small magical glass bell materialized over it, sealing its' harmful magics away safely and disguising its' magical signature, preventing it from being found.


As she stepped back from it, she cast her glance to the side, where the largest central pillar stood.  Upon it was what Celestia had impressed upon a much younger and most impressionable Steel Wheels was the MOST important thing held here.  


It was a gem, but one whose beauty was unmatched among its' kin.  An exquisite sapphire, perfection in all its' glory, sat carefully placed on a silk pillow that was covered in magical runes that were laced into the fabric.  Within its' pure depths were dark, roiling stormclouds that moved, billowed and shifted within, an occasional arc of lightning jumping through.  The sight of it was magnificent.


Wheels looked at it and sighed.


If only you knew exactly HOW MUCH I knew, Trojan... 


She turned away, heading back up the stairs and back into the other world.  Where she was simply a mailmare, nothing more important than such.  Simply mute, because silence was preferable to lies.  Simply Taps, because Steel Wheels loyally gave away her future to her princess.  


Over three hundred years ago.

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Illiad was roused from his dreamless sleep by Selena, who had drawn him in to a dream room while she did what she could to heal him. She didn't say anything, just looked at him with a sad expression.


The room was dark, a clear indicator that she was low on energy to work with. "I'm afraid there's not much I can do to help you, I simply lack the resources. If someone doesn't find us soon... well, you should be fine. You're strong enough."


Illiad turned, the memories of the battle playing through his mind and thus playing on the wall of the dark room. "Even with all that power, I couldn't even hurt him. Even with all my plotting ability, he was always just ahead of me. I couldn't stop him, he pushed aside all my attacks like it was nothing."


He sat down, a tear or two running down his face, "Is this my lot in life? To clean up others' messes? To take the hits for those that caused the problems? When he attacked my abilities, he nearly killed me, he would have driven the whole quarry insane. Is that what I am? A time bomb just waiting to go off and destroy all that I care about?"


He turned to where Selena had been, but she was gone. The replay of the battle too had stopped, leaving him once again in a dark room. Is this how Luna felt back then? Powerless to change anything? Weak in the face of adversity? Perhaps...


His consciousness faded again as he drifted back into a dreamless state, waiting for someone to rescue him from where he lay on the tarp that once covered the massive Cloud Diamond.  

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle







It was the softest of whispers, the merest breath upon the surface of the mind.  It felt as if the word had come from a grand distance, crossing light-years to reach him.






There it was again.  Strangely enough, this siren song was being uttered by a familiar mental voice...






Someone was trying to contact him, but with all that had happened to the Trojan, there was no way to know if Illiad could answer or not... and further still, Illiad may not have felt safe answering.



Illiad., where ARE you?



Then, among the emotional miasma surrounding him, Illiad COULD feel something... something close-by... it was worry, dread, fear... and a large chunk of hope.


Dax Blackwater was outside the Vault, looking for Illiad.  The amount of concern and hope coming from the young stallion was somewhat astonishing; the Trojan was left with little doubt that Dax cared about him... however, there were a fair number of other spikes of concern bubbling up from around him... 


He felt a hard, thick line of concern... a soft, careful worry... a child's fear and hope...


By Luna, it was the Blackwaters... the entire family!


There was no telling how it happened, but Illiad could feel concern, in various manners, coming from each one of the gathered family here.  It was unmistakable; Dax's especially.


He may have had to nearly kill himself for the sake of doing the right thing... but perhaps, if it had made him friends - not just one, but FOUR - like these, then perhaps it wasn't as much of a loss and waste that he first thought it would be?


Not only that, but MORE strings and ribbons of concern, aimed DIRECTLY at Illiad, were coming through as well... a chunky, yet stable worry from the direction of the front gates... a direct interest in locating the Trojan from roughly the same direction as the ruined Gem Refinery... two more from the manor, both almost a match for each other... another, moving haphazardly around the walls and the barracks, seeming to follow a zig-zag pattern... even a sleepy, dream-like sort of concern was manifesting from nearby...


It was simply stunning; ALL of these ponies were concerned about ILLIAD EASLE... and nothing else.


