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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Drago Ryder

Illiad Easle

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@@Drago Ryder,


Illiad nodded, feeling glad as Dawn's emotions shifted back to a more positive state. "Coming to a big city can be quite the jarring experience. We have a much higher population density here than most if not all of the cities in Equestria, so it's understandable that you wouldn't be used to so many creatures in such a small area. Also, you're one of only a few alicorns they've ever seen. It was much worse for me when I first transformed, they've gotten used to it now." They kept walking through the market. "Anything catch your eye? If not we can move on to see some of the embassies."


(In this market you can find whatever you can think of, the more outlandish the more expensive it would be, so try to not make it too complex. If you want to find something here that is.) 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Dawn nodded in understanding. She figured that this would happen, but she just wasn't used to others seeing her like this. "That makes sense." She said, giving a slight smile. The alicorn then turned her attention to what was being sold. It didn't take long for something to catch her eyes, though. What Dawn had found was an ornate lamp without stood on a flat bottom and shined with a golden hue. A few gems could also be seen on the lamp that mainly consisted of purple and green coloration. The lamp itself wasn't really that big, though. "I think I already found something." The alicorn didn't really know what the price for such an item would be, though, and she didn't want to have Illiad spend all of his money on her.

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@@Drago Ryder,


The doe tending the stall noticed Dawn's interest. "You're interested in my lamp huh? I could see you staring at it. I found it out in the Eponsilon ruins, I wasn't going to sell it cheap, but since you're friends with Easle I'll make you a deal. Hows $300 Trojan Dollars sound?" Illiad looked slightly skeptical at the price but shrugged. "You could probably bargain her down to a lower price if you felt so inclined, Glen loves to bargain with the shoppers and sometimes other merchants."  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Dawn thought about the price for a moment and an idea to came to mind. If it worked, then it could lower the price down a considerable amount and possibly help the doe's business. "Illiad, are vendors allowed to sell their wares at that event you were talking about earlier?" She asked. Her voice was calm and flowed like a river.

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@@Drago Ryder,


Illiad looked confused, this was definitely not a turn he had expected. "The marketplace is always open and running though it tends to be quiet during the day. Though they are confined to the marketplace or their own permanent shops. We do keep a certain order here so we don't have streets covered in creatures trying to sell their wares all over the place. The market will be open during the grand ball, but there wont be any vendors at the ball itself, hardly anyone brings money to the ball anyway outside of their last minute charitable donation for entry. Besides, though Glen is a good friend of mine it wouldn't be right to give her preferential treatment and she's got a date to the ball anyway if that was your plan. Good idea though."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Dawn nodded slightly, and felt like a fool for not knowing such a thing. "Sorry. I didn't know that." She said. Another idea then came to mind and she turned her attention to Glen. "Do you think it would be possible to reduce the price to say, $250 Trojan dollars. In exchange for the short term loss, I would recommend you to those in Equestria who would want something similar, and I'm sure they would have a lot more money to spend." The alicorn saw it as a good deal, but had to be prepared in case the doe wanted to go for a higher price than what she was offering. Of course, there was also the possibility of having to do more for the vendor, which was why she went for a small decrease in price, rather than splitting the cost in half.

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@@Drago Ryder,


Glen shrugged, "Sure, I'll take $250 for it." She had only been expecting to get $150 for the lamp, few locals wanted anything to do with the Eponsilon ruins so she had lowered the price. It never hurt to ask high in this market though. She moved the lamp from its shelf down to the front area of her stall. "I do hope you like it."


Illiad seemed ready to pay for the item if Dawn asked him to, he was waiting to see if Dawn wanted to pay for it herself, he didn't know if she had any dollars with her after all. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Despite Illiad's willingness to pay for the lamp, Dawn had brought over more than enough money in case of emergency. The alicorn then levitated the money out of her saddlebag and moved it towards Glen. "Thank you." She said. The alicorn then made a mental note to ask Illiad about the ruins the vendor got the lamp from later.

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@@Drago Ryder,


(Congratulations, you won the 1000th post prize! There's not much really attached to it, more of a milestone than anything.)


 Illiad was surprised that Dawn had had the foresight to exchange some of her money to Dollars before she came here, many Equestrians assumed their bits would be fine. "Pleasure doing business with you." Glen took the bag and started counting out the money as she pushed the lamp closer to Dawn.


Illiad turned towards Dawn, "All that and it's only 1am, you ready to see some of the embassies?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"I can't wait." Dawn said, her enthusiasm evident in voice. She was curious as to what countries/species had an embassy in Troy. There was also the fact that she would be meeting new people was also an exciting prospect. The alicorn then made sure that the lamp was secure in her saddlebag.

