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open Pokemon adventure in Equestria (RP)


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link to OOC & Sign up: https://mlpforums.com/topic/139056-pokemon-adventure-in-equestria-open/


After a small magic related accident at Twilight's castle weird creatures have been found running around Equestria. Twilight also found two strange devices next to her she discovered the sphere object worked as a capture device and container and the other give information base on the captured creature. The device called it a Pokemon. She then decided to reverse engineer the device call a Pokeball as well as the other device which called itself a pokedex. Feeling curious Twilight released the captured Pokemon she caught a found it took a liking to her. The Pokedex referred to it as a "Eevee" she noticed it seemed to understand what she said but she couldn't understand it. She decided to research as many kinds of pokemon as she could but she would to busy with research to actively seek them out. Facing this problem so she decided to hire 8 assistants to catch them. After the pokemon became public knowledge many want to have some as pets or even what became a fun past time for ponies of all ages pokemon battles. This concept was hated at first but everyone started to see the pokemon were truly having fun. This increase in popularity caused healing centers to be built for them, an offical League was started the 8 assists became the 8 gym leaders of Equestria whoever defeated all 8 them will have a chance to take part in the first ever pokemon league tournament. Starting today you can get your own pokemon and travel Equestria to take part in the pokemon league who become the 1st pokemon champion of Equestria.


Today is the day where new ready to be Trainers in Ponyville can get their official Pokemon License from Princess Twilight Sparkle who know what adventurers await these new trainers on their journey.


(It is now Sunrise/Morning)

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Flash landed on the floor with a thud. She didn't sleep too well, if she even slept at all. After she rented this small house for a few days, she was looking forward to some more tours, but she had to wait. She sighed, got dressed in a casual outfit, which had to be nothing but sunglasses and a straw hat with an orange bow, and trotted downstairs.


She had been up all night, pondering where Detective Nanny, her goat friend, had wandered off to. Still no sign of her. Once she opened the door, she stumbled out, trying to keep the sun out of here eyes, even with sunglasses

Edited by - Aethergem -
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    D-Pad woke up in his house and look at the date to see if anything was happening today and saw today was the day of he is suppose to receive his pokemon licence from Princess Twilight.  He proceeded to due his morning routine of brushing his blue coat, combing is blond mane and brushing his teeth.  He grabbed his saddle bag he prepared the night before and headed towards to door and shouted "Hey Mom I'm off to get my Pokemon Licence today be back in a bit."  


"OK be careful."


"Will do."  he said as he exited the house and headed to the Princess Twilight's Castle.  along the way he signed and thought to himself  'aside from the occasional monster attack this place is perfectly safe. my mom is just paranoid about my safety i wish she'd stop that."  he felt like his mother, Card Crafter always overprotected him by always reminded him of small things ponies with common sense already know.  While finishing his train of thought he arrived at the castle and went inside.

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Sean rushed down the road to Twilight's castle, but was careful not to bother the animals. He ran out of breath quickly, stopping to lean on a nearby tree. In the agony of what felt like his body trying to kill itself, he remembered that it was unnecessary to break the sound barrier as he had done, as he was early. He sat down to reflect on things with the animals.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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D-Pad walked in the castle and saw a sign that said "Pokemon License applicants this way" with an arrow to show the proper diriction of travel.  He stuck to the path and saw door that said testing room with Twilight there setting up a small booth next to the door.  "Oh hi there."  She said to him.  "You must be here for your license right? " D-Pad nodded his head  "Well your a bit early so if you want you can help set this area up if you want and then you can look over the list here for possible starters we got a limited amount available so first come first serve in that."  Twilight stopped to think of what needed to be done and notice the first thing he can do "seats! you can put the seats out. Hold on please."  Twilight turned and called out. "Eevee here Eevee."  D-Pad here heard something running down the hall and saw a little creature with a coat of brown fur mixed with some white fur on its chest come down the hall.  "Eevee, can you show him where to get the seats and where to set them up please."


"Eevee, Eevee" The creature replied so D-Pad followed the Eevee to help out while he waited.

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Flash checked her mail to find some sort of license to be used at Twilight's Castle. It looked cool enough for her to not ignore, bringing it with her to the castle. She even saw that the event happens today!