And anyone who has that many friends worried about him must not be as powerless and weak as he had originally surmised.

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Illiad was woken by the emotions, the stones still amplifying his powers by laying near him. He rose, weakly, from the floor, still utterly drained emotionally, physically, and magically. It would take some time for him to recover.


He looked around the darkness of the vault, he couldn't even manage enough magic for a light spell, so he began to feel his way blindly around the room, trying to find his way out.


I almost killed them all, do I deserve them as friends?


The innumerable cuts and burns on his body ached as he moved, he could feel that his robe was in tatters from the fight.


HE almost killed them all, you were just the weapon he tried to use.


He could feel as the cloth shifted places that had lost fur, new spots that would be scared.


If I had been stronger, smarter, I could have stopped him sooner.


A lance of pain shot through him as the cloth brushed an open wound, he nearly collapsed, but he found a wall to support him.


If SHE had done her job properly, this never would have been an issue for YOU to clean up.


He began to follow the wall, looking for an exit to the room.


Who, Taps or Celestia?


An exit revealed itself and he followed it, hopefully not deeper into the vault.


Either, Both, Does it matter? It's not the first time Celestia's apathy has caused you pain.


He kept moving, despite the pain. He had to make it out, to his friends. They had healing, food, and warmth. He tried to call out, but was too weak to make much noise, he couldn't make a beacon or warp himself out, Selena was restricting his magic to keep his wounds from worsening, she had grabbed the stones to help her. All he could manage was a quiet statement.


"I'm here."

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



I'm here.


Dax heard it, but not out loud... the voice had come from what felt like the front of his brain.  But that self-same voice was unmistakable; Dax would know it even if it were spoken underwater.


He turned instinctively for the Blackwater Vault, and he began to breathe harder.


"Illiad..?  The Vault!"


He made a mad dash towards the massive vault doors, intent on finding his best friend.




Inside the darkness of the Vault, Illiad suddenly felt that he wasn't alone.  The presence hadn't been felt by the wounded Empathic, but the sound of soft hoofsteps echoed through the pitch black vault.




The voice came from his left.


"You're a mess."  A soft chuckle, then she spoke again.  "Well, if you'd wish to come with me, I can heal your body... however, I don't think I can do a lot else more for you; much of The Closet has harmful or powerful magics, yet there's still a few healing magics housed within.  Won't even send you a doctor's bill."


It was quiet for a single heartbeat.


"That is... IF you feel that you can trust me enough to lay your life in my hooves; can't say I would blame you if you simply told me to sod off, to be frank.  And I will... if that's what you wish."


There was a muffled sound from outside, and Taps spoke again.


"Sounds like Dax has found you - doesn't surprise me.  That stallion thinks the world of you... I hope the feeling's mutual.  You could always go with him... but there's no telling HOW long it would take for Zinger to get you back on your hooves - and you have an Exchange to complete, don't you?  It would break Dax's heart if you had to return prematurely and alone to Troy to heal..."


She sighed.


"But I'm simply offering my help... since you so kindly gave me yours in finding and regaining control of the Jinx Stone.  Fair is fair."


Another sigh.


"Tell you what; come with me, and I'll explain whatever you want me to... clearance be damned.  Go with Dax, and I swear to you that as long as you keep my secret, I'll never bother you again.  Honest."


She waited in the darkness for his reply, bracing herself for the rejection, yet hoping for the unicorn's company; he'd be her first non-magical, non-artifact, non-alicorn, non-spiritual, non-work-related, REAL 'guest' in over two centuries...


IF he didn't hate her guts, that was.

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Illiad paused, then sighed deeply. "Taps... your mistake has hurt me in ways you couldn't possibly understand. But as much as I want to I can't fault you for it."


He didn't look in her direction, but rather in the direction of the muffled sound. "If Dax thinks he's found me, then he better. It wouldn't be good for him for me to not be here when he gets here. My own well being can come second to that. And if I must be taken back to Troy for better healing, then Dax will just have to come with me won't he?"


He sighed again, clearly frustrated by the decision. "As much as there is I want explained by you, it'll have to wait. I get the feeling I'll be back here again, and when that day comes we'll have a lot to talk about. But until then I will tell no one of what you've shown me." 


