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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144554-the-wasteland-adventure/


Travelture sat down and  looked at what he walked through when he was young, He shook his head to get rid of the ideas that were going through his head. He couldn't think about the past, he's going to lead a group through the wasteland that he was born in. He looked at his cutie mark and told himself don't try to get attached to whoever comes with him. He looked through his bag to see if he got everything

Edited by reader8363
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"Wait for me, Inspector!" Flash galloped after her pet goat. It would be another five days until her next concert in Canterlot that featured new album. She was about to grab some pastries, the fancy ones in Fillydelphia, when Nanny came out with a brown blur from the train at the wrong stop.


Huffing and trying to catch her breath, Flash saw that the goat stopped and bleated in a the direction of a lone stallion. "You... saw the hoofprints?" She forced a grin

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@@- Aethergem -

Travelture heard a bleating, stiffened and quickly changed his form. then he realized he forgot to change his horn and the dark patch down his muzzle, so he went back to the original form. He walked up and said, 

"Um, excuse me, but are you in my traveling group through the wasteland?"

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"Travelling Group?" Flash thought about it. "Nope. Why would you even need to explore a wasteland? Is there some kind of excavation going on there?" She studied the stallion carefully, not caring what he even was. The mare then sat up again. "The name's Flash 'n' Dazzle."


Nanny seemed not to care at all for the stallion, but for the wasteland behind him.

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@@- Aethergem -,

"Actually, I'm going to try to figure out what my ho- I mean a village. It disappeared with only a bed to mark it was there."

He couldn't go into detail why he wanted to find out what happened to the village. He turned to the goat and said as he reached towards it 

"Is this goat yours?"

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"T-That goat?! She's my pet... and friend. Nanny is is good inspector. Well, most of the time; she always needs help from me." She glanced at Nanny, who was glaring back. The goat faced the stallion and eyed his hoof.


"But that's not important. Who are you?" Flash adjusted her shirt's collar and necklace, the necklace having a key.



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@@- Aethergem -,

Travelture turned back to Flash and said, 

"My name is Travelture Balland."

He noticed the key and said, 

"I don't mean to be rude or nosy, but what is that key to. You don't have to answer if you don't want."

He changed his form, to hide his changeling horn, rib looking marks on his back and the dark patch down his muzzle.

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Agaricus was out picking wild mushrooms, for a new potion he wanted to brew. He had bin out shroom hunting for several hours now. His saddlebag was already filled to the brim, with several mushrooms and a few potions, he had brought with him. Agaricus was in the process of picking another mushroom, when he suddenly heard chatting on a hill behind him. He turned around and saw what appeared to be. Two ponies and a goat. Curious why somepony would be out this far, near the wastelands. He yelled enthusiastically, towards the top of the hill. "Hello up there!"




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Flash shrugged and used her light green magic to levitate the key to his vision. "It's supposed to be for Backstage, but I find that passes work better," she looked up at the mostly empty sky that spread like water in the ocean, "it never worked on any doors, though."



Agaricus was out picking wild mushrooms, for a new potion he wanted to brew. He had bin out shroom hunting for several hours now. His saddlebag was already filled to the brim, with several mushrooms and a few potions, he had brought with him. Agaricus was in the process of picking another mushroom, when he suddenly heard chatting on a hill behind him. He turned around and saw what appeared to be. Two ponies and a goat. Curious why somepony would be out this far, near the wastelands. He yelled enthusiastically, towards the top of the hill. "Hello up there!"

Flash's ears tilted toward the sound, and Nanny turned to face the pony at the bottom. The two stared awkwardly at him, until Flash replied with: "OH, HEY THERE!"


Nanny, not willing to speak, made a gesture with her hoof by stomping the front left one onto the barren ground.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Exploring the wasteland hadn't been particularly profitable lately, at least for the past few days. She had managed to scavenge some crackers, but she knew soon that those wouldn't last her very long. Returning to the group was out of the question -- aside from the difficult task of finding them, she wouldn't be able to face them after realizing what she'd done. Even if they forgave her, she would never be able to really forgive herself. Dejectedly she trudged forward, her dark grey jacket's hood pulled low to cover her face, with the saddlebag containing her trusty crowbar open in case there was need of a quick draw.


A sound caught her attention, causing her to look up. She could hardly believe her eyes. Ponies... other ponies, out here in the wasteland? Her heart leaped as she bolted towards them, her tired legs carrying her as fast as she could.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"Well, I am into rock, as I use a guitar, but I occasionally do some singing and-" Flash heard the first shot at the innocent stallion at the bottom of the hill, and Nanny just stood there, petrafied. Flash backed off until the attacks were over, when she glanced down at the poor victim of the attack. "Travelture! What are you doing?" She worriedly trotted down toward him.

Edited by - Aethergem -
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Seeing that he had bin acknowledged by a pony on the hill. Agaricus waved a hoof and began to make his way, to the top of the hill.


While climbing the hill, he suddenly heard a violent sound above him. "Oh my spores!" He exclaimed as he saw, a barrage of flames and stones hurtling towards him. Quickly reaching into his bag he grabbed, glass vile and threw it on the ground, shattering it. In a cloud of shattered glass and pink smoke. A transparent light red barrier appeared in front of Agaricus. Shielding him from the attack.


