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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Equestria Online (RP)

Dapper Charmer

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After enduring through threatenings and mocking, Shade gladly watched his not-so-fellow testers go away.
"Well, Shade, that was a weird encounter wasn't it? And did he say I was level 5? But I didn't kill anything... or did their monsters give me EXP? Ah, whatever, time for more testing,"
"Let's see how realistic is our body model" - Shade tries to cut into one of his scars: "No blood? That's a shame."
"Maybe I should go to town already, it's getting bor-..". Shade's thought was interrupted by some pony sliding towards the town.
"... or not so boring. And here I thought it's not gonna be any weirder"

"Hey, you! Did you see that too?"

Edited by Castor Myron
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Crystalline walked backwards slowly, though whether it was because of the glitching or the talking sword, she didn't know. She looked to the pony who had walked up and said, "Yup, I'm saw it alright. don't think I've ever seen lag this bad. Think he'll be ok?" She turned back to the lagging pony. "Why would you go with Cancast in the first place, everypony knows it's trash."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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"NOT MANY INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS COVER THE EVERFREE FOREST, I DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE" Enzo yelled. "If you could call a mod or something to prioritise my connection, that'd be great."


By now, Enzo was simply standing still, unable to move. Although, voice chat seemed fine, which was nice.

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@ , @
"That's enough for me today, I'm out". Shades goes to the menu and tries to quit the game. "Hmm... that's odd, how do you quit?"
"Hey, can you two help me out? I want to test the respawn system. And my menu seems to be broken, maybe respawn will help. Just hit me several times, please."

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@@reader8363, @,

Dim walks into the tavern thinking about all of what happened and about Shadow how seemed to just seemed to threaten those ponies "So what was with the hostility? I mean I know some ponies can be bad but we can't say for sure from a few seconds after meeting somepony...also I don't fully get those ponies either" Dim looked around the tavern "Well, I guess it really doesn't matter does it? I mean now I'm friends with a guy how killed a gorilla, with a scythe"


@,@@Yoshikupo, @@doctorderpywhooves7,  

Shadow said as he sat down, 

"Let just say I have experience and RPGs aren't for the weak. All I did was ask, Shade started it with trying to be an npc, which made him more suspicious including trailing us. Do you want a drink?"

Shadow opened the menu and placed weapons on the table.

"Pick what weapon you want, I have an assortment of weapons."

Sparkle suddenly caught up with Dark and Shadow. " sorry. Lag... My sister must be messing with the router. " she sat down and picked up one of the swords. "Where'd you buy this thing? It's really cool. Better than this." Sparkle put her's on the table as well. "It's practically wooden. Which is why those boars took me down so easily."

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Shadow said as he picked up a bow and started polishing it. 

"Let's just say that there not in the store, Just don't be showing them off when the game is officially out. I don't want to be overrun by ponies trying to get them."

He placed the bow near his side and said, 

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Shadow said as he picked up a bow and started polishing it. 

"Let's just say that there not in the store, Just don't be showing them off when the game is officially out. I don't want to be overrun by ponies trying to get them."

He placed the bow near his side and said,


Sparkle nodded and sheathed the sword"thanks " she said looking for her original sword among the pile of weapons. "Where is that stick?" She eventually found it and put it back in her inventory. "I'll go sell this. Catch ya later!" And with that she ran out the door waving as she left.

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"Well, I think the starter area is an anti-pvp zone, though i could be wrong." Crystalline opens her menu  If you need to logout, the button should be right.... here? Um... is there a problem with the logout? That's a major bug considering we can't just close the game." She looked up at Mr. Laggy Hooves. "Do you have any ideas? Or is your internet too busy glitching out?"

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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With a couple of heavy slashes later, Stormlight manages to defeat the cow, only receiving minor damage in the process.


Hm, it felt pretty realistic then...oh! I leveled up already?


She quickly examined her stats, and sees that she has reached Level 2, just from defeating the cow.


"Nice...I wonder what else I can do to farm some more XP," Stormlight thought out loud, trying to determine how raises her level to a high enough state.


That was when she saw more creatures appearing, all looking quite harmless until you decide to attack it. She hasn't got a clue on what type of creature they all are, but they do look like disfigured baby dragons "Seems like their level is a little higher then mines...I can take them on, one by one!" With a determined and intimidating look, she rushes at them with her sword at the ready.