He started moving again, in the direction the noise had come from. "To be honest, I don't fully trust you. But I don't hate you. We're both lonely in the burdens we carry, but perhaps we may eventually trust each other enough to offer support to each other. Until then I guess."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



"... wait."


There was a shuffling sound, and a noise like liquid sloshing around in a cup.  Then a sigh.


"I'm not going to let you suffer like this for what was essentially my mistake... here."


The splash of water that dashed across Illiad's face felt unnaturally cold, yet a great deal of the itching, burning and aching stopped within seconds.  The sound of a cork being stoppered, then what sounded like a sad chuckle.


"Fitting that it would be Luna's Tears that would save your life.  They would have far more effect if you ingested them... but a splash will suffice to get you close enough to make it.  You might still need a day or two, but the Tears never fail."


With that, there was a sharp, tinny >clink!< from the floor, and the sound of small wheels rolling away from the unicorn.


"But I am a mare of my word; I'll keep my distance.  Fare thee well, Trojan."


After a slight scraping sound, all was silent again.  Then, more muffled sound from just in front of him - and Illiad laid his hoof on what felt like steel instead of rock.  He had found the door... now, how to exit the place?

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It was a strange effect that the liquid had, a numbing sensation he supposed. He stood a little straighter from it as he thought about what he should do.


I wonder how much she'll make them forget. Can they even forget something this big? Forget that I saved their lives?


He turned his attention to the door before him and sighed, when you find a door, you knock. So he did just that.


*knock* *knock* *knock*


His hoof returned to the floor as he sat down, he would wait a bit to see if the door opened before he would examine the door further for another way out. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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*knock* *knock* *knock*


Muffled sounds, frantic worry standing side-by-side with a tempered and patient concern, and then the doors began to glow, then opened inward.  Standing there were both Dax and Luther Blackwater, the latter with some sort of ethereal-looking key in his possession.  Dax ran to Illiad.


"Illiad, oh Illiad, you're ALIVE!"


About ten paces from the unicorn, a bolt of horror rolled through Dax... and then, he stopped.  He closed his eyes and caught his breath; the panic and worry that had been blasting from Dax's every pore slowly, yet noticeably, reined itself in to a more normal range.  He'd remembered that Illiad was an Empathic, and was calming himself before engaging his friend.  


As Dax did this, Luther strolled in, stowing the key away inside his vest as he looked at his son for a moment.  Turning to Illiad, he fixed his piercing gaze on him, examining his every wound, burn and tatter with the precision of a microscope.  Then, locking eyes with the Trojan, he nodded; with that nod, Luther's concern became satisfaction and planning - the elder Blackwater was already gauging the expense needed to ensure Illiad's full recovery.


Dax opened his emerald green eyes and sighed softly.  Then he turned to the Empathic and grew somewhat worried as he also took note of Illiad's wounds... in a manner that was eerily similar to his father's; Dax's eyes snapped to each little mark on his friend, and he seemed to be making mental notes.  Though, unlike usual, Dax kept himself calm - and not straining to do so, so that it was more natural and a LOT less grating on the Empathic's raw emotional nerves.


"Illiad... you look awful!  But you're standing and awake, so that's a good sign.  Here, let me help you out..."


Dax made his way over to his friend's side and gently put a hoof round his shoulders, standing straight and supporting his right side.  As soon as the two were up, however, Luther reached over and took up Illiad's right side; between the two of them, they were now carefully carrying him between them.


Dax and Luther exchanged a look, and it was the elder Blackwater who spoke to him.


"No complaints.  No demands to walk yourself.  Rest - we will carry you."


Luther and Dax both refused to put Illiad down.


As they made their way down the row of sheds, they passed #7 - Silver's shed - and Illiad could feel waves of exhaustion rolling off of the presence inside.  She had to have been asleep, but it was a troubled one - she was putting out a small ribbon of fear as well.  However, the two stallions carrying him didn't stop.


