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open Blood & Venom (Roleplay)


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"Yes," the armored pony took a couple deep breaths, and continued, "We have identified them as Fluttershy & Scootaloo of Ponyville. Why they are in a cage is beyond me sir..." The pony trailed off as he saw Shadow laughing maniacally until Saturn shut his mouth, and Shadow shoot spikes at him.




"Captain what are your orders! Please be quick, the Nightmare is resting!" Instantly the guardspony started quieting down.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Emerald turned to Saturn,"I don't know I wasn't actually expecting an answer other that prepare to die, and those two I have faint memory of the yellow one she lives here, but other than that my memory fades."




"what do you want, um thing? Why are you attacking innocent citizens and such?" She then turned to one of her subordinates, "what is going on here pony?"


(try to slow down guys or this confusion will keep up I do live on the other side of the world Because i am slightly confused :D)

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(OOC: Understood, I've been winding the pace downwards)


"Um... Are you talking to me?" Asked Fluttershy, very timidly, "I think you're talking about the black ooze, right? Well, um, you see, um it's kinda saved out town three... or four times," Fluttershy hid behind her mane, fear evident in her voice.

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Emerald walked up to her, then moves her mane out of the way to see her face. "i'm not a bad pony Fluttershy I was once a good pony, look tell me what has happened if anyone else here does anything to you i'll kill them there is a reason I am captain of the guard." Emerald sat down in front of her a smile on her face, a rare sight indeed, "come no lass tell me." her smile was actually genuine but her fangs did not help.  

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  Saturn heard the fear in the yellow pegasus' voice "There is no need to be scared..." He said. He looked at Emerald "That ooze, saved the town? " He said, somewhat confused. "So, why are we trying to capture it?". He asked. He sighed and said 'I bet that Nightmare left out some info' He Thought.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Then a little orange ball of fuzz sounded out, "I've seen him! He's scary! He has large dagger-like teeth! And, and, a bandage over his eyes! And he wore a cloak, and their was this weird marking on it! And it was smooth! He was nice to me, but he blew up the Sugar Cube Corner! And he isn't even a unicorn! He then dropped me off to see Fluttershy! And then we met... That thing!" She said, hoof pointed at Shadow, "and now we're here! Oh, and I'm Scootaloo!"


"Um, that's basically what happened, eep!" The pony made a noise, as she saw Saturn.



Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Shadow smiled as he waved a dagger made of shadows under both their noses. He said as he pounded on the bars,

"I have a job to do, so do you know a way to capture it or not. Some evils act nice to take the blame off of them. So are you going to tell me or do I have to use your shadows against ya

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"Um, that's all I know, Scootaloo was there while I was walking through the woods and ran into Scootaloo," she kinda smiled, "I hope you didn't make him angry, he has... temperament issues." That's when Fluttershy noticed the cage was unlocked. And she bolted with unnatural speed with Scootaloo dragged behind. She continued to run, and managed to avoid the guard and raced down the drawbridge.

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"why do they always run you try to be nice and they run, sigh." Emerald to the naked eye almost teleported in front of them, in reality she had used the vampiric speed to move ahead of them standing on the bridge, "STOP RIGHT THERE!!" Emerald was hovering above the ground,

like this  post-35804-0-30394100-1452043445.jpg

with her halberd out, "that was an unwise decision there ponies," She looked slightly past them to the guard further back, she sighed before speaking "take them into custody, we will chat some more in the dungeons."  Why do they run? I never mean harm I'm not like that but then I represent evil so I would run too.

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Shadow came out of the portal and said as chains and a scythe fell to the ground,

"I'll take them, They are my responsibility and the only way any pony ever escapes me is by death."

The chain were covered in shadow and started floating, then snapped shut on Fluttershy's and Scootaloo's neck.

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"Fear does not insure loyalty, foolish creature" He said, clearly agitated, not even referring to Shadow by name anymore. 



Saturn flew over to Emerald, his wings technically only consisting of two metal pieces meant to protect the front of the wings. "That one is quite cowardly for a pegasus" He said, referring to Fluttershy. He looked at Emerald before flying over and stabbing his gladius into the ground between the links of the chain. "You shouldn't treat a pegasus in such a way... let them go" He said.

Edited by Felgirus the Hunter

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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In a instant, Fluttershy's saddlebags erupted into a cascade of black goo, covering Fluttershy in it, Fluttershy grew easily to the size of Nightmare Moon, and turned entirely black. A long black cloak sprouted from her back. A millisecond later as the cursed steel wrapped around the creature's host, it threw it off. "Y-y-y-you... are evil, demonspawn!" The black pony like form of the beast was a terrifying visage. "Scoots, cover your eyes." It muttered, "I'm g-g-g-going to pave this bridge in blood!" It roared, an unearthly noise. It leered upon its back hooves.

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@, @@,

Shadow smiled and stood up on his hind leg. He grabbed the scythe and said as shadow swirled around him.

"I don't care with you are good or bad, just come quietly and almost no harm will come. If not, I will have to meet you to death. My job is to capture the goo and I don't give up."

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"You are just a pawn, no creature deserves this life, but one thing it do not understand, shadow of life, is why you chose to be your demise..." The creature hissed. "I am a monster, but you are soulless." It stood ready to attack should anything move, like a large cat, it's lipless mouth showing all the shredding teeth which had already claimed lives.