Upon getting close enough, she noticed the sign. It looked like the first word was gibberish, but the phrase "Lisence applicants this way", she trotted over. A break from rock would be nice for a change.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Sparkle yawned and walked to Twilight's castle her parents had finally permitted her to get a Pokémon licence why she needed her parents permission? Apparently she wasn't 'mature' enough to make the decision her own. Either way she had never left canterlot and her parents had taken her down to ponyvill to get her licence. Which was an adventure on its own.

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Sean was exited. Very exited. He liked animals, and to hear that there were now suddenly a bunch of new ones running around with pony-like intelligence and unique abilities made him do a double take when he was first told of them. Once he saw some others walking into the castle, he figured he had reflected long enough. He walked into the castle.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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RootedWisdom woke up with a late start. His mother's Sentret pounced on his stomach, and by that time, Rooted was having the strangest dream." RootedWisdom, your going to be late!" RootedWisdom's mom bellowed from downstairs. Rooted bolted from his bed, got dressed, and bolted to the door. "Now where do you think your going? " Rooted's mother asked before giving him a slight peck on the forehead. "Today I get to become a Pokémon trainer, mom! Isn't that exciting?!" Rooted replied in a excited voice. His mom only pecked him on the forehead one last time, before she let out a tear. "Your going to be just like your father." Rooted's mother says smiling. Sentret follows Rooted out the door, and into the open world.

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In the beautiful morning, Renee woke up with a yawn from her comfortable bed. Looking at the time, her eyes went small with surprise. "Mom! Why didn't you tell me I had to go now!?" She called out, rising from her bed and making it. After spending some time on her room, she started to get HERself ready to see princess twilight. Cleaning teeth, brushing mane, getting bag ready.. Think of a chore, she does it. Rushing down the stairs, her Mother suddenly turns towards the rushing mare. "Hold on Renee! You're gonna need this!" Her Mother stopped her as she gave Renee her daily pay check "1000 bits". Renee smiled and hugged her Mother. "I'm going to be a Pokemon trainer! Isn't that awesome!?" She said, pecking her mothers forehead. The mare smiled as she waved to her own Daughter, making her way towards Twilight's.

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D-Pad finished the task he was assigned and desided to sit the the seat closest to the door he saw the booth was finished and saw Twilight enter from another room and sat behind it D-Pad walk up to it twilight then Spock to him saying "Thanks for the help Spike was busy to help administer the test. So all that's left is for you to register for the test just need your name here." D-Pad wrote his name down on it. "And right below that your race. Just standard form stuff as well as male or female." He then put down Pegasus and male. "And lastly your age." He put down his age. He never really like any type of paperwork. "And done thanks for your cooperation." D-Pad nodded his head and went to sit down. "Then test will begin in 30 minutes." Twilight said as she put a magic count down timer on the door. For all to see

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RootedWisdom enters the castle and immediately starts heading towards the kitchen. Living in your own castle in the inner outskirts of EverFree Forest is tough, especially when you're in the middle of a civil war. RootedWisdom knew Twilight well, he was sorta Fluttershy 's big brother, considering how many times RootedWisdom saved her and cared for her and her critters. His Sentret happily hopped beside him, they have been so much together, he was disappointed when he heard that his Sentret couldn't Mega Evolve. He sees Twilight walking in the hallway, and walked towards to talked to her. "Hey Twi, what's up! " RootedWisdom asked.

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D-Pad finished the task he was assigned and desided to sit the the seat closest to the door he saw the booth was finished and saw Twilight enter from another room and sat behind it D-Pad walk up to it twilight then Spock to him saying "Thanks for the help Spike was busy to help administer the test. So all that's left is for you to register for the test just need your name here." D-Pad wrote his name down on it. "And right below that your race. Just standard form stuff as well as male or female." He then put down Pegasus and male. "And lastly your age." He put down his age. He never really like any type of paperwork. "And done thanks for your cooperation." D-Pad nodded his head and went to sit down. "Then test will begin in 30 minutes." Twilight said as she put a magic count down timer on the door. For all to see

Sean walked into the castle. After filling out the necessary paperwork, he took a seat next to a bored looking pony, forgetting he had no social skills. He didn't want to seem rude by moving, so he just sat there silently for a little while, observing his surroundings. After some time, he turned to the pony next to him. "So... nice weather, huh?"


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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@, Twilight looked at Rooted Wisdom and saw "oh just starting the Pokemon Licence Test in a bit." she said as she pointed to the timer on the door.  "You can take part if you want cause cause got whole system in place called the Pokemon League anyway winner becomes know as the Pokemon Champion of Equestria and he gets to battle next year's champ for title if you interested you can sign up.  Just gonna need your name, race, gender, and age on this form.