After the barrage had ended his shield dispersed. He yelled towards his attacker. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!"

Edited by Sporemane




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@@- Aethergem -,@@Sporemane,

Travelture looked up and said,

"Sorry to scare ya. I guess I freaked out a little. I got scared, I heard rumors in my travels. Are ya okay?

He walked over to his bag and started digging through it

@@Meson Bolt,

(we are on the edge of the wasteland)

Traveture looked up to see a mare running towards them. He said, 

"Hey there, do ya need something?"

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Foray came to a quick halt just before reaching Traveture. Her legs buckling beneath her, she collapsed and slid a few feet, coming to rest a few inches from his hooves, panting heavily. For a few moments she lay on the ground, catching her breath, before slowly getting up and facing Taveture.


Experience had taught her that fights between ponies were good -- there would always be a side that appreciated help, and she hoped she was on the right one.


"Hi... hi... yes... do..." she coughed, still not quite breathing correctly. "Do you... do you know where this is? A map, or a landmark, or something?"

Edited by Meson Bolt


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Annoyed Agraicus replied to his would be attacker. "I'm fine... no thanks to you." With a aggravated expression Agracius said. "Your lucky I had my potions with me. I could have bin killed!"


He then made his way up the hill. When he reached the top he turned to face the other ponies on the hill. "Greetings I am Agaricus Mycelium Sporemane."

Edited by Sporemane




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@@Meson Bolt

Travelture said as he sped up searching through his bag, 

"You are close to Canterlot, you went through the wasteland by yourself. Well, it is not impossible. Do ya need water, food, anything?" 


"Sorry. I'm just glad you are okay. Ya scared me. Name's Travelture Balland."

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Foray coughed twice, steadying herself and tossing a quick glance at the new arrival. "F-Foray, I'm Foray," she replied, pulling her hood down with her magic. "Food... food would be nice, but... I just... need somewhere to rest really..." She broke off and coughed again involuntarily, her body attempting to get rid of all the sand she had inhaled while running. "You guys... you guys part of a group or something?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Bright grumbled and mumbled. He did not want to be out here, and he most certainly did not want to be seen stooping so low for a couple of bits. But money was money, and a monetary reward was indeed that. He squinted, catching sight of a few other ponies scattered about, dogs on the horizon. He figured it was to be expected, as other people most likely would've seen the poster too. He went back to mumble-grumbling.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Agaricus rolled his eyes at Travelture. "Alright... apology accepted."


He then gave his attention to the exhausted mare that had just arrived. "If you require food. I have several editable mushrooms in my bag." Reaching into his bag he found several mushrooms.




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@@reader8363,@@Sporemane, @, @@Meson Bolt, @@- Aethergem -,  


Summer just happened to be flying around the area when she spotted an collection of ponies and a goat on a hill, she had not seen a soul for a while now and was curious to say hello, her timidness was getting in the way though 'so she thought of a plan, and thought of it quick' (movie reference have a guess) She fained her wing giving out and looked to all others to crash land down the hill near the group making a lot of noise on the way down, however she actually did crash at the end and really did hurt her wing. Lying on the ground moaning in pain, nice one silly now you are hurt.

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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@@Sporemane,@@Meson Bolt, @@- Aethergem -,  

Travelture got up and said while try to summon up some courage

"So are you all going to help me solve the mystery that plagued Equestria, well not all of Equestria. about 17 years ago, a village in the wasteland disappeared with  only a single bed was left it."

(Forgot to add Feeder)
Feeder was walking by when he heard moaning. he ran up, and said,
"Are you all right. Can you stand?"
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"I guess I will." She stared off into the distance. Maybe there was a bed, but how was she to belive him? An entire village does not just poof into nothing or vanish over night. Dazzle assumed that he was having a little adventure. There couldn't be a bed in the middle of nowhere. But, she wanted to go, just to keep him happy.


Nanny just nodded. She seemed more than excited for a mystery, since she hasn't beentered requested for anything

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Agaricus lazily rubed his chin with his hoof. "A adventure in the wastelands for a lost village, you say." Agaricus looked away from the othere ponies and switched his focus to the barren wasteland before him." Well that sounds more exciting than picking mushrooms. You can count me in! As long as you don't try to kill me again." Agaricus turned to face his former attacker. "That stunt you pulled cost me, my only protection potion."




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Confusion lugged around her sutcase full of goods. She wanted to decrease the weight in her luggage, so she asked: "Who feels like eating some oranges?" She handed every pony in her group an orange. She felt like she knew about the village, and its destruction, but she couldn't be sure. Sometimes flashes of memories would return to her, despite the fact that her memories were all erased.


One thing that she was sure of was that the destruction of this villlage was not natural. She announced that fact. "This village was not destroyed by nature, but by other ponies." She couldn't pinpoint how and why the village was destroyed. "I think that before we venture further, we should return to Canterlot and bring some devices to check the outskirts for the prescence of Lead-207, and alpha decay."


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