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Emerald sighed "at least you spoke to me this time before we reached this stage for only NIghtmare knows how many times." there was sadness in her voice, "Lets us be done with it now, I wonder if you'll put me out of my misery death would be a nice reprieve." With that Emerald started yet another engagement with the object, swinging her halberd towards it. 


(note to Darkhaert you may godmod my OC within reason for the fight, i'll play with whatever you come up with) 

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(Same, go nuts Darkhaert)


Saturn pulled his Gladius out of the ground and readied it. "Maybe you can return me to death". He looked at the black creature and whispered "Mars, bless me with the strength to be victorious or prepare a place for me in Elysia." He hit his gladius against his iron chest plate to  taunt the beast.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Misery is not of you, but of others," the beast muttered, before manifesting several spider like tentacles up one its back. "To think I only know of these things from displacer beasts" it muttered. Then it attacked. It slammed into Saturn, fully head butting him. The beast pinned Saturn before He felt a halberd slice his back open, twice, and ooze spilling. "that's never happened before" it muttered, then it roared in Saturn's face. The beast tried to locate a vital in Saturn, but sensed nothing... "Just essence..." It muttered, "nightmare spellcasting... Very old." Before switching his attention to Emerald.

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Shadow yawned and said,

"I guess it's a no."

He placed the scythe on the edge of the bridge and said as he sat down, 

"I'm no one's pawn. I choose the jobs I do, plus I do have a soul, so let's talk about this.

A shadow wall formed around the creature and him, stopping any attack through it. He pulled out a drink and said,

"Out of curriousity, when you have a host do they need to drink or do you take care of that.

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@@reader8363,@,@@Nameless Knight,


While continuing the fight with Emerald and Saturn, each gaining the upper hoof only to lose it a second latter, the beast spoke with Shadow, through the mind, as not to distract himself.


A detached part of the beast's mind, spoke to Shadow.


"I have seen many stars, dragoon, and I have had many hosts. It is a mutual affair. I provide during night, or whenever we both consent, or I am provided for when I am not. I don't require much aside from essence, a substance made of energy. Hard to I have seen many things, many much more horrible and abysmal than your crew. I and the said 'host' share memories, and our personalities align, I change halfway, the host, the other part. But enough. I have answered your question, now mine. Why work with void energy?"


Back to reality


The beast then was nearly butchered by the blade of Saturn. His style was that of some demon, and very effective. Jabs, parries, blocks, piercing, and slicing. The Beast's forehoof was lopped off, exposing Fluttershy's for a second before the lost limb reattached. Then a halberd sank into his head, and all went dark.


The beast sunk to the ground. Spilling out a tired Fluttershy.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Shadow gulped down the drink and said, 

"I was born with the ability to control shadows and use portals to hold stuff and move. When I was little, I was looked at like I was strange, cause I'm a hybrid of a dragon and an earth pony, so I discarded my emotions to hide my feelings. So what is your name and why does Nightmare want us to capture you?"

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(Gladii (plural of Gladius) are not made to slash, they are stabbing swords)


Saturn stabbed at the beast's chest. He (Saturn) had no muscles to tire, no pours for him to sweat, no blood to bleed. He could literally fight for as long as it took for one of them to die. He looked over at Shadow "Creature! Stop sitting around, before I kill you for treason!" He yelled

Edited by Nameless Knight

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"My last secret, protect it. The Nightmare is a... like... Gah!" The beast roared in pain, "I am.... Moonflame! A Symbiote, kin to Venom! And hear...." Moonflame roared in pain, and the mental connection snapped. Whiplashing both parties. Moonflame crash down, before rising and roaring at Emerald, and manifested claws, and grabbed Emerald, dragging her down to the ground.

@@Nameless Knight,


The beast threw Emerald at Saturn, and roared, and then started to shift form, and then fled, towards Everfree. It spread it's wings, and just nearly left a sonic boom in it's wake. Then the moon turned orange, filling the world with a warm glow. The beast shifted position and grabbed an updraft towards who knows where.

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@,@, @@Nameless Knight,

Shadow jumped and grabbed his scythe, then he chopped of Moonflame's claw, disarmed everypony and said, as he jabbed the scythe into the ground.

"Saturn, wait a few minutes so I can learn. I'm on no sides of any battle. I'm a hired help to do any jobs."

He turned to Moonfire and said as the shadow returned to their original place,

"What was the last part. I didn't catch it cause the connection snapped."

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@@Nameless Knight,@,@@reader8363,


"Hear me! It's a trap! She wants you dead!" Roared Moonflame, then swerved and flew to Canterlot. The Beast inhaled a deep breath of air, and let off a scream that pierced the night.


Then you heard a soft patter of hooves. Nightmare Moon stood at the entrance of the gate. "You failed. And now you will face the consequences. Tsk Tsk Emerald. I had hope for all of five seconds."

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Shadow turned to Nightmare and said,

"They didn't fail, I doomed us, so don't punish them, just try to punish me only, and bye. My job is done. If my memory is correct, I don't work for ponies that try to trap me."

He opened a portal and a cell surrounded Nightmare. 

"Don't bother trying to get through that, the cell is magic proof." He grabbed his scythe and head to the castle, where he left his cloak

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