As they passed into the quarry yard proper, the entire gathering of ponies there simply stopped whatever they were doing and stared at the Trojan as he was carried among them.  The emotion Illiad was getting from them was not fear or disgust... it was awe, mixed in with some concern and a touch of admiration.  It was possibly the largest gathering of ponies that ever accepted him all in one place; the reserves that had been so forcibly emptied earlier were now being slowly refilled with some kind and wonderful emotions... and come to think of it, did those metaphysical tanks feel... bigger, somehow?  


Perhaps; he'd have to wait until he fully recovered to test the theory.  


Knee Slapper moved up next to the two of them and wordlessly stepped into place next to Dax.  From the gates came Chuck List, who fell into step with Luther, tipping Illiad a wink (and an inner sigh of relief at seeing the Trojan alive).  Vylia and Oglevy moved up and joined them; the blue colt flew right over Illiad's head, while Vylia moved in right behind Illiad himself and lifted his tail out of the dirt, carrying it along.  The Doc was zooming directly at them, but Luther called out to her first.  


"Go to the manor!  Prep the front foyer!  Get Beck and Call to help you!  HURRY!"


Doc Zinger stopped short, then saluted smartly and took off for the Blackwater Manor, flying in her odd, zig-zagging flight path.


Other ponies fell in step with the rest, all of them projecting thoughts of concern and goodwill upon the drained unicorn who had risked everything for them.  They weren't just alive - they were grateful.  And Illiad, who so long ago had been the victim of a personal attack and bore the scars of social rejection upon his back, was now feeling the warmth of social acceptance at last.  Every last worker here at the Blackwater Quarry knew who had saved their lives that day...


And not a single one was afraid to show it.


They made their way up the hill, a swarm of ponies all moving as a river of equine kindness.  Reaching the front doors, Beck and Call both were standing aside them, bowing and opening them before the Trojan as he and his bearers made their way inside, the rest remaining behind to give them room and privacy.  Their presence had to be the biggest 'Get Well Soon card' Illiad had ever gotten, each caring soul another signature to treasure.


As the Blackwaters brought Illiad inside, Doc Zinger was there with her kit, bottles and instruments and bandages and... lollipops?  Yes, as they laid him down upon a rich and soft blanket stretched on the floor, Ziggy reached over, grabbed a lollipop (a red one), and popped it right into Illiad's mouth!


"Your wounds look bad, but have no fear; the quarry's bestest doctor is here!  The damage looks extensive, although... on second thought, it's not quite so.  It seems as if there should be more, but the actual hurt is merely sore - it's good to know you aren't too bad; your rapid recovery shall make everypony... uhm... heh heh..."


Ziggy lifted a hoof and scratched at the back of her mane, blushing a bit.


"... glad to know you'll be okay, I mean to say.  Urk!"


Her blush darkened, and she covered her smiling mouth with both hooves - however, Illiad could see the truth; Ziggy was only being silly like this because she had seen that his wounds were MUCH less than they appeared to be... and they truly were.  Places where Illiad had been SURE he had gotten burnt, cut or otherwise bled from were all closed up; shiny scars left to immortalize the event, but that was all.


Luna's Tears, Taps had called the strange elixir he'd been splashed with; he might have to ask around about that.


"You hear that?  You're gonna be okay... thank Luna!"


Vylia smiled.  "Yes... thank Luna."


"Thank Luna."  Luther spoke deeply, yet softly; like a distant roll of faded thunder.


"Yeah, thank Luna!"  Oglevy chimed in.


At that moment, Illiad could even feel the reverence and care coming from Beck and Call as they fussed over the blanket he was settled on, and they kept bringing him pillows.  One of them (Beck, no mistake) brought Illiad a glass of cool, crisp ice water... complete with a straw for sipping.


"Compliments of the house, Sir Easle," he spoke smoothly as he carefully held the tray out to the Trojan while Call (it was natural to Illiad by now) continued to fluff his pillows.


They all cared so much for him - had HE fostered all this in them?  Had this TRULY been his doing?

  • Brohoof 1

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Illiad just took a moment, then another, to really take it all in.