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@@Drago Ryder,


With a nod Illiad moved them out of the market and back towards the government building they had the meeting in earlier, "Nearly every nation in the world as well as the tribal collectives have representation here in Troy, each independent nation has its own structure built to their needs and the tribal collectives share two larger structures in the ambassadorial complex. The embassies are arranged in a way that a country's allies are near and their enemies far to limit any hostile activity between them. Most notably the deer and the reindeer are on opposite sides of the complex though their tensions have died down after recent events."


They arrived at the ambassadorial complex, many small buildings were arranged in a large circle each bearing a flag or banner to symbolize their nation. On the far end of the complex were two larger buildings with a large assortment of banners. Each building had the same basic shape and design, though they were also slightly different. No two buildings were exactly identical. In the center of the complex was a large Agora lit by a circle of torches. Formally postured creatures of all kinds strode about the complex, each giving a respectful nod towards Illiad whenever they drew near to him but otherwise paying him no mind. He turned towards Dawn, "Is there any nation or collective tribe you'd like to see first? There are far too many of them to see in one night."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Dawn nodded slightly and figured that something like that would've happened. "I would like to visit the deer embassy. If anything, I'm just curious about them. I haven't really seen any in Equestria." A thought then came to the alicorn's mind and she decided to take a risk. "Out of curiosity, there wouldn't happen to be a dragon embassy, would there?"

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@@Drago Ryder,


Illiad nodded, a slight grin to his face. "The deer tend to be nomadic usually, especially given their history with the reindeer, though they've started to reemerge as a society with their own culture and developments, their machinists are often regarded as the best of the world, Glen's father being the best I've ever heard of before he went missing. I'm sure they'd be happy to tell you anything you want to know about them and why the reindeer are the scum of Equis. There is a sort of dragon representation as a collective, given they don't really have a governing body outside their council of elders. They have an office in the collective representation building if you want to see them as well." Illiad began to lead the way over to the right end of the oval of offices, to a building that had been decorated with works of wrought iron in the shape of deer antlers. Inside they were greeted by a receptionist, the nameplate reading Birch Glade. "Hello there, can I help you with something?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 3 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


Dawn nodded slightly. She figured that there would be representation for the dragon clans, and turned her attention to Birch. "I was curious about deer culture and history. I don't really see any in Equestria, so I figured that here would be the best place to learn."

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@@Drago Ryder,


The deer's eyes widened at the query, but her smile grew as she nodded, "Of course, that is certainly something we can help you with. To start with the easiest portion, there aren't many deer in Equestria ever since Eternity's Bridge was allowed to fall into disrepair shortly after Princess Luna's banishment. It made it extremely difficult to move over to Equestria so many simply returned to the homeland, though there are a few groups living throughout Equestia in clans much like the thestrals. As to culture and history, I can give you a brief overview and/or answer some specific questions, but even the summary will take some time to explain."


The deer looked over at the clock, "My shift ends in about an hour, then I'll be free to discuss in more detail and in a more comfortable environment." She gestured over to a small area with chairs. "You're welcome to wait here if you want and I can answer some specific questions between other matters of business, though I don't mind if you come back later. No doubt we aren't the only thing in the embassy compound that interests you."


She turned to look behind the pair at a pony who had entered behind them. "Just a moment Sir, I'll be right with you.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle


Dawn nodded slightly and thought for a moment about her options. She didn't want to waste any time before the embassies closed. "I'll be sure to return later. It would probably be more convenient for the both of us that way." She said, giving a smile. The alicorn then exited the building and glanced at Illiad. "While we wait for the time to pass, could we visit the dragon embassy?"

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@@Drago Ryder,


Illiad was slightly surprised, but nodded. "Most creatures want to go to the reindeer embassy after the deer, to get the other side of the story, but yes. We can go to the dragons now."


Illiad led Dawn towards the pair of larger buildings at the far end of the complex, the myriad of banners upon then showed the many different groups represented within. The banners on the right building seemed to have pretty much the same symbol on them, just with different colors, while the ones on the left building had a bunch of different symbols and designs, including one that was black with a red image of a dragon claw on it.


