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private A real Page Turner


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Page sucked her guests into the dimension she set up "time to have some fun...how will be my full puppet?" She thinks about the group that she had picked "ah, how I love to screw with the liar" she erases the memories of the ponies to the point of they think everything is fine and there ate where they would normally wake up "the others are interesting but I think I need them to do something to make this experience worth of a book...maybe if I lead them to Marion then they could become friends, or maybe they will have a fight. I'm fine with either" she looks at the dimensional crystal that lets her have a look of everypony and thing in the universe "wake up little ones, a story is needed from you if you like it or not"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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@Yoshikupo, Cresent for an unknown reason had the urge to wake up, he slowly opened his blue eyes staring at the coaling of his treehouse. He slowly stretch and felt his wings still asleep, "i don't remember that, must have been a rougher sleep then I thought" he said to himself. looking at the clock it was night for him, well "night" was really when the sun was up being nocturnal it sometimes made it a hassle for time change's and having friends that were not nocturnal. He laid back down again trying to sleep but still couldn't, he grumbled to himself "fine then" he got up again stretching his wings and legs now.


The grey batpony trotted over to his bathroom to check himself in the mirror, the orange mane seemed like it was getting in his eyes again, and a mess. He seemed alright, no cuts or new busies showed o it was probably his idea's of something that woke him up. He looked at where his cuti mark use to be. Yep no dream it was still burnt off from the dragon years ago, he wondered if Zacorra had a brew that could help. It had been a while since he last saw her, he looked at the clock by his bed. "probably out eating at this time"


 The bats belly growled at the idea of food, looking down at it "oh, that's probably why" he left the dark room to go downstairs into a dimly lit kitchen. The kitchen was the only place in the tree house he wanted candles or fire in, unless he had guests over, which was a rarity in itself, then he'd light the place up with the lights he rarely used. It was useful for company but a small annoyance for him, which is why he didn't had other pony's visit often. He sometimes wondered on getting a pet some day, but what is a good animal companion for a nocturnal creature like himself? his mind wandered as he began to make breakfast on pets.  


Edited by cwhip9
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He had the dream again. The one where a voice urged him to wake up... It couldn't have been anything, though. He shrugs, and gets out of bed. He had an interesting day ahead, if memory served correctly... He had a WHOLE lot of sales to observe... He had to keep up the company's image, and that required him to see what the truth was so he could bend it...

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@@MarionEtte136, @@cwhip9,

Cresent's kitchen looked like it always had been, it was so dark the Page had to turn up the brightness just for herself but hopefully not be noticed by Cresent.


Page observed his little friend Marion "yes, yes go to your company of liars and traitors...see what happens with me in charge" she smiled a wicked grin


(I will control NPCs unless I say you can control something)

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Traffic. It. Was. The.. WORST! Everypony was causing the most terrible traffic jam! No pony would move anywhere, and he had a place to be! He gave up on the taxi, and started making his way by hoof. Naturally, as the laws of how the city works, traffic decided now was the time to speed up, not allowing him to even cross the road safely. The nerve of some ponies! He was an important business pony! Next chance he got, he strutted across, ignoring the carts around him.

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Well this is new. Trilby Hatter NEVER day dreams during business hours. And yet, with so little customers today, it's like he was entranced while sitting at his check out counter. "Maybe I need to switch to coffee in the morning. These cups of hot tea just aren't working like they use to." Getting up, Trilby fixes and adjusts all his display dummies. Not that they needed it, his hats are on display just fine, he just needed something to wake him up. He decides to step outside and see if any ponies are wondering by. Maybe announcing his deals to the passer-by's might get him some customers. "Come on, come all! We have a 2 for 1 special on ball caps today! Get a signature monogram inside you hat for half off!!"


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Marion almost got hit by a cart when he did so but got to the other side in one piece "its to early to kill him, or seriously mame him. Now is the time for him to have him get the worst luck...Trilby Hatter seems to be up, pawn to bishop" she smiled as she made a pony pass by that was interested in getting the hats


@@Samurai Equine,

A pony with an orange mane and blue coat walked up to Trilby "I am so glad I found you, I am need for presents for my colleges before I return and I think your hats would do the trick"

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At last! A customer! "Welcome to Hatter's House!" Trilby escorts the customer inside. "We have a wide collection ranging from casual to extremely formal, and everything in between. Is there perhaps something specific you are looking for? What kind of colleges are you shopping for?" Trilby asks. Looks like this might be another day of successful sales!


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@@Samurai Equine,

"hmm...what would be a good, almost uniform fit for them?" The pony questioned himself "maybe a fedora? No not there type. What about a team hat? No they would feud how the team sucks. Ah I think I like this" The stallion produced a bowler from the hats "I think I'll need 40, is that ok?"

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Second Sight's eyes shot open at precisely... he didn't know. He closed them again, feeling a small, irritating sensation from opening his eyes too fast. He wiped the crust off his eyes, and took a peak at the clock. Unfortunately, it was broken. Grunting in frustration, he turned to his room's curtained windows. Judging by the angle in which the sun's rays peaked through the gaps in the curtains, he guessed it would be around 7.13 am. 


I have to report to the library at 8 for work, or I won't make my electricity bill this month.


Sighing, Second dragged himself out of bed, stumbling into his apartment's small bathroom and brushing his teeth blurrily, letting his thoughts drift, instinctively planning his day's activities.


If I raid the library's pantry for breakfast, I can afford to turn on the heat this afternoon....

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@@Yoshikupo, Cresent looked at his wall with the everfree forest map wondering what he was missing. Ever sense he moved in the woods and sometimes found lost ponys he decided one day to map out the forest, so far it hadn't been too good on luck. All the wildlife dens, and surprisingly a cave he found where only notes on the map but not on any trail. In fact the hardest part of mapping the woods was the trail itself.


There is one leading into it on two sides of the forest, yet the problem was connecting the two together. He knew how to get out of the woods, via flight but not all ponys have wings hence the lack of the short easy way out. "but that's not the point its mostly for the earth and unicorn ponys" he siged and looked out into the woods.


His treehouse's leaves were dark enough for it being day not bothering him, yet once outside the forest it was annoying, he wondered if Dark beak had the same problem having night vision as well and all.   

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"40 Bowlers? Can do!" Pulling out a stack of sticky notes from behind the register, Trilby makes quick note of the order. "That's a pretty high order. Is this a rush order? I can give you 10 of them right now, if you need them right away, but the rest you'll have to pick up first thing tomorrow. Also, do you want any of the hats to have a personal monogram on the inside liner? You can put a ponies name in each hat, or a meaningful message!"


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(Sorry, been stuck in a narrative daze, while life struck hard. Back now.)


He looks around for where to go next, and takes the moment of glorious traffic jam to cross the street, well on his way to work, hoping nothing to get in his way... He knew his place of work was right by pickpocket turf, and he felt the chances low enough to risk bringing his family heirloom broken clockwork pocket watch.

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