To put is simply, he felt tired. He was thoroughly exhausted magically, emotionally, and physically, to the point where he didn't think he would be moving again any time soon. Despite this, there was one, no two last things he needed to take care of. He carefully removed the candy from his mouth, grateful for it, so he could speak. "How's Redd? And while you're at it, someone ought to check up on Silver. Of the whole quarry I think she was the only one who wasn't directly affected by what just happened. Thanks for all this by the way."


He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular and to be honest he was hardly coherent at this point. The added emotional energy would certainly boost his recovery by giving Selena more to work with, though what she could fix was limited to magic as she didn't have much experience in repairing physical wounds. They had Zinger for that anyway.


Selena stretched out to trace his magical conduits as she had done the first time, encompassing his horn to ensure that his rest would not be disturbed by a buildup of emotional energy from those outside. His magic at least would be back to normal by the time he woke up again.


"Sorry about leaving so suddenly, I hope I didn't scare you guys too badly."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax smiled.


"Hey... just another day in the quarry, right?  We're just glad you're okay..."


He did a double-take when Illiad asked about Redd.  


"Redd... we haven't found him yet.  We were kinda hoping you'd know where he was..."


The Blackwaters all got grave looks on their muzzles (Luther was already wearing one perpetually).  Vylia looked at each of the others gathered, then turned to Illiad.


"Dearie... you're saying you have no idea what has happened to poor Redd?  That cannot be a good sign..."


She turned to Beck and Call.  "You two, spread the word around the quarry; our search isn't over yet.  And one of you two check on Silver Studs... spit-spot, now!"


They both nodded, and took off out the door.  Ziggy looked doubly worried, but she continued to bandage up the Trojan.


"A little twist, a bandage here; no more worry, no more fear."


As she kept working, the other Blackwaters continued to wait, assist, and generally be around Illiad as he was healed.


"So... what happened?  I mean, we only saw a bunch of stuff happening, but we couldn't hear a lot of it - what did the nasty old draconequus do?  It WAS a draconequus, right?  I've only ever heard of Discord - are ALL draconequus' like that, or are they more like Discord?  You whipped his butt MOST satisfactorily!  Was it really hard, or did you just MAKE it look easy?  How did you mke all those duplicates?  Can you do it again?  WOULD you do it again?  Did it hurt when his head exploded?"


... and Oglevy was full of questions, just like he was for Luna... because BOTH were his heroes now.

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Illiad sighed, but didn't attempt to move from his current position. "Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, Havoc sent him somewhere, but I was too focused on keeping Havoc here to track where he sent Redd. He's probably still in the Quarry, but not necessarily."


He shifted his position a bit to look over at Oglevy, "Havoc was the entity trapped within the artifact known as the Jinx stone, on contact it would amplify the smallest part of your personality until it was many times greater than your strongest trait. When I confronted Redd Havoc broke free to fight me personally. I would think he was a draconequus as well, though I have no idea if there are any other draconequi let alone if they have a similar disposition. The battle was extremely taxing, definitely not something I would like to do again. I made all the duplicates with the cloud diamond that I Borrowed from the vault. I'd be happy to help gather it back up when I can if necessary."


The last sentence was directed at Mr. Blackwater, he turned his attention back to Oglevy. "I could do the duplicates again, though likely not with the same level of success and definitely not until I've had a good deal of time to recover. And yes, it hurt when his head exploded, though the pain was mostly delayed until the fight was over."


He gave a long yawn, exhaustion deeply etched in his face, but he was determined to stay awake until he heard back on Silver's condition.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Luther nodded at Illiad's explanation, fully trusting that the unicorn would keep true to his word.


It was a few minutes, being cared for by Doc Zinger while Oglevy asked a million questions, before Call came back.


"Master... Madam?  We are spreading the word as we go - the quarry is on high alert for Redd Handid.  As for Miss Studs," he glanced over to Illiad, "I found her fast asleep in her shed... but..."


He gave a bit of a hesitant cough, then reached into his tail-coat pocket and pulled out some leaves of parchment.


"... well, she was absolutely SURROUNDED with papers.  Papers like these."


He presented the papers for Luther to see, yet held them low enough for Illiad to also observe... and what he saw was certainly NOT what he'd expected.