The interior of the building was quite plain, a simple directory board showed the different groups represented here as well as where in the building they could be found. The sign talked of a few buffalo tribes, diamond dog warrens, and other small groups and villages that weren't their own nations. The dragon embassy was listed as being on the top floor, so Illiad led Dawn up a large staircase to the second, then a smaller staircase to the third floor of the building. They quickly came to a metal door marked, 'Silver Talon: Dragon Ambassador'


"Whatever you do, don't comment on his size, he's self conscious about it. Also, he may be a bit more willing to touch you than you may be comfortable with, just be firm and he'll back down pretty easily." Illiad gestured to the door, "Go ahead when you're ready."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Dawn nodded slightly and smiled. She figured that she could visit the reindeer embassy on another day. Once they reached the dragon embassy, the alicorn listed carefully to Illiad and nodded. "Thanks for the advice." She said. Her horn then gave a light glow as the door opened. She then walked in, not really sure if she should close the door.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder,


through the open door Dawn could see a small and sparsely decorated office. Everything, from the floor to the chandelier, was silver in color. In fact, a closer inspection of the door revealed that it was actually made of silver.


As the door opened a small, silvery head looked up from a small silver desk. The dragon in question was hardly bigger than a certain well known dragon of Ponyville when he was younger, though he had the appearance of a full grown dragon, just miniaturized. Silvery wings shifted slightly on its back. The small dragon looked first at Dawn, then towards Illiad with a questioning expression, before it retrieved a white handkerchief and cleaned what appeared to be ink from on of the talons on his other arm. He looked questioningly back at Dawn. He looked as if he were questioning her motives for entering.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Dawn figured that the dragon would be small, but she didn't expect his reaction to her, though. "I'm sorry for the interruption. I was curious and wanted to learn more about dragons." She said in a calm voice. "I've been interested in dragons for quite some time now, and haven't really gotten the chance to learn about their culture or history until recently."

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@@Drago Ryder,


The dragon's expression shifted to be a bit more pleasant as he shrugged. He gestured towards a soft looking silvery cushion on the other side of the silver desk, it was clear that he wanted her to take a seat.


His expression became more of an open questioning look, a slightly intrigued expression that seemed to ask what Gale wanted to know.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Dawn wasnt expecting to be given silence, but figured that the dragon was just normally reserved. The alicorn then sat down on the cushion and turned her full attention to the dragon, giving a light smile. "To start off, I was curious about the diet of dragons. I know that some eat gems, but I was curious if they ate anything else."

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@@Drago Ryder,


The dragon thought for a moment, he retrieved a folded piece of paper from his desk and passed it to Dawn. It was the menu of a dragon themed diner just outside the borders of the city. As expected, it had a majority of gem themed dishes, though there were also quite a few meat based foods and other high protein items. A small corner of the menu had vegetable dishes.


By the menu, it would seem that dragons could eat gems, meat, and vegetables, though they vastly preferred the first two to the third.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


Dawn looked over the menu and while she expected the possibility of meat dishes, she wasn't expecting plant matter to be on the menu. "Thank you." She said. "I was also a bit curious about the history of dragons and what possible difference there might between pony and dragon culture."

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@@Drago Ryder,


The dragon looked pensive for a moment, he moved to get up, then sat back down looking a bit disappointed at his thoughts. He then drummed on the table with the talons of one hand in an odd pattern, it was clear by the sound that the talons of his left limb were coated in metal, likely silver.


The sound of  door opening and closing down the hall could be heard as a pink blur rushed into the room. Illiad poked his head into the room with a slightly amused expression. "I wondered how long it would take."


A bubblegum pink dragon only a bit bigger than Silver had been the one to rush in. She quickly grasped one of Dawn's forelimbs and shook it vigerously before quickly wrapping herself around Silver. They shared an affectionate nuzzle before the pink one turned to Dawn. "Hi There! I'm Silver's translator, it's nice to meet you..." Silver continued tapping on the table. "Dawn? Yes. You wanted to know about dragon history yes? The difference between us and you yes?" Silver continued tapping as she spoke, and he gave no sign of stopping. It seemed to be a sort of code that he was using to communicate. "The short of it, we don't do much social, live long in solitary, only treasure and mate was life, until oh a few hundred years ago. We were young then, but big dragons, smart dragon want form order, make laws to keep peace. Few protest, they no protest any more. So we peace, make friends with long lived ones, few short lived ones. Culture is not so much defined, each has a life goal, some treasure, some knowledge, some adventure. All do something to fulfill their lives. Most stay away, leave alone to leave in peace. Only move to find mate, one who shares life goal, one to share life goal with. We seek peace, work with Balance to keep peace, learn culture and language yes."


Silver looked at Dawn with an expression that seemed to ask if the explanation was satisfactory. He gave the pink one another nuzzle. Given her movements, she seemed to be very flexible, and apparently lacked wings of her own. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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