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Sparkle was in mid argument with an NPC shopkeeper. "No its worth fifty for sure!" She said slamming her hoof on the table. "Look I can do fourty-five "he replied about to take Sparkle's old wooden sword. " try fourty-nine!" She replied moving it back. "Fourty-eight and that's my final offer." Sparkle reluctantly agreed and he took the sword and handed over fourty-eight" there now leave! And don't come back!" He shouted glad to finally see the back end of her. (Not like that get your minds out of the gutter.)

Edited by The Tinselated Pony
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"You know that's awfully suspicious, many ponies would ask why you had these...I'm one of them" Dim said to the pony "If I were you I wouldn't say anything about where you got them, not even to not ask. I mean I think I know how you got them" Dark sighs and looks at the weapons "But I think going out there with a better weapons would be great, until I find something else that is. Then I am ditching this in the trash" She takes a staff "I would suggest that you do the same to not get in trouble" Dim smiles "Just some friendly advice"

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Made/found all these in a day? I don't think a pony could be a Jack or Jill of all trades in this game, not using every weapon at least. Dark didn't want a cheater already in the game "Yes I would like a drink, I heard the nerve gear is able to give you the sensation of what you ate...maybe I should increase my cooking" She said thinking if she could make a cake

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@@doctorderpywhooves7, @@Yoshikupo,

"Actually, I found them, made them and pickpocket them."

He placed most of them in except his bow and a few swords.

"I guess I should explain myself. I'm ponies refer to as a jack of all trades when it come to weapons. I can use any weapons with deadly precision. Shall I get you two a drink for the way I acted?"

Sparkle came back slightly angrier than she left. Which means a lot because she didn't leave angry. She walked over to the table and slammed the bag containing the money down on it. " fourty-eight. Fourty-eight. "She said sitting down. " that's all I got. Which I can proudly say annoys me. That thing was worth fifty for sure!"

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"I'm getting bored... There must be the way out of this, to fix this bug, right, Shade? Must be..."
Shade's face is crossed with maniacal smile as he pulls out his dagger.
"So what if noone wants to test out respawn system? We always have ourselves, right, Shade?"
He pushes a dagger into his chest area. Critical hit, bleeding debuff.
Shade feels like he's going to pass out. "Wait, this can't be right, what is go-..."

As the last point of HP gets wiped out by bleed debuff, Shade's body collapses on place.

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i look at the other ponies sonic screw driver in hand." still No one has told me where i am?' i ask still wondering where i am since i have been trapped here for a week now. and i still dont know where in equestria i am. i thought to myself still completely confused.

Derping up my life 

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i pick up a drink. Im the doctor, a time pony. so i'm an alien for outer space. my ship the tardis landed here in this game and i cant leave until i figure out why it brought me here.' * i take a sip of the drink and wait for their reaction. hoping that they would believe me.*

Derping up my life 

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Shadow grabbed his drink, took a few gulps and said,

"There is four things you could be. A really good player, an alien, a part of a code or bug, or a good npc. Then again, you wouldn't be able to drink if you were a npc. The bug is possible since this game is a beta. If what ya say is true, why don't ya prove it."

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 i use my sonic screwdriver and summon my tardis which is a big blue police box i snap my fingers and show you it is bigger on the inside. i walk inside and rummage through boxes until i find a video game box marked equestria online. I open the case to find that the case is empty*

Derping up my life 

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i'm the doctor an alien from gallifrey and this is my spaceship my home. For you see, i am the last of my kind and i am stranded here until i figure out why the tardis brought me here. i am not logged on like you guys i am stuck in he game. i am not a glitch i just fell through a different dimension."

Derping up my life 

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Shadow glared at Doctor for a few minutes, then he lowered the bow and said,

"You say you're an alien, what will happen if I shoot you in the head. Theoretically, if you are a npc, you'll just spawn back in." 

He placed his bow away, smiled and said as he reached into his coat and pulled out the doctor's sword, 

"I believe this is yours."

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i take the sword back and smile at him. I gave into the gallifreyian writings on the sword* "The writing says Have Hope Be brave and Never Give Up" * i look up at him and smile sliding my sword under my belt i fix my bow tie and snap my fingers as the tardis doors shut.*

Derping up my life 

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