On the first piece of paper, there were designs for what looked like a high-pressure, portable water cannon.  On the second, there was a diagram of some sort of harness that not only had armored plating, but forked tines in front of it... and it did not look like farming equipment.  The last of the three papers had what appeared to be plans for some sort of large contraption, covered in spikes and blades.


These were diagrams for WAR MACHINES... and they had come from what appeared to be the deepest recesses of Silver's mind.  The more Illiad looked at them, the more dangerous and potentially destructive the devices seemed.  Apparently, the Jinx Stone had tapped into the mare's dark side... and what a doozy it was!


Call stuffed the papers back into his pocket.


"Miss Studs was asleep in the midst of an enormous PILE of similar papers.  Shall I wake her and inform her of current standings?"


Luther shook his head.  "No.  Let her sleep; leave a note giving Easle's location.  Continue searching."


Call bowed and left.  Luther looked over to Ziggy.  "Status?"


The pegazebra smiled as she worked.  "From it here it will not take so long, and if my findings are not wrong it shall be soon that he arises - and healing will be the best of... uhm..."


Ziggy shut her mouth with a snap.  "Doing well."  She muttered after a moment.


Dax stayed close to Illiad, his concern obvious on his muzzle.  "We were all really worried."

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Illiad's face contorted into one of worry and slight dread at the discovery. I thought she would be safe, thought she was fine. I... failed her.


He managed to lift himself a bit, the seriousness of his expression plain to those gathered. "Silver... she might still be affected"


He quickly looked around the room and was slightly worried to see that the circlets had dispersed, but he shook his head to clear it. His horn sputtered before it lit as a new circlet was drawn from the diamond running along his body. It looked a bit different from the others he had made, a bit larger and it glowed a bit brighter. He held it up in the air, "Someone needs to put this on Silver's head, if she's still affected then it will cure her."


He turned a bit to look over at Dax, a slightly chagrined expression on his face, "I'm sorry to have worried you, I just really needed to get out of there quickly else when I blew it would have had many poor consequences for all y'all."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle



Dax looked at the circlet, then at Illiad; the debate went on for mere seconds before he decided that helping Illiad obtain peace of mind was more important than staying by his side.


"I'LL do it, Illiad - don't worry, she'll be okay.  I'm sure of it!"


He was sure of nothing of the sort, but he wasn't about to let his best friend worry any more than he had to.  Dax took the circlet gently, then turned on his hooves and left for Silver's shed.


When he left, Vylia looked at Oglevy and sighed.  "Young colt, you're a mess - you must go upstairs and wash, right now; you may return after you've cleaned up."


Though she fully expected a fight, the Blackwater colt simply said, "awwwww..." then stood up.


"I'll be right back - then you can tell me more about what it was like, okay?"


With that, he took off out the door like greased lightning; when he grows up, he'd to be racing-fast... of that much, Illiad was certain.


Vylia shook her pretty head.  


"Ah, the energy of youth - if only it could be bottled, hmmm?  There's more fortune to be made there than in emeralds, I'd wager!"  She graced Illiad's ears with her sparkling laughter for a moment.  "But now, I do believe that you would require some rest, dearie... you certainly have earned it, no doubt.  I shall take my leave now, and perhaps I can cut Oglevy off before he returns to tax your patience again."


With another airy giggle, she stood up and sauntered over to Luther.  Reaching him, she said, "Is he in YOUR hooves, love?"


Luther nodded once... then reached over and nuzzled Vylia, right there in front of Illiad and Ziggy.  She returned his affections warmly, and for a moment, the Trojan could swear Luther's mouth had gone into a straight line; the most he'd ever seen the dour stallion smile.  Vylia tossed a light, "Ciao, dearie," over her shapely flank as she left the foyer.


Now, it was only Ziggy, Luther and Illiad.  Ziggy was still disinfecting and wrapping, so she had her attention elsewhere.  Luther, on the other hoof, walked over and looked down at Illiad.


"Easle.  Glad you are well.  You saved my quarry.  I will NOT forget it."


Luther looked (and felt) like he had more to say... but he didn't.  He did, however, make his way over to Illiad and sat directly on the floor next to him.  It was somewhat disconcerting, but the elder Blackwater was giving his approval by his actions.

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