@, D-Pad looked at the pony next to him and said "Yep just as it's schedule to be so you might want to find a better topic of conversation next time you want small talk."  he then followed up by saying "A much better question would be 'why do you want to become a trainer?'  so much potential then a stale yes or no.  That's how you start small talk right there. So what's your answer?"

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@, D-Pad looked at the pony next to him and said "Yep just as it's schedule to be so you might want to find a better topic of conversation next time you want small talk."  he then followed up by saying "A much better question would be 'why do you want to become a trainer?'  so much potential then a stale yes or no.  That's how you start small talk right there. So what's your answer?"

"Well," Sean replied, "I guess I like nature. You see, I'm not very good at making friends, so I just sort of turned to the Earth." Sean would take any opportunity to talk about nature, and this was no exception.

He turned back to the other pony, snapping out of his nature-daze. "Sorry, you probably don't want to hear about me. So why do you want to be a trainer?"


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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@, "Well I simply want to be stronger in my own way.  So I just want be able to protect everything I want to but to do that I have be stronger than everyone else as well as to be able out think them and this should be able to help me with just that." He said "and personally the only way i think of to do that is to travel alone and if you plan on joining the pokemon league that'll make us rivals so I suggest you don't get attached to anyone you meet cause at the end you'll only have to fight them."

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Flash faced the two ponies. "Hey, what's going on? What the in the name of Tartarus is a Pokémon?" She checked her license. "And why did I even get this?" She remembered that she found this in her mailbox the today. She took off her straw hat, attempted to restyle her mane, and adusted her sunglasses.

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Flash faced the two ponies. "Hey, what's going on? What the in the name of Tartarus is a Pokémon?" She checked her license. "And why did I even get this?" She remembered that she found this in her mailbox the today. She took off her straw hat, attempted to restyle her mane, and adusted her sunglasses.



"Well for starters Pokemon are all new creatures that roam equestria. They been around for a while now. Also the princess is petting hers." He looks over to see Twilight petting her Eevee. "As for that thing you got I don't know you might want to ask the princess on that."

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"A while now? I've never seen one yet..." Flash trotted over to the door and knocked on it. "They do sound kinda fun, if they are in leagues and all." She took off her sunglasses to look formal for the Princess. "Princess Twilight Sparkle?" She asked, hoping Twilight could hear.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Dazzle presented Twilight with the license. "I found this in the mail this morning. I don't remember ordering one, or anything about it." She backed up and looked at the Eevee before looking up at Twilight. "Is there a reason why I have one?" She tilted her head.


Twilight looked it over and said "I'm sorry but it appears somepony is still sending out more of those fake licenses.  I think you should just hand it over and we can file a report to find out who did this. you can earn a real one here if you would like to join the league if you want though, but by your expression I take it you new to all this so take this pamphlet (Pokemon for Beginners, this covers types of pokemon and basic battle rules) and read over a few things in it to see if you want to be a Pokemon trainer.  We also have the Intermediate and Advance ones if you would like."

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RootedWisdom filled the form out, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember when or what was his first battle was in years. He gave the form to Twilight, and his Sentret looked at him curiously. "I know Sentret, it's weird, for once in your life you can't remember the feeling of a Pokémon battle." He notices that Twilight was talking to another pony, and saw this chance to either make a friend or rival. "Hello, might I ask politely who this at this moment in time." RootedWisdom asked in his somewhat Canterlot accent.

Edited by RootedWisdom
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Twilight looked it over and said "I'm sorry but it appears somepony is still sending out more of those fake licenses.  I think you should just hand it over and we can file a report to find out who did this. you can earn a real one here if you would like to join the league if you want though, but by your expression I take it you new to all this so take this pamphlet (Pokemon for Beginners, this covers types of pokemon and basic battle rules) and read over a few things in it to see if you want to be a Pokemon trainer.  We also have the Intermediate and Advance ones if you would like."

" WAIT!!!!! "Sparkle ran in. "Am I late? If I'm late I'm sorry I'm late. if I'm not Hi Twilight! " She waved to Twilight "mom says Hi as well! " she sat down and began filling out the papers (odd questions... They sent me the licence so they surely know who I am right?) She thought

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